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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the first Nemea Leonthrope! 

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 17 – Meeting Sirius, First Date, Leonthrope

“You’ll be fine, Mr. Potter.” McGonagall reassured her student as they made their way through the halls of St. Mungos. As Harry’s Head of House she was chaperoning this visit with his Godfather. Harry was understandably nervous considering the last time he’d ‘met’ the man he’d been around one year old. It didn’t help that Sirius had spent the last twelve years in Azkaban. Harry hated being anywhere near Dementors for even a few seconds, he couldn’t imagine being surrounded by them for years. The effect they’d had on Sirius’ mind could be immense; the man may not be ‘all there’ after such prolonged exposure. At least that was the gist of what Hermione had explained after researching it when Harry had informed his friends of his plans to meet with Sirius over the Yule Break.

“Just a bit nervous, Professor.” Harry replied as he took a deep breath.

“That’s understandable, Mr. Potter.” McGonagall nodded softly as they neared the room that housed Sirius. When they stood in front of the door Harry took a deep breath to steady his nerves before knocking on the door.

“Come in.” A man’s voice called out. With another deep breath Harry opened the door and laid eyes on his Godfather for the first time since ‘that’ night. He was still a bit haggard from his twelve year stay in Azkaban, anyone could tell that just from looking at the man. But his hair was clean and cut, his facial hair trimmed and his skin tone was healthy. The light that lit up the man’s eyes upon seeing Harry was also easily spotted.

“Hello, Mr. Black.” Harry greeted his Godfather for the first time.

“Harry…” Sirius greeted though trailed off as a look of remorse appeared on his face.

“You look rather well for a man that spent years within Azkaban, Mr. Black.” Minerva greeted and Sirius’ eyes snapped to his old Transfiguration Professor.

“Professor, nice to see you again.” Sirius smiled slightly before his gaze was focused back on Harry. “I’m so glad you’re safe Harry.”

“It was thanks to the Marauder’s Map.” Harry responded and Sirius’ eyes widened before he erupted into laughter.

“The Map!” Sirius chortled loudly. “We worked on that for almost a full year! To think he wouldn’t even consider it!”

“I got it back a couple weeks ago.” Harry smiled seeing the good humor Sirius was in from his explanation.

“Ah, Harry…I really feel I should explain myself…about that night.” Sirius stated after his laughter died down. The look on the man’s face was a stark contrast to the laughter he’d just displayed.

“I’d like that, Sirius; I wanted to hear your side too.” Harry nodded and sat beside Sirius’ bed. Sirius beckoned McGonagall over to take a seat as well before starting his tale. What followed was the story of Halloween of Eighty One, told from the viewpoint of a panicked and fear-filled Sirius Black. The man went on about not being able to contact Harry’s parents, heading over to the cottage in Godric’s Hollow on his flying motorcycle only to find it in ruin. Seeing Hagrid with baby Harry in his large arms and lending his flying motorcycle to the gentle giant to get Harry to safety. Then his rush to try and find Peter, looking place to place expecting to find the tortured form of his friend; only to see no sign of any struggles in any of the safe houses. Then coming to the dark realization of what Peter had done. His recollection was sharp of the following days, even though he’d been seeing red the whole time, he’d tracked Peter down cornered him in a Muggle street and been fully prepared to murder the traitor. Then Peter, soft-spoken, cowardly little Pettigrew, had screamed that Sirius had betrayed James and Lily. Before Sirius could retort the man he’d once called friend severed his pinky and then blasted the street. The explosion had rocked the area and Sirius had still felt his ears ringing when Aurors had started Apparating in. Not seeing any trace of Peter all Sirius could do was blame himself for his idea of switching Secret Keepers. He’d broken down right there on that destroyed street crying out his agony of getting James and Lily killed. The Aurors had taken that as enough evidence, apparently, and Stunned him. When Sirius next woke up he was in his cell at Azkaban.

“You panicked and then got angry.” Minerva sighed before looking at her former student. “You and James both had the bad habit of getting angry and not thinking.”

“I know, Professor, but I couldn’t think once I realized what he’d done.” Sirius muttered and only looked up when he felt a hand on his. Looking up he was met with Harry’s gaze as his Godson looked back at him understandingly.

“I probably would have done the same to be honest.” Harry stated and Sirius smiled slightly at him. “Could you tell me about my parents a bit? Professor Lupin has told me somethings about your times together. But, I’d love to hear more about them if possible.”

