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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with another chapter of Dokushu the Poison Master. In this chapter we’ll see the month of training begin and briefly meet a certain Super Pervert. Everyone make sure you thank patron Kaymann for using his Reward to have this story updated again!

As always Patrons get all chapters a month early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’re not a Patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Frimorigo, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, Rinnosuke, Kaymann, Jacob Ward, Evgeniy Kazanin, Daniel Williams, CC100, Victor Garrett, Brody Meech, Benjamin, Paul Nichols, Alastor God of Vengeance, Mauday, Thomas B. Wilkes, Vito Saraceno, Ct126371, Benjamin Shklyar, AC DC 1C 2C, Joseph, Callum Nowlan, Brad Goldin, Cody Lyle, Kori K., Mark Edward Wyndham Tiller, Joseph Morrison, and Robyn Tammy Grogan.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 14 – Beginning the Month of Training

Naruto and Anko met up at their usual training grounds the following morning. With a month of training time before the finals Anko wanted Naruto to be as prepared as possible.

“So how do you want to start Anko-sensei?” Naruto asked as he stood before his lover/sensei.

“We’ll go through your Taijutsu while working on your chakra control at the same time. Walk out onto the water and I’ll send clones to attack you. Use only Taijutsu to defeat them, no Ninjutsu or weapons.” Anko instructed getting a nod of confirmation from Naruto.

“Yes Anko-sensei.” Naruto replied as he walked out onto the surface of the pond.

“Remember Naru-koi, you only get your reward if you make it through the training without falling into the water~.” Anko teasingly reminded him with a wink.

“I won’t let you down Anko-sensei!” Naruto replied with his fist raised.

“I hope not~.” Anko teased as Naruto took his stance on top of the water. “Here we go, Naru-koi!” Anko’s hands blurred through hand seals before calling forth her technique. “Tsuchi Bunshin no Jutsu (Earth Clone).” Multiple clones emerged from the dirt all around Anko, ten in all. The ten clones then started rushing towards Naruto on top of the water. Naruto’s grin was one of excitement as he quickly jumped away from the clones and let them come to him.

Naruto was calmly observing the ten clones as they started positioning themselves around him and waited for them to make the first move. It wouldn’t matter how they came at him, he’d win this challenge and claim his reward of hot spring time with his Anko-hime! The sound of a trench coat moving suddenly from behind alerted him to an incoming attack. A quick sidestep and a back fist to the head of the Tsuchi Bunshin destroyed the first of the clones.

Four more rushed in from opposite directions and attempted to pin Naruto down. The blonde jumped back from the four way pincer attack and ducked under the follow up attack from a fifth clone. The attacking clone was destroyed by Naruto kicking it in the back and sending fragments of dirt across the pond.

“Two down, eight to go.” Naruto stated as the four from the failed pincer attack started rushing him from multiple directions. Naruto blurred forward and kicked one of the charging clones in the face. A quick pivot and a Hebidageki Ryu strike destroyed another clone while the kicked one dispersed into dirt in the air.

“It’s not going to be that easy, Naru-koi.” Anko smiled as she created more clones. “How about this many?” Another ten Tsuchi Bunshin quickly formed along the edge of the pond before joining the other clones on the water.

“You always know how to keep things interesting!” Naruto smiled as he blitzed towards the closest clone and kicked straight through its guard turning it back into dirt. Only a second later Naruto’s hands blurred as he unleashed a chain of rapid strikes dispersing another four clones that had tried to box him in. As the group of clones began to move in Naruto was forced to back pedal to dodge the Hebidageki Ryu strikes coming from them all.

“Not so easy to fight the one that taught you is it?” Anko asked as she watched Naruto dodging her clones. The remaining clones constantly kept up the attack against their opponent. Naruto stomped the water powerfully sending up a large spray that disrupted the clone’s string of attacks. He used the brief respite to appear behind a clone and kicked it in the side. The clone flew across the waters’ surface before bursting into dirt.

“Ten left.” Naruto remarked as he dodged another clone’s strike and broke the outstretched arm. The clone dispersed back into dirt as the remaining nine moved to surround him.

“Keep your chakra controlled.” Anko reminded as Naruto dodge another string of attacks.

“Yes, Anko-sensei!” Naruto replied as he blocked another clone’s kick causing the leg to break back into dirt followed by the rest of the clone. 

“Switching to Tetsugoei Ryu now? But can you keep up your water walking and augment your body with chakra at the same time?” Anko questioned as she watched one of her clones punch at Naruto only to be blocked by the blonde’s raised leg. The clone’s arm shattered against the Genin’s unmoving leg before it dispersed.

