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Hey friends and fans, another Plot Bunny has been born! Seriously, they’re breeding out of control! This one came about from the desire to make Izuku OP as hell with only what he could have realistically inherited from his parents. At least realistically by what the MHA World has already showed us so far. Well with Hybridization and Rare Mutations anyway.

I hope you enjoy!


Hero of Light!

“Sorry kid, but it’s not going to happen.” A Doctor with a bushy white mustache and odd goggles over his eyes stated to Midoriya Izuku and his mother Inko. Little Izuku, just over four years old, froze in shock on the stool he sat on. Inko looked distraught for her son and spoke up.

“Are you sure, Doctor?” Inko questioned and the Doctor sighed.

“While Izuku doesn’t have the extra toe joint that would almost guarantee Quirklessness, he also doesn’t have a strong enough Quirk Factor to actually state that he has a Quirk either. We ran the test a second time just to confirm the results. I’m afraid young Izuku is Quirkless.” The Doctor explained.

“M-mommy…” Izuku looked up at his mother. The sight of her baby boy with tears welling up in his eyes and a heart-wrenching look of sadness on his face made Inko’s psyche bounce back and forth between ‘comforting mother’ and ‘mama bear’ rapidly. She pulled Izuku into her side to comfort him before staring fiercely at the old Doctor.

“Is there someone we could see for a second opinion?” Inko asked as politely as she could manage at the moment. This was made a bit difficult because a part of her wanted to tear the old Doctor a new one for upsetting her baby.

“I can give you the contact information for a Quirk Specialist.” The Doctor sighed, as if he’d been asked this hundreds of times, before he rummaged through the nearby desk and pulled out a business card.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Inko said stiffly as she took the card before picking Izuku up and carrying him out of the Hospital. She was on her cellphone during their train ride back home setting up an appointment with the Specialist. Meanwhile Izuku was held comfortingly to her side as he tried to process his diagnosis.

-The Next Weekend-

Izuku looked around the new Doctor’s Office he was in. It looked rather similar to the one he’d gone to last week. Though he’d noticed several more areas with large machines here than at the other Office. Not to mention several people with Quirks that were ‘odd’ in one way or another. The most interesting one to Izuku was the boy, only a bit older than him, that seemed to rocks and small pebbles perpetually floating around him in a slow orbit-like rotation.

“Hello, Midoriya-kun, how are you today?” The middle aged Doctor asked the small boy. The man had black hair and some wrinkles had started to form on his face from age. His warm eyes showed a kindness that Izuku liked a lot already.

“I’m okay.” Izuku replied with a small smile.

“So let’s see if we can’t figure out what’s going on.” The Doctor smiled as he pulled out a tablet and turned to Inko. “You’re Quirk is a limited form of Telekinesis, correct?” At Inko’s nod he input some data and then asked about her husband’s Quirk. Inputting the data for ‘Fire Breath’ on the tablet and then running a simulation program brought up the three most likely cases. The three most likely Quirks that Izuku would have being ‘Fire Breath’, ‘Telekinesis’, or potentially a hybrid ‘Pyrokinesis’. Going over the results that the first Doctor had sent over and then taking a blood sample to test. The Specialist then told them to wait for a bit while they ran Izuku’s blood through a more thorough set of tests.

“Mommy, will I have a Quirk?” Izuku asked Inko who only pulled him into a hug.

“I’m sure you will, sweetie, I’m sure of it.” Inko encouraged her son. Izuku snuggled into his mother’s hug with a smile. Almost an hour later the Specialist returned with the results.

“Well, the good news is that Izuku’s Quirk Factor does exist, so he’s definitely not Quirkless. The specialized testing also placed it as being an Emitter Type of the ‘Psychic’ subtype. So it would seem he’s inherited at least the majority of his Quirk from you Midoriya-san.” The Specialist smiled at mother and son. Izuku broke out into a wide smile and Inko hugged her boy tightly.

From there Izuku was asked to try and manipulate various objects psychically. The Specialist wanted to run through all of the most prevalent types of ‘Kinesis’. Izuku was ruled out for having ‘Telekinesis’ that let him manipulate almost anything that had mass. ‘Hydrokinesis’ and ‘Cryokinesis’ were also ruled out when Izuku couldn’t manipulate water molecules. ‘Electrokinesis’ was quickly ruled out when Izuku couldn’t affect a small electric current between two nodes on a specialty testing device. ‘Pyrokinesis’ was ruled out when Izuku couldn’t manipulate the flame of a lighter. All of the failed tests had the Specialist scratching his head in confusion.

“Maybe it is ‘Telekinesis’ but he has a very restrictive weight limit?” The Specialist theorized for a bit before taking Izuku and Inko over to a powerful camera. Placing Izuku under the large lens the Specialist explained that this camera was special. “It can pick up on temperature changes, air pressure fluctuations, and even forms of radiation. So we’ll be able to test for ‘Thermokinesis’, ‘Aerokinesis’, and even different forms of ‘Radiokinesis’.”

