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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Iron Shinobi! The fight between Zabuza and Naruto! Who wins? Does someone interfere?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 8 – Zabuza Vs Naruto

“If you won’t make the first move,” Naruto grinned before blurring forward with a Kyorioomata. “Then I will!” The blonde’s bladed fingers aimed to spear through the Missing-nin’s chest. Zabuza blocked the thrust with the Kubikiribouchou before swinging the zanbato and sending Naruto off to the side.

“Rushing to your death, brat.” Zabuza replied as he vanished before a thick mist appeared. Naruto looked around at the thick mist before growling.

“This shit again?” Naruto tsked before flaring his chakra aura and blasting the mist away. This left him standing in the middle of a twenty meter diameter circle cleared of the thick mist. “Is hiding all you can do? I’m disappointed!” The Kubikiribouchou’s blade hitting his left side and sending him skidding along the ground was his answer.

“That should have split you in two.” Zabuza stated puzzled. “What the hell kind of Kekkei Genkai do you have?”

“Not one you can deal with, apparently!” Naruto laughed as his aura flared. The blonde stood up and blurred forward to engage the man. The Missing-nin swung and blade met bladed leg as Naruto launched a kick. The follow up strikes from Naruto’s bladed hands revealed another Mizu Bunshin as the sword burst into water and the clone followed shortly. “I think I’m being underestimated.” The blonde grumbled before blurring towards the location of Tazuna, Sakura, and Sasuke.

“Shit!” Sasuke exclaimed as Zabuza appeared next to them from within the mist and aimed to bisect all three of them. The attack was aborted when the chakra radiating form of Naruto blurred into existence and slammed into the sword knocking it, and the man wielding it, backwards.

“I get that killing the old man is your mission and all.” Naruto drawled as he stalked towards the already recovered Missing-nin. “But we’re in the middle of a fight.”

“You must really want to die, boy.” Zabuza commented as he leveled the zanbato at the Genin. “So be it.”

“You better keep that focus on me.” Naruto advised as he released more chakra. “If you slip up for even an instant, I’ll kill you.”

“Big talk coming from a brat.” Zabuza scoffed. “But I’ll end your life first if that’s what you want.”

“That’s it, come at me full power. Let’s see who is the strongest!” Naruto roared as he blurred forward and clashed with Zabuza again. Thrusts, swings, blocks and parries were exchanged in rapid succession as the two Shinobi moved further and further from Naruto’s teammates and Tazuna. Though all of the blocking was Zabuza’s. The Missing-nin had never dealt with a ninja like this brat. Even Kubikiribouchou’s fabled edge couldn’t seem to cut the boy. Sure the boy’s clothing was sliced, hell the shirt was practically gone by now, but there wasn’t even any bruising on his skin!

“What the hell kind of Bloodline Limit is this?” Zabuza growled as he swung and knocked Naruto back a few paces. “My sword can cut damn near anything! Yet you’re shrugging it off like it’s a damn bokken!”

“Quit your whining!” Naruto yelled at the man. “This is a fight to the death! It doesn’t matter what Bloodline I have, it doesn’t matter what Jutsu we use or underhanded tactics you want to employ. All that matters is that one of us is stronger and keeps living, while the other one dies! That’s what it means to fight on the battlefield!”

“I’ve been killing longer than you’ve been alive, brat!” Zabuza intoned darkly. “Regardless of your Bloodline, you’ll just be another name on a long list.” With that Zabuza blurred forward and slashed downward with all his strength. Naruto’s chest erupted with blood as he was knocked back and onto the ground. Seeing the chakra aura still flaring around the brat Zabuza readied his next strike. Though to the Missing-nin’s surprise the cutting edge of Kubikiribouchou was shattered and covered with the brat’s blood. The man watched as his zanbato’s special ability kicked in. The blood was sucked into the sword and the cutting edge rapidly repaired itself. ‘That little amount was able to fix all of that damage? How much iron does this little shit have in his blood?’

“Yes…that’s the way, Momochi Zabuza.” Naruto chuckled as he stood up his aura flaring wildly. “You can cut me if you really try!” The blonde was full on laughing at this point. “Let’s keep going!” He blurred forward and swiped his bladed fingers at Zabuza’s head. The man blocked with the edge of his sword before shoving the Genin back and swinging again. Naruto blurred and avoided the blade and Zabuza was put on the back foot as he blocked a bladed leg that had been aimed to sever his left leg below the knee.

“Little shit!” Zabuza grunted as he knocked Naruto’s guard aside and slashed him a second time. Naruto stumbled back for a second before righting himself and laughing again. Zabuza took this time to notice that there was no blood this time. But Kubikiribouchou’s cutting edge was shattered where it had struck the Genin.

