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Hello friends and fans! Kairomaru is here with another Patreon Exclusive One-shot! This one was made by Support Captain CC100! It’s a Harry Potter Harmony story that I hope lives up to expectations.

I’d like to thank CC100 again for being my patron for six months! I’m always moved that so many of you think that my writing is good enough to support financially. I’ll strive to keep living up to expectations for all of my patrons, friends, and fans. 

Without further ado, let’s start this story!


Return of the Dark Lord – A Harry Potter One-shot

On a Sunday night, the greenhouse and nursery was pretty quiet. Then again, it usually was at the end of the weekend. The customers came in more often early Saturday or by Sunday afternoon at the latest. The group sitting around the check-out were all in their early twenties and all finishing the last few minutes of their shift. They were waiting for the last customer to finish looking around and make their purchases before they could begin closing up for the night.

At least they were being entertained. They had all noticed the last customer was a beautiful girl shopping by herself. A beautiful girl whom had politely rebuffed every attempt from any of them to help her find anything. The oddest thing was all of them were sure she kept looking over in their direction. Martin, a part-timer who was in University, decided that she must be looking at him, so confidently set off to chat her up. He initially seemed to be making progress before his deflation was visible from the other side of the shop. His shuffle back was in stark contrast to the way he'd initially strutted over to the girl.

“Hey Marty, so is it back to just you and the telly tonight? It does seem like you've nothing else going on.” Jacob, another part-timer in University, heckled with a grin.

This generated a fair amount of laughter. Martin's obsession with chatting up any pretty girl he saw in the shop was well known. Not to mention his habit of watching hours of television when he got shot down.

As first time shopkeepers, this store being most of the group’s first job, the group's dynamics had yet to settle down into roles. Martin saw himself as a leader but, much to his dismay, nobody else did. Faced with the ridicule from his fellow workers, Martin employed his go to defensive tactic, that being to turn the focus of the ridicule onto someone else.

“Hey, we all agreed she was looking over here. Who else would she be looking at, Harry?”

Harry had been doing his usual, standing quietly at the edge of the group and wondering when he would inevitably be dragged into the conversation. Everyone's attention now on him was met with an exasperated sigh.

Noah could and probably should be the leader of their little work group, he was seemingly waiting on all the other contenders for the position to make arses of themselves before taking the role. He was also Harry's most frequent work buddy and wasn't about to stand for Martin having a go at him, just because Harry was quiet.

“Let's be honest, Martin, Harry couldn't do any worse than you. I've seen some people crash and burn in my time but that was impressively bad.” Noah drawled.

“I'll bet you the first round at the pub tonight that Harry will crash and burn too.” Martin snapped back quickly.

“That's hardly fair, since she’s turned away all help since coming in. I will bet he fares better than you though. I would also bet you tried one of your infamous pick-up lines on her.” Noah replied smirking.

Martin's face was now red as Noah turned to Harry. “What about it, mate? Wanna give it a go? You really have nothing to lose; we all know Mr. Fail here couldn't resist trying to dazzle her with his, self-proclaimed, brilliance.”

Getting a wink from his friend got Harry moving from the edge of the group. Harry didn't make friends often and the laid back Noah was one of the few.

Martin then tried to sabotage his efforts before he even started. Thumping Harry way harder on the back than was considered polite, he practically shouted “Go get her, tiger!” at the top of his voice.

Harry stopped and turned to face Martin, his green eyes giving the other young man the most deadpan stare possible.

Even with a height and weight advantage, Martin suddenly felt like he was a young child again. Harry’s gaze reminding him of the times he’d truly disappointed his parents when he’d been young and rebellious. “Just wishing you luck, mate.” He muttered while looking away.

As Harry turned and walked towards the girl; Noah's words, while aimed at Martin, were heard by most of the group. “Don't let Harry being quiet think you can mess with him. I didn't do my share of the work our first day here, after our shift he took me out back and chewed me out. He's easy going until you give him a reason not to be, Harry is the hardest worker out of all of us.”

Harry approached the girl who then smiled at him, making her go from beautiful to absolutely gorgeous. “Excuse me, Miss. I'm very sorry to bother you, especially after just having to deal with Martin. The thing is there's a bet running among us now. Not about you, although you are most certainly involved. You see we're all sure Martin tried some cheesy pick-up line on you, and I was hoping to confirm?”

“He said, ‘If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put U and I together.’ Rather poorly I might add.” The beautiful girl replied, rolling her eyes at the memory.

