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This one came out of nowhere and clocked me in the head like a sledgehammer in the late afternoon. But I just finished it so please enjoy!

Another Plot Bunny has risen in my head! Stop breeding so fast you…you…bunnies! Anyway, I’ve once again come up with another character-based Quirk! Another powerhouse this time, though in his own series he was hyped up, but wasn’t allowed to do ‘too much’ otherwise he’d have completely outshone the main cast! Most of you will know who it is rather quickly, I’m sure.

Without further delay, please enjoy!


The Forest Hero!

“Deku, still Quirkless, huh?” Bakugo Katsuki teased his former friend, Midoriya Izuku. The green-haired young boy still hadn’t activated a Quirk and he was ‘running out of time’. Without fail, in their world, children developed things called Quirks by age four. The power given by a Quirk was varied but could be categorized into Three Types. Mutant, which altered the body on the physical level; usually from birth. Transformation, which changed the body only when the Quirk was actively being used, such as Giant Form Quirks. Emitter, which allowed one to call upon their ability without any change to their body. This could range from having the ability to conjure fire, telekinesis, temporary boosts to one’s power output and so on.

Unfortunately for young Izuku he was going to have his fifth birthday soon and he had yet to show any signs of a Quirk. His mother, Inko, had already made an appointment with a Doctor to get her son checked out. She was very worried that Izuku might be one of the few Quirkless people to be born in this Era. Only twenty percent of the population was Quirkless now days and of that twenty percent, almost all of them were elderly people born two generations ago. A few had come from Inko’s generation though, but not very many. The mother often hoped beyond all else that Izuku would develop a Quirk, just so he would have a shot at making his dream of becoming a Hero a reality.

“I could still activate my Quirk! I’m not five yet!” Izuku replied strongly, even as he shook to hold in his tears.

“Could still activate my Quirk!” Bakugo mocked sarcastically and a few other children laughed at Izuku. Why ‘Kacchan’ had to be so mean ever since he got his Quirk Izuku didn’t know. They used to be friends, but now almost a year later, Izuku was pretty sure Bakugo wasn’t his friend anymore. He wished they could play at this park like they used to together, but here he was being bullied and laughed at by a lot of the kids at the playground area.

“Don’t laugh at me!” Izuku yelled but the kids didn’t stop.

“What’re you going to do about it Deku?” Bakugo questioned with a smirk as he set off the pops of his Explosion Quirk. Several of the other children repeated the name, ‘Deku, Deku, Deku…’ over and over again.

“Don’t call me names!” Izuku teared up as he was mocked. He didn’t understand why it was so much fun for them to bully him. How they enjoyed his misery and hurt feelings. He hated it when they made fun of him like this. Why, did they have to do this? Why did they act like this? Why couldn’t they just stop?!

“Aww, are you going to cry again, Deku?” Bakugo laughed along with the other kids. They all quickly stopped when they felt the ground rumble and felt a ‘pressure’ from Izuku.

“STOP IT!” Izuku roared out to the sky. Looking back Izuku would say he vaguely recalled hearing a faint cracking sound inside his head. Like something had broken out of thin paper or wood casing. Small plants emerged from the ground, but they were rapidly growing, bigger and bigger until it was obvious what was growing were actually trees! Izuku yelled his young heart out to stop his bullying and his newly awakened Quirk responded in kind. The trees grew as if they had sentience using their branches and trunks to push the other children away from Izuku. Some were only gently pushed away while others, mainly Bakugo, were almost thrown across the playground and landed on their backs.

“What’s that?!” One parent yelled at seeing trees bursting out of the playground area. More and more people quickly noticed and began to panic. Parents were trying to find their children. Screaming started as the people in the area started to lose control to their fear. It was to this scene that newly graduated Sidekick, Fukukado Emi a.k.a. Ms. Joke arrived.

“What’s going on?” Emi questioned a person who seemed slightly calmer than the people that had already panicked.

“I don’t know, everything was normal and then trees started growing out of the playground area!” The man explained what he knew.

“Is it a villain attack?” Emi questioned but it was someone else that answered her, a woman with a small child in her arms.

“I saw what happened. It’s not a villain attack.” The woman informed the Sidekick. “A young boy looked like he was being teased by some other kids. I think this is that boy’s Quirk.”

“Did he do it on purpose?” Emi asked; considering Quirk activation like this was illegal.

“I’m not sure, he didn’t seem like he was trying to do anything to me.” The woman answered the Pro.

“So this could just be a case of Quirk Awakening, then?” Emi inquired and the woman shrugged because she simply didn’t know. “Thank you for your help.” She nodded before she took off for the still growing trees. While running over she called her Boss and told him of the situation, his reply was that he and a few other Sidekicks would be on their way immediately. 

