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So many Plot Bunnies! Clouding up my Brain! Regardless, here’s another Quirk for the green-haired, cinnamon roll we all like! Maybe with this written I’ll be able to get out the next story update soon! But what kind of Quirk is it? The things we go through in life affect us in various ways. This Quirk takes that very literally!

I hope you enjoy!


The Effect Hero!

All men are not created equal. That is a simple fact of life. Six generations ago the Human Paradigm shifted in a way no one could have ever predicted. The emergence of Super Powers; which would later come to be called ‘Quirks’, first appeared in a single baby born in China. From there these powers seemed to spread like wildfire throughout Humanity. The very next generation had a record of ten percent of all births manifesting a Quirk by age four. The third was even higher with twenty five percent of people having a Quirk. The fourth generation had a fifty percent Quirk manifestation rate. The fifth generation had an eighty percent manifestation rate. In the current sixth generation it had spiked to ninety five percent of all children being born with either a Mutation Type Quirk of some kind or manifesting a Transformation Type or Emitter Type Quirk by age four. Humanity had changed more in the last one hundred fifty years than at any other time in their evolutionary history.

Four year old Midoriya Izuku, almost five actually, was grimacing and on the verge of tears. The reason? He’d stood up to his friend Kacchan and protected another kid from being hit by the ash blonde and his ‘Explosion’ Quirk. Izuku had been on the receiving end of Kacchan’s Quirk for almost six months now; all because Izuku hadn’t manifested his own Quirk. Kacchan had started calling him ‘Quirkless’ a few months ago and it had caught on in his preschool. Now all the other kids called him Quirkless or Deku, which meant ‘Useless’. Izuku didn’t understand why Kacchan had become like this. The ash blonde had always been ahead of his peers, he’d learned to read first, learned how to use chopsticks first, was always the fastest, always the strongest, he was the best. But ever since his Quirk had manifested Kacchan’s ego had only grown. The fact that everyone heaped praise on him for having such strong and flashy Quirk didn’t help.

Izuku was still lying where he’d been left on the playground. He was scuffed up with a few light burns on his body, but he was mostly just saddened. Maybe if he had manifested his Quirk already they’d still be friends. With a final sniffle Izuku picked himself up and started making his way out of the park. While making the short walk back to his family’s apartment the young verdette kicked a few pebbles along the sidewalk. His young mind imagining having a Quirk like his Mom’s ‘Attraction of Small Objects’ or his Dad’s ‘Fire Breath’. But he was almost five and hadn’t manifested anything at all. His parents were going to take him to a Doctor’s Office if he hadn’t manifested his Quirk by the time his birthday rolled around in July.

“If I had a Quirk, then maybe we could be friends again?” Izuku murmured to himself. He ran through a daydream of him and Kacchan fighting Villains together and blasting them to save people. So into his daydream the young boy threw his hands forward and mimicked how Kacchan used his ‘Explosion’. To the shock of little Izuku two small blasts actually went off in front of his hands! Izuku stumbled backwards, panicked for a moment, before looking around in confusion to see if someone else had used their Quirk. Only a few people were walking around the area and none of them were so much as looking in Izuku’s direction. Izuku held his hands up and looked them over. He knew how Kacchan’s Quirk worked already. Izuku was pretty good at figuring out Quirks; mostly because he found them interesting and ‘cool’.

“But there’s no sweat?” Izuku mumbled in confusion. His hands were dry and yet an explosion had gone off. So this wasn’t exactly like Kacchan’s Quirk. But if he didn’t have any sweat on his palms, then that meant the explosion wasn’t just some of Kacchan’s sweat that had fallen on him and then exploded either. That only left one possibility in Izuku’s young mind. “My Quirk! I got my Quirk!” The green-haired boy cheered as he quickly made his way up the stairs and to his apartment. He opened the door, quickly took his shoes off, and then raced into the living room where his parents were sitting together on the couch. “Mom! Dad! I got my Quirk!”

“You did?” Inko questioned, even as a bright smile took over her face.

“What did you get, Izu?” Hisashi asked his son a warm smile directed at his little man.

“Watch! I can do what Kacchan does!” Izuku exclaimed excitedly as he held his palms out and two small blasts went off above his palms. Both Inko and Hisashi blinked in shock at the display. After all, that wasn’t like either of their Quirks. But this was still good news! Izuku wasn’t Quirkless like they’d both began to suspect. He’d have been a very rare case now days without a Quirk. Only about five percent of the population lacked a Quirk and most of them were in their sixties or older.

“That’s amazing Izu!” Hisashi congratulated his son with a grin and a playful ruffle of his wild hair.

“You have a great Quirk, baby.” Inko smiled as she hugged him close and placed a gentle kiss on top of his head. Izuku happily returned the hug and smiled at the warmth of his parents.

“We’ll take you to the Registration Office tomorrow if we can get an appointment, okay Izu?” Hisashi asked and Izuku nodded rapidly in excitement.

