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  Feed your HP addiction my patrons! Enjoy this update as much as possible!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! We’re nearing the last part of First Year! What does the spring hold for our young Enchanter?

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 8 – Quirrel, Artifact?

Harry once again was sitting in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class, trying to understand anything the stuttering Professor Quirrel was saying. With a grimace Harry tried to tune the turban-wearing man out as he went through his textbook and studied the current material independently. Was Quirrel really the best Hogwarts could offer as a Defense Professor? If so it was pretty sad, the man jumped at the smallest of things and appeared perpetually terrified. With no viable instruction coming from the so-called ‘Professor’ Harry read through his textbook to try and learn anything.

‘Surely there’s got to be something that makes this man qualified to teach?’ Harry mused to himself. With a slow and subtle movement Harry pulled out his Scouter and focused it on the Professor that was currently facing the other side of the classroom. A quick scan and Harry saw something he’d never seen his Scouter do before. ‘4886’ appeared for a brief second before changing to ‘1050’ and Harry had no idea why. Quirrel wasn’t doing anything like casting a spell. Why was his mana bouncing more than three thousand points back and forth?

‘Wait a minute, it changed again?’ Harry stared into the lens of his Scouter confused. The numbers bouncing back and forth now read ‘4884’ and the second number was now ‘1052’ as they both repeatedly switched with one another. ‘What in the actual hell?’ He thought to himself. ‘Is the Scouter broken? It isn’t damaged and the runic sequence won’t just suddenly stop working properly. The hell is going on with Quirrel?’

After class Harry quickly left to find Penny and Tonks. He wanted to share the oddity of Quirrel’s scan and get their opinions and thoughts on the anomaly. It didn’t take long to find the two as they were both heading to dinner. Both girls smiled at him as he got their attention and walked up to them quickly.

“Evening Harry, how were your classes today?” Penny asked as Harry caught up with them.

“Wotcher Harrikins, you must be hungry running towards the Great Hall like that.” Tonks commented getting a shake of the head from Harry.

“No, not that, I just have something to tell you both; I want to get your opinion on something that happened in class.” Harry informed the two as they entered the Great Hall.

“We can eat and talk then, after that we’ll see what we can do.” Tonks offered getting agreement from Harry and Penny. So while the three ate together Harry told them about the strange fluctuation of Quirrel’s mana amount and how he couldn’t figure out what was going on. Neither girl could offer much explanation for such a large fluctuation when the Professor wasn’t casting any spells. Nor did either of them have any idea about why the highest and lowest numbers were changing. Why would the highest number be shrinking and the lowest number be growing? The three agreed to go to the workshop after dinner to test the Scouter and make sure something hadn’t gone wrong with the trinket.

“Alright Harrikins, scan me and we’ll see if the Scouter is still accurate.” Tonks offered to go first for the tests.

“Sure thing, let’s see what it says.” Harry replied as he scanned the Metamorph. “You’ve increased your mana amount again Tonks. You’re clocking in at ‘5002’ mana now. You must have been practicing a bit more lately.”

“Of course, I want to get into the Aurors after I graduate, I need to have every advantage I can otherwise I’ll be stuck in some desk job pushing papers around while I go through remedial courses. Screw that!” Tonks explained while looking disgusted at the thought of being a desk worker at the Ministry.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, Tonks, even with your klutzy moments.” Penny assured her friend with playful ribbing thrown in. Tonks, maturely, stuck her tongue out at the blonde. “My turn, Harry, I’ve been putting in a bit more practice in preparation for the OWL exams so I’m hoping I’ve gone up a bit.”

“Well the Scouter doesn’t seem to be broken yet, so let’s get your reading.” Harry nodded as he scanned Penny. “Huh, I think we can safely say your extra practice has paid off Penny. You’re mana amount is currently ‘3678’ that’s a six hundred seventy two unit increase from when you used the Test Frame for the demonstration.” Penny smiled happily and even gave a small cheer that her practice had paid off.

“Your turn, Harrikins! Let’s see what you’ve got!” Tonks exclaimed as she took the Scouter from him and scanned the First Year. “Well now, seems you’ve been playing catch up since you spent so much of the break making your Safe. You’re sitting at ‘582’ mana right now. That’s around one hundred seventy six units more than your last demonstration. Are you trying to catch up to us?” She asked teasingly getting Harry to roll his eyes at her.

