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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope!

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 19 –Summer Meet Ups, Tonks Transforms!

Harry smiled happily as he walked with Padma around the Patil Family property. His Ravenclaw girlfriend was eager to show him around and Harry found it much different to the Tonks’ place. This was something Harry had been enjoying for a bit with his girlfriends over the summer. He’d meet up with them and they’d hang out at one of the girl’s homes or they’d go out for a date. Mr. Brown had been insistent on keeping him and Lavender in his sight at all times, but Mrs. Brown had been nice enough to let them go on a date to Diagon Alley a couple days ago. Padma was smiling brightly as she walked arm in arm with Harry and she showed him the gardens and grounds of her Family Home.

“What’s this?” Harry asked pointing at a greenhouse off to the side of one of the gardens.

“Do you want to see?” Padma asked and led him over to it. Opening the door she walked in with him and Harry instantly felt the temperature change. It was warm, to say the least, inside the greenhouse.

“It’s hot.” Harry commented as he looked around at rows of raised beds and all the green plants that were growing in them.

“Of course silly, this greenhouse uses spells to re-create the conditions of India so that we can grow rare Potion ingredients and also spices native to our ancestral homeland.” Padma explained with a grin. The couple walked deeper into the greenhouse and Harry looked over the, obviously, Non-Magical plants.

“What’s this one?” Harry asked as he looked at what was obviously a young tree. His nose was hit with a fragrant scent and he blinked at how aromatic the green leaves were.

“Murraya Koenigii; or more commonly called the ‘Curry Leaf Tree’ though that one isn’t fully grown yet. The leaves are used in many dishes of Indian cuisine, curry of course being the most common.” Padma informed as she watched Harry sniff at the leaves again.

“It’s got a strong smell.” Harry mentioned and Padma nodded.

“It does, but it’s fairly pleasant compared to some of them.” Padma informed. “We also grow Ferula further back. We process the rhizome to make asafetida and it smells, less than pleasant, until you boil it. But the asafetida itself is good with a strong flavor profile.” Padma explained and Harry nodded thoughtfully.

“It’s interesting to learn about this honestly. I’ve never gotten to try much foreign food. That’s something I want to try a bit this summer.” Harry smiled at her and Padma beamed back at him.

“Well you’re in luck, boyfriend of mine. Mom and Grandmother are making curry for lunch using the Patil Family’s secret Garam Masala recipe. So you’ll be trying some authentic Indian curry today.” Padma told him.

“Sounds great!” Harry smiled as Padma took his hand and led him through the greenhouse some more. Getting to the Magical Plants, Harry saw a plethora of species he’d never heard of.

“Wait so this Rak...Taci…um” Harry tried to say the name Padma had just told him but was stumbling on the pronunciation.

“Raktācī phulē.” Padma offered with a grin.

“Yeah that.” Harry nodded. “This is a Potion ingredient? But it’s really pretty.” He was talking about the flowers the plant had, all a lovely shade of pink and red.

“To translate into English its name would be ‘Blood Flowers’. The plant itself is poisonous, including the thorns, but if you take just the flowers and mix them properly you can make a Potion that improves blood flow, cleans the blood, and helps break down clots. It’s a very difficult Potion to brew, which makes it expensive, but a lot of centenarian Wizards and Witches buy it to keep their health up.” Padma told him and Harry looked at her amazed.

“Do you want to be a Herbologist or something?” Harry asked making Padma giggle.

“I dabble in a few different things.” Padma replied airily. “You already know I’m interested in Enchanting, but Herbology is fun and when you don’t have Snape breathing down your neck Potion Making can be enjoyable.”

“I’ll have to try it without the dungeon bat sometime.” Harry grinned and Padma giggled. The two spent a little more time in the greenhouse, with Padma showing Harry some of the processed spices. Harry was familiar with some of the names; like Coriander, Bay Leaf, Nutmeg, Saffron, Cumin and Garlic. But others like Kalpasi, Tamarind, and Fenugreek were completely new to him.

