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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you the third Chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! Let’s start some Hero Training! Battle Trials commence! Will All Might’s suspicions be lifted or reinforced?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 3 – Hero Training, Battle Trials

‘So…normal.’ Izuku thought as he sat in his morning Classes at UA. After yesterday’s sudden Quirk Assessment Test, Izuku was wondering if all of the Hero Course Classes would be like that. But, it would seem, that was not the case. All morning Class 1-A had been doing normal School Subjects; Math, English, History, Art, Classical Japanese, all subjects that could be found in any Japanese High School. It all just seemed so…normal.

“Oh wow, I can’t believe I get to eat Lunch Rush’s food!” Izuku held himself back from fanboying entirely, though it was a close thing, as he walked away from the lunch line. The Pro Hero, Lunch Rush, was a Disaster Relief Hero. A type of Support Hero that made food for people displaced by natural disasters or powerful Villain Incidents. The Pro’s Quirk let him cook high-quality food with the same speed and efficiency of a team of thirty chefs. UA saved quite a few paychecks by only having a few other Cafeteria Staff needed to keep the place clean.

“Midoriya, over here!” Ochako called out as she waved from where she was sitting. Izuku smiled, even as he tried not to fidget nervously, while he walked towards the table. “The food here is great, right?” The brunette beamed at him as she held her rice bowl up.

“I’m really excited to try Lunch Rush’s food!” Izuku agreed as he sat down. Looking around the table revealed Iida, Yaoyorozu, Utsushimi, Asui, Jiro, and Rikido sitting with them.

“It’s good stuff.” Rikido nodded to him with a smile. “I’m surprised this doesn’t cost extra!”

“It is very good.” Yaoyorozu smiled as she enjoyed her lunch.

“Totes the best!” Camie grinned, her hand on her cheek as she ate.

“As expected of a Pro like Lunch Rush.” Iida nodded as he took a sip of his drink.

“Mmm, so good!” Izuku sighed as he took his first bite of the Katsudon he’d picked. He’d been so excited to see his favorite food offered! It wasn’t as good as his mom’s, in his opinion, but it was still great!

“What do you guys think afternoon Heroics Class will be like?” Jiro questioned a few moments later.

“Probably just some introductions and basics, that makes the most sense.” Asui replied as she looked towards the purplette.

“That does sound reasonable.” Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement.

“This is UA though.” Izuku spoke up. “If the Heroics Teacher is anything like Aizawa then….” He trailed off and everyone’s faces took on a thoughtful or worried expression.

“So…hope for the best, but prepare for the worst?” Rikido shrugged with a half-smile.

“That might be for the best.” Iida nodded while looking contemplative.

“I hope we won’t be threatened with expulsion again.” Ochako murmured worriedly, nibbling on her rice.

“No worries fam, we got this!” Camie spoke up brightly; the girl was clearly trying to break the tense mood.

“We’ll do our best.” Jiro nodded as she exhaled heavily.

-Heroics Class-

“I AM HERE!” The familiar voice called out and Izuku had to grab his desk to stop from leaping up to his feet. “COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!” All Might exclaimed as he opened the door and struck a hero pose, his cape fluttering in a slight breeze.

“No way!” Kaminari exclaimed with a huge grin.

“All Might is our teacher?!” Kirishima yelled excitedly.

“It’s All Might! It’s really him!” Izuku was practically vibrating in his chair at seeing his Idol up close.

“Welcome to Heroics Basic Training, think of this Class as Hero 101!” All Might smiled his trademark smile at the class. “Today we’ll be getting right into the thick of things with this!” He proclaimed as he pulled out a card with the word ‘Battle’ printed on it in big, bright red letters.

“Battle!” Bakugo grinned viciously as he stared at the card.

“Yes, a Battle Trial!” All Might grinned. “But if you’re going to train to be Heroes, you need to look the part!” With that he pressed a button on a small remote he had. From the wall emerged twenty metal cases, each marked with a number corresponding to each student’s seat. “For that, you’ll need these!”

“COSTUMES!” The entire class exclaimed with a cheer.