“Hmm, that level of strength won’t cut it any more, Zabuza.” Naruto chuckled. “I’ve strengthened my Koutetsu; you’ll need to swing harder now if you want to cut me again.” True to the blonde’s words there wasn’t a new cut on him. Hell, even the first cut had already stopped bleeding.

‘No, wait, it hasn’t just stopped bleeding. It’s already fucking healed?!’ Zabuza mentally exclaimed seeing only a blood spattered scar on the Genin’s chest.

“Keep your focus! Make your blade sharper! Make your swings stronger! Let’s really fight!” Naruto yelled as he flared his aura and blurred toward Zabuza again. The Missing-nin went to block like before and almost lost his left arm for it. Only his years of training and experience let him notice that Naruto had changed course during his high-speed movement technique. Zabuza had to jerk backwards, putting himself into an awkward positon, just to block the swing of Naruto’s bladed arm. The clang of metal on metal rang out through the clearing and Tazuna, Sasuke and Sakura covered their ears at the sound.

“Die!” Zabuza roared out as he slammed his feet down and entered his strongest horizontal swinging stance. The Kubikiribouchou swung so fast it almost vanished and Naruto wasn’t fast enough to stop the Legendary Sword from hitting his neck. The blonde rag dolled through the air for a few meters before slamming into the dirt and rolling another couple of meters further. Blood hit the dirt and Zabuza huffed as he finally killed the annoying brat. “About damn time.” He growled as he watched the brat’s blood be absorbed by the zanbato. The sword repaired most of the damage it had received and Zabuza turned to look at Tazuna and the other Genin. “One down. Just three more to go before I finish off Hatake.” Tazuna nearly collapsed from the killing intent being directed at them. Sakura and Sasuke both trembled as they put up their guards. Before he could take a step towards them he felt the air shift and become heavy again. Then the chuckling started.

“Hahahahaha! That’s good, Momochi Zabuza!” Naruto laughed uproariously. “You almost took my head off!”

“You’ve got to be fucking joking!” Zabuza growled as he turned to face the little blonde shit that just, wouldn’t, fucking, die! Naruto blurred forward again, but even faster than before. Zabuza raised his zanbato to block the incoming fist, and it was the worst mistake he’d made since his failed assassination of the Mizukage. The fist slammed into the zanbato and cracked it so badly the blade nearly broke in two. The force of the blow forced the large blade backwards and Zabuza grit his teeth when he felt his wrist and ulna crack. The Genin didn’t let up and a hand grabbed the literal cutting edge of the Kubikiribouchou and yanked it out of his disabled right hand. The Legendary Sword went off to the side and Zabuza saw the instrument of his death. The brat’s right arm was as sharp as a sword and held high. The aura surrounding the limb was so dense Zabuza could barely see through it. The very air was whistling around the arm as wind swirled around the incredibly dense chakra.

“No!” A new voice cried out as a rectangular sheet of ice formed between Naruto and Zabuza. Behind the ice and between it and Zabuza stood a ninja in the garb of a Kirigakure Hunter-nin.

“Out of the way!” Naruto roared out as he brought his hand down and slashed through the ice and the person behind it. The dense chakra coating his arm kept going in an arc that sliced through Zabuza and left a several meter long slash through the woods behind him. The wind whipped around like a gale and the trees swayed and shook from the pent up chakra being released. Naruto looked on as the ‘Hunter-nin’ fell into two vertical halves and Zabuza split from his left shoulder down through his left hip. Both of them were dead instantly and the Genin landed on his feet looking down at his felled opponent. Plus whoever the hell this was that had tried to interrupt his fight.

“Is…is it over?” Tazuna questioned from the other side of the clearing. Sasuke and Sakura looked on both pale in the face. A splash was heard and looking over everyone saw Kakashi walking onto the shore. Their sensei’s headband was once again covering his Sharingan eye and he was giving Naruto a perceptive look.

“Yeah, it’s over.” Kakashi nodded as he placed his hand on Naruto’s shoulder. The blonde had stopped releasing his aura and was placing his sealing band back on his neck. The teen actually looked winded from his fight; an early symptom of mild chakra exhaustion. Kakashi looked over his Genin and noticed the large scar on his chest as well as the scar on his neck. Truly without both his Bloodline and the Kyuubi’s healing, Naruto would have died today. “You did beyond exceptionally today, Naruto.” He commended his student. “Zabuza’s head, and therefore his Bounty, is yours. The Kubikiribouchou as well if you want to take it.”

