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  This is Support Soldier AC DC 1C 2C's Update for winning the Monthly Random Drawing! Make sure you thank him if you're a fan of this story!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of The Logia Brothers! We’re going to Baratie! A certain swirly-browed Chef is in for an experience! Plus a new ass that needs kicking!

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 9 – Sea-Faring Restaurant, Sous Chef Sanji

Luffy was a monster.

That was the consensus that all of the Straw Hats, plus Johnny and Yosaku, had come to. Every day he increased the crew’s training a bit more. More laps around the ship, more repetitions with the weights, higher reps with their physical exercises, and longer sparring sessions. None of the crew was spared from this training. Usopp and Nami almost always felt like hell afterwards and even Zoro was left sore and panting at the end.

Though none of them could speak out against their Captain’s methods, not with the results already showing themselves. Nami used to struggle to get through the daily training about two weeks ago just before they got the Going Merry. Now she consistently finished and noticed that her body, while still soft and feminine, had quite a bit more strength behind it. She could keep up intense activity for far longer than she ever could before. Not to mention she’d discovered quite the affinity for Observation Haki. She could now successfully keep her Observation going throughout a fight, or at least a spar with her crewmates, and her ability to predict an opponent’s moves had started to develop.

Even Usopp, with his spouting off of random fake diseases, had started to tone up his body. The gunman was still wiped out by the training more often than not, but everyone had noticed that he was recovering faster from it each day. Usopp had also found an affinity towards Observation Haki. His perception was growing steadily and he seemed to know when anyone on the ship was directing their gaze at him now days. Plus he’d mentioned over dinner a couple nights ago that his marksmanship had improved ever since he’d started learning Observation. In Usopp’s own words, ‘It’s like the bulls-eye is showing me how to hit it!’ Luffy only smiled and laughed at his Gunner’s progress.

Zoro had taken to the physical training the best. He was constantly pushing himself to the limit even before he met Luffy. This was just more of the same for the swordsman. Though unlike Nami and Usopp, Zoro had most definitely taken to Armament Haki the most, the green-haired man clearly had an affinity for it. He was also the only member of the crew that could last in a spar against Luffy for more than a few minutes. Though to be fair Luffy could spar with all three of his crewmates three-on-one and still come out the victor. Nami, Zoro, and Usopp would all be laid out on the deck panting, sore, and bruised while Luffy would be his usual smiling, happy self. The straw-hatted Captain would barely be winded and none of them could say for certain that they’d ever made him actually break a sweat.

Currently it was near the end of daily training, Luffy and Zoro were having their routine sparring as Nami, Johnny and Yosaku watched on.

Zoro huffed and puffed around the handle of Wado Ichimonji. Luffy stood across from him fists raised and a smile on his face. As it turned out, being trained by Garp ‘The Fist’ and a Marine Admiral, made Luffy an insanely strong fighter. Even against all three of Zoro’s swords Luffy could fight bare-handed without fear of being injured. His Armament Haki was something Zoro strived to achieve already. 

"Gah!" Zoro grunted as Luffy's fists knocked the two swords he held aside. A dull thud rang across the deck as Luffy's knee struck his stomach and almost lifted him off his feet. With a growl he brought both swords back around in a dual swipe, aiming for his Captain's neck.

Luffy maintained his massive grin as he caught the blades, one in each hand. He lifted his right leg and kicked towards Zoro’s stomach. The swordsman lifted his own leg to block the kick and was sent skidding across the deck from the force. Zoro grunted from the impact before swinging the sword in his right hand so fast it was barely visible. From the swing a wave of displaced air made an arc towards Luffy. The straw-hatted man grinned as he tilted his body to the side as the arc passed him, leaving him unharmed. "Shishishi, you're getting better at those, Zoro."

"Thanks Captain." Zoro said clearly, despite the sword handle in his mouth. The swordsman panted from the intensity of their spar. He was covered in sweat and if he were a weaker man, he would’ve no doubt collapsed a while ago. He had a tired, but happy grin on his face regardless of his bruises and soreness. Ever since the crew had started actually sparring, Zoro could feel himself growing stronger by the day. He’d even managed to perform a ‘Flying Cut’ for the first time in his life thanks to the training Luffy was putting them through. The fact that it was his Observation Haki that led him to understand the technique brought back memories of his sensei on his home island. ‘Listening to the sword…you were right all along, sensei.’ Zoro mused as he removed Wado from his mouth and looked over his most prized sword. He’d been practicing his swings four days ago while trying to keep his Observation up at the same time. Suddenly he felt like he wasn’t swinging his sword correctly. This had puzzled him for a bit as he was doing the swings he’d been taught as a child. Deciding to follow this feeling Zoro had readjusted his grip on Wado Ichimonji and swung the sword at a greater speed while focusing on an imaginary target. To his surprise an arc of displaced air had left his blade and travelled a short distance before dispersing. He’d been practicing the ‘Flying Cut’ every day since then and had used it in his spars against Luffy for the last two days.

Johnny and Yosaku, who’d both been watching the spar with lime juice bottles in hand, had wide eyes and their mouths hanging open in shock. "Big bro Zoro is so strong…and he can't even land a good hit on Bro Luffy." Johnny muttered with Yosaku nodding along.

