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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you the third Chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! What ideas will Izuku think up for Momo’s Costume? How helpful can he be with his Analysis of his classmates’ Quirks?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 4 – Costume, Quirk Analysis Pt. 1

“A bit more protection for the legs and knees….” Izuku mumbled to himself as he sketched up a new design for Momo’s Hero Costume. Her need for skin exposure for her Quirk was doable, but she was clearly uncomfortable with her chest being ogled. So Izuku had made a modified top for the redesign. It would provide support like a sports bra while covering her breasts and neck. A zipper would hold the top closed; but also make it possible to create more skin exposure if absolutely necessary. This would also leave the majority of her back exposed, the largest amount of surface area on the human body, so she could easily create large items. 

The shorts he’d sketched would cover more than her current leotard did as well. They went down to just above mid-thigh and had a utility belt stitched onto them, allowing Momo to carry supplies into the field. This left her stomach fully exposed from just under the top to her hips, another large skin surface area she could use for bigger creations. Her hands and forearms had poly-carbon armor covering them on top. This left more of her arms revealed for making small items on the fly. He also incorporated a poly-carbon elbow pad to protect the joint and enable Momo to throw elbow strikes with more force if necessary. On the left arm he had a touchscreen that would hold all the information Momo currently kept in the dictionary on the back of her suit. This should allow the ravenette to quickly look up any molecular structures that she didn’t have memorized already.

Finally he was finishing up his sketch with her boots. The ones she currently had were heeled, which wasn’t as practical for Momo’s mobility. So he’d made the design with standard soles and had them go up to just under her knee. The sketch added a set of poly-carbon shin guards to protect her legs, and allow the option of more damaging kicks. A set of the same poly-carbon kneepads to protect her joints and he felt the design was complete. Momo was covered and protected better, but still had her back, stomach, and most of her arms and legs completely exposed for her Quirk.

“I hope she likes this.” Izuku smiled as he turned off his desk lamp. The teen stood and stretched before heading for bed. He’d show Momo the design in the morning at school. But for now, sleep!

-The Next Morning ~ Before Homeroom-

“Ah, Yaoyorozu-san, I finished the design sketch, if you want to look at it.” Izuku smiled nervously at the beautiful girl. Momo had been chatting with Jiro, Utsushimi, Mina, and Toru. The moment she registered his words her eyes lit up and she appeared to have sparkles around her as she almost bounced in excitement.

“Thank you, Midoriya-san!” Momo smiled brightly at him and Izuku instantly felt his cheeks heat up.

“Ooh, I wanna see too!” Mina declared happily.

“Me too, me too!” Toru agreed.

“Yaomomo should be the first.” Jiro reminded the two bubbly girls; though she was also moving to be able to look at the notebook while Momo did.

“Hey, I totes want the sneak peek too!” Camie giggled as she looked over Momo’s shoulder. When Momo opened the notebook to the marked page she was stunned. There she was on the page, very well drawn, in a Hero Costume that looked every bit as good as what a Professional Support Company could design.

“Midoriya-san…I had no idea you were so talented at sketching and design.” Momo breathed out in surprise. Izuku rubbed the back of his head and fought against the blush that tried to form. He wasn’t exactly used to getting compliments from pretty girls like Momo.

“I’ve just had a lot of practice sketching over the years.” Izuku waved off. “Oh, if you want you can flip back a page and see your current Costume to see my notes on it and why I changed what I did.” Momo looked intrigued and flipped to the previous page. There was her current Costume, again on a nicely drawn sketch of her, and little notes about each area Izuku hadn’t understood or had changed.

“Hmm, he’s definitely got a point about the heels.” Jiro commented looking over the notes Izuku had made about Momo’s current Costume. “Those can’t be easy to fight in.”

“Yeah, I was going to have heels on my Costume at first too.” Camie nodded. “Then my Dad pointed out that they’d be murder on my feet after walking in them for patrols. Not to mention balance and footing when fighting.”

“I honestly just went with the Design Company’s suggestion for the foot wear.” Momo admitted as she looked the notes over.

“I like how he added these poly-carbon guards and pads for you, Yaomomo.” Mina pointed at the additions as Momo flipped back and forth between the pages. “Definitely gives you more protection then the…well…‘nothing’ you had before.”

