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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! More progress for Harry and his Enchanting. Luna isn’t being treated well in Ravenclaw and Penny is on the warpath! Also this year’s Halloween Incident!

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 13 – Alchemy, Prefect, Halloween

Harry was walking toward his hidden workshop after the end of classes. Today he would be attempting more Alchemy to try and create an Alchemical Metal capable of holding the first of his prototype Arrays. He was only half paying attention to his surroundings as he walked since the path was so familiar to him now. It came as a bit of a surprise to run into Luna Lovegood in the out of the way corridor that led to his workshop.

“Hello Harry, nice to see you again.” Luna smiled with a lilting tone. Harry couldn’t help but smile back at the ‘moon-brained’ blonde. He wondered if the rumors about the Lovegood Family having some Fae Ancestry might have some truth to them.

“Good afternoon Luna, how’re you today?” Harry greeted and Luna’s smile became more meaningful as he saw her gaze sharpen and focus on him completely.

“I’m doing well, thank you for asking.” Luna chirped back happily.

“What brings you to this part of the castle, Luna?” Harry asked. This corridor was well off the beaten path for most anyone. It was one of the reason’s he’d chosen it when looking for a place to practice.

“There are many secrets in Hogwarts.” Luna stated before tilting her head slightly. “But I feel the one in this corridor isn’t Hogwarts’ secret, but someone else’s.”

“How do you know there is a secret here?” Harry asked trying to school his features. How Luna could have figured out where his hidden workshop was by herself greatly interested Harry.

“I told you, I feel it.” Luna repeated before she giggled slightly. “Also you always head in this direction after classes and no one sees you for hours afterwards. So you have to be going somewhere.”

“Right.” Harry sighed before smiling fondly at the quirky blonde. In the month since term started Luna had become another friend of his, much like his study buddies, and Penny had taken a liking to her fellow blonde. “Ah, what the hell…do you want to see the secret Luna?” He asked and Luna nodded, still smiling gently.

“That’s neat.” Luna commented as Harry revealed the door to his workshop.

“Glad you like it.” Harry chuckled as he opened the door and allowed Luna inside. The little blonde moved around the workshop inspecting everything with her eyes. She made small sounds of wonder every now and then and Harry followed her into the smithy so she could have a look.

“You’ve made yourself very comfortable here, Harry.” Luna mentioned after the ‘tour’ of the workshop.

“I can work in peace and try out new things.” Harry shrugged and Luna flitted about the room. “Feel free to hang out here for a bit if you want. I’m going to be trying my hand at a bit more Alchemy.” Luna nodded as she picked up a book on Charms that had been left in the room. The small blonde happily set herself in a chair off to the side of the room and began reading. Harry chuckled at how easy Luna was to please and set to work removing one of the metal plates that came with his Alchemist Starter Kit. It had a pre-etched Transmutation Circle already capable of being used on it. That saved Harry quite a bit of time drawing it out himself. He was going to attempt to transmute his first Alchemical Metal, Oulm.

He’d chosen Oulm since it was a very basic and low-grade Alchemical Metal. If you knew how to transmute and could measure out the proper amounts of the mundane ingredients, Oulm wasn’t difficult to make. While it wasn’t really any stronger than mundane steel it did have quite a useful amount of Magic Conductivity. That is, Magic flowed through it well without breaking the metal down, so it made a good base to try forging a Magical Blade from. Now Harry just needed to measure out his ingredients, it was a good thing he’d ordered a good amount through Owl Order before returning to school.

“Alright, so Oulm’s base ingredients are iron, copper, and ground dragon bone.” Harry mumbled to himself as he gathered the materials. “One kilogram of iron, one kilogram of copper, and finally five hundred grams of powdered dragon bone.” He continued to mutter as he measured out his ingredients on the set of scales that came with the Kit. He then placed the measured materials on the Transmutation Circle and prepared to pour his mana into the plate. “Here goes nothing.” He mused before sending his mana into the plate.

The Transmutation Circle began to glow a bright blue as Harry’s mana filled it. After a few seconds the only Magical Material, the powdered dragon bone, began to glow white-blue and quickly spread to the iron and copper. Harry watched on fascinated as the three materials seemingly merged together as they glowed. Small sparks of magical discharge came from the materials as they were transmuted and when the process finished Harry pulled his hands away from the plate. The newly transmuted metal was giving off a small bits of light that floated about like dust particles.

