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Hey friends and fans, another Plot Bunny has been born! Seriously, they’re breeding out of control! I already have more in my mind too! So many Bunnies! This one will be fun though!

This Quirk makes our Cinnamon Roll a walking Super Transducer! Able to take in, convert and store any form of energy and then blast it out like Nejire or a DBZ character!

Speaking of DBZ, fans of a certain Abridged Series may notice a familiar scene that is played for the meme and the lulz. Enjoy it!

I hope you enjoy!


The Energy Hero!

Midoriya Izuku smiled as he played with his newly manifested Quirk. The worker at the Quirk Registration Office had helped Izuku figure out what he could do with his Quirk. Now Izuku was hopeful he could be a Hero with it. His Quirk was interesting, if fairly weak, Izuku could absorb almost any form of energy. Then his Quirk would convert said energy into a unique form that his body could store until it was needed. When it was needed, or if Izuku just wanted to, he could launch this unique form of energy at whatever he wished. Izuku was happy with his ‘energy blasts’; even if they were pretty weak. Not even as strong as he could punch, plus the amount of energy he could absorb and store was pretty low.

His friend Kacchan hadn’t seen any real potential in his Quirk. In the ash blonde’s words; ‘You can’t be a Hero with a Quirk like that’ and almost everyone agreed with him. Only his mother told him that he could be a Hero when he’d asked her. At least she believed in him and his Dream. Izuku was currently sitting in a park playground, working on his Quirk, trying to make it stronger. He wasn’t having much luck though. Firing his little energy bolts at a large rock off to the side of the main playground wasn’t even leaving a mark on the stone.

“Ooh! Hey! Hey, is that your Quirk?!” A girl, probably a year or two older than Izuku asked as she ran over to where he was practicing. She had long light blue hair, blue eyes that sparkled with curiosity, and a bright smile on her face.

“Nejire-chan, don’t just run off when you see something interesting.” A girl with dark brown hair, cut short, exclaimed as she chased after the blue haired ‘Nejire’.

“But Yuyu! His Quirk kinda looks like mine! Isn’t that neat?! I wanna know more about it! Do you think he has the same problem with his that I do with mine?” Nejire questioned her friend excitedly.

“Uh…hello?” Izuku shyly greeted the two slightly older kids.

“Hi! My name’s Hado Nejire! What’s yours?” Nejire asked as she got right into his personal space.

“Oh…I…um, I’m Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you.” Izuku replied after he took a step back.

“I’m Haya Yuyu; I’m Nejire-chan’s friend.” Yuyu introduced herself.

“No, no Yuyu! You’re my best friend! Remember?!” Nejire smiled brightly as she pulled the other girl into a hug. Yuyu smiled as she returned the hug.

“Best friends, I won’t forget.” Yuyu promised with a grin.

“So hey, what’s your Quirk? It looked kind of like mine! You were shooting energy right? How does it work? Are you using your own energy? Can you fire a lot or only a few? I’m super curious!” Nejire smiled brightly as she asked question after question.

“Nejire-chan, you have to give him time to answer before you ask another question.” Yuyu reminded the bouncy bluenette. Nejire blinked for a moment before looking at Izuku expectantly.

“Oh well my Quirk is called ‘Transduction’.” Izuku answered with a small smile. He really liked talking about Quirks after all. “It lets me absorb, convert, and store energy that I can then fire off as energy blasts.”

“Wow! That’s so neat! It is similar to my Quirk!” Nejire bounced happily. Izuku grinned back reflexively at the bubbly girl.

“What is your Quirk, Hado-san?” Izuku questioned, while also seemingly pulling a notebook and pencil from nowhere. “You said it was like mine? How do you mean?”

“My Quirk is neat! It’s called ‘Surge’ and it lets me fire off these spirally energy blasts made of my own energy!” Nejire explained as her arms were wreathed in swirling yellow energy. “Like this!” With those words Nejire fired off her Quirk at the large rock Izuku had been practicing on. The rock actually cracked slightly where it was hit, much to Izuku’s amazement. Quickly writing down the information into his notebook, Izuku looked up to see Nejire wobbling slightly.

“Nejire-chan!” Yuyu worriedly chastised her friend. “You know using your Quirk makes you super tired!” The short haired girl quickly let the bluenette lean against her.