“Ready for lunch, Harry?” Padma asked as they made their way back to the house.

“Very much, I’m looking forward to it.” Harry replied and the two entered the house to smell a strong and spicy aroma in the air.

“Mmm, smells likes the curry is just about ready.” Padma smiled as she led Harry to the dining room table. They were met by Parvati and the eldest Patil ‘child’ Pranjal. Harry had only met him once the first time he came to the Patil Home with Parvati near the beginning of summer. The older brother was very pleasant though and took to Harry well enough. He worked for the Ministry as a liaison to the Indian Ministry of Magic from what Harry had learned.

“Pranjal? Why’re you here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” Padma asked and Pranjal smiled at his little sister and her boyfriend.

“Just Apparated home for lunch, nothing sounded good at the Ministry today.” Pranjal explained. “Then Mother told me she and Grandmother were making the Family Recipe Curry since Harry was coming over and I didn’t want to miss out.”

“Oh, I see, glad you can eat with us.” Padma smiled back at her older brother. She and Harry sat down next to Pranjal and Parvati and within a minute Amisha and the Patil’s Grandmother, Pammi, brought out the food. When Harry tried his first bite he felt the sting of spiciness on his tongue and a new flavor he’d never had before spread through his mouth.

“Ha~, not bad at all.” Harry exhaled, his tongue still tingling a bit. “A bit spicier than I’m used to, but it tastes great.” That got smiles from all four Patil women and Pranjal chuckled as he ate.

“Would you like to try a bit of mine, Harry?” Pranjal offered and Harry nodded. Pranjal had added some kind of seasoning to his curry and Harry was curious. The only thing that looked different was that Pranjal’s curry was a bit more ‘red’ than the one in front of Harry. A spoonful of the curry and Harry popped it into his mouth. A second later and the boy’s eyes widened and he felt himself start to sweat a bit.

“Pranjal! You prat!” Padma and Parvati both yelled at their brother who was laughing at his prank.

“It’s just a little spicy.” Pranjal raised his hands in front of himself to ward off his little sisters’ glares.

“A ‘little spicy’ to you is like torture for most people!” Parvati scolded her brother while Padma got Harry some milk to ease the burning sensation on his tongue. Amisha and Pammi were both raising eyebrows at Pranjal and the young man eventually caved to the looks.

“Sorry about that, Harry. Just a prank, won’t happen again.” Pranjal apologized and, after swallowing an entire glass of milk in one shot, Harry was quick to forgive the older male.

“Apane bhaavee bahanoee ke prati achchha vyavahaar karen.” Amisha spoke up in Hindi. Harry had no idea what she’d said, but it put a smile on Pammi’s face and made both Parvati and Padma blush prettily.

“What was that?” Harry whispered to his girlfriends only for both of them to look away.

“Aww, look how embarrassed my little sisters are.” Pranjal teased before turning to Harry. “Mother asked me to ‘Be nice to my future brother-in-law.’” Harry felt his own cheeks redden, adding on to the heat already there from the spiciness of Pranjal’s curry prank.

“Oh…thank you ma’am.” Harry managed to get out while Pammi, Amisha and Pranjal smiled at the boy. Padma and Parvati both took one of Harry’s hands in theirs before looking at him with a smile. Harry smiled back at them and shortly after lunch was dragged up to Parvati’s room by the twins. None of the adults made to stop the teens and Pranjal only chuckled before returning to work.

-Parvati’s Room-

Harry was sat down on the bed and quickly had a sister on either side of him. Padma and Parvati each held onto an arm and snuggled close to him. Harry smiled before pulling them close and kissing the top of each of their heads. Padma hid her blushing face against his chest while Parvati giggled and laid her head on Harry’s shoulder.

“Not that I’m complaining, but why did you two drag me up here?” Harry asked and both girls held onto him tighter for a moment.

“Well, we were thinking we could…kiss a little.” Padma mumbled from his chest.

