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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Logia Brothers! What will our crew of three find in the Gecko Islands? A new crewmate? A ship? An enemy? All of the above?

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 7 – Gecko Islands, Usopp the Lying Gunman

Luffy, Nami, and Zoro were on the open seas once more. Having left Orange Town loaded with supplies and a small boat provided by the grateful townspeople. It was a bit rickety but it was all the people had left after Buggy had blasted their docks and ships to pieces when he’d taken over the town. Nami was humming happily while counting the Beri and examining the treasure she had managed to steal. The orangette smiled as she examined a bracelet made of solid gold and studded with diamonds. “Well, I have to give that clown some credit, there’s not a single fake among all this treasure. All of it is real gold, silver, and gems. This haul is worth at least eight million Beri!”

“Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled as he sat next to her and looked over the haul. Nami grinned before leaning against him slightly. “So, you happy with the haul?” He asked with his large grin.

“Yep!” She smiled while raising her fist into the air. “This trip has been great! I've gathered over ten million Beri since I met you! I'm so close now!”

“We'll have to make sure you get all that you need then, won't we?” Luffy laughed as he put his arm over her shoulders. Nami smiled and leaned against him fully, actually relaxing for the first time in quite a while. Not even thinking about Arlong could bring her mood down right now. Not when she was finally close to her goal of one hundred million Beri. Doubly not when she’d just watched Luffy effortlessly beat one of East Blue's top Pirates. He hadn’t even needed his Devil Fruit to win and only used it to send Buggy across the horizon to make a point!

An emotion that Nami hadn’t felt in almost eight years was blossoming in her chest, Hope. It had been absent since Arlong came along and took over the Conomi Islands. Since he’d killed her mother and enslaved her and all the people of her home archipelago. She could almost laugh that the one who’d given her Hope again was the childish man she was leaning against. She was getting comfortable before she felt Luffy tense up.

“Boat!” Zoro called out lazily while pointing to a larger boat headed in their direction. They all eyed it curiously as it came closer, making out three men standing at the bow of the boat. The most notable thing about the larger boat was that it had Buggy's Jolly Roger raised proudly. 

“This is Captain Buggy’s turf! We'll be taking all your valuables. So hand them over now!” The apparent ‘leader’ ordered as the three pulled out weapons. Luffy grinned before taking his arm from around Nami’s shoulders, said orangette frowning slightly.

“Well, from where I’m standing it looks like you three have something that belongs to us.” Luffy grinned before spotting a wooden chest sitting against the wall of the small cabin the larger boat had. “Make that two somethings.”

“The hells are you talking about? I said hand over your valuables!” The lead pirate demanded. Luffy just grinned while Zoro looked on amused and Nami sighed.

“Well, I guess we’re just going to disagree.” Luffy chuckled before he was suddenly in front of the lead pirate and slugging him in the face. The loud crack that rang out, just before the man was lifted off his feet and sent flying into the ocean several meters away, most likely meant that Luffy had crushed the other pirate’s face. The other two pirates were barely able to react before the one on the left was kicked so hard he too flew off the boat. The fact that blood was flying from his mouth was probably not a good sign for him. The one on the right took a similar back fist to the face that Richie the Lion had back in Orange Town. It was unfortunate that the human pirate didn’t have the large lion’s durability. He too was sent skipping across the ocean’s surface multiple times before sinking below the waves.

“I counted four skips, Captain, pretty good.” Zoro complimented as Luffy stood on the deck of their now larger second boat.

“Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled before he took the eight steps he needed to cross the deck and stand in front of the wooden chest he’d seen earlier. “Nami, I got you a present!” He exclaimed as he lifted the chest, finding that it weighed a fair amount, and showed it to his Navigator. Nami was quickly standing in front of Luffy and the chest with Beri symbols in her eyes. Luffy set the chest back down on the deck so that Nami could open it.

“Thank you, Captain~” Nami outright purred out Luffy’s title making the straw-hatted teen feel tingles going up his spine. Nami grinned and gave him a wink when she noticed the slight tremor of Luffy’s body. “Now let’s see what we’ve got here!” Opening the chest Nami’s eyes once again turned to Beri symbols as gold, jewelry, and even some large Beri notes were piled inside. “Score!” She cheered as she started sorting through it with a happy giggle. Luffy sat behind the laughing orangette and chuckled as she leaned back against him as she took all of the Beri notes and started counting them. Nami didn’t protest when she felt Luffy’s arms wrap around her waist as she leaned back against him, if anything she relaxed more and started to hum happily while counting the bills.

“Glad you like it.” Luffy chuckled as he watched Zoro tie the two boats together so that the smaller boat didn’t drift away. Though it appeared Zoro was more than ok with staying in the smaller boat as the swordsman had already stretched out and was napping. Oh well, they’d already done some Observation training this morning, so they could just have another training session in the afternoon.

