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Here's the first update of the month! And it's a Harry Potter update! Rejoice my Harry Potter fans and soother your craving for HP Fanfics!


Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope! A quick trial but with widespread consequences! A storm will shake Wizarding Britain! 

As always Patrons get all chapters early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 14 – Trial and Consequences

Muted muttering could be heard from the stands of Court Room Ten in the depths of the Ministry of Magic. The full Wizengamot was present, along with the Minister and none of them even knew who this emergency trial was called for. Amelia Bones had stated the suspect in question would be revealed upon the commencement of their trial. The former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Bartemius Crouch Sr. was also present and many suspected that this trial was for someone that had slipped through Crouch’s fingers back when he ran the Department.

“A good morning to everyone.” Dumbledore greeted as he entered the courtroom and made his way to his seat as the Chief Warlock. A few members greeted him in return before returning to their speculations. When the clock struck eight in the morning the various members took their seats and waited for the suspect to be led in by the Aurors. The doors of the courtroom opened and a squad of no less than eight Aurors walked through the door led by Amelia Bones herself. The short, balding man was a mystery to every member but a few thought he looked vaguely familiar. Once the suspect was retrained in the suspect’s chair by the magical chains the Aurors moved to cover both exits to prevent escape. Amelia moved to her seat as Head of the DMLE and the one that would preside over this trial.

“I’d like to thank all of you for coming to this emergency trial this morning. It has come to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement’s attention that a grave miscarriage of Justice has occurred.” Amelia began starting a wave of hushed mutters before the Wizengamot quieted down again. “This man has already been questioned under Veritaserum but the law states that he MUST receive a trial. Therefore this emergency trial has been called for Peter Pettigrew.” The room almost exploded in noise as the various Wizengamot members roared out questions or flung accusations about. A sharp whistling from Dumbledore’s raised wand slowly brought order back to the courtroom.

“What are the charges, Amelia?” Dumbledore questioned in his role as Chief Warlock.

“The charges against Peter Pettigrew are thus; that he knowingly and deliberately joined the Dark Lord Voldemort in said wizard’s attempt to overthrow the Ministry of Magic. That he deliberately and of his own volition betrayed the location of James Potter, his wife Lily Potter, and their infant son Harry Potter to the Dark Lord. That he killed twelve Muggles with a Blasting Curse in November of Nineteen Eighty One. That he intentionally framed Sirius Black for the previous three crimes. That he falsified his death and lived illegally in the home of a Wizarding Family. And that he is also an Unregistered Animagus.” Amelia read off from her list of charges getting more mutters from the Wizengamot members. Barty Crouch looked to have gone pale from the quick glance Amelia took while the Wizengamot got themselves back under control.

“How does the defendant plead?” Dumbledore asked before anyone else could speak up. There was no point letting this trial get sidelined by the Minister or one of the ‘Dark’ seats on the Wizengamot.

“Not guilty.” Peter spoke up as his eyes darted about the room.

“The defendant has pleaded not guilty.” Dumbledore spoke as the Chief Warlock. “Madam Bones do you any evidence to present?”

“I do, Chief Warlock, what is before you all is the transcript of Peter Pettigrew’s interrogation. It was done while the defendant was under the effects of Veritaserum.” Amelia stated as she waved her wand and a copy of the transcript appeared before each member. Some shuffling of paper occurred as the members went through the document before more muttering began. Fudge was already dabbing his forehead with his hanker chief as he read the transcript; his eyes were wide and his gaze often moved towards Crouch.

“After seeing the evidence the court asks Mr. Pettigrew to give his reasons for committing said crimes.” Dumbledore intoned neutrally.

“I had to!” Peter shouted frantically. “You all know how powerful the Dark Lord was! I had no choice! He would have killed us all!” A quick Silencing Spell from the Auror stationed directly behind Peter cut off the man’s rant. Many in the Wizengamot were mumbling amongst themselves as Peter closed his mouth and sat back in the chair.

“If it pleases the court we can use Veritaserum again and ask Mr. Pettigrew about his involvement with the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters.” Amelia offered getting a nod from both Dumbledore and Fudge; the Minister looked as though he wanted this whole trial to just be over. With a motion of her head one of the Aurors stepped forward and, after a quick check from Dumbledore verifying the contents of the vial produced were indeed Veritaserum, administered three drops to Peter. This was after immobilizing the man with a spell and only releasing him after his eyes had gone dull from the effects of the Truth Potion. Amelia took a small drink from the glass at her seat before she stood and walked down to stand in front of Pettigrew.