-Quirk Registration Office ~ The Next Day-

“Honestly, I’m stumped.” The Facility worker looked over Izuku’s test results. “Izuku clearly has an Emitter Quirk, but he has no production of any explosive substance. I’d consider it to maybe be a form of Explosion Manipulation or Fragokinesis as some classify it. But he doesn’t seem to be directly controlling the explosion, only when it happens.”

“What do we need to do?” Hisashi questioned the worker and the man hummed thoughtfully for a moment.

“Let’s do a few more tests.” The worker nodded before leading them back to the large room they’d tested Izuku’s Quirk in before. “Alright Izuku-kun, I want you to try and set off an explosion from somewhere other than your hands, okay?”

“I’ll try.” Izuku nodded and in the next in the next instant a small blast went off in front of Izuku. The young verdette hadn’t lifted his hands or made any motions at all. He’d simply focused on an area ‘away’ from himself and willed it to explode.

“Good work, Izuku-kun.” The worker nodded as he made a few taps on his tablet. “Fragokinesis might be what we’re dealing with after all.”

“Is that good?” Izuku asked as he looked at the worker.

“It’s an impressive Quirk indeed.” The worker nodded to the boy with a smile. “But I did have a question for you, Izuku-kun.”

“What is it?” Izuku asked curiously.

“You mentioned that your friend had an ‘Explosion’ Quirk too, right?” The worker asked.

“Yeah, my Quirk is like Kacchan’s.” Izuku nodded with a smile.

“Have you ever accidentally been hit by one of his explosions?” The worker asked and Izuku nodded shyly. He wouldn’t tell the man that most of the times he was hit with Kacchan’s Quirk weren’t accidents. “I see, maybe your Quirk has some kind of copying aspect to it? We’d have to test it with a few more things.”

“Like what?” Izuku questioned but the worker smiled at the boy and shook his head.

“Let’s talk with your parents about it first, okay?” The worker grinned as he let Izuku run ahead to his parents. Explaining to Hisashi and Inko that Izuku’s Quirk might be of the extremely rare ‘Copy’ Subtype; had both parent’s eyes widen. Copying Quirks were very rare after all, even rarer than Erasure and Matter Alteration Quirks. If Izuku had a Copying Quirk there was no telling what kind of limits or drawbacks might exist.

“What would you recommend?” Inko questioned as she ran her fingers through Izuku’s hair.

“A few more tests with various Quirks.” The worker explained. “Maybe see if he can only copy or recreate Emitter Quirks to start.”

“I’d rather my son not be put through any tests that’ll cause him more pain than necessary.” Hisashi looked the worker dead in the eye. The worker raised his hands slightly and shook his head to indicate that wasn’t what he meant. The father’s eyes practically warned the worker that Hisashi would burn him if he hurt his small son.

“That may not be necessary.” A gentle voice stated and the group of four turned to look at a woman a bit older than Inko in a sharp business outfit. The lady had dark black hair, and warm grey eyes that looked at Izuku kindly.

“Director?” The worker almost squawked as he quickly stood up and bowed to his superior. “I didn’t know you’d be at the Musutafu Branch today, ma’am!”

“I’m just doing the usual check-ins.” The Director waved off. “It seems like a stroke of luck that I happened to be here right now. I’ll use my Quirk to help this cute young man.” Izuku buried his head into his mother’s arms when the Director woman called him cute. Inko could only giggle at how shy her son was around new people.

“What is you Quirk, if you don’t mind me asking?” Hisashi questioned the Director.

“Not at all.” The Director smiled. “My Quirk is called ‘Identify’ and it lets me learn the capabilities of other people’s Quirks just by touching them.”

“I see.” Hisashi nodded before he turned to face his son, who was now peeking out from Inko’s arms. “What do you say Izu? Do you want her to help you figure out your Quirk?”

“Ok.” Izuku nodded as he held out his hand. The Director smiled at the cute child and gently took his hand in hers. Both of their hands began to glow a myriad of colors and the Director closed her eyes.

“Hmm, it’s not explosive in nature. But it’s also not like the other few Copy Quirks I’ve examined. It’s not a Quirk imitating another Quirk, more of a replication? That’s different…hmm, what is it replicating though?” The Director murmured to herself and Izuku looked at her wide-eyed while his green eyes almost sparkled.

“She sounds just like Izuku when he tries to figure out Quirks he sees on TV.” Inko giggled and Hisashi couldn’t help but chuckle as well.

“Ah, I see now, very interesting.” The Director smiled as she opened her eyes and let go of Izuku’s hand. The rainbow of colors disappeared and all three of the Midoriya Family looked at the woman curiously. “Izuku’s Quirk doesn’t copy Quirks. His Quirk lets him replicate effects he’s physically experienced before. That’s why he can make those explosions; because he’s felt one and therefore ‘experienced’ it.” She informed the small family. “I’m not able to tell you the full extent of Izuku-kun’s Quirk. They do tend to develop and get stronger with age and practice, some call developing new abilities ‘Awakening their Quirks’ after all. So it remains to be seen how much Izuku-kun’s Quirk will grow in the future.”