“What’s ‘Radiokinesis’?” Izuku asked curiously.

“The ability to manipulate radiation, Midoriya-kun.” The Specialist smiled at the young boy. Izuku was then asked to try and change or manipulate anything and everything the Specialist listed off; though several of the terms had to be explained to Izuku so that he could try and focus on them. Inko and Izuku left not to long afterwards and the Specialist promised to contact them after the camera and sensor data had been examined in a few days.

-Two Days Later-

The Specialist sat perplexed as he looked through the tests for Midoriya Izuku. The boy had a Quirk, potentially weak, but a Quirk none the less. Something should have shown up on the specialized tests they’d had the boy take. He’d been looking over the footage and data for the last two days though and hadn’t been able to confirm anything. His Assistant was starting to get worried with how much time he’d been devoting to trying to figure out little Izuku’s Quirk. With a sigh he un-paused the video of Izuku’s test and switched through the spectrums that the camera could record, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, and even part of the microwave range. It was as he was going through these spectrums that he noticed a slight fluctuation. Most would pass the miniscule change off as the camera having a temporary fault. The camera they had didn’t have those kinds of faults though. It was a state of the art piece of equipment and had a margin of error so low as to not be mathematically relevant in tests like these.

“What is this?” The Specialist wondered as he focused the image and then switched through the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectrums again. Only this time he went through it in slow motion to try and catch the anomaly. After watching for a bit and switching the spectrums multiple times he finally grinned in triumph. His Assistant was startled when he walked in and the Doctor stood up with a loud laugh. “That’s it!”

“Sir? What’s it?” The Assistant asked confused as the Specialist turned towards him.

“Midoriya-kun’s Quirk!” The Specialist laughed. “I finally figured it out! The reason he couldn’t affect anything throughout the test! It finally makes sense!”

“What is it, sir?” The Assistant questioned having never seen his boss like this before.

“He couldn’t affect anything we tested initially because they had mass!” The Specialist grinned brightly. “But what he manipulates doesn’t have mass! He’s manipulating photons! Light! He’s a Photokinetic!” The Assistant had a look of realization on his face for a moment before he also smiled.

“Should I call the Midoriya family back in tomorrow for Izuku’s results?” The Assistant asked and the Specialist nodded.

-The Next Day-

“Well it took a bit to figure out, but we have determined Izuku-kun’s Quirk.” The Specialist smiled at Inko and Izuku. The boy in question was practically vibrating in excitement.

“What is his Quirk?” Inko asked, almost as excited as Izuku.

“Your son’s Quirk is ‘Photokinesis’. He manipulates photons, the particles that make up light.” The Specialist explained and Izuku practically lit up the Office with his smile, even without his newfound Quirk. Inko looked a little confused as to how her son had such a Quirk though.

“But how did he get this Quirk? My Quirk only moves objects that weigh less than three kilograms.” Inko asked and the Specialist started to explain.

“Izuku’s Quirk is a type of Hybridization between your Quirk and your husband’s, Midoriya-san.” The Specialist informed the parent and child. “With your ‘Psychic’ subtype that explains the ‘Kinetic’ part, of course. It’s your husband’s ‘Fire Breath’ that comes in to provide the next part. Combustion produces multiple things; heat, light, particulates like smoke and ash, and gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It seems the ‘light producing’ aspect of your husband’s Quirk was what hybridized with yours. It IS a very uncommon form of Quirk Hybridization but odder things have happened in the field of Quirkology.”

“I see, thank you for explaining Doctor.” Inko smiled as Izuku practically bounced in his seat excitedly.

“Would you like to go ahead and fill out Izuku’s Quirk Registry while you’re here?” The Specialist questioned and Izuku nodded so quickly his head was almost a blur. The Midoriya Family headed home that afternoon with plans for Katsudon and a new Quirk Registry for Izuku.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Photokinesis

Type: Emitter


-The Next Monday-

Now knowing what to focus on, Izuku had started making some real progress with his Quirk. By the time he went back to preschool on Monday he was able to make small balls of light and maintain them for several seconds. Most of his classmates thought his Quirk was neat, if a little underwhelming, but his friend Bakugo Katsuki or ‘Kacchan’ as Izuku called him didn’t see it as anything worthwhile. The complete snub of his Quirk by his friend hurt Izuku. But he was determined to be a Hero in the future, just like All Might and just like Kacchan! He just had to train his Quirk and make it stronger, the Specialist even said so! Technically the man had said that most ‘Kinetic’ Quirks got stronger the more they were practiced and pushed. But Izuku wasn’t even five yet so he focused on the ‘making it stronger’ part.

So it went that Izuku spent his Elementary years practicing with his Quirk. His friendship with Katsuki slowly became more strained as the ash blonde became more and more prideful and arrogant about his powerful ‘Explosion’ Quirk. In the last year of Elementary School this came to a head when Bakugo had become a full on bully. Their friendship was broken when Izuku had to save a girl from Katsuki’s bullying and the red-eyed blonde had shown absolutely no remorse for his actions.