“Oh wow, that’s just bad. What did you say?” Harry questioned.

“I said I preferred the letters to stay where they are. He looked so shocked that he just sort of turned around and shuffled away.” She replied with a grin.

This had both of them laughing before Harry got ready to excuse himself. “Thank you for clearing that up, I’m Harry and if you need any assistance please let me know.” Harry offered with a smile.

“My name is Hermione, and maybe you can help me?" Hermione asked.

“Hermione, that’s from Shakespeare right? I don’t know why but I've always loved that name.” Harry said with a fond smile.

Harry then got to hear that pretty laugh again. “Now who's trying their lines?” Hermione responded with a teasing smile.

“I’m afraid I don’t really have any lines. I don’t often go out to try and pick up girls. So I’m sure I’d probably come off like an awkward teenager.” Harry replied lightly rubbing the back of his head, further ruffling the perpetually messy locks. 

Seeing Hermione's eyes begin to mist over, Harry was getting ready to apologize when she shook her head. “You didn't upset me, just reminded me of a close friend. But I certainly don't buy the part about having no lines; you're way too handsome for that to be true.”

This got a wide grin from Harry. “I've been called many things, usually nerdy, but never handsome. This is might seem like another line but you’re just really easy to talk to. I'm not smooth with girls at all, far less beautiful ones like you.”

“Well that's either a great line or a sincere compliment and I think I’ll take it as a compliment. You're rather charming and yet, when I looked over to your group, you seemed to want to be elsewhere.” Hermione stated as she glanced towards the others near the check-out area.

Harry’s brow furrowed at just how perceptive this girl was. He did find her easy to talk with though. Harry was actually enjoying his evening shift so kept the conversation going. “This is not really where I’d like to be. I'm not much of a gardener and I have always struggled to make friends, hence why I didn't look thrilled to be here. I'll be here with these same people for at least a few months probably so I thought I should at least make an effort to be friendly.”

“You don’t like working here?” Hermione asked.

“Not really, my Aunt used to make me do a lot of gardening around the house. I was seventeen, almost eighteen, when I suddenly realized I hadn’t done much of anything during my school years. I started looking for a job that would take on a student with grades like mine and, well, here we are...” Harry was shocked as her hand softly took his and Hermione's thumb was now drawing slow circles on the back of his hand. This was a very unusual situation for Harry but one thing was obvious and that was the sincerity emanating from Hermione.

“You're working at a place you don’t enjoy, but you put your coworker’s feelings before your own. That’s so kind of you.” Hermione said with small tears welling up in the corner of her eyes.

“It's better than just being miserable all the time.” Harry replied with a lopsided smile.

Shortly after that Noah appeared, quickly noticing their hands. “Hey Harry, you didn’t come back to tell us who won the bet.”

“You knew who won before you came over here. Noah, this is Hermione.” Harry responded with some sarcasm.

“Hi Noah, could you do us a favor?” Hermione asked, and looking into those warm chocolate eyes would have Noah agreeing to do just about anything. “Could you please tell Martin that Harry and I are going to be leaving now?”

Noah was nodding before it hit him. “Eh, you mean right now?”

Harry had an even wider grin on his face now. “Don't worry, I’ll punch out first. See you tomorrow.” Hermione's hand gently squeezed his, causing Harry to look towards her. She merely lifted an eyebrow and Harry quickly got the message being conveyed. “Or maybe not, anyway, if I don't see you, have a nice day.”

Hermione, still with Harry's hand in hers, quickly followed him to the punch in clock. After Harry punched out the both of them headed towards the front of the store and out the door.

Noah turned to see Martin already looking through his wallet, acknowledging he had lost the bet. The rest of the group was sarcastically thanking Martin for buying the first round of drinks tonight.

As they walked through the parking lot, Harry offered Hermione an out. “I can't thank you enough for that. I was dreading having to try getting out of going to the pub, again.” Harry thanked the beautiful girl.

Hermione, still holding his hand, gave it another squeeze. “Harry, playing dumb doesn't suit you. You’re a horrible liar; I can read the curiosity on your face.”

“I recall an old saying about curiosity and a cat.” Harry replied flatly.

Stopping, Hermione turned to look at him. “I could never, would never, hurt you. Do you believe me?” Once more, the beautiful girl's sincerity shone through. Harry could only agree with what the brunette said.

“I was at that shop tonight looking for a very important person. I found that person and promise to tell him everything, just not here. I can tell you why you find it easy to talk to me and so much more. It might take all night and some of tomorrow, but I promise I will answer every question.” Hermione stated while gazing into Harry’s eyes.

