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Well since my dumb brain can’t settle down and allow me to write; without filling my head with ideas for different stories at least. I’ve decided to have a Plot Bunny Storage place for my ideas. Some of these may be worked on in the future while others remain just Plot Bunnies/One Shots. But for some reason all of my ideas are for My Hero Academia so I’ll just keep them all together!

I can’t seem to stop coming up with ideas for ‘Izuku with a Quirk’ stories so let’s just get out the first idea to help clear my head.

I hope everyone reading this enjoys! I kinda like this first one myself!


The Altering Hero: Deku

All men are not created equal. That is a simple fact of life. Six generations ago the Human Paradigm shifted in a way no one could have ever predicted. The emergence of Super Powers, which would later come to be called ‘Quirks’ appeared in a single baby born in China. From there these powers seemed to spread like wildfire throughout Humanity. The very next generation had a record of ten percent of all births manifesting a Quirk by age four. The third was even higher with twenty five percent of people having a Quirk. The fourth generation had a fifty percent Quirk manifestation rate. The fifth generation had an eighty percent manifestation rate. In the current sixth generation it had spiked to ninety five percent of all children being born with either a Mutation Type Quirk of some kind or manifesting a Transformation Type or Emitter Type Quirk by age four. Humanity had changed more in the last one hundred fifty years than at any other time in their evolutionary history.

As it would happen a certain green-haired young boy had just had his fourth birthday not too long ago. The young boy was excitedly waiting for his own Quirk to manifest and show itself for the first time. His parents smiled on watching him try and use either of their Quirks over and over again, hoping to coax his own Quirk into showing itself. Unbeknownst to the family, this was indeed the day young Midoriya Izuku’s Quirk would manifest and activate for the first time.

“Still trying Izu?” Midoriya Hisashi chuckled at his son who was inhaling deeply before breathing out as long as he could. The green-haired child trying to use his father’s Fire Breath Quirk.

“Yeah! I’m going to get my Quirk and be a Hero!” Izuku cheered, his little fists raised high into the air. Hisashi chuckled ruffling his four year old’s hair while Izuku moved into the living room and started trying to use his mother’s Quirk to pull stuff towards himself.

“He’s still at it, huh?” Midoriya Inko smiled watching her son try and use her own Quirk, Attraction of Small Objects, to move a magazine on the coffee table.

“Yep, he’s determined to get his Quirk as soon as he can.” Hisashi smiled looking at his wife.

“He hasn’t stopped talking about being a Hero since he saw All Might’s debut video a few months ago.” Inko giggled watching her little boy visibly try and force the magazine on the coffee table to move with his mind.

“I guess all kids want to be Heroes now days.” Hisashi grinned before sneaking a kiss on his wife’s cheek while their son wasn’t looking.

“Hisashi!” Inko giggled, playfully pushing his arm.

“Ahh! That wasn’t what was supposed to happen!” Izuku cried out and both parents were immediately standing beside him.

“What’s wrong Izuku?” Both parents asked only to see their son looking perfectly fine.

“I think I messed up Mom’s Quirk?” Izuku half asked, half stated. The four year old pointed towards the magazine he’d been attempting to move telekinetically and both parent’s eyes widened seeing half the magazine as a pile of dust.

“You turned it to dust?” Hisashi asked and Izuku nodded slowly since he wasn’t entirely sure.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Inko asked noticing Izuku’s eyes drooping.

“I’m tired.” Izuku yawned as Inko picked him up and cradled him to her.

“I’ll make an appointment for the doctor tomorrow. Izuku looks like he needs a nap.” Hisashi stated and Inko nodded in agreement as she went to put Izuku in his bed for a nap.

Izuku was practically bouncing in his seat as he sat in the waiting room with his parents. The nurse they’d seen when they’d first been called had taken the basic readings of Izuku’s vitals before taking a blood sample to have examined, as was normal when a Quirk first manifested. When the family name was called Izuku nearly bolted out of his seat trying to drag his parents to the room faster.

“Your son’s blood sample shows all the signs of an active Quirk Factor.” The mustached Doctor informed the family. “More specifically young Izuku’s Quirk seems to be a ‘Matter Altering’ Emitter Type. Those are rather uncommon so certain precautions need to be taken and we’ll need to do a few additional tests.”

“What kind of precautions?” Inko asked worried her son’s Quirk might be detrimental to him.

“What kind of tests are you talking about?” Hisashi also questioned unsure of what the Doctor was asking for.

“If young Izuku’s Quirk can activate accidentally we may need to get him some Quirk Support Gear that limits his Quirk’s usage. We also need to determine to what degree his Quirk can alter matter, as well as what limits he has in regards to material. Worst case scenario would be that Izuku’s Quirk can be activated accidentally and directly affect humans.” The Doctor explained and both parents’ eyes widened at the thought of their little boy accidentally turning another person to dust.

“Can we do the tests now?” Hisashi asked and the Doctor nodded.

“Legally speaking they’d have to be performed before young Izuku could return home. There have been accidents with Quirks like his before, so there are laws in place to try and prevent further accidents.” The Doctor explained before leading the family to a small room used for testing children’s Quirks. For the next several minutes Izuku was asked to use his new Quirk on various objects; paper, wood, metal, stone, plastic, water, and his power affected them all. All solid matter turned to dust and water vanished completely. The final tests were disguised a bit for Izuku’s sake. He was given two petri dishes with blood in them, one old and ‘dead’ while the other was freshly extracted from a nurse in the lab. Both petri dishes turned to dust under Izuku’s powers, but the blood, both old and new, remained unchanged. A small potted plant was brought in and Izuku turned the pot, dirt and the plant to dust. Then a small white rat was placed in front of Izuku and the Doctor smiled while jokingly asking if Izuku could remove its fur and make it a ‘naked’ rat. Izuku was petting the small animal and scrunching his face up trying to use his Quirk on it like the Doctor said. After a minute of no changes Izuku looked up at the Doctor and his parents.

“It won’t work.” Izuku stated. “I keep trying but I can’t make it change even a little.” Unnoticed by Izuku both of his parent’s lost most of the tension they’d been holding and their shoulders relaxed in relief. Their son’s Quirk didn’t work on animals, so he wouldn’t be turning anyone to dust by accident. A few more tests showed Izuku’s Emitter Typing was strongly linked to his will and intention, even startled, Izuku’s Quirk wouldn’t activate accidentally. In fact, according to the Doctor, the young boy’s Quirk seemed to require him to want to use it for it to activate at all.

“Thank you for being such a good boy today, Izuku.” The Doctor smiled at the boy. “Have a lollipop.” The mustached man handed the boy the candy and Izuku smiled before yawning widely. “It seems his Quirk takes quite a bit of energy to use. I’d prescribe a good nap.” The old man chuckled as Inko picked up Izuku and let him doze off in her arms. The Midoriya Family left the office that day with a sleeping four year old and a new Quirk Registry for their son. The Registry currently read:

Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Disintegration

Type: Emitter

This was followed by a list of the materials his Quirk affected and a few other things about the Quirk itself. It would be a few short days before all of Izuku’s peers found out about his Quirk and the unfortunate reaction most of them would have to it. It would be a few years before everyone, Izuku included, realized that a mistake had been made this particular day.

-A Few Days Later-

“Did you hear? Izuku’s Quirk destroys stuff.” Whispered one of Izuku’s pre-school classmates.

“Yeah, I hope he doesn’t use it to break our stuff.” Another replied and Izuku felt tears build up as his classmates all looked at him while whispering about his Quirk. He’d tried to explain that he’d never break someone else’s things but all the children were now wary of him. Even his pre-school teachers had been on alert for any Quirk usage by the four year old. The only one that hadn’t been intimidated by Izuku’s newfound power was Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku’s oldest friend. They’d known each other their whole lives because their parents were friends.