"Get out of my way Deku!" Bakugo growled as an explosion rang out across the park. Izuku still didn’t understand why Kacchan insisted on calling him that these past few years. Sure his Quirk wasn’t all about power, like Kacchan’s, but that didn’t mean he was ‘Useless’!

"That's enough, Kacchan! You made her cry!" Izuku yelled back, his arms scuffed up and red from the blast the ash-blonde eleven year old had hit him with.

"You think you can be a Hero with your Quirk?" Bakugo demanded as his hands popped with mini explosions. Behind him his two lackeys laughed at Izuku’s attempt to stand up to all three of them. “She badmouthed me, Deku, so move! No one talks shit about me and gets away with it!”

"Heroes don't hurt others, Kacchan!" Izuku stated resolutely. Bakugo tsked angrily at the green-haired boy.

"Shut up and move, Deku!" Bakugo snapped back. "She tried to tell me I was being rude, she was calling me out without the power to back it up!" Behind Bakugo his lackeys both burst into chuckles. The girl that the green-haired eleven year old was protecting was still on the ground and looking up at Izuku’s back. Or at least it seemed that way. It was kind of hard to tell considering she was invisible and all.

“I won’t move Kacchan; if you continue to act like this then…then I’m done being your friend!” Izuku hesitated on making the declaration for a second but his eyes showed his conviction.

“I don’t need your friendship, Deku!” Bakugo roared as he swung another explosion at Izuku. His attack stalled however, when a blinding flash of light appeared between the two of them. “My eyes! Shit! Deku you bastard!” Izuku didn’t respond as he had quickly helped the girl to her feet and rushed out of the park with her. The two ran along the sidewalk for a few minutes before stopping and catching their breaths.

“Thanks for the help.” The invisible girl said and Izuku could almost hear the smile in her voice.

“No problem. Kac-…Bakugo has been getting worse these last few years. But this was the last straw for me.” Izuku replied as he looked at the girl fully, though that mostly just meant looking at her outfit. A cute t-shirt with a graphic design of a chibi character from a series Izuku wasn’t familiar with; paired with khaki shorts and pink tennis shoes. “I’m Midoriya Izuku; it’s nice to meet you.”

“Hagakure Toru; nice to meet you too.” Toru replied with cheer, her arms apparently moving up and down a little, since the short sleeves of her t-shirt were moving in a similar motion. “So…you want to hang out?”

“M-me? Are you sure?” Izuku asked since most of the girls in his class at school didn’t pay him much attention. No one was outright mean to him or anything, most of them just found him to be ‘plain’ or ‘boring’. Though a few said his habit of muttering and taking notes about Quirks was weird or creepy.

“Yeah, we could totally do something fun!” Toru exclaimed and once again Izuku could feel the smile in her tone.

“Alright, sure.” Izuku smiled and Toru made an ‘aww’ sound. This of course confused Izuku, who must have looked it too because Toru explained herself.

“You’re cute when you smile, Midori!” Toru giggled and Izuku blushed at the compliment.

“Oh…um…t-thank you, Hagakure-san.” Izuku stuttered out.

“Nope!” Toru replied. “It’s Toru for you, Midori!” Izuku didn’t think his cheeks could get any warmer than they already were, but he was proven wrong!

“O-ok then…T-Toru.” Izuku corrected which got another giggle out of Toru.

“We’ll work on it, Midori!” Toru assured him as they started walking together down the sidewalk to find something to do together.

“I think I get it already, but, what’s your Quirk Ha- Toru?” Izuku asked and Toru turned to find Izuku holding a small notebook and a pen.

“Are you one of those ‘Quirk Nerd’ types, Midori?” Toru giggled seeing her new friend already prepared to take notes.

“Well…maybe a little. I just think they’re interesting is all.” Izuku replied with a small stutter.

“Well if you think my Quirk is ‘Invisibility’ then you’re right, congratulations!” Toru teased with a giggle.

“Is it an Emitter Type? Can you turn it on and off? Or is it a Mutant Type and you’ve been invisible since you were born?” Izuku asked as his pen was already writing in the notebook.

“The second one, you’re pretty good at guessing, Midori!” Toru answered.

“I’m guessing you can ‘see’ yourself perfectly fine too?” Izuku questioned the girl.

“Sure can, so can my parents, but that’s probably because we all have the same basic Quirk.” Toru informed him.

“Oh, so your parents also have ‘Invisibility’ Quirks, that’s cool!” Izuku smiled as he continued to write.

“It’s not bad, but people often try to get me to describe how I look and that eventually gets tiring.” Toru sighed. “Sometimes I wish I could turn it off like an Emitter Type. That way I could just show everyone what I look like.”

“Hmm…” Izuku mused as he finished writing.

“What’s up, Midori?” Toru asked and Izuku turned to face her.

“Have you ever considered going to a Quirk Specialist and seeing what they recommend?” Izuku asked. When Toru said that she hadn’t Izuku explained how his Quirk had been figured out only after seeing a Specialist.

“Maybe my family should look into it?” Toru mused as they walked. “Maybe they could help figure out a way we could be visible when we wanted?”