When Emi got to the scene and the trees were still growing and twisting around she stopped and looked for the boy she’d been informed of. Through the winding branches and trunks she caught sight of a light blue color, a t-shirt, she realized a second later. With deft movements she’d developed from her extensive training she was able to vault over the first few trees. She was then forced to crawl under the thick branches of others. With a bit of a squeeze between the last few trees, this was one of the few times she’d ever regretted being as busty as she was; she made it to the boy. The sight she saw instantly confirmed her suspicions of this being a Quirk Awakening and not a willful activation. It also pulled at her heart, because this boy couldn’t be more than four or so, and he was bawling his eyes out while crying out ‘Stop!’ over and over again.

“Hey there.” Emi said softly as she crouched down to be at his eye level. The boy started for a second before turning his watery eyes onto the Pro.

“H-hello…” Izuku sniffed and hiccupped. “Ar-are you…a Hero?”

“That’s right, Smile Hero: Ms. Joke.” Emi smiled at the boy making him calm down. Emi noticed the writhing and growing of the trees had finally stopped. “I came to help you. Can you tell me your name?” She asked softly.

“Mi-Midoriya…Izuku.” Izuku replied as he wiped away his tears.

“Izuku-kun, it looks like you awakened your Quirk. Congratulations.” Emi smiled at the boy while she gave him a thumbs up.

“I…I couldn’t…control it…once it started.” Izuku explained and Emi only smiled kindly as she gave the small boy a hug.

“It’s alright, Izuku-kun, this happens sometimes. You’ll be alright, don’t you worry.” Emi reassured the boy. “Do you like Heroes, Izuku-kun?”

“Y-yeah…I wanna be one…when I grow up.” Izuku nodded to the Pro.

“Well with a Quirk like this I’m sure you could do a lot of good.” Emi praised the boy. “You’ll be a great Hero someday, I just know it.” She smiled at him and used her Quirk, Outburst, at a very low level. Izuku’s face broke into a smile as he laughed. “There’s a cute smile!”

“Thank you, Ms. Joke!” Izuku smiled brightly before he wobbled on his feet. Emi quickly wrapped her arms around him to keep him from falling. “I’m…tired.” He yawned after this and Emi had to hold down a squeal at how cute he looked.

“Do you think you could remove some of the trees so I can carry you back, Izuku-kun?” Emi asked the tired boy.

“I’ll try.” Izuku murmured and before Emi’s eyes the large trees began to reverse their growth. The process stopped when Izuku fell asleep several moments later, but the trees were now back to small, thin things that Emi could easily walk out of. When her Boss and the other Sidekicks saw her walking out of the stand of small trees they breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing had gone wrong and Ms. Joke had succeeded in her first solo incident. The people that had stayed around to watch the Heroes began to clap and cheer for the Sidekick that resolved the incident single-handedly.

“What’s your on scene report, Ms. Joke?” Her Boss asked and Emi adjusted the sleeping Izuku in her arms before she responded.

“Quirk Awakening, he had no control, now he’s tired from using his Quirk for the first time.” Emi reported and her Boss nodded.

“That strong of a Quirk and this was the very first time it activated?” Her Boss whistled impressed. “This kid’s going to be a real powerhouse when he grows up.”

“I’m sure he will be.” Emi smiled at the sleeping boy. “He wants to be a Hero when he grows up.”

“Well dang, looks like I’m going to have to retire once he graduates from a Hero School. I can’t compete with an even stronger version of what we just saw.” Her Boss chuckled and Emi giggled herself as the police came over to get statements and find Izuku’s parents.

-Doctor’s Office ~ The Next Day-

“Well, the results of Izuku’s test are in.” The Doctor smiled as he looked at the mother and son. “I must say I’m surprised, little Izuku not only has a Rare Mutation but he’s one of the few known ‘Type Hybrids’ out there.”

“Type Hybrid?” Inko questioned, confused by the term.

“Izuku’s Quirk Test came back with genetic markers for both Emitter Type and Mutation Type Quirks. So his Quirk is a hybridization of the two types, very rare indeed. Usually if you see a Hybrid Quirk it comes from parents with the same Type of Quirk. Things like two Emitters or two Transformations; it’s almost unheard of for a hybrid of two different Types. We’ll need to run a few tests to figure out the current limit of Izuku’s abilities, but I see no problems there. In fact Izuku’s health readings are all optimal, to degrees I didn’t think were possible in a trained Professional Athlete, much less a child. He’s practically brimming with life and vitality, makes me wish he could loan me some!” The old Doctor chuckled and Izuku smiled at the man.

