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This is Legendary General Woolley Mammoth's Tier Reward for March! Thank him for helping you all feed your HP addictions!


Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Now that Harry’s a certified Artificer what’s his next project? How does spending the summer with Sirius go? How are Penny and Tonks going to spend their summers, aside from spending time with Harry?

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 10 – First Year End, Summer Projects

It was the first morning of classes after the break and everyone was in the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry, Tonks, and Penny were enjoying some like conversation and both girls were talking about the upcoming O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s that would start in May. Both felt confident that their studying was preparing them well and that their Wandless skills would gain them extra points on their practical tests. Harry had no worries about his end of year exams. He knew the material and his practical skills were undoubtedly the highest in his year.

“Students, I have an announcement before we start another day of classes.” Dumbledore called out to the Great Hall. Everyone quickly quieted and turned to the Headmaster to listen. “It came to our attention over the break that our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor was not feeling well. Professor Quirrel has unfortunately had to leave his position early and seek treatment. I’m unaware of what treatment he made need, but I feel he’ll make a full recovery with time.”

“Well, looks like you were right, Harrikins.” Tonks whispered and Harry could only shrug.

“Fortunately as we only have a short time until the end of the school year I’ve been able to make time in my duties to take up your instruction. I hope you’ll all be alright with learning from an old man such as myself.” Dumbledore joked getting smatterings of chuckles and even several excited gasps from multiple students. It wasn’t every day that anyone got direct teaching from Dumbledore any more. The man had been Headmaster since before even the Seventh Years had been born after all. A loud, but polite, applause filled the Great Hall for a minute as Dumbledore directed his twinkling gaze over the students before sitting down and resuming what was left of breakfast.

“Well, maybe DADA won’t be completely useless for the remainder of the term?” Harry mused getting Tonks to crack up while Penny smiled.

“I am looking forward to what the Headmaster can teach though.” Penny admitted with an interested look. “He’s well-travelled, and has worked with multiple leaders of several Magical Fields. I’m sure his DADA lessons will be very interesting and informative.”

“True enough; might even be able to pick up an extra spell or two to impress the N.E.W.T. Examiners and the Auror Recruiters.” Tonks grinned before looking at Penny. “You totally just had a nerd moment!”

“Hush you!” Penny admonished as she swatted Tonks on the arm.

“Harry, help! Penny is being mean to me!” Tonks wailed overly dramatic.

“You earned it.” Harry smiled back making Penny smirk while Tonks stared at him with the most overdone look of betrayal.

“Traitor!” Tonks called and wandlessly threw a bit of porridge at him. Harry focused on the glob and it stopped in mid-air.

“No food fights, Tonks.” Harry chided as he returned the glob to Tonks’ bowl.

“They’re against the rules.” Penny glared as Tonks pouted at both of them.

“You’re no fun!” Tonks claimed as she playfully stuck out her tongue. Both Harry and Penny fondly sighed at their Metamorph friend.

-End of Year Exams-

Harry sighed; finally he was finished with all the paper tests! He was confident that he’d done well and now he was actually looking forward to getting the practical exams done too. Penny and Tonks were both still cooped up for their Exams. As both the O.W.L.s and the N.E.W.T.s were the biggest exams for students during their schooling, many more precautions were taken to ensure no cheating could take place. Harry figured he could just wait for his name to be called and retreated partially into his thoughts to try and work out ideas for new projects. He still wanted to try and work out an Artifact Sword for himself. He’d start with basic enchantments on a self-forged blade, Durability, Ever-Sharp, and the like; before moving on to more complex enchantments. With any luck he’d be able to create something truly unique. He’d aim for at least a Median Grade Artifact for his future sword. But if a Greater Grade was achievable when he was designing the Runic Array, why not try and reach it?

“Mr. Potter! Please enter the testing room.” Flitwick called out. Harry pulled himself out of his thoughts and stood up. Heading into the Charms classroom for his practical exam he smiled at his Head of House.

“Good morning Professor.” Harry greeted politely.

“Good morning Mr. Potter. Are you ready for your practical?” Flitwick asked though the look in the Charms Professor’s eyes said that he was already certain of it.

“I think I’ve learned well, sir.” Harry replied as he stood behind the long table that had been set up in the room. Various items were laid out on the table and Flitwick motioned to a set of feathers on the closest end.

“First the Levitation Charm. Levitate one of the feathers and have it circle the room, Mr. Potter.” Flitwick instructed a clipboard in his hands.