“I’m pretty sure my mom kept the Specialist’s information that I went too. I can ask her and let you know later.” Izuku offered.

“Thanks Midori!” Toru cheered and Izuku nodded back with a smile to the peppy girl. “Ooh! Let’s go in here!” Toru exclaimed as she pointed to an arcade they were walking near and Izuku agreed to go with her. The two spent a few hours playing games together and both were happy to have made a new friend. When Toru asked to see his phone before they separated for the day, Izuku was confused. When she handed it back with her number in it his face could give a tomato a run for redness. This of course led to Toru commenting on how cute his blushing face was. Her words only adding fuel to the fire and making the color persist on his face.

So it came to pass that Izuku would give the Specialist’s information to Toru. The Hagakure family did visit the Office and after some tests and several phone calls a Support Gear company had figured out a solution. Thus Toru and her parents were able to purchase a set of Gear that took the form of a pair of bracelets and a specialized belt. The items could emit a field that cancelled out their Quirks’ ability to bend light around and through them. Toru was excited to show Izuku the following weekend when they met up.

“Hey Midori!” Toru called out from behind Izuku. The green-haired boy turned to greet his friend and stopped dead when he ‘saw’ her for the first time. She was a bit shorter than Izuku, with long platinum-white hair and warm grey eyes. Her skin was a little pale but she was absolutely cute in the eyes of anyone that saw her. Naturally this included Izuku who blushed and stuttered at truly seeing her for the first time. Toru’s laughter at Izuku’s shocked face and reaction was bubbly and warm, which slowly calmed Izuku down and brought a smile to his face.

“Hey, Toru, you look great. I mean cute! I mean pretty! I mean…” Izuku eventually decided that silence was his only way to stop embarrassing himself. Toru blushed, made more distinct by her pale skin tone, and smiled brightly at him.

“Thanks, Midori!” Toru smiled her cheeks pink. “So what did you want to do today?” Izuku slowly relaxed and decided on walking through the local shops to hang out and get to know each other better.

For the last part of Izuku and Toru’s last year at Elementary School the two would hang out and get to know each other. They became best friends and almost inseparable from each other. When the time came to go to Junior High Toru made sure to be in the same school as Izuku. The green-haired boy was so happy when Toru told him the news he’d hugged her without thinking. Naturally they both pulled apart with bright red cheeks and fidgeting. Though neither could get the smile off their face even if they wanted to. Aldera Junior High was made much more ‘fun’ for both Toru and Izuku since they were together.

Throughout their Junior High years both Izuku and Toru had worked together to better understand their Quirks. Toru was impressed with Izuku’s ‘Photokinesis’ and the two found out the extent that it could go to when Toru brought up the idea of lasers. They also found out that Toru’s ‘Invisibility’ actually bent light around and through her body. Izuku had tested out various wavelengths of light with Toru to help the girl master this unexpected ‘side effect’ ability of her Quirk. The platinum-haired girl had been amazed to figure out her ‘Refraction’ ability and how it let her make other objects invisible, at least to a certain degree, when she used it properly. Not to mention the ability to warp light through herself to make a passable ‘flash bomb’ to blind potential opponents.

Izuku also progressed well with Toru’s input and ideas. Some of which she literally pulled form movies, comics, and games. Izuku found it difficult to create lasers at first. The wavelength of light that worked the best wasn’t in the visible spectrum, but it could burn a hole through even a piece of metal near instantaneously. Izuku, knowing Heroes did everything in their power to avoid killing, decided he’d work with different wavelengths of light to create less lethal lasers. That had taken him the better part of his entire First Year of Junior High. Toru’s encouragement had been a major boost for him, as on several occasions he’d failed before finally getting it right. When Toru had one day brought up the idea of a ‘Light Sword’ to Izuku the verdette boy had been intrigued. Unfortunately Izuku’s Quirk either lacked the ability or wasn’t ‘developed’ enough yet to create ‘hard light’ constructs like that.

The summer of their First Year of Junior High saw Izuku mustering up the courage to invite Toru to go to the local ‘Summer Festival’ with him.

“Like a date?” Toru asked while blushing prettily. Izuku thought it made her even cuter.

“Y-yeah, i-if you w-want.” Izuku stuttered out his body fidgeting slightly and his face iridescent. Toru played with her hair for only a moment before replying.

“Yes, I’d love to!” Toru answered her cheeks pink but a happy smile on her face.

“Really?!” Izuku questioned and Toru giggled as she nodded. “Yes!” Toru broke out into full on laughter at Izuku’s cheer.

The two met up the night of the ‘Summer Festival’ and Toru was wearing a cute pink yukata with flower designs on it. Izuku had stared for a solid minute at how cute she was before Toru snapped him out of it with her laughter and they walked arm in arm through the stalls. Playing the games, buying treats, and watching the fireworks together was amazing for both of them. By the end of the evening Izuku was smiling widely and Toru was hoping he wouldn’t wait too long before he asked her to be his girlfriend. She only had to wait just over a week.