“Hey Izuku, heard your Quirk came in, show me!” Bakugo grinned and Izuku smiled as he showed the blonde, and the two kids that always followed Bakugo around, what his Quirk could do. “Is that all? That’s not scary!”

“I tried to tell them.” Izuku nodded before Bakugo spoke up again.

“How much can you do?” Bakugo questioned and Izuku showed him the limit of what he could turn to dust. It wasn’t much over all, maybe upwards of a kilogram or two of material at any one time. Izuku also admitted that using his Quirk made him really tired so he couldn’t do it for long.

“I have to try and get better so I can be a Hero!” Izuku smiled and Bakugo shrugged. The next several months would see the two start to drift apart as Izuku’s Quirk seemed to hit a limit no matter how hard he pushed it. While Bakugo’s Explosion Quirk slowly got stronger as the blonde practiced with it, earning him praise from the other students and even the teachers. This eventually culminated in Bakugo saying something that all but stopped the two from really interacting afterwards.

“You’re Quirk really isn’t suited for being a Hero, Izuku.” Bakugo stated his two followers behind him. “It’s almost useless. You can barely do anything with it, except destroy small stuff like some kind of petty villain.”

“That’s not true!” Izuku tried to defend himself. “I just have to keep practicing and make it stronger! I could use it to save people from disasters and stuff! Like a Rescue Hero!”

“Your Quirk isn’t getting stronger, so it’s useless.” Bakugo retorted and his followers agreed loudly. Izuku frowned heavily with tears forming in his eyes as he ran away from Bakugo and headed home. His parents would soothe him and reassure him about his dream of being a Hero. Unknown to Izuku, that night Bakugo’s parents received a call from Inko about their son’s behavior. Needless to say Katsuki wasn’t a happy camper when his mother punished him for being a bully. This childish anger would lead to Bakugo loudly proclaiming amongst their peers in pre-school that another way to read Izuku’s name was Deku, also meaning ‘useless’. Izuku would cry his eyes out that night as his new ‘moniker’ was quickly passed around through the small school. Unfortunately his father had been assigned an overseas position by his company when Izuku was five. Hisashi called and had video chats with his wife and son multiple times a week, but Izuku still wished his father was here with them.

While the childish alienation from his peers would continue through his first five years of Elementary school; Izuku refused to give up on his Dream of being a Hero. He kept practicing with his Quirk, constantly pushing the limits. It was only as he aged and got bigger that results began to appear. The bigger he grew the larger the amount of matter he could turn to dust and the less tired he felt afterwards. While everyone else in his peer group had written off his Dream and called him Deku, Izuku kept pushing and striving for his goal. It was during his sixth year in Elementary School that Izuku made a startling discovery.

“Hey Deku, still trying to make your useless Quirk into something?” Bakugo taunted seeing Izuku in the schoolyard at lunch practicing with his Quirk as he ate.

“It’s not useless…” Izuku started to retort but Bakugo’s followers jumped in with their own taunts and jibes. Izuku wished he had at least one friend that would have his back and help him in situations like this. Unfortunately his peers all knew of his Quirk and its capabilities, along with the ‘Deku’ nickname Bakugo had stuck on him years ago. So friends hadn’t been a part of Izuku’s life since pre-school. As Bakugo and his followers walked away Izuku sighed and activated his Quirk on some dirt nearby. The soil glowed in a multi-hued array of colors before turning to dust all at once. ‘I wish I could make them stop teasing me. If my Quirk had some flashy effect like Katsuki’s then maybe people would stop calling me Deku. If I could make the dust do something after I make it then they’d see my Quirk isn’t useless! If I could make it into a weapon to fight villains or into something to help save people then they couldn’t say anything about me being a Hero!’ With a huff Izuku picked up his bento box and started to stand up to head back to the classroom. It was only when he placed his hand on the ground next to him that he discovered a small, straight pole about thirty centimeters long and two centimeters thick under his hand.

“Where did this come from? It wasn’t here when I sat down.” Izuku wondered aloud as he picked up the small pole and examined it. The object seemed to be made of metal but Izuku couldn’t tell what kind, though his guess would be iron. Puzzled about where the object could have possibly come from Izuku looked around. Seeing nobody close to him, as usual, made the likelihood of it belonging to one of his classmates low. ‘Well…’ Izuku thought to himself. ‘I don’t get to practice on metal very often.’ With a thought the metal pole glowed the same multi-hued colors and dispersed into dust. Happy that his Quirk worked just as fast on metal as it did on anything else Izuku spotted the flower garden near the tree he’d been sitting under. More specifically he noticed the little poles that held up the signs telling the students not to walk through the garden. The poles that were almost the same size and shape of the one he’d just reduced to dust.

“Oh crap! Did I just destroy school property?!” Izuku panicked looking at the dust on the ground that had once been the pole. “I didn’t mean to! Oh man, how do I fix this? The pole is just glowing dust now! But I should replace it. I’m the one that broke it!” Everything that Izuku turned to dust retained a glow that shimmered in the dust particles for several seconds afterwards. Izuku didn’t know why this happened and the Doctor said it was probably just how his Quirk worked. But for the first time Izuku desperately desired for a specific object to come back from his Quirk. Or to be more literal, Izuku wanted to create something from the dust he turned something into. Before Izuku’s eyes the glowing dust that had hit the ground suddenly swirled around and compressed into a single point. From this point an identical metal pole formed from the dust and glowed the same as the dust for a second before falling to the ground as the glow faded.

“What the…” Izuku breathed out, staring at the metal pole. “Did I just…” Izuku’s mind started running in overdrive as he mentally examined what just happened. One thing that Izuku would claim to be good at was analyzing Quirks. He loved looking at the Quirks of Heroes and how they used them! He enjoyed figuring out a particular Quirks’ limits, applications, weaknesses, and strengths. He also loved theorizing on potential uses for a Quirk outside of the obvious. He had nine notebooks full of his observations and thoughts already from watching as many Heroes as he could. “Can I only remake what I broke down? Or can I make anything from anything else as long as I have enough material? I know the basics of the periodic table and how chemistry works. Maybe I can make anything I understand? Or is it anything to anything else so long as I will it?” Izuku was mumbling rapidly as he went through various possibilities of what he’d just discovered. Deciding the best way to find out was to test his theories Izuku activated his Quirk and turned a bit of dirt into dust before thinking on what he wanted. The dust swirled together rapidly and formed a pencil.

“I did it!” Izuku cheered as he picked up the fallen pencil, only to find that it wasn’t a real pencil. It looked like one, shape-wise, but it wasn’t made from wood and graphite. Instead the fake pencil was stone with the yellow coloring of a pencil. This sent Izuku into another mumbling rant as he pondered on this new discovery. The bell ringing warned Izuku that he only had a few minutes to get to class before he could test more. With a bright smile on his face Izuku ran back to his classroom, he couldn’t wait to show his mom when he got home. His dad would be so surprised when they video chatted tomorrow too!

Izuku couldn’t have been more correct. Inko had smiled and congratulated her son with tears in her eyes. Izuku had been happy to demonstrate for her while also testing out some more of his theories. That night Izuku turned three bowls into plates and back with his Quirk. He’d also broken down four drinking glasses and reformed them as a single large glass pitcher. He then undid this change and reformed the four individual glasses. Izuku found himself very tired that night after his experiments and fell face first into his bed. Hisashi had been ecstatic about Izuku’s discovery and smiled proudly at his son while watching the transformation of various objects through video chat the next night. Izuku had gone a bit overboard in his showing of his Quirk and fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow that night too.