“According to the instructions once the light fades away I can test it to see if I was successful.” Harry nodded to himself as he looked over the ‘Beginners Alchemy for Enchanters’ book again to confirm. In just about a minute the glow faded and Harry picked up the transmuted metal. It was a dull grey color and weighed the same as the original materials combined. Other than that it had no real distinct features. “Alright, time to test it.” Harry breathed deeply before exhaling to get rid of nerves. A small amount of mana flowed from Harry’s hand and into the metal he was holding. The metal showed no reaction, so he poured a bit more mana into it. After a few moments, just when Harry was starting to think he’d failed, the metal in his hand began to glow faintly and even maintained the glow for several seconds after he stopped supplying mana to it.

“I think you succeeded, Harry.” Luna piped up from where she was reading. The spacey blonde had watched the transmutation and felt the need to speak up.

“I think so too.” Harry grinned as he looked at the Oulm in his hand. Even though it was low-grade Alchemical Metal, it was still Magical Metal and should, theoretically, be able to hold more complex Runic Arrays than mundane iron or steel. “Now I just have to forge you into the proper Form and apply an Array.” He smiled as he thought about which Arrays he’d already worked out. None of them were everything he wanted in his Artifact Sword, but each Array was a separate part of the overall whole that would, someday, make up his Artifact Sword.

-A Week Later-

“Luna why’re you here?” Penny asked as she was let into Harry’s workshop and spotted the little blonde.

“Harry lets me hang out here and study if I want when he’s in here working.” Luna replied as she went over her homework at a desk Harry had moved into the corner of his workshop for her.

“Well that’s nice of him.” Penny smiled at Harry and got a smile back from the Artificer. Harry himself was busy preparing his newest batch of Oulm for the forge. His first bit…hadn’t gone well. Harry had never tried to forge with Magical Metal before, so there was a very high chance that he’d make a mistake. He had and it had left his Oulm an inert slag after he’d made it too hot and basically ‘beaten’ the Magic out of it. Still Harry was confident he’d finally worked out the kinks of working with Oulm. So now he was preparing the next several ingots he’d made of the stuff for forge shaping.

“Luna, where are your shoes?” Penny asked and Harry looked up and saw the little blonde’s bare feet exposed from beneath her robes.

“I couldn’t find them this morning, so I had to go to classes without them. I didn’t want to be late or miss a class.” Luna replied looking at her feet.

“Did someone take your shoes, Luna?” Penny questioned gently, though Harry could practically feel the Prefect’s Magic trembling with rage.

“I suppose it’s possible.” Luna looked saddened by this admission. “Several of our Housemates don’t seem to like me talking about the Creatures we report about in the Quibbler.” Penny gently rubbed the First Year’s back and pulled her into a comforting hug. Harry frowned at what Luna had said; bullying was for those of lesser mind, not the ‘supposedly’ intelligent types that made up the Ravenclaw House. It seemed Luna would be needing a Ward Lock of her own for her dorm room. That wouldn’t take him long and would solve part of the problem at least.

“Don’t worry Luna, I’ll find your things and make sure those responsible are punished for it.” Penny assured the younger blonde. “It’s my responsibility as a Prefect after all.” Luna nodded into the hug and mumbled a quiet ‘Thank you.’ to the Sixth Year Prefect.

-Same Night ~ Ravenclaw Common Room-

That night in the Ravenclaw Common Room was one no student of the House would forget. They saw polite Penelope Clearwater truly angry for the first time. Harry had already made the Ward Lock for Luna and showed her how to use it. He’d gotten a hug from the happy blonde for it and was now sitting beside her as Penny worked herself up into a proper rage.

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing!” Penny yelled as she used a Wandless Summoning Charm to retrieve Luna’s missing things from around the Ravenclaw Tower. Many of her possession had come floating down from the Girls Dorms and several girls looked very shocked when certain items floated into the Common Room. “Do you all have no decency? No shame? She’s a First Year!” Penny yelled at the girls that had basically outed themselves as responsible. Once Luna’s stolen things were all in the room, Harry and Luna picked them up and carried them to the little blonde’s room. They could still hear Penny’s angry voice even from upstairs, well…as far as Harry could go of course. Boys couldn’t actually set foot on the first landing without being tossed off and making an alarm go off.