“The touchscreen would speed things up too, right?” Toru remarked excitedly. “It’s faster than flipping through a book right?

“Midoriya-san, this is amazing.” Momo breathed out happily. “It covers what needs to be covered, while still allowing me the maximum use of my Quirk. Thank you, very much.”

“No there’s no need for thanks.” Izuku smiled and waved his hands. “I just want all of us to be the best Heroes we can be.”

“I noticed you also kept Momo’s ‘appeal’ in mind with your design.” Camie teased the verdette boy and Izuku’s eyes widened.

“I d-didn’t…I was just…she needed skin exposure…so I….” Izuku floundered before Camie giggled.

“It’s not a bad thing, Midori, so chill.” Camie reassured him. “You saw my Costume. I designed it specifically for the sex appeal. Sure I have it padded and reinforced in vulnerable areas. But I made sure it, like, flattered my figure, you know? After all a lot of Villains are male, my Costume shows off my curves to make that animal instinct part of their brains kick in for a second. They get psyched seeing a pretty girl, and in the second or two that their brains are thinking, ‘Whoa! She’s a babe!’ I have that time to get the drop on them.”

“Thank makes some sense.” Mina nodded. “If they’re too busy thinkin’ with the lower head, they won’t see the kick to the face coming in time!” The pink girl giggled as she teasingly stuck out her tongue.

“Mina-chan gets it!” Camie laughed along with the Acid Quirk User. Toru joined them in their giggles while both Momo and Jiro were blushing. Izuku was currently rebooting his brain as he’d overheated during the ‘sex appeal’ talk.

“W-well…ahem…anyway.” Momo tried to get back to the initial topic of their conversation. “I very much like this new Design you came up with Midoriya-san, would you mind if I kept these pages to send to the Support Design Company for a Costume Redesign?”

“F-Feel free, Yaoyorozu-san.” Izuku nodded as he shook off the last of his embarrassment.

“Thank you very much.” Momo smiled beautifully at him and Izuku smiled back reflexively. She really had a pretty smile. Momo carefully removed the pages featuring her, hopefully, soon to be new Costume and then returned the notebook back to Izuku.

“So…like, when would you be free for a Quirk Analysis?” Camie questioned as she leaned forward to get closer to Izuku. “I’m psyched to hear what you could figure out about my Quirk.”

“Oh, well maybe during Foundational Heroics? It would depend on what All Might has us doing today though.” Izuku offered the fawn haired girl. ‘She’s super close!’ He thought to himself as Camie practically leaned into his personal space. Did he mention she ‘filled out’ her Uniform VERY well?

“Good morning, Midoriya-kun!” Ochako smiled as she and Tsuyu had entered the classroom and spotted Izuku talking with the other girls of the class.

“Good morning, kero.” Tsuyu smiled at everyone.

“Chako-chan, Tsu!” Mina, Toru, and Camie greeted the remaining two girls of their class. The girls chatted together for a moment, which gave Izuku time to cool his head of Camie’s forwardness. The girl might be the death of him with how open and free she was.

“So what’s going on?” Tsuyu asked the group and Momo smiled as she showed them the new Costume Design that Izuku had sketched for her.

“Oh wow, Midoriya-kun, this is great!” Ochako praised the verdette.

“Thank you, Uraraka.” Izuku smiled at the brunette. “I’m just happy Yaoyorozu likes it so much.”

“Get to your seats, Homeroom is starting.” Aizawa instructed as he entered the room. The man looked as worn out as ever as he stood behind the podium. All of Class 1-A quickly got to their seats and sat down just as the bell rang to signal the start of classes.

“Good morning, Aizawa-sensei!” The students greeted their teacher. Aizawa nodded and then looked over the teens.

“I’ve looked over the videos of the Battle Trials you all had in Foundational Heroics. Most of you did well, but a few of you did little to nothing for your Team.”

Multiple students flinched at the gaze of their teacher. Some of them knew they’d be singled out while others thought they might be as well.

“Firstly, Mineta, you did almost nothing during your Team’s match. Yaoyorozu did everything from coming up with the plan to barricading the door to the room. She pushed her Quirk and her ingenuity to complete the task. You on the other hand spent the whole match standing around and practically drooling over her. You offered no help to you partner whatsoever and, in fact, made her uncomfortable which destroyed any chance of proper teamwork. Don’t forget that you’re the First on the chopping block! I’d best see an improvement in both your effort and your behavior or you’ll find yourself expelled before you know it!”