“Exactly!” All Might smiled. “Get changed and meet me at Ground Beta!”

“This is so awesome!” Kirishima cheered loudly. Izuku couldn’t help but to agree with his red-haired classmate.

-Ground Beta-

“They say the clothing makes the man.” All Might intoned as he watched the students start to emerge from the locker rooms. “As of this moment you all are Heroes!” The class all trotted out in their Hero Costumes, some commenting on other’s suits while some maintained a quiet, focused attitude. Izuku emerged with the suit he and his parents had come up with together. A forest green body suit, with reinforced protection for his chest, back, arms, and legs. The ‘armor’ of the suit was Kevlar, along with poly-carbon ‘plates’ that were light-weight, but also strong enough to stop small arms and rifle fire. He had a bright red utility belt with multiple pouches on and his favorite red shoes where covered with metal plates to reinforce them too. Over his lower face he had a solid metal guard that also had a functioning re-breather system in case of gas attacks. He’d considered having some kind of mask or helmet, plus a cape at one point, but his parents had questioned the idea. In his mother’s words, ‘Why would you hide your eyes? They’ll make people feel calm and safe!’ he’d teared up at that which had led to a family hug fest.

“Whoa, Midoriya, your costume looks so cool!” Ochako smiled brightly as she came up to him. “I should have been a bit more specific with mine.” The brunette nervously rubbed her head. “I was thinking more ‘space suit’ but it ended up being skin tight.” Izuku had almost stopped functioning when he’d seen Ochako’s Costume. The suit left little of the girl’s figure to the imagination and Izuku felt his entire face get hot.

“No way, Chako-chan! You look great!” Camie smiled as she came up beside the brunette. The fawn haired girl smiled widely as she stood next to Ochako in a black catsuit that was unzipped just enough to show some of her cleavage. She also had a metal ring around her neck to protect it and had a black hat that resembled a policeman’s on her head. The only problem was that her suit also left almost nothing too the imagination and Izuku was sure his head was emitting steam by now.

“I think both of your Costumes look great.” Izuku smiled barely able to keep himself from stuttering.

“Thanks!” Camie replied with a grin as she obviously looked him up and down.

“Thank you, Midoriya.” Ochako smiled even as her cheeks heated up.

“Can I ask about the hat, Utsushimi?” Izuku questioned as he pointed at the hat on her head.

“This?” Camie asked as she gripped the small brim with her right index finger and thumb. “It’s to pay homage to my family; both my Dad and my Grandpa are in the police force. It’s also similar to the Shiketsu hats. That was my second choice High School if I didn’t make it into UA.”

“I see; that’s a cool way to keep your family close, Utsushimi.” Izuku smiled at the fawn haired girl.

“Thanks fam!” Camie smiled back. “But you can just call me Camie if you want to.”

“I…I…um…!” Izuku lost his battle with his nerves at Utsushimi, Camie, allowing him to use her first name so soon after meeting each other!

“Alright you bunch of newbies! Let’s get started!” All Might called out and the class gathered around the Number One Hero. “Today we’ll be performing Battle Trials in Teams of two! The simulated scenario is that two Villains are hiding a nuclear weapon inside of the building. The Heroes have fifteen minutes to find and subdue the Villains or secure the weapon.”

“How will Teams be chosen?” Iida asked quickly.

“Are there any other conditions for victory?” Yaoyorozu inquired next.

“Can I just blow them up?” Bakugo demanded as he glared out of the corner of his eye at Izuku.

“Hold on, hold on!” All Might raised his hands towards the students. “My Quirk isn’t super hearing!” The Number One Hero then proceeded to pull out two boxes from off to the side. “We’ll be determining Teams through lots!”

“Is that really the best way?” Iida wondered and Izuku spoke up before All Might could answer.

“It’s actually fairly realistic, Iida.” Izuku got everyone’s attention without meaning to, but continued anyway. “In the field Pros often have to team up suddenly to deal with Villains or disasters; even if they don’t know each other or what the other Hero’s Quirk is.”

“I see, you make a good point Midoriya.” Iida nodded before turning back to All Might. “Please continue, Sir!”