“Thank you very much for your assistance.” Hisashi and Inko bowed to the woman with Izuku copying as best he could in his mother’s arms.

“It’s no problem.” The Director smiled. “I’ll leave you to finish your registration.” With that she turned and began to walk away; only stopped by Izuku actually calling out to her.

“What do I call my Quirk?” Izuku asked the Director curiously.

“That’s up to you and your parents, Izuku-kun.” The Director laughed gently. “Though seeing as it replicates effects that you’ve experienced you could give it a simple name like ‘Effect’.”

“Hmm, ‘Effect’?” Izuku mused with an adorable ‘thinking’ look on his small face. “I like it.” He smiled at the Director.

“We can go with that if you want, Izu.” Hisashi chuckled and Izuku nodded with a smile. Inko giggled at the determined look on her baby boy’s face while the worker smiled and began filling in Izuku’s Quirk Registry. The Midoriya Family went out for dinner that night to celebrate and when they got home they put the copy of Izuku’s new Registry in the small, fireproof safe they kept their important documents in.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Effect

Type: Emitter


-Izuku’s Preschool-

Everyone thought that Izuku’s Quirk was neat, the other children thought it was cool he could make explosions like Bakugo. When Inko had explained the Quirk to the teachers they’d promised to keep Izuku from doing anything dangerous with his Quirk. Inko and Hisashi had already caught Izuku looking at the wall sockets at home with his ‘thinking’ look on his face. The only one who wasn’t ‘okay’ with Izuku’s Quirk was ‘Kacchan’ himself.

“Deku!” Bakugo threw the insult immediately as small explosions snapped in his hands. “You think you’re better than me now? Just because you can make explosions too? You just copied me!” The ash blonde five year old yelled at the verdette.

“B-but…Kacchan, th-that’s just how my Quirk works!” Izuku stuttered out his reply to his growling friend.

“Shut it!” Bakugo snapped at Izuku. “Don’t think you can beat me just because you have a weird Quirk! You’ll always be Deku! No matter what!”

“But, K-Kacchan…didn’t you say we could be Heroes together?” Izuku teared up at the rage directed at him by his friend.

“A Deku like you can’t be a Hero!” Bakugo yelled as he swung his hand at Izuku and sent the verdette backwards with an explosion. Izuku felt his tears start to fall at the pain and he heard the sounds of the teachers running over. A short time later Izuku was in the nurse’s office getting treated with her minor Healing Quirk. Bakugo had been reprimanded for using his Quirk on another kid and his parents had been called to pick him up. Auntie Mitsuki had looked really angry when she’d arrived and taken Kacchan home.

“There you go, Midoriya-kun.” The nice preschool nurse smiled at him. “All better?” Izuku nodded and thanked the woman as he was sent back to his class. On his way back he realized that he’d been healed by the nurse. Wasn’t healing an ‘effect’? Could he make things heal now? He’d have to try it out the next time he got any kind of injury. By the time he made it back to his class little Izuku had made one very important decision. He was going to be a Hero! No matter what anyone said! Not even Kac- no, not even Bakugo would stop him from following his Dream! Izuku would start his path to being a Hero right this moment!

-First Year of Elementary School-

Izuku spent almost all of his time outside of school practicing with his Quirk. He was getting a good handle on creating explosions and making them stronger or weaker. He’d checked out if healing was an ‘effect’ and found that because he’d experienced ‘accelerated healing’ thanks to the nurse’s Quirk he could now heal cuts, scrapes and bruises on his body at the same speed. He couldn’t heal others however. That discovery about his Quirk went straight into his Quirk Analysis Notebook. It appeared there were two types of effects for his Quirk. There were effects that he could use on other people or objects and effects that he could only use on himself. Accelerated Healing was an effect that he could only use on himself. Explosion was an effect he could cause anywhere around him at will. All in all the six year old made pretty good progress this year.

-Second Year of Elementary School-

Izuku had started actively hunting down ‘effects’ to acquire for his Quirk. He went for the most obvious ones he could think of quickly. Fire, or combustion, and electricity, or electric discharge, one was surprisingly easy to acquire. Izuku had been shocked with static electricity by accident when he’d been sleepy one morning and dragged himself out of bed. He’d touched the doorknob on his bedroom door and gotten a small shock. That small charge was just enough to activate his Quirk. Izuku could produce small amounts of current now just like he could make explosions. He would have to work on his charge amount though. A static shock wouldn’t do much for a Hero. Fire had been harder, especially since his parents were worried about his safety. Eventually he’d gotten his hands on a box of matches and burned himself with one of them. Neither of his parents had been happy with him. But this year had let Izuku add two new ‘effects’ to his Quirk Notebook List.