“Seven more.” Naruto stated as he redistributed his chakra back through his body.

“He’s getting better every day.” Anko grinned as she watched one of her clones charge at Naruto from his blind spot only to meet a reverse spinning roundhouse head on. The clone’s head flew off its body from the force as it turned to dirt.

“You’re starting to run out of clones, Anko-sensei.” Naruto teased as he kept his eyes on the clones scattered across the water, not sure how they’d come at him next. “I can feel the hot springs already.”

“I can always make more if you’re bored, Naru-koi.” Anko smiled sweetly as she brought her hands together into the first seal.

“Slave driver!” Naruto stuck out his tongue before he blocked two clone’s attacks and struck both of them hard in the stomach with Hebidageki Ryu strikes. They both dispersed into dirt as Naruto spun and delivered a powerful Raikoumutei Ryu kick against the kick of another clone. The clone’s leg broke into a shower of dirt from the force and Naruto quickly re-entered his Tetsugoei Ryu stance.

“I do it because I love you.” Anko grinned as the remaining three clones engaged Naruto. The last three clones met their end in a rapid exchange of punches and kicks as Naruto fluidly switched between Raikoumutei Ryu and Hebidageki Ryu.

“How’s that, Anko-sensei?” Naruto asked noticing the lack of replacement clones.

“That’s only round one, Naru-koi! You get a three minute break and then you’ll do it again!” Anko cheered as Naruto just sighed before smiling at his sensei/lover.

-After Hours of Training-

“You definitely earned your reward Naru-koi!” Anko smiled as she walked hand in hand with her lover.

“I should hope so.” Naruto sighed. “How come it was thirty clones the second time? Also, why were they allowed to use weapons and I wasn’t?”

“Because it’s training, I can’t make it easy on you.” Anko replied as they walked. “Besides, I let you use weapons too.”

“Yeah, in round three, with forty clones allowed to use weapons while you launched jutsu at me randomly!” Naruto pouted as he looked away from Anko.

“There, there Naru-koi, Anko-sensei is going to make it all better soon.” Anko purred as she leaned against him and kissed his cheek. Naruto turned as she pulled back and captured her lips in a kiss. When they separated both were wearing matching smiles.

“I’m looking forward to it, Anko-hime.” Naruto grinned; he couldn’t ask for a better sensei and was looking forward to the hot spring. As they got close Naruto looked around and noticed an old, white haired man peeking through a hole in the fence on the female side of the hot spring while giggling lecherously. From his memories of Konoha’s history Naruto immediately knew who this man was. “Anko-hime isn’t that Jiraiya of the Sannin?” he asked as he pointed the man out.

“Yeah, it is; looks like the old pervert hasn’t learned his lesson from the last time he tried this.” Anko hissed as she led Naruto over to the pervert.

“Eh? Hey, leave me alone, brat. Can't you see I'm busy?” Jiraiya said after a cursory look away from his ‘research’ and seeing the Genin.

“Jiraiya, look at me before I alert the women to your presence.” Anko hissed out threateningly.

Jiraiya immediately whirled around with sweat running down his face. “Anko, how nice to see you again, when did you get here?”

“Ladies, we’ve got a pervert peeping!” Anko called out loudly.

Jiraiya's jaw dropped as the wall to the women's side was destroyed by multiple enraged kunoichi. Once they caught sight of Jiraiya, they targeted him and started throwing various weapons that they had on hand. It was almost like they had been prepared for this. Naruto was almost surprised at how viciously they were attacking the legendary ninja. After the hail of shuriken, kunai, senbon, and a few other weapons that weren’t even meant for throwing, the group of kunoichi turned to Naruto and Anko. Unsurprisingly the Pervert Sennin had managed to escape the hail of weaponry and disappear.

“Was he peeping too, Anko-san?” one of the women asked while preparing to throw another kunai.

“Nope, this one is mine.” Anko replied with a smile, holding up their interlaced hands, causing all of the towel-clad women to aww. Most of the kunoichi in the village had heard about Anko finally finding herself a man.

“Alright, well we’re going to get back to our soak.” The lead kunoichi responded as she flipped through a few hand seals. “Doton: Doryuheki no jutsu.” With a rumble a wall of earth rose up and covered the female side of the springs from view once more.

“Shall we get to our own relaxing?” Naruto asked as he squeezed Anko’s hand.

“Of course, Naru-koi, I’ve already reserved a private spring for us.” Anko purred as they walked into the reception area of the hot spring. After confirming their reservation the couple made their way into the private spring.