“I’m just glad his Quirk keeps him healthy.” Inko smiled at Izuku while running her hand through his hair.

“If anything young Izuku will probably have a very hard time getting sick.” The Doctor nodded to the mother. “Further testing will determine what the full nature of his Quirk entails.”

By the time the Midoriyas left the Doctor’s Office it was almost dinner time. They’d gone to the office just after breakfast this morning, so they’d been there the whole day! But both were happily smiling and planning to call Hisashi, Inko’s husband and Izuku’s father, for a video chat tonight after dinner. Izuku had quite the long list of ‘abilities’ granted to him by his Quirk. High Immunity, Moderate Healing Factor, Increased Strength/Speed/Durability/Stamina, plus the Emitter ability of being able to grow, control, and reverse the growth of trees. Izuku smiled at his copy of his Quirk Registry.


Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Sage

Type: Hybrid (Emitter/Mutant)


Izuku happily showed his new Quirk to his peers and most thought it was neat. Some even apologized for teasing him. Izuku took it in stride and forgave the ones that genuinely apologized. Some of his bullies however, including Bakugo, refused to apologize at all. Bakugo actually became even more antagonistic towards Izuku because he felt his place ‘on top’ was threatened by Izuku’s Quirk. The green-haired boy could only sigh and hope that one day Bakugo might come around and want to be friends again.

For the next few years Izuku would practice with his Quirk every day to train for his future as a Hero. He’d developed the habit of observing and cataloging the Quirks of others to learn all he could about different Types of Quirks and how to combat them if necessary. In Izuku’s First year of Junior High his class got a new transfer student.

“I’m Komori Kinoko, pleased to meet all of you.” Kinoko bowed to the class. She was a short girl with brunette hair that covered her eyes. She also seemed shy as she had a nervous look on what could be seen of her face.

“Alright Komori, you can sit beside Midoriya.” The Teacher informed the short girl as he pointed to Izuku. Kinoko nodded as she made her way to the empty desk and sat down. The class started shortly afterwards and the day went normally from there. Izuku had no idea that this girl would soon become an important part of his life.

-A Month Later-

“Please stop!” Kinoko pleaded as three guys from the Second Year of Aldera Junior High teased her. They’d spotted her phone while she was scrolling through photos of herself in various ‘Idol Outfits’ and had taken it from her. She’d spent the last several minutes trying to get her phone back from them. Now they were playing keep away with her phone while also commenting on her pictures. Most of what they were saying wasn’t nice at all. That or it was some kind of perverted comment that she didn’t want to hear.

“Look at all these frilly, lacy things!” One bully laughed as he flipped through a few pictures. He then tossed the phone to another boy who caught it and looked at others.

“You think she wears lacy things everywhere?” The second bully asked his friends with a laugh as he tossed the phone to the third bully. Kinoko was almost in tears now; she just wanted her phone back so she could leave.

“We can find out!” The third bully crowed as he dodged Kinoko’s attempt to get her phone and then flipped up the back of her uniform skirt so that all three of them got a look at her underwear. Kinoko screamed and held her skirt down while tears poured from her eyes. What she didn’t know was that she was about to be rescued.

“Stop that!” Izuku yelled as he used his Quirk to grow thick saplings around two of the bullies. The third managed to dodge because he had seen Izuku coming. Kinoko looked up through both watery eyes and her bangs to see the boy she sat next to in class. Izuku she thought his name was. “What’s the matter with you three?! You’ve taken this way too far!” Izuku called out the upper classmen.

“Shut up and mind your own business!” The third bully yelled back as he held up his unoccupied hand. From his palm a ball of fire, about the size of a baseball, appeared.

“Give her back her phone and leave her alone!” Izuku demanded.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” The bully yelled only to find his legs suddenly entangled in saplings and unable to move as they grew thicker and stronger. What shocked the bully the most however, wasn’t Izuku’s Quirk; it was what happened to his. The fireball in his ball sputtered and died out suddenly and the bully began to panic as he couldn’t reignite the fire. “W-what? What the hell is going on?!”

“Dude! I can’t use my Quirk!” The first bully wailed as he’d been trying to use his Quirk to escape the thick wooden bindings.

“Me neither!” The second bully yelled. “I can’t make it work!”

“What?” Izuku wondered as he watched the three bullies panic. “Is this a new ability?” He questioned himself as he saw all three bullies restrained and, somehow, unable to use their Quirks. “Questions for later.” He shook his head as he walked over to where the third bully had dropped Kinoko’s phone and picked it up. He glanced at the screen to make sure it wasn’t damaged and saw a picture of Kinoko in a cute pink dress with white frills and lace. He quickly walked over to Kinoko and helped her up to her feet before handing her phone back to her. “Here you go, Komori.”

