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Here is the first of the updates for this month! Look forward to more updates, at least three more, coming soon!


Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with a new chapter of Aura Heart Journey! This chapter we see Ash and Misty celebrate his win at the Pewter City Gym! How exactly do travelling Trainers celebrate? With a big outdoor party! Music, Food, Drinks, Dancing, and if their up for some Sexy Time! Woo! 

As always Patrons get all chapters a month early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’re not a Patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Frimorigo, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, Rinnosuke, Kaymann, Jacob Ward, Evgeniy Kazanin, Daniel Williams, CC100, Victor Garrett, Brody Meech, Benjamin, Paul Nichols, Alastor God of Vengeance, Mauday, Thomas B. Wilkes, Vito Saraceno, Ct126371, Benjamin Shklyar, AC DC 1C 2C, Joseph, Callum Nowlan, Brad Goldin, Cody Lyle, Kori K., Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller, Joseph Morrison, Tristan McKenzie O'Meara, Robyn Tammy Grogan, Joini, Demonhunter44, Optimum Prime, Jeremy Carrico, Assassin22, Fabian J. Wilkinson, MrKristoffer1994, Kenni Nielsen, Tyler Spell, Uber Ghidorah, Desert Wight, David Zimmerle, John Lashbrook, Luke Friend-Perez, Dylan Cools, and Dpc78.

Thanks to my patron Uber Ghidorah and his Original Character submission I now have two Original Character Gym Leaders planned out! Ash will be meeting the Ghostly Gym Leader, Noe, in Lavender Town to try and earn the Fear Badge!

If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters a month earlier, just head on over to Pat re on and add a /Kairomaru after the com.

So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 9 – Celebrating Victory!

Ash and Misty walked hand in hand down the street, neither realizing that they hadn’t let go of each other’s hand, a quick stop by the Pokémon Center to get Ash’s Riolu and Skiddo started on their recovery and the two Trainers were out the door again. Pikachu had opted to stay with Skiddo and Riolu and Nurse Joy had smiled and taken the Electric Type into the back along with Riolu and Skiddo’s Pokeballs. Ash happily walked with Misty heading to where she was taking them for dinner still high off his first Gym victory and earning his first Badge. Misty was ecstatic for Ash’s first win and planned to not only pay for his dinner but take him to an event she’d heard about while at the Training Facility. Eventually they found a nice restaurant that served a variety of foods and quickly sat down to order. A waitress came over promptly to serve them and asked what they’d like to drink.

“I'll have some soda, please.” Misty told the waitress who nodded while writing it down and then turning towards Ash for his drink.

“The same for me.” Ash said while the waitress nodded writing it down. After the waitress left to get their sodas both Ash and Misty looked over the menu while chatting. The waitress returned with their sodas a minute later and asked if they had decided on their meals. 

“I'll have the Magikarp fillet with broccoli and white rice, plus a house salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing.” Misty ordered as the waitress wrote it down. The waitress then turned to Ash for his order.

“I'll have the Grumpig pork chops with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables, please.” Ash said getting a nod from the waitress. After the waitress left the two made small talk about their travel plans after leaving Pewter City; about fifteen minutes later their meals were placed in front of them. Ash and Misty thanked the waitress and began eating. Between bites the two chatted more about the route they’d take through Kanto. After the two had finished their meal and declined dessert, Misty paid the bill and the two left the restaurant. 

“Follow me Ash, there’s another place I want to take you to celebrate!” Misty exclaimed as she grasped his wrist and started leading Ash towards the southwest corner of Pewter City. After about fifteen minutes of walking and Misty refusing to tell him where they were going Ash realized they were near a cleared area next to a local park. This area was usually reserved for events like outdoor concerts and the like. Misty grinned and winked at him when music started reaching their ears. Neither of the two Trainers realized that they’d started holding hands again shortly after they’d started walking.

The two approached the entrance to the area where the music was coming from. Ash couldn’t keep the huge smile off his face as he looked around at all the Trainers hanging out and partying. There had to be fifty or sixty people just having a good time, dancing, eating, drinking, and flirting. Ash had heard of these kinds of parties while in school. They usually started when a group of travelling Trainers got together and decided to relax and cut loose. Other Trainers in the Pokémon Center or Training Facility would hear about it and ask to join. Before long a group of fifty or sixty Trainers would be pooling funds to buy food and drinks and setting up somewhere in town to party.