“Right…” All Might sweat dropped. “As for conditions of victory; the Heroes win if they can touch the weapon or if they can wrap this Capture Tape around the Villains. The Villains win by maintaining control of the weapon or using their own Capture Tape on the Heroes.” The large blonde man informed as he showed the class the Capture Tape. “Do know that this is still a Training Exercise. If I say the match is over, it is over. Any use of force that could severely injure or potentially kill another student will be an immediate disqualification and a Disciplinary Write Up! If you get two of those in a single School Year it is grounds for removal from the Hero Course. Three will see you expelled from UA altogether, so follow instructions! With that let’s choose Teams!” All Might held up the first box and called for the first student, Aoyama Yuga, to pick a lot.

Izuku carefully kept track of which of his classmates paired up on the Teams while he waited for his turn. When he was called he pulled out a lot with the letter ‘A’ on it. Looking around he noticed that Asui was looking at him with the other ‘A’ lot in her hand. With a smile he walked over to his partner.

“Looks like we’re partners Asui.” Izuku greeted the Frog Quirk user.

“Glad to be working with you, Midoriya, and call me Tsu.” Asui, Tsu, requested.

“Oh…um…alright, T-Tsu.” Izuku stuttered a bit at another girl wanting him to use her first name so soon after meeting. A shortened version of her first name at that!

“Should we discuss some strategy?” Tsu asked and Izuku lightly shook his head to clear his thoughts. 

“Once we find out who we’ll be up against that would be great.” Izuku nodded to the other verdette. It wasn’t long before the teams were made and Izuku looked the groups over quickly. The Teams were; Tsu and Izuku as Team A, Todoroki and Shoji as Team B, Yaoyorozu and Mineta as Team C, Bakugo and Iida as Team D, Aoyama and Ashido as Team E, Rikido and Koda as Team F, Kaminari and Jiro as Team G, Tokoyami and Ochako as Team H, Camie and Hagakure as Team I, and lastly Kirishima and Sero made up Team J.

“Now for the first Battle Trial it will be Team D as the Villains versus Team A as the Heroes!” All Might announced as he drew the two Teams from two different boxes, one black and the other off-white.

“Of course.” Izuku sighed as he glanced over and saw Bakugo grinning maliciously at him with a glare.

“He seems to have a problem with you.” Tsuyu mentioned as she saw the ash blonde glare at her fellow verdette. “Do you two know each other?”

“Since we were children.” Izuku nodded as the two groups made their way to the building they would use for the Trial. “Bakugo became a bully after his Explosion Quirk manifested. It didn’t help that he was always rather advanced and was constantly showered with nothing but praise from everyone. He developed the mentality that everyone wasn’t as good as him from it all and since my Quirk didn’t manifest in a visible way, well, I became a target for his ridicule.”

“That’s not very Heroic.” Tsuyu shook her head at the ash blonde’s attitude.

“Not really, huh?” Izuku half smiled at her. “So we have a couple of minutes to strategize, though since we’re up against Bakugo I already have a bit of a plan.”

“Hmm, I guess we should talk about how we’re going to enter the building.” Tsuyu looked over the blueprint of the multistory building. “I should probably tell you about my Quirk too.”

“Mutant Type, a Frog Form Quirk, grants you physiology similar to a Frog and lets you use the abilities of said amphibians. You can extend your tongue, potentially prehensile, stick to surfaces, and you can also leap long distances and probably have very strong kicks.” Izuku rattled off and Tsuyu’s eyes actually widened at the breakdown of her Quirk.

“Midoriya-chan…how did you know that?” Tsuyu questioned her teammate curiously.

“Sorry!” Izuku apologized as he rubbed the back of his head. “It’s kind of a side ability of my ‘Collector’ Quirk. I’m really good at analyzing Quirks and figuring them out. Since Mutant Types are always ‘active’ it gives me a lot of time to analyze them. With the Quirk Assessment yesterday I had plenty of opportunities to see your Quirk in action too, which helps my analysis.”

“That’s impressive.” Tsuyu smiled at him a cute croak following her words.

“Oh, I can tell you something else too.” Izuku offered.