“Maybe go a little further…if you’re okay with it, Harry.” Parvati looked him in the eyes. Harry’s eyes widened but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested. He was a teenage boy after all, it was perfectly normal for him to be interested in doing things like this.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind…if you two are both okay with it.” Harry replied tightening his arms around them.

“Let’s start with kissing and then we’ll see where it leads.” Parvati suggested, getting nods from both Padma and Harry. The sisters gave each other a look before Parvati smiled and Padma moved to claim Harry’s lips in a kiss. It wasn’t sexy or deep but it was more than a simple kiss. Padma and Harry’s lips melded against each other as they held onto one another. Pulling back Padma smiled at Harry before Parvati took over and pulled their boyfriend’s lips to her own. Parvati was a slightly more aggressive kisser than her sister, but still didn’t push their kissing any further than Padma had. Harry held her against him as their lips moved with each other and they enjoyed the sensations.

“That was amazing.” Harry grinned and both Padma and Parvati smiled at him. The two pressed themselves against him as they continued to swap kisses and eventually both sisters began running their hands over Harry’s chest.

“You can touch us Harry.” Parvati breathily whispered a minute or so later. Harry nodded and his hands gently moved up the sisters’ stomachs and gently settled on a breast each. Padma sighed and leaned into the touch while Parvati grinned and put her hand over Harry’s to encourage him further. For almost fourteen Harry this was the greatest thing he’d ever done. Forget the Basilisk, or Voldemort, or anything else! This was far and away the most impressive thing he’d ever done! At least to his hormonal teenage mind anyway. Gently cupping the girls’ breast in his hands, over their clothing of course, neither of them was ready for Harry to see them topless. Harry squeezed the soft mounds and quickly found out that neither sister had bothered with a bra. Parvati and Padma weren’t as ‘stacked’ as Lavender but both were well into the stage of their lives were bras were necessary. So to feel them not wearing them was a treat for the happily stunned Harry.

“I feel like you two might have been planning this.” Harry mumbled between kisses. Both sisters blushed cutely before pressing against him more.

“Maybe…” Padma smiled before kissing his cheek.

“I get the feeling you don’t mind, Harry.” Parvati teased as she planted her own kiss on his opposite cheek.

“Not in the least.” Harry smiled as he sought to make his girlfriends’ feel good. From the sighs and breathy gasps he got for his efforts he was fairly certain he was doing something right. Almost half an hour past before a sudden knock on the door came and Amisha’s voice spoke clearly through the door.

“Kya aap mujhe pota bana rahe hain?” Amisha questioned in Hindi. Harry had no idea what she just said but both Parvati and Padma pulled away from him with bright blushes and yelled back at their mother.

“MUM!” The Patil Twins cried out and the beautiful sound of Amisha’s laughter rang through the hallway.

“What did she say?” Harry asked but noticed neither girl would look at him when they replied.

“Nothing!” Padma yelped hiding her face.

“Don’t worry about it, Harry!” Parvati said with her hands covering her face.

“Ok…” Harry replied feeling like he was definitely missing something. He left via the Floo several minutes later. Padma and Parvati had kissed his cheeks before he left while Amisha and Pammi just smiled and told him to ‘come back soon’.

-The Next Day ~ Lavender’s Family Home-

“Ready to swim Harry?” Lavender questioned her boyfriend almost as soon as he picked himself up from the floor, having been tossed out of the Floo again.

“Sure am, Lavender.” Harry smiled showing her the bag he was carrying with a change of clothes in it. He was already wearing his swim trunks and a tank top. Lavender showed him to the pool and told him she’d be back as soon as she changed. Mr. Brown was at work while Mrs. Brown and her little brother Daniel were home. It was time for Daniel’s lessons however, so the two teens had the backyard and the pool to themselves. Harry slid into the pool, finding it pleasantly cool and started slowly swimming the length of it. His swimming form may not be all that great but he’d actually only learned to swim this summer so he thought he’d learned pretty well in such a short time.