“Those morons had a nice haul. Eight hundred thousand in Beri notes and this gold and jewelry should be about one and a half million.” Nami cheered about an hour later; with a grin she snuggled back into Luffy’s chest and smiled when she felt his arms tighten gently around her waist. “So…we should probably get ourselves an actual ship now. I’m sure this sail is going to attract all sorts of negative attention.”

“It is pretty ugly.” Luffy stuck out his tongue at the Buggy Jolly Roger on the large black sail. “I would torch it if we had an extra to replace it with.”

Nami grinned and patted him on the head, drawing her attention to the straw hat he always wore. “What’s the story with this hat, I’ve never seen you not wearing it, is it important to you?”

“This hat belonged to Shanks. It was his precious hat…his treasure! He got it from his own Captain back when he was just a cabin boy!” Luffy smiled fondly remembering the story Shanks had told him about the hat. “When I decided to have a crew of my own and be even better than him he gave it to me. Shanks told me to return it to him when I became a great pirate. It’s a promise between men!”

“He sounds like a great guy…” Nami sighed before laying her arms over his that were wrapped around her waist. The orangette had a bittersweet smile on her face for a moment as her mind thought of a ‘what if’ scenario. ‘It’s too bad he didn’t stop by Cocoyashi when he was still in the East Blue.'

Luffy picked up on her shift in mood with the passive Observation he constantly kept up, so he gently whispered in her ear, which drew a pleasant shiver from the orangette. “Nami, you're my nakama. If there is anything you ever need, I'll do it for you. You just have to ask.”

“Thank you Luffy.” Nami smiled lightly taking a deep breath before she continued. “I just need some more time…I have to make sure…that nothing will happen to you.”

“Whenever you’re ready Nami. I’ll be here, ready to help you.” Luffy promised the gentle whisper making her shiver pleasantly again.

“Thank you Luffy…thank you.” Nami smiled as she leaned her head back on his shoulder.

“So where are we heading next?” Luffy inquired several minutes later. He had been holding Nami the whole time and the orangette Navigator didn’t seem inclined to move if she could help it.

“Our destination is the Gecko Archipelago, more specifically the southern most of the Gecko Islands, where the town of Syrup Village resides. It’s a small town but it makes its living off of fishing and selling the syrup they produce from the trees on the island. They should have someone that could part with an actual ship. If not we can move on to the next island in the archipelago and look there. So long as we stay away from the north eastern islands where the Marine Branch is located we should be fine. The faster we find a ship though, the faster we can be on our way and avoid any patrols that the Marines have going.

“Shishishi, you’re an amazing Navigator, Nami!” Luffy praised making Nami puff up in pride.

“The best in all of the East Blue.” Nami smirked before she sat up and turned to face Luffy. “Since you got me such a nice present how about I give you a little reward?” She asked with a sexy smirk.

“I didn’t give the treasure chest to you for a reward, though. I gave it to you because I knew you’d like it.” Luffy replied with his head tilted slightly to the side.

“That just makes you more deserving of a reward.” Nami giggled as her right hand went to the hem of her blue and white shirt. “Don’t you want your reward?”

“I guess so…” Luffy started only to trail off as Nami’s right hand pulled the hem of her shirt upwards. The Lightning Man could only watch as more of Nami’s smooth skin was revealed as the shirt was slowly pulled up. He could see her midriff, and then her entire stomach, Nami paused just under the swell of her bust making Luffy look at her face.

“Close your eyes, Captain~” Nami purred and Luffy instantly complied. A second later and Luffy felt a flick to his forehead and opened his eyes. Nami was giggling as she turned and walked into the small cabin. “Naughty, naughty Luffy!” She teased as she stuck out her tongue and then closed the cabin door. Luffy sat there on the deck, stunned and also confused.

“Was that what they call a ‘tease’?” Luffy wondered as he scratched the side of his head. He quickly got over it when he realized that Nami wasn’t keeping their provisions of food guarded at the moment. “Time for a snack!” Nami would realize her mistake only a few minutes later and Luffy would once again be introduced; face first, to the deck of the boat.

-Four Days Later-

“How is it, that we had so many food provisions that we almost didn’t float, and yet you still somehow managed to eat everything a day before we got to our destination?” Nami growled at Luffy while sitting on the straw-hatted pirate to prevent him from ‘zapping over’ to the island they’d spotted so that he could fill his bottomless pit of a stomach.

“I just like food.” Luffy whined from under his Navigator.

“So do I, but you don’t see me eating ten people’s worth in a single meal you glutton! So, once again, you don’t get a damn thing until after I’ve eaten!” Nami growled with shark teeth.

“Hey, could you two stop flirting and help me moor the boats?” Zoro asked as Nami looked up realizing they were in the shallows already. Her face turned slightly pink before she turned away from Zoro and grabbed one of the ropes. A short time later and the two boats were safely secured to the shore and Zoro turned to his crewmates. “So what should we do about those guys that have been watching us this whole time?” The green-haired swordsman asked as he pointed at three kids and another teen that were, poorly, hidden by a large log up on the nearby cliff.

“Ahh! They see us!” The three kids screamed running away towards their homes.