"Nice job you guys! Shishishi!" Luffy called a stop to the day's practice with a laugh. Zoro sighed as he sheathed Wado and went to get some water from the kitchen. Usopp was already spread eagle on the deck from his own, short, spar with Luffy; the long-nose teen’s tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted. Nami was leaning against the railing of the ship steadying her breathing. She was also covered in some light bruises from her earlier spar with Luffy. Though she was sure they’d fade in a while. Luffy seemed to have an instinct about just how much each of his crewmates could take. Nami thanked whatever higher power saw fit to make that happen, she’d hate to take a full on punch from Luffy, she probably wouldn’t survive it!

"He sparred with all of them and he's barely breathing hard." Yosaku was in awe and also feeling pretty intimidated. Johnny was thanking his lucky stars that this crew was the one Zoro was a part of. If not for that fact he worried that Luffy may have just outright killed him for his attack.

"Shishishi." Luffy looked rather amused at the state of his crew, though he was also proud of them. "Hey, you two!" Both bounty hunters stood up quickly under Luffy’s gaze. "How close are we to this restaurant?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head.

“About six hours or so, little less, little more!" Johnny replied as he moved his hands up and down like a set of scales.

"Great! That's enough time for me to have a nice, long soak in the bath." Nami grinned happily as she pushed herself off the railing eager to hop into a hot, relaxing bath. "Luffy, I’m borrowing the Master Bath.” She informed her Captain as she made her way to her room to grab a change of clothes.

“Ok, Nami.” Luffy smiled as he watched Zoro lay down for a nap against the mast. Usopp was slowly getting to his feet and looked like he could use a shower himself with all the sweat running down his face.

“Make sure you shower too after I'm done!" Nami called out as she came out of the Women’s Quarters with her change of clothes. 

"Why?" Luffy asked as he looked himself over. He hadn’t even broken a sweat during training.

"Because we’re going to a restaurant, you should make yourself presentable!" Nami yelled back, before she entered the Captain’s Quarters. Luffy blinked, before smacking his fist down onto his palm.

“That makes sense!” Luffy grinned with a laugh. He’d give Nami an hour to enjoy the tub before he headed into his quarters and took his own shower.

“Ha~ this is great.” Nami sighed happily as she soaked in the large tub in the Master Bath. Honestly such a nice bathroom was wasted on Luffy; he only showered and left the tub mostly unused. “Such a waste…” She grinned as she relaxed. Knowing Luffy he’d give her at least an hour for herself to enjoy the bath. Looking towards the small clock on the wall next to the door Nami pouted at seeing an hour had almost passed already. The orangette stood up and left the tub, quickly grabbing a towel she wrapped it around her body before taking another and beginning to dry her hair. Once her hair was dry enough she picked up the brush she kept in the Master Bath and began running it through her hair. Luffy didn’t mind her keeping some extra sundries in his bathroom, so Nami had pretty much everything she needed already here whenever she used the Master Bath.

“He’s just too kind, such a goofy pirate.” Nami giggled to herself as she finished with her hair. Hearing the door of the Captain’s Quarters open and close Nami glanced at the clock again only to find it was almost ten minutes passed the hour. She’d left her change of clothes on the desk near the Master Bath so they wouldn’t get damp from the steam in the bathroom. ‘Wait, what am I even worrying about? Luffy’s my man, sort of, it’s not like he hasn’t seen me almost naked before.’ Nami shook her head with a grin on her face. In the almost two weeks since Nami had revealed her past to Luffy and made her request, she’d slept in Luffy’s bed four times, including the first time. Just remembering Luffy’s promise of killing Arlong put a dark smirk on her face. ‘Maybe I should keep the heat up in our relationship.’ Nami grinned as she undid the towel around her body and re-wrapped it around her waist, leaving her large breasts free and showing off her toned stomach. Looking herself over in the mirror Nami winked at her reflection before heading to the bathroom door. A quick check with her Observation, just to make sure it was Luffy in the Captain’s Quarters, and Nami opened the door upon feeling the powerful presence of her Captain/Lover.

“Finished Nami…?” Luffy trailed off as he gazed upon his Navigator coming out of the bathroom. The beautiful orangette only had a towel around her waist leaving everything else bare and open for his view. Needless to say Luffy’s eyes ran up and down her form, stopping many times on her bare breasts as they bounced slightly from her steps.

“Yep, the bathroom is free, Luffy.” Nami grinned at him like she wasn’t giving him an amazing view. “I’ll just get dressed and head out.” She smiled as she made her way over to her clothes on the desk. Just as Nami reached the desk she heard Luffy’s foot steps behind her and smiled when his arms wrapped around her waist from behind pulling her gently back into his chest.

“Nami…” Luffy breathed hotly against her neck making the orangette shiver pleasantly.

“Luffy~.” Nami sighed happily as she leaned her head to the side so Luffy had more access to her neck. Feeling him place a kiss on the side of her neck made Nami smile, her Captain’s hands slowly moving from her waist to caress her sides brought a moan from her.

