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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Aura Heart Journey! Time for some more Training for Ash and Misty before the Gym battle! Not to mention another mine digging Job to look for more things to sell and potentially another Evolution Stone. Also a new Pokémon!

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’re not a Patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Frimorigo, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, Rinnosuke, Kaymann, Jacob Ward, Evgeniy Kazanin, Daniel Williams, Victor Garrett, Brody Meech, Benjamin, Paul Nichols, Alastor God of Vengeance, Mauday, Thomas B. Wilkes, Vito Saraceno, Ct126371, Benjamin Shklyar, AC DC 1C 2C, Joseph, Callum Nowlan, Brad Goldin, Cody Lyle, Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller, Joseph Morrison, Tristan McKenzie O'Meara, Robyn Tammy Grogan, Demonhunter44, Optimum Prime, Assassin22, Fabian J. Wilkinson, MrKristoffer1994, Kenni Nielsen, Tyler Spell, Uber Ghidorah, Desert Wight, David Zimmerle, John Lashbrook, Dylan Cools, Dpc78, YouAreAPotato, Jeff Broderick, Thunderwalker123, Nathan Briggs, James Rayner, Gregory Petryka, Hoobs2, MarchVual, ChaosKnight, Kenneth Wallace, Alex Alles, AcyFus, William Potts, SloppyBludger1510, Dan, Michael I Coyle, Pe’ Eng’, Michael Anthony, John McCormick, Kari Kivimäki, Peter Rubinstein, Sean Wrona, Itsyaboytrav, SNagy, Terrence Henderson, Woolley Mammoth, Iachlan Ecclestone, Ausie Brooks, Takeshi, Rodrigo, Nicholas Denman, Adrian, Travis Raines, Jetrois Mathurin, Jacob Case, Nicolas Cote-Roy, Robert Beine, Skryba Spike, Robert, Lance Lumpkins, Shawn Nico, Mario Matias, Darrell Jay Cook, John W, Lewis Martin, Gary Brown, Keith Miller, Walp010, Dragontation, CM, Charlie Passingham, Wanderlust2121, Connor Roeves, Lavick Vell, Andrew Chapman, Orthodox1057, and Tiny Death.

If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 11 – Copper Town Training, Jobs and Pokémon 

Ash and Misty woke in each other’s embrace again with content smiles. Sharing a single room together lowered their expenses and let them get more comfortable with their new relationship. With a soft sigh and a quick kiss the two separated and took care of their morning routines. After breakfast and retrieving their Pokémon from Nurse Joy the couple set out to the nearby mines to try their luck. The Job had been posted in the Center just like it was in Pewter City. Copper Town had pit mines that were open to travelling Trainers and tunnel mines that were only for the Town’s professional miners that mined copper; hence why the town was named Copper Town in the first place. A leisurely walk took the couple through the mining town and they arrived at the mines shortly afterwards. After showing their IDs and checking in with the office the two were given digging equipment and a bag to carry whatever they found.

“Hey Misty, do you know what the most common items found here are?” Ash questioned as the couple looked for a free spot to start digging.

“If I remember right it’s mostly Shards, Stardust, and occasionally a Star Piece is found. If you get really lucky I’ve heard of people finding enough of the minerals needed to make the Metal Coat item that let’s certain Pokémon evolve. Other than that some Evolution Stones and a few other random items are found from time to time.” Misty replied remembering reading about the mines when she passed through Copper Town just over a month ago.

“Well let’s get digging!” Ash exclaimed with a cheer which Misty mimicked with a grin. The two were able to find a spot and let Pikachu and Riolu help out with digging again. For the first half an hour they found nothing of value, mostly rocks, sand and dirt. Pikachu and Riolu were the first to find something as the two Pokémon climbed out of the, rather impressive, hole they’d dug and brought over two small red gems.

“What did you guys find?” Ash questioned as Pikachu and Riolu both placed a red gem in Ash’s hand. Looking down Ash grinned seeing two Star Pieces. These red gems were worth a pretty PokeYen most of them selling for just under the price of a Gold Nugget. “Great work guys. These are an awesome find. Can you keep digging or do you want to take a quick break?” Ash asked his Pokémon getting happy cries from Pikachu and Riolu as they quickly ran back to their hole and resumed digging. “Guess that answers my question.” He chuckled as he went back to digging.

“Hey, I found something.” Misty called out from her position several feet away. Ash turned to look at her seeing her dusting something off before gasping in shock. “No way!” The orangette breathed out as she pulled up a mostly flat stone that had a noticeable rounded shape. “A Helix Fossil.” Misty stated as she traced the distinct spiral pattern.