“So the Scouter isn’t broken, but that still doesn’t explain Quirrel’s weird reading.” Harry mused as he looked the Scouter over glad that it wasn’t damaged.

“Well, just keep an eye on him when you’re in class I guess. If it continues you could always tell another teacher about it. Just say you’re worried that Quirrel might not be in good health.” Tonks shrugged.

“Maybe he did something to himself and his Magic is fluctuating until it stabilizes at his original amount?” Penny theorized getting looks of confusion from Harry and Tonks. “It’s just a thought.” The Prefect stated with her own shrug.

“I guess I’ll just keep checking every now and then. If it goes on for too long I’ll bring it up to another Professor.” Harry agreed before he stood up and stretched. “So are you two up for some Wandless practice?” Tonks and Penny both agreed and the trio started working on making more of their spells Wandless.

-April 1st-

Nothing much had changed in the daily routine for Harry and his friends since January. Harry, Penny and Tonks practiced their Wandless Magic together often, trying to gain more spells and increase their mana. Harry did have a new Pen Pal thanks to Madam Aveline, one Fleur Delacour, a girl three years older than him that was quite studious when it came to Magical Theory. Learning that Madam Aveline was the Magical Theory Professor at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic had come as a small shock. He was also delighted to hear that she’d bought one of his Test Frames from the first batch he’d sold. Apparently Fleur was quite the fan of his Items and Madam Aveline had teasingly written in one of her letters that Fleur would often ask to test her mana amount when the two chatted outside of classes.

In the intervening time when he wasn’t writing to his new Pen Pal, doing schoolwork, practicing with Tonks and Penny, or checking on Quirrel’s strange mana reading; Harry had been crafting and working out new skills to use in his Enchanting. He was very proud of himself for what he’d managed to make this time. Today was Tonks’ birthday and Harry found it oddly fitting that his bubbly, goof of a friend was born on April Fools’ Day of all days. Now he just had to surprise her when she came by the workshop after classes.

“Speak of the devil.” Harry grinned when a knock came from the door. He quickly got up and let Tonks into the workshop. Before she could say much of anything Harry had opened the bottom drawer of the desk he’d commandeered as a worktable and pulled out his gift to her.

“Harry?” Tonks questioned as she looked down at the small wrapped gift he was holding out to her.

“Happy Birthday, Tonks, I hope you like it.” Harry smiled as Tonks gently took the gift and gave him a beaming smile. Unwrapping the item Tonks found a metal belt buckle with an engraving of a dragon on it.

“Aww, did you make this for me Harrikins? I’m touched.” Tonks teased though the smile on her face let him know how much she truly appreciated his gift. “It looks cool and it totally fits my style. You’ve been paying attention, huh?”

“I know you like the ‘Rocker’ style so I tried to match some of the things I’ve seen you wear before.” Harry grinned, happy that she liked his gift already. Wait until she found out what it did. “Could you try it out? I’m curious if it’ll fit the belts you wear from time to time.”

“Sure, sure just let me get this robe off.” Tonks smirked giving Harry a playful wink and giggling when she saw the dusting of red on his cheeks at her innuendo. Shrugging off the robe only took a few seconds before she attached the buckle to her belt. “It latches fine. Looks cool too. Nice job, Harrikins.” She praised only to be given a gentle push backwards sending her stumbling. She caught herself before demanding an explanation. “What was that about mister?”

“You didn’t trip or fall.” Harry replied simply as a grin spread across his face. “I’m glad it works.” Tonks looked at him confused for a few moments before her eyes widened as it dawned on her that her klutziness hadn’t sent her sprawling onto the floor.

“Harry, what did you do? What is this?” Tonks asked as she looked down at the belt buckle.

“My first talisman using Devanagari Runes, it’s an Ever Balance Talisman. When you wear it the effect of the talisman makes it almost impossible for you to trip or fall. I thought you’d like it since you have those moments sometimes.” Harry would have continued but he was suddenly wrapped in a hug from Tonks.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this will help, Harry! I was always kinda worried that my klutziness could cost me a spot in the Aurors! But with this I won’t have to worry as much! Thank you!” Tonks expressed her gratitude and appreciation as Harry hugged her back. What Harry wasn’t expecting was for Tonks to pull back slightly and kiss him full on the lips. It was soft and pretty chaste all things considered but to Harry it was amazing. When she pulled back he saw a look of sincere affection in her eyes that truly revealed how much she cared about him. Harry felt his face grow hot and knew he was blushing hard. Tonks’ sudden bout of giggles only further confirmed it.