“Yes sensei!” Mineta trembled in his seat behind Izuku.

“Todoroki, you got over confident in your Quirk and tried to disregard your teammate entirely.” Aizawa stared at the two-toned student. “That kind of lone wolf attitude often leads to Heroes dying in the field, so work on it!”

“Yes sir.” Todoroki nodded.

“Another thing, as your teacher I have a copy of every student’s Quirk Registry. I know that you have both Ice and Fire Abilities. I had better see you utilizing both of them in your training! I don’t care who you’re related to, I won’t keep a student in the Hero Course if they refuse to give it their all! Do I make myself clear?” Aizawa asked the Hybrid Quirk User.

“Yes sir.” Todoroki replied, though it was with a bitter look on his face and his fists clenched on his desk.

“Bakugo, you students weren’t able to hear each other’s radios. But the teachers could. If you don’t shape up your attitude you’ll also find yourself out of the Hero Course. This is no place for vindictive, overly aggressive bullies, if you want to be a Hero you’d better start acting like one.” Aizawa stared down the explosive blonde.

“Yes sir.” Bakugo ground out, still furious about is complete loss to Izuku.

“Good.” Aizawa nodded. “Now let’s start the first class.”

-Foundational Hero Studies ~ Afternoon-

“Alright, students! Today we’ll be getting a firm grasp on how you use your Quirks and working on new ways to apply them.” All Might explained to the twenty students of 1-A, all of whom were wearing their Gym Uniforms, while they stood in front of Cementoss, Aizawa, and himself. “We’ve managed to secure Gym Gamma for the First Years today.”

“Gym Gamma, also known as the Training Kitchen Lab or TKL for short, is a training facility for Quirk Development that I designed myself.” Cementoss informed the students as he placed his hands on the concrete floor. The terrain of the massive gymnasium quickly shifted as large platforms and cliffs formed from the ground. With my Quirk I can mold the area to help with any form of training our students need.”

“Normally we’d have Cementoss, Aizawa, Ectoplasm, and I supervising all of you at once.” All Might explained. “However, as this was a rare opportunity that we could secure this Gym for the First Years we decided to do it, even if that cut down the amount of teachers we could have supervising.”

“We’ll each be supervising two students at a time.” Aizawa spoke up about the plan for the class time. “If you’re not currently working with a teacher you should be preparing yourself to do so.”

“Sensei, I have a question!” Camie raised her hand.

“Yes young Utsushimi?” All Might pointed to the girl.

“Like, Midoriya is super good at analyzing Quirks, so while we wait could we get some ideas from him?” Camie asked and all three teachers turned to Izuku making his eyes widen.

“Is this true Midoriya?” Aizawa asked and Izuku nodded slightly.

“It’s a side ability of my Quirk, sensei.” Izuku explained. “It makes it easier to figure out and understand Quirks that I see, especially if I’ve seen them a few times and have had some time to think.”

“I think that sounds like a good idea!” All Might exclaimed with his signature smile.

“I’d like to run a test first.” Aizawa interjected. “Midoriya, can you show me your analytical ability?”

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku agreed. “So whose Quirk should I analyze?”

“Mine.” Aizawa replied as his eyes glowed red as he focused on Izuku. Izuku felt all of his copied Quirks fade. He knew they were still there; but it was like something was between him and the Quirks which prevented him from using them. It was a strange feeling for sure and not one Izuku could completely describe. His analytical mind was still perfectly functional and was already parsing information and making connections between his teacher’s glowing eyes and his inability to use his copied Emitter and Transformation Quirks. After about twenty seconds of ‘erasing’ Izuku’s Quirks, Aizawa blinked and the verdette felt the Quirks he held become accessible to him again.

“That was…odd.” Izuku blinked before shaking his head.

“That was my ‘Erasure’ Quirk.” Aizawa explained as he looked at his student. “Now, what can you tell me about it?” Izuku placed his right hand on his chin and his right elbow was cupped by his left palm as he adopted a ‘thinking’ pose.

“Here it comes.” Mina giggled quietly to the girls that had already experienced Izuku’s analytical ability.