The Second Year of Junior High saw the couple adding in work outs to their Quirk Practice. Seeing as neither of their Quirks would help them in certain situations, Izuku’s potentially being far too destructive or lethal, and Toru’s not granting her any boosts to her physicality. The two slowly increased their physical fitness and even learned some basic self-defense and martial arts skills. When Toru had asked Izuku for help with her studies when she noted a drop in her grades Izuku had been more than happy to help. The couple took to studying at each other’s house on different days. Izuku met Toru’s parents and Toru met Inko, both sets of parents approving of their child’s relationship. Though Toru’s father made Izuku sweat over it for a solid week before his wife had forced him to tell the green-haired boy that he approved of the relationship. By the time Third Year at Aldera Junior High came around Izuku and Toru were both in the top ten of their Class Academic Ranking and had increased their work outs substantially.

-Third Year of Junior High-

“You’re all Third Years now; it’s time for you to start seriously considering your futures.” Their Homeroom Teacher told the class as he looked at them from the podium. “While normally I would pass out these career aptitude tests…why bother? I know you all want to be Heroes!” The entire class, barring three, cheered as they showed off their Quirks. “Yes, yes, you all have very nice Quirks; but using them at school is against the rules! So restrain yourselves!”

“Hey, Sensei, don’t lump me in with all these extras!” Bakugo spoke up. “This lot would be lucky to end up as Sidekicks to a busted D-Lister. I’m the real deal!” Predictably his fellow classmates had something to say about that as they all tossed insults his way. “Bring it on! I’ll take you all on!”

“Hmm, you do have impressive test results.” The teacher commented. “Maybe you will get into UA.” Cue the shocked exclamations of the rest of the class that Bakugo was trying to get into the Number One Hero School.

“That’s why UA is perfect for me!” Bakugo replied as he stood up from his seat. “I aced all the mock tests! I’m the only one at this school that stands a chance of getting in! I’ll be more popular than All Might himself and become the richest Hero of all time! People all across the world will know my name! And it all starts with UA!”

“Ah yes, Midoriya and Hagakure, you both applied for UA as well, right?” The teacher asked looking over his paperwork. Izuku rolled his eyes, a habit he picked up from Toru, knowing Bakugo’s temper was going to flare up.

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku and Toru replied and all of their classmates whispered among themselves. Toru, quite the social butterfly, had several of her friends lean over and start whispering to her excitedly.

“Deku!” Bakugo yelled his hand flaring with his Explosion Quirk. Or it was for about a second before the blonde noticed Izuku’s index finger pointed at him, a glowing yellow ball of light aimed his way. He’d been hit by one of Izuku’s lasers before, he’d been yelling at Toru for standing up to him, and Izuku hadn’t taken kindly to that. Even with the resistance to heat that his Quirk granted him, those damn things still hurt like hell. The mini explosions instantly stopped and Bakugo growled angrily. “Don’t point your stupid Quirk at me, Deku!” 

“I wouldn’t if you’d stop being so violent.” Izuku retorted and Bakugo scowled at him. This was another thing Toru had helped Izuku with; standing up for himself and being more confident.

“Bakugo! Return to your seat immediately! We have class to start!” The Teacher yelled and Bakugo scoffed angrily as he stomped back to his desk. Class continued normally for the most part after that and the rest of the day was spent with Izuku either ignoring Bakugo’s glares, or catching Toru’s eyes while she looked at him ‘approvingly’. His girlfriend had ways of looking at him that just made him squirm. She knew what she was doing to him too! The minx!

The rest of Third Year was spent continuing to practice with both their Quirks and martial skills as well as upping their work out routines. Soon enough the time came for Izuku and Toru to take the UA Entrance Exams.

-UA Entrance Exams-

Izuku and Toru walked from the train station to the school entrance hand in hand, a smile on both of their faces. Toru was excitedly pumping her free arm with a smile on her face to dispel any nervousness that tried to form. Izuku appreciated his girlfriend’s energetic nature as they passed through the gates.

“Out of my way Deku!” Bakugo growled at the other teen as he made his way past Izuku and Toru without so much as a glance back. He hadn’t even acknowledged Toru being there at all.

“Seems like Bakugo is in his usual mood.” Izuku rolled his eyes as he walked forward with Toru.

“Arrogant jerk?” Toru huffed as she rolled her own eyes at the ash blonde.

“That’s about right, Toru-chan.” Izuku grinned at his girlfriend who giggled and squeezed his hand as they headed for the exam hall.

The written exam wasn’t easy, as expected of UA, but both Toru and Izuku felt they did well enough on it to pass. When it came time to learn what the practical exam entailed Izuku had a small fanboy moment at seeing the Voice Hero: Present Mic on stage going over the exam. Toru giggled as she watched. But a growl to ‘Shut the hell up!’ from Bakugo, who was sitting next to them, brought the moment to an abrupt end. Getting called out by another examinee, a blue-haired teen with glasses and a very strict demeanor, had both Izuku and Toru quieting down. Though Toru grumbled about the teen being ‘too stiff’ while Izuku took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. After the explanation the couple found out that they wouldn’t be in the same Exam Site with each other.

