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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with another chapter of Harry Potter the First Nemea Leonthrope. This chapter we see the last of Harry’s day to day classes and the results of the Auror’s search of the Archives.

As always Patrons get all chapters a month early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 10 – DADA, Potions, and Search Results

The first lesson on Wednesday was the one Harry had been looking forward to the most. Defense Against the Dark Arts had always been a subject Harry did well in. Even if the last two Professors had both ended up trying to harm him. He was holding out hope that this year’s Professor would be competent based on what had happened on the train with the dementor. Harry, Ron and Hermione got seats near the front since they were eager to see what this Professor would be like. They quickly put their books, parchment and quills on the tables to be ready as soon as Professor Lupin started class. Within minutes all of their classmates had arrived and taken seats. Shortly afterwards the door opened and Remus Lupin entered. His robes looked slightly worn and Harry wondered why this was the case. Surely someone capable of being a Professor could afford a newer set of robes. Maybe Professor Lupin was just reluctant to spend money or something?

“Well, good morning class. First let's get introductions out of the way. I'm Remus Lupin and I’ll be your new Professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts. From what I have seen in the records of my predecessors your education in this subject has been rather disjointed and unstructured, I intend to change this. In that vein, put your books away, we will start with something practical.” Lupin stated and waited for the students to pack their texts away.

The class became somewhat excited. They rarely ever had practical lessons and it was already a good sign that they were starting out with one. Maybe they’d actually be able to learn and practice the spells in the textbooks in class instead of on their own.

“This year we will study various dark creatures. Not the very dangerous ones, those are part of what the upper year classes will study, but the more basic ones, the ones that can also cause you a lot of problems, if you don't know how to deal with them. So, who can tell me what a boggart is?" Lupin asked.

Hermione, to no one’s surprise, Harry and Parvati had their hands raised. Lupin chose Hermione to answer.

“A boggart is a shapeshifter. They resemble what the one confronting them fears the most. Nobody really knows what a boggart looks like as they immediately take the form of what the wizard or witch fears.” Hermione answered.

“Correct, Hermione. A boggart will take the form of what you fear most. There is an easy spell to deal with a boggart. We will get to that part shortly. Does anybody know what will dispel a boggart?” Lupin asked the class.

Parvati, Harry and Hermione raised their hands again. This time Parvati was chosen to answer.

“A boggart is dispelled by laughter.” Parvati answered.

“That's correct Ms. Patil. Laughter dispels a boggart. You have to make the boggart, which will take the form of your greatest fear, appear as something you could laugh about. So what would be an appropriate method to deal with a boggart?” Lupin queried the class.

He let them think about it for a minute before he asked Dean Thomas to answer the question.

“I think not being alone. If the boggart had two people standing in front of it, then it wouldn’t be able to scare both as they would both fear different things most.” Dean reasoned.

“Very good, Mr. Thomas, a boggart that has more than one opponent will be confused. I have once seen a boggart that tried to scare two people at the same time. It was very humorous. Imagine a half mummy and a half fire crab. The fire crab was constantly setting the mummy's bandages on fire.” Lupin chuckled at the memory. The students were all laughing as well.

“The spell to defeat a boggart is Riddikulus. It takes concentration to cast it though. Saying the incantation is only half of what it takes. You have to be prepared to face a boggart. We will start to practice soon. I am currently searching the castle for one so you can practice dealing with it. Until then I want you to take your time to think about what you fear most. Make sure to be honest with yourself. Then think of a way to make it look funny. Now pair up with another student and exchange ideas.” Lupin said as the class went about pairing up.

They began to move in the classroom and Harry chose to partner up with Neville, while Ron and Hermione teamed up.

“Alright Neville, what are you most afraid of?” Harry asked his partner. Neville looked at the ground and mumbled something but Harry couldn't make it out.

“Umm, sorry Neville, I didn't catch that.” Harry said.

“Professor Snape.” Neville repeated a bit louder while looking ashamed.

“Hey, no need to be ashamed Neville. He can be really scary and with how he has it out for you I can totally understand your fear. He’s a greasy git.” Harry replied quietly. Neville chuckled at Harry's comment.

“Well, now we only have to find a way to get the greasy git to look funny and not scary. Any ideas?” Harry asked, wanting to get Neville to speak up a bit. He was way too insecure. He always believed that he would fail and then his self-doubt made him fail. Whoever instilled this fear of failure into Neville was a right bastard in Harry’s opinion.

“I don't really know Harry. Perhaps if he had a strange hair color or wore funny clothes?” Neville suggested.

Harry snorted at Neville’s suggestion, being reminded of Tonks and her preference for oddly colored hair.