“Is she okay?” Izuku questioned concerned about the now tired girl.

“Her Quirk takes a lot of energy to use.” Yuyu explained to Izuku. “She can’t control it very well either and a single shot uses up all of her energy.”

“I can use up my energy too, but as long as I can get to some kind of power source I can absorb more. Even from sunlight according to the man at the Quirk Registration Facility. Using up my energy makes me super tired too.” Izuku smiled at the tired Nejire. The bluenette grinned back and let out a little yawn.

“Yuyu, can I cuddle your fluffy tail?” Nejire asked with her friend sleepily.

“Tail?” Izuku blinked, he didn’t see any tail on the short haired girl.

“It’s my Quirk.” Yuyu blushed as she underwent a transformation. Two fox ears appeared on top of her head and two tails formed from her tailbone. Nejire instantly pulled one of the fluffy tails close to her and cuddled it with a giggle. Izuku had to admit, both Yuyu’s fox ears and tails looked very soft. He felt his cheeks heat up a little at how cute the older girl became.

“That’s so cool.” Izuku exclaimed as she flipped to a new page of his notebook and started writing. “So you have a Transformation Type Quirk that lets you sprout Fox-like features?”

“It’s a little more complicated than that?” Yuyu rubbed the back of her head, her cheeks still red at Nejire cuddling with BOTH of her tails now. “My Quirk is called ‘Kitsune’ and I can transform to have fox ear and tails, or into a large multi-tailed fox. I can also do this.” Yuyu smiled as she produced two small fireballs, both white-blue, and let them float between them. Izuku looked on amazed and his little hand was almost blurring across the page. He began mumbling rapidly as he wrote and examined the two small fireballs. They were very hot, as expected of white-blue flames, and Izuku felt the heat from them even from a distance.

“That’s amazing, Haya-san!” Izuku was now the one practically bouncing. “How do the flames relate to the Fox Form transformation though?” The verdette was very curious about how the older girl’s Quirk worked.

“Well my Mom has a similar ‘Fox Form’ Quirk. She can also give herself a fox tail and fox ears, but only one tail. Also she can turn into a big fox too. My Dad has a ‘Fireball’ Quirk and he can produce small fireballs and make them float around and stuff. My Quirk is apparently a Hybrid of the two and even stronger than both of my parent’s Quirks.” Yuyu explained while Nejire continued to cuddle into her tails.

“So cool!” Izuku muttered as he wrote more in his notebook.

“I think your Quirk is cool too.” Nejire mumbled while hugging Yuyu’s tails. “Those green blasts were neat!”

“They’re not very strong though.” Izuku shook his head.

“You can both probably fix your problems with time and practice though.” Yuyu reassured both of them with a smile. Both Izuku and Nejire smiled back at the brunette.

“So do you want to hang out with us?” Nejire asked with a cute yawn. Izuku blinked, slightly stunned, not many of the other kids wanted to hang out with him. Especially not with someone as amazing as Kacchan around to hang out with instead.

“Really?” Izuku questioned the two older girls.

“Sure.” Yuyu agreed.

“Okay, thank you.” Izuku smiled at the two girls. That was the day Izuku met and became friends with the girls that would become the most important people in his life.

-Time Skip ~ First Year of Junior High-

Izuku had grown quite a bit in the last eight years. Both Yuyu and Nejire had entered their last year of Junior High. Izuku wasn’t surprised that both girls were going to try for UA’s Hero Course. Both of their Quirks were amazing after all! Izuku had done everything he could to help both girls analyze and figure out their Quirks. Nejire had built up her energy stores and stamina. She had also gotten a better handle on her output when she fired off her spiraling blasts. Izuku was hoping his idea for her to use her Quirk to fly would work out soon. Nejire had hugged him tightly when he’d brought it up last time they’d hung out. He still blushed about it, even now.

Yuyu had developed more tails as she’d gotten older. She was up to nine now! All nine of the tails were fluffy and soft, a fact that Izuku had experienced on multiple occasions. With the increase in tails came an increase in the size of her full Fox Form too. She towered over others, even as a quadruped; and she could look incredibly menacing if she wanted to. The sight of her golden fur was very amazing in Izuku’s eyes. Her fire was the same white-blue as always but she could make a lot more fireballs now. Including making them very large, though this tired her out faster than the ones that were about the size of a baseball.