Something deep inside Harry practically ordered him to believe this beautiful woman, and he was sure it wasn't just his hormones. They got in a car that was obviously rented and Hermione quickly had them on the road. Harry then realized that all he knew about Hermione was her name and this drive was a good chance to remedy that. Harry, after a bit of talking, learned she was twenty and, although obviously British, Hermione had lived with her parents and a good friend in France for the last two years. Harry casually asked what would make her leave France to visit Britain in the chilly beginnings of spring. Hermione simply glanced at him meaningfully. 

They weren't on the road long before Hermione had them heading into the parking lot of a motel. She parked the car in front of a room, and then came round the car to lead him inside, this blew Harry's mind. Things like this didn't happen to him. Hermione sat him down in the room's only chair, but it was the room's one bed that Harry's thoughts kept being drawn to. Hermione took off her jacket and hung it up; the tight fitting jumper she wore under it wasn’t helping Harry's problems. As Hermione walked around the room, Harry tried very hard not to stare at her amazing arse. When she sat on the bed across from him and held both his hands in hers, Harry was instantly lost in those chocolate eyes.

"The reason you can talk to me so easily, Harry, is that we were best friends for seven years. Those were the best years of my life and I was devastated when the Ministry took you away from us. I know for a fact they changed your memory but there are some things they couldn't change. There is a scar on your right forearm that looks like a puncture wound, right? A giant snake did that when you were twelve. You nearly died but a good friend saved you. The scar along your left shoulder was made by a different type of creature when you were fourteen another good friend healed you then.” Hermione explained getting looks of shock from Harry. He couldn’t fathom how she knew about his scars.

Harry was wearing his hair a little longer and also wore nicer glasses, leaving her best friend a rather handsome young man. She lifted one of her hands to his face and brushed away the black hair that was obscuring his most famous scar of all. Running her finger gently along the lightning bolt shaped scar saw Harry leaning into her touch; much like Crookshanks or Hedwig did when they wanted attention.

“You got this the night your parents died. You used to believe it happened in a car crash, is that the story they stuck to?” His gentle nod made Hermione continue, even though she knew this would be hard. “On Halloween, nineteen eighty one, your parents, James and Lily Potter, were murdered by one of the most vile and evil men that's ever lived. He tried to kill you too, but something remarkable happened. He was banished and you were left with that scar, along with a whole lot of fame you never wanted. It took him nearly fourteen years to come back, and when you broke that news, the Ministry wouldn't believe you. The government didn't want you spreading the truth. It made them look bad and there were also those who would believe you. So they manufactured charges to get you into court.” Hermione explained a she continued to cup Harry’s cheek with her hand.

“Even after you were proven correct and that monster made his return; it still took the better part of three years to finally defeat him for good. You grew so much in that time. Always trying to keep everyone safe and bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders. But after you defeated him the Ministry rather quickly decided that someone powerful enough to take down that monster couldn’t be trusted.” Hermione now had tears slowly running down her cheeks as she recounted the moment that changed both their lives. “They came for you only a couple of weeks after you saved us all. They said they needed you to come to the Ministry for a short time. Something about parchment work that needed to be filled out. We never saw you after that. It took a while before we found out what they’d done. When I tried to look into it further I was threatened and told to leave well enough alone.”

Harry was mesmerized by Hermione's touch, she could have told him practically anything and he wouldn't have disagreed. “That sounds like something out of an action movie. Government cover-ups and the like.”

This drew a giggle out of Hermione, and allowed her to use her free hand to wipe the tears off her cheeks. “Your memory was wiped, they would have had to wipe the Dursley’s' too, and they bound your magic. Yes, Harry, magic. You're a wizard, Harry, and a very powerful one. Your mother and father were magical too, and so am I.”

Harry lifted both his hands and clasped Hermione's that was gently stroking his cheek. “I really want you to keep doing that, but I can't think clearly when you're actually doing it. Magic, Hermione, truly? What does that make you? A witch?”

“Yes, Harry, I'm a witch. My mother and father aren't magical though, so they had a similar conversation when I turned eleven and qualified for magical schooling. Professor McGonagall used her wand to turn the sitting room coffee table into a pig. After witnessing that, they believed in magic.” Hermione explained. Now it was Harry's turn to raise a questioning eyebrow, and Hermione knew exactly what he wanted. With a slow movement she pulled her wand out of her sleeve and lifted it up into the air. A second later three bluebell flames were hovering above the bed.