“Can I?” Luffy asked softly his hands just under her breasts and Nami couldn’t stop the warmth that practically exploded from her heart. Ever since the first night she’d let him see her body for the first time, Luffy had never once been pushy or demanding with her. Nami got to control the speed at which their relationship progressed and she very much enjoyed the consideration Luffy showed her.

“Go ahead~.” Nami moaned breathily into his ear, her head now resting back on his shoulder. “Mmm~.” She moaned as his warm hands gently ran over her mounds before cupping them. The gentle caresses made her feel little shocks of pleasure as Luffy slowly explored her breasts. When he ran his fingers over her nipples she couldn’t stifle her moans and Luffy took interest in her reaction.

“Does that feel good?” Luffy questioned as his fingers circled around her areola, teasing her sensitive nipples without touching them. The fact that he was genuinely curious wasn’t lost on Nami.

“Yes~…Luffy, more~.” Nami breathed out huskily as Luffy’s fingers went back to caressing her nipples. The orangette gently reached up and placed her hand against Luffy’s chin. Turning his head to face her she connected their lips and the two enjoyed another kiss. Nami opened her mouth to run her tongue against Luffy’s lip. After a moment the straw-hatted man opened his mouth and the two began a deep French kiss. A few minutes later, with only a few quick breaks for air, and Nami captured Luffy’s hands. Gently pulling them away from her breasts, even though she was very much enjoying them, she turned to face Luffy. “You still need a shower Mister, go take one and change into clean clothes.”

“Aww…” Luffy pouted before Nami giggled and kissed him again.

“We’ll have time tonight. So make sure you get clean.” Nami grinned sexily, her eyes half-lidded.

“Ok!” Luffy smiled back and headed into the Master Bath. Once the door closed Nami dropped the towel from around her waist and pulled on a nice, lacy, pair of panties. Luffy would probably like seeing them on her tonight.

“All his power and strength yet he still listens to me; that kind of power could go to a girl’s head.” Nami giggled as she put on her matching lacy bra. ‘We’ll have to ‘celebrate’ once he kills that bastard. I’m really looking forward to it!’ The orangette smiled while hugging herself at the naughty images running through her head.

-A Few Hours Later-

"Big bro Zoro! Bro Luffy! Bro Usopp! Bro Nami!” The two bounty hunters called out. "We're here!" Both met the deck face-first courtesy of Nami’s fists. 

"Stop calling me 'bro' damn it!" Nami growled at the downed bounty hunters, both of whom now sported large smoking lumps on their heads. Honestly six days with these idiots and they still wouldn’t stop with the ‘bro’ stuff. Still, the two had alerted everyone and the Straw Hat crew stood on deck for their first looks at the Sea-Faring Restaurant, Baratie. It was an, odd, looking boat to say the least. It was bigger than the Going Merry, with three visible decks and four separate levels. It had normal enough masts and was oval-shaped when viewed from above, but what made the restaurant ship unique was the gaping fish head figurehead along with a matching tail at the opposite end of the ship. 

"That's so crazy!" Usopp exclaimed as he stared at the ship. 

"Wow!" Nami cheered with a grin.

"Giant Fish!" Luffy whooped pointing at the Baratie. Zoro was the only one looking even slightly calm, simply raising an eyebrow at the design of the other ship. Luffy tensed for a moment as several voices entered his passive Observation range. Most of them started out curious, but then hostility began replacing curiosity voice by voice. Glancing over Luffy spotted the Marine ship sailing closer towards them; obviously the vessel was heading for Baratie too. A couple of seconds later everyone else took notice of the Marine Ship coming up beside them. 

"Oi, oi, we ain't Pirates over here." Yosaku stated as he and Johnny started to sweat. The two bounty hunters decided to try to hide behind the door that led to the crew quarters and the holds. A Marine dressed in formal wear stepped out on deck as the two ships sailed next to each other. He had a pale, pinstripe suit on, bolts attached to his knuckles, pink hair running past his ears, and a scar on his cheek. 

"Hmm…I've never seen that flag before…" The suited Marine muttered calmly, "I'm Marine Lieutenant ‘Iron Fist’ Fullbody. Who is your Captain?"

"That would be me. I'm Luffy. We just raised our flag yesterday." Luffy answered without a care in the world.

"And I'm Usopp!" Usopp declared his arms crossed. Nami's fist deposited him onto the deck with a steaming lump protruding from his head.

Fullbody's eyebrow rose as he caught sight of Johnny and Yosaku hiding behind the door. "Wait, I've seen you two before. Yeah, you've skulked around some of the bounty offices in the past." He wasn't showing much emotion, but the tone of his voice was incredibly condescending, "So you two small-timers finally got yourselves caught, huh?"

"Small-timers?" Yosaku repeated with a grimace.

"Hey Yosaku, I think this bro is sticking it to us." Johnny stated, his mouth hidden behind his fist.

"We can't let some bastard go around calling us 'small time' now can we?" Yosaku asked as he took a drag from his cigarette. "It's not going to earn us a single Beri, but I think we ought to teach this punk how to keep his mouth shut."

