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Hey friends and fans, I just wanted all of you wonderful people to be aware of a situation currently happening in my life with my family. Last year my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, for the last year she's been on medications and treatments and I've been doing what I can to help out.

Today, of all damn superstitious bull shit days, my mother got to come home from the hospital after being there for two weeks. The 'bad luck' bull shit part is that it's because the hospital can no longer continue her treatment since her Liver has lost nearly all functionality. Continuing the treatment at the hospital could actually worsen her condition.

We've been told my mother probably has about 2 - 3 months left before she'll most likely pass. While we've all been preparing for the worst since we got the initial diagnosis last year this still comes as a shock. While I try and spend some more time with my mother before...the inevitable...I may only be able to get out a few updates a month. I just wanted all of you who support me to be aware that I'm not trying to cheat you or short you on updates, but that something severe has come up that will most likely limit my writing time.

Though as I stand now, there is a VERY strong possibility that I'll be resigning from my current workplace and moving down to part time work. This is so that I can spend as much time with my mother as possible. This may still give me some more time to write but I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, in this situation my mother comes first as I'm sure all of you understand.

Thank you all for listening to me as I explain, and vent, about my current situation. Though I do have a new update for Aura Heart almost ready so that should still come out this weekend. I might run a quick fun poll for Aura Heart as well, just to get you guy's opinion on a potential future Pokémon for Ash.



Hey man I know how you feel my grandfather died of cancer and I was very close with him so it hit me really hard. So I just wanna say that you take all the time you have to spend time with her you're mom should be you're first priority. Stay Strong.


Thanks for the support, my friend, I plan to. Though knowing my mom she'll probably tell me to go do whatever I need to do instead of spending all of my time with her. She never liked feeling like she was holding someone else up. She's courteous like that.

Ernest m diaz

Your family will always come first you are in our prayers in this time of Struggle we will continue to support you and stand by your side

Thomas E Nellis

Good luck. I hope everything works out. Take however much time you need. My mother passed to breast cancer after fighting it for 5 years, so I can understand the burden.


I hope to still be active and updating a bit, but even though she's already told me today that I don't have to visit everyday or stay all day I still want to, you know? But time will tell, we at least have some time so I think we'll all spend as much time together as possible. Probably going to have to find a part time job though, no more of this random, mandatory over time shit to keep me from seeing my mother.

Mat Hemsley

Family first always mate. I couldnt hardly do anything after losing my little brother and this will worse for u than i want to imagine. You have all ur patrons and fans behind u in these difficult times my friend so u do what u have and spend as much time with your mum as possible we will still be here when u r ready mate.


Thank you, friend, I truly appreciate it! My patrons are the best patrons!

John Mekjian

I'm sure we've all dealt with the death of a loved one. We all understand that this will be hard for you. I also want to tell you that after only a day I can already tell that this is by far the most faithful and committed creator patreon account I have ever donated to. I predict that it won't even take a month for the patreon to reach the $500/month level, which will mean one less source of stress in your life and a brighter future for all of us when you finally come out of this dark chapter in your life. I pray for all of the best for you and your family and you have my condolences in advance.


You're going to make me happy cry over here, instead of the ugly, bawling crying I've done when my roommate leaves the house. I hope to live up to your initial judgement and I can only hope to hit the $500/month goal so soon. It would be proof to myself that I have some talent and that I'm truly making people happy with what I write.