“Blimey…I guess you weren’t joking. Either that or you’re the best magician I’ve ever seen.” Harry calmly stated still entranced by Hermione.

“Harry, it took me these last two years to find a way to release your magic and restore your memories.” Hermione said with a smile. “But now that I know how I’ve prepared everything and I just had to find you. If you’re willing I can take us back to France with magic and get you back to your old self.”

“Why can’t we do it here?” Harry questioned confused.

“It’s a ritual Harry. It needs to be completed at a certain time and at a very magical place to undo what they did to you.” Hermione replied as she took both of Harry’s hands into her own.

“What time and where?” Harry asked the brunette witch.

“On the night of a new moon is the time. As for the where, we’ll be at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic in France.” Hermione answered.

“This all sounds rather crazy. But I literally just watched you produce floating fire balls with a stick, so either I’m going nutters or you’re telling the truth.” Harry said as he locked eyes with Hermione. “Alright, if you think what’s been done can be undone. Then I’ll trust you, Hermione. Let’s get out of here.”

“Of course Harry, we’ll have you back to rights by tomorrow night.” Hermione replied as she quickly stood up and grabbed her jacket. After throwing it on she pulled a small length of rope from the pocket and held it out to Harry. “Grab onto the rope and we’ll be off.”

“If you say so.” Harry nodded and grabbed one end of the rope. A sudden feeling like being tugged from behind his navel assaulted his senses before he felt like he was spinning through a tunnel of multicolored lights. With a sudden jerk Harry found himself lying on thick carpet in a very different room than the motel he’d just been in.

“Are you alright Harry? I know Portkeys can be disorientating.” Hermione asked from behind him. Harry carefully got to his feet before turning to look at her and reassure her that he was fine.

“Bonjour Hermione, I see you got ‘arry with you.” A beautiful voice came from the doorway. Turning to greet the woman Harry was briefly struck by how beautiful the blonde, obviously French, woman was.

“Yes, Fleur thank you for having us.” Hermione replied before turning to Harry again. “Harry this is the friend I told you’d my parents and I have been staying with the past two years, Fleur Delacour.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Delacour.” Harry greeted politely after a quick shake of his head to clear it.

“It is good to see you again, ‘arry.” Fleur replied with a smile. “But you’ll remember zat after ze ritual tomorrow night. Hermione, my maman, and I will be performing ze ritual to undo what ze British Ministry ‘as done to you. Until zen feel free to make yourself at ‘ome.”

“Thank you for your hospitality.” Harry replied as Fleur turned to leave the room and left him and Hermione alone. “So, Hermione, what else can you tell me about what has happened since I was apparently memory wiped and hidden from magic for two years?”

“There is quite a bit to catch up on.” Hermione nodded as she led Harry to the sitting room where fresh tea was waiting.

The next night found Harry more than ready to have the ritual fix him. The things he’d learned from Hermione about what had happened since he’d been cast out of the Magical World had pissed him off. After all the things Hermione had told him these pricks had the gall to toss him aside? They even left the root of the problem, the Blood Supremacists, in positions of power? What the hell did they think was going to happen if they didn’t remove them from power? That they were suddenly going to have a change of heart? The bloody imbeciles!

So here Harry was on the night of the new moon, in the center of a ritual circle in only his boxers. He’d had runes painted across his body in a mixture of a special ink and his own blood. And now Hermione, Fleur, and Appoline were standing in a triangle around the ritual circle and beginning to chant. Harry watched in fascination as the ritual circle began to glow. The runes on his body also started to glow one by one. The light quickly became near blinding and Harry felt a massive pain throughout his body. This was followed by a feeling of warmth rushing through him as what he guessed was his magic was released. The head splitting headache that hit after his magic settled was far worse. After the most intense mental pain he’d ever experienced had left, seven years of memories slammed back into his mind. This left Harry disorientated, nauseous, and light headed before he blacked out.

When Harry next awoke he found Hermione sitting in a chair next to his bed reading. “Still the bookworm, huh Hermione?” he teased his friend.

“Harry!” Hermione shouted almost dropping her book as she lunged at him and wrapped him in a patented Hermione hug. “Are you ok? Do you feel strange in anyway? Do you remember everything? Can you feel your magic?”

“Breathe Hermione, breathe.” Harry chuckled as he returned the hug. “I’m feeling like myself again. Yes I remember and I’m still bloody pissed.”