“Th-thank you, Midoriya.” Kinoko thanked the kind boy before looking over her phone herself.

“That’s a really cute dress in the picture.” Izuku complimented and Kinoko blushed brightly.

“Thank you; it’s one of my favorites.” Kinoko admitted as she locked her phone and put it in her pocket. She went and got a Teacher while Izuku watched over the panicking bullies who still couldn’t use their Quirks. His mind was already running through multiple reasons of what could be going on. His most prominent thought being that his Emitter aspect had progressed further and developed a new ability.

“Erasure Type abilities are rare though, how does it tie into my Quirk?” Izuku pondered for a few minutes before Kinoko returned with a Teacher. Shortly afterwards the Teacher had Kinoko and Izuku’s side of the story and was properly disappointed in the three bullies. Izuku reversed his Quirk and the three were hauled off to the Principal’s Office for punishment.

“Thanks again for helping me, Midoriya.” Kinoko bowed and Izuku smiled and waved it off.

“You don’t need to thank me; helping people is what Heroes do and I want to be a hero in the future.” Izuku smiled warmly and Kinoko felt her cheeks heating up. Kinoko walked away from school that afternoon with only one thought in mind.

‘You’re already a Hero, Midoriya; my Hero.” Kinoko thought to herself with red cheeks and a smile on her face. From that day on Kinoko and Izuku became friends. Izuku was happy to have someone new that hadn’t ever been a part of his bullying in the past. Kinoko was happy to be close to her crush. When she told him she wanted to be an ‘Idol Hero’ Izuku hadn’t derided her dream and had enthusiastically encouraged her. Most ‘Idol Heroes’ made tons of merchandising deals after they’d become popular. They used a large portion of their sales income to donate to charities or help public works. The really popular ones even helped bring attention to issues that some people wouldn’t think about in Society; which usually led to those problems actually being addressed and solutions being worked on. Getting that kind of popularity usually involved doing A LOT of regular Hero Work beforehand though, something Kinoko was not only willing, but actually enthusiastic about doing.

-Last Year of Junior High-

“You’re all Third Years now; it’s time for you to start seriously considering your futures.” Their Homeroom Teacher told the class as he looked at them from the podium. “While normally I would pass out these career aptitude tests…why bother? I know you all want to be Heroes!” The entire class, barring three, cheered as they showed off their Quirks. “Yes, yes, you all have very nice Quirks; but using them at school is against the rules! So restrain yourselves!”

“Hey, Sensei, don’t lump me in with all these extras!” Bakugo spoke up. “This lot would be lucky to end up as Sidekicks to a busted D-Lister. I’m the real deal!” Predictably his fellow classmates had something to say about that as they all tossed insults his way. “Bring it on! I’ll take you all on!”

“Hmm, you do have impressive test results.” The teacher commented. “Maybe you will get into UA.” Cue the shocked exclamations of the rest of the class that Bakugo was trying to get into the Number One Hero School.

“That’s why UA is perfect for me!” Bakugo replied as he stood up from his seat. “I aced all the mock tests! I’m the only one at this school that stands a chance of getting in! I’ll be more popular than All Might himself and become the richest Hero of all time! People all across the world will know my name! And it all starts with UA!”

“Ah yes, Midoriya and Komori, you both applied for UA as well, right?” The teacher asked looking over his paperwork. Izuku sighed knowing Bakugo’s temper was going to flare up and he not so subtly placed himself between Bakugo and Kinoko. No way would Izuku let his girlfriend be the victim of one of Bakugo’s tirades. 

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku and Kinoko replied and all of the other students whispered among themselves.

“Deku!” Bakugo yelled his hand flaring with his Explosion Quirk. Or it was for about a second before a thin vine-like branch came out of Izuku’s sleeve and wrapped around Bakugo’s wrist. The mini explosions instantly stopped and Bakugo growled angrily. “Get your damn Quirk off me, Deku!”

“I will when you calm down.” Izuku retorted and Bakugo scowled at him. The two locked eyes for a bit but the Teacher wasn’t about to wait for them.

“Bakugo! Return to your seat immediately! We have class to start!” The Teacher yelled and Bakugo scoffed angrily as the branch released him and retracted back into Izuku’s sleeve. Class continued normally for the most part after that and the rest of the day was spent with both Kinoko and Izuku ignoring Bakugo’s glares.

-After School-

Izuku and Kinoko smiled happily as they walked home together hand in hand. The two had been dating since last spring and had become almost inseparable. Both of Kinoko’s parents as well as Inko and Hisashi were very much in favor of their relationship. The two had helped pull each other out of their own shells since they’d met and first become friends. Izuku stood just over a full head taller than Kinoko. A fact that the girl secretly enjoyed, because that meant Izuku often lifted her up for hugs or when they kissed.