“What’s that?” Tsuyu questioned with her head tilted to one side slightly. Izuku thought it made her look cute.

“Your Quirk isn’t finished; you can still go further and unlock more abilities.” Izuku told her and Tsuyu blinked at him.

“What?” Tsuyu asked for clarification while still being a bit stunned.

“Your Quirk, it can still evolve further, I don’t know what abilities you might develop; but your Quirk Potential hasn’t been reached yet.” Izuku explained and Tsuyu croaked absently for several seconds.

“Is this another part of your Quirk?” Tsuyu inquired, still a bit shocked that her Quirk had more room to grow and develop.

“Yeah, I’m not sure why but once I analyze a Quirk for a bit I can tell if it’s Potential is reached or not. Neither of my parents have very strong Quirks overall, both of their Quirk Potentials are fully realized though. That means neither of them can make their Quirks any stronger, even with training.” Izuku clarified for the Frog girl.

“So I guess I need to keep training then?” Tsuyu asked.

“Yeah, Mutant Types grow the fastest when pushed to their physical limits, Transformation Types have to push beyond what they’re currently capable of with their Transformation, sort of like transforming while already transformed, I guess? Emitters have to force their Quirk passed the point where it naturally kicks back. That’s the only way their abilities get stronger though, to overuse the ability until it becomes easy to go past the old limit.” Izuku clarified and Tsuyu just nodded in surprise at her teammate’s knowledge of Quirks.

“So…we should probably strategize now, we only have a minute left now.” Tsuyu pointed out and Izuku apologized for wasting time. “Its fine, Midoriya-chan, you said you already had a bit of a plan because of Bakugo, right?”

“Right, well Bakugo is going to come at me full force and almost guaranteed to be alone. So I’ll enter from the front to draw his attention. While he’s engaging me, most likely ignoring Iida entirely, you could scale the walls outside and locate the weapon. Since all we need to do is touch it your tongue should count.” Izuku laid out his plan.

“My tongue can stretch to a maximum of twenty meters and it’s pretty fast.” Tsuyu nodded as she considered Izuku’s plan. “There are a lot of windows to check though, should I start on the ground floor and work my way up or start at the top and work downwards?”

“Top to bottom, neither Iida nor Bakugo would leave the weapon on the ground floor. They’d want to keep it far enough away that we’d have to come get it by going up the stairs.” Izuku reasoned and Tsuyu nodded at the logic.

“Begin!” All Might’s voice came in through their earbud radios.

“Stay safe, Midoriya-chan.” Tsuyu nodded to him as she leapt upwards and landed at the third floor. She stuck to the wall and proceeded to climb towards the fifth floor to start checking for the weapon. Izuku exhaled, he’d kept it together well enough while they’d been talking and strategizing, but Tsuyu’s Costume was just as skin tight as Ochako’s! So much of her body was defined by the tight material that Izuku needed a few seconds to calm down.

“Focus Izuku, you need to focus.” Izuku took a deep breath and then exhaled before entering the building. It was time to face his former friend turned bully. Walking straight for the stairs, Izuku climbed to the second floor and proceeded to check each of the rooms he passed. As he got to the first corner of the floor Bakugo launched himself around it, a few meters in the air, and let out a vicious snarl.

“Deku!” Bakugo roared as he came down on the verdette with an explosion in hand. Izuku jumped backwards and the ash blonde blasted the wall next to where he’d been standing.

“Yeah, this is exactly what I thought would happen.” Izuku breathed out as he rapidly activated and compiled a few Quirks together. ‘Physicality Boost’, ‘Enhance Function’, ‘Durability Up’, ‘Efficiency’, ‘Kinetic Boost’, ‘Force Multiplier’.

“I won’t hurt you so bad that they have to stop the exercise; but just under that!” Bakugo threatened as he launched himself at Izuku. The verdette’s green eyes followed Bakugo’s movements and with a mental nod he stepped into Bakugo’s guard. Once close enough he grabbed Bakugo’s large grenade gauntlet and used a shoulder throw to slam the Explosion user into the concrete, back first. Bakugo hacked as the wind was knocked out of him and Izuku shifted his hold from the Support Item to Bakugo’s upper arm. ‘Quirk Nullification’ was used and Izuku, with his Quirk enhanced strength, easily manhandled the struggling Bakugo. Within only thirty seconds of the encounter starting Izuku had subdued and wrapped his Capture Tape around the red-eyed boy.