“That’s amazing Misty!” Ash congratulated his girlfriend after looking the fossil over. “You can get Fossils cloned at Cinnabar Island, from what I’ve heard it costs a bit but you get a prehistoric Pokémon out of it so it’s a good deal.” While the Cinnabar Island Research Facility called what they did ‘Reviving’ or ‘Resurrecting’ the Pokémon, in truth they were actually extracting DNA from the Fossil to clone the Pokémon. There was about a seventy percent chance of a Fossil having useable DNA with which to clone the prehistoric Pokémon. Even millions of years after their death some Pokémon’s durable bodies held this tiniest of fragments of life in them. It was truly a testament to the resilience of Pokémon that such a process of cloning extinct species was even possible.

“I never thought I’d find one. Imagine having a prehistoric Water Type!” Misty beamed as she carefully placed the Fossil into the bag the office attendant had provided them.

“That would be impressive.” Ash nodded knowing only a handful of Trainers had what were dubbed ‘Fossil Pokémon’. The couple got back to digging a minute later. Over two hours of finding nothing else even after changing spots and the two were sitting in the shade with Riolu and Pikachu.

“I’m still happy with my Helix Fossil but I was sure we’d have found something else by now.” Misty commented as she took a drink from her canteen.

“Yeah, I say we try again for another hour or so and then call it quits.” Ash replied getting a nod from Misty. A few more minutes of resting and the couple got back to digging with the two Pokémon following.

“Hey, what’s this?” Ash wondered almost twenty minutes later as his shovel struck something besides dirt and rocks. Reaching down Ash brushed the dirt away from what he’d struck only to stare at the deep black stone that sat in the dirt. “Is that a Dusk Stone? These are pretty hard to come by in Kanto.”

“That’s a good find, Ash.” Misty spoke up from beside him causing him to start. He hadn’t noticed her moving over to him and she grinned at surprising him.

“Yeah, it’ll probably sell for a bit more than normal.” Ash nodded as he picked up the Dusk Stone and placed it into the bag along with the two Star Pieces and Misty’s Helix Fossil.

“I saw a flyer for a street market tomorrow when we were walking over here. They apparently hold a swap meet during it as well. You can probably trade that Dusk Stone for something nice if you wanted to.” Misty commented getting Ash to perk up.

“That’s cool; I haven’t been to a swap meet before.” Ash grinned as he thought about the event. It was possible he could make a good trade for the Dusk Stone seeing that they were rather rare in Kanto. The couple resumed digging for a while, Pikachu and Riolu hadn’t found anything else yet and were taking a break in the shade leaving a large hole behind. The group of two humans and two Pokémon were getting ready to call it a day when Misty struck something else. Bending down to brush the dirt and small rocks away she came face to face with a large fossilized tooth.

“What’s this? Some kind of fossil?” Misty wondered as Ash noticed her holding something and made his way over.

“That’s a Dragon Fang.” Ash informed as he looked at it. “They have special significance to Dragon Type Specialists.” He explained as Misty handed it to him to look over. “You could sell it, but you wouldn’t get much from the Pokemart for it. Maybe take it to the swap meet? If there happens to be a Dragon Specialist there they’ll probably trade you something nice for it. We’re not all that far from Blackthorn City by flight right now. So it might be possible to find a Dragon Trainer here.”

“I’ll take it to the swap meet tomorrow then. Might get lucky.” Misty smiled as she placed the Dragon Fang into the bag and picked it up. “Let’s head out, I’m sweaty and want to take a shower.”

“Right behind you.” Ash chuckled as he picked up the shovels they’d been using. Riolu was returned to his ball while Pikachu climbed up to perch on Ash’s shoulder.

“I’ll bet you’re right behind me.” Misty laughed as she walked in front of Ash and put a bit of sway in her hips. Hearing the whispered ‘Nice.’ from Ash made Misty grin before she placed the mining bag straps over her right shoulder and let the bag hang down which covered her rear from Ash’s gaze.

“Aww…” Ash pouted over dramatically drawing giggles from Misty.

“Down boy, you’ll get to cuddle tonight anyway.” Misty winked at him getting Ash to grin back at his girlfriend. The two were slowly becoming more and more comfortable with each other and their new relationship. This open flirting between them made talking and sharing their feelings with each other easier as they opened up to each other.

“Find anything?” The attendant asked as the couple entered the office area with their mining bag.