“I’ll wash your back for you, Anko-hime.” Naruto grinned as he took off his shirt and the mesh armor underneath.

“Oh I’ll want you to wash more than just my back, Naru-koi.” Anko replied seductively as she removed her coat.

“Whatever my hime desires.” Naruto teased as he stripped off his pants.

“Careful, Naru-koi, a lot of things can fit into ‘whatever’.” Anko smiled as she removed her fishnet body suit.

“I think I can live with that.” Naruto replied as he motioned Anko to sit down on the stool in front of the showers. Anko could only smile happily as she sat down with her lover behind her. Naruto gently soaked Anko with the water and softly washed her body with a soap lathered sponge. Anko sighed contently as she let Naruto wash her back while leaning into him.

“Love you, Naru-koi.” Anko murmured softly as Naruto moved onto her front and began washing her stomach.

“Love you too, Anko-hime.” Naruto whispered back as he kissed her cheek. He moved upwards on his lover’s amazing body and began to gently clean her large breasts. Anko let out a quiet moan at the contact and leaned completely back into Naruto’s chest. The washing continued as Naruto moved the sponge downward and began to clean her thighs.

“You’re spoiling me.” Anko sighed in pleasure as he brushed the soapy sponge over her sex. Naruto simply nuzzled her neck as he moved on to cleaning her long legs. Finally reaching her feet Anko giggled lightly as Naruto took each one and gently washed them.

“All clean now, Hime.” Naruto chuckled at seeing his lover’s blissful face.

“Your turn, Koi.” Anko purred as she moved Naruto onto the stool and began to wash him. Anko gently scrubbed his back before running the soapy sponge all over her breasts and pushing them against him.

“So soft.” Naruto sighed feeling his lover’s large breasts against his back. Anko grinned before moving her girls up and down Naruto’s back while kissing the back of his neck.

“Do they feel good, Naru-koi?” Anko teased as she pressed herself closer.

“They’re amazing, just like you.” Naruto sighed as Anko turned his head to face her and kissed him deeply. The lover’s tongues meeting as they explored each other’s mouths.

“Now let’s get the rest of you clean.” Anko breathed out against Naruto’s neck getting him to tremble pleasantly. She moved onto cleaning his chest and abs before smirking wickedly as she moved down to wash his length.

“Hime…that feels…” Naruto tried to speak as Anko washed his erection. Anko just continued to smirk as she teased her lover more. All too soon, in Naruto’s opinion, Anko moved on to wash his legs and feet before rinsing them both off under the shower.

“Come on, Naru-koi, I want to cuddle while we soak.” Anko grinned as she put extra sway into her hips while walking over to the spring. She smirked at hearing Naruto groan behind her, knowing his eyes were locked onto her shapely ass. The lovers entered the spring and quickly got comfortable before leaning against each other. The couple sighed happily at being enveloped in the warmth of the spring as well as each other’s presence.

“We should do this more often.” Naruto mumbled as his arm wrapped around Anko’s waist.

“It wouldn’t be a reward if we did it all the time.” Anko responded as she gently ran her hand up and down Naruto’s abs.

“Hmm, maybe I can have an artificial hot spring built when our clan compound is being built?” Naruto pondered as he relaxed.

“I love it when you say ‘our clan’ like that.” Anko admitted with a smile.

“Because it will be ours, together we’ll make a family full of love and happiness.” Naruto stated as he nuzzled her soft hair.

“Mmm, that’s why I love you so much, Naru-koi. You bring me hope for such a great future for us.” Anko responded as she nuzzled into his neck.

“I’ll do everything in my power to make it happen, Anko-hime.” Naruto murmured as the lovers lapsed into silence as they relaxed and enjoyed their closeness for several minutes.

“Should we have some private ‘fun’ after we leave? It’s been a while since we’ve been able to have sex, with the Chuunin Exams going on and everything.” Anko grinned as she lowered her hand under the water and began to gently stroke her lover.

“I wouldn’t say no to you, Anko-hime.” Naruto replied as his hand slid up from her waist to grasp one of her breasts.

“Then we’ll have to get out in a few more minutes.” Anko sighed as she slowed her teasing strokes.

“I’m good with that.” Naruto mumbled softly as he massaged her breast. It was a while later of gentle caresses and loving touches that the couple got out of the hot spring. After getting dressed they left the building and made their way to Anko’s apartment to continue their intimacy.