“Moony is a Professor now?” Sirius asked surprised only for McGonagall to confirm it. “Huh, good on him, he was always the nerd of our group.” He chuckled and Harry couldn’t help the small grin that formed on his face. Sirius cracked up into chuckles at Minerva’s exasperated sigh.

“Unlike some people, he matured as he grew up.” Minerva stated Sirius grinning and Harry looking back and forth with amusement.

“So…where should I start?” Sirius asked Harry and the Third Year told him what he’d heard from Lupin. The three spent the next hour or so in fond remembrance of Harry’s parents, recounting tales of pranks, and punishments in McGonagall’s case, and the courtship of James and Lily from Sixth Year onward. A knock on the door interrupted the stories and a Healer poked her head into the room.

“Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Black, but it’s time for your potions.” Marlie Reed, the Healer still in charge of Sirius’ recovery and treatment, informed and Sirius sighed.

“Harry meet Healer Reed, she’s been taking care of me since I got here. She’s a bright ray of sunshine in this place, even if she’s usually bringing me foul potions to choke down when I see her.” Sirius introduced with a grin as Marlie walked in with a few potions on a tray. Harry and Minerva both greeted the ravenette Healer as she set the tray down next to Sirius’ bed.

“You know these potions are helping you recover, Mr. Black, don’t be difficult.” Marlie smiled and Sirius couldn’t help but smile back.

“Marlie, I’m shocked, we’re close enough that you can just call me Sirius, you know that.” Sirius grinned and Minerva sighed heavily already recognizing the tone the man was using.

“Honestly, you never change, don’t try and woo your own Healer you hooligan.” Minerva huffed at her former student.

“But she’s an absolute joy.” Sirius smiled back unrepentantly. Marlie just looked on amused at her patient’s antics and the vastly improved mood he seemed to be in from this visit.

“Be that as it may you still have to take your potions.” Marlie smiled as Sirius grumbled but took the vial she offered him. Harry agreed with the grimace Sirius gave as he downed the potion. From his own experience with potions he’d never found them pleasant, though he supposed medicine wasn’t supposed to be after all. The visit wrapped up not long after since the potions regiment Sirius was on made him very drowsy. Both Godfather and Godson agreed to start writing each other and before he drifted off Sirius asked both Minerva and Harry to get Lupin to visit him.

“Tell Moony to get his mopey arse in here.” Sirius had requested as he lay back on his bed and Harry nodded while Minerva scolded the man for his language. The Transfiguration Professor had agreed to pass along the message to the Defense Professor though.

-Spring Term ~ Hogsmeade Visit-

Harry shuffled nervously as he waited for Lavender to meet him in the Common Room. This was to be their first date and he was having a hard time controlling his nerves. This problem was only compounded further by knowing that he’d be taking Parvati on a date during the next Hogsmeade visit. On top of the nerves from his first date, and the guaranteed second date that was already lined up, came another new situation to be nervous about. Padma had expressed her interest in helping Harry get some dating experience. Lavender and Parvati had been thrilled by the idea for some reason Harry didn’t understand. But he now had three pseudo-girlfriends and Padma said she’d like to decide on their first date together after he took Lavender out. This was most assuredly not how Harry thought his first foray into dating would go. But he’d felt like his instincts had been practically ‘purring’ ever since Lavender and Parvati had expressed their interest and made the offer.

‘The Pride grows, as it should.’

‘Is that even allowed?’ Harry thought to himself as he tried to settle his instincts. He knew that it was his own sub-conscious putting words to his base animal instincts that flared up because of his Therianthrope physiology. There was a word he’d learned thanks to Hermione. But he wasn’t so sure multiple partners were a thing even in Magical Society.

“Hi Harry!” Lavender smiled prettily as she made her way down the stairs from the Girl’s Dorms. She’d dressed up a bit, not too much, and looked pretty in Harry’s eyes.

“Hey Lavender, you look great.” Harry greeted and Lavender beamed at him for the compliment.

“You look nice too, Harry.” Lavender nodded as she looked at his outfit. It was actually something she’d thought would look good on him and showed to him in a catalogue she and Parvati had been looking through. It seemed Harry had taken her suggestion and ordered it. It gave her a warm feeling to know that Harry took her words and suggestions seriously. “Shall we?” She asked with a small giggle as Harry started for a second before offering her his arm.

“Of course, Lavender, let’s go.” Harry replied as Lavender took his arm and they walked through the castle to get to the Great Hall and to the main gates. The couple drew the eyes of many as they made their way through the castle. The gazes of their fellow students followed them all the way down the road that led to the village. They turned even more heads as they walked through the village together arm in arm. Lavender smiled happily while watching Harry roll his eyes at all the staring people.