"You cocky little shit!" They roared as they both leapt from the Going Merry with their blades drawn. Several swift punches from Fullbody later and the two idiots were tossed back onto the ship. Johnny's face was bruised and full of swollen lumps, and his nose was also bleeding. Yosaku's nose was bleeding as well, and it looked like he might have lost a tooth. "Al-almost…had him…" The two bounty hunters groaned.

"Man, you guys kinda suck." Luffy commented, looking down at the beaten pair. It was becoming an even bigger mystery of how Zoro had put up with these two long enough to learn their names.

"N-no…he's just…not too shabby either." The duo groaned. "It w-was a close one."

“It really wasn’t.” Nami deadpanned looking at the idiots.

"Darling, stop beating on these nobodies. You promised me a good dinner." A woman stepped out of the Marine ship, wearing a fancy red dress with her blonde hair styled.

"Ah yes." Fullbody finally showed some emotion, allowing the pretty blonde to take his arm. He called back to the Straw Hats, "Consider yourselves lucky, pirates! I'm on vacation today, so I'm just here for some good food and my lovely lady. Next time we meet, your lives are forfeit."

“Well isn’t he pleasant.” Nami remarked, unimpressed by the Marine Lieutenant.

"We're in trouble!" Usopp yelled in terror a moment later. Fullbody had already taken a dinghy over to the Baratie, but he had apparently ordered his men to sink them once he and his date were inside the restaurant. Usopp was sweating as he pointed at the ship, "They’re firing at us!"

With a loud boom the Marine cannon fired sending a cannonball speeding towards the Going Merry. Luffy lazily snatched the large iron ball out of the air; with no more difficulty than if someone had tossed a toy ball at him. Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku's eyes all bugged out while their jaws dropped to the deck. "How the hell!?" All three exclaimed in shock while Nami and Zoro watched on having already seen Luffy catch a cannonball before.

"You call this a cannonball?" Luffy grinned as he bounced the ball up and down in his hand, Nami and Zoro smirked as the Marines started panicking. "You can have this back!" He exclaimed as he threw the cannonball back at the Marine ship. In the split second that Usopp and the two hunters blinked, the returned cannonball had torn a huge hole through the Marine ship’s cabin decks. The ship rocked from the blow and dozens of the Marines lost their footing, falling to the deck of their ship. "Shoot at us again and the next one goes through the hull, under the water!" Luffy warned, before he and the rest of the Straw Hats headed to the Going Merry’s dinghy. The terrified Marines could only heed the warning or be stranded here as their ship sank. It wasn’t a hard call to make.

-Inside the Baratie-

The Straw Hats entered the floating restaurant to the smell of great food. All four members quickly found a table and sat down. Luffy glanced over and noticed Fullbody and his date sitting across the dining area from them. Hopefully they wouldn’t be bothered by the Marine while they ate. His Observation picked up on a strong voice that suddenly went ‘weird’ and he turned to see a blonde man in a black suit staring at their table.

The moment Sanji, Sous Chef of Baratie, laid his eyes on Nami they immediately turned into hearts, and practically leaped out of his head. He appeared to wiggle, like a noodle, over to their table rapidly. 

"Oh blessed are the oceans for this day!" Sanji exclaimed as he got on bended knee and bowed to the orangette woman; who suddenly had a wicked, greedy smirk on her face as she smelled an easy mark. "Oh Blessed Goddess, thank you for gracing our restaurant with your beauty this day!”

"Oh, thank you so much, Sous Chef!" Nami clapped her hands together with a wide, pleased smile. She’d been lucky enough to overhear the blonde man’s title as they were walking through the restaurant to their table. Sanji, if possible, looked even more love-struck by her words and the fact that she knew his proper title. She put on the act of a fangirl meeting her idol and did it fabulously. "I'm afraid the food here is a little too expensive for me though…" She trailed off leadingly, her hand gently resting on his cheek.

"Please, a beautiful goddess such as yourself has no need to pay for your meal. I would be more than delighted to serve you for free." Sanji smiled winningly.

"Ah, thank you so much!" Nami smiled as she gave him a hug. Luffy was eyeing them and trying not to laugh as Nami played the blonde man like a fiddle. Nami, seeing her plan had succeeded quickly placed her order. "Oh, Sous Chef, it all looks so good. I’d love to try all of it." She sent a wink at Luffy and he was barely able to hold back his laughter. Several minutes later, both Nami and Luffy were eating and found the food to be beyond delicious.

"Hey!" Usopp yelled incensed that the blonde hadn’t even bothered to take anyone but Nami’s order. "Serve the rest of us as well, cook! This is gender discrimination! I'll sue!"

"I already gave you your tea. Show some gratitude, you little punk." Sanji's happy expression disappeared as he turned to face Usopp.

"You looking to start something?" Usopp glared at the blonde, even as something inside told him the other man was stronger than him. "I won't go easy on you! Go get him, Zoro!"

"Fight your own battles." Zoro drawled while lazily sipping his tea. "Pretty good tea."

