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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! Krieg is coming, what is Luffy and the Straw Hats response? Will Sanji join the crew? Will anyone else?

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 10 – Pirate Admiral Don Krieg

It had been two days since the Straw Hat pirates had arrived at Baratie. The crew was ordering breakfast after their morning training. Nami, Zoro and Usopp had been progressing well with their physical training and their Haki was improving a little each day. Zoro was still leaps ahead of Nami and Usopp with Armament Haki but the Navigator and Gunner were ahead of him when it came to Observation. Luffy thought they were all doing well and let them know that after each session; even the ones where all three crew members had sparred with him and were left bruised and exhausted. The crew was inside the restaurant enjoying a delicious breakfast cooked by Sanji, since the blonde wouldn’t let any of the other chefs cook for Nami, when a scream shattered the calm morning atmosphere of the restaurant. 

"That’s Don Krieg’s pirate ship!" A terrified guest yelled, pointing out the window.

"A skull with two hourglasses to either side…to threaten their enemies… there’s no doubt! That’s Krieg’s flag! Why is he here?!" Another screamed while staring out the window in terror. Pandemonium erupted in the ship as all the guests scrambled to leave before the infamous pirate arrived.

"No way…I barely touched him…he’d have been hit harder in a bar fight…no way Krieg would be coming here to kill me, right?" Patty questioned, trembling with his head in his hands, his face deathly pale.

"Are you happy Patty?!" Another chef demanded. "Aren't you so glad you messed with him?! Well? Aren’t you going to chase him off, you’re the tough guy here!"

"This is really bad! Shouldn't we set sail and get out of here?" Usopp asked panicking.

"That's a pretty big ship." Luffy noted; excitement in his voice. He, Nami, and Zoro were currently ignoring Usopp. Nami looked a bit apprehensive, everyone in East Blue had heard of Don Krieg and his Armada before, but she refused to turn tail and run anymore. "You think Gin came back to repay his debt?" The straw-hatted Captain asked.

"I doubt it." Sanji took a drag from his cigarette. "But it's strange…" They all looked on as the ship came into full view through the morning mist. "That ship is a wreck. What kind of storm did they get caught in?" True to Sanji’s words the giant Galleon was an utter disaster. The sails were torn and ripped. The figurehead of a roaring saber-toothed cat was half gone. The main mast was damaged about halfway up; the wood looked like it was barely holding together. All in all, it looked like the ship had been through a horrifying storm of some kind.

The door leading into the restaurant was slammed open, revealing a large silhouette. The crew of the Baratie looked on wide-eyed as the shadow came into the light. It was Gin, holding up a much larger man. The hunched over man was large and muscular. His hair was grey, and he had thick sideburns, with bandages wrapped around his head. He wore a baggy yellow leopard-print shirt with a dark fur-lined cape over it, held onto his large frame by a large golden chain. The man might have had an intimidating appearance if he wasn't hunched over looking half-dead. Gin was literally the only reason the man was standing up at all. 

"Pardon the intrusion…" Even the man’s voice sounded weak. "But could I have some food…and water? If it is money you want, I’ve got plenty."

"He's starving." Luffy noted, examining the other pirate.

"Wonder what happened." Sanji wondered gazing at the man with eyes that held a look of understanding.

“The hell?" Patty questioned. "This weak looking guy is Don Krieg?" Krieg tried to take another step forward, but he just keeled over and fell, unable to stand any longer.

"Don Krieg!" Gin cried out in shock. "Please, save my Captain! Get him some food and water! He'll die at this rate!" He looked out into a sea of faces, searching for some sympathy. But as Zeff wasn't here and Sanji and the Straw Hats were off to the side, there was none to be found. He had a look of disbelief on his face as no one moved to do anything.

"Ahahaha!" Patty burst out laughing. "This is perfect! This is what the infamous Don Krieg looks like?!"

"We’re paying customers this time! We have money! Plenty of it! You have no reason to turn us away, damn it!" Gin roared out enraged.

"Someone call the Marines! They won't get another chance like this!" Patty crowed, ignoring the furious Gin. "Don't give him get a single scrap of food!"

"If we feed him, it's obvious that he'll attack the ship! I ain't giving him a single drop of water!" One of the panicked chefs swore.

"I won't do anything!" Krieg croaked out. "If you give me food, I promise I'll quietly withdraw…please…help me!" He was bowing down on his knees.

"Don Krieg!" Gin called, tears in his eyes. "Stop! Don't do this! A great man like you shouldn't be lowering his head! It's too shameful!"

"I'm begging! I don't care if it's scraps or leftovers! I'll eat anything you have to give me! Anything!" Krieg's voice was hoarse and defeated. Tears were leaking from Gin's eyes.

"Trying to earn some sympathy?" Patty harrumphed unmoved.

"Hey, move it Patty." Sanji said; a plate and a bottle of wine in his hands. He spun and his foot lashed out. His heel caught Patty square on his large cheek and sent him careening to the floor with a thud. "Here Gin, give him this." The two gaped in astonishment, before Krieg started scarfing down his meal with groans of relief.

"Sanji!" A cook with sunglasses, called Carne, yelled in shock. "Take that food back this instant! Don't you know what kind of guy Krieg is?! He's the ruler of East Blue! The King of Deception! Krieg disguised himself as a Marine after escaping prison and killed the commanding officer of the ship he ended up stealing! He's attacked peaceful ports and towns, while waving a Marine Flag to fool them into letting him get close! He's waved white flags at his enemies before attacking them when their guards were down! He's scum who will do anything to win! That's how he made it to the top! His strength ain't no exaggeration either! You really think he'll leave after you feed him?! That's impossible for a man like him! Letting a demon like him starve is good for the world!" Carne was proven correct in short order. Krieg gulped down the last of his food and clenched his fists in triumph. With a roar, he threw a punch and sent Sanji flying. Almost everyone in the restaurant dropped their jaws in terror. 

"Don Krieg!" Gin yelled hysterically. "This isn't what you promised! I guided you here because you swore you wouldn't harm anyone! That man is our savior!" Don Krieg's large hand grabbed onto his shoulder and tightened harshly. "Gaahh!" Gin cried out in pain as his shoulder was crushed beneath his Captain's grip.

"Ah, that was good." Krieg stated. "I feel like I'm back to my normal self." He grinned as he looked around, before sneering at everyone.

"So…the snake bears his fangs at last." Sanji smirked as he sat up. He was bleeding slightly but not very injured over all.

"Nice ship." Krieg commented as he cracked his neck. "I'll take it."