“They’re just surprised Harry, don’t let it get to you.” Lavender grinned and Harry huffed playfully.

“What’s so weird about me taking a pretty girl on a date?” Harry questioned rhetorically. In his own mind however he was panicking at his sudden bout of confidence. ‘Why did I say that?! I blame you Sirius! You and your advice!’ Harry fretted as he’d been exchanging letters with Sirius since their visit. His Godfather had made it his personal quest to help Harry ‘woo the ladies’ as Sirius put it. When Harry had admitted that he was going to be getting some dating experience thanks to Lavender and Parvati, well, Sirius’ advice had only increased in their letters. Now he was almost kicking himself for following some of it!

“Oh my, aren’t you a charmer!” Lavender giggled as she tightened her arm around his.

‘Did that actually work?!’ Harry wondered amazed.

“So let’s check out some shops together!” Lavender smiled as she led Harry towards Gladrags the clothing shop in Hogsmeade.

“We’re not going to end up in Madam Puddifoot’s, are we?” Harry questioned as his eyes caught the tea shop a bit further down the street.

“Not on a first date, Harry.” Lavender shook her head. “Probably not on any date actually. The place is rather…over the top.”

“Thank Merlin.” Harry breathed out happily making Lavender giggle again. The couple entered Gladrags and greeted the witch behind the counter as they began browsing. Lavender looked over shirts, pants, robes and accessories for both herself and Harry. The fashion loving girl also commented on the quality and styles of the clothing and Harry could really appreciate how much knowledge Lavender had on the subjects that made up fashion as a whole.

“This color would look good on you, Harry.” Lavender smiled as she held up a navy blue shirt and showed it to him. Harry had to agree it was a nice color; it would go well with the mostly dark-colored pants he often wore.

“I think so too.” Harry replied as he took it from her and held it up against his body. “You think it’s my size?”

“You think I’d misjudge an article of clothing?” Lavender asked teasingly one eyebrow raised as she looked at her smiling date.

“I’m no designer, far be it from me to even guess.” Harry chuckled and Lavender smiled as Harry kept the shirt she’d picked out.

“Now let’s find something eye-catching for me to show off to you.” Lavender grinned, only to burst into giggles at Harry’s embarrassed face when she pulled out a thin, lacy top that would be almost see-through if it wasn’t for the dark purple coloring. Lavender was comfortable with herself and rather confident about her looks. She knew she was ‘developing’ a bit more than most of her other year mates, but she’d also been an early bloomer. She’d be fourteen this coming May and if her mother was any indication she’d end up rather buxom when she finished growing.

“That’s…that’s a…good color…Lavender.” Harry stuttered as he looked over the thin shirt. Lavender giggled at his stuttering before putting the top back.

“Relax, Harry, I’m not buying it. It’s a tad too thin for the current weather.” Lavender smiled before leaning in close and whispering. “We’ll wait until summer for thin, skimpy, clothes that give a look.”

“Y-you…d-don’t say…” Harry’s face was practically steaming as he fidgeted at Lavender’s teasing trying not to imagine her in such clothing. He quickly lost that battle and he had to look away and focus on something else to clear his head.

“I do say.” Lavender laughed as she led him to another part of the store to look at sweaters and warm leggings. Harry was pleased to tell Lavender which of the ‘cute’ clothes she picked out looked good on her. Lavender was pleasantly surprised, and very happy, when Harry didn’t just say ‘everything looked good’ when she asked for his opinion. He was actively engaged in their shared shopping date and gave his honest opinion about the clothes. When she held up a ‘seasonal’ sweater that she normally wouldn’t have touched and asked his opinion, with a straight face no less, Harry had instantly said it didn’t suit her and that he thought she’d look better in a dark blue or possibly a dark green.

“That’s just my opinion though.” Harry finished giving his opinion as Lavender put the ‘seasonal’ sweater back on the rack. He wasn’t expecting the beaming smile he got as Lavender pulled out a pair of sweaters in the colors he’d suggested.

“You’re exceeding expectations Harry; I really like how involved you are with our date.” Lavender smiled warmly at him. Harry found himself smiling back before deciding to try out another of Sirius’ ‘tips’.

“Only an Exceeds Expectations? What do I need to do to get an Outstanding?” Harry asked with a grin and was surprised when Lavender was the one who blushed hotly.

“Hmm, aren’t you confident?!” Lavender teased as her cheeks lessened from a dark red to a fair pink. “I do like a confident man.”

