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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Time for a Swap Meet! Will Ash and Misty find anything good? Will they make good trades for their Items? How will Ash fair against the Steel Type Gym?

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Thanks to my patron Rafael Ramos, Azure Town’s Flying Type Gym Leader has now been created and will be challenged by Ash! How will Ash fair against Jack the user of odd Flying Types?

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 12 – Swap Meet, Copper Gym

“How much do you think I should withdraw?” Ash asked as he stood in front of the ATM at the Pokémon Center.

“I took out ten thousand just to be safe.” Misty replied as she stood off to the side.

“Ten thousand it is then.” Ash nodded as he withdrew the PokeYen from his account. With money in hand the couple left the Pokémon Center and headed towards the Swap Meet in the town’s large park. Pikachu had elected to stay in their room at the Pokémon Center and was currently snuggled under the covers on the bed. Ash thought Pikachu could use a break and he wasn’t expecting to get into any battles today so he’d let Pikachu have his way. It only took about twenty minutes to walk to the park and the couple spent that time in conversation about what they might find.

“Welcome to the Swap Meet! Buy, Sell, Trade, we do it all here!” A portly man welcomed them as they passed through the entrance to the park.

“Thanks!” Ash and Misty smiled as they entered the park and gazed at all the stalls and spaces set up by various people.

“Well, no time to waste, let’s look around.” Misty grinned as she and Ash interlaced their fingers and started walking through the Meet. The couple passed several stalls without seeing anything that interested them. Some people were being loud and trying to attract people to their spot, while others were calmly sitting and waiting for people to show interest in what they had.

“Hmm, haven’t seen anything that jumps out yet.” Ash commented as they passed through the first section of the meet.

“Let’s walk a bit further in; the people that got here early will probably have set up closer to the center of the park.” Misty responded as she made a turn and headed in the direction she indicated. Ash followed along with his girlfriend and hoped they’d find something interesting. Walking along Ash and Misty still kept an eye out for anything interesting but didn’t see much. Arriving at the center of the park the two saw a small stage with various people sitting in front of it. Curious, they approached the area to find out what was going on.

“I have eight thousand for the full Power Training Set! Do I hear eight thousand five hundred?” The man behind the podium on the stage shouted to the crowd.

“Oh it’s an auction.” Misty commented as she watched the auctioneer look around the crowd for any further bids.

“A full Power Training Set for only eight thousand PokeYen is a steal!” Ash exclaimed as he watched on. The Power Training items were specially made weights that helped Pokémon get the most out of their training. A Pokémon that trained with the Power Weight, Bracer, Anklet, Band and Belt would grow in strength quickly, but the trade-off was the cost of the Items themselves. Each individual Power Item usually cost around three thousand PokeYen, on average, so the total cost was fifteen thousand for a full set.

“Eight thousand going once! Twice!” The auctioneer started only to be interrupted as man stood up from the crowd.

“Eight thousand five hundred!” The man bid loudly.

“I have eight thousand five hundred!” The auctioneer called out. This bid however seemed to upset another bidder at the auction.

“Fuck you, Dave!” Another man, about the same age as the currently standing man, yelled at the most recent bidder.

“Kiss my ass, Matt!” Dave yelled back as he turned on the man who yelled at him.

“The both of you shut up now!” An older lady yelled at the two men, making both of them flinch.

“Sorry, ma’am.” Dave and Matt apologized as they sat back down.

“Dumb Black Belts, always so hot headed!” The older woman groused as the auction resumed.

“Something tells me those two guys have a history.” Misty giggled as she and Ash walked away from the auction area.

“Kind of reminded me of when Gary and I were younger.” Ash chuckled while rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. They’d gotten into their fair share of arguments that had to be broken up.