“How’s the water, Harry?” Lavender asked as she walked up to the pool. Harry was about to answer when he found himself speechless. Lavender was wearing a light blue bikini, modest of course, that showed off more of her skin than Harry had ever seen. It wasn’t ‘skimpy’ per se, covering everything that should be covered on a teen Lavender’s age, but the view of her legs, stomach, and the cleavage the bikini produced made Harry’s face heat up.

“It’s…good…” Harry slowly replied and Lavender grinned at him before giving him a flirty wink.

“That’s good then.” Lavender smiled as she slipped into the water and submerged herself. Coming back up the blonde smiled at her boyfriend before swimming over to him. The two swam for a bit together before Lavender looked around at the windows facing the pool. Apparently seeing, or not seeing, what she wanted she pulled him into a kiss. Harry returned the kiss while Lavender led them closer to the edge of the pool.

“That was nice.” Harry grinned at her and Lavender giggled before taking his hands and gently resting them on her breasts.

“These might be nicer.” Lavender teased. “Parvati and Padma told me about yesterday, I thought I’d be the first one to let you get a feel.”

“You’re all too good to me.” Harry replied with a dopey grin as he massaged Lavender’s breasts. The blonde gave coos and sighs of pleasure while she felt up Harry’s chest.

“It’s true, we are.” Lavender playfully nodded before their lips met for another kiss. The playful blonde then took one of Harry’s hands and moved it down to touch her bottom. Harry was more than happy to explore this new aspect of his girlfriend’s body and the two spent several minutes exploring each other.

“Whoa.” Harry gaped as one of Lavender’s hands cupped his package and fondled him for a moment.

“Something wrong, Harry?” Lavender teased as she ‘explored’ her boyfriend.

“Nope!” Harry replied back without thinking making Lavender giggle before she let him go and swam backwards.

“Splash fight!” Lavender laughed as she splashed Harry making the teen sputter at the sudden soaking. “Let’s get you cooled off, mister!” Her bubbly voice giggled while splashing him again.

“Minx!” Harry chuckled as he splashed the blonde back. Unnoticed to either of the teens, Ashley was looking down on them from a second floor window.

“Your father would have blown a gasket if he’d seen that, young lady.” Ashley grinned to herself. “Though he has no room to judge Harry with how eager he was to get his hands on me when I finally let him.” The wife and mother giggled to herself at the fond memories of her husband’s wooing and courting of her when they were teens themselves. Oh how her father had glared at Richard when they’d been dating. Smiling from the happy memories Ashley returned to her son’s lessons so he’d be ready for Hogwarts when the time came.

-That Weekend ~ British Museum – London-

“Wow…” Harry trailed off as he stood in the entryway of the British Museum.

“Told you it was impressive.” Hermione grinned at Harry as they stood next to each other and held hands. Her parents were with them, of course, but she was just so happy to be on a date with her boyfriend!

“How big is this place?” Harry questioned and was surprised when Wendell spoke up.

“Around seventy five thousand square meters with about ninety four galleries.” Wendell answered his daughter’s…boyfriend. At the very least Harry was a respectful young man. He hadn’t even put up a fuss about going to the museum as a ‘date’ or at the fact that Wendell and Monica would be coming along.

“Do we have time to see all of it?” Harry asked as he turned to face Hermione’s parents.

“We do have all day.” Monica smiled back at the teen. Hermione was already eager to start and practically pulled Harry along. Wendell sighed while Monica giggled at their daughter’s antics. The two parents followed at a sedate pace always keeping the teens in their sight. Harry smiled at how happy Hermione looked and brushed a kiss across her cheek when a group of people blocked their view of her parents.

“Harry!” Hermione smiled while blushing and squeezing his hand happily.

“What?” Harry asked as he smiled fondly at her. Hermione grinned and bumped him lightly with her hip before they moved on to the next item they would be looking at. Harry was perfectly happy walking hand-in-hand with Hermione through the large museum. Seeing relics from ages past, even some that pre-dated Hogwarts by a thousand years or more; was interesting. The Dursleys had certainly never taken him to any museum. Seeing some of the medieval weapons and armors on display made Harry question the medical abilities of the time, none of these weapons looked like something you just ‘walked off’ if you got hit by them.