“Oh yes, that would be good. Imagine a Snape with bright pink hair, topped off with a big funny hat in a clashing color.” Harry chuckled out.

“Add an old fashioned dress, with a lot of lace, a big old handbag and high heels too.” Neville added also starting to laugh at the mental image.

“Oh this will be priceless, I can't wait to see you facing a boggart Neville, that image is just hysterical.” Harry chortled. The two needed some time to calm down again. The other student pairs across the room had similar problems.

“Ok Harry, now we have covered my fear, what is yours?” Neville questioned.

“Let me think.” Harry said. The first thing to come to mind was Voldemort, being restored to his full power and restarting his reign of terror, but then another thought came up to him. One that made his instincts flare up in response.

“A dementor.” Harry answered truthfully.

“Oh, those are horrible.” Neville responded shivering briefly at the memory of the creatures.

Lupin heard Harry's statement and was surprised. He had expected something else, mostly involving Voldemort or Death Eaters. Maybe even whatever beast had been lurking in the Chamber of Secrets. But for the thing that Harry feared most to be what some consider the physical embodiment of fear. Well, Lupin could think of less terrifying things that people were afraid of.

“Hmm, how could you make a dementor less scary and actually funny?” Neville pondered, trying to make a soul eating being silly or funny wasn’t easy.

“I don't think stealing the cloak would be good. A naked dementor seems only more frightening.” Harry shuddered while remembering the hand.

“You’re right. Maybe if you made it really fat? Like completely unable to even float? Just make it unmovable on the ground like a ball? Then you send it rolling around out of control?” Neville suggested.

Harry pictured a puffed up beach ball of a dementor its hands flopping uselessly as it was rolled around and chuckled at the image.

“That's great but let’s add some more things. Make it multicolored with bright colors in stripes instead of the black raggedy robe.” Harry described his idea, sending both him and Neville into a fit of laughter.

Remus couldn't help but grin at the mental image the boys had created. Yes, it would be amusing to see how Harry transformed his boggart dementor and Neville his Snape boggart. He’d have to make sure he got a good look at Severus’ face when the dour Potions Professor heard what Neville made his boggart look like.

-Potions Class-

The class sat silently in the dungeons. Harry was nervous. He had studied as much as he could for potions and was fairly sure he could answer Snape's usual questions this time around. Just then the door flew open and Snape strode in.

“Well, it seems everybody is present.” Snape drawled with a short look over the room.

“Today we are brewing a Shrinking Solution. Potter, tell me three core ingredients of this potion.” Snape snapped out sure that Harry wouldn’t be able to answer.

“Daisy roots, Shrivel Fig and Caterpillars, Professor.” Harry answered. Snape’s look of surprise was a good indication to Harry that his studying over the summer had paid off.

“Well it seems you’ve finally decided to at least look at the first chapter of your potions text this year.” Snape responded with a mocking undertone. “What color is the Shrinking Solution supposed to have in its finished state?” Snape queried.

“It should be green, Sir.” Harry answered again.

“So you can read; I was starting to think you were illiterate with how you constantly failed your brewing. What kind of reaction does the potion create?” Snape mocked as he asked another question.

“It will shrink the recipient of the potion into a former state for a limited time. An example would be if you fed a toad with some of it, then it would turn into a tadpole. While a dog fed the solution would revert into a puppy. The Shrinking Solution differs from the Reversion Draught in that its effects are temporary while the Draught is permanent but toxic in multiple doses.” Harry replied internally pleased with himself for being able to answer Snape’s questions.

The entire third year Potions class was stunned. How was Harry Potter, who always struggled with Snape's questions suddenly able to answer everything correctly? Harry, meanwhile, was enjoying the seething faces of most of the Slytherins, especially Malfoy, who had been hoping for his humiliation. Unfortunately for them, he was done with being their source of amusement in class.

Snape was taken aback. Never would he have thought that the Potter brat would actually have prepared for his class. In Snape’s mind the boy just arrogantly thought he could get by without preparation or studying. It must be a one-time accomplishment; the boy wouldn't be able to repeat this feat.

Snape continued his string of questions about the third year potions class syllabus. He asked about stirring techniques, ingredient preparation and was internally seething that Potter managed to answer everything correctly. He knew he couldn't start asking anything from outside of the third year course. That know-it-all Granger would realize it immediately and probably go to Minerva. The girl had done that before. He didn't need the deputy headmistress’ ire focused on him again.

“It seems some intelligence has found its’ way into your brain Potter. Five points to Gryffindor.” Snape said calmly, even though behind the desk his knuckles were white from the strength of his balled fists.

This shocked all the students. Snape had given points to Harry Potter? Some of the Gryffindors actually tried pinching themselves to see if they were awake. Of course any normal Professor would have given Harry many more points for that many questions but Snape was still Snape.