“Bakugo is eliminated!” All Might called over the radios and the ash blonde stilled. Izuku let Bakugo go and stood up. The verdette turned from the ash blonde and started walking towards the stairs. If Bakugo was willing to fight on this floor that meant that the weapon wasn’t on the second floor at all.

“Damn it Deku! You coward! Fight me!” Bakugo yelled at the back of the retreating teen. Izuku sighed as he turned back to face the enraged blonde.

“You always start with a big right, Bakugo.” Izuku informed the pissed off Explosion user. “I know that and exploited it to subdue and eliminate you.”

“You cheap fuck! You’re just scared to fight me!” Bakugo roared at him.

“Being a Hero isn’t about beating up Villains, Bakugo.” Izuku shook his head. “It’s about protecting the innocent, saving victims, and then subduing Villains. You could be such an amazing Hero if you had your priorities straight.” With his piece said Izuku turned the corner and headed for the stairs.

“Bakugo, leave the building! You’ve been eliminated!” All Might instructed clearly and Bakugo grit his teeth as he stormed out of the building.

Izuku had just gotten to the third floor when he heard Tsuyu over the radio.

“Midoriya-chan, I found the weapon, it’s on the fourth floor, third room from the stairwell.” Tsuyu informed him.

“Great work, can you get it?” Izuku inquired as he rushed up the stairs to the fourth floor.

“It would be easier with a distraction.” Tsuyu replied and Izuku grinned.

“I can be distracting.” Izuku informed his partner as he walked towards the third door that Tsuyu had told him was where the bomb was. Since he still had his boosting Quirks active Izuku raised his right foot and kicked the door. The enhanced strength granted by his compiled Quirks knocked the door clean off its hinges and Iida instantly focused on him.

“You’ve done well Hero!” Iida called out in a very over the top ‘evil’ voice. “But you will not be stopping my nefarious plans today!”

“You’re right, I’m not.” Izuku agreed; and even with his helmet on Izuku swore he could see the confusion on his classmate’s face.

“What?” Iida questioned confused.

“She is.” Izuku inclined his head behind Iida just as All Might’s voice came over the radios.

“Weapon secured! Heroes win!” All Might announced and Iida turned to see Tsuyu’s tongue touching the paper mache bomb, while the Frog girl stuck to the wall outside. She’d only had to open the window while Iida was distracted to complete her part of the plan.

“Noooo!” Iida cried out in shock at his inability to protect the mock weapon.

“That was a great plan, Midoriya-chan!” Tsuyu smiled at her partner.

“You did amazingly, Tsu!” Izuku smiled back, not even realizing that he hadn’t stuttered over the friendly name. “Good job Iida! If Bakugo wasn’t so uncooperative I’m sure you would have done even better!”

“Thank you, Midoriya, but I’m not so sure.” Iida replied as the trio walked down the stairs to exit the building. “Your plan was ingenious and made great use of both of your Quirks!” Izuku and Tsuyu accepted the stiff teen’s praise and entered the Observation Room to see All Might and the rest of their classmates.

“Now let’s go over the results!” All Might declared as he looked over the class. “Who can tell me the MVP of this Trial?”

“Sir, I can tell you.” Yaoyorozu raised her hand in the air. With a nod from All Might the ravenette continued. “The MVP of this Trial was Midoriya. He quickly determined his opponent’s actions and created a plan to take advantage of them. He made excellent use of not only his own Quirk but his partner’s as well. Instead of engaging Bakugo in a long drawn out fight, like Bakugo wanted him to, he subdued him quickly and moved to assist his teammate to complete their objective.”

“Correct, Yaoyorozu, excellent analysis!” All Might smiled and Yaoyorozu bowed slightly with her arms at her sides.

“That was amazing, Midoriya!” Ochako smiled as she congratulated him. “You and Tsu both did great!”