"I told you…" Carne stated, sweating. "This is the true Don Krieg! He’ll take over the ship!"

"Don Krieg!" Gin hissed, clutching his throbbing shoulder. "What about your promise!" Krieg didn't even spare him a glance.

"My ship's all torn up." Krieg said lightly. "I'll be needing a new one, so after my business with you all is finished; I'll let you all leave." Though no one there actually believed his words since Krieg had already proven himself to be untrustworthy. "I have a hundred subordinates still alive on my ship, and they're all starving. You all will prepare enough food to feed them." He had a malevolent glint in his eye as he stared at the cooks, before roaring when it became clear that none of them were moving to follow his orders. "Well?! Make it quick! Some of them have already starved to death!"

"Feed a hundred men who are only going to attack us once we do so? You must be out of your mind! We refuse!" Carne bit out.

"You seem to be under the mistaken impression that it was a request." Krieg replied darkly, causing many cooks to cringe at the tone. "I gave an order, and no one disobeys my orders!"

"I…I'm sorry Sanji!" Gin apologized. "I never intended for this to happen!"

"Sanji, you shitty cook! This is all your fault! Because of you we're in this mess…where do you think you’re going?!" Patty shouted with his eyes popping out of his head as he watched Sanji walk away.

"Where am I going? Isn't it clear? I'm going to the kitchen. I have a hundred meals to prepare." Sanji replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Smart man." Krieg smirked; while the rest of the cook’s jaws dropped at the Sous Chef’s response.

"Like hell you will!" The other cooks yelled as they all pulled guns out and aimed them straight for Sanji's head. "Are you Krieg's secret agent Sanji? Is that why you're doing this?! You're not taking a fucking step into that kitchen!"

"Go ahead and shoot then." Sanji said blandly not shaken in the slightest. The cooks recoiled, some even jerking their guns back. "You think I don't know full well that they're scum?" The blonde scoffed. "None of that matters. Thinking of the consequences is too much of a hassle. If I see someone starving in front of me, then it is my sworn duty as a cook to feed them! If you want to stop me then you better pull those triggers! If not, save them for Krieg's grunts." He took a drag from his cigarette. "I feed hungry men. I don't care about what happens to them after that. If they then decide to bite the hand that fed them, I'll kill them myself." The other cook's look of awe at Sanji’s words was wiped away instantly when Patty smashed him in the back of the head with his large fists.

"What's that idiot doing attacking my cook?" Luffy scowled, miffed at seeing his nakama, since he’d already decided to have Sanji on his crew, hit from behind.

"Hold this idiot down!" Patty yelled as he turned to Sanji, holding a long item wrapped in a white sheet. "I know full well that you've fed the people I've turned away! I've ignored all of that, because I can't say who was right and who was wrong! But this time you're definitely in the wrong! I'll protect this place my own damn self." He lifted his package and whipped off the sheet, revealing large, shrimp-shaped hand cannon. "Luckily we only have Krieg himself to deal with! He can't beat all of us!" He lifted the cannon and took aim. "This is the Baratie! We have Pirates coming here looking to cause trouble every day! We're more than prepared to deal with your kind!" Krieg looked completely unimpressed by the cook’s declaration. "Since you enjoyed your meal so much, how about some dessert, Krieg?! Indigestion Meatball Special!" Patty roared and fired a cannonball directly at Krieg. The ball hit the large pirate and engulfed him in a large explosion.

"Don!" Gin yelled in shock as his Captain was blown through the doors and out of the restaurant.

"Ah damn it. I blew the doors out. Owner Zeff is going to have my head for this…" Patty frowned looking at the result of his shot.

"It's fine Patty." Carne reassured. "It was collateral damage from defending this place. Owner Zeff will understand."

"And what will you do with his underlings?" Sanji asked from his position on the floor. The cooks didn't get a chance to answer before someone else spoke up.

"That dessert tasted like shit." Krieg walked back in, not even scuffed up. He was wearing golden-colored armor that covered his entire upper body. That explained the large, baggy shirt the man had been wearing. It was the only way he’d been able to hide the armor he’d been wearing underneath. "You shitty cooks…this is the worst restaurant I've ever been to."

"Get him!" Patty cried out before all the cooks grabbed gigantic tableware-styled weapons and rushed the large man.

"You annoying little shits!" Krieg roared, before he pulled out two pistols and ten more came out of various parts of his armor. He immediately opened fire, knocking all the cooks away at once. As all the cooks collapsed, their bodies riddled with gunshot wounds, Krieg yelled again. "You insignificant worms think you can defy me! I'm the strongest! This steel arm, more powerful than any other! This unbreakable armor made of Wootz Steel! These diamond fists which can pulverize anything! My entire body is a finely tuned weapon! I'm the Fleet Admiral of fifty ships and five thousand men! I've won every batt-"

"Will you shut up already?" A voice asked loudly over the pirate’s ranting. Dead silence followed that question as Krieg turned mechanically to Luffy, rage literally pouring from him while a vein visibly pulsed on his forehead. "Who cares about your fancy toys?" Luffy chuckled. "You aren't the strongest of anything."

"What was that, you damn brat?" Krieg growled out through gritted teeth.

"Was I unclear or something?" Luffy asked confused before turning to Nami. "I wasn’t unclear, was I?"

"No Captain, you spoke clearly and simply. He’s just an idiot." Nami giggled. Seeing Krieg face-to-face wiped any nervousness from her mind. Any man who ranted like that and covered himself in 'unbreakable' armor clearly wasn’t confident in his actual strength. Hell, the idiot’s legs were left unarmored! What kind of moron only wore the top half of a suit of armor?! His pants didn’t even look padded for minimal protection! 

"You stupid little brat." Krieg growled. He would have said more, but a giant sack landed in front of him. "What's this?"

"Owner Zeff!" The cooks shouted in shock.

"Food for a hundred men." Zeff lazily replied. "Hurry up and bring it to your men."

"Did…did they say 'Zeff?'" Krieg looked like he was sweating suddenly.

"Sir! How could you give them that food! Once they recover they're going to be gunning for the ship!" A cook yelled.

"Oh they will, will they?" Zeff had a smirk on his face while Krieg's face darkened. "That's only if they have any fighting spirit left in them…isn't that right, Grand Line dropouts?"

"Even Don Krieg couldn't make it?!" The cooks exclaimed. "The strongest of the East Blue was defeated by the Grand Line!" Gin was holding his face with his hands and almost sobbing.

"You're 'Red Leg' Zeff!" Krieg stared at Zeff like he couldn’t believe who he was talking to. "The peerless cook and Captain…so you were still alive."