“Wands!” Penny commanded and the wands of seven different girls, the one’s that had practically outed themselves, flew from wherever the girls normally kept them and into the Prefect’s hand. “You lot will follow me to Professor Flitwick’s Office immediately!” She ordered and when the girls looked obstinate the blonde simply ‘willed’ her intent upon them. All seven found themselves being floated through the air by their robes and following the enraged Penny as she marched out of the Common Room. The entirety of Ravenclaw House simply stared at the door leading out of the Common Room in shock. Not even the Seventh Years made a noise for several moments. None of them had known that Penny was capable of that at all. To Wandlessly Summon all of the stolen items from this distance, to take seven wands that were all stashed away on their owner’s person, and then to levitate seven other people like it was nothing. It was mind-boggling to the other students; the fact that Penny had done it all without even drawing her own wand left many of them shaken.

“I wouldn’t recommend making her upset like this again.” Harry spoke up as he passed through the Common Room and headed towards the stairs for the Boy’s Dorms. “She didn’t even get aggressive enough to use Hexes or Jinxes. They all got off light compared to what I’ve seen her do.” With his piece said Harry ascended the stairs to his dorm room for the night.

-The Next Weekend ~ Saturday-

“Almost, just a few more centimeters…” Harry mumbled to himself as he carefully filled in the last line of the Magic Circuit he’d etched into one of the Oulm knives he’d forged. Circuit Base slowly poured from the tip of the Alchemic Pen as he carefully filled in the line. “And…done.” He smiled as he put the Pen down and let his creation cool and solidify. This was the first Oulm knife he’d ‘finished’ so far. He’d ended up ruining the first three he’d tried to etch Arrays into. Oulm was low-grade for a reason as it could lose the Magic inherent in the metal with improper handling. ‘Man, what I wouldn’t give to have some Orichalcum.’ Harry thought to himself as he waited so that he could test his knife. Orichalcum was much higher-grade Magic Metal and its intrinsic Magical Properties made it one of the best substances for conducting Magic in the world. Unfortunately it was still rather far out of Harry’s limited ability with Alchemy to even attempt to produce. Maybe in a year or two he’d have the skill to try and transmute it, but for now it was just wishful thinking.

Seeing the Oulm knife set and ready, Harry picked the knife up and set about testing it. The Array he’d chosen to etch into this knife incorporated four different Runic Sequences; Cut Prevention, Durability, Severance, and his own unique sequence for Mana, the same as he used for the Counting Sequence to identify in his Scouters and Test Frames. It would probably seem odd for any Magical Bladesmith to have both the Severance Sequence and the Cut Prevention Sequence on the same blade. Cut Prevention made a blade ‘dull’ for all intents and purposes, which made a blade useless unless it was paired with an activation/deactivation sequence. While the Severance Sequence allowed a blade to slice through things that would normally be too hard or durable for it to cut through. But that was one of Harry’s end goals for his Artifact Sword; a blade that wouldn’t cut anyone or anything, except exactly what was specified in the Array. In this case Harry wanted the knife to be able to cut mana or Magic. Admittedly his twelve year old mind thought slicing spells apart would be really cool, so he’d set out to make that his Artifact Sword’s claim to fame. ‘How cool will it be to have a ‘Spell Cutting Sword’?’ Harry pondered an excited grin on his face.

“Alright, first test, cutting a Lumos Charm.” Harry grinned as he brought a ball of light into existence. Moving the blade through the ball of light yielded no results however. “Well shite.” He muttered before trying a few different methods. He stabbed the ball of light to the same results. He tried swinging the knife faster but to no change in the light at all. “Hmm, my Array should be working, but there is no change at all? The Array works out, in theory anyway, but in practice not so much. Did I make it too specific or was I not specific enough?” The young Artificer wondered as he looked at the knife in his hand while pacing back and forth across the length of his workshop. Going back to his desk he set the knife down and pulled out his papers that he’d worked the Array out on. He started perusing the lines of Runes looking for what could have gone wrong. After almost an hour of not finding any reason for the lack of effect an alarm spell went off and Harry tapped his wand to cancel it.

“Time to meet with the study group already?” Harry mused as he placed his hands on top of his desk as he stood up. Feeling cold metal beneath his palm Harry looked down and saw his Oulm knife. “Good thing I worked in the Cut Prevention Sequence after all, that could have hurt otherwise.” He chuckled as he tapped the blade with his index finger. The sudden feeling of his finger getting the ‘pins and needles’ of being ‘asleep’ was a surprise and Harry narrowed his eyes while looking over his finger. “What in the world?” He wondered as he shook his hand and tried to flex his fingers. After a couple of attempts he got feeling back into his index finger and shook his hand. “Well, isn’t that interesting?” Harry questioned rhetorically to the empty workshop. Giving the ‘failed’ knife another look over Harry decided to look into it later. He’d agreed to meet with his study buddies today and he wanted to introduce Luna to them. The little blonde could definitely use more friends.