“Thanks Ochako-chan.” Tsuyu smiled at her friend. “Midoriya-chan came up with a great strategy.”

“No, no I just knew how Bakugo would react is all.” Izuku waved off, flustered by the compliments of the two pretty girls.

The next Trial pitted Team B as the Heroes versus Team I as the Villains. Unfortunately it was over rather quickly. Todoroki frozen the entire building in seconds, this froze Camie and Toru to the floor and enabled the Ice user to walk into the room unhindered. It was only upon touching the bomb and not hearing All Might announce his victory that he realized something was up.

“N-not going t-to b-be so easy f-fam.” Camie chattered out as she wrapped her arms around herself for warmth.

“My feet!” Toru whined as her bare feet had been frozen to the ground.

“What?” Todoroki questioned only to faintly notice that Camie was almost constantly exhaling a shimmering mist that had nothing to do with the frozen room.

“My Quirk is called ‘Glamour’, it makes illusions.” Camie shivered. “If you can’t find the weapon in the time limit, then we win.”

“It won’t take me fifteen minutes to search this entire room.” Todoroki replied as he started walking around the room with his hands out. Shoji came in after two minutes to help and with his Quirk he simply made dozens of arms, and covered the room in a few seconds. The illusioned bomb was actually in the corner nearest the door when Shoji touched it with one of his arms.

“Hero Team wins!” All Might announced and Todoroki quickly thawed the entire building.

“Ow, ow, ow, my feet!” Toru whimpered as she was helped by Camie down the stairs. When they arrived into the Observation Room Izuku was already by the door waiting for them.

“Hagakure-san, are your feet ok? Having them frozen for so long could damage them!” Izuku worried over the girl.

“They’re super sore, Midoriya.” Toru admitted as Camie helped her sit down on a bench in the room.

“I can heal them for you if you’ll let me.” Izuku offered and almost every student perked up at hearing that.

“You can heal people, Midoriya?” Yaoyorozu questioned with surprise. “Healing Quirks of any true strength are rare; most can only heal bruises and cuts.”

“You healed my ankle at the Entrance Exam, I remember.” Ochako smiled brightly at him.

“Yeah, it was one of the first Quirks I copied, it’s called ‘Healing Aura’, and it came from a Nurse that helped with my surgery.” Izuku explained. “Give me a second Hagakure.” He smiled at the invisible girl as he held out his hands. “Please place your feet on my palms.

“Okay.” Toru responded and Izuku felt the weight in his hands a moment later.

“Here we go.” Izuku smiled as he activated two Quirks. ‘Healing Aura’ and ‘Amplification’ compiled and the green glow surrounded his hands and then Toru’s feet.

“Oh...that feels funny, Midoriya.” Toru stifled a giggle as her feet stopped hurting.

“It does sometimes.” Izuku nodded with a grin at the bubbly invisible girl. “Healing Aura is good at dealing with cuts and bruises as Yaoyorozu said. But with a boosting Quirk called ‘Amplification’ it can even heal more serious injuries, like the beginnings of frostbite.”

“My feet feel great!” Toru cheered a few moments later.

“Glad to hear it.” Izuku beamed at the girl as the green glow faded away.

“That’s amazing.” Camie breathed out as she watched Toru put her shoes on and then jump off the bench. The invisible girl’s shoes and gloves marking where the teen was prancing around the room without hesitation.

“I’ll be happy to heal any injuries that are sustained during the Trials if it’s okay with you All Might.” Izuku offered.

“Of course Midoriya, that’s a Heroic Act already!” All Might agreed and all of the students quickly started thanking Izuku in mass. Izuku blushed and rubbed the back of his head, flustered by all of the thanks. ‘Hmm, it seems I may have misjudged you Midoriya.’ All Might thought to himself as he watched the verdette talk with his classmates. ‘I have a bit too much resentment against ‘Him’ and I almost took it out on you for having a similar Quirk. I’m glad to see such a Quirk actually used for good, instead of for selfish gain.’