"And? My being alive has nothing to do with you. As you can see, I'm a cook full time now." Zeff replied.

"A cook full time? That's an interesting way to put it. More appropriate would be to say you can do nothing else now." Krieg laughed darkly. "To hear of Red Leg Zeff is to hear of the man who could kick so hard his shoes would be dyed red with the blood of his enemies…the man who could break cliffs with only his legs and leave imprints of his shoes on steel! The man who would never use his hands in a fight! You're a laughable nobody now! Full time cook? Ha! More like you can never put your red shoes back on! You're a cook now because it's the only thing you can do!" He grinned. "I heard you died in a shipwreck. It seems you managed to survive, though it cost you one of your precious legs. With it gone, you can't fight anymore." Sanji looked like he wanted to go tear Krieg apart himself, a look of absolute fury on his face.

"As long as I have these hands, it doesn't matter if I can fight or not. I can still cook." Zeff replied uncaringly. "So, are you going to get to the point, or are you going to continue blathering?"

"Red Leg Zeff! The man who once braved the waters of the Devil's Hideout! The Grand Line! You not only sailed those waters, but you returned without injury! You must have kept a log of your voyage! Hand it over!" Krieg demanded.

"Ooh! You've been to the Grand Line, old man?" Luffy had stars in his eyes looking at the old chef.

"I have." Zeff confirmed. "And you're right that I kept a log. Indeed, I still have it to this day. But I shan't be handing it to the likes of you. That logbook is the pride of me and my crew. It's much too valuable to give to a weakling like you."

"Weakling?!" Krieg roared. "I can throw a battleship bare-handed! How am I weak?!"

"There's no point trying to explain it to an idiot." Zeff smirked at him without a care in the world.

"Then I’ll just take it from your corpse, old man!" Krieg declared as he clenched his fist in front of him. "It's true that I came back defeated from the Grand Line, but even so, I'm still the mighty Don Krieg!" He growled out, taking a step forward. Zeff didn't even flinch. "That dark sea which sends weak men to their knees…I had the power! I had the ambition! I had the manpower!" He ranted. "I only lacked information! It was my only flaw! That is why I'll take that logbook from you! Once I have it, I'll reassemble my crew and conquer the Grand Line! I'll find One Piece and become the Pirate King!"

"Like hell you will, bastard!" Luffy yelled. Krieg stiffened, enraged again as he turned to face Luffy. "There's only room for one Pirate King, and that's going to be me." The rest of the cook’s dropped their jaws and backed away from him, afraid that Krieg would charge the straw-hatted young man in his fury.

"I'll let that comment slide, you stupid brat." Krieg eyed him, looking down on the younger man.

"Of course you’d say that." Luffy remarked amused. "All your guns are empty." Krieg stiffened at the call out. "You don’t seem willing to fight without all of your tricks."

"You plan to fight, Luffy?" Zoro had Wado Ichimonji over his shoulder. "Want a hand?" He asked looking forward to the potential fight.

"That's your crew? Two punks and a little girl? Don't make me laugh." Krieg mocked.

"This guy too." Luffy said, pointing at Sanji, who immediately yelled his refusal. "So that's five."

"Don’t try and mock me you little shit!" Krieg finally snapped. "My entire five thousand man crew was wiped out on that nightmare sea! All because we didn’t have the proper info-"

"It doesn’t really matter if you had five thousand men." Nami sardonically stated, forcing him to grit his teeth at being interrupted. The orangette leaned into Luffy’s side, the straw-hatted man wrapping an arm around her waist. He grinned at her while Sanji looked on, a small black cloud forming over his head. "If you’re not strong enough the Grand Line will end you; that’s how it got the name ‘Pirate’s Graveyard’." Everyone there watched on in silence as Krieg’s face turned purple with rage. "Five thousand and only one hundred made it back. You must just take anyone you can get into your crew, huh?" She darkly mused, while also leaving the jibe that he was incapable of finding real talent for his crew unsaid. "Of course, with an idiot like you for a Captain, it's probably some kind of miracle you even have a hundred left."

"You little bitch!" Krieg roared as he pointed a gun at her, apparently forgetting he was out of ammo. "We’ll see how mouthy you are when I have you choking on my coc-!"

No one.

Not a single person on the Baratie saw what transpired next.

Even Zeff with all of his experience hadn’t actually seen the straw-hatted Captain move. But the results spoke for themselves. Krieg was launched backwards at alarming speeds, his armor cracked and bile flying from his mouth. The pirate crashed into his own ship and smashed through it, disappearing into the depths of the large Galleon. Luffy stood where Krieg use to be, right next to Gin, with his right fist still outstretched. Gin looked at Luffy as if the Devil himself had suddenly appeared beside him.

"Fast." Zeff looked rather impressed as Luffy dropped his arm back to his side. The entire Straw Hat crew was scowling at what the other Captain had said. Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp because of what he’d said about their nakama. Nami because, while she’d heard similar things in her time as a thief, was now not only strong enough to deal with assholes like Krieg; but was in a relationship with the only man she’d let touch her in such a way. A weak, piece of shit pirate like Krieg didn’t get to even fantasize about doing such things to her! With that thought in mind Nami sauntered up beside Luffy and gave him a peck on the cheek. 

"Thanks Luffy…though I kinda wanted to hit him myself." Nami scowled at the damaged Galleon, especially the new hole Luffy had made with Krieg’s body. Luffy smiled fondly at her, delighted at her newfound spirit, before turning back. Luffy walked over and grabbed the bag of food. He walked back towards Gin and dropped the large sack in front of the stunned man.

“Go feed your crew. This is your only chance.” Luffy stated staring Gin directly in the eye. The scruffy man nodded before grabbing the sack and running towards the Galleon.

“What now?” Usopp asked looking between his Captain and the doors of the Baratie.

“Now it’s become a fight between Pirate Crews.” Luffy stated with authority. “Usopp go get ready for battle, these guys aren’t sailing away from here, not after threatening my nakama.” Usopp nodded and headed off to the Going Merry to get his pistols and his trick ammo slingshot. Luffy then turned towards Zeff before speaking to the former pirate. “Sorry, old man, but you and your cooks will need to stand back. You know what it means when two crews fight.”

"There's no need to apologize, kid." Zeff replied with a nod. "Everyone on this ship did what they thought was right." He knew what a fight between Pirate Crews meant. He’d had plenty in his own time as a pirate. It wasn’t something civilians had any place in. Two crews fought, but only one sailed away, that was the nature of a Pirate Crew battle.