-The Library-

“Hello, Harry.” Luna smiled seeing Harry walk into the Library. He had asked her to meet him here at this time so she’d come, but she had no idea what it was Harry wanted.

“Hey Luna, thanks for meeting me.” Harry greeted as he motioned for Luna to follow him.

“So why did you want to meet in the Library, you asked me to bring my homework and books so I’m assuming we’re studying?” Luna questioned and Harry nodded.

“Yep, I also want to help you make a few more friends.” Harry replied and Luna looked curious.

“There are others that would like to be my friends? Who are they?” Luna inquired since she hadn’t made any friends besides Penny and Harry since she started at Hogwarts.

"Follow me and I’ll introduce you." Harry answered as he made his way over to the table his study buddies were currently occupying. "Hey Padma, Mandy, Hermione, how are you three this afternoon?"

"Hey Harry, doing good." Mandy replied with a grin.

“Studying for Transfiguration at the moment." Padma motioned towards their books.

“Good afternoon, Harry.” Hermione smiled before noticing Luna. “Who is this?”

"This is Luna Lovegood, she’s in Ravenclaw with Padma, Mandy and I." Harry introduced which prompted Padma and Mandy to greet the little blonde. "She's had a bit of difficulty making friends because she likes to talk about Magical Cryptids. But she’s sweet as can be and could really use a few more friends."

"It was really mean of those girls to take your things, Luna. Do you want to study with our little group?" Mandy asked even though she was already making a place for the First Year.

"We can help you out with anything you don’t understand." Padma assured Luna as she scooted over so that younger girl could sit between her and Mandy.

"We’d be happy to have you Luna.” Hermione agreed with a smile towards the First Year.

“Thank you very much.” Luna thanked the girls as she sat between Padma and Mandy and started taking out her things.

“Don’t mention it, Luna.” Mandy grinned as she pulled the other girl into a side-hug. Harry was pretty sure Luna couldn’t have looked happier if she tried. After a few minutes of getting settled Mandy asked everyone if they’d been using the Common Room Test Frames; when she got back all positive replies, except from Harry who simply used his own in his workshop, not that any of them knew that, she’d asked about their most recent readings.

“I checked this morning and was at ‘462’.” Padma informed the group.

“Bugger, you’re still beating me! I’m only at ‘456’ right now.” Mandy playfully pouted at her friend.

“I was at ‘470’ when I checked last night before bed.” Hermione spoke up and Padma and Mandy both playfully accused her of extra practice to one up them.

“I got a ‘138’ this morning before breakfast.” Luna smiled and the older girls gave her encouragement for her reading. All of them told her they could practice together and she’d definitely see her reading go up even higher. The little blonde quickly agreed to the extra practice with a bright smile.

“What?” Harry asked when all of the girls turned to look at him.

“What was your last reading?” Padma asked curiously.

“Oh, I was at ‘1,536’ when I checked a few days ago.” Harry replied and all the girls, except Luna who just smiled, had shocked looks on their faces.

“How the bloody hell?” Mandy questioned.

“Language!” Hermione chided her friend and Mandy barely acknowledged it.

“That is very impressive Harry.” Padma stated with a nod.

“I’ve just been practicing when I need a break from Enchanting.” Harry shrugged since he’d been trying to keep as even a balance between Wandless practice and Enchanting as he could. He’d Wandlessly completed a nifty new Charm yesterday called ‘Similitudo’ or the ‘Reflected Image’ Charm. It made an illusionary copy of the caster that mimicked all of the person’s actions, but in the opposite, just like a reflection in a mirror. To test it Harry had cast the spell and then walked towards a wall of his workshop. To his amusement the copy had walked in the opposite direction. He thought he might show this one to Tonks, since it could be useful for confusing a hostile Witch or Wizard.

“You’ve got to be cheating somehow.” Mandy playfully accused and Harry stuck his nose in the air and acted snooty to go along with it. It was an enjoyable study session and Harry could only smile when he saw how well Luna had been integrated into their little study group. It was nice to see the First Year laughing as she listened to Mandy make jokes.


