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Hey friends and fans, just wanted to talk and ask a question.

As of today our group has had 11 members leave us since the first of August. I understand the Pandemic is messing with...well...Everything; but I'm curious as to why so many are leaving when I'm still trying to get an update out, even if it's a Plot Bunny, every two or three days.

Our Group has lost more in the last month and a half than at any other time since the Patreon Page was made. So now I'm concerned that either my writing is no longer up to snuff, or that I've done something to put people off of my stories. I'm updating more than ever before, am I not writing the stories you all want to see? Is the quality becoming bad? Are certain fics not being updated enough? The Polls are there to let you all vote and use Tier Rewards to determine the update schedule.

Honestly, I hope it's just the Pandemic, but when so many leave in such short order one can't help but think they've done something wrong.

Leave me a comment, or message, with your thoughts if you could. I'd love to hear what my Patrons have to say; after all, this is Our Group and I want to make Everyone's Pledges worthwhile.



Could be money troubles or patreon not automatically billing them like it sometimes does to me


Money troubles I would never fault anyone for. Their bills/expenses are FAR more important than a Pledge to ANY Patreon Page. But in loss of Patrons I'm specifically referring to people that have chosen to leave. The 11 I mentioned were just the ones who filled out the exit survey. There are a few more that left and didn't fill out the survey too.

John Balman

Maybe, they just lost interest, or they had to relocate were their money was going to whatever reason. From what I've seen and reading I can't say that you have done anything to worry about yourself. Its definitely odd that 11 dropped in such a short time but who knows. Life is crazy that's for sure. I'm still highly entertained by your work.


It could be that they follow you somewhere else and decided just to wait longer for updates for free on those sites.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

It could be for any number of reasons, but I doubt it's because of you Kairo.


I can't say that the writing level has gone down at all, so it's likely pandemic related. Would you be aware of how long the 11 were subscribed? Maybe they just join for a quick one off as a donation?


Thanks for the reassurances friends, it means A LOT to me! Like I said, I'm just hopeful that the Pandemic is just causing the issues. I will NEVER expect someone to Pledge if they need their money elsewhere. I'm not entitled to a single cent from anyone. I just try and put out the best content I can and hope others will want to support the creation of said content. Seeing over 300 Patrons that DO is always heart warming.

Evgeniy Kazanin

Many possible reasons: 1. Of course, money problems are the most important thing. 2. I know some people who do not follow a big story all the time, but for example remember it every few months. Partially read what is posted for free since the last reading, then pay for a monthly subscription, download updates - and then again forget about stories for a couple of months that are no longer paid. And so on until the next time when they are again interested in the author. 3. I don’t know how it is now, but before it was possible to enroll in patreons until the 1st, download the one you need, and then just exit the subscription before debiting the money. Maybe these are the same freeloaders? If, of course, this method really works. 4. Maybe you just don't like the new material? To be honest, I am still reading the smallest part of what you wrote. Both because of a lack of time, and because I do not know the original source for new stories.


I know a few of them that didn't fill out the exit survey were one-offs. Only here for a month. The others were all three or four months, minimum. One was even closing in on a year.


I hope you're still enjoying the stories you're following then! I'm going to go out on a limb and Guess HP? Maybe Pokemon?


I believe they just don't have the money anymore. Your work is still as good as always.


I'm pretty sure it's just the pandemic affecting people's finances. I myself had to drop a patreon due to the pandemic


Well thank you for sticking with us! But if you need to drop this one too, just tell me in the Exit Survey! No judgement, I'm sure you'd be back when you could anyway!


D-Did you just...Phillip! *Tears up and barely holds back from hugging you*

Brody Meech

Your writing is as great as it usually is so its more than likely because of the pandemic.


You'll see it a lot on all forms of media where people join in order to get the more recent updates, wait around for a month or two, then leave.

Kent Hanson

Many things can cause a person to drop out. But the main thing is keep your head up and know it wasn't you. blame this pandemic, and people loosing interest in the stories.

mark geier

I don't think the story quality has changed. I would think it's other circumstance (pandemic, changing lifestyle, whatever). Or maybe they have gotten so busy (i.e. new kids) that they don't have the time to read as much. But personally, I think the quality of the stories is at least as good as when I joined.

John McCormick

It is more than just the pandemic, you also have hurricanes and the insurance not covering everything plus temp housing, I’d say people may not have the time and decided against spending money on something that they can not afford. Could be a mix of all or part of these issues along with others quoted higher up.


Your writing is as excellent as always, I follow both your HP stories. I get excited when I see an update, I usually drop everything to read it first. Thank you for writing such great stories!

Thomas E Nellis

My man, your writing has only improved over the years. Do not worry. Besides as I said you are my main form of entertainment now lol. People have faith in you. Look at all these rank up. The support army mobilizes!


I'm overwhelmed at the show of Support! I was just wondering if I'd done something for people to leave and suddenly everyone is just showering me with Support and reassurances, I had to happy cry a bit yesterday.


It likely have more to do with the Pandemic, maybe problems with finances. When the Pandemic started and I realized I would get less and less income due to finishing school, I decided to downgrade from Legendary General to Captain instead. I just don’t have enough to support as Legendary General.


I appreciate any and all Support, my friend. I was just concerned to have so many leaving. As a writer/creator you always wonder what 'You' did wrong to make people leave. It's usually an unfounded fear and not something a writer or creator should be asking themselves but most of us do when stuff like this happens.

shawn nico

They just screwed up my payment info

shawn nico

When my payment was declined that it would fix itself since people have been saying that the site has been having trouble lately. When I checked today I saw that my name , zip, and cvc were messed up.


That is odd, I haven't had many patrons say that they've had a problem like this before.