“Yes sir.” Misty nodded as she gently set down the bag and stepped back for the man to inspect their finds.

“The two Star Pieces will have to be sold to us, but the other items are yours to keep.” The attendant informed the couple getting Ash to step forward.

“That’s fine, I understand the rules.” Ash nodded as the man picked up the two Star Pieces and took them over to a scale. After weighing the gems the man picked up a loupe and inspected the two gems closely.

“You’ve got some nice finds here. The clarity is good, a minor imperfection here and there but still nice. We’ll pay you ninety six hundred for the two.” The man informed getting a quick agreement from Ash. Within the next few minutes Ash had ninety six hundred PokeYen and he and Misty were walking back through town to get to the Pokémon Center.

“Someone stop that thief or so help me I’m making bear stew when I catch it!” A loud yell rang out through the street. Ash and Misty both looked towards the source to see a large man in a green apron chasing a Teddiursa that had several vegetables in its arms as it ran. Seeing the Pokémon heading in their direction Ash stepped forward and called Pikachu into action.

“Pikachu stop it with Thunder Wave.” Ash instructed while pointing at the running Teddiursa.

“Pika!” Pikachu called out as it sent a bolt of electricity at the Normal Type. Pikachu’s aim was true and the bear Pokémon fell to the ground as it was paralyzed by the attack.

“Electro Ball followed by Quick Attack!” Ash called out and Pikachu complied. A ball of electricity formed on the Mouse Pokémon’s tail and was swiftly launched at the downed Pokémon. The Teddiursa cried out as it was hit with the Electric Attack before it was cut off as Pikachu dashed across the distance between them and slammed the Normal Type with a Quick Attack. Seeing the bear Pokémon down Ash quickly enlarged a Pokeball and tossed it. The ball tapped Teddiursa and sucked the Pokémon inside. A few shakes later and the Pokeball sounded out a successful capture. Ash quickly collected his new Pokémon while the man in the apron walked forward.

“Thank you, Trainer, that little thief has been stealing from my store for the better part of three weeks now. It’s probably young and just recently put out on its own by the mother Ursaring, but I can’t have it stealing my produce to fill its stomach.” The man informed as he set about collecting the previously stolen vegetables.

“I understand, now that Teddiursa is my Pokémon you won’t have to worry about that anymore.” Ash promised before he thought of something. “Sir, if you don’t mind I’ll buy those vegetables from you.” The man looked up perplexed before he smiled at the Trainer.

“Very well then, that’ll be one thousand two hundred fifty PokeYen. I have a bag in my apron pocket for you.” The man said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded plastic bag. A quick shake and the bag was opened and quickly filled with the vegetables. Ash handed over the money and collected the bag of produce before bidding the man a good day.

“Have I ever told you how much I love your kindness?” Misty asked as she kissed his cheek making Ash grin.

“You have now.” Ash stated cheekily getting Misty to roll her eyes before restarting their walk towards the Pokémon Center. Ash followed after his girlfriend and was surprised when Misty put the sway back into her hips. “Nice.” He whispered as he watched his girlfriend show off a bit.

“Don’t you forget it, mister.” Misty grinned as she and Ash walked to the Pokémon Center with her keeping the gentle sway going for her boyfriend’s enjoyment. A short while later the two were in their room and Misty was showering to remove the sweat of digging in the mines. Nurse Joy had healed Teddiursa quickly while still in the Pokeball and Ash had decided to rotate a Team Member for the first time. Having six Pokémon was the limit for any Trainer under Expert Level. If you caught another Pokémon the button on the Pokeball would maintain a red glow. This glow showed that the ball was locked and the Pokémon couldn’t be released. Holding the glowing button down for five seconds would transport the ball to Professor Oak’s Lab, in the case of Ash’s Pokémon, so he’d made sure not to accidentally send Teddiursa away. Having discussed it with his current Team it was decided Butterfree would be the first to get a small vacation from training. A quick mention that a lot of the trees at Professor Oak’s Ranch were in bloom was all the incentive the Bug/Flying Type had needed to want to go.

“Now let’s get to know each other.” Ash smiled as he released his newest Pokémon from his Pokeball.

“Ursa?” Teddiursa called out curiously as it looked around the new place it was in. Seeing the human with the Pikachu that had defeated it the young Bear Pokémon looked him over while sniffing at him lightly.