The next weekend Inko took Izuku to the local government building of Musutafu to update his Quirk Registry. A quick demonstration of his newfound ability to a small panel of government workers and he was quickly on his way. The best part of this, in Izuku’s eyes, was that since he was older now he could name his own updated Quirk! Izuku mulled over several ideas, going through a rather large list of Quirk names from the various Heroes around Japan, before smiling as he settled on a name. Heading back home to dinner and a video chat with his dad Izuku thought his updated Quirk Registry truly fit what he know knew his Quirk could do.

Name: Midoriya Izuku

Quirk: Alter

Type: Emitter

-Two Years Later-

Ever since Izuku had discovered the true power of his Quirk, the intelligent young boy had set about practically devouring every scrap of knowledge he thought could benefit the use of his Quirk. He read and studied up on the Periodic Table of Elements, Chemistry, and even delved into Engineering in hopes that his Quirk could replicate more complex items if he could learn how they worked. Hisashi and Inko encouraged their son in his studies and Izuku couldn’t have asked for more supportive parents. By the time he was in his Second Year of Junior High Izuku was damn near a walking encyclopedia of multiple Disciplines. His studies for his Quirk had even pushed him ahead a bit in his regular schoolwork. He was consistently ranked in the top five of his year ever since he started Junior High.

Many of his peers, at least the ones that had seen Izuku practicing his Quirk during P.E. as was now mandated by the government for all schools, thought Izuku’s Quirk was amazing. Unfortunately for them Izuku had been socially exiled for five of his formative years; making the green-haired teen a bit socially awkward. Izuku found it hard to make new friends when several of these people were the ones that had made him an outcast in the first place. Izuku had looked up Support Gear designs on the internet during his studies over the past two years. Most of them were outdated and better versions were now guarded by the companies that owned the designs, but these old schematics had let Izuku see how Support Gear worked and how it helped a Hero’s Quirk. The green-haired teen was now capable of making simple Support Gear on-the-fly with his Quirk. His three favorites being reinforced Jumping Boots that let him leap large distances or jump vertically as high as ten meters. A Punch Enhancing Gauntlet that used compressed air pistons to deliver a stronger blow while also absorbing most of the recoil. Finally a miniature exoskeleton that supported his back, hips, knees, shoulders and elbows. With these three Items, Izuku had become very versatile with his Quirk. But it was only the tip of the iceberg for what Izuku really wanted to do.

“So if I make it like this…then have it form around my arm and shoulder…” Izuku muttered to himself while writing and sketching in his Hero Analysis for the Future Number Twelve notebook. He was working on an idea that would truly push his Quirk to the limits. If his idea worked it would be as close as Izuku could get to crafting himself another Quirk. For the last eleven months Izuku had been working out a new use for his Quirk. Going beyond basic Support Gear and coming up with his own ideas and designs. Now he was finally approaching a point where he felt ready to use his Quirk to create his new Item for the first time. This would be the first of what Izuku was dubbing his ‘Special Constructs’. Items formed by his Quirk that were made in such ways that they practically imparted another Quirk onto the green-haired boy. The one he was finally close to completing was a full-arm gauntlet that would protect his arm like a shell. It would be able to take a blow even from a Strength Enhancing Quirk and come out mostly undamaged, provided the Enhancement Quirk wasn’t ‘too’ strong. On top of the protection the gauntlet would house three ‘bullets’ that would act as both powerful thrusters and force enhancers when he converted them from solid-state into gas with his Quirk. Each ‘bullet’ would be stronger than the last and release more energy as they went from compressed solid matter to expanding gas when he used his Alter Quirk on them.

“Alright…with this ‘Special Construct’ Number One the ‘Shell Bullet’…should be complete.” Izuku smiled to himself as he looked over his sketches, diagrams and notes. He couldn’t wait to test it out!

“Shut the hell up, Deku!” Bakugo growled from where he was sitting diagonally from Izuku, the blonde’s desk one row closer to the front than Izuku’s.

“Sorry, Katsuki.” Izuku replied with a sigh. Even after his discovery of the full capabilities of his Quirk, Bakugo still looked down on Izuku. The blonde consistently stated that his Quirk was better than the green-haired boys and went out of his way to be better in absolutely every field he could compared to Izuku. Physical bullying had stopped after Izuku had struck Bakugo back while protecting another kid when they were in their last year of Elementary School. This had led to Katsuki’s mother punishing him severely for starting fights and the blonde had since kept his abuse entirely verbal. Both sets of parents still held out some small hope that the boys could become friends again like when they were little. Izuku wasn’t sure Bakugo’s pride would ever let that happen though. For now Izuku would focus on completing the ‘Shell Bullet’ and working out whatever kinks and flaws might appear during use. They only had a couple of months before their Third Year as Junior High students started. Izuku planned to apply for UA right off the bat and get his first ‘Special Construct’ fully tested and sound before the end of this school year.

-Months Later ~ Izuku’s Third Year of Junior High-

“You’re all Third Years now; it’s time for you to start seriously considering your futures.” Their Homeroom teacher told the class as he looked at them from the podium. “While normally I would pass out these career aptitude tests…why bother? I know you all want to be Heroes!” The entire class, barring two, cheered as they showed off their Quirks. “Yes, yes, you all have very nice Quirks; but using them at school is against the rules! So restrain yourselves!”

“Hey, sensei, don’t lump me in with all these extras!” Bakugo spoke up. “This lot would be lucky to end up as Sidekicks to a busted D-Lister. I’m the real deal!” Predictably his fellow classmates had something to say about that as they all tossed insults his way. “Bring it on! I’ll take you all on!”

“Hmm, you do have impressive test results.” The teacher commented. “Maybe you will get into UA.” Cue the shocked exclamations of the rest of the class that Bakugo was trying to get into the Number One Hero School.

“That’s why UA is perfect for me!” Bakugo replied as he stood up from his seat. “I aced all the mock tests! I’m the only one at this school that stands a chance of getting in! I’ll be more popular than All Might himself and become the richest Hero of all time! People all across the world will know my name! And it all starts with UA!”

“Oh yes, Midoriya, you applied for UA as well, right?” The teacher asked looking over his paperwork. Izuku sighed knowing Bakugo’s temper was going to flare and he’d be getting an earful sometime today.

“Yes, sensei.” Izuku replied and all of the other students whispered among themselves.

“Midoriya too?” One guy whispered.

“I mean…I could see it.” A girl nodded.

“Have you seen what Midoriya’s Quirk can do during the Quirk Control Course of P.E.? He could probably do it.” Another student spoke up.

“Settle down class, we still have work to do today.” The teacher quickly brought the class back under control. Izuku glanced over towards the fuming Bakugo only to get a fierce glare from the blonde boy. Just what he needed today.

-After School-

Izuku was walking home on his usual path from school. As he made his way underneath the overpass he was startled to hear a strange sound from behind him. Turning around Izuku was witness to a large mass of sludge pouring out of the sewer. The sludge then took on a vaguely humanoid shape as two large eyes and a mouth full of teeth appeared.

“Damn it, I need to hide!” The sludge growled before spotting Izuku. “Oh, a medium-size skin suit, perfect!” Izuku was staring at the sludge worriedly when the man moved for him. Izuku jerked back and managed to avoid the grasping tendrils of sludge.

“Back off!” Izuku yelled as all the dust and dirt under the over pass glowed with multi-hued light, briefly illuminating the space. With a pop the now glowing dust gathered together and formed a black sphere which Izuku grabbed before throwing it hard at the ground. The sphere exploded into a thick smokescreen disorientating the villain.