“Hey! Don’t run away!” The black-haired teen with the long nose yelled out to the retreating kids.

“What’s this about?” Nami wondered watching the teen stand up from behind the log.

“I’m the notorious, Captain Usopp! Feared pirate and ruler of this village! You should think twice if you’re planning to invade! I have eighty million men ready to stop you!” The long-nosed teen stated as he stood with his arms crossed.

“Liar.” Nami deadpanned making Usopp panic.

“Damn! She saw through me!” Usopp held his head with his hands.

“See? You just told me.” Nami sighed with a sweat drop.

“Crap! I admitted that I lied!” Usopp twisted his body back and forth in his panic at having been called out.

“Hahaha! You’re funny!” Luffy laughed at the reactions of Usopp.

“Hey! Are you laughing at me?!” Usopp demanded. “I’m a proud man! That’s why they call me ‘Proud Captain Usopp’!”

“Didn’t you just say you were the ‘Notorious Captain Usopp’?” Zoro questioned, making Usopp’s eyes bug out.

“Forget about that!” Usopp yelled before they all heard the loud rumble of Luffy’s stomach.

“You got anywhere to eat on this island?” Luffy asked getting Usopp to sweat drop before he nodded.

“How can he eat so much?” Usopp stared in wonder as Luffy devoured his meal. The group of four now sat in a local restaurant.

“Seconds please!” Luffy called a short time later as he finished his first plate.

“More booze too!” Zoro called out as he took a swig from his bottle.

“So, you’re looking for crewmates and a ship?” Usopp asked getting a nod from Luffy.

“That’s right!” Luffy acknowledged with a grin as his second plate was put in front of him.

“Well you won’t find anything like a Galleon here, but there is one place you might be able to get a ship.” Usopp stated.

“Where’s that?” Nami inquired only to watch Usopp point out the window. Following the direction her gaze fell upon a mansion sitting on higher ground than the rest of the village.

“That huge mansion that sticks out like a sore thumb, that’s where.” Usopp replied before he explained about the owner, a sickly girl called Kaya.

“Forget it; we’ll just check one of the other islands.” Nami shook her head, and Luffy and Zoro shrugged in agreement both still eating and drinking.

“You’re still looking for crewmates, right?” Usopp asked Luffy.

“Yep!” Luffy replied with a nod.

“I’m your man! I’ll be your Captain!” Usopp stated with a thumbs up.

“No thanks.” The trio rejected instantly.

“What kind of response was that?!” Usopp yelled with shark teeth!

Shortly afterwards Usopp had run off after a rushed goodbye. Only a few minutes later the three boys from earlier burst into the restaurant demanding the return of their ‘Captain’.

“That meat really hit the spot!” Luffy exclaimed happily as he patted his stomach.

“Meat?! What…what did you do with our Captain?!” The boy called Pepper stuttered out.

“Your Captain…” Zoro grinned ominously. “Just got eaten!”

“Ahh! Onibaba!” The three boys screamed while pointing at Nami.

“Why’re you looking at me?!” Nami demanded with shark teeth. After the joke was cleared up, the three pirates learned about Usopp telling the bedridden owner of the mansion tales to cheer her up.

“So her spirits must not be low then, huh?” Luffy asked the boy called Carrot.

“Yep! All thanks to the Captain!” Carrot nodded.

“Alright then, let’s go ask her to give us a ship!” Luffy declared with his fist raised.

“Didn’t we already decide against that course of action?” Nami asked with a frown.

-At the Mansion ~ A Few Minutes Later-

“Hey! Give us a ship!” Luffy requested at a normal volume for a conversation. The only problem being that the group was standing outside the mansion’s gate and no one was around to hear him. “Well I guess we have to go in!” He exclaimed happily as he walked up to the wall next to the gate.

“There’s no stopping him now, is there?” Nami sighed as she held her hand to her face.

“Doubt it.” Zoro replied as he watched Luffy stop right next to the wall.

“Nami, you’re first.” Luffy grinned as he cupped his hands together. He was obviously intending to give her a boost to make it easier to get over the wall. While Luffy had been making Nami and Zoro meditate to help their Observation Haki develop, he’d also been forcing both of them into whatever physical exercise he could that would fit on their two small boats. Nami had tried multiple times to get out of the training with her feminine wiles but this was, apparently, something Luffy wouldn’t be moved on. Much to Nami’s chagrin and her body’s soreness. While Nami was agile and quick on her feet, a fount of strength she was not. Luffy intended to make her strong enough to take care of herself even on the Grand Line. Zoro was readily taking to the training and was looking forward to getting an actual ship so that he could get more training and sparring in with Luffy. Their Armament Haki training was currently being slowed a great deal simply because they lacked the space to train.

“Fine.” Nami huffed before she walked over and put her right foot in Luffy’s cupped hands. Luffy easily supported her full body weight as he lifted his arms up until Nami could easily reach over the top of the wall. With a grin Luffy grabbed Pepper and Carrot while Zoro grabbed Onion and they both nearly vaulted the entire height of the wall. Setting the kids down they were led to where they could hear Usopp’s voice. They found the long-nosed liar talking to a pale blonde girl at her window.