"Delicious!" Nami exclaimed; having tasted a few of the dishes Sanji had brought out. She shared it all with Luffy, of course, who ate entire platefuls as soon as Nami had taken what she wanted from them. She looked at the two arguing before breaking out her acting skills again. "Oh you two, please don't fight over me." She fake pleaded, even managing to pull off a convincing sad expression.

"Who's fighting over you?!" Usopp questioned her angrily.

"Anything for you, miss!" Sanji was back into love-mode, hearts for eyes and all.

"Pervert." Zoro muttered as he sipped his tea.

Once Sanji had actually taken Usopp and Zoro’s orders and returned with their food almost everything was forgiven. The Strawn Hats were all amazed by how delicious the food was. When asked who made it, Sanji informed them that he cooked everything himself. Luffy was gorging himself on all the different meats, after Nami had gotten her share, a fact that wasn’t lost on the orangette as she watched him shamelessly swipe food from both Usopp’s and Zoro’s plates. Sanji wanted to say something about the straw-hatted man eating the food Nami had ordered. But, he couldn't as Nami was specifically sharing everything with him. 

"It's so good!" Luffy exclaimed happily. "This is the best food I've ever eaten!" The rest of the table echoed the praise, putting a proud smirk onto Sanji's face. He was still miffed over Luffy eating the food he had cooked specifically for Nami, but the honest praise of his cooking skills had earned him a small pass.

"Oh waiter!" Fullbody suddenly called from across the dining area.

"I believe I've already told you I'm not a waiter." Sanji growled as he stalked over to the table. He turned to Fullbody's date before speaking again. "My, how beautiful you are. Would you like to share a glass of fine wine over there? We have an excellent selection." The blonde woman blushed faintly and deferred with a giggling laugh.

"Hey, just what do you think this disgusting bug is doing in my soup, waiter?" Fullbody demanded while grinding his teeth at the shamelessness of the blonde waiter. Outwardly, Fullbody was angry, but stone faced. Inwardly, however, he was smirking smugly at his plan to get Sanji fired by putting the bug in his own soup.

"I hardly claim to be an expert on insects, but if I had to guess I would say the backstroke." Sanji replied as he took a drag from his cigarette. The entire restaurant burst out laughing, while Fullbody grew increasingly red. 

"Don’t fuck with me!" Fullbody roared as he shot to his feet while his iron-studded fist broke both the dish and the table into pieces, sending them clattering to the floor. Most of the room gasped, while his date backed away with a shriek. "You don't seem to have any idea who you're messing with." He growled, clenching his iron fist in front of him.

"All you had to do was remove the bug you put in it, and the soup would have been edible." Sanji's eyes were shadowed by his hair.

"You're really fucking full of yourself for a damn cook, aren't you! I'm a paying customer!" Fullbody bellowed as a vein bulged on his forehead.

"I spent three days and nights on this soup." Sanji rumbled as he got on one knee and picked up the shattered pieces of plate. "Can money fill your stomach?" He demanded; violence in his voice.

"Stop the Sous Chef!" One of the other cooks called out, but it was too late.

Fullbody charged, and seconds later was absolutely covered in blood. Sanji's nice dress shoes had simply been a flash as he rapidly kicked Fullbody as his horrified date looked on. The Marine’s suit was completely ruined by the blood falling from his busted lip and broken nose. Before Fullbody could fall to the floor, Sanji caught him by his collar and lifted him with one hand. 

"Going against a Chef of the Sea is tantamount to suicide." Sanji stated, though with the state he was in Fullbody probably didn’t hear him. "Don't you dare waste food, you damn imbecile."

Zoro sighed at the scene, before he slowly turned his head towards Luffy. He didn't even try to hide the even louder sigh he let out. Luffy practically had stars in his eyes as he stared at Sanji. Zoro shook his head in exasperation. "Of all the cooks in this damn restaurant, of course we’d end up taking the perverted one."

A new guy appeared. He was a strangely shaped man, his biceps were small, but his forearms were huge. He had very skinny legs but a huge torso and a head shaped like a pear. His lips and his chin were huge, surrounded by a short black beard, and his head was shaved bald, with a white rope tied around it. This was Patty, and he had been in the bathroom giving himself a pep talk, to try and help himself deal with directly serving customers. So, he had been practicing cheesy lines in front of a mirror, all the while saying, "Customers are Kings!" So now he walked into the dining area, saying, "The customers are Kings! The customers are… What! The customer is being…!" He had a comical look of shock on his face. It quickly morphed into an angry growl of rage. "What the hell are you doing to our customer, Sanji?!" He then took notice of who the customer was and his eyes bulged. "He’s also a Marine Lieutenant!"

"Oh, it's just you, shitty cook. Don't say my name so causally like that." Sanji looked over his shoulder, still holding Fullbody up by the neck,

"I ain't going to stand here and let a shitty cook call me a shitty cook." Smoke erupted from Patty's nose as he walked forward. "Customers are Kings, Sanji! So how do you explain his injuries, huh?"

"The only noble thing some of our customers do is pretend to like the slop you make." Sanji carelessly tossed Fullbody away before taking a drag from his cigarette. "He dared waste our precious food and insulted a cook. I just taught him some manners, that’s all."

