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This is our Support Captain Joseph Morrison's Tier Reward for being a patron for six months! Everybody who was waiting for a Nemea Leonthrope update make sure you say thank you!


Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope! Harry gets Sirius’ letter and we see more results from the Trial.

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 15 – A Letter from Sirius, Trial Results

Harry stared at the letter in his hands. It was Saturday and he had gotten the letter from a St. Mungos’ Owl at breakfast. He’d begged off from his friends and was sitting on his bed with the curtains drawn. This was more personal than any letter he’d ever gotten and he wanted to read it alone; if he could only bring himself to actually open it. He’d spent the last few months, ever since he’d learned about Sirius Black, hating the man for betraying his parents. To find out it had all been a lie and that Sirius, an innocent man, had been betrayed, framed, and then unjustly imprisoned without a trial threw his entire perception of the man into the bin.

“Come on Harry, where’s your Gryffindor courage?” Harry muttered to himself as he sighed before opening the letter. Pulling the parchment out he unfolded it and began to read what Sirius Black felt he needed to say. The note was an explanation of Sirius’ actions back in Eighty One, how he’d given Hagrid his flying motorcycle to get Harry to safety. Then his chasing Peter down and trying to murder the traitor, only for the rat to frame him and escape, Harry could practically feel the regret and self-loathing in the words on the parchment. Sirius wasn’t expecting forgiveness or acceptance but was hopeful that Harry would want to meet during the Yule Break so that he could apologize in person. Harry finished the letter and simply sat on his bed with his mind buzzing with thoughts.

“Where do I go from here?” Harry mumbled to himself as he dropped backwards and lay back on the mattress. On the one hand it was a chance to connect with someone else that knew his parents. Sirius’ only mistake was letting Harry leave his care in his bid to hunt down Pettigrew. The man had already suffered far more than he ever should have for that and Harry wasn’t the type to just snub Sirius for trying to connect with him. Maybe he should agree to meet with the man? He’d already suffered horribly at the hands of the Ministry and to be completely rejected would probably harm him more than anything right now. “Haa~ I’m a total softy aren’t I?” Harry muttered as he mentally agreed to meet with Sirius. Maybe he should write to Tonks and ask her opinion on it as well? Also to ask where the Marauder’s Map had gone, he really wanted that back after all.

-In the Gryffindor Girl’s Dorm-

“You think Harry’s alright?” Parvati questioned Lavender and Hermione; all three girls had been worried about Harry ever since he’d left to read the letter alone. They knew it was private but they couldn’t help but be concerned at the look on the teens’ face as he made his way up to his dormitory.

“I hope so, Parv. I have no idea what to even try and say in a situation like this though.” Lavender replied with a sigh as she hugged her pillow while lying on her bed.

“Harry will talk about it with us when he’s ready. I know he will; he just needs some time.” Hermione spoke up as she tried to read from the book on her lap. But both Parvati and Lavender had noticed that she hadn’t turned the page once in the last several minutes.

“But twelve years of everyone believing something only for it to be completely wrong, that’s probably taking its toll on Harry. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how Black must feel being free in a world that believed him to be a traitor and murderer.” Lavender mused from her bed. She was definitely worried about Harry, how could she not be? Her friend, and crush, had just gotten a letter that could change his life; she couldn’t help but worry over how Harry was taking this.

“We’ll just have to be there for him Lav, let him know that we’re willing to listen whenever he’s ready to talk.” Parvati responded as she moved over to her blonde friend and pulled her into a hug.

“Maybe this will all work out?” Hermione mumbled unsure as she closed the book she hadn’t been able to read in her worry. Setting it aside and noticing that both Parvati and Lavender were each holding out an arm for her to join their hug. Hermione hadn’t expected this, sure she and the two girls had been dorm mates since first year but they hadn’t been overly close. To find them so willing to offer her comfort was a welcome feeling. With a grateful smile she joined the other two girls on Lavender’s bed and joined into a group hug. ‘Trust Harry to be, unknowingly, bringing people together even when he’s going through something difficult himself.’ Hermione thought to herself as she embraced her two dorm mates and they drew support and comfort from each other.

-Ministry Holding Cells-

“I demand my lawyer!” An arrested Lord demanded from inside his cell in the depths of the Ministry.

“Do you know who I am?!” Another Lord questioned furiously as he gripped the bars of his cell.

