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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Dokushu the Poison Master! This chapter we get to the month of training where Naruto learns how to defend against Fuuton and Raiton Ninjutsu! Plus everyone’s favorite super pervert appears again!

As always Patrons get all chapters a month early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 15 – Training for the Finals

Naruto was doing some simple stretches while waiting for Anko at their usual training ground. He’d spent the morning visiting Hinata, who was still sleeping, Lee, who was still trying to train despite his injuries, and Chouji who was about to be discharged from the hospital. Naruto was ready to start his Ninjutsu training to counter Raiton and Fuuton jutsu. He hadn’t expected to be in a three-way battle right off the bat, but it provided a good opportunity to secure his promotion. If he could defeat two opponents at the same time while showing the qualities of a level-headed shinobi he wouldn’t even have to win the tournament to be promoted. Not that he wasn’t going to try and win the whole tournament though; after all, Anko-hime was fairly certain that only that Gaara guy from Suna might pose a problem. A few minutes later Anko arrived with a couple of scrolls while Jiraiya was walking next to her. Taking in the legendary shinobi’s attire the man looked like a kabuki performer and had the kanji for oil on his horned headband. The man merely walked around Naruto looking him over while Anko stood in front of the two of them. 

“Well, you're not overly impressive at first glance, but neither was my best student.” Jiraiya stated making Naruto raise an eyebrow at the man. “I'm Jiraiya of the Sannin and I'll be assisting Anko-chan with your training for the month. Depending on how you do in the Exams, I may decide to make you my protégé and teach you all you’ll need to know about protecting the village. We might even be able to make you Hokage with some effort.” Jiraiya stated making Naruto blink.

“No offense, but you are aware I’m trying to get promoted to become a Clan Head, right? I'm not really looking to become Hokage; my current goal is to establish my clan with Anko-hime. Once we’re established constructing our compound is our next priority. After that we’ll be welcoming our first child into the world and I’ll have to learn all the ins and outs of the Council’s role in the village. Once all of that’s complete it’ll be missions and going for Jounin rank.” Naruto stated since he didn't want his time wasted if Jiraiya was only focused on training him to become Hokage or something.

“I’m aware of your current goals, gaki. However, getting you up to sufficient strength aligns with the village’s needs as well. I know you’re aware of your situation with the seal, without being able to go into too much detail because of classified intel I’ll just say this, we’re going to need you to be stronger than you can imagine within the next few years.” Jiraiya stated seriously getting Naruto to stand a bit straighter.

“I see, unfortunately I’ve never had need to use Jinchuuriki skills so I’m at a loss for making any headway there. I’ve never felt so much as a whisper of the beast’s power except when I rapidly heal from injuries.” Naruto informed getting a nod from Jiraiya.

“Seems you trained yourself well before Anko came along and made you even better then.” Jiraiya smirked approvingly.

“Damn right I did!” Anko crowed happily while wrapping her arms around Naruto in a big hug.

“Love you too, Anko-hime.” Naruto smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a soft kiss.

“Oh wow kid you two remind me of your parents.” Jiraiya laughed but the comment made Naruto's eyes widen. Just as he turned back to Jiraiya to ask a question the man held up a hand. “Yes kid, I knew your parents. But before you ask, I can't tell you about them, not because I don't want to but because there are strict orders in place not to tell you until you’re at an acceptable level of strength.” Jiraiya stated making Naruto stop what he was about to ask. “Your mother’s and your father’s identities are a secret until you're skills are Jounin level or higher. Both of them were feared and respected Shinobi and with them gone there was too much of a chance of someone trying to assassinate you.” Jiraiya explained making Naruto a mix of both happy and sad.

“How do you know so much?” Naruto questioned making Jiraiya smile sadly before placing his hand on Naruto’s shoulder.

“Because your parents asked me to be your godfather.” Jiraiya stated making Naruto widen his eyes. “I know I didn't see you kid, but it was because I’ve been keeping up with my missions as the Village Spymaster. More often than not I was in the village an hour or less and then I was back out again taking care of the next mission for the village. However, I always put money into your account whenever I stopped in and some of those birthday gifts you received were from me.” Jiraiya explained with a sad smile.

“That would explain Gama-chan.” Naruto mused as he pulled out his frog wallet. Jiraiya chuckled in response as he admitted to getting it for Naruto’s ninth birthday.

“Now, for the rest of this month Anko-chan and I are going to up your training until you’re guaranteed to get promoted.” Jiraiya stated making Naruto nod in confirmation. “Alright, first we're going to go over everything Anko-chan has trained you in and then I'm going to have you spar with me to see where your combat skills rank. If we have the time this month we’ll also go over some Fuinjutsu to expand your arsenal.” Jiraiya stated not noticing the glare Anko was giving him every time he called her Anko-chan.