"What the hell is wrong with this place? They're just like pirates! How can you mistreat your customers like this?!" Fullbody yelled furiously as he struggled to sit up. "I'll report this place to headquarters and have you shut down, do you hear me?"

"You're going to shut us down huh? Well, I'm afraid that leaves me no choice but to kill you." Sanji declared as he turned to face Fullbody, looking stone faced with fury practically wafting off him.

"What!?" Fullbody choked out.

"It just gets me so angry…" Sanji began at a normal tone, but his volume rapidly increased to shouting level, even as three other cooks tried to hold him back, afraid that he might really kill the Marine Lieutenant. "To see a spoiled little son of a bitch like you complaining about anything!"

"Stop it, Sanji! You're going too far!" One of the cooks trying to restrain him yelled.

"Just who the hell do you think you are, huh?! You shitty bastard!" Sanji almost bit through his cigarette with how hard his teeth were clenched as he glared daggers at Fullbody.

"Sanji! Are you running wild in my restaurant again?" A new man roared out as he entered the dining room. He had a peg leg and a hilariously tall Chef's Hat. It probably doubled his height. He had dull yellow hair and a long, braided mustache with a short, pointy beard. He wore a chef's uniform draped over his shoulders. 

"Shut up, shitty geezer." Sanji replied in an even tone.

"It's exactly as it looks. Head Chef Zeff! Sanji beat up some idiot Marine Lieutenant!" Patty informed his boss.

"Are you trying to sink my restaurant, you little shit?!" Zeff's eyes flashed, right before he swung his peg leg. It smacked Sanji right in the face, sending him crashing to the floor. Fullbody looked ecstatic at Sanji finally getting taken down a peg, before a confused look came over his face as Zeff kicked Sanji only once and then walked over to him. "As for you! Get the hell out of my restaurant!" Zeff's peg leg swung once more and sent Fullbody flying into the wall.

"You're all crazy!" Fullbody said as best he could from his cracked jaw, 'Just what do they think their customers are? They're all insane! This violent place is just like a Pirate ship!' The Marine thought in panic. He then laid eyes on Luffy and his crew for the first time since they entered. "Wh-what are you pirates doing in here?! My ship should’ve already sunk yours!"

"Oh, you mean that cannonball? Well, we don't like having our ship destroyed you see." Nami smirked cheekily. "So our Captain returned it to you! I hope you don’t mind sleeping on deck, since your sleeping quarters kind of got destroyed." She waved cheerily. "Bye, bye now." The Straw Hats all started laughing and even Sanji got a chuckle out of it.

"Lieutenant! Lieutenant Fullbody sir! It's an emergency!" A Marine burst into the dining area, dripping sweat with a look of terror on his face. He zeroed in on Fullbody, not even taking notice of his injured state. "That Krieg Pirate we captured escaped the brig!" He shouted in panic, making some customers in the restaurant panic as well. "It took seven of us to capture him in the first place, and now he's gone!"

"That's impossible!" Fullbody yelled in shock. "He hasn't eaten in weeks, and we certainly haven't fed him since his capture three days ago! He shouldn't even have the strength to move!"

"Krieg? ‘That’ Krieg? The strongest pirate in the East Blue?" Some of the customers cried out in panic, Luffy's ears twitched at hearing about a strong pirate.

"Please forgive m-" The panicked Marine yelled, before he was cut off entirely by a bullet to the back. Blood appeared on the front of his white Marine shirt, even as he slumped forward and crashed to the floor.

The man behind him walked forward, his boots clacking on the wooden floor, audible in the nearly silent restaurant. The chefs weren't silent, neither was Luffy or his crew, even as the man sat down, "Anything will do. Get me some food!" He said clearly, inclining back on his chair and laying one of his dirty legs on top of the clean table, "This place is a restaurant isn't it?" He was a relatively thin man of average height with short, scruffy hair, a scruffy beard, and dark circles under his eyes, as though he hadn't slept in long time.

"Welcome, ya squid-faced crook!" Patty came forward, his cheesiest grin on his pear-shaped face. Off to the side, Luffy started to snicker while the rest of the Straw Hats tried to contain their own laughter.

"Do your ears work? I'm only going to say this once more, so listen up! I'm a customer, so bring me food! Now!" The haggard man demanded with a scowl.

"That cook is dead…" Fullbody mumbled as he slowly started crawling away backwards.

"Pardon me, dumbass." Patty began, and neither Luffy nor his crew could take it anymore and started laughing over at their table. "But how are you planning on paying for your meal?" He asked with a huge fake smile.

"Do ya take lead?" The Krieg Pirate growled as he placed a pistol dead center of Patty's forehead.

"No money huh?" Patty asked rhetorically. Before the pirate could make another move, Patty's huge forearms smashed him through his chair in a hammer blow.

"That chair is coming out of your paycheck, Patty!" Zeff yelled at his employee.

"If you can't pay, then you ain't a customer." Patty stated with his arms crossed.