“What the hell is this?!” The villain roared out blindly whipping his tendrils around trying to clear the smoke. As the smoke dissipated Izuku had already made it out from under the overpass tunnel. The villain saw the boy running and began to give chase. Both Izuku and the villain stopped when a bang came from the tunnel.

“Never fear, for I am here!” A loud man’s voice called out and both Izuku and the villain turned to stare at the man who’d just showed up. One with the sparkling eyes of a fanboy, while the other with eyes full of fear.

“All Might!” Izuku exclaimed in shock, he never expected to meet his idol today!

“Damn it!” The villain cried out as he tried to make a break for it. All Might suddenly appearing in front of him with a fist cocked back ended any thoughts of escape.

“Texas…Smash!” All Might exclaimed as he threw the punch and the wind pressure released by his strength alone splattered the fluid villain across the street.

“Holy crap! That was incredible!” Izuku fanboyed as he watched All Might collect the villain into an empty two liter bottle.

“Sorry that you got caught up in my Hero Work, young man! Are you alright?” All Might asked and Izuku could only nod with starry eyes. “Hahaha! That’s good!”

“Mr. All Might, sir! C-could I…h-have your autograph, please?” Izuku managed to get out as he pulled his Hero Analysis for the Future Number Thirteen Notebook from his bag.

“Of course!” All Might replied as he signed the notebook and passed it back to the teen.

“Thank you so much, sir! This will be a family treasure! An Heirloom passed down for generations!” Izuku thanked the Number One Hero with multiple rapid bows.

“Think nothing of it young man! Now I must be off to turn this villain into the police!” All Might waved as he stuffed the two liter bottle into a pocket of his cargo pants. Izuku could only watch on amazed as his idol leaped away into the distance with his immense strength.

“Mom and dad aren’t going to believe this! I met All Might and got an autograph!” Izuku exclaimed happily as he rushed home to tell his mother. Unfortunately this wouldn’t be the last time Izuku ran into the ‘Sludge Villain’ as the media would come to call him. All Might made a single error in his capture of the villain. A two liter bottle isn’t meant to fit into most pockets, even on cargo pants, not to mention things tend to be knocked out of place when one suddenly accelerates with enough speed to clear several city blocks in one leap. Only when All Might stopped because of his time limit would he realize that his pocket was torn from his excessive speed and the bottle had fallen out at some point during his leap.

-A Short Time Later-

“I got everything on the list.” Izuku smiled as he carried a bag of groceries back to his home. “His mom hadn’t been planning on making his favorite food, Katsudon, tonight. But seeing as Izuku had met and gotten an autograph from his favorite Hero, Inko decided to celebrate. This led to Izuku volunteering to go get the missing ingredients for her. Now as he was heading back home with said ingredients Izuku was shocked to hear an explosion from afar. “What was that?”

“Hey, apparently some villain is rampaging down the block, there’s a bunch of pros on scene!” An older teen told his friends close to where Izuku was walking the three older teens looking at the first teen’s phone. Izuku, ever the Hero fanboy decided to take a look. Rushing to the scene Izuku was able to make his way to the front of the crowd. The scene was crazy, buildings were on fire, there was smoke in the air and explosions kept going off further down the street. Izuku saw the Rescue Hero Backdraft trying to contain the fires, the new up and comer Hero Kamui Woods was rescuing civilians trapped in the buildings while the Hero Death Arms was trying to yell over the explosions. But what made Izuku puzzled was when he saw the Sludge Villain from before, after all, hadn’t All Might captured him? But what made Izuku act without even a passing thought, was the sight of Bakugo Katsuki trapped in the villain’s grip while trying to fight back. The look in the blonde’s red eyes was one of fear and pain, the eyes of someone begging for help.

“Katsuki!” Izuku yelled as he bolted passed the police line and charged down the street towards the villain.

“Stop kid!” Death Arms yelled but Izuku couldn’t hear anything but his own heartbeat. Without a second thought damaged and burning wreckage all around the Sludge Villain glowed with multi-colored light before bursting apart into glowing dust. Izuku had never wanted to be just any one Type of Hero. He didn’t want to be a Battle Hero that fought face-to-face with villains to stop them. He didn’t want to be a Rescue Hero, focused on disasters, rescue operations, and civilian safety. He didn’t even want to be a Support Hero that used their Quirks to treat injuries, repair damaged areas, or keep villains contained. Izuku wanted to be a Hero capable of every Type of Hero Work. His Alter Quirk made this a legitimate possibility too. It was for this reason that Izuku had memorized the chemical make-up of several very specific compounds over the last few years. The Sludge Villain found out about this when the glowing dust that surrounded him all suddenly shrank and then turned into a white powder that rained down on his fluid body.

“What the hell is this stuff?!” The Sludge Villain exclaimed seeing the white powder covering him.

“Perlite-based Commercial-grade Instant Spill Absorber.” Izuku answered as the villain began to noticeably shrink. “It’s incredibly fast at absorbing liquids, doesn’t burn, and isn’t overly harmful to humans unless they ingest it. It’s used in chemical clean-up for accidents, but it also works well on villains with fluid-based Quirks like yours.” The villain tried to flail but his body was drying out as the Chemical Absorber soaked up more and more of his sludge. Izuku grabbed Katsuki and pulled with all he had, freeing the blonde from the villain’s grip as the sludge continued to shrink. While this was going on the Pro Heroes looked on dumbfounded. This Junior High School kid just rushed in and took down a villain none of them were compatible with. The civilians had been rescued and Backdraft had gotten the fires controlled. All that was left was to basically ‘sweep up’ the villain and hand him over to the police.

“What the hell was that, Deku?!’ Katsuki coughed out while glaring at Izuku. “I didn’t need your help!”

“You looked like you were in trouble.” Izuku responded as paramedics rushed up to the two boys along with Death Arms, Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods. The paramedics checked the two boys over while the police literally ‘swept up’ the villain and place him in a special canister for semi-solid criminals. Izuku was almost immediately given a clean bill of health while Katsuki was pulled over to an ambulance and given a much more thorough look over.

“Kid that was insanely dangerous!” Death Arms scolded Izuku while pinching the bridge of his nose. “Even if you have a Quirk that’s perfectly suited to dealing with a villain you don’t charge straight at them! You’re a civilian! That’s what we Heroes are here for!”

“He’s correct, young man.” Kamui Woods nodded. “While your Quirk worked splendidly in this situation, that villain could have killed you. You should always leave dealing with villains to a Pro Hero or the police.”

“You were reckless, kiddo.” Mt. Lady started and Izuku nodded. “But you saved a life today. So, good job.” Izuku looked up with wide eyes at the praise. The Pro then frowned at him making Izuku shrink back slightly. “But the next time you do that you’d better have a provisional license first!” Izuku rapidly nodded his head in agreement. “I’m sure you’ll be a great Hero once you’re done with school.”

“Very true, study hard kid, I’ll look forward to working with you in the future!” Death Arms smirked as he gave the boy a thumbs up.

“You did well, young man, a quick and appropriate response that saved the life of the hostage without endangering them. When you’re done with school come see me at my Agency, I’ll make a great Hero out of you.” Kamui Woods nodded and Izuku thought he could die happy.

“Hey, no trying to snatch up talent ahead of time Kamui!” Death Arms grumbled at the younger Hero. Izuku shakily raised his hand before asking all three Heroes for their autographs. With chuckles all around Izuku was given the three Heroes’ autographs and even got a peck on the cheek from Mt. Lady. Needless to say Izuku was red in the face throughout his walk towards his house. Or he would have been, if he hadn’t met All Might half way back home.

"I am here!" All Might called out as he appeared dashing out of an alley in front of Izuku.

"All Might! What are you doing here?" Izuku questioned since he hadn’t seen the man watching on in his true form near the edge of the crowd.