“That was…um…really…really…” Harry started only for Tonks to finish for him.

“Amazing? Fantastic? Awesome? I know; I know I’m very impressive but feel free to keep praising me.” Tonks smiled as she released Harry from their hug. Harry grinned back as well before another knock came from the door. “Oh! I should totally show Penny what you made for me!” She cheered as she quickly opened the door and dragged the girl inside.

“Tonks what’s the hurry?” Penny asked confused by how energetic her friend seemed. Even more so than usual!

“Harry made me this really cool belt buckle talisman! It fixes my klutziness and makes it impossible for me to trip or fall over!” Tonks gushed as she directed Penny’s gaze to her new accessory. “Watch this!” Without a second of hesitation Tonks rushed over to an old wooden table in the back of the room and jumped on top of it. The table had just been shoved out of the way when Harry had first taken over the old Ancient Runes classroom and left in the back. Needless to say the old wooden table wasn’t exactly able to handle a seventeen year old girl suddenly jumping on top of it. The two legs on the side that Tonks had jumped on broke sending the table to the floor and Tonks along with it.

“Tonks are you ok?” Penny asked as she and Harry made their way over to the fallen Metamorph.

“I thought you said I couldn’t trip or fall?” Tonks questioned with a groan.

“I said almost impossible. It prevents trips and falls by assisting your balance. It doesn’t suddenly make you an acrobat or something.” Harry sighed with a shake of his head.

“Ugh, now he tells me.” Tonks grumbled as she slowly sat up. Penny couldn’t help it and broke out into a fit of giggles. Harry started chuckling soon after and Tonks pouted at both of her friends for a moment before bursting into her own laughter.

-Friday the 17th of April-

This had gone on long enough. Quirrel’s mana was still having its odd fluctuations and Harry was going to inform another Professor about his concerns. Shortly after classes he made his way to Professor Flitwick’s office to talk with his Head of House. After knocking on the door and being allowed entry Harry took the offered seat and laid out his concerns about the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.

“I see, that is troubling, for a person’s Magic to be in flux for so long does seem abnormal.” Flitwick nodded as he mulled over the information Harry had presented him with. “I’ll inform the Headmaster and we’ll have Quirrel seen by either Poppy or take him to St. Mungos if necessary. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Mr. Potter, take ten points for Ravenclaw.”

“Thank you Professor.” Harry accepted and made his way out of the office. At least now the Quirrel situation was the staff’s problem to deal with. Easter Holidays marked the spring break for Hogwarts and Harry had gotten a letter from Sirius about visiting him at the castle. It seemed Sirius was recovered enough that some light exercise was being encouraged to help him get back up to physical shape. A Healer was coming along as an escort for Sirius along with Andromeda just to make sure Sirius didn’t over exert himself. Harry was looking forward to showing Sirius his hidden workshop and showing him his completed Rune Safe.

That evening at dinner Dumbledore stood to make an announcement and Harry had to wonder at the timing. It seemed odd that the very day he mentioned Quirrel’s condition, that Dumbledore would make an announcement. Especially when Quirrel was sitting at the end of the staff table as normal. What could the Headmaster possibly be announcing?

“Attention students! I have a small announcement to make before we start our dinner. As many of you know I have a few different roles I play in the Magical World. I’m afraid my role as Supreme Mugwump will require me to be away from the school for most of the Easter break. Deputy Headmistress McGonagall will be in charge while I am away and I expect you’ll all be on your best behavior. I will see you all upon your return from the break. Thank you for your attention.” Dumbledore announced before sitting down to eat. There were many murmurs throughout the Great Hall but Harry was only left more confused.

-Monday Morning ~ After Breakfast-

“Harry! Good to see you again! Your Dogfather has come for a visit!” Sirius waved exaggeratedly as Harry smiled seeing his Godfather up and walking about. At his right was Andromeda and to his left must have been the Healer, a pretty ravenette with grey eyes.

“Great to see you up and about Sirius, you haven’t been over doing it have you?” Harry asked as the three adults stopped in front of him.