By the end of the potions class normality had returned as Snape taken away a total of twenty points from Gryffindor, so Harry's five points didn't really matter. But Harry looked forward to showing his progress for the rest of the year. He had produced a perfect Shrinking Solution, and had even helped Neville prepare his to an acceptable level. The majority of the Slytherins were still seething at Harry’s sudden display of potions aptitude. Except for Tracy Davis and Daphne Greengrass, Harry had noticed that both of them had given him an approving nod when their eyes had met across the classroom.

-Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Department Head’s Office-

Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was currently sitting in her office, at her fine mahogany desk. On the other side of the desk, Aurors John Dawlish and Nymphadora Tonks were seated in chairs. Standing against a wall was Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody. Moody had refused to sit in a chair, saying it made him vulnerable if there was a sudden attack.

“What am I doing here, Amelia?” Moody asked, “You know I am set to retire soon.”

“I'm well aware, Alastor,” Amelia replied. “I however believe we’ll need your help one more time before you turn in your badge.” Moody stared at her with both his normal eye, and his magical eye. “By the way Aurors Dawlish and Tonks are speaking I’m sure we’re not going to like what they have to report.”

“Well, let’s hear what you two have to report.” Moody said while looking towards his protégé and the Senior Auror.

“One of the most prominent cases from the end of You-Know-Who’s attacks on Magical Britain had to do with Sirius Black betraying the location of the Potters to You-Know-Who.” Dawlish started the report.

“I remember,” Moody said. “What about it?”

“Exactly what do you remember?” Tonks questioned her mentor.

“Voldemort showed up at the Potter’s hiding place and killed James and Lily Potter,” Moody began. “After whatever happened that night at the cottage, Peter Pettigrew tracked down Sirius Black and cornered him in a muggle town. After accusing Black of betraying the Potters, Pettigrew was killed by Black along with twelve muggles when Black blasted the street they were standing on. As I recall they only found one of Pettigrew’s fingers afterward. Sirius was found laughing like a madman at the scene and taken into custody. He was sentenced to life in Azkaban and stayed there for twelve years before his recent escape.”

“Well, that’s the problem Alastor, Sirius Black was never charged with any crime. He was never questioned nor given a trial. Both I and Auror Tonks, along with three other clerks, have searched the archives and haven’t found a single file regarding Sirius Black’s case.” Dawlish informed Moody and Amelia.

“Why am I just hearing about this now?” Amelia demanded, with a scowl.

“I'm afraid we’ve only just confirmed it ourselves this morning, ma’am,” Tonks answered, “We’ve been searching through the entire section of the archives relating to November of eighty one and haven’t found anything. We wanted to be sure before we brought this to your attention.”

“Does anyone else know about this yet?” Amelia questioned.

“Only the clerks that were with us, but their Vow to the Department will prevent them from telling anyone about it.” Dawlish informed his boss. 

“Did you check all of the archives?” Moody asked.

Tonks sighed tiredly. “Every drawer for November of eighty one plus all the ones for December of eighty one just to be sure. One of the clerks tried going through the lists of names kept within each year of cases to find Black’s name. But that was a failure too. The last time a ‘Sirius Black’ had a case against him was Sirius Black the Second for magical assault against a muggle back in eighteen sixty two.”

“So there’s absolutely nothing about arrest, questioning, trial, or sentencing? Nothing at all?” Amelia asked to be sure.

“Not a thing that was ever recorded.” Dawlish replied.

“How did this happen? Every Death Eater we captured was given a trial, no matter how horrendous their crimes. Why didn’t anyone notice that Black wasn’t given one?” Moody questioned a deep look of contemplation on his scarred face.

“That is what I intend to find out.” Amelia stated seriously.

Moody snorted. “Heads will roll for this, such a breach of procedure against a Pureblood. If the Wizengamot doesn’t throw an absolute fit I'll eat my eye, the real one!”

Amelia, Dawlish and Tonks all stared at Moody with raised eyebrows.

“You know I’m right!” Moody growled.

“Well, I agree with you on the fact that the Wizengamot is going to throw a fit,” Amelia said. “I am going to need the names of every single Auror and Obliviator that was part of the arrest and subsequent processing. I hope they'll all cooperate with the investigation we’re going to have to start, and that we can get to the bottom of this matter before the Minister decides to do anything else about catching Black.”

“Aye, that's a fine idea, I’ll drag them in here if I have to. We'll figure out what the hell happened that night. Someone wanted this case open and shut quickly. I’ll damned sure find out who and why!” Moody growled out.

“What should we do about the current hunt for Black?” Dawlish asked.

