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Two spots are available for this Tier only. I don't expect them to be full all the time; but I want to reiterate that NO ONE should break the bank trying to hold onto this Tier.

If you can afford it one month then go for it and feel free to drop down at the end of the month.

If you can afford to hold onto this Tier every month, then that's fine too. It's your Support and I'll humbly accept whatever pledge a Patron is willing to donate.

That being said, I will only do so many updates of any One story. This is to prevent 'Burn Out' and losing my muse for a story or series. I'll probably cap it, for now, at two updates for any One story per month. If this changes in the future I'll make sure to make a post about it.


Thomas E Nellis

It’s ogre. It all mine. Permanent defence contractor now


Thank you for your continued Support, Thomas! Just with your Rank Up alone we've just broken the $800/month milestone! I'll be in contact with you shortly about using your new Tier Reward!

Thomas E Nellis

It’s always a pleasure. Your work has always been amazing when you follow your muse I am just supporting how I can. I still think you should change the name of the role to something more fitting with the theme of being beyond a legendary general. :Secretary of Defense or Defence God lol.


Thomas if you make me 'happy cry' right now my roommate is going to think I'm weird! After telling me to 'Shut up, I'm tying to sleep!' of course. Also, if I called it 'Secretary of Defense' people would wonder why I had two of them, and probably why some of my Secretaries only lasted a month! Lol

Thomas E Nellis

Lol there is no escape now. I have ascended. The United states has had presidents throw secretaries of defense in less time than that anyway lol. Even in recent history :P


I might consider it then. Be a proper Rank Up then I think. Going from Military Service as a Soldier/Officer/Captain/General/Legendary General to Secretary of Defense. Moving up the ladder, right?