"Nice going Patty! Show that idiot pirate who's boss!" Some of the cooks cheered him on, though Zeff and Sanji were notably absent from this cheering. The Straw Hats noticed this with curiosity. Sanji turned and walked into the kitchen. Zeff was looking at Patty and shaking his head as the man curtsied, of all things. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the rest of your meals!" Patty called out, his cheesy grin once again on his face.

Luffy and Nami eyed Sanji as he left the kitchens with a plate and a cup of water. He walked through a door and out onto the deck. They both stood and trailed after him, eager to see what he would do. When they exited onto the deck above where Sanji had gone the two looked down to see the haggard pirate scarfing down the plate of food Sanji had carried out.

"Delicious…it's so delicious!" He cried his mouth still full. "It's the most delicious food I've ever eaten! I've never tasted anything so good! I'm so grateful! So grateful! I thought it was over for me!"

"It's damn good huh?" Sanji grinned.

"Yeah, that's much better." Nami commented approvingly, as she and Luffy watched the two on the lower deck.

"How lucky! Looks like you got some food after all!" Luffy chuckled as both the men below started and looked up. "You looked like you were about to die! Shishishi." He then turned to Sanji and pointed at him. "Hey cook! You should join my crew! Be the cook for our pirate ship, will ya?"

"Huh?" Both of the men looked dumbfounded. Sanji shook his head, "So, you're a Pirate huh?" He grinned lightly. "Well, you better not try anything on this ship. The Head Chef used to be quite the pirate himself."

"Oh, the old man used to be a pirate?" Luffy questioned curiously.

"I didn't think you could just quit being a pirate." Nami said dryly. "The hell happened to his bounty then?" She wondered but Sanji just stared at her, with love-struck hearts for eyes. After a moment he shook himself out of it to answer her question.

"This restaurant's like a treasure to the old man." Sanji grinned. "The rest of us cooks all came here because we admired him; and most of those guys are hot-blooded enough to be pirates themselves." He shrugged. "It’s quite appropriate, seeing how often this place is visited by the real deal."

"Don’t get a quiet moment in this place, huh?" The Krieg Pirate smirked while shaking his head.

"It is part of the daily routine nowadays. It's gotten to the point where some guests don't even show up for the food anymore. Some of them come just to watch the fights." Sanji shook his head in exasperation before he slipped his cigarette back into his mouth, "Thanks to that, most of our waiters got scared and ran away."

"Shishishi!" Luffy chuckled and Nami giggled too, before they both jumped down to the lower deck. "Anyway, join my crew!"

"I refuse." Sanji looked up at the sky. "I have my own reasons for wanting to work here."

"Oh, that's too bad…" Nami trailed off sadly, making sure to lean forward and put on her best pout. "I was quite looking forward to eating your delicious food all the time."

"You…you're on his crew?" Sanji asked looking like his head was steaming and hearts had once more replaced his eyes. Nami nodded with a sweet smile. "Oh, how cruel the seas can be! To be so close, but still so far!"

"Doesn't matter! I refuse your refusal!" Luffy stated. "You're a good cook so we'll be pirates together!"

“There he goes.” Nami giggled seeing Luffy once again not caring about being rejected.

"Hey, at least hear me out." Sanji demanded.

"Okay, so what's your reason then?" Luffy blinked as he tilted his head.

"No need to tell you." Sanji replied as he exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Are you some kind of idiot? You just told me to hear you out." Luffy retorted and Nami couldn't stop herself from bursting into laughter.

"I just meant you should listen to other people’s opinions! Don't make me chop you up, you shitty Straw Hat!" Sanji grit his teeth and snarled at Luffy.

"What did you say?" Luffy yelled back. "If you insult my hat again and I'll knock you out!"

"Uh…Sorry to cut in…" The Krieg Pirate interjected into their conversation.

"What is it?!" Both of them yelled.

"The name's Gin." Gin introduced himself. "I'm a member of the Krieg Pirates. You say you're a Pirate kid? What's your goal?"

"One Piece." Luffy replied, his scowl disappearing as he started grinning brightly. "I'm going to become the Pirate King." Sanji's eyes widened at hearing Luffy’s dream.

"One Piece… If you're still looking for a cook, I'm guessing that means your crew isn't so big then?" Gin questioned blankly.

"He's the fifth." Luffy said, pointing his thumb at Sanji.

"Why are you counting me you shitty Straw Hat?! I already said no!" Sanji yelled at Luffy.

"You don't seem like a bad kid so let me give you some advice…" Gin offered with a haunted look on his face. "Just give up on going to the Grand Line." He turned away. "You're still young. There's no need to rush things." He held his head with his hands. "The Grand Line is just one ocean amongst the many of this world. If you want to be a pirate there are plenty of other places for you to explore."

"Eh, One Piece is on the Grand Line, so that's where we have to go." Luffy responded before he started to pick his nose. Nami quickly swatted his hand down and gave him a ‘look’. Luffy huffed before placing his hands in his pockets.

"Don't you get it kid?!" Gin yelled at him with his eyes wide. "There's no way your little crew of five will survive on the Grand Line!"

"You're some kind of idiot, aren't you?" Luffy questioned, his head tilted slightly. "If all you ever do is run away from your dreams how are you supposed to make them come true?" Gin’s face became shocked, but off to the side Sanji’s eyes widened.