“It’s ok, Toru-chan, you’re going to ace this!” Izuku reassured his girlfriend.

“I think I need a good luck kiss.” Toru grinned with a ‘look’ in her eyes and Izuku met her lips with his in a brief kiss before they separated. Though Toru pouted about the kiss being too short, but they had to get on their respective buses.

-Exam Site B-

“Alright…here we are, let’s go for a high score.” Izuku psyched himself up as he stood outside Exam Site B. It was time to earn his place here at UA and nothing was going to stop him! Especially not when Toru had promised a ‘special surprise’ for him once he passed!

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in Izuku’s testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

With that Izuku and the rest of the examinees dashed forward into the large mock cityscape. Izuku couldn’t out run some of the examinees, like the blue-haired guy from earlier, but he outpaced a good number. Seeing the blue-haired teen turn and launch himself at a Three Pointer and the only other two examinees that out ran him on the opposite side of the large main street gave Izuku the opening he needed.

“Target acquired…eliminate!” Several of the robots intoned and Izuku couldn’t help but grin as he formed a dozen balls of blue light around himself. Several examinees stopped to stare at what he was doing and Izuku launched his attack.

“Laser Circus!” Izuku called out and the twelve balls of blue light became lasers that twisted through the air and tore through the large cluster of robots along the main road. Toru had come up with the name for this move and Izuku wasn’t going to not use the name his girlfriend came up with. The lasers dissipated after only a few seconds but the robots were done. Most of the examinees stood with their mouths agape at the fact that a single guy had just taken out every robot on the main street, barring the three that the faster examinees had taken out, in the first thirty seconds of the exam.

“Huh, I wonder how many points that is.” Izuku scratched the back of his head realizing he didn’t have any way of knowing what his current score was. 

-Staff Control Room-

“Well now, it seems we have quite an examinee this year. He has both power and technique with his Quirk. Such control must have taken him a lot of time and effort.” Nezu, the chimera-like Principal of UA commented after watching Izuku’s attack.

“I wonder if he would be interested in some shooting lessons.” Snipe, a cowboy themed Hero, wondered aloud as he saw the robots get shot with precision by the teen’s Quirk.

-Exam Site B-

In the last five minutes of the test the giant gimmick robot, the Zero Pointer, was unleashed. Izuku, having been trying to figure out how many points he’d gotten by counting the robots he’d destroyed, watched as the giant robot moved its way down the main street of the fake city towards him. “I see why it’s just a gimmick. Not many Quirks are compatible with an enemy of that big.” Looking down the street and seeing buildings collapsing as the massive machine rolled passed them also let Izuku see a brunette girl about to be buried in rubble. Izuku reacted instantly without even thinking about it. Bright yellow lasers tore through the falling rubble, turning large chunks of concrete into tiny pebbles that scattered harmlessly over a wide area.

“What was that?!” The brunette girl yelled in shock as she ran away from the Zero Pointer. She’d come back to the main road after racking up a good amount of points only to be caught in the gimmick’s path.

“Run!” Izuku yelled to the brunette and the girl took off in his direction; realizing that the Zero Pointer was still rolling forwards. As soon as the brunette had passed him Izuku placed all of his fingertips together leaving a space about the size of a softball between his hands. With the proper focus on his Quirk Izuku began drawing photons into the empty space. More and more of the particles gathered together and it was only a few seconds before others started noticing a distinct change.

“Is it getting darker?” The blue-haired teen questioned as he turned to look back at Izuku. Indeed the brightness in the main street area had dimmed and was getting darker. Unbeknownst to the other examinees, Izuku was focusing every photon in the area into the space between his hands. The only reason there wasn’t an immensely bright ball of light occupying said space was because Izuku was shifting the light into the non-visible spectrum and increasing the power. When he felt he had enough Izuku looked up at the Zero Pointer, now only forty meters away from him at best, and lifted his hands. In less than the time it took a person to blink the Zero Pointer’s head and what would have been its ‘neck’ were gone. A loud bang of super-heated air was heard and the metal that was left was not only melted, but also on fire! That was how hot the laser Izuku had just fired was; it instantly melted through metal and vaporized it, which required a temperature in excess of three thousand degrees Celsius.

“At least it stopped.” Izuku exhaled seeing the Zero Pointer roll to a stop. “That’ll keep it from harming anyone.”

-Staff Control Room-

“Ahahahaha!” Nezu laughed loudly at seeing what the green-haired examinee had done.

“My robot…” Power Loader muttered seeing his creation destroyed.

The rest of the staff could only stare wide-eyed at the power Izuku had just displayed. Even a thin blonde man in the back of the room couldn’t help but gape in shock at the power wielded by this teenager.

-Exam Site B-

“Annnnd STOP!” Present Mic’s voice was heard throughout the testing grounds. “The exam is over!” Izuku exhaled as he let the adrenaline from dealing with the Zero Pointer leave his system. He was fairly certain he’d gotten enough points to pass the practical; even if he hadn’t actually been able to count them all.