“Captain!” The boys called out and Usopp turned to them in shock.

“What are you guys doing here?” Usopp asked with a gasp.

“They told us to bring them here.” The boys responded while pointing at the trio of pirates.

“Who’re you?” Kaya asked as Luffy grinned.

“You must be the Lady of the mansion.” Luffy approached. “I have a request for you.”

“A request for me?” Kaya asked curiously.

“Yeah! We were hoping you had a big, sturdy ship we could have.” Luffy explained only to be interrupted by a man in a black suit.

“What is the meaning of this?” The man demanded as he stalked towards the group. “You all realize you’re trespassing, right?!”

“Klahadore!” Kaya exclaimed.

“What’s this guy’s problem?” Luffy wondered as he watched the man approach. This Klahadore was apparently the Head Butler of the mansion and did not approve of any of them being on the premises. After insulting Usopp’s father for being a pirate and getting punched by the teen all of them had been forced to leave by the butler. A while later the three pirates were discussing what had just occurred and how it affected their plans.

“Something was off about that butler guy.” Nami mused as she thought over the encounter. She’d snuck her way into more fancy parties than just the one on the cruise ship where she met Luffy after all. She’d never seen a servant act with so much force and authority towards their employer.

“His words and his ‘voice’ don’t match up either.” Luffy mentioned making Zoro and Nami turn to him for an explanation. “He speaks rudely, for a butler, but he still talks like a servant. His ‘voice’ however is far different; it’s sharp and full of violence.”

“So you’re saying he’s only playing at being a rich Lady’s servant?” Zoro asked getting a shrug from Luffy.

“Possibly, he could have some kind of martial background too, I guess, maybe a former bounty hunter or something?” Luffy shook his head uncertainly.

“He’s definitely suspicious.” Nami nodded before Luffy pushed off the fence they were leaning against.

“I’m gonna go talk to Usopp, I think I know something he’ll want to hear.” Luffy grinned as he made his way to where he heard Usopp’s ‘voice’.

Luffy found Usopp sitting on the edge of a cliff at a shoreline that looked almost identical to the one they’d landed on that morning. Seeing the long-nosed teen brooding Luffy went and sat beside him. Usopp looked over but didn’t react much beyond the initial shock of being found. The two talked and Luffy revealed that he knew who Usopp was.

“You’re Yasopp’s son, aren’t you?” Luffy asked and Usopp nearly fell down the cliff in shock.

“You know my dad?” Usopp asked incredulously. He hadn’t seen his old man since he was about four after all. The only ‘contact’ he’d had was a single package he’d received shortly after his tenth birthday.

“Yep, he talked my ear off about you when Shanks and his crew stopped by my home island.” Luffy explained getting an even more shocked look from the liar. Luffy filled Usopp in on what his father had been doing ten years ago when he’d last seen him. Usopp couldn’t be prouder to know that his father was the Master Gunner of a Yonkou’s crew. Luffy perked up when he sensed the presence of two people down on the beach. One he’d recently encountered but the other was completely new to him.

The butler from before was talking to a strange man in a dark blue coat, a matching hat, and a pair of heart-shaped glasses. Listening in the two learned of the butler’s true identity and his nefarious plan for Kaya. Needless to say Usopp was freaking out, but how could he not be? That was Kuro down there! Kuro of a Thousand Plans! He was an infamous pirate with a sixteen million Beri bounty that was believed to have been captured and executed three years ago.

“We should deal with them.” Luffy spoke to Usopp only to feel Usopp’s ‘voice’ suddenly getting farther and farther away. Looking over Luffy noticed Usopp disappearing over the hill at the end of the cliffs already. The liar’s thoughts were so loud Luffy could literally ‘hear’ them with his Observation.

‘I’ve got to warn the village! I’ve got to warn Kaya!’ Usopp screamed in his mind as he dashed as fast as he could towards the village.

“Damn it, Usopp! Now isn’t the time to panic!” Luffy grumbled as he made his way after the running teen. It was only a moment later that Luffy realized just how fast Usopp could move when he was motivated. “Where was this earlier?” He wondered as he ran down the path only to come across Nami and Zoro who were both curious as to why Usopp had just bolted past them a few seconds ago. Luffy stopped to explain the situation which took several minutes.

“So should we go find Usopp or try and go after this butler?” Zoro questioned with a thoughtful look on his face.

“We’re outsiders on this island. No one here will take our word over the fake butlers.” Nami shook her head.

“Usopp is coming back.” Luffy stated as he turned his head to where the weakened ‘voice’ was coming from. The trio saw an exhausted Usopp stumbling up the path clutching a bleeding wound near his shoulder.

“Nobody believed me.” Usopp lamented as he sat in a chair inside his small house. Nami was disinfecting his wound with the first-aid kit Usopp owned while Luffy and Zoro sat around and listened to the teen’s attempts to warn the villagers and Kaya about Kuro.