"I wanted to speak with you, young man." All Might laughed loudly as he put his fists on his hips.

"You wanted to speak with me? What about?" Izuku asked, wondering what his idol had apparently searched for him directly to talk to him about.

"Earlier, when you ran to face the sludge villain to save that other boy…" All Might began, making Izuku's eyes widened that All Might had seen him saving Katsuki. "Your legs moved on their own, right? You saw someone in need of help and you ran to save him even though you saw that the professional heroes couldn't do anything. Am I right?"

“Y-yes, sir, All Might.” Izuku got out after a moment. He didn’t stop to think about it, he’d seen Katsuki trapped and just moved.

"That is the truest mindset of a Hero, young man. You move to help others without consciously thinking about it. You moved in to save that other boy because he needed help and it was the right thing to do." All Might said with a huge smile on his face. Izuku thought he might be dreaming right now. His idol, All Might, was here praising his actions as Heroic! “Young…” The Number One Hero stopped for a moment since he didn’t know Izuku’s name.

“Oh! Sorry, sir! My name is Midoriya Izuku!” Izuku introduced himself with a bow.

“Good to properly meet you, young Midoriya!” All Might nodded. “Young Midoriya, I have a proposition for you.” The large man stated and Izuku looked on curiously. “Can we talk in private for a bit?” The green-haired teen nodded rapidly and the duo made their way to the top of the building they were standing next too; via All Might picking up Izuku and jumping to the top! Not a minute later All Might was engulfed in a plume of steam or smoke and a haggard, thin man was in his place. 

“All Might? What happened? No wait! You’re not really All Might are you?!” Naturally Izuku freaked out wondering if this man was an imposter.

“Settle down kid, I am All Might.” All Might confirmed as he sighed and sat down. “My Hero Form is part of my Quirk.” The blonde man informed the teen.

“Your Quirk?” Izuku murmured to himself his mind running through dozens of options and scenarios. Though almost half of his brain was internally squealing that All Might was going to tell him his Quirk! There had been so much speculation on it over the man’s long career, but he’d never confirmed anything about it!

“Yes, my Quirk is called ‘Bulk Up’; it does exactly what it says and allows me to enhance my physicality at will.” All Might informed the green-haired teen. “The form I take when I use my Quirk is who the people know as All Might.”

“That’s…that’s…incredible All Might!” Izuku exclaimed as he started rapidly muttering to himself. “That would explain why you’re so rarely seen outside of Hero Work. People have been wondering how a man of your stature could possibly blend in with a crowd for years! This explains so much! You have a built-in ‘secret identity’!” 

“Wow, you really can belt out the words can’t you?” All Might chuckled making Izuku stop his muttering with a red face. “Listen young Midoriya, what I wanted to talk to you about involves why I look like this.” The Hero started and over the next several minutes Izuku learned of All Might’s critical injury; and of the time constraints on his ability to perform Hero Work.

“What does all of this have to do with you wanting to talk to me though?” Izuku questioned and All Might, or Yagi Toshinori as Izuku learned was his real name.

“My Quirk isn’t the true source of my Power, young Midoriya.” Toshinori informed the boy as he held up his hand and a rainbow-colored light emitted from his palm. “In truth I was chosen to inherit this great power from another.”

“Chosen?” Izuku questioned his eyes wide in shock. Toshinori explained the true source of his incredible power, the Inherited Quirk ‘One for All’. How the Quirk was passed down from one user to the next, increasing in energy and power with each new user as they added to the Quirk. Currently One for All was the culmination of power and energy of eight Pro Heroes in their prime, one of those Heroes being All Might himself! By the end of the explanation Izuku was abuzz with questions but Toshinori cut him off.

“I’ve actually been looking for a successor to this power, young Midoriya.” Toshinori stated and Izuku was sure he felt his heart stop. “Seeing you with such true Heroic Spirit was inspiring! So I ask you, Midoriya Izuku, will you inherit One for All? Will you become the next Symbol of Peace?”

“Yes, All Might! I won’t let you down!” Izuku answered without thinking, though this decision was made completely by his heart and Izuku would never regret making it!

“No hesitation, just what I’d expect from a true Hero like you, young Midoriya!” Toshinori exclaimed a small amount of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. “Meet me at Dagobah Municipal Beach Park this Saturday at seven in the morning! We’ll begin your training to make you a proper vessel for One for All.”

“Yes, sir!” Izuku nodded and a few minutes later the duo parted ways. Izuku would return home, grocery bag still in hand, over an hour after he’d left. Inko had seen the whole incident on TV and bawled her eyes out while checking Izuku over for injuries. Dinner was a little later than usual but by the end of the night Inko was so proud of her son that nothing else mattered. Izuku went to bed that night with a smile on his face.

-Saturday ~ 7am-

“All Might!” Izuku called out to the thin blonde man standing next to a truck.

“Good morning, young Midoriya.” Toshinori smiled. “While I’m in this form call me Toshinori or Sensei; we don’t need my secret getting out.”

“Right, sensei!” Izuku nodded while lowering his voice. Toshinori smiled before explaining the training regime he’d come up with for Izuku to inherit One for All. The regime in question involving cleaning the mountains of trash from Dagobah Beach by himself. Izuku’s eyes widened at seeing the trash piled up before Toshinori pulled out a binder. The binder was full of dietary guidelines and a training schedule for the remaining ten months before UA’s Entrance Exam.

“Before we get started, tell me about your Quirk, young Midoriya.” Toshinori requested. “I saw you use it briefly to deal with the Sludge Villain, but what all can it do?”

“Well my Quirk is called Alter…” Izuku began and spent the next few minutes going over his Quirk’s capabilities and limitations with the blonde man.

“I see; it’s a very versatile Quirk.” Toshinori nodded to himself. “It also gives me an idea. We’ll train your body and your Quirk during these ten months!”

“How’s that?” Izuku asked wondering what the Number One Hero had thought up.

“We’ll have you practice turning all this junk into useful things. After you remove it from the beach we’ll haul it to some private property I own, then we’ll have you use your Quirk to turn this mountain of trash into things for others! We’ll be doing multiple acts of good while you get the training you need for One for All!” Toshinori smiled widely, matched by Izuku’s own grin at the thought of helping others with his Quirk. “Now let’s get started!”

“Yes, sir!” Izuku cheered as he moved towards the heaps of trash. For the next ten months Izuku would build his body by hauling heavy objects and following the workouts Toshinori made for him. His parents were supportive of his new training regime and diet, but they’d insisted on meeting the man that wanted to train their son. So about a week into Izuku’s training Toshinori had come to dinner at the Midoriya household. He’d met Inko and ate with them and then had video chatted with Hisashi. Toshinori explained his reasons for wanting to train Izuku and that he had worked with Pro Heroes for decades, which wasn’t even a lie, before both parents had agreed to Izuku continuing the training.

-Time Skip ~ 10 Months Later-

“In local news, Dagobah Municipal Park Beach has been completely cleaned by persons unknown. The beach was known for the last several years as a dumping ground for trash. Local authorities had been stymied in their efforts to combat the out of control dumping and littering. Eyewitness accounts claim that an older man and a teen male were seen occasionally hauling away trash from the beach over the last several months.” The News Reporter on TV said as Izuku got ready for his trip to UA to take the Entrance Exam. He smiled as he saw footage on the screen about how the beach had been revitalized and local families had started coming back to it again. Izuku left the house to words of encouragement from his mother and a nearly rib bruising hug. On his way to UA by train Izuku scrolled through his phone and another smile lit up his face as he saw a particular article.


Number One Hero, All Might, Charity Fundraiser Breaks Records!

