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Well friends and fans, my workplace has called me back. I've been working since Tuesday and I have to say...I still hate it. Even before the shut down, which was also the day after my mother passed, I'd been considering looking into other places of employment. I'm just so sick of the production workplace. My last three 'performance reviews' I've been at or above 100% of my production quota. But that's not good enough...even when I hit 105% the first question I was asked was, 'So, how can we increase your numbers?', and honestly the factory is just sucking the life from me.

Tuesday when I first went back I started to feel the hollowing sense of unfulfillment that I remembered from before. By the end of the first hour all I wanted to do was be back here writing for all of you. But bills are a thing and money makes the world go round. So I'm left at a quandary. Ever since we hit the second goal Patreon has become able to pay my rent. That is my most major expense taken care of as long as we don't fall below it. That means a decent part-time job could see me financially stable for the foreseeable future.

So...my Patrons...should I take that leap? Should I submit a Letter of Resignation and find a part-time job while spending most of my time on my writing? Would that see me through and keep our group growing? Would you all support that idea? I won't ask a single cent more from any of you awesome people that already support me, you have already gotten me to this point where I even have the potential to contemplate this possibility. That already means the world to me and I can't thank you all enough.

Does my writing have the potential to become a full-time job? Could I make it solely as a Patreon Writer in the future? Should I take the next step forward towards realizing the Dream? What say you my Patrons?

P.S. If we maintain $500/month when all of the pledges have processed in June, I've decided the Reward will be a Poll that will choose which stories get a Double Update in June! That's right! A couple of stories, of our group's choosing, will be getting two chapters instead of one! And if I have time I might just throw in another surprise update as well! Looking at updating something that hasn't been updated in a while!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

In my personal opinion, I'd say have your resignation letter ready, but don't turn it in until you are certain you can find a better job. Try to find one you think you can be happy doing. Like the saying goes, 'Find a job you like, and you'll never work a day in your life'. Working a job you enjoy doing is much better in many ways than working at a job you despise after all. As for weather or not you could make it solely on Patreon income, I can't answer that. I will say though, that it's always good to have another source of income just in case, even if it's a part time job.


I would say yes and, also if you setup venmo like account I would have no issue sending in extra money to show my support. But this is not my choice to make and I only hope for the best for an amazing writer.


I do plan to find something easy to do for a part-time job. I technically have enough money to not need to work for a few months, but I'd be losing around $2,000 if our group didn't grow enough in that time to cover the remainder of my expenses. Always have a back-up plan has been a saying I've followed for many, many years.


Thank you for the vote of confidence, Kristopher! Never actually looked at what Venmo is, but I appreciate the sentiment! You can always add a little more to your pledge, but not so much that you're paying for more than I'm able to provide compensation for! I don't want anyone feeling like they've been stiffed!


I would say go for it but don’t send in ur resignation letter until u’re absolutely sure plus got some new job offers before u send it in. I’ll support u all the way in any way I can.

El Pirato

Look before you leap.


I support you all the way too, cannot wait for more content : )


I'll do everything in my power to write the stories you can't get anywhere else!