The next several minutes were spent walking around the circumference of the park center while looking at various things. Misty had made notes of some stalls she’d like to look at more in-depth on their second walk around; while Ash was looking for any stall that had Evolution Stones. If the merchant specialized in Evolution Stones they’d know how rare Ash’s Dusk Stone was in Kanto. That could easily lead to a better trade for his Evolution Stone.

“Hey Ash, there’s one.” Misty whispered to him as she subtly gestured to a stall with various Evolutionary Items on display.

“Awesome Misty; thanks for spotting it.” Ash thanked her as he squeezed her hand softly. The orangette grinned as she squeezed back and they made their way towards the stand. The stall owner, a man looking to be in his thirties with dark hair and brown eyes, noticed their approach and gave them a smile.

“What can I help you with, youngsters?” The man asked as he spread his arms over his display. “I’ve got just about anything you could need to help a Pokémon evolve. If there is anything in particular you’re looking for just let me know.”

“Do you do trades?” Ash questioned and the man’s eyes took on a glint as he grinned.

“In fact, I do, young man. What’re you offering?” The man questioned. Ash had to let go of Misty’s hand to reach back and undo his pack so he could pull out his Dusk Stone. Placing the Stone on the counter Ash and Misty both noticed the merchant’s eyes widen slightly. “Well, I’ll be…” The man trailed off as he looked over the black stone carefully.

“I found that Dusk Stone in the pit mines yesterday. I was hoping to find something worthwhile to trade it for.” Ash commented as the merchant sat the Stone down carefully knowing that it was the genuine article after inspecting it.

“Well you’ve come to the right man, the name’s Luka, I know just about everything there is to know when it comes to Evolutionary Items.” Luka grinned. “Now let’s talk about what I can interest you in for that Dusk Stone.”

“Let’s see what you’ve got.” Ash grinned as Luka showed off his display. The selection was rather impressive to say the least. Metal Coats, Razor Claws and Fangs, a Protector, an Electrilizer, a few Deep Sea Scales and Deep Sea Tooth items, some King’s Rocks and damn near every Evolution Stone known to exist. Except, Ash noticed, Dusk Stones.

“Let me know what you’re interested in.” Luka smiled. “I’ll give you a good trade.”

“Hmm, what would be good?” Ash mused looking over the items and stones. A quick glance at Misty, seeing her calmly waiting for him, made Ash smile softly before he pondered on what he could get that might help both of them. “I do have Poliwag; he’ll eventually want to evolve into either Poliwrath or Politoed. Maybe a Water Stone or a King’s Rock then?”

“For a Stone as rare as a Dusk Stone is in Kanto I’d be willing to part with two King’s Rocks for it.” Luka smiled making Ash look up at the man. Misty perked up hearing the offer and wondered what Ash would do.

“I don’t know, Dusk Stones are really rare in Kanto, after all, King’s Rocks are uncommon but you can find them if you look hard enough.” Ash feigned disinterest at the offer. Misty quirked an eyebrow at Ash’s statement, this was different than she expected. Who knew that her boyfriend knew how to haggle?

“How about three King’s Rocks then? Two for you and one for your pretty girlfriend over there?” Luka tried to sweeten the deal as he placed three King’s Rocks next to Ash’s Dusk Stone. Misty’s cheeks turned pink at publicly being called Ash’s girlfriend for the first time.

“Hmm, I guess I’m interested, but I don’t see anything else I want.” Ash led making Luka’s eye twitch a bit.

“Alright, alright, three King’s Rocks and two thousand PokeYen, final offer!” Luka stated while placing down two bills next to the King’s Rocks. “Come on, I have to get an even trade too, you know.”

“Ok, I accept.” Ash nodded shaking Luka’s hand and collecting his King’s Rocks and the two PokeYen bills.

“Come back if you need any more Items!” Luka smiled as he picked up the Dusk Stone and turned around to place it with the other Evolution Stones he had.

“Here Misty.” Ash smiled as he handed his girlfriend one of the King’s Rocks.