-Lemon Begins-

“Mmm, Naru-koi, more.” Anko moaned out as Naruto continued kissing her as he held her up against the wall of her apartment just inside the door. The couple had wasted no time in wrapping their arms around one another as soon as the door closed. Anko quickly added tongue to their kissing while moaning out her pleasure at her lover’s ministrations. Naruto moved his hands up Anko's thighs, getting more pleasurable trembles from her, before grabbing at the hem of her mini skirt and tugging it up over her ass until it bunched up around her waist. Anko, not being idle, reached down and pulled Naruto's fishnet shirt up and over his head forcing the two to stop their kisses for a moment. After his shirt was out of the way Naruto was quick to resume kissing Anko again. Anko started running her hands all over Naruto's chest and abs while his hands went up to cup her ass and bring their bodies closer together. Naruto groaned at the feeling of Anko's soft lips against his own before he was pushed back as Anko pulled her fish net off her body. Anko threw her bodysuit to the floor before staring at the tent in her lover's pants.

“Lose the pants!” Anko growled sexily as she looked her lover over.

“Lose the panties!” Naruto retorted before yanking down his pants and boxers in one motion and kicking them aside. Anko quickly removed her panties as she stood in front of him with a lusty grin. Naruto brought his hands to Anko's hips and pulled her flush against him as their lips met again.

“You're amazing, Naru-koi.” Anko breathed out as Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Thank you, Anko-hime. Now let’s get to the bedroom.” Naruto growled huskily as he pulled Anko off her feet and started carrying her to her bedroom. Anko moaned happily as Naruto carried her into the room and gently placed her onto the bed before crawling on top of her. Naruto groaned as he buried his face into Anko’s soft breasts getting a moan from her as he started kissing them.

“Your body is perfect, Anko-hime.” Naruto stated hotly before capturing Anko's lips in a passionate kiss. The two lovers broke apart and Naruto slowly kissed his way down Anko's body. Placing a kiss on her neck then on each of her nipples and gently pressing soft kisses around her stomach getting a moan from Anko. Naruto finally came down between Anko's thighs getting her to spread her legs and allow him access to her sex.

“Do it, Naru-koi, I’ve missed it so much.” Anko breathed out huskily as they locked eyes with each other before Naruto moved forward and licked her sex. Anko's reaction was intense as she gripped the back of Naruto’s head and arched upwards; trying to keep Naruto's tongue inside of her. Naruto fulfilled Anko's desire as he continued to lick her and kept gently rubbing her clit with his thumb. It wasn't very long before Anko moaned out her release for he lover to hear. Naruto continued to please Anko as she came down from her orgasm induced high.

“Just as amazing as last time, Anko-hime.” Naruto breathed out huskily before Anko quickly pulled him up to kiss him. 

“I definitely missed that, Naru-koi, and I know you’ve missed this.” Anko remarked as she passionately kissed him again before flipping their positions. After breaking their kiss, leaving a thin trail of saliva between the two lover’s lips, Anko moved herself down the bed until Naruto's erection was before her eyes.

“Anko-hime, amazing!” Naruto groaned out as she began kissing and licking his erection. Naruto gently placed his hand on the back of Anko's head as he felt her hot tongue on his erection and the pulse of pleasure that it sent throughout his body.

“You’re getting so worked up, Naru-koi.” Anko purred out with a sexy smirk before wrapping her lips around the head and taking Naruto's erection into her warm mouth. Naruto's groans and pants increased in volume as Anko continued pleasuring her lover. Anko moved at a steady pace bobbing her head up and down while sucking on Naruto.  He placed both of his hands on her head now and gently ran his fingers through her soft purple hair. A few minutes later and Naruto gasped loudly before unleashing inside of Anko's mouth. After getting to taste Naruto's seed again Anko moaned and drank down the rest of his load before pulling back and grinning up at him as his hands massaged her scalp.

“I'm glad I haven’t lost my touch.” Anko smiled sexily as she crawled up his body and straddled his waist. “Now, let's get to the best part.” she purred while lifting herself up over Naruto’s erection and guided it to the lips of her sex. Naruto was almost instantly back to full length at Anko's aggressive display and ready for more.

“Ready whenever you are, Anko-hime.” Naruto growled as he gently grasped Anko’s hips.

“Give it to me." Anko moaned out hotly getting a grin from Naruto before he sheathed himself inside of her entirely.