“Yes sir.” Harry nodded before all three feathers floated up from the table. Flitwick looked on wide-eyed as the three feathers made a circle around the room before gently settling back on the desk.

“Bravo, Mr. Potter, bravo! Wandless and Silent and you’re only a First Year! I dare say even your mother wasn’t so gifted!” Flitwick praised as he made a mark on his clipboard.

“Thank you for the praise, Professor.” Harry smiled as he was compared to his mother. It was a great compliment in his eyes.

“Moving on, there are three sheets of parchment on the table next to you. Change each of them into a different color.” Flitwick instructed and Harry did so with nary a thought. He changed each of them into the House Colors of Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.

“Done, sir.” Harry stated and Flitwick clapped politely as he marked the results. So it went that Harry demonstrated the various Charms they’d worked on over the school year. Each time he managed it both Silent and Wandless bringing a brighter smile to Flitwick’s face.

“Alright, Mr. Potter, not that you need it but you’re now given the opportunity to display any Charm you’ve learned outside of class for extra credit.” Flitwick motioned to the empty space in front of the long table. Harry thought for a moment about which spell to demonstrate and smiled as he decided to go flashy.

‘Might as well, right? What was it Sirius said in his letter that one time? Go big or go home, wasn’t it?’ Harry mused before he stood before Flitwick and raised his hand into the air above his head. With palm facing the high ceiling a small flame appeared in Harry’s hand before it became a large conflagration as Harry fed more mana into the spell. The flames became a stream that towered into the air just short of hitting the ceiling. Flitwick stared in amazement at what a First Year was doing. This went beyond what any Incendio Charm could do!

“Excellent, Mr. Potter, simply excellent!” Flitwick praised as Harry ended his spell. “Make sure you’re very careful with that spell though! I don’t want to hear you’ve accidentally set something ablaze during your years here.”

“Of course, Professor.” Harry nodded and Flitwick dismissed him to his next practical.

Harry made good showings in all his practical exams. McGonagall had been especially impressed by his ability to wandlessly transfigure a small stone into various shapes. Turning the rock into a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, and a flat disc had seen him getting extra marks for Transfiguration. Now Harry had to take his final practical exam, Defense Against the Dark Arts with Dumbledore.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Potter, I trust you’re well?” Dumbledore asked as Harry made his way into the room.

“As well as can be, Professor.” Harry replied as he waited for Dumbledore’s instructions.

“Good to hear, we’ll be going through the spells you’ve learned over the year. Simply demonstrate them to the best of your ability and we’ll be done shortly. No need to be nervous.” Dumbledore reassured. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, Professor, I’m ready.” Harry nodded and Dumbledore asked for the first spell.

“Show me the Flipendo Jinx, Mr. Potter.” Dumbledore prompted while motioning towards a target against the wall. Harry simply pointed at it with his finger and cast the spell. His jinx smacked almost dead center against the target and Dumbledore looked mildly impressed before making a mark on his clipboard. At the end Dumbledore offered a chance for extra credit, just as the rest of the Professors had done, and Harry nodded.

‘I finally have some real results for this spell, so I might as well get some extra credit for it!’ Harry thought with a grin as he conjured lightning around his arm. With a jab of his index and middle finger towards the target a bolt of lightning leapt from the extended fingers and struck just off center of the bull’s eye. ‘Letting the lighting travel down my arm and out the tips of my fingers makes it infinitely easier to aim compared to the whole palm.’ Harry smiled at the results of all of his practice with the Fulmen Curse.

“My word, I never thought I’d see a First Year capable of casting the Fulmen Curse.” Dumbledore stared at Harry for a long moment before writing on his clipboard. “That you managed it Silent and Wandless as well is outright unheard of for a Wizard your age. I must say you’re quite the young man, Mr. Potter. Though I don’t believe that I need to caution you on the use of that spell? Never use it on another person unless it is absolutely unavoidable to defend your life. That curse is not something that one can cast ‘accidentally’ or ‘on reflex’, though some have tried to get out of criminal charges by stating such in the past.” The old wizard sighed.

“Of course, Professor, I learned it for just those types of situations. I’d rather avoid them altogether if possible though.” Harry stated and Dumbledore nodded to the young student. ‘No way am I telling him I learned it just because I wanted to throw lightning around along with fire.’ He thought to himself with a groan, he’d never live that down if Tonks ever found out.