"Owner Zeff!" Several cooks yelled. "How could you say what Sanji did was right?! It's his fault we're going to be attacked!" One of them turned to Sanji and started screaming in his face. "Was this your plan all along Sanji?! Was this how you wanted to become the Head Chef?! Or have you just completely lost your damn mind?! Huh? Which is it?"

"Shut up you stupid little eggplants!" Zeff roared and the cooks flinched back, looking wide-eyed at Zeff. Sanji's head dipped, his face shadowed. "Do ANY of you know what it feels like to truly starve? Do any of you know what it feels like to be so hungry you beg for death?!" They all looked at him, shocked and confused. "Not one of you fools knows how terrifying and painful it is to be lost at sea with no food and water! The difference between you lot and Sanji, is that he knows!" The cooks turned to an uncaring Sanji with looks of shock. "There's no use crying over spilt milk. If any of you want to leave, there's the door." Zeff scoffed, waving at the blown out front doors.

"I'm stayin’ right here. I couldn't live with myself if I left without a fight." Patty declared.

"Same here, I live and work in this place. Ain't nowhere for me to go." Carne nodded.

“None of you dumb eggplants will be fighting anymore!” Zeff put his foot down; the authority that he spoke with stopped any of his cooks from disagreeing with him. “This has become a fight between Pirate Crews; it has nothing to do with civilians any longer. That straw-hatted Captain feels personally attacked, offended, and probably more than pissed about how Krieg treated his nakama. He’s staking his dream and his crew on the outcome of this fight. That is a man with the conviction and strength necessary for the Grand Line. That is a REAL pirate.”

“Owner Zeff…” The cooks trailed off listening to the surety and fire behind their boss’ words.

“I’m back and ready, Captain!” Usopp announced as he walked back through the doors.

“Great, get over here and let’s finish eating! I want to hear more about the Grand Line from the old man!” Luffy laughed as Zeff sat down with the Straw Hats with an amused snort. “So what was the Grand Line like when you sailed it, old man?” He asked his wide grin stretched across his face.

“Heh, it’s been years since I’ve told any stories of my pirate days.” Zeff chuckled before he started to speak of his time as Captain of the Cook Pirates.

"Shishishi! Sounds like a fun place! We definitely have to go there!" Luffy was grinning madly by the end of Zeff’s tale.

"Could you at least pretend to be scared like the rest of us?!" Usopp demanded only for Nami and Zoro to look at him with raised eyebrows. The Gunman suddenly realized that he was the only one of his crew shaken by the story. ‘Damn it! I’m going to be a brave warrior of the seas! I can’t let the Grand Line intimidate me!’ He thought to himself trying to push past his fear and history of being a coward.

"Looks like I made the right decision, huh Luffy? My goal lies in the path of yours." Zoro was grinning while gripping Wado Ichimonji’s handle.

“Bunch of idiots." Sanji deadpanned from where he’d joined them a couple minutes into Zeff’s tale. "You're the type to rush to your deaths." Sanji turned and exhaled the smoke from his cigarette.

"True." Zoro easily replied. "But leave out the 'idiot' part." He cast his determined gaze on the blonde chef. "Ever since I decided I would become the Greatest Swordsman in the World, I cast away any attachment to life. The only one who can call me an idiot is me."

"Damn right." Luffy grinned widely smacking the table with his palm.

“Yep.” Nami chirped with a cute smile.

"As a man who will be a brave warrior of the seas, I must say the same." Usopp crossed his arms. Zoro gave the Gunman a questioning look. “Shut it!” The Gunman snapped making the Swordsman grin. Zeff finally had an expression on his face other than seriousness. He was smirking broadly, looking at the small crew.

“Sounds like my old dream, and this dumb little eggplant’s too.” Zeff chuckled.

“You have a dream too, Sanji?!” Luffy’s eyes had turned to sparkles again at hearing ‘the word’ and he practically bounced in his seat wanting to hear it.

“You ever heard of the All Blue?” Sanji sighed exhaling a puff of smoke as he looked over at Luffy.

“Nope.” Luffy shook his head. “But I want to know more about it now!” Sanji huffed before a smile crossed his face as he proceeded to tell the Straw Hats about his dream.

-Krieg’s Galleon-

Outside, the surviving members of the Krieg Pirates were gorging themselves happily, enjoying the feeling of strength returning to their bodies. "We’re saved!" They cheered in relief. "We're alive! It's like a dream! We finally escaped that nightmare! The 'Pirate's Graveyard!'"

"That's right!" Krieg roared to his men while fastening his spiked cape around his shoulders. "And we'll sail right back to the Grand Line soon." The crew froze and stiffened up, looking at their Captain as though he were insane. "What's with those expressions?" He demanded as the vein on his forehead began pulsing again.

"W-we're going back there?" One of his crew asked in terror. His answer was a bullet from the pistol Krieg held in his hand.

"Any others want to disagree?” Krieg demanded. The pirates pretended to be happy, fake cheering and all. Krieg returned to smirking. "First we'll ditch this destroyed ship and seize that restaurant." He ordered his crew. "Your enemies are a bunch of shitty cooks, so there should be no issues."

-Inside the Baratie- 

Sanji had just finished explaining his dream of finding the All Blue to the Straw Hats. All of them found the idea of a sea that was home to every fish in the world amazing. Luffy was drooling slightly at the thought making Nami giggle. Even Zoro thought it was a good dream for a chef, though he wouldn’t say it out loud.

“How’re you going to find the All Blue while you work here though?” Luffy asked wondering if the Baratie sailed around looking for it or something.

“He won’t, that’s why I keep telling him to leave this restaurant and go look for it!” Zeff growled at the blonde.

“Shut it you shitty geezer.” Sanji grumbled back. “You know why I’m not leaving.”

“Boy I didn’t hack off my own leg just so you could NOT live your life and chase your dreams!” Zeff roared at the blonde, Sanji flinched back at the blunt statement from the old man.

“He’s got a point.” Luffy nodded. “If it’s both your dreams to find All Blue then why are you fighting with the old man so much?”

“If you don’t explain your stupidity to them I will.” Zeff warned the blonde Sous Chef.

“Fine…” Sanji grit his teeth and smashed out his cigarette into the ashtray that was on the table. Shortly afterwards the Straw Hats learned of Sanji’s history with Zeff, how the two had nearly starved to death on a godforsaken pillar of stone out in the middle of the ocean. How Zeff had given Sanji all their food and eaten his own leg to survive. By the end Sanji was morose and Zeff was stone-faced.