“Thank you Ash, but why?” Misty asked as she placed the King’s Rock in her rucksack that she’d brought with her.

“Just cause.” Ash grinned as he put away his own King’s Rocks. He wasn’t expecting to suddenly feel Misty’s lips on his cheek but broke into a smile regardless.

“You’re going to spoil me at this rate.” Misty winked as she interlaced their fingers again.

“Worth it.” Ash quipped getting a playful eye roll from Misty. “Besides King’s Rocks evolve Poliwag into Politoed or Slowpoke into Slowking. Both are Water Types and you already have a Water Stone if Poliwag wants to evolve into Poliwrath. So now I've completed your options.” He smiled as he squeezed her hand softly.

“I’m getting you something now, no arguments.” Misty smiled back while Ash nodded his acceptance. Misty and Ash walked for a bit before Ash noticed one of the specific stalls he’d been hoping to find at the Meet.

“Hey, Misty, I think I found one.” Ash informed the orangette as he nodded towards a stand that had a sign with a Dragonite on it. Misty looked confused for a moment before realization appeared in her eyes.

“Awesome!” Misty cheered as she quickly walked towards the stand. Ash just chuckled as he let his excited girlfriend drag him along.

“Welcome.” The older lady sitting behind the counter greeted. “My name is Kiara a Dragon Trainer from Blackthorn City. How can I help you two today?” Kiara greeted them, her true age was hard to pin down but she was probably in her later thirties. With black hair down to her shoulders and a set of warm green eyes both Misty and Ash got the feeling that she was probably still a rather formidable Trainer.

“I found something in the mines yesterday that I’d like to trade, if possible.” Misty replied as she moved her rucksack and pulled out the Dragon Fang she’d found the day before.

“Oh, my, my, a Dragon Fang and a rather large one at that.” Kiara smiled. “Might I look it over? I can probably tell you what Dragon Type it came from.”

“Sure.” Misty agreed as she let the older lady take the item. Kiara hummed lightly as she looked the fossilized fang over for a few moments before nodding her head.

“This is the fang of a Salamence, a rather large specimen for its species too.” Kiara informed and Ash made a mental note to look up that specific Pokémon later. “I’d be interested in trading with you, young lady, what might you be interested in?” With that Kiara reached under the counter and pulled out a large tray of Items.

“Let’s see.” Misty mumbled as she looked over the various Items. Trinkets and jewelry didn’t seem to interest Ash so those were out. A few Pearls were available but they were mostly easier to sell than make into anything. There was a strange glass flute, tinted a yellowish color, but Ash had never mentioned being able to play an instrument. Misty kept perusing the large tray before her eyes locked onto something and she started enough to catch Ash’s attention.

“Misty, what’s wrong?” Ash questioned as he moved to stand beside her in case she needed something.

“Ma’am, you do know what this is, right?” Misty asked Kiara as she pointed at a yellowish-rock with a small black spot inside of it.

“Very much so, young lady.” Kiara nodded as she picked up the Item. “Old Amber, as it’s known. This is a type of fossilization and contains the genetic information of Aerodactyl. One of the ‘Fossil’ Pokémon and often considered by many to be an ancestor to many modern day Dragon Type Pokémon.”

“You could have it revived though, why trade it?” Misty questioned as Kiara placed the Old Amber back on the tray.

“As it sits, it is merely a fossil, but if a Trainer believes they are capable of handling an Aerodactyl then I won’t tell them what to do with it. Old Amber may be rare but it is still findable by anyone that’s willing to put in the effort. Some groups of Dragon Trainers have taken Aerodactyl on as an unofficial Dragon Type. Even the Elder of the Dragon’s Den has seen fit to have his grandson, Champion Lance, raise an Aerodactyl for his training.” Kiara explained as she smiled at the two teens. “As for myself, I much prefer Dragonair, Altaria, and Noivern.”

“What’s a Noivern?” Ash asked never having encountered such a Pokémon in his studies.