“As long as you’re ok that’s all that matters.” Hermione replied as she let the hug end.

“I’ll be fine once I get used to being able to use magic again.” Harry replied as he sat up and looked around. “So what should we do now?”

“I’ll do whatever you’d like, Harry. I just don’t want you out of my sight for a while.” Hermione responded as she held onto his hand.

“What I’d like to do is learn a bit more magic and then head back to Britain. Then let them all know what I think about what they’ve done to me.” Harry growled as he squeezed Hermione’s hand gently.

“I wouldn’t mind doing that myself.” Hermione replied. “After the Ministry banished you so many of the people I thought we could call friends simply accepted it. They didn’t fight back, didn’t try to find you, nothing! They just went on with their lives like nothing happened to you.”

“What’s zis? Planning to take on ze incompetent British Ministry all by yourselves?” Fleur asked teasingly as she walked into the bedroom. “It’s good to see you awake ‘arry.”

“Good to be back, Fleur. Thank you for your help with the ritual.” Harry replied with a grateful nod as he got out of bed.

“It was my pleasure, ‘arry. What zey did to you was beyond wrong. If you wanted to take zem down I could not fault you. I would if I was in your place.” Fleur stated with a nod.

“So, Hermione, did everyone just ignore my situation or do we still have some real friends left in Britain?” Harry questioned as he gathered a change of clothes that had been left out for him.

“There are a few who would help you if they know that you’ve come back. They’ve kept quiet to avoid retaliation from the Ministry. Neville would definitely help. Andromeda, Susan, George, a couple of the girls from the DA that have kept out of the Ministry’s attention. Fleur’s husband Bill is definitely on our side if Fleur is. Everyone knows who is really in charge of their relationship.” Hermione finished with a giggle. Fleur simply leaned against the wall with a smug smile.

“Sounds like we have some support at the very least,” Harry replied as he headed towards the attached bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower and change. If possible I’d definitely like something to eat.”

“Breakfast will be waiting in ze dining room, ‘arry. You, Hermione, and her parents are always welcome to join us for meals.” Fleur answered with a smile.

“Thank you, Fleur. I’ll try not to take too long then.” Harry replied as he entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

“So have you told ’im yet?” Fleur asked Hermione.

“Not yet, but I will in a day or two. I don’t want to drop my feelings on him right as he gets back to us.” Hermione replied making Fleur smile.

“You two will be a good match. I see ‘ow you look at each ‘ozzer. Much like how Bill looks at moi.” Fleur said with a smile causing Hermine to giggle.

It was after breakfast and getting reacquainted with everyone that Harry and Hermione found themselves in the library of Delacour Chateau. The two were looking for advanced forms of magic that would be inaccessible in Britain. After several hours the two reconvened at the largest table to discuss what they’d found.

“I’ve found several elemental evocation spells, books on Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning and the like. As well as a variety of esoteric shield spells and curses.” Harry said as he motioned to the books he’d laid out on the table.

“I found multiple tomes on battle transfiguration, both animate and inanimate, including conjuration. Along with a multitude of Charms that are useful for animating simulacrums, golems, and pretty much anything else someone could use as an animated soldier or war beast.” Hermione stated as she gestured at her large stack of books.

“We should probably look into magical means to control whatever area becomes a battlefield. Making it difficult for any enemy to have stable footing or trust the walls not to suddenly attack them will be in our favor.” Harry stated as he looked over Hermione’s finds while she looked over his.

“True, I’d rather not go the typical Dark Lord genocide route. Only the one’s responsible should answer for what they’ve done.” Hermione responded as she flipped a page. “Though any who support them are making themselves fair game.”

“Where did this Dark Hermione come from?” Harry teased his friend causing Hermione to blush. “Because I have to be honest, she’s pretty sexy.”

“Harry~!” Hermione pouted as she blushed all the way down to her neck.

It was the third day of the duo’s researching when Hermione finally told Harry about her feelings for him.

“Harry can we talk?” Hermione asked when the two were taking a break.

“Sure Hermione, what’s up?” Harry replied as he put his book down and looked at her.

“Well, there’s been something I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now and I feel like now is the best time.” Hermione stated somewhat nervous.

“What is it, Hermione?” Harry asked focusing all of his attention on her.

“It’s…well it’s…oh blast it all! Harry I’m in love with you! I’ve had these feelings for you since our fifth year at Hogwarts. But by the time I’d got up the courage to tell you, Ginny seemed to be the girl you were following. So I didn’t say anything and just tried to be happy for you. But after everything that’s happened I don’t want to keep this to myself anymore. So if you don’t feel the same way, please just tell me now.” Hermione finished with a sigh.