“I agree with Zeff, you’re kind of an idiot.” Nami sighed making Zeff snort in amusement while Sanji looked horrified that the orangette thought anything negative of him. “He sacrificed his leg, his health, and all of the food just so you could live. Yet your idea of repaying him is to NOT search for your shared dream? That makes no sense at all.”

“But…I…” Sanji tried only for Zoro to interrupt.

“Dreams bequeathed to you by another should be chased to the ends of the Earth. Nothing should stand in your way, not even the possibility of death.” Zoro stated his hand wrapped tightly around Wado Ichimonji under the table.

“I…” Sanji tried again only for Luffy to speak up.

“Join my crew Sanji! We’ll sail to every corner of every sea if we have to!” Luffy promised his fist raised in front of him. “Come chase your dream with us!” He offered as he held his hand out to the blonde chef. Sanji looked at the offered hand before glancing at Zeff.

“Do it Sanji…do it for both of us.” Zeff nodded to the young man who’d become like his own son. Sanji’s eyes widened at Zeff’s words and the intense look his surrogate father was giving him. Turning back to Luffy and his still outstretched hand, Sanji made his decision.

“Well shit…I guess I’m coming aboard, Captain.” Sanji sighed before grinning as he took Luffy’s hand and the two shook on it.

“Yeah!” Luffy cheered as he raised both fists into the air. “New nakama!” The rest of the Straw Hats cheered, except Zoro who only raised his glass into the air. “We’ll have a welcome party after we’re done with these bastards and their damn Captain.”

“Well. Guess I get to fight for this place now that I’m part of the crew. Good to know.” Sanji grinned as he looked towards Zeff. “It’s a Pirate Crew fight, right old man?”

“Do what you want little eggplant.” Zeff scoffed while waving Sanji off.

“Geezer.” Sanji tsked before finishing off his own tea. Luffy perked up a minute later and stood up from the table with a grin.

“They’re coming.” Luffy announced and the rest of the Straw Hats stood up with him. Sanji stood as well but looked perplexed about how Luffy knew the Krieg Pirates were coming. He didn’t hear anything yet, no battle cries or gunfire, so what tipped Luffy off?

“Deploy the fins! I don’t want them busting up the restaurant!” Zeff ordered and the cooks rushed to fulfill their boss’ order. The Straw Hats emerged out on the small deck looking up towards the Krieg Galleon. Now that they were outside they could hear the roar of the pirates as they prepared to attack the Baratie. Suddenly the restaurant ship shook and a few moments later a large deck emerged from the water.

“That’s so cool!” Luffy called out with wide eyes.

“They’re the fins.” Sanji explained. “Large decks that we can raise to keep the fighting outside. Saves us money on replacing furniture and the like.”

“Here they come.” Nami mentioned as the Krieg Pirates practically poured down a makeshift gangplank and quickly filled up the larger deck.

“Get the hell out of the way unless you wanna die!” One Krieg pirate threatened as the large group of nearly a hundred men laughed and brandished their weapons.

“Usopp…say ‘hello’ for us.” Luffy requested and his Gunner stepped forward after a deep breath to steady his nerves.

“Aye, Captain.” Usopp replied as he stepped in front of his crew and stared down the larger pirate crew.

“You have a death wish or somethin’?” Another Krieg pirate demanded as the whole group started stalking forward. Usopp didn’t respond verbally, the Krieg pirates barely saw the teen’s hands move to his pistols before the first two rounds were fired. One pirate took a shot directly between the eyes while the one next to him suddenly had a hole in his shirt, directly over his heart, and blood quickly soaked the garment as both men collapsed. The other pirates hadn’t even registered their dead comrades before more bullets were tearing through their ranks. Usopp shocked all of the on looking cooks of the Baratie, as well as Sanji and Zeff, when he tossed his first two revolvers into the air and drew the next two. Usopp’s rapid quick draw juggling was once again shown to the world. In a matter of seconds twenty four rounds were fired and a quarter of the Krieg Pirates lay dead on the Baratie’s large deck.

“Nami, Zoro, Sanji, deal with the rest. I’m going to finish off Krieg as soon as he gets down here.” Luffy spoke and the three nodded back. Luffy was looking forward to seeing how well Nami and Zoro had progressed since their last fight. He was also eager to see just what Sanji could do.

Zoro drew all three swords and placed Wado in his mouth. With a glance at the panicked Krieg Pirates, who were all still reeling from the loss of a quarter of their crew, Zoro rushed forward and made his first attack. The three blades flowed through every pirate that stood before Zoro, the green-haired swordsman barely slowing as he cut through one pirate’s stomach before slashing another’s throat. In what would look like only a few motions to an outsider Zoro had crossed the span of the deck leaving behind twenty bodies.

Nami leaped forward with her staff in hand going towards the left of the horde of pirates. With a steady breath she sank into her Observation and attacked. The first pirate she encountered didn’t even register her being there before she’d clocked him across the temple. The man went down with a noticeable depression in the side of his head. The next pirate tried to jerk back from the orangette but couldn’t escape the staff’s reach. His jaw cracked as the staff caught him hard across the face. A cracking sound and the odd angle the man’s neck suddenly stopped at made it obvious his neck had snapped as well. Nami spun to dodge a panicked sword swing before her staff swung around and took out her attacker’s ankle. The pirate went down screaming before Nami slammed her staff down on his head and silenced him. A quick jab to the throat sent another pirate to the deck gasping for air that he’d never get through his crushed windpipe. On and on it went Nami able to dodge with minimal movement thanks to her Observation. The panicked Krieg Pirates couldn’t touch her and more and more of them lay beaten, broken, or dead behind her further increasing the remaining pirates’ panic.

Sanji huffed as he leaped the entire distance between his starting point and the Krieg Pirates. The first pirate couldn’t even scream before his face nearly collapsed under Sanji’s shoe. A front kick sent the next pirate flying into the drink with a broken sternum. A roundhouse to the head sent another pirate cartwheeling into the deck with a sickening thud. Sanji spun unleashing kicks that most of the Krieg Pirates couldn’t even see. Men went sailing off the deck screaming from broken limbs or silent from being unconscious or dead. The Sous Chef knew this would be the last time he’d get to fight for the place that had been his home for the last several years. So with that thought in mind Sanji let loose sending pirates flying off the Baratie crippled or dead. An axe kick finished off the last pirate near him the man’s skull cracked and indented by Sanji’s heel as he crumpled to the deck, dead.