“I planned on taking the sword.” Naruto replied walking over to pick it up. “But I won’t say no to the Bounty either.” Kakashi noticed the heaviness of his student’s footsteps and decided to quickly check on the client and his other students. Naruto was already dragging the zanbato over to his pack that the blonde had tossed aside when the fighting began. The Genin was probably in possession of a Sealing Scroll and was going to stash the sword there. As the more Senior Shinobi, Kakashi would help his student collect the heads of his kills and seal them up as well. They were the only proof that would be accepted to pay out Naruto’s rightfully earned Bounty.

“Is everyone alright?” Kakashi asked Sasuke, Sakura, and Tazuna. Getting a shaky nod from Tazuna and Sakura, the silver-haired sensei turned to Sasuke. The look on the Uchiha’s face was one of staring off into nothing. A quick shake of the teen’s shoulder and Sasuke snapped to look at Kakashi. “Are you alright, Sasuke?”

“I’m fine.” Sasuke responded coolly, but Kakashi could hear the tremble in his voice. Not surprising considering what Itachi had done to the boy at the age of seven.

“Fuck, I’m actually tired.” Naruto grumbled as he walked over to the group his shirtless torso catching Sakura’s attention for a moment before she shook her head and looked away. “Hell of a good fight though.” The blonde grinned.

“Naruto-baka! Put on a shirt or something!” Sakura yelled as she turned her head away.

“Get over it, Haruno.” Naruto scoffed before looking towards Kakashi. “Mind helping me with the retrieval, sensei?” He asked and the man nodded before the two made their way over to collect the heads of the fallen.

“Is that what all ninja battles are like?” Tazuna asked quietly but received no response from the two Genin next to him.

“Just sever the spinal cord here between the vertebrae and you’ll be done.” Kakashi instructed his student in the skill of beheading a dead enemy.

“Who was the guy that jumped between us?” Naruto asked as he looked at the ninja that he’d cut cleanly in two.

“Judging by the garb I’d say a Hunter-nin.” Kakashi stated before shaking his head. “But based on their actions; they’re an accomplice of Zabuza’s. Most likely get him out of a deadly situation by playing the role of Hunter-nin.”

“I was too far into the battle to let someone stop me.” Naruto informed his sensei. “Though that ice jutsu was odd; never seen a technique like it before.”

“Definitely a Kekkei Genkai.” Kakashi nodded. “Hyoton was thought to have been wiped out in the Kirigakure Bloodline Purges though. Guess this young man was a survivor.”

“Huh, did I just end a Bloodline Limit?” Naruto questioned and Kakashi quickly shook his head.

“Unlikely, the Rebel Forces in Kirigakure are known to have at least a few members from almost every Clan that was ordered eliminated by the Yondaime Mizukage. It’s very likely that a few more Hyoton Users exist among their ranks.” Kakashi explained to his student before they sealed both heads into a scroll and stood up.

“Damn, I’ve got the light-headed feeling.” Naruto grimaced as he rubbed his temples.

“You probably have mild chakra exhaustion.” Kakashi informed his student. “We’ll get to Tazuna’s as soon as possible so that you can rest.”

“Thanks sensei.” Naruto yawned as they made their way over to the rest of their group.

-A Couple Hours Later-

“There it is, Home Sweet Home.” Tazuna smiled as he gestured towards the house on the water’s edge. “My daughter, Tsunami, will cook us up some food and we can discuss the rest of the mission.”

“That’ll be fine.” Kakashi nodded. He hadn’t forgotten about the lying done on Tazuna’s Mission Request. Appropriate Compensation was owed to Konoha by the Bridge Builder. Kakashi wasn’t looking forward to going over the costs and the billing of the mission, especially not while they were still ON the mission.

“Just get me some food and a bed and I’m good.” Naruto remarked calmly with a yawn. His battle lust had been sated quite well in his fight with Zabuza. He had his first two scars to prove it too. ‘Guess I’ve earned that ‘Shinobi’ Title now, eh?’ The blonde thought to himself with a small grin. They were soon at the front door and Tazuna welcomed them in while calling out for his daughter.

“Tsunami! I’m home! I’ve got the ninja I hired with me!” Tazuna announced their presence and a pretty navy-haired woman emerged from deeper within the house to greet them.

“Welcome to our home.” Tsunami bowed to them. “Thank you for protecting my father. We’re very grateful that you’ve accepted our request. We don’t have much, but we offer you all the hospitality that we can.”