“You surprised?” Misty asked with a grin.

“Yeah! How’d you know this was happening tonight?” Ash asked as he looked around.

“Those two girls at the Facility were talking about it. So I asked about going and they told me the people throwing this party are all Ace Level Trainers so they aren’t even asking for anyone that comes to bring anything.” Misty smiled as she started scanning the area looking for the organizers. “But it is considered polite to introduce yourself to the organizers before you join the party.”

“That makes sense.” Ash nodded as he too looked around for the Trainers that funded and set up this party.

“Found them.” Misty called out as she pointed to a table set up near a good sized bonfire. All four of the Trainers sitting there were at least sixteen or seventeen with the oldest one of them probably being nineteen years old. The two made their way over to the table and were quickly noticed by the oldest Trainer.

“Hey, you come to party?” The older teen asked with a smile. The other three, another boy and two girls, turned to face Ash and Misty. Ash and Misty both recognized Reena from watching her match at the Gym earlier in the day. Reena smiled back at the two seeing that they recognized her.

“Yep, just wanted to make sure it’s ok.” Misty replied with a small bow which Ash copied.

“Hell yeah it’s ok, have a blast!” The oldest teen exclaimed with a laugh. “We’re celebrating Reena’s seventh Badge!” Reena cheered as she raised a bottle of beer before taking a drink.

“We’re celebrating Ash’s first Badge, too.” Misty informed with a grin as she bumped Ash’s shoulder with hers.

“Really? Well hell yeah, my man! You get that Badge!” The older teen congratulated before standing up. “Hey guys, we’ve got a Beginner Level that just won his first Badge! Let’s welcome him to Rookie Level in style!” The responding cheer from the partying Trainers made Ash blush in embarrassment but with a massive smile on his face.

“I’ll drink to that!” The other Ace Level guy cheered as he tipped his own bottle back and chugged the rest.

“You’d drink to anything, Ren.” The other girl at the table laughed.

“Hey Sylvia, suck my dick!” Ren growled at the laughing girl.

“Couldn’t find it if I wanted too.” Sylvia teased back with a smirk.

“Bitch!” Ren grumbled getting another round of laughter from Sylvia. All four of the older teens started laughing shortly afterwards. Ash and Misty couldn’t keep the grins off their own faces at the back and forth between Ren and Sylvia.

“So you beat Brock, huh? I thought you looked pretty tough for a Beginner.” Reena commented as she reached into a cooler next to the table.

“Thanks.” Ash replied with a grin.

“Hey Gaven, I’m giving them some of our beer.” Reena informed the oldest Ace Level Trainer.

“Sure thing, drink up you two! This is a night for celebration!” Gaven nodded towards Ash and Misty. Reena handed Misty and Ash a bottle each and the two accepted them. This would be Ash’s first time drinking alcohol, the limited adult status a Trainer acquired upon earning their License allowed them to drink, smoke, get a driver’s license and even work for various companies. The only thing that a Trainer couldn’t do until they were eighteen was enter into any legally binding contract without parental consent. So exclusive business deals like merchandising or things like marriage had to have parental consent before they could be signed off on.

“First time?” Sylvia asked with a knowing look.

“Yeah, just started less than a month ago.” Ash confirmed as he held the bottle of beer.

“Well no better time to try it out!” Ren exclaimed as he grabbed himself another bottle. “Watch and learn, buddy!” With a grin Ren swiped the top of the bottle against the edge of the table and knocked off the metal cap. Ash watched as the older teen took the now opened bottle and took a deep drink. “That’s how it’s done!” Ren cheered as he finished off half the bottle in one shot.

“Let them drink at their own pace you drunk.” Sylvia mocked with a lazy grin.

“You’re just jealous.” Ren snarked back getting an amused eyebrow raise from Sylvia.

“Oh of course, how could I not be?” Sylvia teased getting a tsk from Ren before he quickly put his arm around her waist and pulled the girl into his side.

“You’re so gonna get it tonight.” Ren growled getting a giggle from Sylvia as she leaned into him and kissed his cheek.

“Looking forward to it.” Sylvia purred as she nuzzled into Ren’s neck.