“Of course not, you say this kind of stuff all the time, even I’ve heard the story of the ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ before. Why did you think they’d believe you now, even when you tell the truth?” Zoro asked the long-nosed teen with a scoff.

“I’ll have to stop the invasion on my own then! With the right preparation not a single pirate will make it to the village!” Usopp declared a fire in his eyes to protect his home island.

“Nah, we’ll help you.” Luffy grinned, making Usopp stare at him in shock.

“Really? You’d really help me protect the village?” Usopp asked.

“Yeah, we’re friends, right?” Luffy questioned with his head tilted.

“So what can you guys do?” Usopp questioned the three.

“I shock!” Luffy stated making sparks appear from his palm.

“I slice.” Zoro spoke as he partially unsheathed Wado Ichimonji.

“I steal.” Nami grinned.

“I hide.” Usopp finished.

“You’re fighting too!” All three pirates yelled at the liar.

-The Next Morning ~ Just Before Sunrise-

“With this oil slick they won’t be able to make it up this slope. We’ll be able to pick them off from up here.” Usopp stated confidently as the group of four stared down at the oil covered slope.

“Are you sure this is where they’ll be attacking from?” Nami asked as she looked out at the horizon as the sun began to rise. She didn’t see any ships in sight at all.

“They had their meeting here, so I assumed this is where they’d invade from.” Usopp responded getting a deadpanned stare from Nami.

“What about the slope we docked at?” Nami questioned tersely.

“Oh crap! No one in the village has used that beach in almost ten years! I didn’t consider that!” Usopp screamed making Nami growl at him in frustration as they both started running to the other slope.

“This is was a waste of time then?” Luffy asked making Zoro groan while nodding. The two quickly started after Nami and Usopp but were slowed down by Luffy having to keep going back and grabbing Zoro who, for some odd reason, seemed to be making random turns through the forest they were running in.

-At the Opposite Slope-

“Captain Jango! This boat has treasure in it! I think it’s worth around ten million Beri!” A Black Cat pirate cheered while holding up the large bag he’d found.

“What, ten million! That’s great! We’re already making money!” Jango celebrated before the pirates noticed a teen at the top of the slope they were preparing to charge up. He had brown overalls and a green bandana over his hair and goggles over his eyes. Strapped to his back was a rifle and on his hips four pistols were holstered.

“I’m the great Captain Usopp! I rule this village! If its money you seek then you may take that treasure and leave!” Usopp called out to the group of pirates.

“We don’t need your permission fool! We’ll take the treasure AND ransack the village!” Jango yelled back getting a cheer from the rest of the Black Cat pirates.

“What the hell did you just say, Usopp?!” Nami roared as she punched the liar in the back of the head sending him face-first into the dirt.

“Ow! What was that for?!” Usopp screamed as he held the back of his head.

“You!” Nami yelled pointing at the pirate that still held her bag of treasure. “Put that back where you found it or I’ll kill you!” She threatened while practically spitting fire.

“We don’t have time for this.” Jango groaned as the sun was already almost fully above the horizon. “Charge! We must strike during sunrise if we’re to keep to the plan!” With a cry the large group of pirates brandished their weapons and rushed up the slope towards the two teens.

“No you don’t, damn it!” Usopp roared and Nami turned towards the furious liar only to see something amazing. Usopp pulled two of his pistols and fired from the hip, a single shot from each gun. Before Nami could even blink both pistols had been tossed into the air and Usopp had drawn the other two and fired them as well. In what could only be described as some kind of rapid juggling, Usopp was firing four pistols at nearly the same time by himself. After twenty four rapid-fire shots Usopp’s pistols were empty and two dozen pirates lay on the slope injured or dead.

“What the hell was that?” Nami questioned stunned beyond belief.

“Quick draw mixed with trick shooting and a bit of juggling.” Usopp explained as he holstered all four of his pistols. “I can only do that because these pistols my old man sent me are South Blue Revolvers.” Usopp pulled the rifle from his back and Nami noticed it looked different from any rifle she’d ever seen. Seeing her look Usopp told her what it was. “South Blue Repeating Rifle.” Seeing the Black Cat Pirates stunned Usopp gave them another warning. “Leave! Or I blast the rest of you too!”

“What the hell are you afraid of?!” Jango screamed at his subordinates. They were literally trembling from a damn teenager! “He’s out of ammo! He can’t do that again!” Seeing his men still looking unsure he growled before pulling out his chakram pendulum. “Look at this ring…” He began as all the Black Cats turned to look at the swinging ring.

“What the hell are they doing now?” Usopp questioned only getting an unamused look from Nami.

“Hypnotism? Really? They think that’ll help?” Nami tsked as she readied her staff.

“Raagh!” The Black Cat pirates suddenly roared out together. The men that had just been terrified were now screaming and smashing rocks with their raw strength while only the whites of their eyes showed.

“What the hell?!” Nami exclaimed in shock. There was no way that had really made them stronger, right?!