“Well standard practice in antiquity for severely injured limbs was amputation.” Wendell informed the teen. Seeing the boy’s wide-eyed look the man continued. “They didn’t understand the concept of bacteria or sanitation of a wound. So the people of the time couldn’t stop things like Gangrene from setting in and risking a person’s life. If they couldn’t patch you up, you’d more than likely be losing a limb.”

“I’m rather glad I live now, rather than then.” Harry replied looking at a worn longsword. Wendell chuckled and agreed with the teen. Monica and Hermione shared a smile as they saw the two getting along. The Grangers and Harry spent the rest of the day at the museum seeing the exhibits. Harry marveled at the large collection and Hermione was overjoyed to see him enjoying the museum as much as she did. By the time they returned home, after having a nice dinner out, both parents and even the teens were rather tired. While Wendell and Monica walked into the house Hermione stood with Harry on the porch.

“I’m glad we got to do this together, Harry.” Hermione smiled as she hugged her boyfriend.

“It was fun, I’m up for another trip whenever.” Harry smiled as he pulled Hermione tight against him.

“It’ll have to be after we get back from France. But I’ll talk to Mum and Dad about it.” Hermione replied happily as she enjoyed being held by Harry. Feeling Harry’s fingers under her chin Hermione looked up only to be met with a kiss. Slowly closing her eyes Hermione leaned into the kiss and tightened her arms around Harry’s shoulders. Harry’s arms tightened around her waist in response as they kissed on the porch.

“This was a wonderful day, ‘Mione.” Harry smiled at her after they broke their kiss.

“It was Harry, I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Hermione grinned as she snuggled into his chest. “Lavender and the Patils sent me an owl, you know.” Harry straightened up slightly at those words and looked down at Hermione. “I’m not quite ready to go that far though.”

“You don’t have to do anything like that Hermione.” Harry reassured her as he held her close. “We’ll only do that kind of stuff when you’re ready.”

“I knew you’d say that.” Hermione smiled beautifully at her boyfriend. “You’re always putting us first, and I love that you do it.” She locked lips with him again and the two fell silent as they enjoyed their kiss. “When I’m ready, well, you’ll know.” She grinned up at him before kissing his neck gently, letting her lips linger for a bit and making Harry pull her closer again.

“Hermione, if you’re willing I’m here to take Harry off your hands!” Sirius called out from the end of the Granger’s driveway. Harry and Hermione practically leapt apart before looking at the grinning man.

“I’ll see you later Harry.” Hermione said before quickly kissing his cheek and entering her house, closing the door behind her.

“Real funny, Sirius, real funny.” Harry muttered at his Godfather while the man tried, and failed, to look innocent. The two Apparated back to the Tonks’ Home as soon as they found a darkened area where no one could see them.

-Tonks’ Home-

“Is it tonight?” Ted asked and Andromeda shrugged.

“It could be tonight, could be tomorrow, maybe even the day after.” Andromeda replied as she looked over at her daughter sitting in the backyard reading ‘Witch Weekly’.

“It’ll be tonight.” Harry spoke up as he looked at Nym.

“How can you tell?” Sirius asked as he tried to spot something different about his surrogate niece.

“I don’t know…I just know it’ll be tonight.” Harry replied as he walked out of the back door and went to sit beside Tonks.

“Hey Whiskers!” Tonks smiled at him when he got close and sat down.

“Hey Nym, feeling anything yet?” Harry asked the older girl.

“Nothing yet. I hope it’s soon though. The waiting is going to drive me spare.” Tonks grimaced and Harry chuckled.

“It’ll be tonight, Nym. Don’t ask me how I know, I just feel it.” Harry informed her and Tonks looked him over with a raised eyebrow.

“If you say so. Guess I just got to wait a while longer.” Tonks shrugged picking up her magazine again.