Izuku ‘might’ have had a bit of a crush on both of his older female friends.

Izuku himself had progressed quite well too. After years of hard work he could now store a very large amount of energy! That and his blasts were powerful now! A single bolt and he could demolish a concrete wall, or put holes through it, depending on how he ‘shaped’ the energy. He was even trying to get a handle on flight too, so that he could hopefully show Nejire how to fly as well. But that particular goal was slow going. He could hover fairly well, but actual flight was still a ways off. The only bad thing was that Nejire and Yuyu had always gone to different schools than him. Even now, in Junior High, they were still in a different school than him.

-End of First Year Junior High-

“You both got in! Congratulations! I knew you would!” Izuku cheered on his friends happily as they sat together in Yuyu’s room. Both had passed the UA Entrance Exams and would be in Class 1-A together.

“Couldn’t have done it without you, Izu!” Nejire exclaimed with a huge smile as she pulled him into a hug. Izuku hugged back but his face was heating up since Nejire, being shorter than him, always jumped up when she gave him hugs. So now days his face often landed square in the older girl’s, generous, chest. “Being able to fly let me find lots of the Villain Robots and even help people out if they were getting overwhelmed!”

“Your help with controlling my fireballs made it easy to target the robots and not hurt anyone. So thanks for practicing with me so much, Izu.” Yuyu smiled softly at him. She always had been a Tomboy, keeping her hair short and dying it whatever color she felt like. She’d gotten multiple piercings on her ears and developed a protective attitude towards both Nejire and Izuku. The, currently, red-pink haired girl gave him a hug as well. He was reminded why Yuyu wore baggy shirts when he felt her own ‘gifted’ bosom press up against him. The Tomboy had disliked the looks that her male peers had been giving her chest ever since she’d ‘blossomed’ a couple years ago. Nejire didn’t seem to notice or care about such things, which made Yuyu more protective of their airheaded friend.

Funnily enough he had actually grown taller than both girls with his last growth spurt. Yuyu, while the most protective of their group, was actually the shortest followed by Nejire and finally Izuku as the tallest. It was a fact that both Izuku and Nejire would teasingly point out every now and then. Izuku was happy for both of his friends, also crushes, though he couldn’t bring himself to say that part out loud to them.

“Hey, hey Izu! Me and Yuyu have been talking! You wanna know what about?” Nejire asked with her usual bubbly attitude.

“Sure Nejire-chan, what’s up?” Izuku smiled at the bluenette.

“We like you!” Nejire told him with a beaming smile.

“Huh?” Izuku blinked in shock. Did Nejire, sweet adorable Nejire, just confess to him? He looked at Yuyu, only to find the Tomboy blushing.

“Well, it’s more like we both like you.” Yuyu admitted as she looked at him shyly. That was very different form the Yuyu he saw so often. “But we also like each other…like ‘that’ too.”

“Oh….” Izuku felt his face burn at the image that popped into his head. He had thought that Yuyu and Nejire might be closer than regular friends. He was both happy and supportive if that was the case. To hear that both of them ‘liked’ him just as much as they ‘liked’ each other was a shock. “I like you both too, but isn’t this…odd?” He asked the girls he’d been crushing on for almost a year.

“Well, we like each other, we both like you, and you like both of us, what’s wrong with that?” Nejire asked with a cute tilt of her head. “Why can’t we all like each other?”

“It’s called polyamory, Izu…some people have relationships like this, you know?” Yuyu met his eyes for a brief moment and Izuku saw so much emotion in her gaze. “It’s not illegal or anything, we could do it.”

“Are you sure? You both want me?” Izuku questioned the two girls he’d known since they were small children. He’d heard of relationships like this before, a great many things had changed since Quirks had first appeared. Polyamory wasn’t unheard of, heck it was just uncommon in the modern era. Even marriage laws had changed in the last hundred years to allow marriages between small polyamorous relationships. But he’d never thought he’d find two girls that would want him to be a part of one with them!

“Of course! You’re sweet, kind, cute, and we’ve known you forever!” Nejire smiled brightly at him before hugging his right arm.