“Hey, Teddiursa, my name’s Ash. I’m a Pokémon Trainer and me and my Pikachu caught you earlier. I was wondering if you wanted to become my Pokémon and join the family?” Ash asked while slowly raising his hand and letting his Aura flow. Teddiursa quirked its head at the human’s hand before sniffing and licking at it gently. Ash held back a chuckle at the tickling sensation of the curious cub as it examined his Aura in its own way.

“Teddi!” Teddiursa declared with a cheer as it plopped itself down in Ash’s lap happily. With a laugh Ash started to gently pet the cub’s head as he welcomed Teddiursa into his family of Pokémon.

“Great to have you with us, Teddiursa, I got these for you earlier.” Ash welcomed as he reached back behind himself and pulled the bag of vegetables forward. “You wanted to eat these, right?”

“Ursa!” Teddiursa cheered as it pulled out the first vegetable and bit into it. Unbeknownst to the newly acquainted friends Misty had finished her shower and was now standing in the bathroom doorway in a fresh change of clothes. Watching Ash and Teddiursa bond brought a smile to the orangette’s lips. She couldn’t help but imagine how good of a father Ash would be in the future. With kids of his own, kids with dark orange hair, just a bit darker than their mother’s.

‘Ahh! Stop it, stop it! Don’t think about ‘that’ of all things! Mrs. Ketchum even said not to make her a grandmother for a few years! Besides we haven’t even gone past second base. Neither of us is ready for ‘that’ yet!’ Misty shouted in her head as she felt her face burn with a blush. Still, it was nice to dream about such a nice future.

“I see you two have become friends.” Misty spoke up after getting her blush under control. Ash and Teddiursa turned towards her and Misty couldn’t help but giggle as Teddiursa had part of a cucumber sticking out of its mouth while it looked her over.

“Yep, we’re buddies now, right Teddiursa?” Ash asked getting a nod while the cub chewed the cucumber and swallowed. “This is my girlfriend, Misty, she’ll be travelling with us buddy.” He introduced as Misty approached and gently sat beside Ash.

“Sa!” Teddiursa smiled, at least as much as its species was able to smile, while Misty gently petted the Bear Pokémon’s head. Teddiursa happily nuzzled into his Trainer’s mate’s hand and enjoyed the behind the ears scratches.

“You’re adorable.” Misty cooed at the cub while petting it. “But with some good training from Ash you’ll soon be a big, powerhouse of an Ursaring won’t you?” She playfully encouraged the little bear Pokémon.

“Teddiursa!” Teddiursa cheered with a nod and sparkles in his eyes.

“Seems like someone wants to grow big and evolve.” Ash commented getting a nod from his newest Pokémon. Misty giggled as Teddiursa practically shook with excitement while she continued to pet it.

“Ash will get you there, Teddiursa, don’t you worry about that.” Misty soothed the excited Pokémon and pulled the cute cub into her lap so she could snuggle with it. Ash grinned at seeing how much Misty enjoyed having Teddiursa around and quickly pulled out his Pokedex to scan his newest Pokémon.

“Teddiursa, the Little Bear Pokémon, when it finds honey, the crescent mark on its head glows. It always licks its paws because they're soaked with honey. Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations. This Teddiursa is male and knows the moves; Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, and Feint Attack.” The Pokedex informed as Ash scanned the cub. A button press switched over to Ability Identifier Mode and scanned the cub again. “This Teddiursa’s Ability is Pick Up. This Ability allows a Pokémon to find items that are hidden or buried while outside.”

“You’ve got some sticky little paws don’t you buddy?” Ash chuckled as he watched his new Pokémon be snuggled by his girlfriend. “But you don’t have to steal anymore. If you’re hungry just let me know and I’ll get you some food. I’ll never let my Pokémon go hungry.” He promised getting a cheer from Teddiursa.

“Well it is about lunch time. You want to hit the cafeteria and get the Pokémon fed too?” Misty asked as she let Teddiursa out of her arms the small cub staring up at Ash expectantly.

“Yeah, we should eat then we can head over to the Training Facility and start getting Teddiursa used to how we train.” Ash nodded while Teddiursa let out a happy cry. A filling lunch later and Ash and Misty were walking towards the Training Facility to work with their Pokémon on strengthening their bodies and growing stronger.

“How can I help you today?” The man behind the desk asked. He was probably in his late twenties and was dressed in khaki shorts and a t-shirt with the logo of the Training Facility franchise emblazoned across it.

“Two for the rest of the day.” Misty stated while gesturing to Ash.

“Alright then, that’ll be five hundred PokeYen each.” The man informed getting a nod from the two in response. “Would either of you like an Assistant Trainer today?” The man asked looking between Misty and Ash.