“State your name for the record, please.” Amelia requested just as she had done in the interrogation room. She’d go through every question again just to solidify her transcript as legitimate evidence.

“Peter Pettigrew.” Peter answered without resistance.

“Mr. Pettigrew, I’m going to ask you a series of questions, you will answer them truthfully. Do you understand?” Amelia questioned the bound man.

“Yes.” Peter responded dully.

“Very well, the first question. Why have you been pretending to be dead for the last twelve years?" Amelia started the questioning again, this time with the full Wizengamot as witnesses.

After the re-questioning, and getting the same responses as she did during the interrogation; Amelia yielded the floor to Dumbledore as Chief Warlock. The Wizengamot was abuzz with angry murmurs and many had already made up their minds about Peter’s fate. The man himself was still under the effects of Veritaserum when Dumbledore began his own questioning as was his right as Chief Warlock. He was acutely aware of the pandemonium his first question would bring about but it needed to be done.

“Mr. Pettigrew, I have only one question before we give you the antidote.” Dumbledore started while Peter only nodded slowly. “You were marked by the Dark Lord Voldemort as one of his followers, a Death Eater, how does this Marking take place and can a person be Marked unwillingly?” The Wizengamot explode into furious roars of accusation before Peter could even say a word.

-At Hogwarts-

Harry paced maddeningly as he stewed in the Common Room. No one was telling anyone anything and Harry was sick of not knowing what was going on. Most everyone was avoiding the Leonthrope Wizard as he stalked around the room with a look of annoyance on his face. Both Hermione and Ron had tried to calm him down when they’d gotten up for breakfast but Harry wouldn’t calm down until he knew at least something about what was happening.

“Harrikins!” Fred and George called as they came down the stairs from the Boy’s Dormitories.

“What is it?” Harry questioned, a bit more harshly than he intended to be honest.

“Easy there…” The one he thought was Fred started.

“We just noticed…” George continued.

“That you’ve been in…” Fred picked up.

“A sour mood…” George rolled along.

“All morning.” Fred finished.

“I’m just tired of not knowing anything.” Harry grumbled. “I gave the Aurors the map to track down the suspicious person on it and I haven’t heard anything since!”

“We understand…” Fred stated.

“Which is why we’re here.” George grinned as he and Fred held up a small piece of candy in each of their palms.

“What’re those?” Harry asked as he eyed the candies.

“Relaxation Chews!” George announced while Fred smiled. 

“They’re our new product. Just chew one and swallow and you’ll be able to relax for an hour!” Fred explained while placing the chew into Harry’s hand.

“No matter how stressed you are or what’s on your mind our Relaxation Chews will make you able to relax with no side effects!” George continued the sales pitch making Harry sigh.

“How much do you want for it?” Harry drawled as Fred and George shook their heads.

“This one’s on us Harry.” Fred nodded.

“You look like you could use it!” George declared getting Harry to smile lightly.

“Thanks you two, but you realize if this does anything else to me I’m going to come after you, right?” Harry warned as he eyed the two pranksters.

“This one does just what we stated.” George remarked with Fred nodding in support of his twin’s statement.

“Alright then.” Harry gave in as he popped the candy into his mouth and chewed. A moment later he swallowed the candy a light raspberry flavor left in his mouth. It was then he noticed that Fred was writing something in a small notebook slightly hidden behind George. “What’s that for?” He demanded getting both twins to start.

“Just making note if there are any side effects we didn’t count on. We’re pretty sure we worked them all out this time, but the Relaxation Chews are still in their final stage of testing.” George explained as Fred stashed the notebook in his pocket.

“What kind of side effects?” Harry glared at the twins when he noticed they wouldn’t look him in the eye.

“Harry? Why is your hair bright blue?” Lavender asked as she looked up from the Magical Fashion magazine she and Parvati were browsing through.

“What?” Harry questioned as he reached up and pulled one of his bangs down enough that he could see it. His hair was indeed a bright blue color and his eye twitched in annoyance. Fred and George quickly made a break for it and dashed out of the Portrait Hole and into the castle. “Those little!” Harry growled as he transformed without considering the consequences. His clothes were shredded as a Nemean Lion took his place and bounded after the fleeing pranksters.

“Get out of the way!” McGonagall heard from her classroom where she was grading papers. She knew that voice only too well. Apparently the Weasley Twins had pranked someone and were being chased for revenge. Again. With a huff she stood and left her classroom at the end of the corridor she watched as the twins dashed across the landing and down the stairs that would lead to the ground floor. Before she could speak up to reprimand them a large lion with a bright blue mane and fur bounded down the stairs and landed on the landing with a roar.