“Kalos-native Dragon Types, would you like to see one?” Kiara asked getting nods from both Ash and Misty. With a grin Kiara pulled out a Pokeball, enlarged it, and tossed it into the grass behind her stall. What emerged in a flash of white was a mostly black and purple Pokémon with blue-green coloration on its wings and inside it large ears, it also had a patch of white fur around its neck. It stood at a fairly impressive height of around seven feet with a long tail behind it.

“Noi?” The Dragon Type inquired looking around and flexing its ears examining its surroundings.

“These two young Trainers just wanted to see you Noivern. They’ve never been to your species’ native lands.” Kiara calmed her Pokémon and the Dragon Type made its way over to the stall to examine Ash and Misty.

“Hey there Noivern, I’m Ash.” Ash greeted as he held his hand up for Noivern to examine.

“I’m Misty, Noivern; you’re so much different from the Dragon Types native to Kanto.” Misty smiled as she held up her own hand. Both Ash’s and Misty’s hands began to glow light blue with their Aura and Kiara’s eyes widened as she looked on. Noivern sniffed at both hands and its large ears twitched in front of them as well before it gave a happy call and allowed Ash and Misty to pet it.

“My word, you’re both Aura users, I’d have never guessed. In my travels I so rarely encounter any that I’ve fallen out of the habit of checking.” Kiara smiled gently.

“You can use Aura too?” Misty asked as she gently stroked Noivern’s head.

“Oh yes, any Dragon Trainer from the Dragon’s Den in Blackthorn is taught the ways of Aura.” Kiara explained as her eyes briefly glowed and she started slightly as her eyes fell on Ash. “A Guardian? I’ve never met one before.”

“Oh, yeah I’m Ash Ketchum, one of the last few Ketchum’s left.” Ash explained as Noivern happily nuzzled against his hand.

“Well you’re certainly keeping her happy.” Kiara chuckled at seeing her Dragon Type being so affectionate with Ash. “Have you ever considered raising a Dragon Type yourself?”

“I’d love to, but Dragon Types are fairly rare in Kanto. Only the Dragonite line are directly native and aside from them only a few migrating Dragon Types like Salamence, Altaria, and the occasional Kingdra in the ocean are found.” Ash sighed as he rubbed Noivern’s soft neck fur.

“Well I won’t deny that. Getting a Dratini to trust you enough to let you get close is an ordeal in and of itself. Training them takes even longer.” Kiara nodded before adopting a thinking expression. “Ash, are you planning to travel through most of Kanto on your journey?”

“Yes, I’m hoping to challenge the Top Eight Gyms this year along with a couple of the other Gyms so that I can enter this year’s Indigo League Conference.” Ash replied as Misty was being nuzzled by Noivern.

“Do you know where Cyanteal Town is located?” Kiara asked.

“Yeah, it’s just south of Vermilion City, follow the shore of the Kanto Bay and you’ll find it about halfway between Vermilion City and Fuchsia City. It’s a bit further inland but not more than a few hours walk.” Ash replied remembering the map of the Kanto Region in his head.

“Correct. It is also where the Dragon Type Gym of Kanto is stationed. I’m friends with Tatsuya, the Gym Leader. He started his training at the Dragon’s Den a couple years after I did. How about I give you a recommendation to receive a Dragon Type from him?” Kiara offered making Ash’s eyes widen in shock.

“Really?! You’d do that?” Ash questioned as Noivern tilted her head back and nuzzled Ash until he started petting her again.

“Of course, though you would have to prove your worth to Tatsuya before he’ll deem you worthy of a Dragon Type. He always was a bit of a stickler for the rules and traditions of the Dragon’s Den.” Kiara laughed at her old friend’s disposition.

“I’d greatly appreciate it.” Ash thanked Kiara with a small bow.

“Don’t mention it, Ash, anyone who can get my Noivern to act so carefree just after meeting her has a way with Dragon Types.” Kiara replied with a smile.