“So what should we do besides schoolwork until the end of the year?” Kinoko asked her boyfriend as they walked down the street.

“I saw a thing on the internet about the city wanting to make more green space around the new residential area they’ve built up. They’re asking for volunteers.” Izuku explained and Kinoko smiled fondly at him. Izuku was the consummate Hero, always wanting to help out other people.

“You’re going to grow them a forest, aren’t you?” Kinoko teased her boyfriend with a grin.

“Well, I mean…it would help them out and speed up the process.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Besides that we can always practice with our Quirks some more. We’ve both made a lot of progress since we started practicing together.” He smiled at her with that grin she loved so much.

“That’s an understatement, Izu.” Kinoko giggled as she squeezed his hand. It was true though, with Izuku’s help and his incredible knack for Quirks. Kinoko had developed her Quirk far more than what she’d originally thought possible. She could spread her Mushroom Spores further than ever before, the mushrooms grew faster and lasted for longer too! She could probably cover an entire apartment complex in mushrooms now! Well, if the humidity was right, and there wasn’t ‘too much’ wind.

So it happened that the last year of Junior High was spent practicing their Quirks and helping with the city’s green space project. The city staff that were there to help organize the volunteers were left stunned when a Junior High student literally filled in a massive amount of the planned park with trees in a single afternoon. Though this instantly made Izuku their favorite volunteer and Kinoko could only giggle as Izuku became flustered from all of the praise and attention. The couple could often be found helping make pathways through the forest and park together. Kinoko had even been allowed to help spread natural mushrooms around the new forest which had given one of the city officials the idea of making it a food forest that could help supply the local market with fresh, organic foods. This idea took off and Izuku helped grow specific varieties of native edible-producing trees shortly afterwards. The last part of the project was finished by Izuku at the request of the city officials. Izuku had grown them a section of Sakura Trees just in time for the Hanami Season. Their two Families had gotten a place of honor at the viewing that year. Izuku and Kinoko had simply cuddled together as they enjoyed the blossoms.

-UA Entrance Exams-

Izuku and Kinoko walked from the train station to the school entrance hand in hand, a smile on both of their faces. Both of them took a moment to stop and stare up at the UA School building once they passed through the gate. Izuku took a deep breath to settle any last minute nerves before starting to walk forward with Kinoko.

“Out of my way Deku!” Bakugo growled at the other teen as he made his way past Izuku and Kinoko without so much as a glance back.

“Katsuki is cheery as usual.” Izuku sighed as he walked forward with Kinoko.

“You mean to say he’s an ass.” Kinoko huffed as she squeezed his hand.

“Don’t stoop to his level Kin-chan.” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend who smiled brightly back at him, her mood instantly lifted by the warmth of his look.

The written exam wasn’t easy but Kinoko and Izuku felt they did well on it, at least enough to pass. When it came time to learn what the practical exam entailed Izuku had a small fanboy moment at seeing the Voice Hero: Present Mic on stage going over the exam. Kinoko muffled her giggles as she watched. But a growl to ‘Shut the hell up!’ from Bakugo, who was sitting next to them, ruined her enjoyment of the moment. Finding out that they wouldn’t be in the same Exam Site was another bummer.

“It’s ok, Kin-chan, I know you’ll do amazing!” Izuku reassured his girlfriend.

“Kiss for luck?” Kinoko asked with a grin and Izuku met her lips with his in a soft kiss before they separated.

“Alright…here we are, let’s pass this exam.” Izuku pumped himself up as he stood outside Exam Site B. It was time to earn his place here at UA and nothing was going to stop him!

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in Izuku’s testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

With that Izuku and the rest of the examinees dashed forward into the large mock cityscape. Izuku ran slightly off course from the main group of students and found his first target quickly, a One Pointer according to the paper they’d gone over.

“Target acquired…eliminate!” The machine intoned and Izuku couldn’t help but grin as it moved towards him. A single instant and the One Pointer no longer had a head as a piece of thick wood had smashed it to small pieces.

“That’s one point!” Izuku grinned as he took off in a search for more robots. Over the next several minutes Izuku used his quirk to smash, crush, trap, or in a few cases, impale his way to Fifty Four Points. In the last five minutes of the test the giant gimmick robot, the Zero Pointer, was unleashed. Izuku watched from next to a building as the giant robot moved its way down the main street of the fake city. “I see why it’s a gimmick. Not many Quirks are compatible with an enemy of that size.” Looking down at the rubble strewn around by the behemoth machine Izuku caught a glimpse of someone half-buried under some hunks of concrete. The worst part of that observation was the Zero Pointer’s massive tank treads bearing down on them! Izuku was running towards the trapped person before his mind had even made any conscious decision.

