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Hello Friends and Fans, Kairomaru is here with another chapter of Dokushu, the Poison Master! It has been a very long time but my patron used his tier reward to have this chapter made so thank Rinnosuke for this chapter everybody!

As always Patrons get all chapters a month early and all one-shots are Pat re on exclusive.

If you’re not a Patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Frimorigo, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, John Smith, Rinnosuke, Kaymann, Jacob Ward, Kyle Anderson, Evgeniy Kazanin, Michael Greene, Kimimaro Kaguya, Daniel Williams, CC100, Victor Garrett, Brody Meech, Benjamin, Paul Nichols, Alastor God of Vengeance, Mauday, Thomas B. Wilkes, Vito Saraceno, and Benjamin Shklyar.

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So without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 12 – Preliminaries Continue

The next match to be called was Aburame Shino vs Omoi of Kumo. Naruto and Anko were still holding each other as they watched the two head down to the arena.

“Any thoughts on this match Anko-hime?” Naruto questioned as Omoi and Shino stood across from each other.

“Hmm, it depends on what the Kumo-nin knows. If he’s like the girl and relies on Kenjutsu then Aburame has the advantage with his kikaichu. But if he knows long-range offensive Raiton jutsu then he’ll be able to keep the Aburame on the run and kill off the kikaichu.” Anko replied as she analyzed the Genin on the floor.

“Are both combatants ready?” Hayate asked getting a nod from Shino and Omoi. “Very well, Aburame Shino vs. Omoi of Kumo, begin!” Hayate started the match before jumping back a safe distance.

“Let’s have a good match!” Omoi smiled as he drew his sword and held it at the ready. Shino, meanwhile, said nothing as he stood in front of his opponent. “Ok then…guess you’re not much of a talker?” Shino’s response was to have his kikaichu emerge from his coat and start swarming towards Omoi. Omoi’s shocked face was somewhat amusing for the Konoha-nin as he quickly jumped away from the swarm of insects.

“What the hell are those?!” Karui exclaimed from the balcony as she watched her teammate dodge away from the relentless swarm.

“Kikaichu, insects that feed on chakra and have a symbiotic relationship with the Aburame Clan.” Shino spoke up for the first time since the match started. “As soon as they catch their prey they drain chakra from them until the target can no longer move. If you wish to be spared this fate you should forfeit now.”

“No way, I can’t just forfeit! If I did that I’d bring shame on my village! Then the other villages would look down on Kumo and they’d probably see us as weak; then they’d probably start plotting to take Kumo down! Then once they attempted it Kumo would defend itself but then the villages would keep attacking! Soon a war would break out and then it would grow and drag all of the Hidden Villages into it and another Great Shinobi War would happen!” Omoi rambled getting more and more unlikely with every event in his chain of possible events.

“There he goes again.” Karui face-palmed in annoyance at her teammate’s stupid habit. Her other teammate, a rather buxom blonde, by the name of Samui simply sighed at their teammate’s actions.

The match was over fairly quickly, with Shino as the victor. Omoi's rambling had led to his downfall by giving Shino time to plan. A large wave of kikaichu had obscured everyone’s vision of Shino for a moment and when Omoi had dodged the wave and swung his sword at Shino the Konoha Genin had simply dissolved into a mass of kikaichu and covered the Kumo-nin. Shino’s explanation to the shocked Kumo Genin had been only two technique names; Kawarimi no jutsu and Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu (Bug Clone Technique).

“Winner by knockout, Aburame Shino!” Hayate announced as medic-nin moved to take the unconscious Omoi off the field. The next match was announced as Sabaku no Kankuro vs. Tsurugi Misumi. The two were quick to make their way down to the floor. Neither male said anything to each other only waiting for Hayate to start their match.

“Sabaku no Kankuro vs. Tsurugi Misumi, are both fighters ready?” Hayate questioned. A quick nod from both and the match began. “Alright then, begin!”

Naruto only paid a little attention to the match, because he was more concerned with scoping out which of the other Genin competitors would have a chance at eliminating him from the Chuunin Exams. Misumi had the ability to dislocate and stretch his limbs, it was an interesting technique but a Taijutsu fighter that relied on grappling wouldn’t be much of a threat against Naruto’s poison. While the older Konoha-nin had started off the battle with his technique and used his extended limbs to wrap around Kankuro, it turned out that the ‘Kankuro’ he had caught was nothing more than a puppet and the real Kankuro had been hidden inside of the cloth bundle on the puppet’s back.