“I’ll have your badge for this Auror!” A Lord further down the line of cells threatened.

“Still squawkin’ are they?” Dawlish asked of Patrick Proudfoot when he entered the holding area to relieve the younger Auror.

“They haven’t stopped since we put them in there, Senior Auror.” Patrick replied as he stood up and passed the chair and desk of the Cell Watcher over to Dawlish.

“Brilliant, just what I want to hear for the last half of my shift, a bunch of grown men whining.” Dawlish grumbled before giving Patrick the go ahead to leave.

“I said, I demand my lawyer! Are you deaf?! Get me my lawyer!” The Lord in the closest cell yelled again. Dawlish decided he wasn’t going to deal with this for the next few hours and stood up from the desk. He walked over and stood in front of the first cell before speaking.

“Listen up! I’m only going to say this once! The next person that yells anything is getting Silenced until the end of my shift! So speak up if you want to be rendered mute!” Dawlish proclaimed loudly so that the entire holding area could hear him.

“You wouldn’t dare! I’m a Lord of a Noble House and I won’t be threatened by some Common Born bas-…” The Lord was abruptly cut off when Dawlish used the Silencing spell on him and the man’s voice could no longer be heard.

“Oh I’d dare alright, enjoy silently yelling for the next few hours, suspect.” Dawlish growled before turning to the rest of the cells. “Anybody else? Hmm? Anybody at all?” When no one spoke up or yelled any further demands Dawlish turned and walked back to the Cell Watcher’s desk. “That’s what I thought.”

-Gringotts Bank-

“What do you mean I can’t withdraw money?” Narcissa Malfoy demanded of the Goblin Teller she was standing in front of. The goblin sighed before explaining.

“Lady Malfoy, your husband set the stipulation that only in his presence could you withdraw money from the Malfoy Vault. If he is not with you no withdrawals can be made.” The goblin informed the Lady Malfoy.

“That’s preposterous! My husband was unjustly arrested and is being held in the Ministry as we speak! I need these Galleons to allow the Family Lawyer to get him out so that he may return home!” Narcissa stated with a glare at the goblin.

“Be that as it may, without the Lord Malfoy’s presence, no withdrawals can be made. Lord Malfoy is the only one that may change this stipulation and until such time as he does you aren’t permitted to withdraw funds without him present.” The goblin explained to the incensed witch across from him.

Across the multiple Teller stations in Gringotts similar conversations were being had by other Noble Ladies. Many of them hadn’t known of any such stipulations on their Family Vaults and were angered by their lack of ability to obtain funds. Some were more vocal than others about it as well.

“This is unacceptable! I demand to speak with my Account Manager! My husband would never do such a thing!” A witch several stations down from Narcissa screamed at the goblin across from her. Narcissa couldn’t hear what the goblin’s reply was but noticed the fully armored Security Goblins slowly moving closer to the irate witch.

“Client, you’ll either lower your voice and act in a civilized fashion or you will be removed from the bank.” One of the Security Goblins growled at the screaming witch.

“How dare you speak to me like that?!” The witch turned and yelled only to recoil when she saw the large goblins reaching for their weapons. Gringotts Bank was legally foreign soil of the Goblin Nation and their enforcement of rules and laws was under their purview. Being removed from the bank was far better than being killed for an attempted attack upon a Gringotts Goblin. “Very well, I’ll leave, but the Noble House of Fawley will not forget this treatment!” The witch proclaimed before storming out of the bank.

“Is there anything else Gringotts can do for you today, Lady Malfoy?” The goblin Teller asked politely, though he was showing far more teeth than before.

“Would it be possible to change the stipulation with a document signed by my husband?” Narcissa questioned hoping she’d be able to get the Galleons necessary to get Lucius out of custody.

“I’m afraid not, Lady Malfoy. Your husband was very much insistent that he must be present for any changes to the stipulations of the Malfoy Vault.” The goblin replied in an even tone.

“Would a signed withdrawal slip with my husband’s signature allow me to get the Galleons we need?” Narcissa asked; there had to be a way to access the Malfoy Vault and get the Galleons necessary to have Lucius’ Dark Mark overlooked or disregarded.

“It would, so long as it was a signature carrying his Magical Intent. So long as that is the case the slip can be fulfilled.” The goblin nodded and Narcissa now knew she just needed to see Lucius and have him sign the withdrawal slip.