The recent sale of ten thousand limited edition All Might fan shirts, ten thousand limited edition All Might figures, and ten thousand limited edition All Might posters, has broken records for charity fundraising! The items in question were provided by All Might himself and were made by an unknown creator that All Might simply called a ‘good friend’. The limited edition items all sold out in less than a day and the total amount raised was…


Izuku stopped reading as the speaker on the train announced his stop and he put his hone away while moving towards the doors. Walking from the station to the school entrance didn’t take too long and before Izuku knew it he was staring up at the UA school building. Izuku took a deep breath to settle his nerves before starting to walk forward.

“Out of my way Deku!” Bakugo growled at the other teen as he made his way past Izuku and into the building without so much as a glance back.

“Katsuki is cheery as usual.” Izuku sighed as he walked forward and entered the building. The written exam wasn’t easy but Izuku felt he did well on it, definitely enough to pass! When it came time to learn what the practical exam entailed Izuku had a small fanboy moment at seeing the Voice Hero: Present Mic on stage going over the exam. A growl to ‘Shut the hell up!’ from Bakugo, who was sitting next to him, saw Izuku internalizing his fanboy moment.

“Alright…here we are.” Izuku breathed deeply before exhaling as he stood outside Exam Site B. Trying to keep his nerves away Izuku thought back to yesterday morning when All Might had passed One for All over to him.


“You’ve truly earned this young Midoriya; never forget what your hard work has brought you!” Toshinori, in his Hero Form, stated as he removed a strand of hair from his head. Needless to say Izuku had been shocked by the method of transfer, but had pushed past it and swallowed the hair.

“I don’t feel any different?” Izuku mused as he looked himself over.

“Of course not, your body needs time to process and assimilate One for All.” Toshinori, now in his true form, stated with a wave. “Just remember, this Quirk is the culmination of eight Pros at their peaks! It is an immense power and arguably the most powerful Force Multiplier Quirk in existence. It’ll take time and training before you make it your own, but I’ll be there to help you learn, young Midoriya!”

“So does it activate like an Emitter Quirk?” Izuku asked and Toshinori nodded.

“I had a good handle of One for All as soon as I got it. What always worked for me was…”

-Flashback End-

“START!” Present Mic called out loudly from where he stood on a platform at the top of a tower, his voice reaching out across the large testing grounds and to all the various groups of applicants. Everybody in Izuku’s testing group froze up for a moment at the sudden start. “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! RUN! GO, GO, GO!!!”

With that Izuku and the rest of the examinees dashed forward into the large mock cityscape. Izuku ran slightly off course from the main group of students and found his first target quickly, a One Pointer according to the paper they’d gone over.

‘Target acquired…eliminate!” The machine intoned and Izuku couldn’t help but grin as it moved towards him. A single instant and the One Pointer glowed in a multitude of colors before bursting into dust and swirling around Izuku. The glowing dust of the large robot became Izuku’s three favorite support items; the mini exoskeleton, Jumping Boots, and Punching Gauntlets.

“That should count as a point, right?” Izuku wondered to himself as he bounced a little in the boots. Over the next ten minutes Izuku punched, stomped, and disintegrated almost a dozen robots and netted himself Twenty Two points. As he was moving through the cityscape he came upon a group of examinees surrounded by Three Pointers. Seeing the others surrounded, and therefore ‘In Danger’, Izuku leapt close and used his Quirk on the robot nearest him. The Three Pointer burst into the glowing dust to the wide eyed amazement of the group of teens. Izuku formed the dust into long metal rods which he punched with his Gauntlets sending them flying into the remaining Three Pointers.

“Holy shit, what was that?” One of the teens questioned.

“Are you guys alright?” Izuku asked. He received nods from the teens, who were still dumbfounded by what they witnessed, before he leapt off to find more robots. His points now stood at Thirty Four. In the last five minutes of the test the giant gimmick robot, the Zero Pointer, was unleashed. Izuku watched from the top of one of the buildings as the giant robot moved its way down the main street of the fake city. “I see why it’s a gimmick. It would take some very specific or very powerful Quirks to take it down.” Looking down at the rumble strewn around by the behemoth machine Izuku caught a glimpse of someone half buried under some hunks of concrete. The biggest problem with this was the Zero Pointer’s massive tank treads bearing down on them! Izuku was on the ground and running towards the trapped person before his mind caught up with him.

“Please help, I’m stuck!” The brunette girl yelled to him but the Zero Pointer was already almost on top of her.

‘No time to think, stop the robot, save her!’ Izuku yelled mentally as his Punching Gauntlets dispersed into glowing dust and a portion of the street next to him burst into even more of the glowing dust. The multicolored dust swirled around Izuku’s right arm and formed a dark green and black gauntlet that reached all the way up to his shoulder. On the forearm of the gauntlet were three chambers, each held a single dark red cylinder. From the shoulder a large metal cylinder emerged, it looked very similar to the jets on the back of a fighter plane. The first ‘Special Construct’ the Shell Bullet, was formed for the first time in a combat situation. Izuku reached inside and felt the power of One for All, like Toshinori had told him it was immense but Izuku grabbed it and shoved the power into his legs as he leapt upwards. He didn’t even notice the shattering of his Jumping Boots. Izuku soared high into the air coming face-to-face, so to speak, with the massive robot.

“First Bullet!” Izuku yelled and one of the dark red cylinders burst apart into glowing dust. Half of the dust was forced out of the back of the gauntlet through the jet sending Izuku speeding forward towards the robot’s ‘face’. Izuku reared back and slammed his gauntleted fist into the machine; the second half of the glowing dust was blasted out of the fist upon impact with the metal. A loud metallic smashing sound was heard as the Zero Pointer’s face crumbled inwards from the force of the blow. The robot reeled backwards, upsetting its center of gravity, and began to fall. The massive treads that had been so close to the trapped girl came up off the ground as the robot fell backwards and stopped moving once the rest of the machine crashed into the asphalt.

‘I did it! I saved her!’ Izuku thought happily seeing the Zero Pointer unmoving on the ground. He prepared to land with the help of his Jumping Boots only to look down and see them gone. ‘When did that happen?’ He wondered briefly before he landed, his legs bent to absorb the shock and that was when Izuku found out about his injured legs!

“OOOWWW!” Izuku cried out as he collapsed onto his back and dispersed the ‘Shell Bullet’. Reaching towards the trapped girl, even with tears in his eyes, Izuku called upon his Quirk. The rumble pinning the girl down dispersed into glowing dust allowing her to sit up.

“Are you ok?” The brunette asked as she looked over at him. The girl was cradling her right ankle and Izuku assumed it was injured.

“I think I went way overboard with my Quirk.” Izuku smiled as he forced the tears back. “I’ll be fine!” He reassured the girl, just like a Hero would!

“Annnnd STOP!” Present Mic’s voice was heard throughout the testing grounds. “The exam is over!” Izuku huffed as he gently tried to massage his injured legs. He was pretty sure he’d gotten enough points to pass the practical.

“Any injuries? Come to me if you need any assistance!” An elderly woman in a very well-known Hero Suit called out. This was the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl, she was UA’s school nurse. The old woman made her way over to the brunette and Izuku and looked them over. “Oh my, you both look like you could use a little help.”

“Help her first, I can wait.” Izuku grinned through the pain in his legs.

“Well aren’t you a nice boy.” Recovery Girl smiled before moving over to the brunette.

“I hurt my ankle when the rubble fell on me.” She informed the nurse.

“No trouble at all.” Recovery Girl smiled as she kissed the girl’s knee. The brunette’s whole leg glowed a light green for a few moments before fading.

“Hey, it doesn’t hurt at all, I’m fixed!” The brunette smiled as she stood up and felt fine.