“Thank you; I’m Hatake Kakashi, Leader of Konohagakure’s Genin Team Seven. My students are Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto.” Kakashi introduced while pointing to each of his students in turn. The group made their way into the kitchen/living room area and Tsunami quickly set about making some tea for them. Sasuke sat at the table silently and Sakura sat next to him. Kakashi and Tazuna sat at the other end while Naruto gather three sitting cushions and lay on his side across all of them. The blonde propped his head up with his right hand as he watched the rest of the people with tired eyes.

“So, let’s go over the real costs.” Tazuna exhaled heavily and Kakashi nodded. The sensei pulled open his pack and produced a scroll. Unrolling the scroll onto the table Kakashi got out a brush from the center of the scroll and opened the inkwell on the bottom.

“Alright, let’s start with the basics. A standard B-Rank Mission starts at one hundred thousand Ryo.” Kakashi wrote the figure down on the scroll. “If combat with hostile ninja occurs that brings the price up by ten thousand Ryo per ninja and increases based on said enemies’ Rank whether that be in the Bingo Book or their Military Rank within their village. Tazuna was already wincing at the numbers. “The Demon Brothers, both Chuunin Missing-nin, will add to the initial one hundred thousand by twenty thousand each. So already you’re looking at one hundred forty thousand Ryo.”

“Oh my.” Tsunami gasped as she set out tea for the group and carried Naruto’s over to the tired teen.

“Shinobi come at a price I’m afraid.” Kakashi stated and Tazuna nodded in acceptance. “From there we have Momochi Zabuza, an A-Rank Missing-nin, and his accomplice, the False Hunter-nin. Zabuza was a member of the Seven Shinobi Swordsman of the Mist. That’s an Elite Unit within Kirigakure and the price for his elimination will be added to what you owe Konohagakure.”

“Wait, I didn’t know Gato had hired that man at all.” Tazuna interrupted. “Why am I being charged for his elimination?”

“You may not have known of him, but he attacked us on contract to kill you.” Kakashi explained. “Unless you wished for us to let him kill you his elimination falls under your Protection Request. That means you’re responsible for paying the cost, which for Zabuza adds one hundred thousand to the total.” He stated as he added the figure to the scroll resulting in the total now being two hundred forty thousand Ryo. Tazuna coughed heavily while Tsunami had to sit down at the number. “Be happy that the Bounties placed on Shinobi heads don’t affect the Mission Costs. Zabuza’s Bounty was thirty seven million Ryo. Technically, with Zabuza’s involvement in this mission, we could classify it as an A-Rank and those start at five hundred thousand Ryo. I’m trying to be mindful of Nami no Kuni’s situation and save you some money.” The Jounin informed the civilians.

“Nice payday waiting for me in the future.” Naruto yawned before sipping his tea. He hadn’t known how much Zabuza’s head was worth, but thirty seven million would last him a VERY long time. He’d take Yachiru out for something nice, or maybe just go all the way and buy her a house in a nice area of Konohagakure? Questions for later.

“In light of the country’s financial trouble I’m also leaving out the cost of the False Hunter-nin, since the man didn’t attack us and only moved to shield Zabuza. So that saves you another twenty thousand Ryo.” Kakashi stated and Tazuna nodded to him thankfully.

“How much more would it cost to simply eliminate Gato and his men?” Tsunami questioned and Tazuna looked over at her incredulously.

“Assuming he only has hired thugs? That’s a C-Rank Mission so another fifty thousand if you’d like us to do so while we’re here.” Kakashi replied the brush poised over the scroll to add it to the total.

“Wait, what if it was only Gato himself?” Tazuna asked before Tsunami could say anything else.

“That would be Assassination. For a figure of Gato’s status and the amount of protection he has you’re looking at thirty five thousand Ryo.” Kakashi answered the Bridge Builder.

“It would be better to just spend the extra fifteen thousand and get rid of all of them.” Tsunami said to her father. Tazuna looked back at his daughter for a moment before turning to Kakashi. “Is there some kind of payment plan we could work out?”

“It can be arranged, though I’d have to get the Hokage’s clearance for it. He’s usually amendable to such things though.” Kakashi replied. “Though before that I do have to inform you that there is a fee involved for lying to Konohagakure on your Mission Request. Since the Rank of the mission was only off by one, in this case as we’re not promoting it to A-Rank out of consideration for your country’s financial status, the fee is fifty thousand Ryo.” He informed them as he added it to the scroll. The total now stood at two hundred ninety thousand Ryo. “If you’d like Gato and his men dealt with I’ll add it to the total.”

“What the hell, we’ll be in debt up to our eyeballs anyway, might as well get rid of the bastard and his thugs while we’re at it.” Tazuna exhaled deeply. “Please get rid of them.” Kakashi nodded and added the fifty thousand to the total. Tazuna’s final bill totaled at three hundred forty thousand Ryo.