The rest of the Battle Trials went off without any real problems. A few minor bruises, which Izuku healed in seconds for the injured, were the worst of the rest of the day. It wasn’t until All Might dismissed them to the locker rooms to change back into their uniforms did Izuku overhear the girls conversation.

“Ugh…Mineta-san barely did anything for our Trial.” Yaoyorozu complained. “He just blatantly ogled me almost the entire time.”

“Freaking pervert!” Jiro huffed as she comforted the tall ravenette.

“That grape is thirsty AF.” Camie tsked as she rubbed Momo’s back consolingly.

“My Costume doesn’t help, I’m sure.” Yaoyorozu lamented as she looked at her ‘revealing’ Costume. It was a leotard that left all of her cleavage exposed along with her stomach, and didn’t cover her legs at all. Her large belt helped cover her hips and upper thighs but it showed off quite a lot. “But I need skin exposure to use my Quirk to the fullest.”

“Umm, Yaoyorozu, I could try and help out if it’ll help you.” Izuku offered and the seven girls turned to look at the green eyed teen.

“Thank you for the offer, Midoriya, but wouldn’t you need to know the properties of my Quirk to be able to suggest Costume alterations?” Yaoyorozu asked with curious eyes.

“Emitter Type, allows you to alter your lipids into other forms of matter by knowing the molecular structure of the item you wish to make. Creations are made from the body through the skin and are hampered by clothing. Though your lipids are finite and limit the amount of creations you can make your Quirk does not solely rely on them. The glow that is emitted from your skin when you are ‘creating’ is also rapidly converting the gases and other forms of matter nearest to your body into the item you wish to create. Your creation speed is also influenced by how well you know the item in question.” Izuku rattled off and all of the girls, even Tsuyu who’d already experienced it, stared at him in shock.

“How…how could you…” Yaoyorozu trailed off as she started at the verdette in front of her. “Wait!” She suddenly exclaimed as what he’d said fully registered. “What do you mean my ‘Creation’ isn’t solely reliant on my lipids? That’s how I’ve always used it!”

“I’m sorry!” Izuku panicked, thinking he might have offended the beautiful teen. “My Quirk has a side ability of making me really good at analyzing other Quirks! Since I’ve had time to analyze how your Quirk works at the Assessment and now at the Battle Trials, I was able to figure it out a bit.”

“I’m sorry Midoriya; I was just surprised by how well you seemed to know about my Quirk.” Yaoyorozu shook her head and bowed slightly in apology. “Could you please explain what you meant about my Quirk not relying on just my lipids?”

“Oh, no, I’m sorry if I freaked you out, Yaoyorozu.” Izuku apologized again. With a deep breath Izuku answered Momo’s question. “Your Quirk, ‘Creation’ you called it, it seems to use your lipids only to make the framework of your creations. The multicolored glow that appears next to your body when you create is your Quirk altering matter near you to create the rest of whatever item you’re making around the converted lipid framework. You wouldn’t be able to create cannons that weigh well over fifty kilograms from your lipids alone after all.”

“I…I never…never even thought about…” Yaoyorozu couldn’t seem to complete her sentence in her shocked state. “But when you just stop to really think about it; it makes so much sense.”

“That was crazy.” Mina gasped as she looked between Momo and Izuku. “Can you do that with anybody’s Quirk?”

“If I have time to see it in action and analyze it, then I think so.” Izuku nodded.

“He did it to mine when we were strategizing for the Battle Trial.” Tsuyu spoke up and all the girls, barring Yaoyorozu, turned to look at the Frog girl. “It’s actually what we spent most of the time talking about. He also told me my Quirk can still grow and advance further.” That quickly had all eyes back on Izuku who flushed at the intense looks he was receiving. The stares were only broken when Yaoyorozu came out of her silence.

“Midoriya, thank you.” Yaoyorozu spoke up, apparently over her shock, at least a bit. “I never thought to re-examine my own Quirk after I first learned about it. Back when I was a small child I created for the Quirk Registration Office and they examined how my Quirk worked. I never thought to question it further when I started making larger and heavier items. You’ve opened my eyes to the true potential of my Quirk, and for that I want to sincerely thank you.” The beautiful ravenette bowed formally to the verdette.