“Now for you, young man, you seem to have some hairline fractures in your legs and you’ve torn several of the muscles.” Recovery Girl stated as she kissed the boy on his leg.

“I went overboard with my Quirk. I didn’t know the backlash would be so bad.” Izuku admitted as his legs glowed and the pain faded away as the healed.

“Well, try and get a better handle on it. It would be a shame if you injured yourself too often.” Recovery Girl advised as Izuku stood up and thanked her.

-Time Skip ~ One Week Later-

“Izuku! It’s here!” Inko called out as she rushed to her son’s room and handed him the letter that had come from UA.

“Thanks mom, I’m going to open it in my room.” Izuku said as he retreated into his room and sat at his desk. “Ok…you passed Izuku, just open the letter.” He breathed deeply before opening the letter. A small disc-shaped object fell out and started projecting an image.

“I am here! As a hologram!” All Might greeted and Izuku looked confused seeing his idol/sensei on a message from UA. All Might quickly explained that he was actually becoming a teacher at UA this year. Izuku’s eye nearly popped out of his head in shock from this information. “Now young Midoriya, your results!” All Might declared and a screen behind the man lit up showing Izuku’s Exam Results.


Midoriya Izuku: Villain Points – 43, Rescue Points – 75

Total Score: 118

-Back to Message-

“We withheld that there were other ways to gather points! After all, Hero Work isn’t just about beating up the bad guys! It’s about saving innocent lives!” All Might smiled widely. “Welcome, young Midoriya, this is your Hero Academia!”

“Yes!” Izuku cheered, even as he couldn’t stop the tears flowing down his face. All the years of practice, of studying and training for the last ten months was worth it! He’d gotten in! He was going to UA! On the other side of the door Inko had her own waterfall of tears pouring from her eyes as she smiled happily. Her baby boy was going to get to live his dream!

-Time Skip ~ First Day of Class-

Izuku was dressed in the UA uniform and was standing up from just having put his shoes on. He was just about to walk out his front door, after hugging his mother goodbye, when Inko stopped him for one last thing. Turning to face his mother Izuku smiled at the proud look on her face, even though there were tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

“You look really cool right now, Izuku!” Inko complimented her son making Izuku beam at her. Her little boy’s smile could always brighten her day! The whole trip to UA was little more than a blur to Izuku. His excitement filled his mind with too many thoughts and time just seemed to fly by. Before he knew it he was standing before a large door marked ‘1-A’, he took a deep breath to calm himself before opening the door. Only to find Bakugo arguing with the tall blue-haired teen that had called out Present Mic for not mentioning the Zero Pointer during the Practical Exam explanation.

“Of course…” Izuku sighed seeing Bakugo was in his class.

“Hey I recognize that hair!” A familiar female voice called out behind him and Izuku turned to face the brunette from the Exam.

“Oh, h-hello again.” Izuku smiled and the girl smiled back.

“I know I said thanks on the way back from the testing site, but I wanted to thank you again for the save. I’m Uraraka Ochako by the way.” Ochako smiled and Izuku felt his face heat up a bit, most girls he’d known didn’t talk to him.

“Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you.” Izuku introduced himself, proud of the fact that he’d managed without a stutter.

“If you’re just here to make friends then you should leave.” A male voice came from the hallway. Looking back revealed a man in a yellow sleeping bag. He looked tired with black bags under his eyes. He had long, unkempt black hair and some facial hair. Neither Izuku nor Ochako knew what to make of the man. When he walked into the room and introduced himself as their homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, all of the students looked on confused. UA was taught entirely by Pro Heroes, yet no one seemed to recognize this guy at all. “Pu these on and head out to the practice field.” Aizawa instructed as he passed out UA’s Gym Uniform. While all the students were confused by the instruction, especially since the Orientation and Guidance Meetings hadn’t taken place yet, they all did as told and made their way to the changing rooms and out to the practice field.

“What are we doing out here? Orientation is going to start in a thirty minutes.” Ochako wondered out loud as the class of twenty assembled together with Aizawa standing in front of them.

“It’s time for a Quirk Assessment Test. You’ll be doing the same standardized Physical Fitness Tests you did in Junior High; but this time you’ll be using your Quirks.” Aizawa informed them. “Midoriya, you scored the highest on the Entrance Exam, step forward.” All nineteen other students looked towards the green-haired teen that now sported a red face of embarrassment at being the focus of all his classmates, though Bakugo’s glare at him was completely expected. Never the less, he stepped forward and Aizawa handed him a ball with a metallic ring on it that was the size of a softball. “How far could you throw in Junior High, Midoriya?”

“Fifty nine meters, sensei.” Izuku replied looking the ball over.

“Use your Quirk this time, just don’t leave the circle.” Aizawa instructed motioning to a circle on the ground.

“Can I ask one question, sensei?” Izuku inquired of his homeroom teacher.

“What is it?” Aizawa asked.

“How durable is this ball?” Izuku asked as he tossed it up and down lightly.

“Principal Nezu helped come up with the ball’s composition. It can survive almost anything.” Aizawa replied and Izuku smiled.

“Good to know!” Izuku happily replied as he made his way over to the circle. Everyone looked on as Izuku held the ball in his left hand while sticking his right arm straight out to his side. The ground just outside of the circle glowed with multicolored light before bursting into glowing dust. That alone made the eyes of every student, bar Bakugo who’d seen it plenty of times, nearly pop out of their heads. The glowing dust swirled around Izuku’s right arm and formed the ‘Shell Bullet’ just like at the Entrance Exam. Unbeknownst to Izuku, a tall black-haired girl in his class suddenly widened her eyes while her hands rose to cover her mouth; her shocked expression going unnoticed by the class as they watched Izuku. With a grin Izuku held up the ball with his left hand and formed a fist with his right.

“What the heck kind of Quirk is that?” A red-haired teen asked as they all looked on. He wouldn’t get an answer until later.

“First Bullet!” Izuku called and once again one of the dark red cylinders burst into glowing dust. Izuku lightly tossed the ball and then struck it with all the power of the ‘Shell Bullet’. The ball went rocketing into the sky and was out of eyesight near instantly. Izuku looked towards Aizawa but the teacher was glancing at the small phone-like device he held as if he was waiting for something. Twenty seconds later Aizawa’s device beeped and he raised an eyebrow.

“It’s important to know your limits.” Aizawa stated as he turned the device around and showed the class Izuku’s result; the said result being 928.4m on the display.

“Holy crap! Almost a kilometer!” A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt-like mark in his hair exclaimed in shock. Izuku rubbed the back of his head nervously as he dispersed the ‘Shell Bullet’ and walked back towards the rest of the students. He didn’t expect to suddenly have a meeting with a ‘very’ pretty girl.

“Hello, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo. Please pardon my curiosity but would your Quirk be a ‘Matter Altering’ type?” Momo asked her eyes practically searching Izuku’s own for the answer. Izuku felt his face flare red at being so close to a pretty girl, but he managed to bring himself to respond.

“Oh, um, yes it is. It’s called Alter.” Izuku replied without a stutter since Quirks were a topic he was actually confident in. Momo’s dark eyes practically sparkled with joy at Izuku’s response. The green-haired teen wondered why she was so happy but got his response a few seconds later. Momo’s hand seemed to emit multi-colored light as a matryoshka doll formed from it and the glow disappeared. Izuku’s eyes had widened at seeing the multicolored light, it was rather similar to his own Quirk after all. Seeing his new classmate create the little doll though instantly cleared up Izuku’s curiosity about why she was so interested in his Quirk. She was the same as him; she had a ‘Matter Altering’ Quirk as well! The only other one Izuku had ever encountered up to this point in his life! That was how rare Quirks like theirs were, no wonder she was so excited, hell; Izuku was becoming just as excited as the pretty girl himself!