Explosion – External

Accelerated Healing – Self

Electricity Generation – External

Combustion – External

-Third Year of Elementary School-

“Ow!” Izuku hissed as he pulled his finger back from the edge of the papers he was looking through. He’d gotten a paper cut from one of the edges. With a thought his Healing Effect kicked in and the cut vanished in seconds. It was nice being able to ‘fake’ a Healing Factor with his Quirk. Though now that he thought about it, wasn’t ‘getting cut’ an effect too? Izuku had something to try out at home later. When he got home that afternoon he’d gone to his room and taken out a sheet of paper. Feeling out his Quirk he held his index finger over the paper and then moved it downwards. Izuku smiled brightly when he pulled the paper on both edges and it was two pieces cleanly cut down the middle where he’d moved his finger. That landed in his Effect List right away.

Slice – External had been acquired.

-Fourth Year of Elementary School-

“Why doesn’t this work?” Izuku wondered to himself as he placed another book onto the stack currently sitting on his torso. He’d had the thought that since a cut was an ‘effect’ that he could collect effects relating to other forms of bodily harm. So far nothing had worked. Trying to acquire a ‘Friction Effect’ had just left him with raw skin that he’d had to use his ‘Accelerated Healing Effect’ to get rid of. He’d tried to acquire a ‘Blunt Force Effect’ but that had just left him with bruises that he’d, again, had to heal. Now he was trying to get a ‘Compression Effect’ by having the weight of a large stack of books piled on top of his torso. But he was starting to find it painful and his Quirk still hadn’t activated at all.

“It seems I still don’t fully understand everything about my Quirk.” Izuku mused as he removed the books one by one and then went to put them away.

-Fifth Year of Elementary School-

“Why didn’t I think of this before?” Izuku chuckled to himself as he stood out in the cold on a winter morning. He’d felt his Quirk activate briefly and then he’d put it to the test. The verdette boy grinned happily when his internal temperature rose throughout his body making him feel warmer. He was standing outside in the morning with the temperature being only one and a half Celsius, yet he was feeling warm enough that he wasn’t shivering even in his t-shirt and shorts!

Thermal Regulation – Self was acquired.

-Sixth Year of Elementary School-

Izuku hadn’t been able to find any new ‘effects’ in the last several months. He’d tried several things, of course. But his Quirk hadn’t acquired any new effects from anything. Still, he’d made himself a fairly good list of effects to call upon. So this year Izuku decided to spend his time on practicing with the effects he did have and making them stronger or gaining even more precise control over them. His Explosions definitely improved, he was able to set off a blast anywhere within his sensory range, though the further away from him the less power he could put into them. Combustion had also come along well. That was thanks mostly to his Dad. Hisashi had been more than happy to help his son with using his fire effect. His Dad was limited in how much fire he could breathe out, mostly by his lung capacity, but Izuku learned how to direct fire pretty well from him. 

Electricity Generation had come along well enough, maintaining a current was much easier now than it had been. Plus he’d been able to generate higher voltages and amperages over time as he practiced with it and developed the effect. Though to use the effect to such a level had required him to study some Physics; with electrostatics, and electronics being difficult for the eleven year old. Thankfully the internet was a trove of knowledge broken down and made simple enough that he was able to get the hang of manipulating his effects’ power output. Slice had already been easy enough to understand. But Izuku wasn’t one to just let his effect sit. He’d taken to trying to increase the cutting effects’ power. Initially he hadn’t been able to cut anything more than paper or soft materials. With practice and development the effect had greatly increased. He couldn’t cut metal of much thickness but wood and even stone was doable.

-First Year of Junior High-

Izuku was a bit frustrated to be honest. He was happy with his arsenal of effects, don’t get him wrong, but he hadn’t found a single new effect in almost two years! He continued to practice of course; he wasn’t a slacker! But he’d thought after everything else he’d have finally found something. Regardless he’d taken to watching Heroes work, wither in person if he happened to be near the scene of an incident or at home on the internet. He was hoping to find new ways to use his External Effects from watching Pros that had similar Quirks. This had led him to eventually scouring the web for old videos of long retired Pros resolving incidents and saving people. He’d found an interesting Pro called Electoplant from the United States not that long ago. Watching the Pro in action had led to Izuku getting a few ideas for his Electricity Effect, including what could eventually become a Super Move!

-Second Year of Junior High-

Izuku felt he had hit a limit. His effects couldn’t get any stronger, or at least there hadn’t been a noticeable change in the last few months. Not to say they were weak by any means. His Effects could easily compare to some rather strong Quirks as developed as they were now. But he hadn’t been able to improve them much power-wise. Instead he’d focused even more on precision and control while also working on some actual ‘Moves’ for his future as a Hero.