“Doing my best!” Harry smiled and Lavender tossed the dark green sweater she was holding into his face.

“Keep it up then and tell me what you think of this dark blue on me?” Lavender laughed as Harry pulled the dark green sweater away from his eyes to look at her. She was holding the sweater up against her torso and Harry thought the darker color really accentuated her figure. ‘Huh, turns out spending time hanging out with Lavender and Parvati has given me some actual insight into clothing.’ He thought to himself.

“It accentuates your figure and the dark color really brings out your blonde hair.” Harry gave his opinion making Lavender’s beaming smile return, he liked that smile.

“Oh you’re just asking to get the pseudo- taken off your pseudo-boyfriend title aren’t you?” Lavender giggled making Harry rub the back of his head sheepishly. He honestly wouldn’t mind, Lavender was a warm and exuberant person and her personality made her easy to get along with. She was considered one of the most popular girls in the school for a reason after all. “Now how about the green?” Lavender asked as she switched the sweaters he was holding and held the dark green sweater against her body. Harry smiled fondly at her before giving his opinion on the sweater.

-End of Hogsmeade Trip-

“That was great Harry; you’re a natural at this.” Lavender praised as she and Harry walked arm in arm together back to the school. Both had a Gladrags’ bag in their free hand filled with their purchases. Lavender had helped him pick out a couple more shirts; even trying to get him to buy a form-fitting black workout shirt that Harry thought would be like a second skin on him. Mentioning this to Lavender had only gotten her to giggle out that, ‘That’s the point, Harry!’, before he’d quickly added it to his armload making Lavender wink at him with pink cheeks.

“I’m glad we both enjoyed our date together, Lavender.” Harry smiled at her happily getting a bright smile in return. They’d finished their shopping trip to Gladrags and had stopped by the Three Broomsticks for lunch. Harry, taking Sirius’ advice once more, had paid for the meals and he and Lavender had chatted about various things as they ate. Finishing off their date had been a trip to Honeydukes for some sweets and Harry had gone the extra bit further to buy Lavender a very fancy set of ‘Honeydukes’ Finest’. These special chocolates were made with the traditional Honeydukes recipes but for three different types of chocolate. Dark, Milk, and White chocolate squares each with a drizzle of another Honeydukes confection such as caramel, or a fruit drizzle preserved with Magic. Each type of chocolate was, supposedly, expertly paired and there were ten varieties of each chocolate per box. So Lavender now had one of the most expensive items from Honeydukes, a full thirty piece box of ‘Honeydukes Finest’ from a boy that wasn’t even officially her boyfriend.

‘Yet.’ Lavender thought to herself with a happy smile as she leaned her head onto Harry’s shoulder while they rode the carriages back up to the castle.

‘This is nice.’ Harry thought as he held Lavender during the carriage ride back to the castle. He’d had fun, Lavender had enjoyed herself and that honestly made this date worth more than anything to him. He could only hope his dates with Parvati and then Padma went as well.

What Harry didn’t know was that Lavender would be telling both Patil Sisters; and Hermione whom they dragged into their ‘girl talk’, about how great Harry had been on their date. All three girls had been left smiling and Hermione was contemplating giving dating a try for the first time in her life. 

“I’m dating him.” Lavender declared during the impromptu ‘girl talk’ session the four had started after the Hogsmeade trip. “I’ll share him with you girls too, it doesn’t matter, he’s too good of a guy to let slip away.”

“Lav you’re making me not want to wait until the next Hogsmeade weekend!” Parvati ‘complained’ with a bright grin as she hugged herself in excitement.

“I really want to talk to him about our date now.” Padma smiled with a dreamy expression on her face. “If we wait a bit until the weather warms up we could even have a picnic.”

“I…I’d like to try too.” Hermione stated before becoming a bit shy at what she’d admitted. “Though I don’t have any experience with dating or liking anybody…like ‘that’.” Lavender, Padma, and Parvati all turned to face Hermione their eyes practically gleaming at the thought of getting to give the bookworm a proper ‘make-over’ and really bringing out the pretty girl hiding behind her books.

“Well you’ve come to the right place, Hermione! We’ll help you out with getting a date with Harry, but you’ll have to wait until after both Parvati’s date as well as Padma’s. They offered to help Harry first so we’re going in order.” Lavender explained getting Hermione to blush at what she was potentially getting herself into.