“Mr. Potter?” McGonagall tried to question only for the blue lion to leap down the stairs and the shrieks of the Weasley Twins to be heard as they continued running. Minerva had to admit that this was most definitely one of the more odd situations she’d seen in her time at Hogwarts, but nevertheless she would have to put a stop to it. With an irritated sigh she closed her classroom door and followed her trio of cubs before they destroyed anything.

-The Next Morning-

It was a fairly normal breakfast all things considered. Even with the story of the Weasley Twins being chased through Hogwarts by a fully transformed Harry, most people could only agree that the Twins probably deserved whatever they got. What they’d gotten was a detention with McGonagall while Harry had lost ten House Points for ‘Not thinking his actions through.’ in McGonagall’s words. This all changed when the Daily Prophet was delivered.

-Breaking News: Emergency Wizengamot Trial Leads to Arrest and Questioning of Multiple Lords! Sirius Black Exonerated!-

In all my years as a newsman I can safely say that this story is the most unbelievable that I’ve ever been absolutely sure was factual. Yesterday morning an emergency trial was conducted by the full Wizengamot. Who was this trial for? You may ask. Peter Pettigrew, a wizard thought long dead at the hands of Sirius Black! Many will know that Sirius Black was incarcerated in Azkaban for betraying the Potters to the Dark Lord in October of Eighty One, along with the murder of Peter Pettigrew and twelve Muggles.

This however has turned out to be false!

Peter Pettigrew was, in fact, the man that betrayed the Potters to You-Know-Who!

When furthered questioned about his crimes Pettigrew admitted to being a Death Eater of his own volition and to his framing of Sirius Black. Further questioning by Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, led to a near riot as Pettigrew explained that those Marked by the Dark Lord had to willingly accept the Mark!

Many citizens were Marked in the war and pleaded innocence by way of the Imperius Curse. But with Pettigrew’s testimony, while under Veritaserum, this defense no longer holds up! Many Lords were arrested in their very Wizengamot Seats for questioning leading to an almost full scale riot!

With Pettigrew’s testimony Sirius Black was exonerated of all crimes and is being asked to come to the Ministry or check himself into St. Mungos for treatment. 

“The Lord Black will see himself receiving just compensation for his illegal incarceration by the former administration.” Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge has promised seeking to rectify the miscarriage of Justice performed by former Minister Bagnold and former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Bartemius Crouch Sr., said former Head of the DMLE was also arrested for incarcerating Sirius Black without due process.

What will happen in the future with so much turmoil stirred up from the war is anybody’s guess. This newsman hopes that the guilty will be punished and the innocent citizens of Magical Britain can return to our regular lives without the fear that Dark Wizards may be walking freely among us.

Barnabas Cuffe, Editor, Daily Prophet

-Article End-

“What the hell?” Harry breathed out. He’d never imagined that pointing out Pettigrew to Tonks and the other Aurors would lead to such upheaval in the Wizengamot. Did so many Death Eaters really escape Justice just by claiming they’d been controlled to do so? Why weren’t they questioned with this Veritaserum back then? It seemed to be trusted to get the truth, so it appeared the Ministry could have gotten to the truth back in Eighty One if they’d just used it. “What the hell is going on in the Ministry? Surely they can’t be this corrupt?” He muttered to himself while looking up from the paper and seeing various reactions to the morning news. Most were shocked but some looked angry, especially a few at the Slytherin Table.

-In Sirius’ Hiding Cave-

Sirius stared in shock at the paper he’d manage to steal from a bin in Hogsmeade, struck dumb by the headline that announced his exoneration. He was a free man. For the first time since he’d escaped from Azkaban he actually smiled. With a chuckle that caused him to break into a coughing fit Sirius read the rest of the article. With a grunt he stood on shaky legs before steadying himself, it was time to get himself some treatment. Then he’d send a letter to Harry and finally get to see his godson for the first time in twelve years.

“Wait for me, Harry! Your Dogfather is back!” Sirius chuckled to himself before turning sharply and Disapparating with a crack. 

-St. Mungos ~ Front Entrance-

When he reappeared he stumbled into the front doors of St. Mungos face first. “Not my best landing…” He grunted as he opened the door and made his way inside. The nurse at the reception desk nearly had a fit at seeing the haggard and dirty form of Sirius Black stumbling towards her. But within the next few minutes Sirius was being taken back to a room to get clean and begin his treatment.