“What Dragon Type do you think he’d give me if I manage to prove myself?” Ash asked curiously making Kiara think for a moment.

“Probably one of the easier species to raise. Many Dragon Types fall under the category of Pseudo Legends and they’re difficult to handle. So for someone just starting out he’ll probably be more inclined to give you a Swablu, Trapinch, or Noibat, the pre-evolved form of Noivern, since they’re a bit gentler towards their Trainers.

“I could have a Noivern like yours? That’d be awesome!” Ash exclaimed getting a happy cry from Noivern as he pet the Dragon Type.

“Just let me get a quick picture of you Ash, I’ll send it along with my recommendation.” Kiara smiled as she pulled out her phone and took Ash’s picture. “Now, back to this Dragon Fang, which Item would you like for trade?”

“Actually, I think that recommendation is more than enough.” Misty smiled as she took Ash’s hand in her own.

“Are you sure, Misty? You could get something nice for it.” Ash inquired only to get a grin from his girlfriend.

“I told you I’d get you something too.” Misty winked at him and Ash could only laugh as he pulled her into a hug.

“Well, not how I was expecting this to go, but if that’s enough for you who am I to argue?” Kiara chuckled as she picked up the Dragon Fang and placed it securely in a pack beside her feet.

“Thanks again for the recommendation, Kiara!” Ash waved as he and Misty started to walk away. Kiara waved back before putting her Noivern back into her Pokeball. With a chuckle she dialed a number and waited for the other person to pick up. Once she heard her friend’s voice she spoke.

“Hey, Tatsuya, it’s been a little while.” Kiara greeted. “Yes, I’m doing well. I’m in Copper Town at a Swap Meet and I’ve just had the most delightful encounter with an actual Aura Guardian.” She told her friend. “He befriended my Noivern so quickly I almost didn’t believe it. I’d like to recommend you test him out and see if he’s worthy of a Dragon Type.” She explained before listening to her friend for a moment. “Yes, of course he’ll have to prove himself, I’m aware. His name is Ash Ketchum; I’ll send you his picture in a moment. I’m sure he’ll be stopping by your Gym in a month or two. I’m sure you’ll find him a delight just like I did.”

While this call was going on Ash and Misty had continued through the Swap Meet and circled back to visit a couple stalls that Misty had spotted. Misty and Ash had taken notice of Luka’s stall again and Ash and Misty both chuckled when they noticed the merchant had a new item on display. A complete set of Evolution Stones in a box all by themselves; with Fire, Water, Grass, Moon, Dawn, Shiny, Dusk, Sun, Ice, and Oval stones all neatly arranged. After a few hours the couple left with a bit less cash and a few new items, Misty had a few new clothes to add to her pack while both she and Ash had haggled over some specialty Pokeballs at another stall. Getting a Dusk Ball, a Quick Ball, a Nest Ball and two Apricorn Balls, a Level Ball and a Heavy Ball made Ash a happy camper. While Misty had gotten herself two Dive Balls, and three Apricorn Balls, two Lure Balls and a Repeat Ball. Misty had also gotten Ash a deal on a Good Rod of his own, making Ash tease her about how they could go on ‘Fishing Dates’ now. Misty had blushed prettily before telling him she’d be expecting them now. Ash could only nod and agree after that.

-The Next Morning-

Ash and Misty were walking towards the Copper Town Gym together. Ash was determined to win his next Badge and Misty was there to support him all the way. The Copper Town Gym was a large two story building that was made of stone and metal. It was also clearly connected to the mining of the town as an office for the local mining company was attached on one side.

“You’ll do great, Ash, I know it.” Misty encouraged her boyfriend.

“Pika!” Pikachu cheered as he stood on Ash’s shoulder.

“Yeah, I’ll do my best and get my next Badge!” Ash agreed before they entered the building. Meeting with a receptionist they were quickly led to the battlefield to meet the Gym Leader. 

