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I don't have this Plot Bunny fully written out yet, but I wanted to give a sneak peek to you my Patrons. As a big fan of Shonen Battle Manga and having read a litany of Fantasy in my life there is no end to the amount of power/abilities that I could work into being a Quirk for the My Hero Academia World. So here's another premise for a story like that, or at least a small portion of it, enjoy!

"Get out of my way Deku!" Bakugo growled as an explosion rang out across the playground.

"That's enough, Kacchan! You already made him cry!" Izuku yelled back his arms scuffed up but otherwise uninjured from the blast the ash blonde five year old had hit him with.

"You think you can be a Hero with your Quirk?" Bakugo demanded as his hands popped with mini explosions. Behind him his two lackeys used their Quirks , Wings and Extendable Fingers, to try and intimidate him.

"Heroes don't hurt others, Kacchan!" Izuku stated resolutely. Bakugo tsk'ed at the green-haired boy.

"Just because you have two Quirks doesn't mean you can be a Hero!" Bakugo snapped back. "You can't even use them both properly! But I can use mine fully!  Face it Deku, my Quirk is better than yours!" Behind Bakugo his lackeys both burst into laughter at Izuku. The boy that the green-haired five year old had been protecting had already fled without any of them really noticing.

Izuku knew he could be a Hero, his mother and father had both said so! Both of his parents had told them how proud they were of him ever since he'd learned about his two Quirks. He was proud of himself!

"Hey, is it getting hotter?" Extendable Fingers lackey asked 'Wings' and Bakugo.

"Yeah, it is...but why?" 'Wings' questioned. Only Bakugo quickly discerned the reason, since he knew what one of Izuku's Quirks was.

"Hey Deku, stop trying to use...your..." Bakugo trailed off as he stared at 'Deku'. All three of the boys learned two things then and there on that playground. First, what happens when you insult and demean some's pride. Second, what it felt like to be under the gaze of someone far stronger than them.

"I can't be a Hero? Who decided that?" Izuku asked as heat waves were coming off of his body. The same body that was growing taller and packing on muscle at an astounding pace.

"De-Deku…" Bakugo forced out, hating himself for stuttering.

"Your Quirk is better than mine? Who decided that?" Izuku intoned as he now stood at double his original height. The heat that was pouring off his body caused a large heat haze to surround the five year old, though he certainly didn't look like a five year old anymore. "I will be the one to decide." Izuku stared down his three bullies looking down on the three other boys from his new superior height. All three boys bolted away from Izuku and didn't stop running until they'd left the playground completely.

This was the day that Bakugo Katsuki learned fear for the first time. It was also the day that began his dislike of his once friend. A seething feeling of anger, fear, and inferiority developed in the ash blonde that he would struggle with for years to come.

Some would say this day was also the first step for the man that would come to be known as the Proud Hero: Escanor.


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

I can see this becoming a great story. You might need to lessen the effect of his power a little bit though, considering Escanor's power in SDS was completely broken in my opinion.


When I make a power from another series into a Quirk, I apply MHA Universe limits to the ability and change a bit of how it works to better fit as a Quirk. Izuku won't be trading full-power blows with All Might at the beginning of Canon. But he'll quickly come to rival him in the Strength department. Pretty sure I wouldn't give Izuku One for All in this story though. He'll be more than enough of a beast without it.


I like momo, also will his quirk be exactly like escanors power and thus be useless at night or will he be able to store up power to use when he wants but still be at his strongest during the day.


Closer to the second one. The way I envision it his power is boosted during the day but he can still use it at night, the trade off being that at night his stamina depletes faster so he would have to be more aware of his limits and ration out his power if he has to pull an 'All Nighter' for Hero Work.


Cool, still I’m looking forward to when he pulls off “the one” at noon and one hits all might.


'The One' is a later development. Probably a Super Move thing. Though he has no reason to try and one-hit All Might. Buuuuut~...a certain Yakuza Leader may find himself flying towards the sky, while severely burned, for what he's done to the absolute adorableness that is Eri.


I agree with that. Revenge for Eri


REVENGE!!! Also Eri's new 'Papa' figure is practically a living ray of sunlight. What better metaphor for a child that's been trapped in darkness than to be saved by the light that breaks through?