“You lose.” Kankuro smirked as his puppet wrapped its’ limbs around the Konoha Genin and crushed him against the hard wooden body which had sharp blades sticking out of the torso. Misumi had screamed in pain at both the stabbing and the audible cracking of several of his bones, he was unconscious before Kankuro’s puppet had dropped him to the floor. 

“The Suna-nin seem rather aggressive this year.” Anko mused as she watched Misumi being carted off the field.

“Yeah, though Misumi didn’t seem to have much else going for him besides the Nan no Kaizo (Soft Physique Modification); rushing in without a back-up plan isn’t good when you don’t know anything about your opponent.” Naruto replied as he looked towards the screen to see who would be fighting next.

“Samui of Kumo vs. Akimichi Chouji, will both fighters make their way to the floor.” Hayate called for the fighters whose names had appeared on the screen. The Kumo kunoichi calmly made her way down to the arena floor while Chouji seemed to be in some kind of debate with his team. After a few moments of conversation Chouji suddenly seemed pumped up at something his sensei, Asuma, had said and quickly ran down the stairs to the floor.

“Are both fighters ready?” Hayate asked looking between the two Genin.

“Heck yeah let’s go!” Chouji called out still pumped up from whatever Asuma had told him.

“Let’s get this over with.” Samui replied her tone subdued and disinterested. 

“Begin!” Hayate called as he jumped back to give the Genin space to fight.

Samui instantly blitzed forward while making hand seals. Within the span of a few seconds Samui had crossed the distance between herself and Chouji and had an electric current surrounding both of her hands.

“Ahh!” Chouji yelped as he tried to back away from the Kumo kunoichi.

“Raiton: Jibashi. (Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder)” Samui intoned stoically as she placed her hands on Chouji’s arms that he’d raised to defend himself. The electricity on her hands quickly shocking the Konoha Genin and sending him to the floor twitching. After several seconds Hayate moved closer to check on Chouji’s condition.

“Akimichi Chouji is unconscious; the winner is Samui of Kumo.” Hayate announced as medic-nin moved in to carry Chouji off the field.

“Oh man, he didn’t even have a chance!” Ino stated loudly as she watched her teammate be taken off the field.

“I didn’t think it would be so one-sided. That Kumo kunoichi has some impressive skills; it’s strange that she hasn’t already received a field promotion with abilities that advanced.” Asuma mused aloud before smiling slightly. “I think I’ll still take Chouji out for barbeque though.”

“Next match will be, Haruno Sakura vs. Yamanaka Ino!” Hayate stated once the board had lit up with the competitor’s names. Naruto and Anko glanced over at Team Seven’s area to see Sakura who looked very determined.

“Good luck Sakura.” Kakashi gave her a reassuring eye smile making the girl nod. Lee cheered for her to win giving the pink-haired kunoichi some confidence as she walked down the stairs.

“Tch, troublesome.” Shikamaru muttered as he looked towards his teammate as she made her way down to the arena floor. “Giving those to an opportunity to fight is just asking for trouble.”

“I’m sure Ino will do fine, Shikamaru.” Asuma replied as he watched his kunoichi face off against Kakashi’s.

“Ready to lose, forehead?” Ino questioned with a scowl.

“Bring it on, Ino-pig!” Sakura challenged with her own scowl.

“Are both fighters ready?” Hayate looked as Sakura and Ino nodded.

“Begin!” Hayate announced with a motion of his arm. As soon as the fight started Sakura ran towards Ino while pulling out a kunai and then made three standard clones.

“A Bunshin no jutsu? Kakashi why haven’t you taught her something more advanced?” Kurenai questioned the older Jounin.

“Sakura’s strength lies in her phenomenal control rather than her reserves. It makes teaching her chakra intensive techniques difficult. But she knows how to pace herself and how to use her techniques most efficiently.” Kakashi replied.

“Sounds like Kakashi hasn’t been able to get Pinky’s Ninjutsu up to snuff if you ask me.” Anko remarked to Naruto who nodded in reply. If Sakura hadn’t changed much from the Academy he could definitely see the girl not training much on her own. The lack of dedicated training would have certainly hindered Sakura even further.

While Sakura rushed Ino, the Yamanaka kunoichi quickly drew her own kunai and rushed the clones. Taking two quick swipes with her kunai Ino dispelled two of the clones only for Sakura to launch a kick through the smoke and send Ino stumbling back. Sakura tried to capitalize on her strike but Ino recovered and the two engaged in a back and forth of kunai swipes and stabs; neither of the two actually able to hit each other.

“How long are they going to keep testing each other?” Karui mused from her place next to her teammate Samui on the balcony. “This looks more like an Academy match than a fight between Genin.”