“And there they go.” Reena rolled her eyes while Gaven chuckled watching the couple mess with each other. “You two should go have your own fun. These two can get a bit handsy when they start drinking.” Ash and Misty nodded as they headed off to find a place to enjoy the party. After a minute the two found a place a few meters from another bonfire. Sitting down they both cracked open their beers and looked at each other.

“Have you drank before, Misty?” Ash questioned his friend curiously.

“A few times, I’m not a regular drinker but I won’t turn a few drinks down at a party.” Misty responded as she tapped their bottles together. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” Ash grinned before taking his first sip. It wasn’t what Ash was expecting. The taste wasn’t bad but nothing he’d drink everyday if given the opportunity. A few more drinks like this and he’d probably understand why most people enjoyed alcohol though. Looking over at Misty she’d taken a larger pull from her bottle and was grinning at him.

“Drink up Ash it’s a party after all.” Misty teased getting Ash to chuckle as he took another drink. Ash watched all the other Trainers as they mingled and chatted. The music playing had several of them dancing with each other. The dancing was basically club dancing and Ash saw several dancers grinding on their dance partners. 

“You wanna dance?” Misty asked noticing where Ash was looking.

“Like that?” Ash asked as he gestured towards the dancers with his almost empty beer bottle.

“Why not?” Misty grinned though she definitely had a blush on her face.

“Should we get another drink while we’re up?” Ash questioned getting a nod from Misty. The two finished off their first bottles and put them in the recycling can that was next to the table full of coolers with cold beers in them. They each grabbed a new bottle and opened them as they made their way over to the dancing Trainers.

“I’m not much of a dancer.” Ash warned as he took a drink.

“This type of dance doesn’t require much skill.” Misty smirked as she pressed herself against him. Ash started for a second before leaning into her. The two slowly began to move to the beat together getting more comfortable over time. Ash took a large drink of his beer before pressing himself into Misty as they moved. Misty grinned at him as she moved up against him in return. A few minutes later Misty had finished her bottle and Ash had his arms around her waist as she grinded her ass against his crotch. Misty snatched Ash’s bottle from his hand and downed the remainder of the beer.

“Hey!” Ash growled as he pulled her tighter against him. Misty giggled as she reached over her shoulder and placed her hand on the back of Ash’s neck.

“We can get you another one.” Misty giggled as she ground herself more strongly against him. She didn’t expect Ash to suddenly lean down and kiss her cheek. The blush that engulfed her face would probably be glowing if the party wasn’t lit up by the multiple bonfires. “Ash?” She questioned turning her head to look at him.

“Hmm?” Ash murmured as he looked back at her.

“What was that for?” Misty asked as they slowed their dancing a bit.

“Just wanted to.” Ash stated as a blush slowly formed on his face as he realized what he’d done.

“Do it again.” Misty requested her own blush not fading.

“’Kay.” Ash grinned as he kissed her cheek again. Misty smiled at him as she started to speed up the pace of their dancing again. Ash groaned at her actions as he knew Misty could definitely feel what she was doing to him. The two continued dancing until the current song stopped before reluctantly separating so they could get another drink. After tossing their old bottles and getting new ones they quickly returned to the dancing group and resumed their dance with each other.

“You’re thinking something naughty aren’t you Ash?” Misty questioned as she ground into him feeling his reaction to her body.

“No!” Ash instantly replied his face red. Misty giggled before pressing herself against him completely.

“Are you sure?” Misty teased. “It certainly feels that way.”

“Misty!” Ash groaned at her teasing but still pressing himself into her in return.

“What?” Misty asked coyly loving the teasing she was doing. She hadn’t expected to meet a guy like Ash while she was away from Viridian City fishing. But she couldn’t deny that she’d developed quite the strong feelings for the guy whose arms were currently wrapped around her.

“Tease.” Ash growled lowly as he gently turned her head and pressed their lips together. Misty gasped before pressing her lips back against Ash’s. The two both enjoyed the sensation of their first kiss together. Slowly pulling away they caught each other’s eyes and smiled at each other. “Again?” Ash asked teasingly.

“You better.” Misty demanded with half lidded eyes as she pulled him into another kiss. They slowly moved against each other as they kissed both feeling warm and excited. Without any warning both teens felt their Auras rise and practically wrap around their entwined bodies.