-End of the Year-

Tonks and Penny had been feeling rather confident in their performance of their exams. Tonks went one and on about the startled looks on the Wizarding Examination Authority proctor’s faces when she’d started performing spell both Silent and Wandless. The Metamorph was sure she’d aced the practical exams without a problem. Penny had been very confident in both her written and practical exams. Though even she couldn’t help but comment on her own shocking of the proctors from the Ministry during her practical exams. Apparently they’d never seen a Fifth Year capable of so much Wandless Magic.

“So who won the House Cup this year?” Tonks asked as she looked towards the hourglasses at the front of the Great Hall.

“I think it’s between Slytherin and Ravenclaw this year.” Penny commented as she waited for dinner to start along with everyone else.

“I don’t really care; I’ve got more things to worry about than the House Cup.” Harry shrugged nonchalantly though both of his friends could see him glancing at the hourglasses every so often. They’d both laugh at him shortly after when it was revealed that Ravenclaw had won the House Cup by all of twelve House Points.

“Doesn’t care he says.” Tonks guffawed while Penny hugged Harry in celebration of their House winning.

-The Next Afternoon ~ King’s Cross Station-

“I’ll be sure to come visit when I can.” Penny smiled to Harry and Tonks as they stood on the platform with their families. Sirius was standing with Ted and Andromeda to take Harry to his new home with his godfather.

“You better, we’ve got to talk about ‘our’ future!” Tonks winked at Penny who, to her credit, didn’t get more than a dusting of pink on her cheeks.

“Can you not?” Harry asked of his friend only for Tonks to shake her head while laughing. “You’re impossible.” Harry shook his head.

“Oh don’t pout, Harrikins, you know you love us!” Tonks grinned as she hugged Harry to her side. Penny giggled as Harry just let Tonks hug him. The boy had learned to just let Tonks have her hugs over the school year.

“I’m not pouting.” Harry deadpanned as Penny moved over to hug him too.

“But you are blushing!” Penny whispered with a giggle and Tonks chuckled at the red that appeared on Harry’s cheeks from the group hug.

“Alright Casanova, time to go!” Sirius laughed making Harry struggle out of the girls’ grip to swat at his godfather. The parents couldn’t help but smile at the interaction before both groups went their separate ways. Harry, Tonks, Andromeda, Sirius, and Ted took the Floo to the small Black property that Sirius and he would be living in. It was a nice stone and wood cottage-style house in a place called Wood End just southwest of Bedford. Magically hidden, of course, and near a good-sized forest, Harry had no problems with his new home.

“This is great!” Harry exclaimed as he was shown around by Sirius and was surprised when they got to his bedroom on the second floor. It had all of his things from the Dursleys already in it. “You got all of my stuff?” He questioned and Sirius nodded.

“Sure did, also found out that your Aunt and Uncle are expecting another child.” Sirius responded and Harry was surprised, he didn’t know Petunia and Vernon wanted anymore children. “Seemed right happy about it too.”

“Huh, I’ll have to write them and thank them for taking care of me until now. Plus offer my congratulations. Didn’t think they wanted more children. Though I’d bet Aunt Petunia is hoping for a daughter this time.” Harry mused as the group settled into the sitting room for tea.

“So Artificer Potter, what’re your plans for the summer?” Ted asked with a grin using Harry’s new Title for emphasis. Harry looked away sheepishly for a moment before getting himself together.

“Making more Test Frames, possibly a few more Scouters if I can get a smithy set up here, I also have some ideas for a few projects.” Harry replied and Sirius suddenly had a smile so wide Harry thought it would hurt his face if he kept I up too long. “What’s with the grin?”

“I’ve already contracted a Magical Stonemason to build you a full smithy out back!” Sirius burst out happily and laughed at Harry’s shocked face. “Consider it a makeup gift for ten years of missed birthdays and Christmases!”

“Sirius that must’ve cost so much!” Harry exclaimed and Sirius waved him off.

“I’ve got the entirety of the Black Vaults under my control now. I’ve more gold than I know what to do with, so if I want to spend it on my godson I will!” Sirius explained and Harry couldn’t stop himself from hugging his godfather.

“Thank you, Sirius!” Harry thanked his godfather happily.

“No problem, Harry, it’s worth every Knut.” Sirius assured him as he patted the boy’s back. “The Stonemason will be here the day after tomorrow to get some measurements and start prepping the land for building. After that is done it shouldn’t take more than a week or so to be ready for you.”