“I’m starting to think this is their actual skill level.” Samui responded coolly, not impressed by the match at all.

Ino and Sakura continued to exchange blows before they ended up disarming each other of their kunai and started a Taijutsu fight instead. The basic strikes and kicks were well executed but still simple Academy level Taijutsu.

“Asuma, have you been working with Ino on her Taijutsu at all?” Gai questioned his fellow Jounin as he watched the match.

“Unfortunately Ino is more taken up with trying to learn her clan jutsu. I’ve tried to work with her a bit but she stays focused on her clan Ninjutsu more than her other skills. She is close to learning another Yamanaka technique so I’ve been holding back a bit more on weapons and Taijutsu recently.” Asuma sighed as he watched Ino land a punch on Sakura only to receive one in return.

“This will drag on if one of them doesn’t up the ante soon.” Anko stated watching as Sakura and Ino backed off from one another. In a surprising display Ino grabbed a kunai and cut off her long ponytail before tossing the hair at Sakura. The audience’s confusion lasted only a moment before Ino entered her Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind-Body Switch) stance. Sakura tried to move only to find that Ino’s hair on the floor had been infused with chakra and become a rope around her feet and ankles.

“Well, that’s actually fairly clever.” Temari commented from where she was watching on the balcony.

“Chakra strings would’ve been less noticeable.” Kankuro replied unimpressed.

With Sakura immobilized Ino launched her jutsu and entered the pinkette’s mind and tried to make her forfeit the match. A strange struggle seemed to be going on within Sakura’s mind against Ino before with a shout Sakura suddenly broke through Ino’s technique. Ino reeled from the sudden disruption of her technique only to see Sakura charging towards her with a fist cocked back for a punch. Ino responded in kind and the two kunoichi ended their match with a powerful blow to each other’s faces. Both girls hit the ground and didn’t move.

“Both competitors are unconscious; this is a double knock out.” Hayate announced after checking over the two girls. Asuma and Kakashi quickly went down to collect their kunoichi from the field.

“Sensei…?” Sakura opened her eyes slightly confused. Kakashi looked at her and smiled. 

“It's alright Sakura, you did well.” Kakashi reassured his student as he helped her up the stairs.

“Next match, Hyuuga Neji vs. Hyuuga Hinata.” Hayate called out as the board showed the names of the two fighters.

“Hmph, you should give up Hinata-sama it is your fate to lose.” Neji stated as he looked at her while walking down the stairs.

Hinata looked down before Kurenai put her hand on her shoulder. “Hinata do your best; don’t let him get to you.”

“Yes…thank you.” Hinata replied and then went down to begin her fight against her cousin. ‘I don’t want to look like a coward in front of Naruto-kun. I want to show him that I’m stronger than I use to be; strong enough to stand with him as he builds up his clan.’ Hinata’s thoughts had often been focused on Naruto and his approaching Clan Head status. They had been ever since her father had told her and the Hyuuga Elders about the meeting between Naruto and the Konoha Council.

The match started with Neji talking down to Hinata again. Hinata refused to quit and the two Hyuuga engaged in a Gentle Fist match against one another. Neji’s talent was definitely superior to Hinata’s as demonstrated by his strikes landing more often; but Hinata’s flexibility and determination saw her landing a few blows of her own.

“Hinata is not doing badly, but Neji is far more aggressive. If Hinata hopes to win she’ll have to strike with more precision and disable one of his arms.” Asuma commented as he watched the match.

“Is it just me or is Neji overly angry about this match?” Naruto questioned Anko as they watched the two Hyuuga continue to strike at each other.

“The Branch Family of the Hyuuga Clan doesn’t have much reason to like the Main Family to be honest. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is venting his frustrations on her at all.” Anko replied as she watched Hinata dodge a strike by bending backwards at an almost ninety degree angle. “She’s definitely flexible though. It seems to be throwing Neji off his rhythm when she dodges like that.”

The match continued for a few more minutes before Hinata attempted to strike Neji with a precision blow to the tenketsu just above the stomach. A blow to that tenketsu would disrupt chakra flow throughout the body for an extended period of time. Neji took the blow only for Hinata to discover she couldn’t force chakra through her arms and fingers to close his tenketsu. Neji shoved Hinata’s sleeve up exposing her arm and the multitude of small bruises that littered the limb.

“I’ve been closing all of your tenketsu in both arms since the start of this match, Hinata-sama. You can’t use the Gentle Fist anymore. This match is over.” Neji explained as he stepped back from Hinata.