“Damn, you feel so amazing.” Naruto groaned as pleasure rocked his body. Anko moaned at being one with Naruto again before she began to roll her hips. Naruto panted as he used his hold on Anko’s hips to sync up with her movements, the two lovers moving with each other sending sparks of joy through them. The pleasure continued to build as the lovers gasped out the other’s name in bliss. Anko quickly built up a rhythm as she rode Naruto. He matched the thrusting of his hips in time to her bounces getting deep inside of her. The two lovers continued moving against one another as they moaned from the pleasure they brought each other. Naruto and Anko were lost in the passion of their coupling, pleasure shooting through them as they gave themselves to each other again. Time was lost to the lovers as they only focused on each other until they both started to move together more frantically as their climaxes approached. With a roar of their lover's name Anko collapsed onto Naruto’s chest as they rode out their sexual release. 

“Mmm, I definitely missed this.” Anko mumbled as she nuzzled into Naruto’s chest.

“Hmm, me too, Anko-hime.” Naruto sighed in content as he ran his hand along Anko’s back.

“You up for round two?” Anko purred as she rolled her hips.

“Thought you could wear me out?” Naruto questioned huskily as his hand went down to grab Anko’s ass.

“Come and get it, lover boy.” Anko smirked as Naruto rolled them over so he was above her.

-The Next Morning-

Naruto and Anko woke up happily snuggled in each other’s embrace. With a smile and a gentle good morning kiss the two lovers got up to start the day. Anko quickly dragged Naruto into the shower with her and among the playful groping and kisses the couple managed to get clean. The two made a simple breakfast of eggs, rice, miso soup and fruit together just content in each other’s presence even while doing something so mundane. After they ate and cleaned their dishes Anko told Naruto he had the morning off so that she could get a few relevant jutsu scrolls for his training against Raiton jutsu and Fuuton jutsu. Seeing as his opponents in the first match used them Naruto definitely agreed he’d need jutsu to counter both elements. With a last kiss the two parted ways for the morning planning to meet up for lunch and then go over the jutsu scrolls Anko would bring. Naruto was walking down a street shortly after leaving Anko’s apartment wondering what to do to pass the time. Naruto had just turned a corner when he spotted his, self-proclaimed, rival.

“Hey Boss!” Konohamaru called seeing Naruto from down the street.

“What’s up, Konohamaru?” Naruto asked with a grin his good mood at an all-time high after last night.

“Can we train for a bit? I want to get in some extra practice!” Konohamaru asked with a smile.

Naruto playfully rolled his eyes before replying. "Oh you do, huh? Alright then, follow me.” The two started walking towards a nearby training ground. When they got there, Naruto and Konohamaru went through stretches and warm ups before getting started.

“Ok, Konohamaru, let’s see how far you’ve come.” Naruto challenged getting the younger boy to lunge forward with a punch. The next several minutes were spent with Konohamaru attempting to strike Naruto with his Taijutsu and Naruto easily dodging or blocking each strike. While Konohamaru was surprisingly adept for his age, Naruto was still holding back quite a bit. If he didn't, Konohamaru wouldn’t be able to land a hit on him before being defeated. Of course, Naruto would never actually hurt Konohamaru or hit him full strength for at least another couple of years, but he also wouldn’t take it too easy on the Academy student. A jumping kick from Konohamaru was dodged only for the boy to spin his body around and barley graze Naruto’s shoulder with a punch before falling flat on his face.

“Look at that Konohamaru, you managed a glancing blow. I guess this means you’re ready for some more advanced training.” Naruto congratulated.

“Yeah! Bring it on Boss!” Konohamaru exclaimed happily as he picked himself up from the dirt. “When do we start?”

“Now, and I’ll train you just like Anko-sensei trains me. We’ll start with laps first.” Naruto smiled while pulling out some kunai, causing Konohamaru to pale.

“Umm, what?” Konohamaru asked confused.

“Make sure you dodge the kunai while you’re running! Begin!” Naruto continued with a smile as he prepared to throw the first kunai.

“Ahh!” Konohamaru yelled as he took off running being followed by a smiling Naruto chucking a kunai at the Academy student at random intervals.

While not exactly how Naruto planned to spend his morning this would certainly kill a few hours at least. After Konohamaru couldn’t keep going he’d drop the boy off at the Sarutobi Clan compound and let them take care of the rambunctious Academy student. All in all Naruto was feeling good about his day so far.

-End Chapter-


So what did you think? Good? Bad? Let me know! I hope you’ve all enjoyed the chapter as we start the month of training. Will Jiraiya reappear or will it be just Anko and Naruto for the month? Look forward to future chapters.

Until next time, later!


Thomas E Nellis

That was pretty awesome. I loved t.


Thanks for the feedback Thomas! I'm glad you liked it! It has been a while since I've written an intimate scene so I hope I pulled it off well.