“You’re helpful and supportive. You’ve always believed we could be Heroes and go to UA. You’re also fun to fluster and make blush.” Yuyu smiled at him, even though her own cheeks were just as red as his at the moment.

“I…I don’t know what to say.” Izuku admitted with a bashful smile. How could he do anything else? The girls he’d harbored feelings for were both interested in him too!

“You say ‘Yes’ of course!” Nejire exclaimed with a bright smile. “That’s an easy question, Izu!”

“I mean…if you feel the same.” Yuyu smiled at him her hands messing with her uniform skirt.

“I’d like to, if you’ll let me.” Izuku admitted with a smile of his own.

“Yay! Yuyu he said yes! He said yes!” Nejire cheered as she grabbed the Tomboy by the hand and pulled her close. Yuyu and Izuku couldn’t help but laugh as Nejire initiated a group hug. All three of them held each other for a while with Nejire giggling happily as she snuggled with her new girlfriend and new boyfriend.

“So, will dates happen the same as when we usually hang out together?” Izuku questioned after a few minutes.

“We’ll figure it out together, Izu.” Yuyu smiled at him. Nejire smiled as she cuddled them both.

“Yuyu, your tails! Let’s all snuggle together!” Nejire suggested with a beaming smile.

“You know I can’t resist that smile.” Yuyu playfully ‘pouted’ as she activated her Quirk. The nine fluffy fox tails emerged and wrapped around the three of them. Izuku and Nejire sighed happily at the familiar softness and snuggled into their new girlfriend’s tails. Yuyu giggled, showing the softer side of herself that only Nejire and Izuku got to see, before she cuddled between them both.

None of them thought they could be any happier than they were at that moment. It was a soft and loving moment of peace and contentment between them. Wrapped in Yuyu’s tails, the rest of the world didn’t matter as they embraced and showed their affection for each other.

-Izuku’s UA Entrance Exam-

“No wonder Nejire-chan and Yuyu-chan studied so hard before their exam. That Written Test was brutal.” Izuku grumbled as he rubbed his temples. Nejire had mentioned that she had only passed thanks to Yuyu’s help. Their beautiful airhead wasn’t the most book smart of people, but they loved her just as she was. Both of the, soon to be, Third Years had taken time to make sure that Izuku was prepared for his own Entrance Exam. The verdette was more than grateful to his girlfriends. “Time for lunch and then the Practical Exam.” With that Izuku made his way to the cafeteria.

-Exam Site B-

“Just have to get a passing score. Then I can spend the next year in the same school as Yuyu-chan and Nejire-chan!” Izuku smiled happily as he psyched himself up. The verdette stretched and limbered up as he awaited the start of the Exam.

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in Izuku’s testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

Izuku manipulated his energy output from his body and launched into the air. He flew faster than the rest of the running examinees and was the first one to the Robot Villains. With a grin Izuku held his hands pointed downward at the large group of machines and gathered his energy into his palms.

“Barrage Bolt!” Izuku called out with a smile as he unleashed blast after blast down onto the robots. Nejire had named this ‘move’ and he was happy to use it. As the green bolts of energy rained down on the machines, blasting holes into the larger two and three pointers, while also blowing the smaller one pointers to pieces, Izuku smiled at the thought of his bluenette girlfriend. “Well, looks like they’re done.” He nodded with a grin at the scrap left behind after his attack. “Time to find more!” With that he flew further into the mock cityscape. He was so focused that he didn’t even notice the entire crowd of shocked examinees that he’d left behind.

“He took out every robot on the main street! How’re we supposed to get points now?” One examinee yelled in panic.

“By going in the opposite direction, duh!” Another examinee yelled over their shoulder as they ran towards the other end of the testing site.

“There’s a few more!” Izuku noticed happily as he flew down to the street level. A large group of faux villains were moving around and a few quickly spotted him. Izuku didn’t even give them a chance to react as he launched four large spheres of energy in a straight line at the group. Just as the energy balls had reached the robots, Izuku fired a large beam through all four. “Burst Stream!” The spheres exploded while being pushed along by the beam. Four large blasts rocked the street one after another as they passed through the crowd of robots. That move had been named by Yuyu. She’d thought it fit and Izuku agreed with her. These two moves were his favorites because he’d come up with them with his girlfriends.