He also still hadn’t acquired any new effects. Izuku was now fairly certain that aside from getting hit with a Quirk directly he probably wasn’t going to be able to acquire any further effects. His lament about that hadn’t lasted long though. He was planning to go to UA after all, the Top Hero School in Japan! There would be plenty of times that he’d probably experience the amplified effects that Quirks could produce while he was learning and training there!

-Third Year of Junior High-

You’re all Third Years now; it’s time for you to start seriously considering your futures.” Their Homeroom teacher told the class as he looked at them from the podium. “While normally I would pass out these career aptitude tests…why bother? I know you all want to be Heroes!” The entire class, barring two, cheered as they showed off their Quirks. “Yes, yes, you all have very nice Quirks; but using them at school is against the rules! So restrain yourselves!”

“Hey, sensei, don’t lump me in with all these extras!” Bakugo spoke up. “This lot would be lucky to end up as Sidekicks to a busted D-Lister. I’m the real deal!” Predictably his fellow classmates had something to say about that as they all tossed insults his way. “Bring it on! I’ll take you all on!”

“Hmm, you do have impressive test results.” The teacher commented. “Maybe you will get into UA.” Cue the shocked exclamations of the rest of the class that Bakugo was trying to get into the Number One Hero School.

“That’s why UA is perfect for me!” Bakugo replied as he stood up from his seat. “I aced all the mock tests! I’m the only one at this school that stands a chance of getting in! I’ll be more popular than All Might himself and become the richest Hero of all time! People all across the world will know my name! And it all starts with UA!”

“Oh yes, Midoriya, you applied for UA as well, right?” The teacher asked looking over his paperwork. Izuku looked up from his notebook to reply with a nod.

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku nodded and all of the other students whispered among themselves.

“You’re test results are equally as good as Bakugo’s. So I’d say you have a fair chance.” Their Homeroom Teacher acknowledged. “Imagine that, two students from Aldera Junior High making it into UA in the same year. That would be quite the change for our school.”

“Deku!” Bakugo roared as he tried to slam his hand, bursts of his Explosion Quirk already going off, onto Izuku’s desk. That course of action was aborted when a bright spark of electricity appeared between the ash blonde and the sitting verdette.

“Please just stop Bakugo, it’s getting old.” Izuku exhaled as Bakugo scowled at the other teen.

“Bakugo, sit down!” The teacher demanded. Bakugo glared angrily at Izuku before stomping over to his seat.

“How many Quirks does Midoriya have?” A male student whispered to another, only to get a shrug in response.

“He says he only has one.” His friend whispered back. “It’s just that his Quirk has a lot of different effects.”

“Effects?” The first boy repeated. “He can generate and control electricity, make explosions out of nowhere, create and throw fire, cut things without touching them, and he has a Healing Factor. How is all of that One Quirk?”

“I don’t know, ask him yourself.” The second boy shook his head.

‘I’d explain it to them if they’d actually ask me.’ Izuku thought to himself while ignoring Bakugo trying to glare a hole into his head.

-Two Months before the UA Entrance Exams-

Izuku was jogging through the park on the far side of Musutafu on a Saturday when he saw something interesting. A girl his age with brunette hair was sitting on a bench and looking at a piece of paper that was spinning in the air slowly. Ever the Quirk Nerd, Izuku couldn’t resist approaching the other teen and introducing himself.

“Good afternoon.” Izuku greeted the girl with a smile.

“Afternoon.” The girl nodded to him while looking him over. “Something I can help you with?”

“I saw your Quirk and got interested.” Izuku motioned to the floating paper. “Would you mind if I asked some questions about it?”

“I guess.” The brunette shrugged. “Most people give their name first though.”

“Oh, right, I’m Midoriya Izuku.” Izuku introduced himself to the girl.

“Togeike Chikuchi.” Chikuchi introduced herself. “Feel free to ask your question.”

“Right, thank you, so…” Izuku started as he sat down and Chikuchi was startled to see he had a notebook and pencil in his hands. She didn’t even see them on his person when he walked up to her! “Is your Quirk Telekinesis or something else?”

“Actually it’s Paper Manipulation.” Chikuchi explained as she made the floating paper start spinning again. “I can make paper float around and stuff. I can even do some basic folding and simple origami with it.”

“That’s so cool!” Izuku exclaimed as he was rapidly writing in his notebook.

“It’s not that impressive.” Chikuchi shook her head. “Not like I can be a Hero with this kind of Quirk.”

“Can you alter the paper’s properties in anyway?” Izuku questioned. “Like can you make it sharper, harder, can you hold it in place regardless of the force applied to it?”

“Whoa, slow down, breathe.” Chikuchi raised her hands in front of herself.

“Sorry, I just find Quirks interesting is all.” Izuku looked away sheepishly.

“I can tell.” Chikuchi nodded with a grin. “As for your barrage of questions. I can make paper float in one space, I’m not sure exactly how much force it would take to break my control and move the paper from said spot. Altering the paper’s properties isn’t something I ever considered to be honest. I mean, it’s just paper, you know?”