"The name’s Dustin. I'm the Leader of the Copper Town Gym. What's your name and Trainer Level?" Dustin questioned with a wide grin.

"My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm Rookie Level, this will be my second Gym Challenge.” Ash told him as he stood in the challenger's box.

"Rookie Level, are ya? Well we do Two on Two matches for Rookies at the Copper Town Gym. Is that alright with you?" Dustin asked as he palmed a Pokeball he’d pulled from his belt.

"That's fine with me!" Ash nodded as he pulled his first Pokeball off his belt and expanded it. Dustin grinned at Ash’s readiness to battle while the cameras around the battlefield turned on to record the match. When the referee was ready he began the match.

"This is an official Pokémon League Gym Battle. The Challenger is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. This will be a Two on Two battle, the first Trainer to have both Pokémon rendered unable to battle loses. Additionally only the Challenger may substitute Pokémon. Are you both ready to begin?" The referee asked after going through the standard League pre-battle announcement before turning to Ash and asking if he was ready.

"Since I'm the Gym Leader and all I'll do you the favor of sending my Pokémon out first. Come on out, Magnemite!" Dustin called as he tossed the first Pokeball. In a flash of white light a metallic Pokémon with a magnet on each side of its body appeared.

"Mite!" The Electric/Steel Type called out.

"I wasn’t sure if I’d be going up against a Magnemite today." Ash stated before tossing his own Pokeball. "Come on out, Riolu!" From the ball appeared the familiar blue and black colored Fighting Type. Upon noticing the opponent in front of him Riolu immediately took up a fighting stance.

"Rio!" Riolu called out in challenge to the floating Magnemite.

"First move is yours kid." Dustin offered with a chuckle.

"Riolu use Bulk Up!" Ash called getting a bark from Riolu as the Fighting Type flexed his muscles and was enveloped in a reddish-orange glow.

"Magnemite, Thunder Wave!" Dustin ordered getting his Magnemite to spark electricity off its magnets before launching the paralyzing attack at Riolu.

"Quick Attack to dodge then another Bulk Up!" Ash instructed. Riolu dodged Magnemite's attack in a streak of white aura before flexing and raising its Attack and Defense again.

"Not bad, kid! But how about this?" Dustin asked before he gave another command. “Magnemite use Magnet Bomb!”

“Mag!” Magnemite called out before unleashing fragments of metal that zoomed towards Riolu.

"Riolu dodge with another Quick Attack!" Ash called out. "Keep going with Quick Attack until you’re beside Magnemite and then use Force Palm!" Riolu rushed around the Magnet Bomb and rapidly closed in on Magnemite. Ash suddenly noticed the metal fragments zooming back towards Riolu from behind. “Riolu, behind you!” Unfortunately for the Fighting Type it was too late as the attack landed and sent Riolu skidding forward.

"Magnet Bomb never misses, kid!" Dustin grinned. "Thunder Wave!"

"Move Riolu!" Ash called only for Riolu to get shocked and have sparks appear over his body. Riolu had been paralyzed.

"Metal Sound!" Dustin called out. Magnemite unleashed a horrible screeching noise the sound waves of which staggered Riolu and a blue glow over took the jackal-like Pokémon lowering his Special Defense. "Now Mirror Shot!"

"Hit the deck!" Ash yelled out not wanting Riolu to take the attack after having his Special Defense lowered. Riolu hit the ground and felt the beam of Steel Type Aura fly just above him before he heard Ash again. "Blaze Kick!" Ash called planning to take Dustin's Magnemite down with a different super effective move. Riolu growled as his foot ignited and he launched the kick straight up into the floating Pokémon above him.

“Mite!” Magnemite cried out as it was sent several feet straight up from the Bulk Up empowered attack.

"Magnemite!" Dustin called out worried for his Pokémon. Magnemite struggled to right itself before it refocused on the paralyzed Fighting Type. “Mirror Shot!”