“Nami, I only have fifteen shots with this rifle. There are about forty of them left so we’re going to have to get up close and personal.” Usopp whispered as he was clearly fighting his own trembling. “I’ll make these fifteen count but after that I’ll have to fall back on my slingshot skills.”

“Got it.” Nami nodded as she forced herself to get ready and stop shaking.

“I’ll take that.” Jango stated as he took the bag of treasure from the hypnotized pirate that was practically growling like an animal. Turns out Captain Kuro’s suggestion of closing his own eyes before he started his hypnotism worked and he didn’t hypnotize himself anymore. “Now take care of them and attack the village!”

“I’ll kill him!” Nami roared as she saw Jango holding her treasure. The crowd of Black Cat pirates came charging with even greater speed than before. None of them seemed capable of fear or caring that they were trampling some of their injured crewmates to death as they charged.

“Bastards!” Usopp roared as he fired his first shot and then worked the lever to eject the spent cartridge and load the next. Fifteen shots went off in rapid succession. Fifteen more pirates now lay dead or dying on the slope but the remaining twenty five continued their charge. Usopp quickly slung his rifle across his back before pulling out a green slingshot. “Lead Star!” He called out as he let loose the ball and struck a charging pirate straight through the eye. The pirate collapsed screaming, the loss of his eye breaking his hypnotism.

“Get out of my way!” Nami roared her fury still at max as she saw Jango looking into the bag containing her treasure. She swung her staff and cracked one of the pirates across the face sending him crashing into others. Without looking back she charged past them and engaged the next pirates that got in her path. Swipes, thrusts and full power swings saw six more pirates fall with various injuries. Noticing Nami breaking away from his subordinates Jango readied his chakram and threw it at the charging woman. Nami had dropped into her Observation as much as possible and raised her staff to smack the ring out of the air. But the steel blade proved far sharper than she expected and sliced through one end of her staff. The small piece of severed wood fell to the ground as the chakram continued its path before landing on the rocky slope.

“Shit!” Jango cursed as he reached for another chakram and hastily threw it at the charging orangette. Nami barely tilted her head to the side to dodge the blade and was on Jango before he could throw his third weapon. The metal ring was smacked out of his hand by Nami’s staff. Jango screamed in pain as the staff smashed the bones in his hand and his hand hung limply unable to move.

“That’s MY treasure!” Nami screamed as she raised her staff above her head and swung it at the hypnotists’ head. Jango managed to jerk away but still took the blow to his collar bone which broke from the force of the hit.

“Fuck!” Jango cried out as the pain registered, he ran and dashed away from the enraged woman trying to get to his subordinates to have the group deal with her. But he made the fatal mistake of not dropping the treasure. Nami chased after him while Jango screamed for his hypnotized pirates to attack her. The crowd, now down to about fifteen pirates still standing, turned and prepared to charge back down the slope. Before they could fulfill Jango’s orders they all saw him take a wooden staff to the back of the head. The hypnotist smashed into the ground about halfway up the slope. Nami wasn’t going to give him the chance to get up.

“Get! Off! My! Treasure! You! Filthy! Fucking! Scumbag! Pirate! Bastard!” Nami screamed as she punctuated each word with a smash of her staff into Jango’s head. When she’d finished all of the other pirates had clearly come out of their hypnotism and looked on in fear as their Captain’s crushed head oozed blood all over the rocky slope. Even Usopp was staring in shock at the brutality Nami had displayed. Nami huffed and puffed to get air back in her lungs as she took the treasure from the limp and lifeless hands of Jango.

“She killed him! She killed the Captain!” One of the pirates cried out as the group of fifteen panicked and started running back for their ship.

“What’s this?” A man’s voice called out from the deck of the Black Cat’s ship.

“The Captain is dead?! How could this happen?!” Another man yelled from the deck. The two were revealed to be a pair of men in more cat-themed outfits, one very large and round the other appearing more average.

“Sham we can’t fail or Kuro will kill us, right?” The big man asked the smaller man.

“That’s right Buchi, so we’ll have to kill these two and ransack the village with whoever is left.” The smaller man nodded. The two suddenly leapt from the ship and landed on the beach. In a matter of seconds they’d closed the distance with Nami and were raising their claw-clad hands to slice her. Nami flinched back trying to bring up her staff to parry the claws. Thankfully she didn’t need to bother as a sword and a fist struck a cat-themed pirate each and sent them tumbling back down the slope.

“Damn it, Zoro, I told you it was this way!” Luffy yelled at his First Mate who had the decency to look apologetic, angrily apologetic at least.

“I would have gotten here!” Zoro yelled back.

“You tried to go in the opposite direction six times! We almost didn’t make it in time!” Luffy thundered as he scooped Nami into his arms and began to carry her back up the slope. Nami sighed in relief before she leaned up and whispered something into Luffy’s ear. “You sure?” He asked back getting a nod from Nami. “Zoro!”

“What, Captain?” Zoro asked as he withdrew all three of his swords after tying his bandana to his head.

