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 Here's the last January update! Sorry it took so long I have to help  my Mother more often these days since her cancer treatment is taking a lot out of her. 

But this is Legendary General Woolley Mammoth's Tier Reward! I hope to have the Monthly Update chapter of Artificer Legacy, as voted for by you my patrons, up by tomorrow night!

Feed your HP addiction my patrons! Feed it!

Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter and the Artificer Legacy! Now that the Rune Safe is finished what’s the next project for Harry?

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’re not a Patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Frimorigo, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, Rinnosuke, Kaymann, Jacob Ward, Evgeniy Kazanin, Daniel Williams, Victor Garrett, Brody Meech, Benjamin, Paul Nichols, Alastor God of Vengeance, Mauday, Thomas B. Wilkes, Vito Saraceno, Ct126371, Benjamin Shklyar, AC DC 1C 2C, Joseph, Callum Nowlan, Brad Goldin, Cody Lyle, Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller, Joseph Morrison, Tristan McKenzie O'Meara, Robyn Tammy Grogan, Demonhunter44, Optimum Prime, Assassin22, Fabian J. Wilkinson, MrKristoffer1994, Kenni Nielsen, Tyler Spell, Uber Ghidorah, Desert Wight, David Zimmerle, John Lashbrook, Dylan Cools, Dpc78, YouAreAPotato, Jeff Broderick, Thunderwalker123, Nathan Briggs, James Rayner, Gregory Petryka, Hoobs2, MarchVual, ChaosKnight, Kenneth Wallace, Alex Alles, AcyFus, William Potts, SloppyBludger1510, Dan, Michael I Coyle, Pe’ Eng’, Michael Anthony, John McCormick, Kari Kivimäki, Peter Rubinstein, Sean Wrona, Itsyaboytrav, SNagy, Terrence Henderson, Woolley Mammoth, Iachlan Ecclestone, Ausie Brooks, Takeshi, Rodrigo, Nicholas Denman, Adrian, Travis Raines, Jetrois Mathurin, Jacob Case, Nicolas Cote-Roy, Robert Beine, Skryba Spike, Robert, Lance Lumpkins, Shawn Nico, Mario Matias, Darrell Jay Cook, John W, Gary Brown, Keith Miller, Walp010, Dragontation, Charlie Passingham, Connor Roeves, Lavick Vell, Andrew Chapman, Orthodox1057, Tiny Death, Crusher92, Robert Tetreault, Nichols Fields, Andrew Dion, Irish92, Zachary Appleby, and John.

If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 7 – Next Sale, Too Many Letters!

“Bloody hell, again?!” Harry groused as he stared at the stack of letters that had been dropped off at breakfast. He could hear the murmurings of his schoolmates as everyone in the Great Hall stared at the pile of letters. It had been this way since shortly after the Holidays, every morning a flock of owls would drop off a new pile of letters from Magical Scholars, Enchanters, Companies, and even just random curious Witches and Wizards. He’d tried to answer each of them the first day but when another pile had been delivered the next day, and the one after that, he’d quickly realized that he’d never be able to answer them all.

“Tough being famous, eh, Harrikins?” Tonks smiled as she helped him gather the pile into a neat stack.

“There’s just too many. I can’t possibly answer them all.” Harry sighed as he ate more of his breakfast.

“If its anything like last time the majority of them are asking the same few questions. Maybe you could answer them all at once?” Penny offered from his other side.

“Like an article in the Prophet or something?” Tonks inquired after she swallowed her mouthful of food.

“It couldn’t hurt. The Prophet takes a bit of time to get to the further parts of the International Magical Community. Then it takes the owls a while to fly all the way here. These letters only started coming in over the last few days, so I’d bet that they’re from further abroad than the first six Harry got.” Penny reasoned as Harry listened and nodded at her hypothesis.

“Could I get your help going through these? If I can find out the most commonly asked questions then I’ll know what to put in the article.” Harry asked getting nods of agreement from Tonks and Penny.

-After Classes-

“So we’ve narrowed down the three most common questions so far. The first is, ‘How did you create your unit of measurement’. The second was, ‘Can you sell the person a Scouter directly’. Finally the third question is, ‘What does the reading mean’.” Penny summarized as the three finally finished the pile of letters Harry had gotten over the last few days.

“The first two will be easy enough, just have to explain my Lumos Charm experiment and how I found the lowest amount of mana that’ll make the spell work. The second is a simple, ‘I don’t have enough time to make Scouters to sell directly’ so that’s an easy answer. The third will be a bit harder to explain, the reading doesn’t mean anything by itself. It’s just how much mana the person has. A Wizard or Witch isn’t stuck with whatever number they first get; they can increase their mana through more actively using spells. But that may not satisfy all of the people asking.” Harry stated as he leaned back in his chair.