“Can I get some parchment? I want to write a letter to my godson.” Sirius inquired of the, rather pretty, Healer that was beginning his treatment. The ravenette woman smiled gently at him before speaking.

“After you wake up from the first round of potions, I’ll get you some parchment.” The pretty Healer nodded, her grey eyes projecting inner warmth. Sirius couldn’t help but smile back as she helped him swallow down a few foul tasting potions. He started feeling drowsy immediately and was asleep in a few moments. With a grin the Healer moved out of Sirius’ room and dimmed the lights with a wave of her wand.

“Ah, Healer Reed how is Mr. Black?” A Senior Healer asked the young woman as he walked down the hall.

“Healer Corbin you know you can just call me Marlie, you were my Healing Instructor when I was an intern here.” Marlie Reed smiled at the older man who chuckled at her.

“Now, now, you earned that Healer Title, so you might as well use it.” Healer Corbin laughed before returning to his question. “So how is he?”

“He’s responding well to the potion regime already. Honestly I think the shower helped him feel more human than he has since he was locked up.” Marlie explained as she walked side by side with her former Instructor.

“How are his vitals and mental faculties?” Healer Corbin inquired. “I doubt that such prolonged exposure to Dementors didn’t take its toll on the poor man.”

“His vitals are stable enough, but it’s very clear that the years of exposure to Dementors have had a negative effect on his mental state. He’s clearly showing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but he seems remarkably sane for a man that spent more than a decade near Dementors.” Marlie informed the Senior Healer.

“Horrible creatures, I don’t know why the Ministry insists on using them. They would happily kiss anyone they could get their hands on if they weren’t constrained to Azkaban.” Healer Corbin grumbled as he shook his head. He’d seen enough Aurors come in after working a turn at Azkaban with similar symptoms to what his former Intern had described. When he’d heard that they’d been stationed around Hogwarts he’d almost had a fit. His own granddaughter had graduated from Hogwarts just a few years ago, to think the grounds had played host to those abominations was horrifying.

“Well I’ll check back in on him every hour or so. The Dreamless Sleep Potion should do him some good though. He’s already asking for parchment to write to his godson. I’m hopeful that it’s a sign he won’t slip into depression like some do when around Dementors for too long.” Marlie sighed getting a reassuring nod from Healer Corbin.

“We’ll do what we can, re-connecting with friends and loved ones will do Mr. Black a world of good, I’m sure.” Healer Corbin smiled getting one in return.

“I’ll see who his next of kin are. Maybe a visit tomorrow will help him out?” Marlie suggested as she split off from her former Instructor and made her way down to the reception desk. It would take some time for her to find out who Sirius’ next of kin were, but having friends and loved ones around always seemed to help those that had to be near a Dementor for any length of time.

-The Next Morning-

It was just after breakfast and Sirius was finishing up his letter to Harry. A soft knock on the door got his attention. Looking up Sirius was surprised to see his cousin Andromeda, Ted, her husband, and their daughter Nymphadora.

“Siri…” Andromeda murmured before quickly closing the distance and pulling her favorite cousin into a gentle hug.

“Hey Andy.” Sirius smiled as he returned the gentle embrace.

“I knew you didn’t do it, Siri. No one would listen to me though; I was stonewalled at every attempt.” Andromeda explained as she pulled back from the hug. “You’re looking better than I expected, honestly.”

“I know I must look a sight, Andy. I didn’t have very nice roommates these past few years.” Sirius chuckled getting a watery smile from Andromeda. Ted stepped forward next.

“Good to see you again, Sirius, hope they’re treating you well.” Ted grinned at the other man getting a grin from Sirius.

“Are you kidding? I’ve got the prettiest Healer in the whole hospital taking care of me. I’m great!” Sirius laughed getting an eye roll from Andromeda who had dried her eyes.

“Wow, mum wasn’t kidding, you are a horn dog.” Tonks laughed getting Sirius to smile widely.

“I’ve got over a decade of wooing to make up for, Nymphadora, so the ladies better get ready for Sirius to be back on the scene!” Sirius flashed a smile that had Andromeda scoffing while Tonks turned red in anger.

“Don’t call me that!” Tonks roared at Sirius who stopped smiling for a moment before turning to look at Ted and Andromeda.

“I see she still doesn’t care for her name?” Sirius questioned getting a shake of the head from Ted while Andromeda huffed.

“It’s a perfectly fine name.” Andromeda stated for what had to be the millionth time.