“Take care of those two, Nami is going to empty their ship and I’m going to be waiting for this shit Captain of theirs to show himself.” Luffy ordered for the first time since Zoro or Nami had known him.

“Aye, Captain.” Zoro acknowledged as his eyes took on a cold sharpness and he stared down the two pirates that were getting back up.

“Did you hear that, Buchi? They want one man to ‘take care’ of us.” Sham growled as he brandished his claws.

“They said the girl wants to ransack our ship too!” Buchi growled flexing and brandishing his own claws.

“Let’s kill the swordsman first and then move on to the girl!” Sham roared as he and Buchi charged towards Zoro with their claws raised.

“Tora Gari!” Zoro intoned already behind the two brothers while Sham screamed as his, apparently thinner than normal, torso erupted into bloody lacerations.

“You bastard! I’ll kill you!” Buchi roared as he rushed Zoro. The green-haired swordsman blocked a few slashes before noticing that there was no style or finesse to the large man’s attack. It was literally just downward clawing motions over and over again. Sure they came at speed but Zoro had dealt with far faster attacks before. With a grunt Zoro knocked Buchi’s claws up and away from him and made sure to target vital areas with his counter attack.

“Oni Giri!” Zoro called as he moved past the staggered Buchi and completed the three swings of his attack. Buchi’s torso from both shoulders to his waist erupted with deep cuts, but the wound that finished the Black Cat pirate was the slash across his neck that severed both the carotid and jugular. The large man dropped instantly and couldn’t even raise his hands to try and staunch the blood flowing from his neck. In less than a minute the man was dead his blood staining the slope like so many of his crewmates.

“Good work Zoro.” Luffy praised getting a nod from the swordsman.

“Thanks, Captain.” Zoro grunted as he watched Nami climb onto the large ship of the Black Cat pirates.

“That was insane. He took out both of those guys so quickly.” Usopp stared as he looked over the slope, the remaining pirates were huddled off to the side of the slope their eyes darting between Luffy, Zoro, and their ship.

“What is going on here? It is far past sunrise. Have you really let yourselves be stopped by some children?” The cold voice of Kuro questioned from the top of the slope.

“Oh shit! It’s Captain Kuro.” One of the remaining pirates panicked while they all stared up at the man in terror.

“I’ve been waiting for you, butler.” Luffy stated getting Kuro to look at him.

“You’re that kid from yesterday. What are you doing here?” Kuro asked as he surveyed the scene on the slope. It looked like most of the Black Cat pirates were already dead. Even Jango and the Meowban Brothers were lying in pools of their own blood.

“Klahadore! Stop this!” Kaya yelled as she appeared from the forest with the three kids Onion, Pepper, and Carrot.

“Miss Kaya, you shouldn’t be out of bed.” Kuro responded as he reached into the duffel bag he was carrying. When he removed his hands he was wearing a strange set of gloves that had sword blades at the end of each finger.

“Merry told me everything! If you want my money and estate you can have it! Just stop this!” Kaya cried out, tears in her eyes.

“I was sure I’d killed him, seems I’m out of practice.” Kuro stated coldly making Kaya gasp. “Unfortunately Miss Kaya, just taking your fortune isn’t enough. What I truly desire is peace of mind.” From there Kuro explained to the girl and everyone else on the slope since he was talking just loud enough for them to hear, about why he’d faked his death and played at being a loyal servant for three years. “But seeing as these incompetent fools have managed to fail in their task; I’ll have to kill everyone on this island and disappear.”

“You call yourself a pirate? Don’t make me laugh.” Luffy stated coldly as he started walking towards Kuro. “A real pirate doesn’t run from the sea. The only time a pirate gives up their name is when they die!” He growled at the man who only scoffed at him.

“Oh please, a boy playing pirate thinks he can lecture me?” Kuro retorted before taking a modified stance that almost looked like he was standing normally. “Let me show you what a real pirate is! One that’s been on the brink of death and survived!” With that Kuro disappeared to most people’s eyes only to reappear behind Luffy his claws aimed at the straw-hatted teen.

“Is that it?” Luffy asked to the shock of everyone as he was literally holding all five blades aimed at him with his bare hand. “You’re fast, but not ‘that’ fast.” He stated while staring the older pirate dead in the eye.

“How?” Kuro questioned only to receive a punch to the face that sent him tumbling down the slope. When he stopped he noticed his right glove was still in Luffy’s hand. He’d lost one of his two ‘Cat Claw’ weapons and now had to rely on only his left hand.

“Is Captain Kuro losing?” One of the Black Cat pirates whispered to his remaining crewmates.

“We need to get the hell out of here.” Another whispered back, getting nods all around. The group slowly began to move towards their ship trying not to catch anyone’s notice.

“I see that I’ll have to kill you first, boy.” Kuro stated as he entered a different stance and started to sway back and forth. This freaked out the rest of the Black Cat pirates who yelled in terror before booking it towards their ship.

“Shakushi!” Kuro announced only to disappear. Seconds later claw marks began to appear on everything around the area where Kuro vanished. Some of the Black Cats that were injured but unable to move cried out as they were slashed and died. Luffy saw red at this blatant disregard for a crewmate’s life.