“This is great! I can do everything I planned this summer!” Harry smiled and Tonks couldn’t resist moving over to sit beside him so she could hug him. Harry was so happy he hugged the Metamorph back immediately with his smile still plastered on his face. About an hour later Ted and Andromeda started working on dinner for everyone. When Sirius tried to help he’d been all but tossed out of the kitchen by Andromeda. Apparently Sirius wasn’t much of a cook and Andromeda wouldn’t risk their first ‘Family Dinner’ together on Sirius’ cooking skills. The man had grumbled about ‘overly controlling cousins’ before walking outside with Harry to show him where the smithy would be built.

The dinner was lovely and the Tonks’ family had left just after ten for their home. Harry had enjoyed a shower and some light reading before bed that evening. Unknown to the boy Sirius had checked in on him after eleven and tucked him in with a smile. The man was determined to make a happy home for his godson and that meant laughter and smiles in his opinion. Harry wouldn’t want for anything if Sirius had anything to say about it; though he would soon encounter Harry’s stubborn streak when it came to certain things.

-The Next Morning-

Harry groaned softly as he woke up. Looking around at his new room, after putting his glasses on, brought a smile to his face. It wasn’t massive, maybe a bit bigger than his old attic bedroom at the Dursleys. But it made him feel so warm to know that this place was his home, a place where all of him was accepted, especially his Magic. The smell of something cooking caught his nose and Harry made his way down to the kitchen. Seeing Sirius cooking for the first time was odd, in a surreal way, but he sat at the table regardless.

“Morning Sirius.” Harry yawned.

“Morning Harry, breakfast will be done in just a few moments.” Sirius smiled as he plated some scrambled eggs and bacon. A wave of his wand had a couple slices of toast perfectly browned and ready for butter or jam. A couple flicks and two plates of breakfast along with a pitcher of milk and a pitcher of orange juice floated onto the table and Sirius sat down. The two smiled before digging in together.

“This is pretty good, Sirius.” Harry complimented and Sirius puffed up in pride.

“Andromeda doesn’t think I can cook but even I can make breakfast!” Sirius exclaimed with a smile and Harry chuckled at his upbeat attitude. After the two had finished Sirius had only waved his wand a few times to clean the dishes and levitated the pitchers back into the Magical ice box. With the day free Harry and Sirius spent some time getting to know one another in person, instead of through letters. Harry loved hearing about his parents and Sirius was very much interested in Harry’s Enchanting. When Harry mentioned he wanted to work on trying to create an Artifact Sword Sirius had started asking various questions.

“I’ll start with a regular self-forged blade, probably a knife to start out with, just so I can get a feel for blade making.” Harry explained the first part of his summer plans. “After I get a good handle on that, then I’ll move on to adding enchantments. The basic stuff to start with of course, Durability and Ever-Sharp, if that works out I’ll move on to actually putting together the Runic Array for my first prototype blade.”

“As long as you’re careful, Harry, I’d hate for you to get hurt.” Sirius worried slightly.

“I don’t mind if you’re there watching the first couple of times Sirius. If it’ll ease your worries I encourage it.” Harry smiled at his godfather and Sirius smiled back.

“I’ll take you up on that Harry. Once I’m sure you’re safe, well as safe as making a blade can be at least, then I’ll worry less. Maybe we should get a House Elf? Then we won’t have to worry about Cleaning and Laundry. Plus if there’s an accident you can call for the House Elf to come get me or to help you get to me.” Sirius considered and Harry found the idea to be sound. House Elves were nothing but a boon to a Magical Household, after all. Having one around the cottage would take a couple chores off Harry and Sirius’ shoulders.

“Hmm, maybe they could cook from time to time too. I don’t mind cooking a bit, but I’m no expert or anything.” Harry mused and Sirius nodded.

“Might not be a bad idea.” Sirius nodded with a grin.

“Just a fair warning Sirius, I get a lot of mail sometimes. Now that I’m the ‘Youngest Artificer in History’ I expect that to happen again.” Harry warned and Sirius chuckled at his godson’s annoyed face.

“Well if you’d stop doing so many ground-breaking things maybe you wouldn’t have these problems?” Sirius teased and Harry picked up a couch cushion and smacked his godfather with it.

“Oh now you’ve done it Harry!” Sirius chuckled while grabbing a cushion in each hand. “This means war! Have at you!”

“Bring it on!” Harry laughed as he blocked Sirius’ first swipe with his own cushion. The laughter that filled the cottage house that day truly made the old building a real home. Warmth would always come to Sirius and Harry whenever they returned to this place from then on. Especially at the start of the small scale prank war that started that day.

“Oh, so you want to use Magic to win do you?!” Sirius laughed as he pulled his wand in response to Harry levitating cushions at him. “Let me show you how to truly fight like a Marauder my foolish godson!”