Nami had just slammed her staff into the midsection of the last pirate near her, the man was actually lifted off his feet and sent flying towards the water only for a large…something, to suddenly emerge from the ocean and the defeated pirate crashed into it with a metallic thud. The new guy, as it turned out the thing was a man, started laughing. 

"Behold! My invincible iron wall!" He was wearing rather, odd, attire according to everyone else at the Baratie. He had giant iron plates on both his front and his back, which made him look round. They covered his body from crotch to collar. On his feet, knees, elbows, hands, and even his head were smaller iron plates, and every single one of them had a brilliant looking pearl in the middle. Nami idly wondered how much each of them might sell for.

“I’m ‘Iron Shield’ Pearl!” The now named Pearl started laughing. "I see you’ve been dealing with my crew little girl. But I’ll be the one to end you!”

"You don’t say? Well I’ve dealt with weird looking pirates before. I’m sure you won’t be too different." Nami replied with confidence.

"You? Take me down? Don't make me laugh." Pearl started chuckling, "In the past sixty one fights I've been in, I've won them all without a single scratch. You might be pretty good with that little staff, but I’ve protected my entire body!" He boasted. "In every single fight I've been in, I've not lost a single drop of blood! Not a single drop! That's proof of my invincible strength! That's why they call me ‘Iron Shield’ Pearl!" He grinned, his teeth actually pinging in the light. "And my iron defense is quite fashionable too!"

"You’re kind of a dandy, aren’t you?" Nami muttered as she looked her opponent over. Pearl rushed her with some considerable speed for a man wearing iron plates and Nami moved back a step to dodge his first swing. A simple pivot to her left and she’d moved completely out of the man’s charging line. Seeing an opening Nami swung her staff at the back of Pearl’s head. The man ducked forward and Nami’s swing only glanced off the top of the large iron plate on his back. With a backhand that Nami sensed coming Pearl swung around. Grimacing at missing his strike Pearl still laughed.

“Your little stick won’t do you any good here girly.” Pearl laughed while coming at Nami with a flurry of punches from his iron shields. Nami weaved around each blow looking for an opening. The moron’s armor was actually more of a hindrance than she was willing to admit, the fact that he had the stamina to keep up this rush of punches was also a problem. Sanji having seen Nami engaged with Pearl had tried to move to help her. Luffy’s hand on his shoulder kept the blonde from interfering. A simple shake of the head from Luffy, while staring hard into Sanji’s eyes, had the chef grimacing but looking back towards the ongoing fight.

Nami continued moving around Pearl’s attacks with her Observation. Slowly but surely she was starting to see the pattern of the man’s attacks. A few quick jabs at his face, which were always blocked as pearl raised both arms to protect his head, showed Nami all she needed to know. Pearl rushed forward again raining down punches which Nami began weaving between. When Pearl paused to reset himself, a part of the pattern she had noticed, Nami lashed out towards his face with a jab. Predictably Pearl’s reaction was to bring up the shields on both arms to block, but this time the thrust was only a feint. Nami spun a full three hundred sixty degrees and put all the strength and torque she could into her swing as she aimed for a place that wasn’t protected.

“Aaaahhhh!” Pearl screamed as he fell to the deck his foot hanging limply from his pulverized ankle. “My ankle! My ankle!” The man screamed over and over again as he tried to reach for his injury, but his own iron plates prevented him from bending enough to reach his ankle. “Danger! I’m in danger!” Pearl began freaking out and Nami rushed him again. Pearl screamed as he brought up a hasty uppercut that snapped Nami’s staff off at the end. Nami suddenly felt her Observation flair up and a sense of ‘danger’ appeared screaming through her mind. Pearl was bringing his hand shields together and Nami just knew she couldn’t let that happen. With her Observation running in overdrive she caught sight of the broken end of her staff still flipping through the air. Nami grabbed it without thinking and drove the jagged broken end straight into Pearl’s face. More specifically the orangette had driven the jagged piece of wood into the man’s eye and through it into his brain. Pearl’s shields clanged together just as Nami leaped back, small flames appeared on the two hand shields as Pearl slumped backwards onto the deck and stopped moving. Nami took a deep breath as she realized she won against the walking shield only for Sanji to suddenly blur past her and a resounding thud to come from behind.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Gin?” Sanji demanded of the scruffy man who had a tonfa with a large iron ball on one end aimed at Nami. Sanji’s foot had clashed with the tonfa before Gin’s strike could connect.

“I didn’t want it to come to this, Sanji.” Gin replied as the two separated from each other. “Why didn’t you all just leave? No one would have needed to get hurt!”

“So you say, but I doubt your Captain would’ve let anyone go.” Sanji replied and saw Gin grimace at the likelihood of that statement being true. “Besides, would you just give up your home to some asshole that showed up out of nowhere and demanded you to?”

“If it meant living, then yes.” Gin responded and Sanji scoffed.

“Then you really don’t have any conviction, do you Gin?” Sanji sighed before assuming his stance. “As my last act as Sous Chef of the Sea-Faring Restaurant Baratie. I’m throwing you out and banning you for life, Gin.” With his piece said Sanji dashed forward with a kick which Gin blocked with one tonfa. The ‘Man-Demon’ of the Krieg Pirates spun the tonfa in his other hand and swung the heavy iron ball at the blonde’s waist. Sanji hopped backwards avoiding the blow before coming in with a series of brutally fast kicks. Gin, to his credit, managed to block all of them while only being pushed back slightly. The two traded blows back and forth for a short time gauging each other’s speed and reaction time. With a grunt Gin upped his own speed, along with the speed of his spinning tonfa, and nailed Sanji in the abdomen sending the suit-wearing chef skidding back across the deck.

“I’m sorry it had to be this way, Sanji.” Gin stated as he rushed at the blonde to try and finish him off. Sanji’s sudden kick catching him in the side ended Gin’s attack and sent the Krieg Pirate tumbling across the deck.

“Then you should have stood up for what you believed was right.” Sanji grimaced at Gin. Sanji moved quickly rushing the tonfa wielder, Gin swung one tonfa but Sanji ducked below the strike and connected his heel with Gin’s chin in a picture perfect high kick. The Krieg pirate was lifted off his feet as his teeth cracked together in his mouth. Sanji didn’t let up and put all of his strength into a huge leap that saw him meet Gin in the air with a flying kick. The battle commander of the Krieg Pirates spat blood as Sanji’s foot collided with his stomach and folded the man over. Gin was sent careening off the deck and landed in the ocean dozens of meters away with a large splash. For a man without much conviction Gin never let go of his weapons. The battle commander of the Krieg Pirates at least died like a warrior, weapons in hand and fighting until his last breath.