“Very well, consider the mission updated.” Kakashi nodded as he wrote a letter to the Hokage on the scroll. Letting the ink dry for a minute the Jounin enjoyed his tea before rolling the scroll up. A few hand seals and a poof of smoke later a small brown pug was sitting on the floor next to Kakashi.

“What’s up Kakashi?” The pug asked and Tazuna and Tsunami stared wide-eyed at the talking dog.

“Pakkun, I need you to take this scroll to the Hokage and then return with his reply.” Kakashi informed his summon. Pakkun nodded before taking the scroll into his mouth and then vanishing in another puff of white smoke.

“What the hell was that?” Tazuna asked looking at Kakashi in confusion.

“That was Pakkun, one of my Ninja Hounds, a special type of creature known as a Summon Animal. He’ll get my letter to the Hokage about the Mission Upgrade in a matter of minutes. We should have his response within an hour or so.” Kakashi explained. Tazuna and Tsunami could only stare on in shock at the speed that Shinobi could send and receive information.

Sure enough just about an hour later another puff of white smoke appeared near the table and Pakkun returned. He passed a new scroll to Kakashi before vanishing again. Kakashi opened the scroll and read over it before looking towards Tazuna.

“The Hokage has authorized the Mission Upgrade and has outlined a payment plan that you will need to follow.” Kakashi informed and Tsunami and Tazuna both nodded to the Jounin. “Failure to comply with Hokage-sama’s plan for compensation will see you becoming the targets.” Both civilians paled to a pasty white and nodded rapidly. Every civilian had heard about requesting Shinobi and making contracts with them. The darkest rumors however, also spoke about what happened to those that tried to swindle the Shinobi. It never ended well for those involved. Tazuna had already taken a massive risk by lying to Konohagakure; thankfully it seemed their willingness to pay had earned them some modicum of leeway with the Shinobi.

“I’m definitely making everyone else chip in.” Tazuna stated seriously as he took a large swig from his sake bottle. “No way in hell am I endangering you and Inari by trying to pay this myself! Those cowards can at least help pay for Gato’s death!” The Bridge Builder slapped the table in seriousness.

“So long as you pay there will be no further repercussions.” Kakashi soothed the civilians since he could tell they were more than willing to pay the price.

“Thank you for helping us.” Tsunami said as she and her father bowed to the Shinobi.

“We’ll do almost any job for the right price, so your thanks are appreciated, but unnecessary.” Kakashi eye-smiled at the civilians.

“So I take it we have another task to complete now?” Sasuke spoke up.

“Yes, Team Seven is now contracted to eliminate Gato and all of his subordinates and hired mercenaries. We’ll do some recon over the next few days while Tazuna gets back to work constructing his bridge.”

“Understood, sensei!” Sakura nodded and Naruto simply inclined his head from his position.

“Get some rest then, we move out in the morning.” Kakashi ordered and the three Genin nodded their assent.

-End Chapter-


First part of the mission is complete. Now onto the next. Shinobi don’t work for free nor do they come cheap. But what else can you expect from super-powered soldiers, right?

This will be the final chapter for a good long while I’m afraid. My muse for Naruto as a series has just about withered away to nothing. This story will be on a Hiatus with Sporadic updates just like Dokushu and Forest of Flames. I’ll add chapters whenever they come to me. Someday they’ll be finished, but even I’m not sure when.

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

I will be honest... this story isn’t my cup of tea... Naruto is a caring and chill dude in the anime and manga but for some reason a lot of fanfics turns him into a savage killer... that doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to kill in canon but he at least tries to talk to people and see if you can see his side and convince them to be decent people it doenst work often but I just feel cheated when the character it does work on who are just decent people in a bad situation just instantly die... like in canon Haku talking to Naruto was a major character building moment. Honestly why is Naruto on a Genin team if he can solo a chunin and Jonin before the chunin exams. Casually throwing that out there. Kohona could easily fast track him like Itachi and use him on real missions where he doenst just insta wreck people or render someone that actually made Kakashi one of the strongest characters in the series struggle. Naruto is an s rank ninja already go after the red communist clouds as Liberty prime! Liberty prime will deal with the red threat. Deploy the nukes! Naruto will defend Anchorage Alaska... I mean The Leaf


Yeah this is pretty heavily AU. The Tetsuheikihada gives him a lot of useful abilities but it comes at the cost of a 'battle maniac' personality that is only sated by being in actual battles. Then again most Bloodlines in Naruto had some kind of drawback.