“You’re not the one that has to live with it, mum!” Tonks groused recalling every joke and taunt she’d ever heard about her first name.

“Well I think it’s great!” Sirius exclaimed with a grin getting a smile from Andromeda while Tonks grumbled.

“Who’re you writing to, Sirius?” Ted asked noticing the almost finished letter.

“To Harry, I felt like I should explain myself a bit, you know?” Sirius sighed as he looked down at the letter.

“You’re writing to Whiskers?” Tonks questioned making Sirius start at the nickname before turning to Tonks with a bewildered look on his face.

“Whiskers?” Sirius asked confused.

“That’s what I call him! He may want to be a big tough Lion but he’s really just a big ol’ kitty cat!” Tonks giggled to herself. She’d have to make another stop by Hogwarts or Hogsmeade when time allowed so she could tease him some more.

“Lion? Is Harry an Animagus already?” Sirius asked confused, but still feeling a healthy dose of Marauder pride, especially if his godson had managed to learn the Animagus Transformation even earlier than he did.

“Right, you wouldn’t know about that.” Ted muttered as he tapped his chin.

“We have a lot to help you catch up on, Siri.” Andromeda nodded as she and Ted took the available chairs beside his bed. Tonks leaned against the wall and prepared to throw her two Knuts in whenever she felt like they were necessary. Or if it would be something that would get Sirius to laugh about her teasing of Harry. She was sure the old prankster would love some of her antics with his godson.

Sirius spent the entire morning in the company of the only living relatives he actually liked. Hearing about how Harry had changed into a therianthrope had come as a huge shock. But he’d love his godson no matter what he was. Tonks’ stories of how she’d met Harry and given him his nickname had Sirius laughing, especially the story about her visiting him on his Hogsmeade Trip. He’d have to remind Harry about that when the two finally met face to face.

“Time for your potions, Mr. Black.” Marlie stated as she entered the room with a tray of potions.

“There she is! The pretty Healer they have looking after me!” Sirius announced getting Marlie to smile good-naturedly as she set the tray down on the table next to Sirius’ bed.

“Sirius, don’t you harass the poor woman!” Andromeda chided her cousin. “Just swat him with a rolled up newspaper if he gets out of hand. I’ll sign off on any form you need me to so that you can do that.”

“Oi!” Sirius called out in mock offense while Ted and Tonks laughed. It was good to have family that cared about you, Sirius thought to himself as he started chuckling along with Ted and Tonks. For the first time in over a decade Sirius Black felt like there was some warmth where his heart should be. He’d very much missed that feeling.

-End Chapter-


Sirius is on the road to recovery! With a pretty Healer to help him along! We’ll see Harry getting Sirius’ letter later and the results of Peter’s trial. The first consequences are only the beginning after all.

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was amazing. Yes with Dumbledore cementing his alliance with Bones and fixing the mistakes of the end of the Voldemort war the wheel is turning and I love it! It going to be earth shaking!


Glad you liked it, Thomas! The Dogfather will return to take care of Harry! Fixing the mistakes will cause quite the bit of upheaval in Wizarding Britain. So much so that the massive corruption might actually be removed from most of the Ministry. A certain wraith might find it rather difficult to gather followers or funds if he ever returns to corporeal form.


I like how Dumbledore is finally taking his job as Chief Warlock very seriously. With Pettigrew’s confession, the Death Eaters won’t be able to escape justice anymore. I loved how the twins pissed off Harry with their unexpected prank. I can’t wait til Harry start collecting his harem with girls like Susan, Lavender, Daphne, Tracey, etc. :3


Nemean Lions might have impenetrable hides, but their insides aren't so protected. This was a fun way to show off that fact. Romance will start a little later and fourth year will be where the relationships start to form. It'll be a rather different Tournament.


I already figured that out. With the Death Eaters arrested and either sent to Azkaban or through the Veil of Death, the Death Eater attack during the Quidditch World Cup won’t take place and Barty Crouch Junior will definitely be discovered and arrested once again.


But Barty Crouch Sr. was arrested at Pettigrew's trial. So who is maintaining the Imperius on Junior? Dun dun dun!

Thomas E Nellis

Yeah at least in Britain. He found quirrel outside of Britain and he had a foothold in Bulgaria hence our Bulgarian headmaster being a death eater. Moldie is is still hardly out of options. As long as magical creatures are oppressed and there is some pure blood ponies to fill the ranks he isn’t out yet.


True, but he has lost access to a lot of the Old Money. Voldemort will still be a pain in the arse but he'll be dealt with more competently in this story.