“I won’t give up…I’ll keep trying. That’s the path I’ve chosen to take.” Hinata replied softly as she retook her stance. Neji’s expression became furious as he launched himself at his cousin and struck her with a full force Gentle Fist strike to the chest. Hinata stumbled backwards and collapsed to the ground only to slowly stand up again.

“Why do you stand up? You’ve lost. Defeat was your fate the moment this match was decided. Stay down.” Neji said with a frown as he watched Hinata stand while holding a hand to her chest.

“Because…I want to change…I don’t want to stay the same forever. I’ll do whatever it takes…to change my fate…instead of being ruled by it…like you, Neji-niisan.” Hinata replied through her labored breathing.

“You can’t change fate!” Neji roared as he launched himself at Hinata. Before he could land the obviously lethal blow on the girl he found Hayate’s hand on his head stopping him in his tracks. He then noticed Gai had an arm around his neck preventing him from taking even a single step forward. Kakashi was holding his outstretched right arm in an iron grip; keeping him from moving it and trying to strike at Hinata. Meanwhile Kurenai had his left arm caught in her own grip while her foot was pressing his left foot down onto the floor preventing him from lifting his leg.

“That’s enough, the match is over. You’ve won so return to the balcony.” Hayate ordered as Neji was forced to calm down.

“Protection for the Main Family, I see.” Neji replied as he was practically dragged away by Gai while being admonished for his behavior. Hinata slowly sank to her knees as she started coughing from the damage done to her by Neji’s last strike.

“Hinata!” Kurenai cried out as she rushed to her student’s side and helped the girl lie down. Medic-nin quickly rushed to the scene and Hinata was quickly rushed to the Konoha hospital for treatment.

“That guy has some issues that need to be resolved.” Naruto stated his grip on the railing white-knuckled.

“No kidding, here’s hoping that whoever he faces in the final exam corrects his attitude.” Anko responded with a frown as Hayate moved to start the next match.

“Alright the next round shall now begin. Sabaku no Gaara vs. Rock Lee, both fighters come down to the floor." Hayate called out reading both names from the screen.

“Yosh! It's my turn!” Lee exclaimed excitedly making Gai roar in pride for his student.

“Go my student!” Gai gave a thumbs-up as Lee jumped down to fight Gaara who had used a Suna Shunshin (Sand Body Flicker) and was already waiting patiently. When the match started Lee quickly snatched something out of the air. Looking at what he’d caught Lee found it to be the stopper of Gaara’s giant gourd-like container.

“You seem anxious.” Lee remarked as he tossed the stopper back towards Gaara. When Gaara didn’t respond Lee started off his attack launching a punch at the immobile Suna-nin. His punch was blocked by a wall of sand from Gaara’s gourd which quickly tried to latch onto Lee’s arm. Lee quickly removed himself from the sand and backed off several meters.

Gaara's sand defense was a shock to everyone watching except for his siblings and sensei. But Lee's tenacity wasn’t to be underestimated as he launched attack after attack against Gaara. Each punch and kick was blocked by the ever moving sand defense. When the sand went on the offense Lee used a kunai to slice apart the waves of sand and continued to try and attack Gaara.

“Lee! I’ll approve it! Take them off and go all out!” Gai called from the balcony.

“Really sensei! Alright!” Lee called out happily as he jumped back until he landed on top of the statue of the Ram hand seal. He quickly moved his orange leg warmers and removed a set of weights that he’d had strapped to his legs.

“Removing some weights isn’t going to make him fast enough to break through Gaara’s sand.” Kankuro commented as Lee stood up and dropped both sets of weights to the floor. The massive impact caused by the weights broke the stone floor tiles and threw up a massive cloud of dust. This caused the eyes of many to practically pop out of their skulls.

‘Gai, you are too much….’ Kakashi thought to himself as he held his face with one of his hands and sweat dropped. With his new found speed Lee slowly but surely began to outpace Gaara’s defense; his punches and kicks started getting past the sand and closer to hitting the red-haired Suna-nin. Not long after Lee landed his first blow of the match, a vicious axe kick to the head that rocked Gaara’s body and made him stumble. But despite several successful attacks Gaara continued to remain standing while the sand repeatedly attacked faster and stronger. Lee eventually released the first of the Hachimon (Eight Gates) in order to defend against a massive sand stream that shattered the concrete around him.

After the shock of seeing a Genin capable of using the Hachimon, as well as an explanation of what they were to the ones that didn’t know, the question of how many Lee could open came up.

“Five.” Gai answered with pride in his student’s accomplishment.