“Get down here Krieg!” Luffy roared when he realized the other Captain still hadn’t shown himself even though his entire crew had been wiped out.

“I see now…” Krieg intoned darkly as he started making his way down the makeshift gangplank from his Galleon. “I didn’t only lack information, I lacked a strong crew!” He roared as he brandished one of the pauldrons from his broken armor. “Now you can all just die! I’ll take the ship and rebuild my crew after tossing your corpses into the sea! Lethal poison gas bomb! M! H! 5!” The man yelled as the shield opened in the center and fired a projectile towards the Baratie.

“No.” Luffy intoned holding up his right hand in the ‘gun’ position. A bright white-blue beam of focused electricity near instantly struck the chemical weapon. The canister was super-heated and disappeared within a second, taking its poisonous contents with it. All the cooks of Baratie, barring Zeff who’d met Devil Fruit users before, had their eyes wide open and their jaws on the floor. Krieg himself wasn’t fairing any better as from behind his gas mask everyone could see his bulging eyes. A little fact about lighting, a bolt reaches upwards of thirty thousand Kelvin, which is twenty nine thousand seven hundred twenty six degrees Celsius or fifty three thousand five hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit. No material on Earth can withstand direct focused heat of this level for more than a fraction of a second. The only exception to this rule was the power of the Gomu Gomu No Mi as the Devil Fruit was granted full immunity from electricity in any form. A prank of the Sea Devil himself, though not a single soul would ever know it.

“How…how?!” Krieg roared out as he tossed the, now useless, pauldron away. “What the hell are you?!”

“I ate the Goro Goro no Mi, I’m a Lightning Man.” Luffy responded with a frown. “Now fight for your Flag at least, since you let your crew die without raising a hand to help them.” He growled at the other pirate, disgusted by the man’s outright disregard for his subordinate’s lives.

“You little bastard! I’m Don Krieg! I’m the strongest pirate in East Blue! I have the most weapons! The most ambition! I only needed…” Krieg ranted but was cut off by Luffy.

“You’re not any of those things anymore.” Luffy remarked sharply and Krieg grit his teeth so hard they risked cracking. “Your armor full of tricks is broken, your crew is gone, your armada sank, and now you’re here ranting because it’s all you have left.”

“You fucking-” Krieg tried to retort but Luffy’s fist was suddenly warping his face and the large man was sent crashing into the deck.

“You’re the kind of pirate I hate.” Luffy informed the downed man. “Get up, get on your feet! At least face me like a real man!” Krieg roared as he leapt to his feet and threw a diamond studded punch from his gauntlet at Luffy. The Straw Hat Captain moved his head to the side, dodging the punch, before delivering one of his own to Krieg’s stomach. The large man stumbled backwards hacking and coughing as the air had been driven from him. Luffy sent a kick at the heaving man’s head and Krieg’s face met the deck. Luffy stood over the other pirate waiting for his next move.

“Mercy…please…” Krieg muttered as he tried to pick himself up off the deck. The large man was bleeding from his mouth and nose as he looked up at Luffy. “I’ll leave…I promise. I’ll never bother anyone again.”

“Are you really that much of a coward? You won’t even fight for your flag or the crewmates that died fighting for you?” Luffy questioned only for an uppercut to be heading for his face from a cruelly smiling Krieg.

“I’m Captain Don Krieg! No one is stronger than me!” Krieg roared as his uppercut was only a hair’s breadth from Luffy’s chin. His eyes widened in shock, fear, and pain when his fist stopped entirely. Luffy had grabbed the man’s gauntleted wrist and stopped the sucker punch cold. With a stone-faced expression Luffy tightened his grip on Krieg’s wrist, crushing the metal of the gauntlet and the man’s flesh and bones underneath. In panic Krieg lashed out with his other fist, but Luffy caught that one by the wrist as well.

“There’s no Captain without a crew.” Luffy intoned flatly his tone cold and factual. “And you let your crew die.” Krieg’s eyes widened as he struggled to pull his wrists free from Luffy’s steel-like grip. “You should do the right thing and join them.”

“No! Stop! Wait!” Krieg bellowed only for Luffy to let his Devil Fruit loose through his hands that were all but shackling Krieg’s wrists. “Aaaarrrggghh!” Krieg roared in agony as lightning coursed through his body, a bright blue-white glow coming from the once feared pirate. The man’s screams died off shortly and Luffy cut off his power. Before Luffy let Krieg go everyone on the Baratie saw what had become of the infamous ‘Pirate Admiral’ Don Krieg. The man was charred black, smoke rising from his body. Both of the man’s gauntlets had melted to his hands and he was clearly not breathing. Luffy dropped the man’s wrists and the body fell to the deck, still letting off wisps of smoke.

“It’s over.” Zoro stated sheathing all three of his swords. Usopp put his slingshot away, having pulled it out after his initial attack to fight any of the Krieg Crew that might have tried to rush for the Baratie doors. Sanji sighed with a grimace before taking out a cigarette and lighting it. The chef took a drag and exhaled before walking over towards Zeff who stood in the doorway of the restaurant. Nami walked over to Luffy and wrapped her arms around him. Luffy’s arms mimicked hers and wrapped around her waist. The two leaned in and shared a soft kiss for a few seconds before pulling back.

“We did it.” Nami smiled at her Captain/Lover.

“Yeah, he really pissed me off.” Luffy muttered looking over at Krieg’s body.

“Don’t worry about that asshole Luffy.” Nami shook her head. “Instead focus on the good that’s about to happen.” Luffy tilted his head slightly confused for a second only to notice Nami’s eyes suddenly looked like Beri Symbols again. “Now we get to raid the enemy’s ship for everything they have!”

“Shishishi!” Luffy laughed at his Navigator/Lover’s happy expression as he pulled her into a hug, which Nami happily snuggled into for a bit, before they released each other. “Sure thing, Nami.” With a wave to his crew Zoro, Usopp and Sanji gathered around to listen to their Captain. “Alright guys, we’ve won the fight so everything that is in the Galleon is ours now! Take everything of value and anything else that looks useful or interesting!”

“Don’t forget to bring it to me first!” Nami exclaimed her eyes shining. “I’ll have to check all of it and keep track of what we have in the holds!” The orangette was practically bouncing in excitement of how much they could take from Krieg’s Flagship.

“You know what to do, let’s go!” Luffy raised his arms up with his wide grin on his face. Usopp, Sanji and Zoro nodded and started making their way up the gangplank onto the Galleon. Luffy noticed Nami had stopped near Krieg’s body and walked over to her. “What’s up, Nami?”

