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I learned just a short time ago that my mother passed today a little after 3pm. While I was working like everything was Fucking Normal and wasn't informed immediately.

Anyway, friends and fans, I'm going to be down for a couple days, or at least until after the funeral. Just wanted everyone to be aware that there probably won't be a new update this weekend.

I plan to be back sometime next week if possible, writing lets me express myself in a productive way rather than the bawling I've been doing for the last hour or so. Not sure what I'll be up to getting a new chapter out for but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Thanks for your support now more than ever, I never suspected the 2 - 3 months would only be three Fucking days! Worthless fucking doctors! I would have just quit and spent all these last few days with her if I had even had an inkling that she would be gone so soon! FUCK! Shit now I'm crying again! 

I'll see you all in a few days.


John McCormick

Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. Take the time off and recover. We will be waiting for you.


My heart goes out to you may when my grandpa passed my mom said that he wanted us to have a party to celebrate the good times we had with him but when I found out I just shut down so I just wanna say take all the time you need i am deeply sorry for your loss.😢

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

I know all to well what you're feeling man. I've lost a lot of family during my time on this planet. My thoughts and prayers goout to you man.


Take all the time you need. We'll be here for you when you get back.

lance Lumpkins

Take all the time time you need. We have time to spare.

Ernest m diaz

I'm sorry for your loss your mother raised an amazing person take all the time you need

Fabian J Wilkinson

I am sorry for your loss, take all the time you need. We'll be here for you when you get back, we have time to spare.

Darrell Jay Cook

If your mom was anything like mine, she probably lied to herself as well as you as to how bad it was. They don't want to impose on their kids and have reached the point that they accepted that life ends. I didn't find out my dad was late stage cancer until just before he died. Yeah it will hurt, but it's just another way to say they love you. Take the time to remember some of your best moments together and realize energy is never lost, it simply changes. Be well and get some rest. She's probably harassing you about that even now.

Mat Hemsley

Take all the time you need mate my thoughts go to u and your family in this time and we all have ur back here on patreon so take ur time


I’m sorry for your loss, take all the time you need. Be well and get some rest, we’ll be here when you get back.

Thomas E Nellis

My condolences. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Grief isn’t something that should be bottled up. Take the time to address your feelings and decompress.