“Thank you, I shall return with the signed slip.” Narcissa thanked with some strain in her voice. After all that she’d had to deal with on this visit the goblin across from her had most definitely earned her ire.

“Gringotts looks forward to your next visit, Lady Malfoy.” The teller nodded as the witch walked away and left the bank. Unknown to Narcissa she wasn’t the only Noble Lady to try this route of bribing a husband’s freedom.

-Department of Magical Law Enforcement Office-

“What do you mean I can’t see my husband? He’s only being held as a suspect, suspects are allowed visitors, or at the very least visits from their legal counsel.” Lady Travers demanded of the Auror stationed at the visitor’s desk.

“Lady Travers, your husband is currently being held as a Class Five suspect; that means he is not allowed any visitor and all relevant files of his case will be owled to his legal counsel before his trial.” The Auror explained calmly knowing that Lady Travers wouldn’t be the last person he’d be speaking with today.

“Class Five? What does that mean?” Lady Travers questioned not familiar with the legal term.

“Class Five suspects stand accused of High Criminal Offenses against the Ministry of Magic of the United Kingdom. Treason, Murder, Terrorist Activities, Sexual Assault, Grand Larceny, and Endangerment of Subjects of the Realm all qualify and Death Eaters have engaged in all of these Offenses. As it stands everyone with a Dark Mark is a Class Five suspect until their trial.” The Auror informed the Noble Lady watching her face pale considerably during his short explanation. More than likely, Lady Travers now knew how much legal trouble her husband was truly in.

“If that is all, Lady Travers?” The Auror questioned only getting a small nod before the witch slowly made her way out of the Department. Giving a brief sigh the Auror quickly sat up at the desk when another witch of a Noble House came walking into the Department. This was going to be a long shift for the Auror.

-Crouch Manor-

“Finally…” Barty Crouch Jr. hissed out as his father’s Imperius faded from his mind and he was able to act under his own power again.

“Young Master?” Winky, the Crouch Family House Elf, inquired noticing him getting up from the chair he’d been sitting in.

“Silence Winky, I have things I need to do.” Barty muttered as Winky began wringing her hands on her tea towel.

“Master has said that you is not allowed to leave the house, Young Master.” Winky informed the now walking wizard.

“I will be leaving Winky, I must find him.” Barty snapped back as he started gathering things he would need to travel.

“But Master gave Winky orders to keep you in the house!” Winky cried as she followed the wizard about the manor.

“I’ll not listen to that man ever again!” Barty roared at the terrified elf as Winky huddled away from the deranged wizard.

“B-but…Young Master…” Winky stuttered out only to hear a triumphant cry from Barty. The wizard turned brandishing the wand he’d found after going through his father’s desk. “Young Master?” Winky asked in terror.

“Stupefy!” Barty cried sending a jet of red light at the elf. The spell struck true and Winky was now lying unconscious on the floor of her Master’s home office.

“Just wait a little longer, My Lord, your loyal follower is coming to your aid.” Barty mumbled to himself as he continued to gather things for his trip to find his master.

-Hogwarts Defense Professor’s Office-

“How could I have been so blind?” Remus questioned himself for what had to be the thousandth time that day as he stared at the Prophet article that revealed the truth about his old friend. He’d been in shock for almost a full day after reading the article, only to become ashamed of himself for ever having doubted Sirius in the first place. “I should have known.” He lamented as he held his head in his hands. Remus had spent his life in self-loathing and mild depression because of his condition, but this feeling in his heart was far worse, how could he have so easily tossed his friend aside and never asked questions?

“I should visit him in St. Mungos.” Remus muttered to himself before shaking his head. “No, no why would he want to see someone that didn’t even question his guilt? Some friend I am.” He groaned as he rubbed his haggard face with his hands. The werewolf could count the number of true friends he’d had in his life on his hands and still have fingers left over. He was disgusted with himself for believing something so horrible about Sirius while lauding Peter as a hero for the last twelve years. Just thinking about it rationally would have made it easy to realize that something about the old story was very off from what he knew of both Peter and Sirius.