“I think those are all the answers you need, Harrikins. They answer the questions asked sufficiently and if anyone has some kind of follow up then they can write to you.” Tonks claimed getting a smile from Harry in return.

‘Since we’re on the subject of articles anyway I thought I’d let you know that I’ve finished the advert for the Test Frames. If you’d give it a look over you’ll be set to start selling them.” Penny spoke as she handed Harry the advert she’d finished. “The only thing left to put on it is how many are currently available for sale. How many were you able to get done, Harry?”

“Three dozen, anytime I felt like I was slamming my head into a brick wall with the Rune Safe I worked on making Test Frames, or learning some more Devanagari, or learning to play the wooden flute Hagrid gave me for Christmas. I’m still pants at the flute but I know a few characters of Devanagari now.” Harry informed her getting surprised looks from both Tonks and Penny. “What? I had a lot of time on my hands without any classes or homework to get in the way. You two had already transfigured tons of Frames for me so I just had to etch the runic sequence and then apply the wooden overlay with Ollivander’s self-destruction sequence on it.”

“You’re some kind of workaholic, Harrikins.” Tonks shook her head playfully.

“It’s called ‘work ethic’ Tonks and there is nothing wrong with it.” Penny claimed with a faux snooty tone as she tilted her head so her nose was pointing into the air. Tonks and Harry chuckled at Penny’s act knowing that Penny often dealt with Percy Weasley during her Prefect duties. The oldest Weasley currently in Hogwarts was quite the stickler for the rules and seemed to abhor any kind of procrastination or laziness.

“Well I like the advert so just put that there are thirty six for sale and I’ll send it to the Owl Order Service.” Harry nodded as he handed the advert back to Penny.

“Are you still set on the price of six Galleons?” Penny asked for clarification happy that Harry liked the advert she’d made with him.

“Yeah, I think it’s a fair price based on what the Frame does. I fully expect a few businesses to have their Frame attached to their counter or a wall of their shop so that customers can pay to use it. Even at only a Knut per use they’ll probably make their money back in less than six months.” Harry reasoned as Penny nodded at his hypothesis.

“Well let’s get this article written so we can get to the fun stuff!” Tonks exclaimed with her arms in the air and a grin on her face. She was always more of an ‘action’ girl and was far more interested in practicing Wandless Magic than writing an article.

“You shouldn’t rush these things, Tonks. The better the article answers the questions the sooner Harry will stop getting bombarded by mail. Then we’ll have more time for practice.” Penny replied getting Tonks to grudgingly agree before pouting and offering her help.

-The Weekend-

Harry sighed happily even though he still had a new stack of mail to go through. The article had been sent on Tuesday and the response from the Prophet assured them it would be in the paper on Thursday morning. Seeing the article the three of them had worked on in the Prophet had given Harry hope that this excessive stream of mail would soon slow down. He was currently going through today’s batch looking for any letters that asked a question that wasn’t one of the three the article answered.

“Hey, I got a response from Madam Aveline.” Harry grinned as he opened the letter and started to read. The French Magical Scholar had written back to accept his offer of buying a Scouter directly and had even included the ten Galleons in the envelope. The woman was showing a lot of trust in Harry by sending the money along without any guarantee that he’d send the Scouter back to her. Harry smiled as he walked into his smithy and pulled open the door to his safe. Carefully placing the ten Galleons inside with the other coins that were already stacked in the safe he picked up the Scouter he’d set aside for Madam Aveline back in December. Wrapping it securely in cloth and placing it into a small wooden box he’d glued together from spare pieces of wood, Harry looked over the runes he’d etched onto the box. ‘Durability sequence? Check. Water Proof sequence? Check. That should be enough to get it to her safely.’ He thought to himself as he left his workshop and headed for the Owlery. He sent Hedwig off with the parcel and watched until he couldn’t see his owl anymore before leaving.

“Wotcher Harrikins!” Tonks announced herself as she met him outside his workshop. The bubbly Metamorphmagus had taken to practicing in his workshop on the weekends to get ready for the Auror Exams that she planned to take after she graduated Hogwarts. Apparently blasting the old stone walls was also a good stress relief from preparing for NEWT exams for the Seventh Year as well.

“Morning Tonks, had a bit of a lie in this morning?” Harry greeted as he opened the door for her.

“Not all of us like getting up early on the weekends like you Ravenclaws.” Tonks snarked since Harry and Penny often were up by no later than eight in the morning on the weekends. 