“What the hell are you doing you bastard?!” Luffy roared as he vanished in a spark only to reappear with his fist warping Kuro’s face.

“Gah!” Kuro cried out as he hit the rocky path again and struggled to stand.

“You were killing your own crew, your nakama!” Luffy accused only to have Kuro scoff again as he spat out blood.

“Nakama? These fools are only tools for my plans, nothing more.” Kuro stated as he managed to stand on shaky legs. “A pirate has no need of friends.”

“Don’t ever call yourself a pirate in front of me.” Luffy growled out. “You don’t know what a real pirate is!” With that statement Kuro saw Luffy vanish in another spark and then everything went black.

“Holy shit!” Usopp choked out as he only briefly saw Luffy appear in front of Kuro before the man’s face practically exploded in a shower of blood as Luffy’s fist crushed it. Kuro bounced down the slope and ended up at the bottom among the rocky sand of the beach. He lay completely unmoving and the Black Cat pirates that had managed to get on their ship panicked even more.

“Captain Kuro’s dead!” One yelled in terror.

“We need to get the hell out of here!” Another screamed out as the large ship began to move away from the shore. Nami took this moment to jump off the ship unnoticed with a sack thrown over her shoulder. She quickly made her way over to their two ships to put all of her treasure, new and old, back where it belonged.

“Hey, are you just leaving your crewmates behind?!” Luffy roared out to the retreating ship. A couple of the injured Black Cat pirates on the slope were still alive after all.

“Faster! We need to go faster!” Was the yell heard from the pirates on the ship that was already leaving the shallows and headed for open waters.

“Not a single damn one of you is a real pirate, A REAL PIRATE DOESN’T LEAVE HIS NAKAMA BEHIND!” Luffy roared out so loudly that everyone still on the slope flinched at the volume.

“What’s he doing?” Nami questioned before she saw Luffy standing on the beach in the blink of an eye. “What?!” The orangette exclaimed as Luffy cocked back his fist and his whole right arm suddenly erupted into a massive electrical discharge.

“RAIKEN!” Luffy thundered out throwing his fist forward towards the retreating ship. A colossal beam of lightning was fired towards the retreating ship. In the time it took to blink the beam had caught up to the large pirate ship. In another blink the ship was completely engulfed. A third blink saw the mass of lightning disappear.

“No way…” Nami trailed off in shock as she scanned the ocean for any sign of the large vessel. All that she could find as evidence that a large ship had once been there was the scattered wood floating across a wide area of the sea near the border between shallows and open sea. All of the scrap was blackened and emitting steam along with the ocean itself. Looking back towards Luffy she noticed his arm returned to normal and the anger on his face slowly disappearing. He turned towards her with a grin before speaking. “You ok, Nami?” The orangette’s chest felt like it might explode with hope and joy. ‘He could do it. He’s the one…he can help me!’ This thought ran through Nami’s mind like a train without brakes, unable to be stopped. It was a second later before she could respond to him.

“Yeah, Luffy, I’m fine.” Nami smiled at him with warmth that Luffy hadn’t seen yet. He liked Nami smiling at him like that. “Luffy, I have something I want to tell you soon, ok?”

“Hmm? Sure thing, Nami! Let’s finish this up!” Luffy grinned making his Navigator smile and nod.

“Sure thing, Captain!” Nami replied. And he was, this was HER Captain, this was the man she’d stay beside as long as she sailed.

-End Chapter-


Luffy got pissed! Black Cat pirates are gone! Nami took out Jango?! Holy shit the butterfly has definitely been flapping its wings!

So what did you all think about how I changed up Usopp? Still a coward but man’s up when the situation calls for it! He’s also got a few guns from his old man. South Blue is stated in manga as being far ahead of the other Blues in terms of firearm production. Mr. Five’s revolver came from South Blue according to what he says on Little Garden. I still gave him his sling shot and his trick ammo for it too! He’ll prefer to use the sling shot primarily but his first choice for a pitched, life and death, battle will be his four pistols.

I even already have an Epithet picked out for our lying Gunman! I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Christian Jeffress

I admit, I can’t stand Usopp in the anime, especially his bloated sense of self importance, but this version actually seems useful to the crew. Well done.


Thank you! I know changing up character's personalities a bit can be hit or miss with fans so I'm glad you enjoy the change I made with Usopp. Expect some more changes here and there as the story progresses!


I agree he’s much better here then he was at the beginning of the manga and anime


Glad you enjoyed the change! I plan for Usopp's inventiveness to be put to use pretty quickly.

Thomas E Nellis

That was awesome. I loved the interactions between Nami and Luffy.


Luffy's slow on the uptake when it comes to picking up signs, but once they become frequent enough, or blatant enough, he'll act on them. Nami is finally seeing that not only is Luffy capable of helping her, but that he's also worth pursuing romantically. Hope can make you reconsider the future more than anything else, especially when you haven't had any in years.