“Let’s try then!” Izuku excitedly offered. “Hold the paper in the air with your Quirk, please.”

“Ok….” Chikuchi shrugged and the piece of paper stilled in the air between the two of them.

“Don’t let it move.” Izuku smiled as he placed his palm against the floating paper. Izuku slowly put more and more strength behind his palm as he tried to move the floating paper. When he started visibly struggling and his face turned red he stopped and pulled his hand back. “I’d say that’s a yes to whether you can resist force and harden paper. I couldn’t even budge it. That’s so cool!” The verdette smiled at the brunette as he quickly started writing down the results of their impromptu test in his notebook. Without any warning the floating paper suddenly slammed into the concrete below the bench. The rectangular piece of paper stuck into the cement like a sharp blade and Chikuchi stared at the paper like she’d never seen it before.

“I never even considered….” Chikuchi breathed out before turning to face Izuku so quickly he thought she might hurt her neck. “How could you see my Quirk for all of a minute and figure out stuff about it that I haven’t discovered in the last ten years?!”

“I-I don’t know…I’m s-sorry?” Izuku was startled and flustered by the girl’s change in tone.

“No…no…sorry, I shouldn’t have freaked out like that.” Chikuchi apologized to him. “I just never thought my Quirk was really worth much.”

“That might have been the whole problem.” Izuku offered and Chikuchi tilted her head confused. “You saw your Quirk as weak and so you never experimented with it. If you truly thought of it as ‘just paper’ then your Quirk never changed it like you did today, because you didn’t think you could. Emitter Type Quirks operate wholly upon the User’s will and direction. So without your direction to change its properties…it never did.”

“I feel like an idiot.” Chikuchi sighed before a smile broke out and she laughed lightly. “Thanks Midoriya, you’ve shown me a path towards a goal I gave up on years ago.”

“Really? You’re welcome, Togeike. What path was it though?” Izuku questioned the brunette.

“I wanted to be a Hero.” Chikuchi smiled at him and Izuku felt his cheeks heat up. “Thanks to you, I now believe I have a chance.”

“You just needed to believe in yourself and your Quirk is all.” Izuku tried to wave off the praise. He wasn’t the best when it came to girls praising him. Simple conversations were fine, but he got flustered pretty easily when a girl complimented him.

“And now I do, thanks to you!” Chikuchi grinned at the flustered teen. “Maybe we’ll see each other at UA? That was going to be my first choice even for General Studies, but now that I feel like I really have a shot, maybe we can meet in the Hero Course?”

“Sure thing, I’ll do my best!” Izuku smiled back at the girl before something registered. “Wait, I didn’t mention that I was trying to get into UA, how did you know?”

“Really?” Chikuchi asked him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re wearing an All Might tracksuit, that notebook has Hero Analysis for the Future No. 13 written on it, and you’re obviously jogging to keep in shape. I’d be more surprised if you ‘weren’t’ aiming for UA.” Izuku looked at his tracksuit, indeed an All Might one, and then his notebook. Chikuchi was actually very observant it seemed with how well she put these pieces together and got an accurate read of Izuku’s goals.

“I guess when you put it that way….” Izuku smiled as he closed his notebook. “I hope to see you at UA then, Togeike!”

“Likewise, Midoriya.” Chikuchi nodded to him as she had her paper float back into her hand and walked away. Izuku put his notebook away and resumed his jog; he had a ways to go to get all the way back home.

-UA Entrance Exam Day-

Izuku was getting ready to head to UA for the Entrance Exams while watching the morning news. Apparently some good Samaritans had gone and cleaned up Takoba Municipal Park Beach over the last few months. Izuku couldn’t help but smile at that, it was a good deed done for others without any prompting. That was the kind of thing that Heroes should do, helping others without being asked just because it was the right thing to do. Seeing the time Izuku headed over to the door to put on his shoes.

“Izuku, do your best, we’ll be cheering for you.” Inko smiled at her son.

“Go get them, Izuku! We know you’ll get in!” Hisashi grinned at him, all the confidence in the world behind the father’s words.

“Thanks Mom; thanks Dad!” Izuku smiled at his parents before leaving and making his way to the train station. The ride to UA was only about twenty minutes by train so Izuku just scrolled through his phone and went over a few topics to refresh his mind. The Written Exam was first so Izuku wanted to make sure he was clearheaded and ready to cover any topic that would appear. Shortly after disembarking from the train Izuku was standing before the gates of UA. “Time to take the next step towards being a Hero.” He grinned to himself as he stepped pass the gate and then promptly started to trip on a loose brick. ‘Well this is off to a bad start.’ He thought before he realized that he wasn’t falling anymore.

“Are you alright? That was a close one!” A kind female voice asked as Izuku blinked as he realized he was floating. “Sorry about using my Quirk on you like that, but I thought it would be better than falling.”