“Riolu!” Ash called out, but unfortunately Riolu couldn’t move this time and took the blast head on. Ash’s eyes glowed briefly as he looked through the smoke for his Pokémon’s Aura. Finding Riolu still conscious Ash quickly gave another order as he noticed that Magnemite had lowered itself back down from its previous height. “Force Palm!”

“Rio!” Riolu roared as it burst through the dust and smashed its palm into Magnemite head on. Less than a second later Fighting Type Aura blasted Magnemite back across the field.

"Critical hit! Magnemite is unable to battle! The winner is Riolu!" The referee announced before turning to Dustin. "Gym Leader send out your last Pokémon!"

"Return Magnemite, you worked hard out there." Dustin thanked his Pokémon as he recalled it. "Not too bad kiddo, but how will you deal with this one?!" Dustin questioned as he tossed his next Pokeball and a large Skarmory appeared on the battlefield with a shriek.

“Skar!” Skarmory called out as it took to the air.

"Riolu, come on back! You’re done for today, buddy!" Ash told his Fighting Type getting a weak bark in reply. With a red beam Ash recalled Riolu and turned to the referee. “I’m forfeiting my Riolu; he can’t fight with his status and injuries.”

“Challenger has forfeited his first Pokémon.” The referee declared. “Challenger please send out your final Pokémon!”

"You're up, Pikachu!" Ash called out sending his starter into battle. Pikachu jumped onto the field while sparking his cheeks at the large Steel/Flying Type.

"Careful, my Skarmory hits pretty hard!" Dustin commented before calling out his attack. "Agility!" Skarmory glowed red as it started zipping through the air at increased speed.

"Thunder Wave!" Ash called as Pikachu tried to keep his eyes on the fast moving bird. With a cry Pikachu launched the Electric attack only for Skarmory to avoid it.

"Swift!" Dustin called out getting Skarmory to unleash a barrage of the star-shaped bolts at Pikachu. Unable to dodge the attack Pikachu guarded as best he could. The dust rose up from the impact of the attack only for Dustin to give another command. "Swords Dance into Steel Wing!”

“Skar!” Skarmory cried out as it flapped its wings furiously and was surrounded by an orange glow. Skarmory then dropped from the sky towards Pikachu its wings taking on a bright metallic shine.

"Pikachu dodge with a Quick Attack!" Ash instructed as Pikachu dashed out of the dust cloud and raced around the field.

"Too slow!" Dustin called out and before Pikachu could react Skarmory was upon the Electric Type and slamming its large wings into the Mouse Pokémon.

"Pika!" Pikachu cried out as he was sent tumbling.

"Steel Wing!" Dustin called again and Pikachu only had a moment to react.

“Thunder Wave!” Ash called and Pikachu released the paralyzing current into Skarmory at point blank range. Unfortunately this did nothing to stop Skarmory from finishing its attack and sending Pikachu across the field.

“Skarmory!” Dustin called out as he watched his Pokémon crash into the ground after the attack with sparks appearing all over the Steel/Flying Type’s body.

"Pikachu!" Ash called out in worry. "Are you alright buddy?!" Pikachu forced himself up and sparked his cheeks but was clearly on his last legs.

"Swift!" Dustin called out hoping to end the fight since Skarmory’s flight would be hindered by the paralysis.

"Electro Ball!" Ash responded. Pikachu gathered the electricity into a ball at the end of his tail while the stars closed in on him.

“Pika!” Pikachu cried as he launched the attack only to be overtaken by the Swift attack and collapse.

"Skarmory move!" Dustin called out in worry for his Pokémon. But Skarmory’s body sparked all over preventing the large bird from moving, it took the Electro Ball and was knocked to the ground.

"Pikachu, are you ok?!" Ash called out in worry before using his Aura to see through the dust and noticed his Pokémon’s Aura was slow, nearly unmoving, indicating unconsciousness.