“Ash?” Misty questioned as she felt her Aura moving against his.

“Yeah?” Ash asked basking in the feeling of his Aura mingling with Misty’s.

“Is this what I think it is?” Misty asked hopefully as she pressed herself against Ash until there wasn’t any space between their bodies.

“I think so.” Ash replied with a smile as he looked into her eyes. “Our Auras just entwined.” Misty practically squealed in happiness as she kissed him again. Ash pressed his lips against Misty’s as they moved slowly together their Auras still strongly flaring against each other and intermingling.

“I love this.” Misty mumbled into his ear as she laid her head against his shoulder.

“It’s amazing.” Ash agreed as they continued to sway with each other. Being able to feel each other’s Aura let their emotions bleed into each other while their Auras entwined. He could feel Misty’s affection for him just as she could feel his feelings for her. You cannot lie to your own Aura and in turn your Aura could not lie to anyone that could sense it or came into contact with it. There was no form of communication more open and honest than Aura sensing. Ash and Misty could know with absolute certainty that they cared for each other as far more than friends. 

“You want to head back to the Center?” Misty asked after a few more minutes of gentle swaying.

“Yeah.” Ash replied as they pulled apart and quickly intertwined their fingers as they held hands. They placed their empty bottles into the recycling and exited the party area. In total they’d probably only spent about forty five minutes at the party but they’d found something far more important in that short time. The walk back to the Pokémon Center was filled with small kisses and murmurs of affection as they leaned into each other.

Entering the Pokémon Center Ash briefly separated from Misty to check on his Skiddo and Riolu. Nurse Joy had smiled and told him that both of his Pokémon were recovering quickly and would only need another day of recuperation before they could leave with Ash. With a smile Ash asked her to take care of his other Pokémon for the night getting a nod from Nurse Joy who took his remaining Pokeballs and headed into the back. Ash hurried back towards Misty and they both smiled at each other as their hands intertwined again. They quickly made their way up to Ash’s room and locked the door behind them. The ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging off the door knob ensuring they’d be left alone by the staff. Misty giggled as she pushed Ash back onto the bed and crawled next to him, their lips meeting again as their Auras quickly surged forth to meet again and entwined. The emotions they could feel from each other only strengthened their enjoyment of each other’s lips. 

“You’re so beautiful.” Ash murmured as he pulled Misty against him to kiss her again.

“You’re handsome yourself.” Misty giggled her face red with a blush as she ran her hands up and down Ash’s t-shirt clad chest. The two were silenced as their lips met again and they deepened their kiss for the first time.

‘So this is deep kissing?’ Ash wondered as he could practically taste Misty. The taste became a reality quickly as Misty tentatively ran the tip of her tongue against his lips. Ash opened his mouth in surprise and Misty took the initiative to explore. Their Auras spiked again at the deeper physical contact, practically drowning the two Trainers in each other’s emotions. Misty slowly broke the kiss and leaned back until she was straddling Ash’s hips. She pulled her white midriff bearing shirt over her head revealing her light blue bra to Ash’s gaze. Ash quickly sat up and removed his shirt before pulling Misty against him both shivering in pleasure as their skin came into contact.

“More.” Misty hissed out in pleasure as they resumed their kissing. Ash quickly grabbed at Misty’s ass and pulled her tighter against him. Misty moaned at the action before wrapping her arms around Ash’s neck. Within the next minute of frenzied kissing Misty lost her bra and Ash gazed on her bare breasts for the first time.

“Soft.” Ash mumbled as he caressed the perky B-Cups getting moans of approval from Misty. Without any thought Ash started groping Misty’s breasts before adding his lips and tongue to his fondling.

“Yes.” Misty moaned as she pulled Ash closer to her chest to keep the sensations going. Ash quickly lost himself in the feeling and the emotions coming from Misty through her Aura. Ash groaned as he rolled them over so that he was on top of Misty. Their lips quickly meeting again before Ash felt Misty’s hands tugging at the waistband of his pants. Within seconds Ash had unbuttoned his pants and kicked them off. Misty’s curious hands started exploring and brushed against his arousal. Ash sighed at the shock of pleasure as Misty began to stroke him over his boxers.