“Please help, I’m stuck!” The brunette girl yelled to him but the Zero Pointer was already almost on top of her.

“It’s going to be ok!” Izuku yelled to her as he slammed his feet onto the road in a horse stance before he slammed his hands together in the trapped girl’s direction. “Mokujouheki! (Wood Locking Wall)” Immediately thick beams of wood tore through the street and formed a half dome between the trapped girl and the incoming Zero Pointer. This wooden barrier also prevented any more rubble from falling anywhere near the girl. “Now I just have to stop it!” Izuku shouted to himself as he pulled his hands apart and then clapped them together in front of him like he was praying. “Jukai Kotan! (Deep Forest Emergence)” The entire street between the wooden half dome and the Zero Pointer, as well as the entire street both under and around the massive robot, suddenly broke apart as massive trees began to grow at an insane rate. They quickly pushed the robot up off the ground stopping its forward motion. “Haaaah!” Izuku roared as he focused and the trees quickly wrapped up the Zero Pointer, twisting around its body and arms. The sound of bending and breaking metal was heard as the massive trees quickly crushed the machine. As they continued to grow and tighten around the robot, all of the other examinees could only stare in shock as a tree, at least ninety meters tall, completely crushed and destroyed the gimmick and almost swallowed it up completely.

“Where did the sun go?” The trapped girl asked from where she was safely under the wooden half dome. All she could see was the area outside of the protective barrier suddenly shaded entirely. Izuku huffed as he walked over to the girl and moved the rubble off of her.

“Are you ok?” Izuku asked and the brunette smiled up at him.

“Yeah, thanks to you!” She thanked him with a bow. “I think my ankle might be sprained though.”

“I’ll help you get to the examination office; surely they’ll be able to help you there.” Izuku offered as he willed the wooden half dome to reverse its growth and disappear. Finally being able to see, the girl stared in shock for a few seconds before speaking, well yelling technically.

“Where did that giant tree come from?!” She yelled in shock. Izuku couldn’t really blame her though. It wasn’t every day that you saw a ninety meter tall tree in the middle of a cityscape.

“That’s my fault. I used my Quirk to stop the Zero Pointer.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Your Quirk makes giant trees?” The brunette questioned curiously.

“Among other things.” Izuku nodded with a smile.

“My name’s Uraraka Ochako, nice to meet you.” Ochako introduced herself.

“I’m Midoriya Izuku; it’s nice to meet you too.” Izuku greeted her properly.

“Annnnd STOP!” Present Mic’s voice was heard throughout the testing grounds. “The exam is over!” Izuku exhaled as he let the adrenaline from dealing with the Zero Pointer leave his system. He was almost certain he’d gotten enough points to pass the practical.

“Any injuries? Come to me if you need any assistance!” An elderly woman in a very well-known Hero Suit called out. This was the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl, she was UA’s school nurse. The old woman made her way over to the brunette and Izuku and Ochako showed the Pro her sprained ankle. 

“I hurt my ankle when the rubble fell on me.” Ochako informed the nurse.

“No trouble at all.” Recovery Girl smiled as she kissed the girl’s knee. The brunette’s whole leg glowed with a light green for a few moments before fading.

“Hey, it doesn’t hurt at all, I’m fixed!” Ochako smiled as she stood up and put her full weight on her previously injured leg.

“Now we wait.” Izuku thought aloud as the examinees made their way back towards the entrance of the Exam Site to get on their bus. “I’ll call Kinoko on the bus and see how she did.” He smiled to himself as he thought about how well his girlfriend probably did.

-One Week Later ~ Midoriya Home-

“Izuku! It’s here!” Inko called out as she rushed to her son’s room and handed him the letter that had come from UA.

“Thanks mom, I’m going to open it in my room.” Izuku said as he retreated into his room and sat at his desk. “Ok…you passed Izuku, you and Kin-chan both passed.” He breathed deeply to get rid of his nerves before opening the letter. A small disc-shaped object fell out and started projecting an image.

“Hello, Midoriya Izuku, I’m Nezu the Principal of UA High School.” Nezu, the chimera-like, Principal introduced himself. “I’m happy to inform you that you passed the Written Exam with a very respectable Ninety One percent; as for your Practical Exam Score please look behind me.” The chimera pointed to an electronic board that turned on, showing Izuku’s picture and score.