“No, thank you.” Ash replied as he pulled out his wallet.

“I’m good.” Misty shook her head as she took out her pocketbook.

The man nodded as Ash and Misty handed over the money and each got their wristband.

“Alright Ash, where do you want to start out?” Misty asked him as she looked over the various areas of the Facility.

“Strength and endurance, then some cardio, work the bag or maybe practice some moves after that. Then finish with a cool down.” Ash smiled getting one in return from Misty.

“Well thought out, Ash, you learned pretty well from that Assistant in Pewter, huh?” Misty replied as they walked over to the weight room. Ash chuckled at his friend’s excitement as they entered the room and released their Pokémon that could train on land.

“I just tried to remember what Brad taught me is all.” Ash grinned as they started attaching the appropriate weights to their Pokémon. As the group started working out with weighted cardio, using the treadmills in the room to keep a good pace for each Pokémon, Ash kept a close eye on Teddiursa to make sure his newest Pokémon wasn’t going to hurt himself. The cub was eager to start training and had the desire to get strong and evolve into an Ursaring. Ash would get his new friend there but in a safe and healthy way. No reason to rush after all, with proper training Teddiursa would evolve soon enough.

“Well, that should be enough cardio. Let’s take a quick breather and work with the free weights next.” Misty suggested after a solid thirty minutes on the treadmills.

“Sure thing.” Ash replied as he and the Pokémon slowed to a walk before getting off the treadmills. After unstrapping all the weights from their Pokémon and returning them to their proper places the group moved over to the free weight area.

Ash’s Pokémon and Misty’s had all worked out in Training Facilities plenty of times now and knew what to do. So Ash only had to help Teddiursa get used to the training and explain how it worked. Teddiursa had tried to lift a weight that was almost as heavy as it was until Ash corrected the cub. Giving Teddiursa a more appropriate weight Ash had the Normal Type follow along with Pikachu. The Electric Type was all too happy to help his new teammate out and soon the Bear Pokémon was lifting his own weight properly.

“Alright, who is ready for some move practice?!” Ash questioned after the group put their weights back where they belonged. Getting a cheer from the Pokémon, the group made their way over to the targets and set about practicing various moves. Misty quickly set up a Water Gun accuracy match between the Water Types while Ash instructed Pikachu to keep up his practice with Iron Tail. The Electric Type had been working to strengthen his tail as much as possible in the last weeks and had even gotten a bit of a glow from it the last time he’d practiced.

Pidgeotto was launching various attacks against a multitude of hanging targets. This allowed her to work on both accuracy and her maneuverability at the same time. Both Skiddo were practicing accuracy with their Razor Leaf attacks trying to control the spread of their leaves. Riolu was using Force Palm against a reinforced target and trying to speed up his formation of the move. Once he’d gotten it fast enough the Fighting Type would start working on another move. Ash was having Teddiursa practice his various attacks to see how well his new Pokémon could use the moves he had. Fury Swipes was good and Lick was as good as a non-Ghost Type would be able to get it. Covet was trickier to train but Ash decided to simply hold a small medicine ball and let Teddiursa try and take it from him. Feint Attack was obviously Teddiursa’s newest move as the Bear Pokémon was having trouble finishing the move without stumbling. Ash spent the rest of the time helping Teddiursa with his moves before the group all headed to the pool to cool down.

“I’ll never get tired of this sight.” Ash smiled to himself as he played with his Pokémon in the shallows of the large pool. The sight in question was of Misty in her navy blue bikini. The orangette was working with her Goldeen in the pool and helping the Fish Pokémon with switching between moves quickly. Misty wasn’t oblivious to her boyfriend’s gaze. She would occasionally thrust her breasts out a bit when he was looking just to watch his face turn red. Though she couldn’t deny that seeing her boyfriend shirtless and dripping wet was a very enjoyable view for her. Ending the day at the Training Facility was filled with a sense of accomplishment from all parties; as well as the rumble of many stomachs.

“I’d say it’s dinner time.” Misty giggled as the Pokémon cried out happily.

“I second that!” Ash claimed happily as the couple headed towards the Pokémon Center after recalling their Pokémon into their Pokeballs. Getting their large group set up for the evening took a few minutes but soon enough the Pokémon were fed and in Nurse Joy’s care for the night while Ash and Misty retreated to their room for the evening.

“Good training today, if we keep this up you’ll earn the Metal Badge no problem.” Misty assured Ash as they put on their sleepwear for the night.

