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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru here with a question for all of you! I'm currently laid off by the COVID-19 thing because work shut down due to their only customer shutting down. I work factory and the company we make parts for shut down the facility our parts go to. So no work for at least a little while longer, much to the detriment of the paycheck! I'm sure most of you are feeling the same!

But, I have a question for all of you, my patrons! I've been dabbling with the idea of writing something Original for the last little while. It wouldn't be anything ground breaking probably, but I kind of want to try my hand at the overly saturated 'Isekai' genre. Though I'd rather avoid the most common tropes of the genre to make it more...I don't know...dramatic, maybe? I'll get into the idea in a moment. But this would just be something I'd do on the side when I had some extra time, so it wouldn't affect the updates for my current stories. I'd still be updating at the same rate, barring anything else horrible happening in my life, that I do now. Some updates for this potential idea might be 2 or 3 thousand words, while others might be 6 or 7 thousand or higher if it happens to get that far. But I should probably explain my idea a bit.

As I said, I kind of want to take a crack at the 'Isekai' genre. Now I know what some of you are probably thinking...'Another person goes to fantasy world with god-like powers and gets a harem...boring!' But as I said I want to avoid at least a few of the common tropes of the genre. But I do like the premise of a few series so I've taken some inspiration from them.

The overall idea is an old man at the end of his life dies from advanced age-related complications, or 'dies of old age' as it used to be called. This is our Main Character, for this particular isekai, and he led a boring, yet fulfilling, life taking care of himself in a self-sufficient lifestyle.

Upon death he meets the realm of gods, basically the collective residence of every 'god/goddess' that has ever been conceived of and believed in by enough 'mortals' throughout the multiverse to form a metaphysical being. The one that speaks to him tells him that his belief in the multiverse and that souls pass through it rather than to specific 'reward or punishment' realms, has allowed his soul to be reincarnated through the multiverse and all the infinite possibilities that exist. The only information the one that he's listening to gives him is that because his soul has no 'Mortal Sins' tainting it he'll be given a benefit in his next life. Before the MC can ask any real questions the god/goddess tells him that he'll be moved on immediately to a random new world before his current mind disappears from experiencing INFINITY. Since mortal minds, like his current one, cannot truly comprehend the INFINITE and his sense of self, along with all of his memories, will be destroyed if he stays any longer. The last thing he hears from the god/goddess is 'Thank you for living a good life, now go live another one.'

Our MC awakens an undetermined amount of time later. He's tired, hungry, and can't seem to open his eyes or hear very well. But his mind is still working like it used too, though for the life of him he can't remember a good chunk of his past. He remembers living, that he had a family, the passing of his spouse, that his children were grown and had their own families, even remembers the self-sufficiency skills and lifestyle he lived. But he can't remember where he came from, nor the majority of the rest of his life. No schools he went to, though he still knows his Language, Science, Mathematics, and other subjects. No friend's names or what he did for a living beyond his lifestyle. Upon trying to remember any of the things he's sure he's forgotten a voice in his head speaks.

"Congratulations on being Born in your New Life!"

"'Past Knowledge and Memories' Bonus has been granted for having no 'Mortal Sins'."

"You've been born with the Skill: 'Self Sufficiency' as a result of the 'Past Knowledge and Memories Bonus'!"

Just as our MC is thinking, 'What in the actual hell?' he drifts off to sleep. Over the course of the next several days the MC begins to be able to use his senses again. He notices he's wrapped in cloth in what appears to be a, roughly made, 'crib' and that his hands and body don't move very well. He's in a dimly lit place made of stone. The real shocker comes the first time he lays his eyes on his 'caretaker', a humanoid being with greenish skin and short, dark hair. 'Is that a freaking monster?!' is our MC's only thought before delving into his own thoughts to try and figure out his new life situation. Apparently he's really been reincarnated somewhere that is very different from wherever he came from. But does that mean he's been reborn as a 'monster'? If so, what kind? Is he in danger? Will he be taken care of until he can do it himself? Where is he anyway? Are there others? With so many questions running through his head our MC quickly grows tired and just before he conks out to sleep again he remembers, 'Oh, right, I'm apparently an infant.'

So that's the basic start of the premise. No God-Mode cheat powers, or instantly being a good-looking teen saving his first Harem member. No maxed stats or perfect memory, infinite knowledge or power. Just a simple set up of: MC lived good life. MC is rewarded with a benefit in next life. MC reincarnates in a world that has a fantasy/game like mechanic because of the INFINITY principle. And finally, MC is reborn as a monster rather than a human.