-Practical Exam Score-

Izuku Midoriya

Villain Points: 54

Rescue Points: 60

Total: 114 Points

-Practical Exam Score-

“As you can see you performed very well! You’re ranked Third for Highest Entrance Exam Score ever in fact!” Nezu congratulated with a smile on his face. “I’m pleased to welcome you to UA High School, Midoriya-san! This will be your Hero Academia!”

“Yes! I did it!” Izuku cheered before he quickly grabbed his phone. “I’ve got to call Kin-chan and make sure she passed too!” Standing just outside of Izuku’s door Inko smiled happily for her son, before letting a small giggle escape at how fast her son thought about Kinoko-chan. Truly the short girl had been a blessing unto their Family ever since she and Izuku met. Eventually they’d probably marry and she and Mrs. Komori would have grandbabies to spoil and dote on!

“Ah, what a nice vision, truly a future to hope for.” Inko sighed happily as she went to the kitchen to start making some of her Special Katsudon to celebrate Izuku getting in to UA.

-Time Skip ~ First Day of Class-

Izuku was dressed in the UA uniform and was standing up from just having put his shoes on. He was just about to walk out his front door, after hugging his mother goodbye, when Inko stopped him for one last thing. Turning to face his mother Izuku smiled at the proud look on her face, even though there were tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“You look really cool right now, Izuku!” Inko complimented her son making Izuku beam at her. Her son’s smile could always brighten her day! 

Izuku met up with Kinoko and the two took the train to UA together again. Kinoko had been ecstatic when Izuku had called and told her he’d passed, not that she expected anything else. The couple enjoyed the train ride together both excited for their first day. It wasn’t long before both of them were standing before a large door marked ‘1-A’. Izuku smiled at Kinoko before opening the door for her. Neither of them was happy to find Bakugo in their class. The fact the ash blonde was already arguing with a tall blue-haired teen wasn’t really a surprise for either of them.

“Well at least we’re together, Kin-chan.” Izuku smiled at his girlfriend.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way, Izu.” Kinoko smiled back.

“Hey I recognize that hair!” A familiar female voice, to Izuku at least, called out from behind them and the two turned to face the brunette from Izuku’s Exam.

“Hello again, Uraraka.” Izuku smiled and the brunette smiled back.

“Hi, are you the girl Izu saved at his Exam?” Kinoko asked her fellow brunette.

“Yep, that’s me.” Ochako smiled at the shorter girl. “It was amazing! One second I’m pinned under some rubble and the next this big wooden thing is protecting me! Then I hear a lot of noise and the whole area is covered in shadow! When Izuku helps me out and removes the barrier I’m staring at a gigantic tree! It was crazy!”

“Komori Kinoko, nice to meet you Uraraka-san.” Kinoko introduced herself to her fellow brunette with a small bow. “I hope we can be friends.”

“If you’re just here to make friends then you should leave.” A male voice came from the hallway. Looking back revealed a man in a yellow sleeping bag. He looked tired with black bags under his eyes. He had long, unkempt black hair and some facial hair. None of the three knew what to make of the man. When he walked into the room and introduced himself as their homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, all of the students looked on confused. UA was taught entirely by Pro Heroes, yet no one seemed to recognize this guy at all. “Put these on and head out to the practice field.” Aizawa instructed as he passed out UA’s Gym Uniform. While all the students were confused by the instruction, especially since the Orientation and Guidance Meetings hadn’t taken place yet, they all did as told and made their way to the changing rooms and out to the practice field.

“What are we doing out here? Orientation is going to start in thirty minutes.” Ochako wondered out loud as the class of twenty assembled together with Aizawa standing in front of them.

“It’s time for a Quirk Assessment Test. You’ll be doing the same standardized Physical Fitness Tests you did in Junior High; but this time you’ll be using your Quirks.” Aizawa informed them. “Midoriya, you scored the highest on the Entrance Exam, step forward.” Eighteen of the nineteen other students looked towards the green-haired teen that now appeared flustered at being the focus of all his classmates, though Bakugo’s glare at him was completely expected. Never the less, he stepped forward and Aizawa handed him a ball with a metallic ring on it that was the size of a softball. “How far could you throw in Junior High, Midoriya?”

“Ninety two meters, sensei.” Izuku replied looking the ball over.

“Use your Quirk this time, just don’t leave the circle.” Aizawa instructed motioning to a circle on the ground.

“Can I ask one question, sensei?” Izuku inquired of his homeroom teacher.

“What is it?” Aizawa asked.

“Do I have to be touching the ball when I throw it?” Izuku asked as he looked it over.

“As long as you don’t leave the circle you can do whatever you want.” Aizawa replied and Izuku smiled.