“I hope so. You’ll need a training partner close to your level to give you the practice your team needs to win the Water City Competition in Cerulean.” Ash replied as he put on his baggy t-shirt. “Have you thought about what Water Type Pokémon you’ll ask for from the Breeders Association?”

“There’s plenty to choose from.” Misty hummed in thought as she pulled the covers back and climbed into the bed. “I might ask for a Horsea. I do want to raise one into a Kingdra and this is a sure fire way to get one.”

“Kingdra are powerful Pokémon too, I’d love to watch you raise a cute little Horsea all the way into a Kingdra.” Ash stated as he climbed into the bed next to Misty. The two were quickly pressed up against each other and snuggling as they pulled the blanket up and over themselves. A few small kisses were shared between the couple as they cuddled.

“We have to get up and get to the swap meet tomorrow. We should probably withdraw a bit from our accounts just in case. The flyer did say it was Buy-Sell-Trade at the swap meet.” Misty yawned as she laid her head on Ash’s chest feeling her boyfriend’s arms tighten around her.

“Good idea, I’d hate to miss out on something that could be really useful.” Ash mumbled as he nuzzled into Misty’s soft orange hair. He’d truly fallen in love with her scent, so clean and pure, like a fresh spring rain mixed with a hint of something he couldn’t identify. “Hopefully we’ll find some good trades for our items.”

“Here’s hoping.” Misty mumbled sleepily as she snuggled into Ash’s warmth. He smiled happily as he pulled her closer and slowly dozed off himself. Tomorrow was another day and hopefully another good one.

-End Chapter-


Ash and Misty have found some nifty items! There’s a swap meet tomorrow! Ash caught a Teddiursa! Mostly because I wanted him to have a Normal Type! The couple has also gotten in another good day of Training for their future battles. But will it be enough? Keep reading to find out!

Ash’s Current Pokémon

Pikachu – Static – Tail Whip, Thundershock, Growl, Quick Attack, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle

Riolu – Inner Focus – Foresight, Quick Attack, Blaze Kick, Bulk Up, Copycat, Force Palm

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap

Butterfree – Compound Eyes – Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Harden, Gust, Confusion

Pidgeotto – Keen Eye – Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down

Teddiursa – Pick Up – Covet, Lick, Fury Swipes, Feint Attack

Misty’s Current Pokémon

Staryu – Natural Cure – Harden, Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage

Starmie – Natural Cure - Rapid Spin, Water Gun, Recover, Psywave, Swift, Bubblebeam, Camouflage, Protect

Goldeen – Lightning Rod – Peck, Tail Whip, Watersport, Supersonic, Horn Attack, Flail, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring

Poliwag – Water Absorb – Watersport, Water Gun, Hypnosis, Bubble, Double Slap, Icy Wind

Skiddo – Sap Sipper – Growth, Vine Whip, Tail Whip, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Take Down

*!*Important Read Below*!*

I'm still accepting Original Characters from my patrons for this story! Most would be one off trainers that Ash or Misty battle along their journey. But others could be Trainers that impart life lessons onto Ash, Misty, or his other travelling companions! Wouldn’t you like your Original Character to teach Ash an important life lesson? Or just teach Ash how to loosen up and enjoy a party? So be sure to submit some characters! If you make them detailed enough I might be able to do a small mini arc with your character and Ash’s group! 

Some Original Characters could end up filling in some of the new Gym Leader spots that will be in the various Regions! I’ll even help out with Badge design/name! You’d get to have your own Gym Leader with their own unique Badge!

I've posted a Character Template to fill out so that I have an easier time integrating the OC into this Alternate Universe of the Pokémon World. Gym Leaders for Kanto only have seven Types left to choose from. Ash will probably only challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type and Flying Type being three of them. Steel Type and Ghost Type already have OCs planned out but Flying Type does not!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was excellent. I loved the dream, the training, and overall all the interceptions between Misty and Ash.


Glad you liked it, Thomas! I'm trying to make the interactions between Ash and Misty feel natural as they naturally develop their relationship. I'll have a little fun with the swap meet scene in the next chapter, then probably skip ahead to the Gym Battle. How will Ash fair against the Steel Type? Keep reading!

Tristan McKenzie O'Meara

Dusk Stones? In Kanto? ......I support this decision and any more you have in the future.


Evolution Stones are spread over the entirety of the world. Some might be harder to find in one Region while in another they're more plentiful. While Leaf, Fire, Water, and Moon Stones are the most common in Kanto, others like Shiny, Dusk, and Dawn Stones can be found as well. They're just a lot rarer to come by.