“Misty.” Ash groaned as he placed his hand on her waist and hooked his index finger into the waistband of her shorts.

“It’s ok.” Misty nodded as she stopped her exploring of Ash’s member and undid her shorts so he could pull them off of her. Ash quickly removed the denim and stared at Misty’s matching light blue panties. Both of their hands quickly went back to exploring the newly uncovered areas. Fingertips ghosted up Misty’s thighs drawing pleased gasps from the orangette as she stroked Ash’s length. In the next minute Ash and Misty had their arms wrapped around each other and their lips sealed together as they ground themselves against each other, only their underwear separating them.

“Ash!” Misty moaned loudly as she trembled from her orgasm, holding Ash tightly against her as she shook in pleasure.

“Misty!” Ash grunted as he released, thrusting frantically against Misty’s drenched panties.

The two stilled as they caught their breaths both still shaking from the intense experience. Ash quickly rolled them over so that Misty was lying on top of his chest as they calmed down from their high. Misty placed soft kisses against Ash’s sweaty chest while he ran his hand gently up and down her back.

“I need to do laundry tomorrow, now.” Ash murmured with a yawn. Misty giggled at him before lifting her head to respond.

“We both do, but showers first.” Misty stated as she slowly got up kissing Ash once more before getting out of bed. Ash could only gaze upon her nearly naked body admiring everything he saw. Misty let him look feeling unusually happy with Ash’s eyes on her. With a grin Misty went over to his pack and grabbed a large t-shirt and a pair of his boxers to use as her night clothes making sure to give her booty a little shake for Ash’s enjoyment. If the groan she heard was any indication Ash very much enjoyed her teasing. With a wink she headed into the room’s bathroom and started her shower. Ash sighed happily just listening to the running water through the closed door. They had come close to going all the way but through their Auras they’d both felt that neither of them was quite ready to take that final step. A few minutes later Misty exited the bathroom freshly showered and dressed in Ash’s t-shirt with his boxers on underneath. She smiled at Ash still lying contently on the bed.

“You look amazing.” Ash smiled getting Misty to smile with a light dusting of pink on her cheeks.

“Showers free, you flatterer, get washed up so that we can get some sleep.” Misty grinned as she walked back to the bed and sat down on one side.

“Alright, I’m going.” Ash grunted playfully as he went to get his night clothes and headed for the shower. About ten minutes later a freshly showered Ash left the bathroom to find Misty lying down in the bed. He couldn’t help but think she looked amazing wearing his t-shirt and boxers to bed. Maybe because it signaled that they were together now?

“Come to bed, Ash.” Misty smiled as she patted the spot beside her. Ash returned her smile before crawling into bed and lying next to the orangette. Misty quickly cuddled up to his chest and Ash pulled the blanket over them both before wrapping his arms around Misty and burying his face in her soft hair. Ash already loved her scent and felt Misty snuggle closer to him in pleasure.

“Good night, Misty.” Ash murmured softly as he kissed the top of her head.

“Good night, Ash.” Misty whispered back as she kissed his neck.

The two were asleep within minutes happily cuddled up together their Auras calmed down but still entwined because of their physical contact with each other.

-The Next Morning-

Ash yawned as he awoke; a feeling of pure contentment settled on him as he felt the warmth and weight of the one he shared the bed with. Feeling Misty’s soft curves pressed up against his body was definitely something Ash could get used to. Shifting from Misty alerted Ash to her awakening and she slowly pulled her head away from his neck and met his eyes.

“Morning.” Misty yawned sleepily.

“Morning.” Ash replied before leaning forward and kissing her lips. Misty immediately returned the kiss and pressed her body against him.

“I wouldn’t mind being woken up like that every morning.” Misty grinned as she sat up and let the blanket fall around her waist.

“I think we could work something out.” Ash smiled contently getting a playful swat on his chest from Misty.

“Come on we need to get up.” Misty smiled getting one back from Ash as he sat up too. The two had to separate as Misty needed to go back to her room to get new clothes for the day. They met up in the lobby and went to visit their Pokémon. Ash smiled seeing Skiddo and Riolu already up and moving around. The two were tough and seemed like they’d be ok to leave the next day. After spending a couple hours taking care of their Pokémon, including having breakfast with them, the new couple walked hand in hand towards the video phones to make a call.