“No, no, Yaoyorozu, it’s fine, you don’t have to bow!” Izuku panicked a bit. “I just have a weird hobby of analyzing Quirks is all.”

“It’s not weird, it’s super useful!” Toru spoke up. “Can you analyze mine sometime? I’d love to know what else I might be able to do!”

“I wouldn’t mind either.” Jiro spoke up with a grin. “If you can figure out things the person doesn’t even know about their own Quirk then who knows what some of us have been overlooking.”

“You’re amazing, Midoriya!” Ochako smiled brightly at him.

“Totes the best!” Camie added with a smile of her own. “Feel free to analyze my Quirk anytime!” Izuku wasn’t even sure if Camie meant to, but she sounded very…alluring when she’d said that!

“I’ll try and help you all if you want.” Izuku agreed with his head down as he tried to fight the red that was on his face. He was super unused to the attention of so many cute girls!

“Midoriya, if you want to offer suggestions for my Costume, I’d welcome them.” Yaoyorozu smiled happily at the teen. Izuku actually thought he saw sparkles around the almost bouncing ravenette.

“I’ll sketch something up for it tonight, Yaoyorozu.” Izuku nodded back with a smile. He then almost ran off to the boy’s locker room to change…and escape.

“Aww, he’s shy~.” Camie purred and all of the other girls looked at her. “What? It’s totes cute!”

-End Chapter-


Battle Trials went a bit differently for Izuku! A different partner, a different plan, a faster completion time, and shutting Bakugo down completely! Now Izuku is impressing his classmates with his Quirks and his ability to analyze the Quirks of others! What else will Izuku be able to reveal to his classmates? What other Quirks does he have? What’s next for our cinnamon roll and the students of Class 1-A? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Really great chapter I love how it turned out.


Glad you liked it! It'll be interesting to slowly diverge from Canon more and more!


This chapter was amazing, I liked the way you turned how Izuku analyzes quirks into something so useful! Also, that comment about tsuyu’s quirk being able to evolve further, is that going to be a point in the story later that can affect things? If so you caught my curiosity and interest I’d like to see where you go with that or, I’m just over analyzing something whichever it is I’m cool with it. Also with him unintentionally showing off like that for the girls he’s become more popular. I can’t wait to see what’s next keep up the good work with this story!


Thanks, happy you enjoyed the chapter! Yeah, Izuku will be a helpful guy, just like Canon. Only in this AU he's also a badass in the making too! So yeah, the Harem will form over time. Expect some STRONG crushes to develop after USJ!

Space Cowboy

Ya know, I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda salty when I saw just how few people were interested in the Alter Hero. S-Cry-Ed is so underrated, I would've really enjoyed that being the first story to be made from your one shots. I do have to say though, you have definitely made up for my initial disappointment with the quality of this story. It's damn awesome so far, with Izuku being what someone like All For One could've been if he weren't such an evil bastard. Oh, and it seems like either Izuku's shyness and imagination are acting up, OR Cammie knew exactly what she was doing to him. My vote is for the latter though lol


Glad you're enjoying it! Yeah AfO could have done a lot of good if he wasn't such a prick! Are you accusing Camie of teasing the poor cinnamon roll? Never...hehehe~

Creature of Grimm

good chapter. i wonder what would happen when recovery girl hears just how good izuku is with healing and if she might offer her own quirk to him, so she can 'retire' as it were considering her age. so many elderly heroes with quirks they might want to pass o so they can still be used for good, so much potential for Izuku. i can't imagine it would be easy fpr a old retire hero to sit on the sidelines and feel useless ;)

Thomas E Nellis

Lol that was amazing! I loved it!


Glad you liked it! Yeah retired Pros probably 'come out' of retirement if something really bad happens in their area. I'd bet on it in fact! It's actually why I included the scene where he got 'Quirk Nullification' from the old retired Police Transport Captain. It's a way for the older generation to continue to help and do god in the world, even if they themselves can't anymore.


Happy to hear that! Bakugo quickly taken down and eliminated, and Izuku being the helpful cinnamon roll that he is! What's not to like, right? Especially for a few certain girls, hehehe~.