“Your Quirk is an Emitter Type, works on line of sight and seems to work on the Quirk Factor of the target. This sudden disabling of the Quirk Factor renders Quirks unusable for as long as your Quirk is in effect. Blinking appears to end the effect of your ‘Erasure’. I suspect that breaking your line of sight with the target would have the same effect. Most ‘Erasure’ Type Quirks also don’t affect Mutant Type Quirks and yours seems to fall into this group. While your Quirk can even disable all of my copied Quirks, since they are Transformation and Emitter Types, you didn’t nullify my Mutant Quirk Factor at all. I believe your Quirk also puts a fairly large strain on your eyes as well; most probably in the form of eye strain, ocular pain, or potentially dry eye from a lack of blinking.” Izuku spoke clearly as he was too deep into his analysis to notice everyone, except the girls, staring at him in shock.

“That was accurate, very good Midoriya.” Aizawa nodded to the verdette.

“Alright then,” All Might grinned at the students. “If you’re not being assisted by a teacher feel free to have young Midoriya analyze your Quirk if he’s willing.” Izuku nodded to his Idol, showing he was willing to help his classmates, and All Might gave him a thumbs up. Izuku almost squealed in happiness.

With that done Aoyama, Mina, Tsuyu, Iida, Ochako, and Camie were called up first to show their teachers how they currently used their Quirks. The rest of the class, excluding Bakugo, Todoroki, and the ever shy Koda, quickly gathered around Midoriya.

“Dude, check out my Quirk first!” Kaminari said as he held up his hand and sparked electricity from it.

“Hey, haven’t you ever heard of ‘Ladies first?’” Toru asked as she stood next to Jiro and Momo.

“Izuku has already shared his analytical ability with my Quirk.” Momo shook her head. “I do not mind if others go first.”

“I’m good either way?” Jiro shrugged, though internally she really would like to have her Quirk analyzed. Just to see if both she and her mother, who had an identical Quirk, had missed anything.

“It would still be good manners though.” Kirishima nodded with a smile.

“Alright, you’ve got a point.” Kaminari agreed and Toru cheered at her ‘victory’.

“Me first Midori!” Toru giggled and Izuku smiled at the bubbly invisible girl.

“Your Quirk is a Mutant Type, so I’ve had time to analyze it a bit already.” Izuku informed the girl. “Your Quirk is Invisibility, definitely not Transparency as you can clearly see both yourself and everything else. If your Quirk was Transparency you wouldn’t be able to see because light would not be captured by the cone cells in your eyes, it would simply pass through them. Though your invisibility seems to come from the bending of light around your body, or perhaps more specifically, your cells. This bending of light renders you invisible but allows light to enter the cone cells of your eyes so that you can see. With some training and practice I believe you could gain some control of this light bending ability and use it to refract light into, perhaps, blinding flashes. Though there is also the possibility that you may be able to shape the light as it bends around your body and cover a limited area with it. This could render said area either distorted or possibly even completely invisible like you.” The verdette finished and everyone was amazed at the breakdown of what they’d assumed to be a fairly simple Quirk.

“Oh…Oh wow….” Toru trailed off sounding stunned. “I never even thought about ‘why’ I was invisible. Refracting light, bending light, my Quirk could possibly do that?”

“I strongly suspect it of being capable to do so.” Izuku nodded to the invisible girl.

“You’re the best, Midori!” Toru cheered happily as she moved over to the side next to Momo. She was already musing on how she might gain some control over her Quirk and Momo was smiling as she offered ideas to her friend.

“I guess I’m next.” Jiro smiled at Izuku. “Hit me with your best shot.”

“Mutant Type, allows you to channel the sound of your heartbeat through your ear jacks and into whatever you plug them into. The lobes are prehensile and can stretch, though I’m not sure on the full range. As I’ve seen you plug your jacks into your phone before I believe you can use them to listen to any device with the proper port?”

“I can.” Jiro confirmed with a nod.

“Then I’d reason that your Quirk can also take in, amplify and redirect any sound that a device you’re plugged into can produce or make. I’d suggest testing that theory out as soon as possible because I notice your Costume’s boots have directional speakers built into them. Additionally, your jacks have metal-like traits, but seem completely organic. I’d suggest putting them through conditioning to toughen them up further. If they can heal as I believe they can, much like the rest of your body, then they’ll be slightly stronger after each minor injury. Stronger jacks would most likely entail more materials you could puncture and then transfer your amplified soundwaves through. You could also continue to push the limits of your body’s amplification ability to see just how loud your Quirk can make any sound you take in from an outside source or how much it could amplify your own heartbeat.” Izuku finished his analysis and Jiro quickly pulled out her phone with wide eyes. She plugged her right jack into her phone and her left jack into her boot. With a deep breath she tapped her phone’s screen and a loud guitar riff emerged from the boot’s speaker.

