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I figured I could throw one in myself just to expand the sources available to draw from!

-Criminal Report- (For Use In Special Lessons Only)

Subject: Adam Taurus

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown (Estimated at early 20s.)

Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'4"/193cm

Weight: 185lbs./84kg

Quirk: Item Empowerment

Adam Taurus' Quirk allows him to store energy into any object that he is holding. When sufficient energy has been stored he can release it through the object in question. Energy released from the object will take on the property of said object. Most notable example is his use of a sword, when energy is released through a swing a flying 'blade' of energy will leave the sword and slash anything within range.

Alias: Leader. Given by his subordinates in the 'White Fang' a former activist group turned into a radical extremist group.

Criminal History: Grand Larceny, Battery, Homicide, Stalking, Violating a Restraining Order, Inciting Riots, Assaulting an Officer, Destruction of Property, Attempted Murder.

Personality: Adam was an embittered, sadistic and vengeful man, willing to cut down any opposition towards his twisted ideas of justice being dispensed upon humanity.  He took great pleasure in tormenting Blake, an ex-girlfriend, by stalking her and ultimately threatening to destroy everything she loves as punishment for her 'betrayal' of the White Fang and, by extension, him. Adam exhibits extremely possessive, violent, narcissistic and abusive behavior. He was also deemed mentally unstable and was known to have less and less impulse control over his violent tendencies.

Status: Deceased