Turning to face his ‘rescuer’ Izuku caught site of a cute brunette with rosy cheeks standing next to him. Before he could say anything he felt a sensation he hadn’t felt in years. His Quirk had just briefly activated!

“One second.” The brunette smiled as she placed her fingers together and said. “Release.” Gravity reasserted itself and Izuku once again stood on his feet. “Well we should probably head in there, don’t want to be late!” With that the nice girl took off towards the building.

Izuku was still stunned as he followed the signs towards the Written Exam site. For the first time in years his Quirk had activated and acquired a new effect! He felt through to his new effect and was able to ascertain the bare minimum of the effect. With his previous experience he was able to determine what effect his Quirk was now capable of replicating. A smile formed on Izuku’s face as he entered the Written Exam Room.

-After the Written Exam-

“Ow…my poor brain.” Izuku grumbled as he massaged his temples. UA was not only the top Hero School in Japan, but it boasted some of the best Academics Scores in the nation as well. The Written Test had clearly demonstrated that with the amount of subjects it covered as well as the depth they went into each of them. Still, Izuku felt like he’d done well, at least well enough that he’d pass in the upper percentile. Probably. Lunch was taken after the Written Test and then an instructional presentation would be given for the Practical Test. While Izuku was eating he was also jotting down what he’d figured out so far about his new effect.

Weightlessness – Self had been acquired!

-Exam Site B-

“So just three types of robots to hunt down and one gimmick to try and avoid. Not too difficult.” Izuku mumbled to himself as he stretched a bit while waiting for the exam to start. He was honestly still surprised at the large mock city that UA called a Training Site. The fact that UA had multiple Sites like this one was amazing.

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in Izuku’s testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

With that Izuku and the rest of the examinees dashed forward into the large mock cityscape. Izuku ran slightly off course from the main group of students and found his first target quickly, a One Pointer according to the paper they’d gone over.

“Target acquired…eliminate!” The machine intoned and Izuku couldn’t help but grin as it moved towards him. A bright spark of electricity and the robot crashed to the ground as its internal circuitry was fried. That hadn’t taken too much, Izuku smiled fully as he realized he had a very good chance of passing the Exam.

“Better keep going.” Izuku mumbled to himself as he jogged off in search of more robots. It didn’t take him long to find more since he’d gone off the beaten path away from the other examinees. Coming into a street Izuku saw at least two dozen robots milling about. “I wonder if I can take them all out at once.” With a deep breath Izuku focused on the effect he wanted and unleashed his Quirk. The area was rocked as a massive explosion went off sending robot parts flying all over the place. Izuku grinned as he moved forward to count his points, until he heard movement in the clearing smoke.

“Target acquired!” The Faux Villains intoned as they made their way towards Izuku. It seemed that only about five of the initial group had survived his explosion. “Eliminate!” Izuku skipped backwards to create distance before using a different effect. A massive wave of fire roared from just in front of Izuku’s position and engulfed the surviving machines. The verdette kept the flames going for several seconds before letting up. All that remained were blackened partially melted machines lying all over the ground where the five robots had once been. Izuku scanned the area to see if anymore Faux Villains were around before he started counting his points.

“Not bad, that’s twenty six points already!” Izuku smiled to himself as he jogged through the cityscape looking for more robots. He ended up finding a few One Pointers on a street that the rest of the examinees were battling on and quickly rushed towards them to claim the points. Utilizing the Slice effect he moved into the first robot’s guard and removed the top half of its head. The robot crashed to the ground immediately and Izuku rushed to the next one. The next three fell to his Slicing just as the first one did. With that Izuku had thirty points in the exam.

-In the Teacher’s Viewing Booth-

“Can someone please explain this kid’s Quirk to me?” Midnight requested completely confused by what she was witnessing from the green-haired examinee.

“I thought he had some form of ‘Electric Manipulation’ but then he went and conjured a wave of fire that would give some Pros a run for their money.” Ectoplasm stated as he watched the boy on the monitors.

“Are we sure this isn’t some kind of advanced ‘Psychokinesis’?” Vlad King questioned as he looked on. “Psychokinesis can emulate the effects of many different ‘Kinetic’ Quirks when it’s properly trained.”

‘What is this young man?’ Yagi Toshinori questioned himself mentally from the back of the room watching the green-haired teen using what appeared to be multiple Quirks. ‘Could ‘He’ be involved with this child? I may need to keep an eye on this young man.’ The Number One Hero thought to himself watching Izuku finish off a fourth One Pointer by cutting its head in half without touching it.

-Exam Site B-

In the last two minutes of the test the giant gimmick robot, the Zero Pointer, was unleashed. Izuku, having been with a large group of examinees trying to find any more points, watched as the giant robot emerged practically right beside him.