“Ketchum residence.” Delia answered before seeing her son’s face on screen with his friend Misty sitting next to him. “Ash, Misty, how are you two this morning?” She asked even as her motherly instincts were telling her that something had definitely changed with her son and his friend.

“We’re doing great mom.” Ash responded with an accompanying nod from Misty. “We just wanted to call and let you know about something that happened yesterday.” Ash smiled.

“So what happened?” Delia asked as her son’s smiled widened.

“Well the first thing is that I won my first Badge!” Ash exclaimed as he pulled out his Badge case and opened it showing off the Boulder Badge inside.

“Oh Ash, that’s great! I always knew you’d be a great Pokémon Trainer.” Delia congratulated her son proud of how fast he’d earned his first Badge.

“Thanks mom, Brock wasn’t easy to beat and the battle I saw before my turn showed me how much further I still have to go.” Ash stated with a determined look in his eyes.

“So what’s the second thing that happened yesterday? You said winning your Badge was the first thing.” Delia asked even though she had an inkling of what she was about to be told. Seeing both Ash and Misty get a bit red in the cheeks only strengthened her belief that her hunch was correct. Misty gently placing her head on Ash’s shoulder with a smile even as her face flared red fully confirmed what Delia had suspected.

“Misty and I started dating yesterday.” Ash confessed his own cheeks bright red.

“Oh I just knew you two would be good together!” Delia practically squealed out happily. Ash and Misty blushed even more if that was possible at the ecstatic mother while she asked when they’d decided to date.

“We were dancing at a party, celebrating Ash earning his Badge, when our Auras entwined.” Misty spoke up still resting her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder. Even now their Auras were gently wrapped around each other letting them both feel the joy the other was feeling. Delia, if possible, looked even happier at that revelation.

“So you’ve started feeling each other’s emotions and everything?” Delia questioned getting nods from Ash and Misty. “Oh I’m so happy for you both. This reminds me of how Bruno and I started dating.” The mother smiled as she reminisced the start of her own romance.

“Speaking of dad, where is he?” Ash asked since his father was supposed to be home for another five months at least.

“Well we weren’t going to tell you until we were certain but I’m pretty sure we have news of our own.” Delia smiled. “Ash you’re going to be a big brother.”

“Really?!” Ash asked as he almost toppled out of his seat, Misty’s support the only thing stopping him from ending up in the floor.

“I haven’t taken the test yet, your father is out buying me one along with some groceries we needed, but I’m feeling the same way I did when I was in the early stages of my pregnancy with you.” Delia smiled brightly making Ash happy for his mother.

“Congratulations Mrs. Ketchum.” Misty smiled getting a thank you from Delia.

“This is great mom! You’ll let me know when the gender can be found out if I’m going to have a little brother or sister; right?” Ash asked excited at the prospect of being an older brother.

“Of course dear, make sure you get a PokéGear or some other type of cellphone so that I can contact you right away when the time comes.” Delia beamed at her son.

“Will do!” Ash grinned. He’d have to save up a bit to get a PokéGear but it would be worth it to stay in touch with his mother during her pregnancy.

“Alright, well I’m sure you two have other things you need to do today so I’ll see you later. Call me anytime, dear, you too Misty. I know that a girl can always use some time for girl talk. After all the menfolk aren’t any good at it.” Delia smiled getting a laugh from Misty along with a nod of agreement. Ash just sighed as he was once again the butt of one of his parent’s jokes.

After the phone call Ash went over to the ATM in the corner of the Pokémon Center and checked his Trainer Account. Since Gym’s payed out a larger amount than standard battles and they could easily have multiple challengers a day, any winnings were direct deposited into a Trainer’s bank account. This account was set up by the Pokémon League shortly before a Trainer left on their journey. It was in the database of every Gym so that direct depositing could be done automatically upon victory.

“Hmm, so the first Badge nets you ten thousand PokeYen? That’s not bad.” Ash mused as he checked his balance.

“It goes up by five thousand for every Badge up to your eighth. You max out at forty five thousand per Badge earned.” Misty informed helpfully, getting a nod from Ash.

“Do tournaments pay out the same way?” Ash questioned his girlfriend since she’d achieved her current rank by winning tournaments and competitions.