“Of course not, I’d make Marlie here mad at me if I made her job any more difficult.” Sirius grinned as he gave the Healer a charming smile.

“You stop harassing the poor woman, you mutt.” Andromeda admonished as she swatted Sirius lightly with her purse.

“Ack! Marlie she’s assaulting me, I’m still a recovering patient, throw her out!” Sirius whined playfully making the Healer smile softly.

“I can’t throw her out of Hogwarts, Mr. Black, but I’ll ask her politely to not smack you.” Marlie replied before winking at Andromeda who only smiled back pleasantly.

“Aww, no one’s on my side are they?” Sirius grumbled getting a shake of the head from all three of them. “Not you too Harry!”

“Sorry, Sirius, but I think wooing anyone counts as over exerting yourself.” Harry responded with a grin getting a shocked look from Sirius. Andromeda and Marlie both burst into giggles at the quip and even Sirius playfully grumbled at him.

“You’ve been spending too much time around little Dora.” Sirius pouted as the group followed Harry through the castle. Sirius happily reminisced about his time at the castle and shared tales of the Marauder’s many pranks at various places. Harry laughed at the antics his father had gotten up to with Sirius and Remus back in their days as schoolboys.

“Why’d we come down this old corridor, Harry? Not much to see down here.” Sirius asked as Harry stood by the wall.

“Just watch.” Harry stated before opening a door that none of the adults had noticed was there.

“A secret door? I thought we found all of them back in the day.” Sirius mumbled as he, Andromeda and Marlie entered the room after Harry.

“Not quite, I just used a few trinkets to hide this room from others. This is my private, and also secret, workshop. I practice my spell casting and my Enchanting here when I’m done with my homework and such.” Harry explained getting all three pairs of eyes to widen.

“Harry, have I ever told you that you’re a very impressive eleven year old?” Sirius asked as he looked around the room seeing obvious spell fire marks on the far wall. The Marauders really should have thought of having their own hidden room like this back in the day.

“You might have mentioned it in one of your letters.” Harry chuckled as he showed the group some of the small trinkets and talismans he’d been fooling around with. It wasn’t until he’d led them into his smithy and showed them the Rune Safe that Andromeda spoke up again.

“Harry, you said that your Safe only opens for you and doesn’t need to be provided Magic by anyone to work, right?” Andromeda questioned getting a nod from Harry.

“Yes, it has quite a few security sequences within the array. Multiple protection sequences too. Fire, water, blunt force, cutting etc. basically anyway I could think of that someone might try and crack it. It also absorbs ambient mana from the surroundings to keep itself powered. Why do you ask?” Harry asked as the woman looked the iron safe over.

“Well, I’m no expert, but the way you described your safe makes it sound a lot like an Artifact; at least to me anyway.” Andromeda stated making Sirius nod slightly since he’d read up a bit on Enchanted Objects and Artifacts during his stay at St. Mungos. After all, if his godson liked them Sirius wanted to be able to get him gifts that fell in line with Harry’s interests.

“Hmm, I don’t think I could make an Artifact without knowing it.” Harry mused as he thought about the specifics of his Rune Safe. Seeing Harry lost in thought the adults waited for a moment only to hear a knock on the door.

“Harry, I think you have visitors.” Sirius called out.

“It’s Tonks and Penny, could you let them in real quick?” Harry requested as he went over to a bookshelf on the far end of the smithy and pulled a book down.

“Sirius?” Tonks called out alerting everyone that was in the workshop that Sirius had let Tonks and Penny inside. The four people returned to the smithy portion of the workshop, Marlie not leaving Sirius’ side as his Healer, only to see Harry staring at an open book unblinking while Andromeda rubbed his back.

“What happened?” Penny questioned as she and Tonks moved over to Harry.

“I just mentioned that his Rune Safe sounded a lot like an Artifact to me. After grabbing this book and going through it for a bit he just started staring at it. I was only going to suggest he might want to get an expert opinion on whether or not he’d made an actual Artifact.” Andromeda explained making Tonks and Penny widen their eyes at the implication.

“Harry? Are you with us?” Penny asked softly getting no response from the Wizard.

“Oi Harry! You in there?!” Tonks shouted at the still boy jolting him from his trance.

“Tonks? Penny?” Harry questioned looking between the two.

“We’re here, Harry, what’s going on?” Penny asked only for Harry to motion towards the book he had open.