“My Quirk is called ‘Creation’.” Momo smiled beautifully at Izuku and he couldn’t help but smile brightly back at her.

“My name is Midoriya Izuku; it’s a pleasure to meet you Yaoyorozu Momo.” Izuku politely bowed and Momo’s smile, in Izuku’s eyes, suddenly got even more beautiful. The two were so busy with each other that they hadn’t even payed attention to the fact that Aizawa was moving the class to start the rest of the tests.

“Midoriya! Yaoyorozu! Pay attention or you’ll be the one’s going home! A Hero can’t let themselves be distracted!” Aizawa called out and both students finally broke eye contact with each other; before hastily moving to catch up with the rest of the class.

“Wait, what did he mean by going home?” Izuku asked and Momo could only shake her head since neither of them had heard Aizawa say the lowest scoring student would be expelled.

-End Chapter-


Weeeelllll now, what’s this we see? Are our little cinnamon roll and our resident genius hitting it off? What’s going to happen there I wonder?

Anyway this has been the first ‘Plot Bunny’ for My Hero Academia! I hope you’ve enjoyed it. It may become a full story in the future depending on the response! I’ll be posting any other ‘Plot Bunnies’ here as well until I either have the time to do them or just to get them out of my head so that I can write for my other stories!


Thomas E Nellis

Okay so I liked the chapter. It was pretty awesome but there were some weird character slips. Almight introduces his quirk as Bulk up and a few sentences later tells Izuku he is giving him All for One, Izuku just ignores those change in name and doesn’t ask anything about the quirk. Izuku also doesn’t seem to have a defined range on his powers so what is stopping him from disintegrating villains costumes and making it so they have nowhere to hide? This would make him an early target for villains not mention he is now the ultimate counter to prison and several heros honestly he seems like a better Momo... literally making her role redundant. Just being blunt. Seeing as can literally cover a villain in their weakness or trap them...


Toshinori has a Quirk in this AU, it is called 'Bulk Up' and it gives him his Muscle Form. I purposefully mentioned the generations in the beginning to demonstrate that I've moved all the characters one generation further into the future! Inko was stated as being a 'fourth generation' in canon so now she is a 'fifth generation' in this AU. Quirks continue to become more common so Toshinori wasn't Quirkless and neither was Izuku. As for what's stopping Izuku from disintegrating clothing, organic fibers like wool can't be broken down at all by his Quirk, Polyester and Cotton yes. But he's limited in his precision as well, you'll notice he never once was able to precisely control what matter was broken down, only a vague area. If an animal exists in that area the Quirk can fail because it's not targeted to just the clothing. If I work further on it that'll all be explained. Also Izuku isn't all knowing or anything, he only has a few specific compounds memorized. Not every villain has a fluid body after all. As for breaking out of prison, Izuku has no reason to be locked up and he's too much of a Hero to assist villains. Even with extraneous circumstances Izuku, even in canon, is the type to figure his way out of said situations! Momo's Quirk, in canon, is absolute bullshit! It clearly doesn't work how they say it does! She turns her lipids into other materials? Fine. Then explain to me how a 16 year old girls that weighs something like 125 - 135 pounds makes a full-size, fully functional Cannon that weighs, according to my research, 175 pounds at minimum! There is definitely something else going on! If I make a second chapter you can bet Izuku's analytical mind will puzzle out what is 'really' going on! That all said, I'm glad you liked the Plot Bunny!

Thomas E Nellis

Yeah but them but having their masks or sleeves for pant legs isn’t naked anything he can use to identify them so they can’t hide. It’s so easy for him to find loopholes in challenges in cannon I don’t see why he wouldn’t do that. Even if it was for teh guise of seeing if their quirk made their eyes glow or whatever lol. Nowhere did I say it’s time to make the villains naked lol. Though I am sure blood bae would love that with Izuku :P.


Oh Toga, what an adorable psycho, yandere, stalker girl you are! Please refrain of stabbing Izuku!

David Zimmerle

Really like this so far. It’s the first story I’ve seen where Izuku has that kind of quirk so it’ll be an interesting read I believe. If continued I’d hope it’s izu/Momo just because I’d really want the epilogue to mention how op their kids quirk would be. Shoot is the result of two really strong quirks but opposites making his more of a versatile thing than a stronger flame, I wonder how strong the ability a child would get when both parents have incredibly strong matching quirks.


If I continue it the pairing is definitely IzuMomo! They already had a 'moment' during their very first meeting after all! Oh Mineta is going to be SO jealous/pissed! Tears of blood all over again!


You know S-Cry-Ed was one of the first anime I ever watched. It brings back some fond memories.


Glad to see another fan of the classics! So many older series are often completely forgotten by a large portion of the modern fanbase. I've had quite a bit of positive response to this first Plot Bunny! If it becomes a full story rest assured that the 'Shell Bullet' won't be the only power that becomes a 'Special Construct' of Izuku's!


This is pretty good. A very ingenious quirk you made and it greatly compliments Momo's as well. I can certainly imagine Izuku and Momo being together talking like absolute nerds on how broken both of their quirks will be combined. Momo can create materials that are hard for Izuku to make from basic stuff and Izuku can use those materials to create even more badass tech. The perfect Duo. At this point though I feel that one for all is redundant and Izuku will probably never need to use it. Also I imagine Izuku to have to be very academic consistently in order to keep his quirk up to date. One problem that will face Izuku is that he will probably be persecuted and harrassed by manufacturing companies and other capitalist pigs (lol kidding) because he is a constant threat to the market. He can literally destroy the world economy by creating unlimited gold or other precious metals and dump the the market of electronics with cheaper and better phones and devices with his quirks. Villains will be the least of his worries because unlike Momo, who is restricted by her body fat? (It's vague in Canon), Izuku is only restrained by his stamina.


Izuku would never do that! He's a good boy! One for All will be used differently than in canon. After all this AU Izuku has a Quirk of his own to use it with! In canon Izuku is the same as All Might, Quirkless, therefore they can only use One for All to enhance their physicality since they have no Quirk to power up. Izuku's stamina consumption will become less of an issue when he 'analyzes' a better use for all of that stockpiled power and energy from One for All! Of course it'll be nerd talk! Two -semi-socially awkward teen nerds falling in love over time bonding, at first, over their similar Quirks. Then finding out they're both the studious type to make the most out of their Quirks. Eventually they start spending more time together and, more than likely, Mina points out that they're the 'Class Couple' to the red faced embarrassment of both Momo and Izuku! Cue sputters, mumbles, muttering, and denials while they can't look at each other! So adorable! Also really awkward!

Space Cowboy

Dude, you gotta make this a full story. I don't know how it didn't click as soon as the quirk name Alter came out, but as soon as he was thinking about making Shell Bullet, I got excited! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for SOMEONE to make even a vague reference to S-cry-ed. But Izuku's quirk being something that can help him make Alters from that series while also doing something like alchemy, that is something that I have to see. You, my friend, are a genius.


Thank you! Glad you liked it! Always great to see another fan of the classics!

Creature of Grimm

i both love and hate this. love it because it is good, hate it because at the moment it is only a plot bunny and i want to read more!!! the moment he started charging things like that i instantly thought of Momo and what her reaction would be.


Glad you like it! I plan to run a Poll when we hit the $1,000/month Goal to decide which Plot Bunny becomes a full story first! Only about $60 more per month is needed at the time of replying to your comment. So we'll get there soon enough, probably.

Donald Bagwell

This was an awesome one shot dude, if it’s a full story then I really love it


Hold up he can do it to gasses too? From solid to gas an vice-versa?


Holy crap izuku could solve the worlds trash problem