“How…how did I never consider this before?” Jiro looked shocked at what neither she or her mother had ever considered. “This opens up so many more options for my Quirk…holy shit.” The Rocker girl breathed out. “You’re awesome Midoriya!”

“Thank you, Jiro.” Izuku smiled at the purplette girl while scratching his cheek. He’d always gotten called weird for his analysis hobby before. It was new to have it be so appreciated.

“Does anybody mind if I go next?” Kaminari questioned the group of guys. Seeing no arguments Kaminari showed off his ‘Electrification’ Quirk for Izuku a bit more. Izuku had analyzed it a bit during the Battle Trials and with a few seconds of viewing he gave his analysis.

“Clearly an Emitter Type. Your body can produce large voltages of electricity and you can let that stored electricity release into your surroundings. You have no way to direct said electricity as of now. I’d look into Support Items that can channel your current or allow you to launch it with accuracy. You also don’t seem to be able to control anything but the voltage of your electricity. The amperage seems to be staying consistent. I believe you have the capacity to not only increase your storage but also the voltage you can output. Control, rather than power, will be your best friend Kaminari. Since your Quirk has the drawback of shorting out your brain temporarily you may also want to look into a Support Item that functions similarly to a circuit breaker. That should keep your kickback from rendering you a liability in the field. As a further suggestion, you may want to work in some type of electric wiring into your Costume as a means to produce a defensive full body current without having to constantly release your electricity from every part of your body.” Izuku took a breath after finishing his analysis. He’d only taken about three in total during said analysis.

“Dude…that’s awesome! I figured I could eventually generate a lot more, but what you said about control makes SO much more sense! I won’t risk ‘shorting’ myself out if I control the electricity, rather than just unleashing it all! You’re some kind of genius, man!” Kaminari praised his classmate and he moved over to the side with ideas clearly bouncing around in his head.

“Now you’ve got me excited man.” Sato grinned at the shorter teen. “My Quirk is pretty basic, but the way you’ve analyzed everyone else’s I’m wondering how much I’ve missed or overlooked for my whole life.”

“Your Quirk is amazing, Sato, you shouldn’t doubt yourself.” Izuku shook his head. “Based on how you’ve explained your Quirk to me, as well as the drawback, I’d have to say that you’ve only scratched the surface. You use normal granulated sugar to activate your Quirk, correct?”

“Yeah, just the stuff you can buy off the shelf anywhere.” Sato confirmed with a nod.

“Have you ever tried other forms of sugar for activating your Quirk? Like Brown Sugar? Or Cane Sugar? Confectioner’s Sugar, Muscovado Sugar, Turbinado Sugar, Pearl Sugar, Sanding Sugar, all of them are either from different sources or have different levels of refinement and processing. Those differences would most likely impact your Quirk in different ways. Plus the kickback of your Quirk could probably be better controlled with training and testing of your limits. Your Quirk may have the effect of increasing your strength from regular sugar. But I believe it may have far more applications based on the type of sugar you consume. While basic granulated sugar increases your strength, it may very well be that Turbinado Sugar increases your speed, or that Sanding Sugar could perhaps increase your durability. Also a few capsules of stevia may help in the short term for regulating your drawback as it helps lower blood sugar levels.” Izuku smiled at the larger, brunette teen.

“Well…damn.” Sato blinked before smiling and chuckling. “That’s impressive Midoriya. I actually use brown sugar and confectioner’s sugar when I bake and cook. Why I never thought to pop a few grams of them and try to activate my Quirk, I’ll never know. But I do know what I’m going to be trying soon! Thanks for the analysis, bro!”

“No problem Sato.” Izuku smiled as he fist bumped the Sugar Rush User.

“Shoji go next bro! I want to see what Midoriya says about your Quirk!” Kirishima beckoned the tallest of Class 1-A closer. The multi-armed boy shrugged and stepped forward.