“I should call Toru, I bet she did amazing!” Izuku grinned at the thought of his girlfriend as he made his way out of the Exam Site and towards the best. He barely registered the amazed and shocked looks he was getting from the rest of the examinees.

-One Week Later ~ Midoriya Home-

“Izuku! It’s here!” Inko called out as she rushed to her son’s room and handed him the letter that had come from UA.

“Thanks mom, I’m going to open it in my room.” Izuku said as he retreated into his room and sat at his desk. “Ok…you definitely passed Izuku, you and Toru-chan both passed and you’re getting that ‘special reward’.” He breathed deeply to get shake off his nerves before opening the letter. A small disc-shaped object fell out and started projecting an image.

“Hello, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the Principal of UA High School.” Nezu introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Ninety Three percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on, showing Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 87

Rescue Points: 30

Total: 117 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! You’re ranked Second for Highest Entrance Exam Score ever in fact!” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“Yes! I did it!” Izuku cheered before he quickly grabbed his phone. “I’ve got to call Toru-chan and make sure she passed too!” Standing just outside of Izuku’s door Inko smiled happily for her son, before letting a small giggle escape at how fast her son thought about Toru-chan. The bubbly girl had become so important to Izuku since they’d met as children. Eventually they’d probably get married and she and Mrs. Hagakure would have grandbabies to spoil and dote on!

“Ah, what a nice vision, truly a future to hope for.” Inko sighed happily as she went to the kitchen to start making some of her Special Katsudon to celebrate Izuku getting in to UA.

-Time Skip ~ First Day of Class-

Izuku was dressed in the UA uniform and was standing up from just having put his shoes on. He was just about to walk out his front door, after hugging his mother goodbye, when Inko stopped him for one last thing. Turning to face his mother Izuku smiled at the proud look on her face, even though there were tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“You look really cool right now, Izuku!” Inko complimented her son making Izuku beam at her. Her son’s smile could always brighten her day; even without his Quirk! 

Izuku met up with Toru and the two took the train to UA together again. Toru had been ecstatic when Izuku had called and told her he’d passed, not that she expected anything else of course, but that meant she got to give him the ‘special surprise’. Izuku had been absolutely mesmerized when she’d let him see her topless! Apparently her boyfriend enjoyed the sight of her C-Cups. The fact that it had progressed into their most intimate make out session yet was a great bonus for both of them! Izuku had developed quite the ‘fit’ body after all. Toru loved seeing him shirtless. 

The couple enjoyed the train ride together both excited for their first day. It wasn’t long before both of them were standing before a large door marked ‘1-A’. Izuku smiled at Toru before opening the door for her. Neither of them was happy to find Bakugo in their class. The fact the ash blonde was already arguing with the tall blue-haired teen that had called them out at the exam didn’t make it better either.

“Well at least we’re together, Toru-chan.” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Izu-kun.” Toru smiled back.

“Hey I recognize that hair!” A female voice called out from behind them and the two turned to face the brunette from Izuku’s Exam.

“Oh, hello again.” Izuku nodded to the girl.

“Who’s this, Izu-kun?” Toru asked as she looked at the brunette.

“My name’s Uraraka Ochako, I was in the same Exam Site as him.” Ochako pointed at Izuku. “It was crazy! We all watched him take out an entire street of robots in a single move! Then at the end he vaporized the giant gimmick robot’s head!”

“Hagakure Toru, nice to meet you Uraraka-san. This is my boyfriend Midoriya Izuku.” Toru introduced herself and Izuku to the brunette with a small bow. “Let’s be friends!”

“If you’re just here to make friends then you should leave.” A male voice came from the hallway. Looking back revealed a man in a yellow sleeping bag. He looked tired with black bags under his eyes. He had long, unkempt black hair and some facial hair. None of the three knew what to make of the man. When he walked into the room and introduced himself as their homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, all of the students looked on confused. UA was taught entirely by Pro Heroes, yet no one seemed to recognize this guy at all. “Put these on and head out to the practice field.” Aizawa instructed as he passed out UA’s Gym Uniform. While all the students were confused by the instruction, especially since the Orientation and Guidance Meetings hadn’t taken place yet, they all did as told and made their way to the changing rooms and out to the practice field.

“What are we doing out here? Orientation is going to start in thirty minutes.” Ochako wondered out loud as the class of twenty assembled together with Aizawa standing in front of them.

“It’s time for a Quirk Assessment Test. You’ll be doing the same standardized Physical Fitness Tests you did in Junior High; but this time you’ll be using your Quirks.” Aizawa informed them. “Midoriya, you scored the highest on the Entrance Exam, step forward.” Eighteen of the nineteen other students looked towards the green-haired teen that now appeared flustered at being the focus of all his classmates, though Bakugo’s glare at him was completely expected. Never the less, he stepped forward and Aizawa handed him a ball with a metallic ring on it that was the size of a softball. “How far could you throw in Junior High, Midoriya?”