“You don’t have the skill to keep up with me!” Harry chortled as he launched another cushion at Sirius. The man barely moved his wand to snag it out of the air and have it join his collection of cushions.

“Your words only show your inexperience!” Sirius replied as he launched cushions at Harry. The boy stopped them with a wave of his hand, the cushions hanging in the air between the two men.

“I do not fear you!” Harry chuckled as he launched the cushions back at his godfather.

“Then you shall lose braver than most!” Sirius cackled as he waved his wand and rained the cushions down on Harry. The two spent until lunchtime indulging their childishness. Harry and Sirius happily exchanging cushion blows over and over again. It would be a heartwarming scene for anyone that could look in on it. It was truly the moment Harry and Sirius became family with a bond stronger than blood. The two even knew it and it only made the first ‘Cushion War’ of Wood End Cottage all the more epic!

-End Chapter-


Aww, so heartwarming you just want to join in! Welp that wraps up First Year! Summer will be next chapter and the beginning of Second Year. We won’t spend too long in Second Year before moving on. So for all of you fans that just can’t wait until we get to Fourth Year for the Tournament, don’t worry, it’ll get here soon enough. But Harry still has to learn and grow and it’ll be fun to watch both his success and his failures. After all, failure is the mother of success, right? Several useful inventions have been made by accident in the pursuit of something else entirely!

Keep reading to see what our Artificer does in the future!

This chapter was a little bit short because it was a segue chapter, but I hope you all still enjoyed it!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

Another awesome chapter and loved the heartwarming ending

Leon Cross

interesting to read it, since I only been reading Whispers in the Dark, and any HP fic that looks interesting, if there are any that is


I'm glad you liked it! We'll be moving right along into summer next chapter and flit through Second Year fairly quickly. Third Year will be even shorter though. The everyone's favorite Fourth Year will be upon us!

Leon Cross

it's still strange to see his aunt treat him like an actual family instead of the horrible people they could be in almost every fic. I do wonder what he'll create anyways, since some of them are from books, movies or tv shows, even if they sound weird, but failure is an option in almost every situation


True, failure is simply a given when trying something new. But if you keep trying and working at it you'll get there eventually.

Leon Cross

only way failure isn't an option is usually in movies, tv shows or games since those options are rare in real life, failures at times can actually be a success when making things, games show that at times, even then those are rare

Thomas E Nellis

The Dogfather is taking good care of his Prongslet. It was an epic chapter. I loved it.


I wonder if Harry will try to make something like mjolnir or Excalibur. A weapon only he can lift or wield that has power over thunder and lightning or other cool abilities but that might be a bit beyond his abilities for now.


For my self I can't wait for Harry to meat Luna I always loved it when Harry first meats the little moon child.


He is making an Artifact Sword after reading about Excalibur and the Sword of Gryffindor. That's what he's talking about for a good amount of this chapter.


Bullying Luna will be stopped near instantly when Penny and Harry notice it. Penny can be SCARY when she wants to be.


Is harry going continue with non magical studies to help with his enchanting and artificer studies. Also will he keep looking to fiction to get cool ideas like maybe making armour or cool magic items from legends or fictional works like iron man or guyver for armour, maybe looking at legends about gods for there items/weapons. He could make the potion from asterix and obelisk or maybe a magic item that has similar effects.


Of course he'll still look towards fiction and mythology for ideas. As for Non-Magical studies, he'll delve into them if Magical research hits a dead end. Unlike most Magicals Harry doesn't dismiss the intelligence and advancements of the Muggle World.

Brandon M Masteller

You are the first Author with a Patreon that I've signed up for. It was worth it.


Thank you so much! Praise like that can make a grown man tear up in joy!


Great story, cannot wait for next chaper


Just a bit curious if Harry is still a parselmouth despite not being a horcrux and if he will be able enchant using parseltongue runes or something.


PS it would make it really hard for someone to copy his ideas if he did use parseltongue.


You're the first one to ask! But no, without the shard of soul from Old Nose-less, Harry can't speak to snakes. You'll see how he accesses the Chamber in Second Year later. Also Parseltongue is the language of serpents, it is entirely vocal and therefore has no written language. Plus it would be kind of hard to write anything as a snake, you know because of the lack of arms.

Anthony Dauphin

Really nice chapter. Can't wait for read more.

Leon Klatt

Nice chap, i think you got tonks Character pretty good.


Thanks! I try to capture the correct personality for Tonks. Teasing, fun-loving, an all around social butterfly.