-Staff Observation Room-

“Okay…aside from learning the laws and Hero Code. Does this kid actually need any training?” Midnight questioned semi-playfully. The verdette examinee was completely sweeping the Practical Exam.

“Some lessons in holding back might be appropriate.” Cementoss commented as Izuku floated back up into the air. The street was completely wrecked and filled with the scraps of the Faux Villains.

“Agreed.” Nezu commented as he sipped his tea with mirth in his eyes. “Though he’s clearly worked hard on technique.”

-Exam Site B-

“Only a couple minutes left.” Izuku mused as he stood on top of one of the buildings. He was occasionally sniping robots that were overwhelming other examinees. He’d even received a few waves of thanks for his help.

The whole testing site shook as a loud rumbling occurred. A huge cloud of dust rose up not too far from the center of the mock cityscape. From the dust emerged a massive robot, easily dwarfing several of the smaller buildings in the area. This was the gimmick known as the Zero Pointer.

“Okay…that’s really big.” Izuku stared at the monstrous titan of a machine. The gimmick began to roll its way down the main street on large tank treads. Nearby buildings shook and collapsed from the weight and size of the robot as it passed by. Izuku watched as dozens of examinees began to run from the Zero Pointer. He didn’t blame them. It would take either a very powerful Quirk, or perhaps a very specific one, to be able to deal with that large of an opponent.

“Hmm, if I was still fresh I might have been able to blast it.” Izuku muttered to himself as he watched the gimmick continue to ‘chase’ the examinees. “Wait…I don’t have to destroy it to defeat it. If I can make it stop moving then everyone will be safe.” Izuku nodded to his thought process and flew towards the towering robot with a plan. In only a few moments he was landing on the Zero Pointer. The verdette looked around the exposed ‘neck’ of the machine and found what he was looking for. A large, heavily insulated, power cable leading from the robot’s torso to its head. “Don’t mind me, I’ll just help myself.” With a blast of energy Izuku was looking at the exposed wiring and grinned as he touched it.

This would normally be a horrible idea as the electricity passing through the large cable would fry anyone that touched it. Unless they had a fairly powerful electric Quirk, or a Quirk like Izuku’s! With a chuckle Izuku ‘pulled’ with his Quirk and felt the energy within be absorbed by his body.

“Fill ‘er up!” Izuku smiled as he drained the Zero Pointer’s power supply. The electricity running through the cable being absorbed and converted into his energy by his Quirk. Izuku got a rush at the amount of power passing into him and after almost thirty seconds noticed the giant gimmick roll to a stop. “Man…that was a quite a bit.” He mused as he removed his hand from the cable. “I feel like I haven’t used my Quirk much at all now!”

Needless to say, Izuku was quite happy with his ‘recharge’.

-Staff Observation Room-

“Very well done.” Nezu commented as he watched the verdette examinee stop the Zero Pointer. “Instead of trying to brute force his way through the problem, he used his head and found a better way.”

“Was that aimed at me?” Yagi Toshinori asked from the back of the room.

“Should it have been?” Nezu questioned with a laugh as he sipped his tea.

“I’m not some meathead, Sir.” Toshinori sighed as Nezu only hummed in reply.

-Exam Site B-

“Annnnd STOP!” Present Mic’s voice was heard throughout the testing grounds. “The exam is over!”

“Huh, now that I think about it, I have no idea how many points I got.” Izuku muttered to himself as he flew off the Zero Pointer and headed for the entrance of the Testing Site. “I’m sure it was enough, Yuyu and Nejire both told me that students have passed with scores in the forties before. I know I got more than that at least.”

-One Week Later ~ Midoriya Home-

“Alright Izuku, just open it.” Izuku breathed as she held the letter from UA in his hands while sitting at his desk.

“Open it, Izu!” Nejire cheered a bright smile on her face. “I wanna know how many points you got! You didn’t keep track and I’m super curious!”

“You know you passed, Izu.” Yuyu smiled as she hugged Nejire; preventing the bluenette from going over to their boyfriend and opening the letter for him.

“Alright, I’m opening it.” Izuku relented as he tore open the letter and let the metallic device inside slide out onto his desk. The little device started projecting a hologram image after only a few seconds of sitting on the desk.