“What would Sirius say to me when he finds out I didn’t even doubt that he’d betrayed James and Lily? I’ll be lucky to just lose a friend, but I wouldn’t fight if he decided to curse me. I deserve it for doubting him so horribly.” Remus groaned as he undid the Locking Charm he kept on the bottom drawer of his desk. Pulling out a bottle of Fire Whiskey and a glass Remus sighed as he poured himself a drink. Normally the werewolf didn’t drink, but with the full moon being almost three weeks away he felt he was safe in indulging in the pain numbing embrace of alcohol for the evening.

-Tonks Residence-

“We’ll just fix up the guest room a bit. I’m sure anything will be an improvement over Azkaban.” Ted Tonks commented to his wife and his daughter. The Tonks were sitting in the kitchen, having just finished dinner together. They were currently discussing their plans for Sirius’ stay with them during his recovery.

“Not exactly setting the bar very high there, dad.” Tonks replied with a raised eyebrow. “Though it’ll be nice to have someone fun around, I guess. It can get so... boring here sometimes.”

“Boring? But Nymphadora dear, I’ve offered to do fun things with you multiple times. You just never seemed interested.” Andromeda looked at her daughter with a grin.

“Reading about the latest gossip in Witch Weekly and discussing who’s doing what, or whom, isn’t my idea of fun, mum.” Tonks shot back while rolling her eyes dramatically. “I’m a woman of action! Give me a good duel or a suspect to chase and then I’m having fun! If I did anything less I’d be as boring as you two.” Tonks claimed before realizing what she’d just said to her parent’s faces. “No offense intended mum, dad.” She apologized with an embarrassed flush.

“That's all right dear; I'll be the first one to admit I enjoy a quiet life.” Ted chuckled. “So, you’re looking forward to Sirius staying with us then?”

“Maybe...” Tonks mused. “Mom says he’s a bit of a prankster. Downright insufferable when he gets going is what she said, right mum?”

“I speak from experience, Nymphadora.” Andromeda huffed before she sipped her tea. “I remember his antics from the time he was about five all the way through his Hogwarts years. He sometimes has the tendency to go a bit overboard.”

“Is that what he calls it?” Tonks questioned with a grin.

“Oh no dear, he always called his pranks ‘accidents’, anything to avoid getting into trouble. Though he was responsible enough to apologize if someone actually got hurt from a prank, unless your name happened to be Severus of course.” Andromeda shook her head at the memories.

“Are you saying the two might have had a problem with each other?” Ted asked in faux shock his eye comically wide and his mouth hanging open. Both Tonks women chuckled at Ted’s sarcastic question.

“Oh definitely, ever since their Second Year, two despised each other.” Andromeda replied equally sarcastically to her husband. “In fact, I think it might have had something to do with James’ infatuation with Lily, now that I think about it.”

“You might just be right, love.” Ted nodded to his wife.

Tonks sat there chuckling a bit, but then the topic shifted to something she hadn’t expected to come up this evening.

“Nymphadora, I noticed that you mentioned young Harry quite a bit during our visit with Sirius. Are you fond of the young man?” Andromeda questioned making Tonks’ eyes widen.

“Whiskers?” Tonks’ mouth dropped in surprise while her eyebrows rose as high as they could. “Why would you think that?”

“Yes your, ‘Whiskers’, as you call him.” Andromeda nodded. “With the way you’ve spoken about him and all I was left to wonder if you hadn’t grown rather fond of him.”

“I...well…he’s fun to tease and mess with, I guess?” Tonks carefully replied unsure where her mother was going with this.

“Well a younger man isn’t a bad thing. You’d have to wait a few more years of course, but Harry seems to be a nice boy.” Andromeda smiled at her daughter while Ted was trying to hide his chuckles behind his hand.

“Mum! I just like teasing him sometimes! It’s not like we have something else going on!” Tonks retorted her face red from her mother’s comments. 

“Nymphadora Drusilla Tonks, don’t you lie to yourself! If you have feelings for someone you should do everything in your power to make it work!” Andromeda admonished her daughter. "That’s what I did with your father, even at the cost of being disowned by my family, and look how happy we are together. We even have a wonderful daughter like you. If you like Harry you should let him know you’d be interested in pursuing some kind of relationship once he’s of age.” Andromeda advised while Ted smiled and pulled his wife into his side.