“Naru-koi, why don’t you get started reading these scrolls on Fuuton and Raiton Ninjutsu while I have a chat with Jiraiya about being too familiar with people.” Anko instructed while glaring at Jiraiya. Naruto accepted the scrolls and watched his sensei/lover walk towards Jiraiya while pulling out kunai. The white-haired man paled as he started backing away from the obviously angry woman who looked like she was about to send him to the hospital like Tsunade used to.

“Now Anko, I apologize for being too familiar. We can talk this out like adults! There’s no need for the kunai!” Jiraiya babbled as he waved his hands in front of him.

“I disagree, pervert, now take your punishment like a man!” Anko growled as she tossed the first kunai at Jiraiya. The fact that she aimed directly for his crotch had the white-haired Sannin diving out of the way and taking off into the forest. It was almost an hour later that the two returned. Anko had a smug grin on her face while Jiraiya grumbled and his clothes looked like they’d been thoroughly sliced.

“It’s good to see you still studying those scrolls gaki, but now let's see what you've got.” Jiraiya ordered before dropping into a Taijutsu stance. Naruto nodded and stood up before taking up his own Taijutsu stance.

-Two Hours Later-

Naruto was panting lightly since Jiraiya had put him through the ringer in a full on spar where everything was allowed just to see where he stood in his combat skills. Jiraiya looked slightly haggard since his clothes had even more tears than before along with being slightly wet from having to dodge Suiton jutsu, but that was from prioritizing dodging Naruto’s poison jutsu rather than sloppiness on the Sannin’s part.

Jiraiya had to admit, the kid had been well trained by Anko. Naruto not only had good Taijutsu but also a good handle on weapons skills. His Ninjutsu was one of his best areas as the kid could pull off multi-layer attacks, swapping in Doku Bunshin even while unleashing a barrage of Suiton and Fuuton jutsu. Not to mention the toxic variations of his Ninjutsu that made the techniques even more deadly than normal. Jiraiya idly mused about recommending Naruto for a field promotion based on his combat assessment alone. But the kid was more than likely already going to earn his promotion in the Exams so there wasn’t much point. Shaking those thoughts away for now, the Sannin looked at his new student who was standing and waiting for his next task.

“Alright, I’ll meet you here tomorrow to start teaching you the skills that I’ll be having you focus on this month. Anko will be focusing on working to improve what you have already. Along with learning counter measures for Raiton and Fuuton techniques." Jiraiya stated getting a nod from Naruto.

“Alright Naru-koi, we’ll take a break for lunch and then it’ll be straight to learning some Katon jutsu to counter the Suna kunoichi’s Fuuton jutsu!” Anko proclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Naruto’s left arm and the couple started walking towards the village proper. Jiraiya chuckled before leaving the area and heading to the Hokage Tower where he met his former sensei, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sitting behind his desk finishing some paperwork. 

“You weren’t kidding sensei; the kid's got more potential than I've seen in a long time. He could probably put both Minato and Kushina to shame with the proper training and given enough field experience. That's not even counting the Kyuubi if he decided to use the Bijuu’s power.” Jiraiya stated getting a nod from Hiruzen while the old man took a puff from his pipe.

“If what you’ve told me about this Akatsuki organization is true, it would be wise if he knew how to defend himself without using the Kyuubi’s power. If they are intent on capturing the Bijuu, then it stands to reason that they have the skills, tools, and plans to take down the beasts along with their hosts. So it stands to reason that it would be unwise for Naruto to be dependent or overly focused on using the Kyuubi's power against his enemies. Doing so could be playing directly into the enemies’ hand when they come for him as a result.” Hiruzen mused getting a nod of confirmation from Jiraiya.

“I asked him today about the Kyuubi and he confirmed he’s only ever felt the Bijuu’s power when he rapidly healed from injuries. Maybe after the Exams I'll help him start tapping into the Kyuubi's chakra, or at the very least help him contact the fox. If Naruto could befriend the Kyuubi over time he’d be far better off when using Jinchuuriki skills. Based on what my spies in Kumo have told me, the Hachibi host has complete control and synchronization with their Bijuu. From what I’ve gathered that means the Jinchuuriki has access to all the abilities of the Bijuu and can even pull off a full transformation without succumbing to the Bijuu’s rage or base instincts. Basically all the power without the drawbacks that fighting the Bijuu for its chakra usually causes." Jiraiya explained getting Hiruzen to sigh.

"Do what you can Jiraiya, assist Anko in getting Naruto into top form as a shinobi and then worry about his Jinchuuriki skills. Konoha has never had to depend on our Jinchuuriki to be strong and both Mito and Kushina were formidable without the Kyuubi’s chakra at all. I’d like Naruto to continue that legacy and not become a shinobi that is only powerful because of the Bijuu sealed inside him." Hiruzen stated and Jiraiya nodded seriously.