“Hermione, I’d have never guessed you felt that way about me.” Harry replied shocked by his friend’s confession. “But I’m glad you told me. Because I’ve felt the same way about you since you came back into my life.”

“Really? But what about Ginny?” Hermione asked doubt still plaguing her.

“Where is Ginny? Here with us? Tracking me down and helping me restore my memories and magic? No, that was you. Only you in fact! She’s apparently been ok with going on with her life like I wasn’t a part of it.” Harry almost growled before calming down. “No there aren’t any feelings for Ginny here Hermione. Only feelings for you, the one I should have been paying attention to from the start.”

“Harry!” Hermione practically jumped over the table to wrap him up in a hug. Harry instantly returned the hug and pulled Hermione as close as possible. The two friends reveling in their newfound closeness as they held each other.

“So, Hermione?” Harry asked as they held each other.

“Yes, Harry?” Hermione questioned.

“Would you be my Dark Lady?” Harry asked with a trace of mirth.

“Oh so now you want to go full Dark Lord?” Hermione giggled as they pulled back enough that they could see each other’s faces.

“If it gets me a beautiful Dark Lady like you then of course I will!” Harry proclaimed with a smile. “Besides, the Ministry practically declared me a Dark Lord in the making already. I’d hate to disappoint them.”

Hermione shivered excitedly at the dangerous tone Harry had taken when talking about the Ministry. When did she develop a liking for the dangerous type? Probably when Harry became the dangerous type she reasoned.

“Of course I’ll be your Dark Lady, Harry. Or should I say Dark Lord Potter?” Hermione giggled at the end.

“Might have to workshop that. Doesn’t exactly strike fear into the heart.” Harry replied as he leaned in and the two shared their first kiss.

Several months of researching and learning, including travelling to various countries and magical locations, saw a massive increase in Harry and Hermione’s magical knowledge and power. During their time learning and training Harry found that he had an affinity for Elemental Evocation. Summoning the elements to his aid and performing feats of magic not seen in decades or possibly centuries actually came easy to Harry. Hermione likewise found her skillset in the obscure and esoteric charms and curses. Her near perfect memory allowed her to memorize almost an entire grimoire worth of spells. The majority of which most witches and wizards would have never heard of much less know how to counter. When the two returned to Britain to begin their campaign against the corrupt Ministry it was without a single soul knowing.

“So we’re finally back.” Harry said as the two looked down on the current Minister of Magic’s home from atop a nearby hill.

“Yes, I think we should be able to finish this up quickly. No running about for months on end with a bunch of terrorist tactics. We’ll simply remove those that are corrupt and anyone that decides to support them.” Hermione nodded as they watched the house. It would be time to strike as soon as the clock struck midnight.

“Shouldn’t take more than a few days with the plans we’ve got set up. Maybe a week.” Harry reasoned with a nod as a fire ball appeared in his palm which he started tossing up and down like a baseball.

“We never did think of anything to call you besides Dark Lord Potter.” Hermione giggled slightly. Harry rolled his eyes at his lover.

“Yeah, yeah but I’m sure as hell not coming up with some ridiculous fake name like Voldemort. They’ll all just have to deal with a Dark Lord with a normal sounding name for once.” Harry muttered as he extinguished his fire ball with a wave of his hand.

“Whatever you say, Dark Lord Potter.” Hermione giggled again.

“Oh hush you!” Harry playfully growled at the love of his life.

-End One-shot-


And Cut! There we have it! CC100 I hope this meets and even exceeds all of your expectations! Let me know what you think! I hope every one of my patrons has enjoyed this one-shot. 

Until the next chapter/one-shot I write, later!


Thomas E Nellis

Pretty awesome. I like how light-hearted Harry and Hermione are.


Thanks Thomas, appreciate the feedback. I wanted to meet the Dark Lord Harry request without making him like a copy of Voldemort or Grindelwald. So he has his Dark Lady that keeps him grounded and gives him to someone to be light-hearted with.

Benjamin Shklyar

Well I like the one-shot. I do wonder when that next chapter of aura heart is gonna come out. you said that you were gonna do a double update and i've been really looking forward to it.


Glad you liked it. I'm working on the 4th chapter for Aura Heart Journey. I wanted to get both Thomas' and CC100's Tier Rewards written before moving on to the Monthly Update Poll winner.