"Kid…" Gin said, before shaking himself. "It's really no business of mine if you die." He shrugged. "At least I tried." He jumped into a dinghy at Sanji's offering. "Thank you so much for the food, Sanji!" Gin said, smiling for once. "You're my savior! Would it be alright if I came back here to eat again?"

"Sure." Sanji grinned. "Any time."

"Sanji!" Zeff roared from above them.

"Ah, sorry Sanji…you're going to get yelled at because of me…because you gave me food." Gin apologized.

"What are you talking about?" Sanji questioned, before kicking the plate and cup lightly and sending them off the side of the ship. "I can’t get scolded if there's no proof."

"Thank you Sanji! I'll never forget this!" Gin thanked the blonde chef as the small boat started sailing away.

"Just don't get caught again, Gin!" Sanji waved him off with a grin.

"Back to work!" Zeff shouted before turning away, an unseen smile crossing his face.

Before they reached the dining area Sanji turned to Nami with hearts in his eyes once again. "Oh love…laugh if you will at my poor self who cannot resist his passions! If I could be with you, I would sail any ocean and walk any path, be it pirate or even devil! Alas, there is a great obstacle between us!"

"Obstacle you say?" Zeff questioned as he turned and looked gruffly at Sanji whose heart-eyes shattered as he turned away from the beautiful orange-haired girl to lock eyes with Zeff. "Don't beat around the bush, you shitty brat. You're talking about me." He stated while crossing his arms. "This is a good chance for you to get off this boat. Get out of here and join them. I don't need someone like you in my restaurant."

"Excuse me? I'm not sure I heard you right, shitty geezer." Sanji did not look pleased at what he’d just heard. Standing straight and staring Zeff dead in the eye. "I've been the Sous Chef of this place for nearly a decade. So just what exactly do you mean when you tell me I'm not needed?"

"It's no big mystery, you shitty brat." Zeff scoffed at the blonde chef.

"Well now we know where he learned to talk from." Nami playfully bumped Luffy with her shoulder as they watched the back and forth.

"All you ever do is pick fights with the guests and sniff around the ladies like a horny dog." Zeff didn't look amused in the least. "You can't cook a decent meal to save your life…" Both the Straw Hats frowned at that untrue statement. Sanji's food was the best they'd had in their lives. They both noticed Sanji's clenched fists too. "You're just unnecessary baggage holding the place down. Not to mention the fact that none of the other cooks want you around. So, go be a Pirate you shitty brat. It's better if you just get the hell off my ship." Zeff finished while staring Sanji down.

"You shitty geezer. Have you been waiting to say this shit for a while?" Sanji demanded as he reached forward and snatched Zeff's collar in a tight grip. "I can ignore all the rest of your crap, but I can't ignore you insulting my cooking! I'm staying here no matter what you say! Got that?!" The blonde demanded.

"How dare you grab the collar of the Head Chef!" Zeff grabbed him by the arm and flung him over his head and slammed him onto the floor so fast that Sanji couldn't even react to it. "You little ingrate!" Zeff yelled as he turned to walk away.

"I'm not leaving, you hear me! I'll stay here until the day you die! No matter how you try to chase me out, I'll continue to be a cook here!" Sanji yelled at Zeff's back as he stood up from the floor.

"I ain't dying for at least another hundred years, you shitty brat." Zeff didn't even turn around and kept walking.

"Pretty damn mouthy for a shitty geezer." Sanji muttered as he dusted off his suit.

"Looks like you just got fired, so now you can come be my coo-" Luffy began only for Sanji to cut him off.

"As if!" Sanji yelled right in his face before walking back into the kitchen.

“I don’t think you’re going to be recruiting him so easily, Luffy.” Nami remarked as they made their way back to the Going Merry.

“Nah, I’ll get him to join!” Luffy grinned widely. “I already refused his refusal! Can’t take that back!”

“Only you Luffy, only you.” Nami giggled while playfully rolling her eyes.

-End Chapter-


Well someone is being stubborn! This chapter stuck to canon a bit more closely than I’d have liked but the events need to happen in this order for Krieg to have any reason to come to Baratie. That way Luffy can beat another East Blue ‘Big Name’ and have a legitimate reason to have a more appropriate first bounty. Not to worry the battles won’t go as they did in canon next chapter! But on the plus side Luffy and Nami are much closer and are starting to explore physical intimacy more! Will there be a Lemon soon? Will Nami eventually get the ‘shock staff’ she asked for? Will the World’s Greatest Swordsman still show up? Find out in the next chapters!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Thanks for the chapter. *cries* No Reiju here!


Excellent as always.


Glad you liked it! We'll be getting to the fighting next chapter! That'll be three incidents that the Straw Hats have been involved in, so far! The Marines are going to start having conniptions!

Thomas E Nellis

That was absolutely amazing! Keep it up!

Jamie Celtic

Awesome chapter ,looking forward to the next installment


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Next chapter we change up some fights and then set sail for Cocoyashi! Luffy has a promise to keep after all. He'd hate for Arlong to miss his execution.