“That’s reckless Gai that technique is forbidden for a reason. I’ve lost a bit of respect for you.” Kakashi admonished his friend/rival.

“Say what you want Kakashi. That boy who can’t use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu kept training day after day until he worked hard enough to overcome his limitations. He shed blood, sweat and tears to get stronger and never complained. He is a true genius of hard work!” Gai stated with conviction as he watched his student open the second gate and start laying into Gaara in preparation for the Omote Renge (Forward Lotus).

When Lee’s Omote Renge began he rapidly kicked Gaara up into the air. Launching kick after kick to raise Gaara up faster than the sand could rise to defend him Lee flinched from the pain. Quickly pushing through the pain Lee wrapped his bandages around Gaara and began to spin. 

“Take this, Omote Renge!” Lee exclaimed as he launched Gaara into the floor at incredible speed only jumping away from the spin at the very last moment. The massive dust cloud this kicked up blinded everyone watching. When the dust cleared everyone saw the stone tiles shattered and what appeared to be Gaara lying in the impact crater.

“He got him!” Sakura called out excitedly as everyone looked at the panting Lee. Hayate walked over to examine Gaara only for ‘Gaara’ to start breaking apart and revealing a shell made of sand had taken the attack instead of the Suna-nin.

“What? When did he do that?” Gai asked confused.

“When you closed your eyes to pray, he made the switch in that instant that Lee also flinched.” Kakashi explained. Gaara reappeared behind Lee and began to blast the green clad teen around the arena. Lee seeing no other way to win released the next two gates causing his skin to turn red with heat as his power increased. Lee then rushed Gaara pin balling the Jinchuuriki around through the air over and over again. None of the Genin could hope to follow the movements of Lee anymore as he tore Gaara’s Sand Armor apart. Lee punched Gaara towards the ground before stopping his momentum by pulling on the bandage he’d attached to the Suna-nin’s clothes.

“The last one! Gate of Closing, open!” Lee called out as his power spiked again. “Now to finish this! Ura Renge! (Reverse Lotus)” Lee slammed his right hand and right foot into Gaara’s stomach and rocketed him into the ground in an even larger cloud of dust.

Lee landed harshly completely exhausted from the strain of the Hachimon and performing the Ura Renge. As the dust cleared from the attack everyone could see Gaara in the crater beaten and bruised. But it was the sand under him that drew the Jounin’s attention.

“He turned the gourd into sand to cushion his fall.” Gai stated in shock seeing his student’s strongest technique fail to defeat Gaara.

Gaara twitched as he tried to move his arm while staring murder at Lee’s exhausted form. Slowly and with immense effort Gaara extended his arm in Lee’s direction and willed his sand to attack the other teen. The sand closed the distance even as Lee struggled to move his damaged body away. Within a moment Gaara’s sand had wrapped around Lee’s arm and leg and with a call of ‘Sabaku Sousou’ (Sand Burial) crushed both limbs.

“Now you die.” Gaara numbly called out as he sent a large wave of sand to crush Lee. Gai knocking the sand away and saving his student seemed to shock Gaara; but Hayate called the match and Gaara’s sand quickly covered him before he used another Suna Shunshin to return to the balcony. Lee was quickly rushed to the hospital as well before the next match was decided.

“Final match, Sai vs. Uzumaki Naruto!” Hayate called getting the pale boy to walk down the stairs while Naruto turned to Anko.

“Win this one, Naru-koi. We’ll be one step closer to having our family become a clan.” Anko smiled at her lover.

“Of course, Anko-hime, I’ll do it for both of you.” Naruto replied as the two shared a soft kiss before Naruto jumped over the railing and quickly stood across from Sai.

“I hope this match goes better than the last one we had.” Sai stated with one of his faked smiles.

“Trust me, it won’t.” Naruto stated seriously as he clenched his fists causing his knuckles to pop. 

-End Chapter-


So what did you think? Good? Bad? Let me know with a review! 

It has been forever and a day since I was last able to update this story. Mostly because I lost my muse for Naruto when the last arc of the manga happened. Seriously, moon people aliens? What the heck are aliens doing in my ninja manga? But I’ve decided that the best way to get around that in my stories is to simply not use the last arc of Naruto in any of my stories. So I’ll probably only go so far as to a bit after the Pain arc in most of my Naruto stories, then it’ll either be AU/non-canon or it’ll wrap up quickly with a good epilogue.

Once again everyone that has been missing this story should thank my patron Rinnosuke! He used his Tier Reward to have this story updated when he could have used it to get a Pat reon exclusive one-shot made for himself.

Until I get your reviews, later!