“Just don’t want to waste the day is all.” Harry shrugged before watching Tonks stumble over her own two feet before she righted herself.

“Damn it.” Tonks cursed as she sent a look at Harry. “Not a word, mister!”

“Didn’t say a thing…” Harry grinned with his hands up placating his friend. “You klutz.”

“I said not a word you prat!” Tonks huffed as she let off her Wandless Stinging Hex. Harry darted to the side to avoid the spell prompting Tonks to launch another one. “Hold still! You have this coming!”

“I spoke only the truth!” Harry called back before taking a deep breath and exhaling a cloud of smoke that quickly covered the side of the room Tonks was in. That was a new spell Harry had picked up and made Wandless over the break. ‘Fluctus Fumus’ or the ‘Billowing Smoke’ spell was used to obscure vision and hamper breathing. It was often used as an escape spell by the cornered Witch or Wizard. Harry had found it in one of his trips to the Library and decided to learn it for the utility it provided.

“Colligentes Caeli!” Tonks incanted as all the smoke quickly gathered into a small ball at the tip of her wand. “Finite.” With the Dispelling Charm used the smoke ball vanished and Tonks grinned as she trained her wand on Harry.

“I thought you wanted to work on your Wandless Magic? So why are you using your wand?” Harry teased the older witch making her stick her tongue out at him.

“You hush! You’re lucky I don’t hex you for that too!” Tonks threatened before she stowed her wand back in its holster. “Now watch what I was able to get working over the break!”

“Alright, show me what you managed.” Harry smiled as Tonks held up her hand, palm facing outwards, and a translucent barrier formed in front of the girl.

“I made Protego Wandless! I’m sure that’ll get me bonus points on both the NEWTS and in the Auror Exam!” Tonks beamed at her accomplishment getting applause from Harry.

“That’s brilliant, Tonks! I still haven’t had much luck with Protego. Or with Fulmen either, now that I think about it. But I did spend a lot of my time over break getting the Rune Safe finished. I guess I should get back into Practical Magic now.” Harry congratulated his friend.

“Well I could use a training buddy since Penny has her boring Prefect meeting today.” Tonks grinned as she pointed her right index finger at Harry. “Now dance my minion!” She cackled as she launched a Stinging Hex at her friend.

“Oi! Who do you think you’re calling a minion?!” Harry shouted back as he blasted her hex out of the air with his Flipendo spell. “This means war!” With that Harry launch a small volley of his own Stinging Hexes at Tonks. The Seventh Year only laughed harder as she summoned her Protego and let his hexes bounce off her shield.

“You’re already my nerd, might as well go all in and become my minion too!” Tonks teased as she dropped her shield and launched the second spell she’d managed to make Wandless over the break. Conjured ropes flew at Harry seeking to tie the young Wizard up. Harry swiped his hand downwards and the ropes split as if they’d been sliced with a blade.

“Cutting Charm beats Incarcerous!” Harry taunted as he launched a more powerful Flipendo at Tonks. The Metamorph moved to the side to dodge the spell only to trip and fall to the floor. “Got you!” Harry called out as he launched another Flipendo at the downed girl.

“Not today, Harrikins!” Tonks mocked as her Protego reappeared and blocked the spell. “You should give up and accept your place as my minion!”

“I don’t know the meaning of the word!” Harry laughed over dramatically as he breathed out his Billowing Smoke spell to obscure Tonks’ vision. A volley of Stinging Hexes burst from the smoke forcing Harry to run to dodge them all.

“You’ll soon learn your place minion!” Tonks cackled as she rushed out of the smoke launching Stinging Hexes at Harry.

A few hours later Penny stuck her head inside the partially opened door of the workshop. Seeing Harry tied up and sitting on Tonks’ lap while said Metamorph teasingly rubbed her cheek against his was an odd sight to be sure.

“So…what did I miss?” Penny questioned as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

“Oh nothing, me and Harry just had some spell practice.” Tonks giggled as she continued to snuggle Harry.

“Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.” Harry mumbled over and over again as Tonks ignored him. Unfortunately the younger Wizard was low on mana and unable to do anything to escape the older girl’s hold. The embarrassed blush on his face at being seen like this only made Tonks giggle more.

“Tonks be nice.” Penny sighed as she moved over to the sitting pair and dragged a pulled a chair over to herself with a Wandless Accio Charm. Harry looked towards his Prefect friend with hope of escape and Penny smiled at him in return. “Share.” The dirty-blonde Ravenclaw requested getting Harry to look at her in complete shock.