It was a lovely and festive feast to celebrate the holiday and Harry was having a good time. Penny had to constantly check on Luna to make sure the girl didn’t eat nothing but sweets for the whole feast. This made Harry chuckle as he let himself have an extra helping of treacle tart. The decoration were fabulous, just as they were last year and as long as no Trolls found their way into the castle, or were let in Harry reminded himself, then the evening would be great. There was even some music playing throughout the feast and Harry was curious if the songs were all traditional for the holiday. Once the food had disappeared and the students began making their way out of the Great Hall, Harry was fairly certain this would be a good Halloween.

“I shouldn’t have even thought it.” Harry grumbled lowly to himself as a large crowd of students gathered around a second floor bathroom that had apparently flooded. At least judging by the water all over the corridor and the bathroom door still having water pouring from under it.

What was the cause of the large congregation of students, one might ask?

Large words written on the stone wall of the corridor in what appeared to be blood. Plus Mrs. Norris, Caretaker Filch’s menace of a cat was hanging from a wall sconce completely immobile and the man was howling about his cat being ‘dead’.

“Enemies of the Heir, beware.” Draco Malfoy read off the wall before smirking. “You’ll be next Mudbloods.”

‘How the hell did he come to that conclusion?’ Harry wonder incredulously, trying to figure out Malfoy’s leap in logic. ‘It only states ‘enemies of the Heir’ and that could mean anyone that this person wants it to. For all he knows the ‘enemies’ could be anyone in the castle that isn’t related to Slytherin. That seems especially likely considering the fact they went out of their way to use the term Heir for themselves.’ Harry had found out about the so called ‘Chamber of Secrets’ last year in the Library when he’d been looking into the history of the Magical Castle. Suffice to say he wasn’t exactly impressed by Salazar Slytherin’s ideals, nor was he sure that the man was even sane considering he supposedly left a ‘monster’ of some kind hidden in his secret chamber to one day ‘purge’ the school of the ‘unworthy’. The arrival of the Professors saw the students quickly being ushered off to their House Common Rooms as the area was cleared.

“I think I can be certain that this is what Dobby was trying to warn me about.” Harry grimaced as he recalled the fear the little House Elf had shown back in the summer. He had a letter to write to Sirius tonight.

-End Chapter-


Well…some good…some bad…it’s been a heck of a chapter. Now with the Chamber opened how long before something bad happens? Will Lockhart make an ass of himself? Definitely. But Harry has sort of progressed towards his goal of an Artifact Sword, so there’s that. Also Penny is now one of the most feared, if not THE most feared Prefects in Hogwarts. Yay? Keep reading to find out what happens next!

Current Mana Levels

Harry – 1,536

Tonks – 5,876 (Outdated)

Penelope – 4,762 (Outdated)

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Another fantastic chapter. Also, this just proves the universal constant, Luna deserves all the hugs.


Welp.... like always, awesome chapter!


It was a great chapter!


Another great chapter, and also ways wanting for more.

Thomas E Nellis

That was absolutely amazing! I love the concept of a antispell sword or a sword that could unintentionally sever the flow of magic within a person rendering them a squib. Mauhahahahaha.

John Mekjian

Excellent work as usual.


Thanks for the praise! If the poll is any indication you'll be getting another chapter this month!


I even have a name picked out for it! Though a few of his 'failures' will still find their own uses!


Thanks my General! I'll keep going, this is going to be an Epic if I can help it!


Excellent work. I am enjoying seeing Harry progress. Though this chapter and the last, plus knowing what awaits is making my imagination run wild, in terms of items to craft.


Glad the story is making your imagination spark! It's a great feeling to know your work makes people happy and creative!


Nice update. But i feel it's about time for Harry to start branching out and making new friends. Particularly some male friends since we guys, no matter how we deny it, still need the company of bros to keep us sane sometimes :)


Love the chapter can’t wait to see how his sword turns out and how it works, I’m curious if he’s going to bind it to himself or his bloodline as just thinking about what the sword might be able to do makes it sound quite dangerous.

mark geier

I like how you start with some aspects of the book, such as Lockhart and the basilisk, but don't let it overcome the story of Harry and his work, along with his relationships. Will he still be the one to figure things out and save the school? Or will someone else? I look forward to see what your plans are for this.


I was just re-reading this (the whole story, not just this chapter) and it now makes me wonder what that knife of Harry's will do to a certain diary?)


By itself? Nothing really, it's a 'failure' after all. The next, or next ,or the one after that, prototype? Well~ you'll just have to wait and see!