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Just an update to everyone that, as has become a regular thing, Patreon is lagging pretty hard at the beginning of the month. I know some Pledges are still trying to be processed and once they are if you've unlocked a Tier Reward I'll be contacting you.

Since all pledges are processed at the beginning of every month the site is bogged down as it tries to handle all of the transactions and whatnot. It is just something we'll have to live with unfortunately, unless Patreon increases their servers and bandwidth, I guess.

P.S. Just an update on Tiers; there are currently 3 spots available out of ten in the Support General Tier if anyone has been looking to upgrade. Both Legendary General and Defense Contractor are still full.

P.P.S. We're getting close to our Third Goal friends and fans! Hopefully by the end of August we'll be able to hit it and a Poll to choose one of the Plot Bunnies to become a full story will go up! Plus I'll throw in some extra updates, as I always do, when we hit the Goal!


John Balman

P.P.S. Like :)


Yeah, everyone likes the Goal Celebration! More updates, a Poll, it's all fun! If Patreon would stop lagging and process Patron's Pledges properly we would know for certain just how close we actually are. But we'll get there eventually, as I've said before and will say again; my Patrons are the BEST Patrons!