“Hello, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the Principal of UA High School.” Nezu introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Ninety Two percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on, showing Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 84

Rescue Points: 70

Total: 154 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! You’ve ranked Second for Highest Entrance Exam Score ever in fact!” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“Woohoo! Go Izu!” Nejire cheered as she flew from Yuyu’s arms to glomp Izuku.

“Wow, you beat both mine and Nejire’s scores. Nice work Izu.” Yuyu grinned at her boyfriend getting hugged by her girlfriend. The sight of Izuku and Nejire hugging, the bluenette happily pressing her cheek against Izuku’s, made Yuyu blush from the sheer adorableness of it. “Cutest thing in the galaxy.” The Tomboy mumbled as she quickly joined in on the hugging.

“I couldn’t have done it without you two.” Izuku smiled warmly at his girlfriends. “Thank you both for being by my side for so long.” Nejire and Yuyu both returned his smile with their own, all three basking in the warmth of their embrace.

“You get a reward for doing so well on the exams, Izu.” Yuyu grinned at the verdette.

“Yeah, me and Yuyu talked about it!” Nejire giggled as she pressed herself into his side.

“What kind of-” Izuku was cut off as his lips were caught by Yuyu’s in a kiss. He leaned into his girlfriend’s lips and kissed her back. The two separated and Izuku barely had time to take a breath before his lips were meeting Nejire’s. Izuku and Nejire enjoyed their kiss for several moments before pulling back and smiling happily at each other. Izuku was then treated to the sight of Yuyu and Nejire kissing each other. No one could blame the verdette for being transfixed by the steamy sight. The sight of tongues coming into play between the two beautiful teens only made Izuku feel hot under the collar.

“Don’t think this is all, Izu~” Nejire giggled as she and Yuyu both pulled their shirts off. Nejire was wearing a blue bra a few shades darker than her hair. Yuyu was wearing a black bra and her smoldering gaze was full of love as she looked at her boyfriend and girlfriend.

“You’re a little over dressed for this make out session Izu~” Yuyu breathed out before she pulled Nejire back to her lips. The bluenette giggling happily before letting out cute little mewls of pleasure as Yuyu dominated their kiss. Izuku’s shirt was off so fast he didn’t actually remember removing it!

-Month’s Later ~ Kamino Ward-

“I can’t let this happen.” Izuku stated as he watched All Might face off with the insane man he’d heard called All for One. All Might was clearly on his last legs. The blonde man looked withered and severely injured. He couldn’t just sit on the sidelines and watch! He wasn’t some spectator! He was a Hero! With that he flew to an exposed power main. The line had been torn out of the ground during All Might’s fight with the suit and mask wearing super villain. With a deep breath Izuku grabbed the sparking cable and ‘Pulled’ with his Quirk. Izuku absorbed as much as he could per second, feeling his body begin to warm up as he went passed his usual max. More and more energy he absorbed until his body literally started to vibrate from the amount of energy it was containing.

Further from the epicenter of the battle, in the undamaged areas of Kamino civilians shrieked in terror as the lights began to flicker. Some buildings went completely dark as no electricity was getting to them. For several moments, all of Kamino went dark and silent. Then all the electronics flickered back on as power came back to them. Many immediately forced their TVs, Computers, or other devices back on to continue watching All Might’s battle. What they saw was a new person hovering over the battlefield with both All Might and the villain looking up at them.

-Kamino Ward ~ Site of All Might vs All for One-

“What’s this?” All for One questioned curiously. The floating person seemed somewhat familiar.

“Young…Midoriya?” All Might gasped as he stared at the floating teen. Said teen was visibly vibrating while glowing a bright green.

“Ah, yes, that’s who you are. One of the children of UA’s Hero Course.” All for One recalled as he ‘looked’ at the teen with his ‘Thermography’ Quirk. The boy’s body was actually very much above a normal human temperature right now.

“All Might!” Izuku yelled loudly. “Get out of the way!” With his warning given Izuku placed his hands together. All of his fingers, except his pinkies, touching and forming a vaguely triangle shape as he looked between his hands at his target.