“Sure thing!” Tonks chirped as she practically passed Harry over to Penny. The Wizard soon found himself sitting in the Prefect’s lap and being snuggled by the Fifth Year girl.

“You’re adorable when you look all tired like this.” Penny cooed at Harry as she nuzzled her cheek into his hair.

“Who are you and what have you done with Penny?” Harry asked confused, he’d never seen Penny act like this before.

“What? I can’t cuddle with my Betrothed?” Penny asked in mock shock.

“Damn it, Tonks.” Harry grumbled as Tonks broke out into a fit of laughter. He should have known the playful Witch would still talk to Penny about the situation at St. Mungos. 

“Oh just enjoy the cuddles, Harrikins. You’re a lucky boy to have two pretty girls’ attention you know.” Tonks teased.

“You can just take a little nap right here, Harry. I won’t let you fall.” Penny assured as she slowly started to rock Harry back and forth.

“I’m not a baby.” Harry grumbled only to be ignored by both girls entirely. ‘One day Tonks…one day.’ He mentally swore his vengeance against the giggling Metamorph. Against his own will Harry found himself lulled to sleep by Penny’s gentle rocking, his low mana only adding to his physical exhaustion from running and dodging Tonks’ spells.

“He really is adorable when he’s asleep, isn’t he.” Tonks whispered to Penny getting a nod in return.

“Let’s let him rest for a bit, it should be close to dinner when he wakes up.” Penny smiled as she used Finite to make the ropes vanish. Tonks quickly got out her wand and conjured up a blanket and pillow for Harry.

-In France- (Can’t write French but they are speaking it.)

A knock was heard on a door that led to a tastefully decorated office. The woman behind the desk in the office looked up and checked the time. Seeing that it was the usual time the woman smiled and bid the person to enter.

“Come in.” The woman called as the door opened. The person that entered and closed the door behind them was a blonde teen of fourteen years. The teen quickly made her way in front of the desk and took a seat when the woman offered it.

“Good to see you again, Professor Aveline.” The blonde teen greeted the woman who smiled back.

“You as well, Miss Delacour, are you ready to discuss Magical Theory more in depth?” Professor Aveline inquired of her student.

“Yes Professor, I am. With the recent creation of a unit of measure for Magic I find myself brimming with questions.” Fleur responded with a beautiful smile of her own.

“Yes, young Mr. Potter has certainly made waves in the Magical Community with his Enchanting.” Professor Aveline laughed softly.

“Have you heard back from him? I hope he responded favorably to your request to purchase this, Scouter, from him. I admit I’m rather curious to know my own Magical Strength.” Fleur stated with a small sheepish grin getting an understanding nod from her Professor.

“I have and he did. I sent the Galleons along with my letter accepting his offer. I imagine I’ll have received the Scouter by next week or so. Though a most curious item has appeared in the Owl Order’s newest catalogue and I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that I was able to purchase one.” Professor Aveline smiled as she pulled out a copy of the catalogue and opened it to the correct page. Fleur looked over the page before gasping in shock.

-Owl Order Catalogue-

Are you curious about the new way to measure a Witch or Wizard’s Magical Strength? Were you unable to purchase one of the limited Scouters from this catalogue? Well, have no fear! Harry Potter has come forward with a new creation that can tell you your Magical Strength! Behold the Test Frame! Simply hold this talisman and push your Magic into it like you would a wand and your Magical Strength will be measured and a reading will be displayed! Act quickly as only thirty six are currently available!

Item – Enchanted Object – Talisman

Name – Test Frame

Function – Measures a Witch or Wizard’s Magical Strength and displays it as a numerical value.

Creator – Harry James Potter

Price – Six Galleons

Status – Sold Out

-End Catalogue-

“He made a new Item to measure Magical Strength? Why?” Fleur wondered out loud before looking up at her Professor.

“I imagine these ‘Test Frames’ are easier to make than the Scouters. So producing many of them is probably far more profitable for the young Enchanter than only putting four or five Scouters on the market every several months.” Professor Aveline hypothesized.

“I suppose that makes sense.” Fleur responded as she looked over the picture of the Test Frame in the catalogue.

“So, what aspect of Magical Theory shall we discuss today?” Professor Aveline asked as she waved her wand and some tea and snacks floated over to the desk.

“Well as I said earlier I have many questions regarding this new means to measure Magical Strength. You’ve been in contact with Mr. Potter and I was wondering what you’ve learned about his measurement system. What is it based on? How did he come to his conclusion on what defined the base unit by which to measure? Do his Items take into account all Magical Beings or just Wizards and Witches? Is a spell defined not only by its purpose but also by the amount of Magic that is used to cast it?” Fleur asked as Professor Aveline sipped her tea.

