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Here we go again friends and fans! Time to drag out the Randomizer and see which of our Support Soldiers or Support Officers gets an update or one-shot of their choice! Let's run this thing!

The winner this month is...*drum roll*...Support Soldier Tristan McKenzie O'Meara!

*Applause* I'll be contacting you soon about your Request Support Soldier O'Meara!

As always I'll be running the Randomizer again next month! Who will win? Only Fate and Chance know that! But the Law of Probability should see every member eventually winning, right? Or am I misremembering that?

Anyway, look forward to this month of celebrating hitting out second goal, at least I hope so, and all the updates that will come with it!



Sadly, because this poll is only done once a month, and you tend to get several new supporters every month, if you keep getting new supporters every month, even if you don't let someone win twice, it would be impossible for everyone to win, unless you stop getting new supporters, which would be a bad thing. The fact that not everyone will win eventually just makes it more lucky when you do though.


Hmm, you're probably right. Would something else be better as a reward for my Support Soldiers and Support Officers?