“I’ll be right here with you, Nym.” Harry assured her and got a warm smile from the older girl. Harry liked that smile. It was approaching midnight when Tonks suddenly put down her magazine and stood up, almost like she was in a trance. Andromeda had at least had the foresight to give her daughter some old, loose pajamas to wear for the occasion. It was no real loss if they were destroyed. With the same blurring motion and the sound of something stretching Tonks made her first transformation.

“Oh my.” Ted breathed seeing his transformed daughter in her Half-Beast Form. She now stood at just over two meters in height and was quite a bit bulkier in the muscle department. The blurring occurred again, along with the odd sound, before a fully grown Nemean Lion stood in the Tonks’ backyard. Almost the same size as an African Elephant, but with a longer body befitting of a predatory cat, Nymphadora Tonks was truly a sight to behold in her Full-Lion Form.

“How’re you feeling Tonks?” Harry asked as Andromeda, Ted and Sirius approached the pair of Leonthropes. Tonks tilted her head, as if she was thinking, before her golden tan fur began to rapidly shift through colors. Looking at the shifting fur colors on her own paw the large female lion looked pleased before she began to blur and shrink entering her Half-Beast Form.

“I can still change a bit, only fur color, but I can still do it.” Tonks spoke in the growling tone of the Half-Beast Form. “So that’s a fun plus.” With a slight bit of stumble, to get used to her new center of balance and her tail, Tonks started making her way around the backyard.

“You’re doing great, Nym.” Harry encouraged as he walked along with her.

“Just have to get used to it.” Tonks replied as they walked together. The two walked around for a bit until Tonks had gotten used to her new form.

“It’s getting late.” Andromeda called to the two of them when the clock chimed one in the morning. “Come in and sleep you two, you can pick it up in the morning.”

“She’s right let’s get some sleep Nym.” Harry spoke and Tonks shrugged before heading to the patio where Andromeda had left a bathrobe for Tonks. Without any warning the blurring and sound of the transformation took place and Harry was met with the naked form of Nymphadora Tonks. The almost fourteen year old’s eyes widened as his cheeks turned red. Though that didn’t stop his eyes from trying to memorize everything he could see before Tonks Picked up the bathrobe and pulled it on.

“Thanks again, Harry.” Tonks smiled saucily. “I do appreciate this. You’ll be helping me get the hang of being a Therianthrope, right?” Harry could only nod, still not having blinked since seeing Tonks in the buff. “Maybe you’ll get to see more during practice.” She teased as she gave him a flirty wink before heading inside.

“Best. Summer. Ever.” Harry mumbled to himself a minute later as he shook his head and made his way inside. Hopefully Sirius never found out about what happened otherwise his Godfather wouldn’t let it go for the rest for the summer.

-End Chapter-


Best summer ever, indeed! Well now we welcome the Leonthrope Queen! All hail Queen Tonks! Long may she tease Harry! We’ll see how much things start to change as we head for the Quidditch World Cup! Will Harry meet new people? Will he still go with the Weasleys or will Sirius take him? Keep reading to find out! 

P.S. If you’re wondering what Amisha asked when she interrupted her daughters and Harry it was, according to Google Translate, “Are you making me a grandchild?” I thought that would be a fun ‘parent prank’ to have for a family that supports the idea of their daughters marrying Harry.

Until I get your reviews, later!



Really great chapter can't wait for more


Glad you enjoyed it! We're moving right along! The girls are naturally growing more comfortable with their relationship. Tonks has made the Change! Soon it'll be time for the Tournament! From there we'll be going AU pretty hard and we'll see the future that this story has been building towards. Still several chapters to go for that though.


It was a great chapter and I definitely can’t wait for the next one. And I liked that little parent joke it was really funny.


Harry is so fucking lucky! Lucky bastard... :3


A little luck goes a long way sometimes. Also Harry is a sweetheart to his girls, so of course they'll eventually want to go further.

mark geier

I'm enjoying this story. Your version of the Tonks family is one of the funnest I've seen, makes you want to be a part of that family.


Glad you like how I've written them! I wanted them to be a fun-loving family to show where Tonks got it from!