-At Yuyu’s House-

Yuyu and Nejire both had been watching the battle between All Might and the villain in the black suit and strange mask on TV. Neither teen was entirely sure what was going on at this point. All Might looked emaciated and the Villain had some kind of ultra-powerful Quirk. Kamino was wrecked!

“Is that Izu?!” Nejire cried out in shock at seeing their boyfriend floating above the battleground.

“Why is he there?!” Yuyu nearly screamed in worry and fear for their boyfriend.

“Why is he glowing and shaking like that?” Nejire wondered as the news camera zoomed in on the floating Izuku.

“He took in too much.” Yuyu muttered seeing Izuku in such a state. “He’s way passed his body’s limit!” Both girls held each other tightly as they watched their boyfriend. “I swear…he better live through this…so I can punch him for making us worry like this!” The Tomboy threatened even as tears filled both her and Nejire’s eyes.

-Kamino Ward ~ Battleground-

“What do you plan to do here child?” All for One questioned the floating teen. “You’re no Hero, you’re no Sidekick, and you certainly aren’t a Vigilante. You’re just a child.”

“You know what?” Izuku responded as he huffed and struggled to draw in air with his body almost tearing itself apart. “Fuck Vigilantes,” Izuku concentrated as he gathered the sea of energy within him. “Fuck Villains,” He focused the energy into his hands. “Fuck your League,” Izuku aimed directly at the suit wearing villain. “And FUCK YOU! SHIN KIKOHO!!!”

“How cute, you have a ‘super move’, OH SHIT!” All for One mocked only for a titanic beam of energy to rocket towards him and blast him straight through the ground. The beam only lasted a few seconds but the shockwave it unleashed sent All Might and any other Hero still in the vicinity flying backwards.

“You upstart child!” All for One roared as he used his ‘Air Walk’ Quirk to float towards the child in the air. He’d tear that Quirk out of the boy for what he’d just done!

“KIKOHO!!!” Izuku launched the massive energy blast again. All for One was launched back into the massive hole in the ground and another shockwave rocked the area.

“Stop that!” All for One demanded as he flew towards the top of the hole.

“KIKOHO!!!” Izuku blasted the Villain before he could get out of the deep hole and have a chance to dodge. Again All for One was sent even further into the ground.

“Stop it!” All for One yelled at the teen in the air as he flew upwards again.

“KIKOHO!!!” Izuku roared and again the beam fired and sent its victim back into the depths.

“Stop it!” All for One howled in rage, his suit almost gone and his mask barely there anymore.

“KI!” Izuku blasted the Villain back into the hole. “KO!” Another massive beam slammed All for One into the bottom of the hole. “HO!” A third shot sent the injured and enraged Villain even deeper into the ground. The ground continued to shake as if a prolonged earthquake was happening with each insanely powerful blast.

“Are you done?” All for One’s voice could barely be heard. “Because when I get up there, I’ll tear your Quirk out of your body and then kill you for the world to see!” Izuku wasn’t impressed and as soon as he saw the injured Villain emerge from the massive vertical hole he fired again.

“Kikoho.” Izuku deadpanned as another gigantic beam slammed into All for One and sent the man howling into the abyss again.

“Did…did he win?” A news reporter questioned after several moments of not seeing the Villain emerge from the hole. All of those watching at home waited with bated breath to see if the danger had been quelled.

“Huh, didn’t die from…oh there it is.” Izuku mumbled as he felt his energy dissipate and his body drop from the air. The teen landed on the dirt with a thump and grimaced at the pain. He’d already pushed his body too far but taking in so much energy, he didn’t need any new injuries on top of that.

“You know…” All for One panted and huffed as he floated out of the hole with only scraps of cloth hanging off his body. His horrifically scarred face exposed to all. “If you want my opinion…Kikoho is a...pretty lousy choice…for last words.” The Villain straightened up as he held his hand out towards Izuku. “But to be fair…it’s fair from the worst decision you’ve made today.”

“Ki…ko fuck yourself.” Izuku huffed out as he barely raised his head from the ground.

“Hahaha…see…that’s the spirit.” All for One hacked out as his hand began to glow. A hand on his wrist got the Villain’s attention and he stared into the glowing blue eyes of All Might, his left arm sparking with all of the power of One for All that the injured Hero had left. “Oh right…” All Might shoved the weakened and injured All for One back into the deep hole with a tackle before swinging his empowered fist down into his nemesis’ face.