“Could you both read that and give me your opinion. I’m still not sure, but I might need to have an expert come test my Safe.” Harry muttered to himself as Penny and Tonks read over the two pages of the book. The pages detailed all the various differences between Enchanted Objects and True Artifacts. Going through them all the both of them could tick off several key things that Artifacts had that Harry’s Rune Safe was also capable of.

“Harry, you may want to call for that expert.” Penny said softly as she finished reading and comparing. She wanted to be gentle about the situation after all.

“You’re a real dum-dum aren’t ya Harry?!” Tonks laughed loudly showing absolutely no compunction about being delicate with the situation.

“Aaaahhhhh!!!” Harry yelled out completely overwhelmed that he may have made a True Artifact and not even known it for months! Tonks’ laughter was soon joined by Sirius’ while Andromeda and Penny chided them both for laughing about the situation. Healer Marlie only smiled seeing her patient in such good cheer and obviously on the road to a full recovery. She didn’t know much about Artifacts or Artificers, but she was fairly certain that Harry would probably be the youngest ever if he’d already made one.

While this revelry was happening in the hidden workshop another pair was making plans of their own.

“He’ll be gone for the week, Master I can retrieve the Stone tonight.” Quirrel mumbled to seemingly empty air.

“Ssseee that you dooo.” Hissed a voice from nowhere.

“Yes Master.” Quirrel replied as he paced around his quarters.

In another part of the castle Dumbledore sat patiently after having already ‘left’ for the International Confederation of Wizards meeting he’d announced on Friday to the school.

“And so the trap is set, Tom. It is time we met face to face again.” Dumbledore murmured as he watched a device that was tied to the door on the third floor corridor. If only he could figure out how Tom had managed to survive that Halloween night, he could end this madness here and now and hopefully leave a brighter future behind for the next generation.

-End Chapter-


So that happened! Harry finds something odd about Quirrel. He has a new Pen Pal. Gives Tonks her birthday gift and gets sincere thanks from her. Did Harry actually create an Artifact without even knowing about it for months? Is he a dum-dum? Also Dumbledore has set the trap, what will be the outcome for Voldemort? Find out in the next chapters!

Current Mana Levels (The time skips make these numbers outdated)

Harry – 582

Tonks – 5002

Penelope – 3678

I’ve decide to have this little reminder for our main cast, Fleur will be added once she arrives properly. Hopefully this is a fun little way to let readers keep track.

Until I get your reviews, later!


Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Welp, Quirrel is totally busted. Good luck trying to get the stone now.


Time's up! Do not pass Go, do not collect Philosopher's Stone! But other things might just happen before the end of First Year. In fact, two things ARE going to happen.


As Harry is definitely by far the strongest wizard of his generation and soon to be one of the most powerful wizards to have ever lived, it is only a matter of time before Harry's Mana Level will surpass both Tonks' and Penelope's. I wonder what Fleur's Mana Level is :3


Actually Harry is only a bit above average naturally. It is his constant practice that has let him grow so much. The more practice he does the more mana he expends, when his mana recovers it's a bit more than what he initially started out with. Repeating this over and over with Tonks and Penny is why he's gone from 270 to 364 to 406 to 582.


Love the idea of him casually making an artifact without ever having realised

Thomas E Nellis

That was truly awesome. I loved it. Thanks for the double update.


He wasn't intending to make an Artifact so didn't think about it. He was a bit of a dum-dum on this one!


Glad you enjoyed it! Burned through most of my weekend to get the double out but I feel it was worth it!

Sierra Chandler

Love this fic. Was one of the main reasons I decided to become a soldier. When Tonks leaves at the end of the year will we see more interaction with Harry and his year mates? Will Harry become a bodyguard for Luna when she comes? Even though he may not like them would love to see his interact with the Weaslys and see how this Harry responds to them. Especially would like to see interaction between the twins and Harry and see is his brain and their pranks.


We're all glad you've joined us! Glad that you're enjoying the story too! Second Year will see some interaction between Harry and those outside his House. Luna's bullying will be DEALT with shortly after Harry and Penny become aware of it. Strangely it's not even Harry that'll put the most 'Fear of God' into the bullies either. Penny can be scary when she wants to be! The Twins may find themselves meeting their match when it comes to making things to use on others. Harry's never had live test subjects for his stuff before. Let the shadow prank war begin!