“It depends on the Level of the Tournament and sometimes the sponsor. A tournament for Beginner Levels only will usually net you around five thousand if you win. Rookie is usually seventy five hundred to ten thousand. Adept is ten thousand up to fifteen thousand. I’m not sure about Advanced or higher since I haven’t participated in any of those yet.” Misty explained getting a nod from Ash.

“Ash Ketchum to the front desk, please.” The intercom called out overhead getting a grin from Ash as he practically rushed to the desk with Misty giggling as she followed behind him leisurely. After arriving at the desk Nurse Joy smiled as she held out Ash’s newly updated Trainer Card. Ash thanked the Nurse before grinning at his new Card. A Beginner Level Trainer Card was white in color, while a Rookie Level Trainer Card was red. The color changed for each new Level starting from white then red, blue, green, indigo, black, silver, and finally gold. This new red Trainer Card was proof that he had taken the next step towards his goal of becoming World Level.

“Happy aren’t you?” Misty teased getting a grin from Ash regardless.

“Yep, I still have a long way to go but I’m on my way.” Ash nodded as he put his Trainer Card away in his wallet.

“So you still want to go to Copper Town next?” Misty asked as they walked out of the Pokémon Center together.

“Yeah, I want to try and earn the Metal Badge next.” Ash nodded. “We’ll have to go north from Pewter up Route Forty Nine to Copper Town.”

“If you don’t want to double back to go through Mt. Moon we can just continue on Route Fifty to Cerulean. We wouldn’t have to go through or climb over Mt. Moon that way.” Misty stated getting a thoughtful look from Ash.

“I think I’m ok with skipping Mt. Moon for now. The only really rare Pokémon are the Clefairy and they don’t show themselves often. Most of the other species that make the mountain their home can be caught in multiple places in Kanto.” Ash nodded as they walked towards the Pokemart. They would need to restock on supplies for the road since even with their Skiddo’s speed it would still take two days to reach Copper Town. The old mining town was one of the most northern towns in Kanto and was a bit far from most of the others being north of Mt. Moon. But Misty had been there before and knew the way so they had no fear of getting lost. Misty was also hopeful that they’d get to Cerulean in time for the Water City Competition. It was a Pokémon Battle Competition that allowed only the use of Water Type Pokémon and it was held in Cerulean once a year. Misty wanted to win it and claim the grand prize of twenty thousand PokeYen and a Water Type Pokémon of the winner’s choice from the Breeders Association of Cerulean City. She and Ash had already agreed to start having practice battles every day during their travels to strengthen their Pokémon. Misty was confident she could win the Competition and then watch Ash beat one of her sisters for the Cascade Badge. It would almost be as good as the look on their faces when they found out she had a boyfriend. Considering none of her sisters had a boyfriend she’d hold that over their heads for a bit.

She wasn’t being petty, no way, no how.

-End Chapter-


There we go! Ash and Misty celebrate and become a couple! Also Ash is going to be a big brother! Now they’re heading north to Copper Town for Ash’s next Badge! How will Ash fair against the Steel Type? You’ll just have to keep reading to find out!

*!*Important Read Below*!*

I'm still accepting Original Characters from my patrons for this story! Most would be one off trainers that Ash or Misty battle along their journey. But others could be Trainers that impart life lessons onto Ash, Misty, or his other travelling companions! Wouldn’t you like your Original Character to teach Ash an important life lesson? Or just teach Ash how to loosen up and enjoy a party? So be sure to submit some characters! If you make them detailed enough I might be able to do a small mini arc with your character and Ash’s group! 

Some Original Characters could end up filling in some of the new Gym Leader spots that will be in the various Regions! I’ll even help out with Badge design/name! You’d get to have your own Gym Leader with their own unique Badge!

I've posted a Character Template to fill out so that I have an easier time integrating the OC into this Alternate Universe of the Pokémon World. Gym Leaders for Kanto only have seven Types left to choose from. Ash will probably only challenge four Gyms besides the eight canon Gyms with Steel Type, Ghost Type and Flying Type being three of them. Steel Type and Ghost Type already have OCs planned out but Flying Type does not!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Thomas E Nellis

I loved it! That was wonderful.


Glad you liked it, Thomas! I wanted some character progression this chapter after the chapter of battles last chapter! Did you enjoy Ash and Misty finally getting together?