“I’m in your care, Midoriya.” Shoji nodded and Izuku smiled at the masked teen.

“I find your Quirk very interesting, Shoji.” Izuku informed the Dupli-Arms User. “You can recreate any part of your body from your extra arms. Even if they’re as completely different from each other as a hand, mouth, ear, or eye. You morph and recreate the structures so fluidly and quickly that I’m truly blown away. But if you can recreate any structure of your body, could you create a bigger version of the same structure? For example, a hand, could you make one twice the size of normal? Could you create an ear with a different ear canal and ear drum that could pick up sounds that normal human ears can’t hear? Or potentially eyes that could see outside the visible light spectrum?”

“I usually just let my Quirk handle the formation.” Shoji stated with a thoughtful look in his eyes. “I don’t know how I would go about altering the function of an ear or an eye though. I can try out the size changing though.” With that Shoji held up his second set of arms and focused. The hands morphed a bit, becoming fleshy stumps for a moment, before his hands began to reform. But the newly formed hands were noticeably larger. Almost twice the size of his primary hands in fact. The silver haired boy blinked at his accomplishment before clenching and unclenching the large hands. “The weight is throwing me off a bit. But I could get used to that with some practice and training. Mostly it was just a matter of focusing on making them form how I wanted.”

“Maybe read up on human anatomy? Figure out how other systems in the body work and if you could alter more of what you recreate? Then again, you may not even have the limitation of purely human ears, eyes, and limbs. If you knew how it functioned, who’s to say that you couldn’t form working pit organs like a snake? Being able to ‘see’ the infrared or ‘thermal’ spectrum would be an amazing ability for a Hero!” Izuku beamed at the taller teen with almost sparkles in his eyes. Finally being allowed to freely analyze Quirks had put him in such a good mood that his own excitement was shining through.

“I’ll do that, Midoriya, to think I’ve only been using the bare minimum all this time.” Shoji shook his head in amazement as he once again looked down at his enlarged fists.

“It was my pleasure Shoji.” Izuku shook hands with his classmate.

“Alright, time for the next group of six!” All Might called out as the first group returned. “Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda, Sato, Shoji and Jiro; you’re up!”

“Midori! I want an analysis! Please! Please, please, please?!” Mina bounced over to him while Camie giggled at her pink friend.

“Me next!” The fawn haired girl winked at him.

“No fair!” Mineta called out. “We’ve been waiting!”

“Dude, it’s no big deal who goes first or last.” Sero shook his head at the diminutive boy.

“I wouldn’t mind getting one; you were amazing when you analyzed Momo’s yesterday.” Ochako smiled at him and Izuku felt his heart thump in his chest.

“I’ll help everybody if I can.” Izuku promised as he looked at the remaining classmates he hadn’t gotten to yet. Well, the ones that wanted his analysis at least. Considering Todoroki hadn’t approached him and Bakugo was off to the side of the group scowling.

He still had time right now, so Izuku would keep going. If he could help his classmates become better Heroes, then that’s what he’d do!

-End Chapter-


Well now, look who can puzzle out Quirks! Izuku’s analysis skills have come into play in this AU even more powerful than in Canon! The cinnamon roll of course, helps his classmates to improve their Quirks! He’s a Quirk Nerd, what else did you expect? He’s also impressing more of his classmates and endearing a few to him in particular…I wonder which ones? Future enemies may have a much more difficult time with this version of Class 1-A!

Analysis continues next chapter! Followed by a very important decision! What is that decision, you ask? Well, well, well, what ever could it be?

Until I get your reviews, later!

IMPORTANT – If you want to see the basic idea of Momo’s Redesigned Costume, search ‘Creati by Onughost’ on Google!


John Balman

I really wish more was done with the quirk nerd aspect of isuku I still think having him having a quirk of analysis would be a kewl flic then have the Nezu take him under his paw lol oh the humanity and chuckles that would cause hahaha

Creature of Grimm

Izuku's ability to analyse quirks was somthing I always thought was underplayed in cannon. Seeing him in this chapter is what I imagine it could have been like, though with his confidence issues in cannon I guess it would be unlickly to happen. Hope to see another chapter soon!


With a Quirk that has a side ability of boosting said Analysis, yeah this is what you get. Glad you enjoyed it!


Glad you liked it Thomas! You've returned! We missed you over the last little while!