“Shouldn’t be a problem, with the training plan Anko and I have created, Naruto will defeat everyone in the finals and win the whole tournament. Though I would like your permission to continue his training once his clan is established, the kid’s got a lot of potential and we’re going to need all the help we can get to deal with the Akatsuki.” Jiraiya informed and Hiruzen nodded his approval.

“Do was you please, Jiraiya, anytime Naruto is available and agrees to your training feel free to teach him. He may not have the desire to become Hokage right now but I dare say the boy could be a great one in several years.” Hiruzen stated making Jiraiya chuckle before he left to check out a few ‘research’ spots in the village.

Naruto could say that trying to learn Katon jutsu was a bit harder than Suiton or Fuuton. Apparently he didn’t have an affinity for the Fire Release Ninjutsu. But with Anko’s help he was slowly working through it. Getting his chakra to heat up enough to burn a leaf was so far stuck at the smoldering stage as little trails of white smoke rose from the center of the leaf he was holding. With some extra practice each day Anko assured him that he’d be able to use at least a few D-Rank Katon jutsu by the time the Final Exam started. After a few hours of training the two lovers went back to Anko’s apartment for dinner. Naruto slept next to Anko that night his hand gently running up and down her stomach while Anko slept with a content smile on her face. Both of them were happy with the beginning of their family.

-Next Morning-

Jiraiya stood across from Naruto and looked at him intently. “Alright, now I know you have proficiency with your three Taijutsu styles. So today we’re going to have a Taijutsu spar to give you some experience fighting a more experienced opponent.” Jiraiya instructed and Naruto nodded back before slipping into his Raikoumutei Ryu stance.

“Since I specialize in Gama Kata Ryu, it will be the best for you to fight against as I’m currently the only shinobi that knows it. As you’ve never seen this style before it will be fully effective since you won’t know all the ins and outs of it. Similarly you don’t know the ins and outs of Jyuuken so this spar should help you learn to analyze an opponent’s Taijutsu without getting hit by it." Jiraiya explained as he entered the opening stance of Gama Kata Ryu.

“I’m ready whenever you are, Jiraiya-sensei.” Naruto stated.

“Call him Ero-sensei, Naru-koi! It fits better!” Anko laughed from the sidelines as she set out the Katon, Fuuton, and Raiton scrolls for their lesson.

“Hey!” Jiraiya yelled back in indignation. “Don’t go disrespecting a legendary shinobi!”

“Too late, Ero-sensei, Anko-hime has spoken.” Naruto grinned.

“You’re going to get it for that, gaki!” Jiraiya roared as he leapt towards Naruto and their spar began.

-Three Hours Later-

Jiraiya could honestly say he hadn’t been this out of breath since the last time he’d had to run from Tsunade for peeping on her. What Naruto lacked in experience he made up for with a ridiculous amount of stamina. Jiraiya knew he wasn’t the young man he’d been years ago, but still, the way Naruto fought with everything he had and kept getting back up after being knocked down was impressive. For now though, there were a few areas Naruto could improve on and Jiraiya would help him go over them all in the coming month. 

“Alright, Naruto, that’s enough for now.” Jiraiya called an end to their spar making Naruto relax and take some deep breaths.

‘The brat isn't even breathing as heavily as I thought he’d be and we've been fighting for three hours. That’s some crazy endurance.’ Jiraiya thought before shaking his head. ‘Maybe the years are starting to catch up with me. Guess I can’t mess with sensei about getting old anymore.’

“What’s next, Ero-sensei?” Naruto asked with a grin. Jiraiya’s scowl at the title only made Naruto grin wider while Anko could be heard laughing from where she was sitting.

“I get no respect.” Jiraiya muttered before turning towards Naruto. “Now you’ll be getting more Ninjutsu training in with Anko. If you expect to have any proficiency with Katon techniques by the end of the month you’re going to need to focus on it for at least several hours every day.”

“Can do.” Naruto nodded as he made his way over to Anko and she quickly got him started on the Leaf Burning exercise again.

The next morning Naruto was standing before Jiraiya, who had three bags next to him filled with balloons and rubber balls which confused the Genin. 

“Alright, now that I’ve seen you’re Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, I think you have what it takes to learn a technique that my best student created, it’s called the Rasengan.” Jiraiya informed before forming said jutsu in his hand. Jiraiya grinned when he saw Naruto looking the jutsu over analytically, trying to figure it out.

“Now, this jutsu is a close combat type of Ninjutsu.” Jiraiya stated as he drove the ball into a boulder next to the river breaking the large rock into small pebbles. Naruto merely raised an eyebrow in surprise as Jiraiya turned to face him again. “The first step to this jutsu is rotation.” He stated handing Naruto a water balloon from one of the bags. “Your goal is to rotate the water to the point that the balloon bursts.” Jiraiya instructed holding up his own balloon and causing it to instantly burst in a shower of water.