“Keep it going for now,” Amelia said, “I’ll suspend the Kiss on Sight order that the Minister put out. If he asks about it I’ll just tell him its part of a new investigation.”

Moody snorted. “If I know Fudge, he'll be whimpering about how this’ll make him look to the public. He's too dim to realize the real implications of this kind of miscarriage of justice. If he had his way he’d probably just sweep this under the rug and let Black be Kissed.”

“I'll make sure to keep him as far away from the investigation as possible,” Amelia stated, making a note on a parchment in front of her about which of her Aurors to bring into this investigation. “Now, there is something else I need to speak to all of you about. Neither of you are going to like it Dawlish, Moody.”

“Why us, ma’am?” Dawlish asked.

“Because Bartemius Crouch was your former superior.” Amelia responded.

“What has that got to do with now?” Dawlish questioned.

Amelia sighed while rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Because he was the Head of the DMLE when Sirius was arrested. Meaning he had direct control of the processing for Black and that means he allowed there to be no records kept or he threw Black into Azkaban without due process.” Dawlish looked absolutely flabbergasted, and Alastor had a hard expression on his face as he listened to Amelia.

“I’ll get started on gathering up anyone I know that was part of this incident. Dawlish can you get me a list of everybody else? We’re in for a hell of a long night.” Moody grunted as he took a sip of Fire Whisky from a flask he kept in his robe.

“Sure thing, Alastor, this is going to be a shitestorm isn’t it?” Dawlish sighed.

Amelia inhaled and exhaled, and looked at Dawlish, then Moody. “So what are we going to do about Crouch?” she questioned the two Senior Aurors.

“Amelia, we'll be lucky to drag him out of his office in magical cuffs,” Moody said, “Barty Crouch isn't an easy man to arrest. Even after his son was outed as a Death Eater it’ll be difficult to convince the Wizengamot to charge him. He’s had decades to build up relationships, favors and gain political capital during his career.”

“Does that include you?” Amelia asked, staring hard at Moody.

“I’ll do my job properly, Amelia.” Moody grunted. “I ain't going to let my respect for Barty get in the way. If he's guilty, then he’s guilty. What I'm saying is we could put him in front of the Wizengamot, and they'll likely clear him of most if not all of the charges because of the war. He won't spend a minute inside a Ministry cell much less Azkaban.”

“That may be,” Tonks said, “But we can still correct this injustice. Sirius could definitely get a proper trial. Plus we can find out what really happened that night, at least from his perspective. That’s far more than what we know now.”

“Aye.” Moody nodded.

“If that happens I'll be pleased. We’ve already got a severe miscarriage of justice to deal with. If we can free an innocent man and potentially punish those that let this happen then we’ve done our job as Aurors.” Amelia stated getting nods from the three Aurors in front of her.

“Do you think Crouch suspects any of his actions from back then will come to light?” Dawlish questioned.

“He shouldn’t,” Amelia replied, “And we’re going to keep it that way. Do you know how close Crouch is to Fudge? If Crouch gets word of this, the first person he'll tell is Fudge. It won’t be long after that before the Minister tries to forcefully shut down our investigation. No one is to speak a word of this to anybody. Am I understood?”

“I know how to keep my mouth shut, Amelia, and I'll be right beside you through this case.” Moody grunted.

“You’ll have my support, and I guarantee my silence.” Dawlish nodded.

“I’ll do whatever I can to help, Director.” Tonks replied firmly.

“Excellent! Now let’s get started, this is going to get a hell of a lot worse before we’re done.” Amelia said while motioning the three to take their leave. As the three Aurors turned and left her office Amelia could only slump in her chair and sigh. “Barty what the hell kind of situation did you leave for me?” she quietly questioned her empty office. With another sigh Amelia set to work writing out a list of Auror names that she could trust to bring into this case. Most of those involved in this incident weren’t going to have their jobs once this all came to light. The rest would most likely be arrested and she had to make sure none of this somehow got out to the wrong people. Why did she take this job again?

-End Chapter-


So how’d you like that? Good? Bad? Let me know! Next chapter we skip ahead a bit and get to Sirius’ first attempt on Pettigrew and the first Hogsmeade trip. After that it won’t be long until the end of Third Year and then we’ll move right along into fourth after a chapter for summer. Hope you’re looking forward to it!


Thomas E Nellis

That was amazing. The Dogfather shall be freed. Harry can have a real fam muahahaha! Harry can finally get the talk.


Glad you liked it Thomas, appreciate the feedback! But stop giving away my future comedy plots! Of course Sirius is going to have fun at his godson's expense, what kind of Dogfather would he be otherwise?


Sure thing! Vote for this story to be updated when I release the Monthly Update Poll next weekend.