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Holy crap! Friends and fans we've broken $700/month! We're slowly creeping closer to our Third Goal!

You all are far to good to me, you're the best Patrons anyone could ever have! I'm so happy to be chasing this Dream with each and every single one of you! I promise to keep writing the stories you all want to read!

Now an Announcement!

I'm planning to create a New Tier in July! This will be the Highest Tier I'll ever create and it is one that I expect to be empty a good chunk of the time. It will be called;

$100/month - 'Defense Contractor'

Benefits: Aside from Early Access like all Patrons and the Shout Out on the Patron Plaque; a 'Defense Contractor' supplies our Story Military with a great deal of funds and support. This allows them to decide where their support is best used! So for their Tier Reward a 'Defense Contractor' gets to pick a story to be updated Every. Single. Month!

Now I don't want ANYONE breaking the bank trying to pay for this Tier every month. If you can afford it one month then feel free to take the position and then drop back down at the end of the month. But I honestly expect this Tier to be empty at least half the time to be honest.

That being said should I only have 1 slot available in this Tier or 2?

Let me know what you all think my Patrons!



Since you expect it to be an occasional thing, where people jump up for a month at a time (when they can afford to drop $100 that month, but not all the time,) then you might as well make two slots available. Sure, there will be months where nobody signs up for it, but every once in a while, maybe two different supporters have the opportunity to kick in something extra during the same month. (But, what if they BOTH want you to update the same story?) And yeah, as bad as my own money situation is normally, I WILL find a way to jump up to this for a month!


Thanks for the support AnathemaRising! If they both want the same story then I guess I'll be updating that story TWICE that month! I fully expect to be writing double chapters for Artificer Legacy or Nemea Leonthrope whenever this Tier is occupied! I have A LOT of Harry Potter fans as my Patrons after all! If there is a Patron that can afford to drop $100 every month then that is also fine. I'd probably tear up a little that someone wants to support my writing that much!

Thomas E Nellis

Two slots is good. I will jump as soon as available. Muahhahahaha!


Don't do it if it'll hurt your finances, Thomas! I won't stop you from doing it and dropping down of course, but I DON'T want ANYONE to break their bank/budget over it. But thank you for your unwavering support and belief in this Dream we chase together!


I would only do two slots if you think you can handle it. If you think you can do it occasionally but not every month, you could start with two and maybe drop to one in the future if it is happening too often and you are getting stressed out.


Two spots is the most I would allow. Plus if one story is being updated FAR more than the others to the point were I'm worried about burnout then I'll cap the number of updates and only do 1 a month for a couple months if necessary. I have a few stories and it wouldn't make sense to only update 1 or 2 of them after all.