‘My parents are never going to understand this potential relationship if I tell them!’ Hermione worried as she thought of how to introduce Harry to her parents if they started a relationship together. She’d never lie to them about it, but she wasn’t so sure her parents would approve of such a thing. Even she still wasn’t sure if she could be in a relationship like the one Lavender and Parvati had mentioned. Padma too if the way the Ravenclaw Patil was happily planning out potential dates was any indication.


“You what?!” Harry exclaimed his face felt like it was on fire from how much blood had rushed to it. He was beyond shocked at what he’d just been told and the fact that the other person was laughing at his reaction wasn’t helping!

“I just said I’m open to the idea of dating in a year or two. What’s the problem?” Tonks questioned while trying to stifle her laughter. She’d come to hand deliver a ‘secret’ missive between Director of the DMLE, Amelia Bones, and Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore. The two had been conversing about the various Death Eater trials since the Yule Break and Tonks was almost certain it was about shoring up the cases against said Death Eaters. Loop holes in some laws had ‘suddenly’ come to light and been closed by either Madam Bones or Dumbledore in the last month before even the first trial had taken place. Evidence that would have remained hidden was coming out as certain parties ‘bravely’ came forward with verified memories of being threatened or harassed by some of the Lords down in the holding cells. All in all Tonks couldn’t say she was displeased with what was happening. If Madam Bones and Dumbledore had to communicate in secret to get these kinds of results then Tonks was happy to play messenger girl.

“But you…I’m…we’re…” Harry tried to formulate a proper response to Tonks’ statement but was too worked up to speak properly.

“Breathe Harry! Nice deep breaths. Calm down.” Tonks soothed as Harry tried to control his breathing.

“Why would you be interested in me? I’m like six years younger.” Harry asked and Tonks grinned back.

“So what? You’re a great guy from everything I know about you. You’re intelligent, funny when you want to be, kind to those that deserve it, and rather handsome to boot.” Tonks laid out and Harry shyly looked at the floor. “You’re also fun to tease, so entertainment on my part is a given too.” Harry sputtered at this making Tonks crack up again. “You’re a lot more desirable than you give yourself credit for Harry. I’m just letting you know I’m interested when you’re old enough that no one will give us trouble. I like you a lot, Harry, so I’d like to try and give this a real shot.”

“Oh, well…thank you, Tonks. I don’t know what to say.” Harry thanked the Metamorph while other thoughts were running through his head. ‘She’s interested in dating me?! But she’s amazing! She could probably have any guy she wanted! But she’s interested in me?! To be fair she was probably my first real crush though. Holy shit! My first crush is interested in dating me!’ Harry’s thoughts continued to run in circles like this until Tonks spoke again.

“Just say you’ll give it some thought, ok?” Tonks smiled at him and Harry found himself nodding without hesitation. “I’m glad, Harry.” She walked close and pulled him into a hug, one which Harry instantly returned. “If this works between us I wouldn’t mind joining you in another way too.” Tonks whispered and Harry tilted his head to look at her as they pulled back and her hands remained on his shoulders. 

“Tonks…what’re you saying?” Harry whispered not comprehending what the beautiful young woman was telling him.

“I haven’t forgotten that day at the ICW, Harry.” Tonks smiled. “You’ll need a Leonthrope woman if you want children. I’m just telling you now that I’d be willing to make the change and join you.” She breathed into his ear softly before kissing his cheek. Harry’s stunned face almost made Tonks break out laughing again but she gave him a sexy grin and a wink before sauntering off down the corridor with a sway in her hips. As soon as she was around the corner and out of his sight Harry was snapped out of his statue-like trance by his Therian instincts roaring out louder than they ever had before.

‘CLAIM HER! She is the QUEEN! The mother of the PRIDE!’

For once Harry found himself unable to argue against his most basic, primal instincts. So he just stood there in the middle of the empty corridor until he was able to sort out his racing thoughts and raging emotions.

And his hormones. 

Definitely his hormones.

-End Chapter-


Oh ho ho ho! What’s this now? Has Harry attracted a spunky, older girl to himself? I do believe so! Plus he’s met his Godfather! How will that effect his summers and holidays from now on? He had his first date too! Lavender is VERY interested in staking a claim on our favorite Leonthrope as well! Will we see a new Nemea Leonthrope soon? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

Absolutely amazing! I loved it!


I loved it! Poor Harry just became the luckiest boy in the whole world, especially as there are many more girls who have showed interest and will fall in love with Harry in the future :3


All in good time. The Pride will grow from here on. Then in the later part of the story we'll start seeing children! The first 'Natural Born' Nemea Leonthropes ever!


I bet Harry would faint the moment he hears he will become a father.