“That’s the way Skarmory!” Dustin cheered as Ash watched the large bird stumble its way back to its feet and let out a challenging shriek.

"Pikachu is unable to battle! The winner is Skarmory!" The referee announced while raising his hand towards Dustin. "The Gym Leader wins the battle!" Ash wasted no time once the battle was called to rush over to Pikachu.

"I've got you buddy. We’ll get you and Riolu to the Pokémon Center as fast as possible, I promise." Ash whispered to his Pokémon before he picked him up gently.

"Skarmory, return. You did great." Dustin praised as he recalled his Pokémon. "You put up a good fight, Ash, learn from this battle and come challenge me again." Dustin stated as he held out his hand and Ash carefully shook it making sure not to jostle Pikachu.

"Thank you, I’ll be sure to win next time." Ash promised as he headed off the field and was quickly joined by Misty.

"Kid is better than he realizes, I look forward to battling him again." Dustin nodded to himself.

"Is Pikachu alright?” Misty asked as she and Ash left the Gym together to get his Pokémon treated.

“He doesn’t look too bad, but I’m worried about those powered up Steel Wing attacks he took. Pikachu aren’t known for their durability after all.” Ash replied as he looked Pikachu over.

“Pika…” Pikachu groaned as it tried to lay still.

“I know buddy, I know. We might have lost this time but we’ll get them next time.” Ash encouraged.

“Chu…” Pikachu replied with his little fist raised in the air.

“You’ll do great, both of you will.” Misty nodded while offering her own support. She was happy that Ash wasn’t letting his first loss get him down. That was a slippery slope that many Trainers fell down and never recovered from.

-End Chapter-


Well damn! Our boy took his first loss. How will Ash recover from this? Will he rise up and overcome this challenge? Will Misty help him out? The answer to both is yes! More training is required! Plus Ash has been recommended for a trial to see if he’s worthy of a Dragon Type this early on in his journey! He just has a few stops to make first.

Ash's Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Tail Whip, Thundershock, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle

Riolu – Inner Focus – Foresight, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack

Misty's Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Protect

Goldeen – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down

*!*Important Read Below*!*

I'm still accepting Original Characters from my patrons for this story! Most would be one off trainers that Ash or Misty battle along their journey. But others could be Trainers that impart life lessons onto Ash, Misty, or his other travelling companions! Wouldn't you like your Original Character to teach Ash an important life lesson? Or just teach Ash how to loosen up and enjoy a party? So be sure to submit some characters! If you make them detailed enough I might be able to do a small mini arc with your character and Ash's group! 

Some Original Characters could end up filling in some of the new Gym Leader spots that will be in the various Regions! I'll even help out with Badge design/name! You'd get to have your own Gym Leader with their own unique Badge!

I've posted a Character Template to fill out so that I have an easier time integrating the OC into this Alternate Universe of the Pokémon World. Ash will challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type, Flying Type and Dragon Type being the four. All four now have OCs planned out thanks to some awesome patrons!

Until I get your reviews, later!



I really enjoyed this chapter I like how everything fit and flowed together. All around I just really like how everything meshed. Keep up the great work

Thomas E Nellis

Tease... I thought just for second that Ash would get an aerodactyl that would have been awesome even if they had to carry the fossil around for awhile. At least they re making connections and Ash is a savage barter master. I loved the chapter.


I'm glad you liked it! I'm trying to make the world feel alive! Otherwise most Pokémon stories become more like marking things off a checklist.


Gotcha! Yeah, I considered going for Aerodactyl but remember that Ash has already stated a desire to catch and train a Dragon Type! So now he's made an acquaintance that'll help him get one, as long as he proves himself of course. You guys did say you wanted Ash to catch his same roster as canon with some new Pokémon added! I never said they'd be captured in their original Region! Hahaha!!! Glad you enjoyed the chapter!