“Just wondering how much these diamonds in his gauntlets are worth.” Nami remarked as she knelt down and looked the gems over. “Do you think you could get them out for me?” She asked her eyes in ‘puppy dog’ mode.

“Shishishi, sure thing Nami.” Luffy chuckled and Nami kissed his cheek in thanks. The orangette smiled as she stood up and made her way towards the Galleon, intent on stripping every Beri from the ship, while Luffy set to work removing the diamonds from Krieg’s melted gauntlets.

“Wait for me guys!” Nami called out to her crewmates as she made her way up the gangplank to start helping with the ‘appropriation’ of the Krieg Pirates’ valuables.

“Alright, come out of there you.” Luffy grinned as he tried to pry the diamonds from the melted metal. Not having much luck the straw-hatted man grimaced before the proverbial lightbulb turned on above his head. Luffy’s index finger glowed brightly as he turned it into lightning. Focusing the sparks and bolts into a point Luffy set about cutting the diamonds out of the metal. Several minutes later and Luffy had removed every diamond from the ruined gauntlets. He smiled while looking down at the gems he now held, knowing that they’d make Nami happy.

“Hey Luffy, if you’re done with that give us a hand would you?” Usopp asked as he was lugging a chest full of what looked like parts and wires down the gangplank. Zoro and Sanji had chests of their own over their shoulders as well but they were both closed. Luffy walked up to Zoro with the diamonds in hand.

“Is this chest treasure?” Luffy asked his First Mate. Zoro nodded before setting the chest down and opening it. Gold, silver, and gems met Luffy’s gaze and the Straw Hat Captain smiled as he added the diamonds he’d taken to the chest. “Carry on.” Zoro grunted as he hefted the chest back onto his shoulder and walked towards the Going Merry with it. Luffy walked up the gangplank onto the Galleon and set about helping his crew with taking everything of value and interest from their defeated enemies. Almost thirty minutes later as Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Nami were on the Baratie’s deck, making notes of what they’d collected so far, Luffy suddenly seized up and whipped his head around so fast everyone thought he’d get whiplash from it.

“What is it, Luffy?” Nami questioned, having never seen her Captain looking genuinely panicked before. Sanji and Usopp looked around as well wondering if a Krieg pirate was still lurking somewhere.

“Who the hell is he?” Luffy asked as he locked his gaze on the small vessel that was approaching the Baratie. More specifically he was focused on the man sitting on a chair in said vessel. Luffy’s Observation was practically screaming warnings of this man’s strength into the young man’s head.

Zoro stared at the incoming man in shock. Well, both shock and excitement. His heart began beating furiously inside his chest. The ship sailing towards them could barely be called a ship. Honestly, it could barely be called a dinghy. It actually looked like a coffin. A rather large coffin, but a coffin all the same. On the edges were candles that seemed to burn with green fire, and the mast resembled an ornate cross. But that wasn't what Zoro paid attention to. No, the green-haired swordsman’s focus was solely on the man sitting with his legs crossed on the only seat on the coffin-like boat. It was a black-haired man, with piercing yellow eyes. He had a short beard, mustache, and sideburns, all of which were sharply trimmed to appear pointed. He wore no shirt, only an open, long black coat. It was red on the inside, with red sleeves and his collar decorated with flower patterns. His pants were a light purple, tucked into strapped boots. He had a large, wide-brimmed, plumed hat. A necklace hung around his neck, with a pendant shaped like a large cross adorning it. And on his back? On his back was a long, deadly looking black blade whose handle was simply a smaller, more ornate version of the cross that served as the mast for his ship.

"Who the heck is that?" Patty blinked owlishly. "And how did he sail all the way here in such a tiny boat?"

"Idiot." Zoro breathed out slowly. That was the least important question that could be asked right now.

"The better question is; what is he doing here?" Zeff replied staring at the man approaching his restaurant. "That man is a renowned swordsman…more renowned than any other in the world." Zeff stated seriously, some real worry seizing him. Depending on why the man was here, none of them may live past today. 

"The Greatest Swordsman in the World." Zoro grinned sharply. "Dracule Mihawk!"

-End Chapter-


Oh shit! Someone REALLY powerful just showed up! What will be the Straw Hat’s reaction to meeting the World’s Greatest Swordsman? On the positive side of things though, Krieg Pirates have been wiped out! Plus the Straw Hats are claiming their spoils! Krieg had a rather elaborate set of weapons and armor, Usopp has started taking all he can get already! Nami’s going to have a ‘money fit’ over everything they’re taking! Don’t think she’s forgotten those giant pearls that Pearl had on his shields either! Nothing of value escapes Nami’s notice! Also, how about that?! Nami took down Pearl! That’s two pirates with higher positions than cannon fodder she’s taken down since she joined up with Luffy!

What will these accumulating changes do in the future? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

Honestly even pearl’s armor without the pearls is pretty valuable that much steel. That was an awesome chapter. I can’t wait to see Zoro that can actually use armament haki to defend himself and how he fairs. A fitting end for Don Krieg. Honestly Mihawk might actually come in chill since his job was done for him.


Glad you enjoyed the chapter! Told you I'd be changing it up! A boastful, arrogant man that in truth was more a coward. Krieg's death was fitting and I'm glad you agree Thomas! Mihawk's first comment upon seeing the situation is actually going to be pretty chill. We'll see how much Zoro can impress him when they duel.


Loved the chapter. You didn't overextend the fight scenes and Krieg got the dog's death he deserves. Shame Gin had to die. You should have Ussop invest in speed loaders in lougetown for his revolvers. He can have commission a blacksmith to have a few done by the end of the day. What kind of rifle does he use? He can use clips for faster reloading. I ask that you have Nojiko join the crew next arc and to have her be a gunslinger and sniper hybrid like Ussop. She can be a doctor as well until Chopper joins and then act as his assistant.


Glad you liked it! Yeah, Gin's lack of conviction didn't mesh well with how I'm making the Straw Hats work as a crew. Though I gave him a Warrior's Death at the very least. Usopp might do so in Lougetown. But he also has tons of new toys and parts to tinker with from raiding Krieg's ship. The rifle is a lever-action Repeating Rifle, you can look them up on Google. No clips for those though. I actually have a different thing in mind for Nojiko. So, unfortunately, she won't be joining the Straw Hats. It'll be a bit before it comes up though. A Pirate's life stopping at islands and then leaving shortly after can make things like mail hard to get to their intended recipients. Don't worry a new crewmate will come along before Chopper, but who will it be?