“You do have many questions, Miss Delacour; thankfully I have solid answer for the first two at the least.” Professor Aveline smiled as she set down her tea.

“Please Professor; tell me what you’ve learned.” Fleur asked her blue eyes brimming with excitement.

“Of course, I learned this from my letters to Mr. Potter so this knowledge comes directly from the source.” Professor Aveline grinned at the eager look on her student’s face. She then proceeded to explain what Harry had told her of his tests and his discovery of the lowest amount of Magic that could successfully cast a spell. How using this minimum Lumos Charm had led to the structuring of the entire measurement system and the creation of the two Items that Harry had made.

“To think he came up with this when he is only eleven.” Fleur breathed out in shock. 

“Yes, the boy is clearly a prodigy in the field of Enchanting to say the least. I dare say from our letters he seems to have quite a number of theories about Magical Theory as well. I hope to continue conversing with him about Magic in the future.” Professor Aveline nodded as she took a snack and delicately ate it.

“What of my other two questions, Professor?” Fleur inquired as she finished a sip of her own tea.

“I’m unsure how his Items react to other Magical Beings but I’ll be sure to test both of them when they arrive. In regards to spells however, I believe the purpose of a spell is defined by the caster’s intent. The more Magic you put into a spell may make it last longer or increase its effect to a degree though. But, as an example, you’ll never turn a Cutting Charm into a Severing Curse just by using more Magic. The fundamental nature of the spell is different between the two. Even though they have the same basic function and the Severing Curse requires more Magic to cast, casting the Cutting Charm with excess Magic won’t result in the same effects.” Professor Aveline explained while Fleur listened intently.

“But surely there are spells that can be considerably enhanced with more Magic used to cast them?” Fleur questioned her eyes filled with curiosity.

“Let’s use another example then. The basic Aguamenti Charm when cast with very little Magic gives you a stream of water not unlike what you’d get from a faucet. Put in more Magic and the amount and force of the water increases. The spell can range in power from the faucet all the way up to something akin to a massive torrent. Conversely the Incendio Charm only makes a gout of flame that can light a hearth or start a campfire. Both of these uses are what was intended when the spell was made. Adding more Magic makes the flame last a bit longer but that’s the extent of it. The Incendio Charm will never become strong enough to rival any Fire-based Curse, and it’ll most assuredly not become something like the Battle Magic known as the Firestorm Spell. While the Incendio Charm and the Aguamenti Charm are often considered to be a pair, or mirrors of each other, in truth the purpose and function of both spells was determined during their creation. So while one can get incredibly more powerful the more Magic is used to cast it the other is locked into a lower power requirement simply by virtue of its design.” Professor Aveline explained as Fleur thought over what she heard.

“I see, so a spell’s creation truly defines what it is. But the way in which it is used is also a factor, correct?” Fleur asked as she mulled over the nature of Spellcraft.

“Very much so, Miss Delacour.” Professor Aveline nodded as she sipped her tea to soothe her throat.

“Do you think Mr. Potter would mind me writing to him as well? I think it would be enlightening to hear about theories from another student that has obviously thought long and deeply on the nature of Magic.” Fleur asked before taking a snack for herself.

“I’ll introduce the idea to him in my next letter. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind another person to have conversations with. I’ve even been helping him learn a bit of French in our missives; usually a word or two at a time, or a common phrase to help him should he visit France in the future. He seems to be taking well to our language.” Professor Aveline smiled getting one in return from her student.

“Thank you Professor, I look forward to making a friend who is just as interested in Magic as I am. Starting as Pen Pals seems like a good way to get to know one another.” Fleur grinned as she adjusted her sitting position and started to talk more in depth with her Professor.

-End Chapter-


So there it is! The test Frames are being sold, Harry and Tonks have a playful spell fight, and Penny actually teases Harry herself! What has become of our Prefect?! Hopefully the article in the Prophet will stem the tide of letters that plague Harry so he can get back to his Wandless practice and his Enchanting! What will happen next? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!



And Fleur Delacour, our very beautiful and intelligent Veela from France is finally introduced. I liked how both Tonks and Penelope teases poor Harry :3


Penny will ease her way into being more playful with Harry. But no one holds a candle to Tonks in the teasing department! Though Fleur will most assuredly try when the time comes!

Thomas E Nellis

That was spectacular. Keep it up!


Thanks, glad you liked it! I'm keeping it up! I promise! If you can just give me another two or three hours! I swear!