“They’re practically throwing it at us!” Izuku exclaimed in shock as the behemoth machine towered over the Exam Site. Everyone started to panic and run from the giant machine and Izuku would have joined them; but he took a look around first to make sure no one was hurt or left behind. His pause to check on the wellbeing of others let him see the nice girl from earlier with her feet pinned under some of the falling rubble. He was rushing towards her before he even realized it.

“I’m stuck!” The brunette cried out as Izuku rushed up to her.

“Hold on, I’ll get you out!” Izuku promised as he looked at the slab of concrete that had her pinned. It was way too heavy for him to lift as it was, but if he cut it. With a quick check of where the girl’s feet were under the rubble, Izuku sliced the large concrete debris apart. When he’d cut enough of the slab away he grabbed the last piece and threw it off the girl’s feet. “Let’s go!” Izuku held his hand out but the girl winced when she tried to stand on her feet.

“I think my ankle is broken!” She grit out in pain. She wasn’t expecting the green-haired boy to suddenly pick her up and start running from the massive Zero Pointer. “Wait, what’re you doing? You can’t outrun it if you’re carrying me!”

“I said I was going to get you out of here, so I’m going to do it!” Izuku continued to run. The Zero Pointer kept rolling forwards and Izuku quickly realized he was losing ground between them. “Cover your ears; this is going to get loud!” The brunette didn’t even question it and simply clapped her hands over her ears. Izuku focused and spread the effect he wanted to two specific targets as he ran. This took all his focus but he only needed to pull it off once! A loud boom reverberated throughout the mock cityscape. Two large explosions had erupted from the tank treads that the Zero Pointer used to move. The giant robot moved forward for a few more seconds before stopping dead in its tracks. Its busted treads lay out behind it and the bare metal wheels were grinding against the asphalt of the street. Without its treads the gimmick couldn’t continue the chase and Izuku was able to get the brunette to safety.

“Annnnd STOP!” Present Mic’s voice was heard throughout the testing grounds. “The exam is over!” Izuku stopped running and gently set the brunette onto her uninjured foot and helped her stand so she didn’t put any weight on her broken ankle. 

“Thanks for the save. I’m Uraraka Ochako, by the way.” Ochako introduced herself.

“Midoriya Izuku, and it was no problem, it’s what any Hero would do, right?” Izuku asked the girl with a smile. Ochako agreed and was soon healed by Recovery Girl. While that was happening Izuku really hoped that thirty points and a good score on the Written Exam was enough to pass and get into the Hero Course.

-One Week Later ~ Midoriya Home-

“Izuku! It’s here son!” Hisashi exclaimed as he walked down the hallway towards his son’s room with the letter addressed to the teen. It was from UA and in Hisashi’s mind contained his son’s Acceptance Letter.

“Thanks Dad.” Izuku thanked his father before taking the letter and heading for the living room. “Let’s open it together in the living room.” The duo made their way into the room and Inko was quick to join them. “Here it goes.” Izuku exhaled as he opened the letter and out came a metallic disk.

“What’s that?” Hisashi looked at the disk before it lit up and a hologram appeared in their living room.

“Hello, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the principal of UA High School.” Nezu, the chimera-like Principal, introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Ninety percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on displaying Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 30

Rescue Points: 60

Total: 90 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! You’re in the Top Five on the Highest Score’s list, in fact.” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“That’s my boy!” Hisashi cheered as he ruffled his son’s hair.

“My baby!” Inko happy cried as she hugged her son for all she was worth.

“Thanks Mom; thanks Dad, I’m so relieved.” Izuku smiled while exhaling a sigh of relief. Even though he’d tried to convince himself that he’d passed it was completely different actually getting the confirmation.

‘This is just the start though.’ Izuku thought to himself as he hugged his mother back while his father started planning a celebration. ‘I’ll keep going, keep getting better, and eventually be a Hero that saves everyone I can!’

-End Chapter-


Another Bunny down! How’d you like this Quirk? It can gather effects, replicate them, and even make them stronger through training and developing that aspect of the Quirk! Izuku still has things to learn about his own Quirk too! He’s a student after all! Plenty of room to grow and develop further! What became of Miss Togeike though? Did she get into UA like she wanted? Well, if this becomes a story in the future you’ll find out!

Though I will state this now, Chikuchi isn’t an OC; she’s a Gen Ed. Student in Canon. Horikoshi didn’t give her a Quirk so I decided to!

Until I get your reviews, later!



I always like how you go into the testing of the quirks! And not just "Character walks in and gets every conceivable detail about their quirk out of what seems like thin air" Cause that's boring


Kai? Do you have a crush on this chikuchi girl? It's not often I see a character that basically was nothing more than an extra get so much use. I didn’t even know she had a name before reading your work. Or is it more of a way around making an OC that could be received poorly?


The second one. Very few people like random OC's in fics. But if I take a little-used Canon character and expand on them (like say Daphne Greengrass from Harry Potter or Miss Chikuchi from MHA) then people are more willing to accept the character in question.