“So this is based on Chakra Shape Manipulation?” Naruto mused before he held his balloon and focused his chakra into the water of the balloon. The water began to rotate rapidly flattening out the balloon a bit. Naruto looked thoughtful for a minute before making another attempt. The balloon started to shake and distort slightly before the balloon burst a few seconds later. Jiraiya was actually rather surprised as it took him three days to figure out the first step. But he also suspected that Naruto had some experience with Shape Manipulation. 

“Good job, you did that much faster than I did. Now I want you to keep doing it until you can burst the balloon as fast as I did. The shorter the time the better since the faster you can form the jutsu the less time your opponent will have to react to it." Jiraiya instructed getting a nod from Naruto nod before he sat down beside the bag of water balloons and picked up another one. Within an hour Naruto was able to burst the water balloon within about one second of forming the jutsu. Jiraiya couldn’t help but be impressed by the teen’s speed in picking up the Rasengan’s first step. 

“Great work Naruto, the next step to this jutsu is power.” Jiraiya stated as he picked up a rubber ball before it burst apart loudly. “The rubber ball is stronger than the balloon and there's no water to spin and help burst it.” Jiraiya informed handing a rubber ball to Naruto. The Genin focused on the rubber ball in his hand and a few moments later a small hole ruptured on one side letting out the air from the ball. “Power is important but you can’t forget the rotation, loading the ball with enough chakra will eventually cause it to burst. However, without the rotation of the chakra you’ll only punch a hole into the ball rather than making it burst.” Jiraiya guided making Naruto nod before he took another rubber ball and started again. This time he took longer letting the charka build up before starting to rotate it in as many directions as possible. Within two minutes the ball burst into pieces with the same loud bang as Jiraiya’s. 

“Got it that time.” Naruto nodded to himself.

“That was better, but you can't take so much time to build up the power and form the jutsu. Keep going until you can do step two just as fast as step one.” Jiraiya encouraged as he watched over Naruto’s attempts. Over the next four hours Naruto ruptured almost a dozen rubber balls before finally getting his rubber ball to burst just as quickly as the water balloon. Jiraiya gave Naruto the third step, a balloon like in the first step but this time full of air rather than water. 

“Step one was rotation, step two was power, and now step three is control. You'll need to maintain the rotation and power inside the balloon, but you have to do it without the balloon bursting. This is where control comes in since you'll have to contain the sphere in your hand in a stable form. Once you can form the jutsu inside the balloon without popping it you’ll have the jutsu properly learned. This was the hardest step for both me and my student. The speed with which you're progressing indicates that you could have it at least close to ready by the end of the week. You've succeeded only when the balloon isn’t shredded but the Rasengan is still fully formed in your hand.” Jiraiya stated confidently making Naruto smile since Jiraiya was so confident in his new student’s skills.

“One last bit of advice. Don’t try and rush learning this last step. When you’re channeling that much chakra into such a small area of the body over and over again it can cause damage to your Chakra Circulatory System. It’ll also damage your hand if you force it. So for now take a break and work with Anko on your Katon jutsu. I’ve noticed you haven’t made much headway on the Leaf Burning exercise.” Jiraiya stated making Naruto sigh at his lack of improvement with Katon jutsu.

“I’ll get on it.” Naruto grimaced. At least working with Anko-hime provided a much better view. Plus every time he got better she was happy to ‘reward’ him for his progress. With a dopey smile he happily walked over to his sensei/lover to start working on Katon again. Anko noticing his smile burst out laughing at him as he walked over. Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, well this lesson was now going to be more teasing than teaching it seemed. Although Naruto found that he had no problems with that at all.

-End Chapter-


So how was it? Good? Bad? Meh? Let me know! So Naruto is learning from both Jiraiya and Anko now! Rasengan and some Fuinjutsu from Jiraiya while Anko helps him with Katon jutsu. Plus help from both with his Taijutsu and weapons skills. Will Naruto make contact with the Kyuubi for the first time soon? Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was fantastic! I loved it.


Glad to hear it, Thomas! I'll slowly work through these three Naruto stories and then once all three are done I'll take a hiatus from the series. Hopefully someday my muse for Naruto will return. But the ending and the crap sequel have thoroughly beaten my muse for Naruto stories to death.

Thomas E Nellis

Naruto verse has more inexplicable plot changes and redactions than most other anime. I can’t say I was ever really into it but I like what have written for it a lot. I don’t understand how Naruto can go from being a bad ass to a weakling again in his son’s time to shine. Even the third was still a bad ass in his old age and Naruto wasn’t even old...