Tonks just stared at her mother and father with wide eyes. Surely they weren’t approving of her dating someone six years her junior, were they? Tonks had only had a couple of boyfriends in the past and all of them had disappointed her when they asked for certain ‘things’ from her Metamorphmagus abilities. While Harry certainly didn’t seem the type to do such a thing, the age difference was still something she’d have to worry about. Especially with a person as famous as Harry Potter, she could already picture the scandalous headlines that the Daily Prophet would print.

“I don’t think it would work out; think about what the Prophet would print.” Tonks muttered as she shook her head.

“Since when has my daughter given a lick about what people think about her?” Ted questioned with a grin. “I still remember the Floo calls we got when people tried to bully you in your first couple of years at Hogwarts.” Tonks chuckled sheepishly, she’d had more than a handful of Floo calls home for hexing people that made fun of her name or called her names for her Metamorph abilities. Though at least a few of them hadn’t been hexes, she’d outright punched a few of the mouthy prats.

“You don’t have to pursue a relationship if you don’t want to dear, but if you deny yourself a chance to even try you’ll probably end up regretting it. I don’t want to see you go through that.” Andromeda smiled gently getting a small smile in return from her daughter.

“He’s not a bad catch, is he?” Tonks grinned with a giggle as she thought about Harry. More specifically she giggled at the reaction she’d almost assuredly get from him if she told him that she was interested in a relationship at some point.

“Nope, he seems a fine young man from how you’ve described him. Though I do insist on meeting him personally if you two decide to date. I have a fatherly ‘duty’ to perform after all.” Ted grinned as he playfully drew his wand and set it on the table.

“Oh dad, come on, that’s so cliché.” Tonks rolled her eyes at her father while Andromeda giggled.

“Now, now Nymphadora; let your father have his moment. Though if you do end up in a relationship with Harry you’ll have to apologize to all your old Hufflepuff House mates for being a lioness instead of a badger.” Andromeda teased making Tonks choke on air for a second before the young woman retaliated.

“Well if you want grandchildren I guess I’d have to.” Tonks huffed before bursting into laughter at the two very contrasting looks on her parent’s faces. Ted had shock practically carved onto his face, while on the opposite spectrum; Andromeda looked absolutely thrilled with the idea of having grandchildren to spoil.

“Oh don’t tempt me, Nymphadora! Oh to have a gaggle of adorable grandbabies to spoil absolutely rotten!” Andromeda smiled brightly.

“Would they be called kids or cubs?” Ted asked once he’d gotten over his shock. “And would they qualify as a litter?”

“Dad!” Tonks shrieked as she hid her red face behind her hands. Both parents only laughed harder at their daughter’s embarrassment. Teasing was generational and the Tonks parents had decades more experience than their daughter! She may like to think she was the Teasing Queen but both Ted and Andromeda could always make her blush. The night carried on with laughter between the family and all three went to bed with smiles that night.

No one would know for quite a while the dark machinations that had been started this day, even when so many of the ‘Dark’ wizards were soon to receive the Justice they’d escaped from years ago.

-End Chapter-


Oh boy! The ripples just keep spreading! Will Sirius and Harry reconnect? Will Tonks and Harry have a much needed talk soon? What will happen with Barty? How many of Voldemort’s supporters will be available by the time he returns to physical form? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You don't have any idea how long I've been waiting for this chapter to be released! Haha looks like Tonks have her eyes set on Harry, like our three pretty Gryffindor girls (Hermione, Lavender and Parvati) :3

Thomas E Nellis

That was amazing. However, I feel that there should be some level of allowance for all the idiots to sign over their holdings to their wives no reason to punish the children for the actions of the parents. Them not having money to eat, pay bills, or live is unreasonable. If the ministry dents the families this they will have an open rebellion. If the elite’s families are arrested and starved what will happen to the poor’s. The mass panic that will ensue if the ministry isn’t careful especially after the fiasco that was literally just unveiled. The public will not tolerate a “He’s Deatheater” as a reason for imprisonment anymore. They need hard evidence not just some words from a crazy traitor the wizard truth serum only lets you say what you believe is true not what is actually true... hence why in the books it’s barely used in addition to its ingredients rarity and the difficulty of brewing the potion. The ministry needs to tread lightly here.




They'll have their chance, no one is going to be starving or out on the streets because of their criminal parents. Right before they're shipped off to Azkaban they'll be given a chance to say goodbye to their families. At this, heavily monitored, meeting they'll be able to sign Gringotts Documents to secure their families livelihood.