As for which monster I leaned towards the Goblin, simply because they're Level 1 Mobs in most RPGs. I thought about making it an Imp, but then remembered that Imps have Magical powers and stuff to trick people and play pranks. I didn't want the MC to have access to Magic right away. So the basic, weak, small, dumb, green goblin that you typically slay as a first RPG mission, with a stick or crappy sword, is the choice.

Also I wouldn't write this in first-person. I know that is the typical perspective in these type of stories, but I always enjoyed the classic third-person narrative style so much more.

Is this something you guys would like to see or should I just keep this to myself? It'd be Patron exclusive for the most part, maybe find a site to post it as an ongoing web novel after I had enough 'chapters' built up here so that you all were always ahead of the 'free' readers.

Well let me know what you think in the comments if you would!


The Real Cacto

Check out Reincarnated as a slime if you haven't, should give you some really good ideas


I'm a big fan of Slime! Though he gains power and abilities so easily that it wouldn't fit with the idea I've been mulling over. Same with Re:Monster, the MC reincarnates as a Goblin but has the ability to gain other monster's skills/abilities by eating them. My MC wouldn't have such an OP advantage. He'll have to be smart, crafty, and work on his strength if he wants to survive. He's just a Goblin after all.

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

The only question I have to ask is: What series is he Isekai-ing into? Cause hearing Goblin makes me think of a couple series..........and one of them isn't exactly the greatest one for him if he is a goblin.


Not isekai-ing into an established series. This would be my own Original Writing.

Thomas E Nellis

I am down. I enjoy all of your writing you have presented. Hope you find another job that can support you.


Thanks for the vote of confidence Thomas, I appreciate it. Got to start with survival before you worry about being the biggest, toughest MF-er on the block, or in the Forest as the case would be. I should be fine with whatever unemployment gives me for the length of the lay off. But if it goes on too long we'll all probably be let go.


Sounds cool. I'd read it. Royalroad isn't a bad site for free original stories like this. Well as far as reading goes, I'm not sure how easy it is for the Author, though a lot of people use it, so it must not be that bad. Would there be any romance at all? Doesn't have to be the whole cliche harem route, but I do always enjoy our Isekai Protag finding love in a new world.


I do plan for the MC to find love, as I plan it in my head the Goblins live in Tribes, so it would be a tribal lifestyle. He'd have one female he got close to initially, but since he'd be so much more intelligent than the other Goblins he'd inevitably attract more females to him. Simply because he's so successful with hunting, crafting gear and such. However MC isn't the type to 'collect' women and would only bring them into the relationship if his first 'love' approved of the new female and he himself had some true feelings for her. So in the end he might end up with a harem but it wouldn't be very large at all, three or maybe four. Relationships take time, but MC will actually adapt to his new life instead of clinging onto his old standards from his previous life. Our World's morality would be A LOT different than a Fantasy World's morality.


Sounds awesome. I love it. Do Monsters Evolve like in Re: Monster, or will they stay Goblins? Either would be interesting.


They Evolve, but not over night. When a Goblin reaches level 100 they begin going through a Metamorphosis/Growth Phase that lasts around three months. During this time the Goblin grows taller, their facial features become slightly more human/elf-like, their hair grows in (if male, females are born with hair), their bodies get stronger and their brain increases in size helping their intelligence to develop a bit more. After the Growth Phase they're now level 1 Hobgoblins. During this time a Goblin needs to keep hunting and eating to facilitate the change, otherwise they risk malnutrition which can lead to severe debilitation in their Hobgoblin state. This often proves fatal shortly afterwards as the new Hobgoblin can't perform up to capacity.


Huh, that's different. Sounds cool. Can't wait to see where it goes, and if there's anything after Hobgoblin. Hoping for a Mage build personally. That and uplifting his tribe. Maybe adding other monster types. Can't wait.


Working on the first 'chapter' already! Since I plan to reveal the Goblin 'Evolution' line anyway I'll just tell you now. Goblin > Hobgoblin > Ogre > High Ogre > Lord Ogre is the path that goblins take if they live long enough and grow strong enough. Some goblins do develop an aptitude for Magic while others become more brute force inclined. Goblins, like other demi-human monsters, can learn skills like archery, spearmanship, and others if they have someone to learn from.