“Thank you, sensei.” Izuku replied as he made his way over to the circle. Everyone looked on as Izuku held the ball for a second, and then a beam of wood grew from the ground next to him.

“What the heck kind of Quirk is that?” A red-haired teen asked as they all looked on.

“That’s Izu’s Quirk, Sage.” Kinoko answered the boy. “It lets Izu grow and manipulate trees and wooden constructs.”

Izuku placed the ball into a depression in the beam he’d created. He then stepped off to the side of the beam, still within the circle just like Aizawa had instructed. Almost everyone waited for a second, then in the time it took them to blink the formerly meter tall post jutting out of the ground at a forty-five degree angle was suddenly thirty meters long! The ball went rocketing into the air and was impossible to keep track of. Izuku turned towards Aizawa but the teacher was glancing at the small phone-like device he held as if he was waiting for something. A few seconds later Aizawa’s device beeped and he raised an eyebrow.

“It’s important to know your limits.” Aizawa stated as he turned the device around and showed the class Izuku’s result; the said result being 536.1m on the display.

“Holy crap! Over half a kilometer, are you kidding me?!” A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt-like mark in his hair exclaimed in shock.

“That’s my Izu!” Kinoko cheered and a pink-haired, and pink-skinned, girl perked up as she rapidly looked between the two of them.

“Damn Deku…” Bakugo growled as he watched the guy he hated. Him and his dumb Quirk!

The pink-haired girl then made the, apparent, mistake of saying that the tests looked fun. Aizawa then informed them that the person that scored the lowest out of the class would be expelled immediately. Shock ran through the class but Izuku and Kinoko only had eyes for each other.

“I don’t plan to be last.” Kinoko reassured her boyfriend.

“I don’t think you will be.” Izuku smiled at her making her break out into a smile as well.

-End Chapter-


Well, well, well! Look at that! Where will this Izuku go and how great will he become? We’ll see if I decide to make this into a full story! As for why the Quirk is called ‘Sage’ it’s because of the Mutant boost that it gives to Izuku’s physiology. They basically named it after the stories of the ‘Wise Old Sage that communed with Nature and could have it do his bidding’. In most of those types of stories the Sage is also blessed by Nature with a healthy and powerful body. So now you know!

Let me know what you think of this little Bunny!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was awesome! I loved it! I can’t wait to see how this one pans out eventually.

David Zimmerle

These plot bunnies give me whatever the mental version of blue balls is.


Glad you liked it! Hope you enjoyed how I turned Hashirama's abilities into a Quirk. Also I used a super rare pairing! So I hope that didn't put anybody off.


Well...aside from the discomfort...I hope you still enjoyed it! I might have one more Bunny to get out before we hit the next Goal of $1,000/month, which I'm planning to celebrate with a Poll to decide which Plot Bunny gets to become a Full Story first!


I would have to go with collector as well. But I like the escanor and this one as well so really I would be happy with either of those plot bunnies.


Do people like 'Collector' because of the Quirk? Or because of how well Izuku and Ochako seem to be hitting it off? Do I have a bunch of IzuOcha Fans here?


Kind of both.


My personal favorite so far is the Altering Hero.


I personally like the escanor one because you manage to make izuku a hero to toga without him even realizing it and I just like the idea of izuku with escanors abilities


Yeah its interesting and something I'd like to see more of in the future. Anyway hope you stay healthy.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

So, his Quirk is basically Wood Style Ninjutsu without all the excess ninja-ness? Cool.


He's basically Hashirama, just without all the Extra Ninjutsu and weapons skills. Or any of the other multitudes of skills Hashirama possessed. Just the equivalent of Mokuton and the ridiculously healthy/powerful body that Hashirama was famous for.

Creature of Grimm

another interesting idea. i wasn't sure until the pat about him stopping quirks came up who the idea was based off but the moment it did the image of a blonde ninja having his power suppressed sprung to mind ;)


Hashirama's a beast! So with his Mokuton abilities, Izuku should be pretty damn impressive!

Saiko no Kami

Well, well ... I became a patron recently, so I started reading MHA's Plot Bunny ... and I just thought, "it would be great one where Kinoko is Izuku's girlfriend" and my surprise was great and gratifying when I read the title of this ... Most likely, I will increase my quota, in order to "motivate" your writing ... Obviously I will finish reading them all to convince myself to do it xP Pd: sorry if my comment is not fully understood, since I am a Spanish speaker and I used the google translator to make it easier for you to read my comment ... And just in case, although I translate your stories and have them saved, just I have them for "personal consumption", since it would be foolish for me to pay for something and give it to someone else for free, besides that it would harm you and that is something that I do not want, since I would be the one who loses your talent.

Donald Bagwell

I want all your plot bunnies as stories dude