“Sixty two meters, sensei.” Izuku replied looking the ball over.

“Use your Quirk this time, just don’t leave the circle.” Aizawa instructed motioning to a circle on the ground.

“Hmm, that’s not helpful.” Toru commented and Ochako, as well as the other girls of their class she was standing near, looked at her curiously. “Both my Quirk and Izuku’s don’t really give us any physicality boosts. We’re going to have to do almost all of these tests with just our regular strength.”

“Don’t worry, Toru-chan, I’ve got this!” Izuku called out to her with a smile.

“Heck yeah you do, Izu-kun!” Toru cheered back and the pink-haired girl on her left squealed in excitement at the obvious couple.

“Just have to take the time to do this right.” Izuku mumbled to himself as he focused on his quirk. Gathering photons and layering them together, forcing them into cohesion as he piled more and more of them together. Izuku’s palm started to glow and all of his classmates watched on in anticipation. When Izuku had finished what he was doing he had a small thin square of ‘hard light’ on his palm with the ball sitting on top. Turning his palm to face directly in front of him and at a forty five degree angle Izuku blasted the hard light with a laser. A laser has no mass and therefore causes no recoil. Without the ‘hard light’ square between the ball and the laser Izuku would just end up burning a hole in the ball. Another interesting fact was that the speed of light was almost three hundred thousand kilometers per second, in a vacuum and only because it lacked mass, Izuku had just fired a laser into an object with mass. While this would greatly reduce the speed and Izuku had only fired for about half a second; well it was more than enough.

“I saw a flash and then the ball was gone. What happened?” A large teen with a muscled frame and thick lips questioned as he blinked. A sudden burst of wind ended the questions as the students swore they heard a sonic boom. Izuku turned towards Aizawa but the teacher was glancing at the small phone-like device he held as if he was waiting for something. A few seconds later Aizawa’s device beeped and he raised an eyebrow.

“It’s important to know your limits.” Aizawa stated as he turned the device around and showed the class Izuku’s result; the said result being 2,997.9m on the display.

“Holy crap! Almost three kilometers, how is that real?!” A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt-like mark in his hair exclaimed in shock.

“That’s my Izu!” Toru cheered while everyone else just stared in shock.

-End Chapter-


Holy crap! Photokinesis is OP as hell! But Izuku is going to use it to be a Hero, so it’s probably fine! Toru is quite the bubbly girl and now that she can be visible when she wants to be thanks to her Gear she’ll be even more expressive! She and Izuku are adorable together! Izuku with a girlfriend that has helped his confidence and taught him to stand up for himself is already a major boost! With a powerful Quirk like Photokinesis to go along with it; yeah he doesn’t really need One for All to become a Hero does he?! Maybe even the Greatest Hero of all!

Anyway let me know what you think about this Bunny!


John Balman

Would have been interesting to have mutation and be light light man LoL


Photokinesis is already OP! Making him a literal Logia in MHA World would have made him practically God-Level.


Its basically a paramicia version of the pika pika no mi


It's just Photokinesis, dozens of characters throughout fiction have this ability or some version/derivative of it! Kizaru is one of the most well-known because of One Pieces' popularity!

Thomas E Nellis

Awesome. I would love see some of the light admiral from one piece’s moves as Izuku like the full light sword and using light to fly lol. Another Epic plot bunny


In time fully formed 'hard light' constructs would be a thing. Flight would be difficult since he's not made of light and lasers don't provide any kind of thrust or recoil to keep him airborne.

Brody Meech

this ones pretty cool as well but the collector is still my favorite.


Glad you like it, Brody! Do you like the Collector Quirk or is it because Izuku and Ochako are hitting it off? Are you and IzuOcha shipper? Because they are cute together!

Brody Meech

its a little of both but the quirk is unique and that what i like about it


I have to agree with Brody on the quirk.

Jay Leiden

Im curious as to how izuku will affect aoyamas quirk. As it is clearly more than just a laser but does have some similarities to it.


I may have to 'rearrange' the 1-A and 1-B classes just a bit, if this is continued.


I find the idea very interesting and I like the use of photokinesis very much. But I am studying physics, and the talk about light providing no thrust, but able to be used to accelerate stuff and being claimed as recoilless and mass less annoys my physics sensibilities. Recoil is dependent on the impulse p of an object not its mass directly, laser produce recoil because of the fundamental 3rd law of Newton. Their recoil would not be an instant but a duration of lesser recoil and exactly as high as the impulse applied to the lesser mass of the ball. Also because light has an impulse a theoretical "0-motion" mass ca be derived for photons and that is not zero. Instead you can say that he does not get recoil since he manipulates the photons outside of his body, he does not emit them from himself, like you hinted in the 0pointer fight. Then no force or recoil has to be applied to himself. Like a water bender in AtLA vs a fire/air bender, no contact no recoil on the person.


I love it when people that know weird shit apply to pointless things. Cause I do it alot and I(/assuming we as in everyone that does this) always get a response along the lines of "It's just an X" (game, anime, ect)