“UNITED STATES OF…SMASH!!!” All Might roared as the mortal enemies fell into the hole. The shockwave of that one punch was the last thing Izuku remembered before he briefly felt himself being picked up and rushed away from the blast.

-Three Days Later-

“Mmnrgh.” Izuku groaned as he woke up. Blearily looking around he found that he was in a Hospital bed. “How long…?” He asked himself, or so he thought.

“Three days.” Yuyu spoke with a relieved voice. Though Izuku could already hear the underlying worry, fear, anger, and so many other emotions in his girlfriend’s tone.

“I’m sorry…” Izuku got out as he turned his head to look at her. He hated seeing her with tears in her eyes like this. He also noticed Nejire sleeping, practically curled up in Yuyu’s arms.

“Your mom should be back in a second.” Yuyu informed him. “She went to talk with the Doctor.”

“I know…I jumped into…something crazy.” Izuku began as he looked into Yuyu’s eyes. “But I couldn’t…just sit by…and watch anymore.”

“I get it.” Yuyu gently ran her fingers through Nejire’s hair. “We’re all Heroes. It’s a dangerous job.” Yuyu locked eyes with him, showing him the storm of emotion inside her. “But don’t ever throw your life away like that. You could have died if All Might hadn’t still been able to fight. Don’t leave us behind, Izuku, never again.”

“Promise.” Izuku meant it too. He’d never go off like that and risk throwing his life away again. In the heat of the moment he’d forgotten about those who would be devastated by his death. “Never again.”

“You better not.” Yuyu sniffled as tears poured from her eyes. This of course woke Nejire up, who quickly squeezed Izuku into a hug while repeatedly telling him how stupid he’d been. How worried she’d been. And that he wasn’t allowed to ever do that again. Inko had entered the room only a few moments later. Izuku was subjected to a near bone breaking hug from his mother, while she cried literal waterfalls of tears.

Izuku took it all. Just glad that he was alive to receive the hugs and the chastising. He’d never make them worry like this again. He’d get better and he’d keep Nejire and Yuyu close. With all three of them together, nothing would stand in their way.

-End Chapter-


Another Bunny down! Quite the Quirk, eh? If this becomes a story the TFS reference will, of course, be re-written and made more serious. But since it’s a Bunny for now, let’s enjoy the meme! I do hope you enjoyed the premise and the pairing though! Yuyu’s Quirk was a collaboration with other writers over on Primordial Vortex’s Discord, so feel free to check it out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Space Cowboy

LMAO😂😂😂. I knew where you were going with that as soon as Izuku got ready for the Tri Beam. That was gold man. Now excuse me, but I gotta watch that episode thanks to you.


Glad you liked it! I just had to give a shout out to good ole Team Four Star! Love those guys! The 'real' Kamino scene would be much more serious if this Bunny became a story, but for now enjoy the meme!

Thomas E Nellis

I don’t know I feel if he can absorb all energy he could have gone all energy vampire on the robots... or villains for that fact. Honestly his quirk is pretty powerful. The spamming of bolts was cool but a waste of his resources. One for all being weakened enough for all might crush him was pretty hilarious.


He can't energy vampire people. It's a limit of his Quirk. He also can't just suck the power from the robots either. He'd have to expose their wiring, grab it, and then drain each of them one by one. Much better for a time limited test to simply blast apart as many as possible. I specifically mentioned that he had to expose the cable on the Zero Pointer to drain it, just to show the necessary steps for him to energy drain robots. Glad you liked the Bunny though, Thomas! If this becomes a story then the Reference would be removed/rewritten to be more serious. Though that's for the future as of now.


Thank you! You're going to make me blush though...that's not a good look for a grown man! So did you like the Quirk, the Pairing, the Reference, or all of the above?


All tom would have to do is break harry's nose. by doing that he can get the blood he needs.


oops. was reading the comments and must have typed in the wrong spot. anyways, knocking out a tooth, breaking his nose. both will cause blood loss without damaging harry's skin


I get it for the meme but I DOUBT AFO would be getting up after izuku laid into him


Damn it I was definitely going to vote for apex hero at the next poll but..... throuples are my weakness(as they are superior to harems in every way)