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Hello friends and fans, Kairomaru is here with Jacob Ward’s one-shot! Jacob requested a Rurouni Kenshin and History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi crossover featuring Seijuro Hiko as a new teacher/master for Kenichi. So without further ado let’s get started.


A New Master, Seijuro Hiko Appears

The market place was slightly crowded on the warm Friday afternoon, people moved through the gathering of stalls, either stopping to examine the produce and foods or simply rushing through on their way to their destination.

It was today that a teenage boy was happily walking next to his crush. The boy was dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt with blue jeans, his dark brown hair was ruffled and stuck out in random directions and his brown eyes often snuck glances at his shopping partner.

His partner was a blonde teen girl with a healthy figure and measurements that would lead many to think she was older than her real age. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were mesmerizing to many of the males in the market. Her hair fell neatly down her back with a lock falling over her forehead.

A sack of groceries was held in her left hand while in the boy's hands two more large bags were carried. The two stopped at a vendor selling fresh tomatoes and the vendor looked up smiling warmly. “Miu-chan, it's good to see you again.” he greeted her. “Ah and Kenichi too, helping out with the shopping again?"

“It’s nice to see you as well Gin-san.” Miu replied while plucking a tomato from a basket. “How's business going?”

“As good as can be expected.” Gin laughed as he picked up one of the tomatoes and took a bite. “My plants produced a lot and I'm sharing it with all who stop by; for a reasonable price of course.”

While the two shared a pleasant conversation, Kenichi was letting his eyes wander across the market, with occasional glances at Miu as well. It was then that he noticed a rather tall man walking through the market. The man had long, jet black hair, kept in a ponytail. He was wearing a short-sleeved blue gi and black hakama pants that were tucked into knee-high boots. The strangest thing was the ankle-length, white cloak with red lining that the man wore despite the warm day.

Kenichi’s eyes followed the man curiously. The closer the man got the easier it was to pick up other details about him. The main thing that stuck out was that the man was carrying a bag used to hold a sword in his left hand. Kenichi wouldn’t claim to be a weapons expert, but after training with Shigure he could pick up on key details when it came to weapons. As the man got closer to Kenichi and Miu, Kenichi was able to determine that the man was indeed carrying a sword in the slim bag and that it was most definitely a real sword and not a bokken or shinai.

“Kenichi? You’ve noticed him too, right?” Miu whispered to him, getting a slight nod from him in response. Both boy and girl followed the man’s movement through the market with their eyes. “He’s definitely skilled, easily Master level. We should keep an eye on him since we’ve finished shopping; at least until we head for Ryozanpaku, then we can tell my grandfather about this.” Miu suggested getting a nod from Kenichi. The two began to head back towards Ryozanpaku, the man they were observing currently heading in the same direction. It was as the two were following the man that Kenichi noticed another bagged sword strapped to the man’s back; this sword seemed to be slightly shorter than the katana in the man’s hand though.

“You should stop following people, it’s rude you know.” the tall man in the white cloak stated as he turned to look back at Kenichi and Miu. Both disciples tensed slightly under the man’s gaze; being subjected to the gaze of a true master was unnerving when their intentions were unknown.

“We’re sorry for being rude; it’s just that there aren’t many swordsman of your caliber wandering around Tokyo in this day and age.” Miu replied with a slight bow which Kenichi mimicked. “Forgive us for being curious if you could.”

“No harm done, though I’m slightly impressed that you can even estimate my skill. Not many people of that caliber wandering around Tokyo in this day and age.” The man replied with a smirk using Miu’s words right back at the girl.

“If I could ask where might you be headed?” Miu questioned the swordsman as the tall man turned to face the two disciples.

“I’m looking for a dojo called Ryozanpaku actually. According to the directions I was given it shouldn’t be too far from here.” The man replied.

“Why exactly are you looking for this dojo?” Kenichi asked concerned that this man might be some crazy challenger like that weird kabuki guy from a while back.

“I have something that belongs to someone that lives there and I want to return it.” The man answered before a grin came over his features. “Why don’t you two lead the way, I’m sure two people that live there can guide me.” He chuckled as the boy’s face showed his shock while the girl kept her expression firm.

“What are you returning and to who?” Miu questioned as she prepared to drop the groceries she was carrying and engage the man if he turned out to be a threat.

“A Kosaka sword.” The man replied seriously as he removed the bagged sword from his back and held it up to show the two teens.

“I see; I’m sure Shigure will appreciate that.” Miu replied her voice taking on a more friendly tone as she walked towards the man while motioning for Kenichi to follow her. “If you’ll let me ask one more question we’ll be happy to escort you to Ryozanpaku.”

“What’s the question?” The man asked looking at the two teens that now stood only a few feet away from him.

“Who gave you the directions to Ryozanpaku?” Miu questioned with a curious gaze.

“Furinji Hayato is what he called himself. When I finally found out where the last Kosaka lived I told the master of the dojo that I’d bring the sword there myself, even if it is a pain, he then told me how to get there over the phone.” The man replied with a sigh clearly bored with the questioning.

“Well if grandfather gave you the directions he must think you’re trustworthy. Please follow us and we’ll show you the way. Let’s go Kenichi, I still have to start dinner and you’ve got training to get back to.” Miu said with a smile while Kenichi sulked and trudged along beside his crush. The man chuckled at the boy’s reaction to the girl’s statement about training. He was reminded of his own idiot apprentice and his time spent training the red haired boy.

“Ah, I just remembered! We haven’t introduced ourselves!” Miu exclaimed before turning and bowing to the man. “I’m Furinji Miu, pleased to meet you.”

“Shirahama Kenichi; pleased to meet you.” Kenichi introduced himself with a bow.

“Seijuro Hiko, nice to meet you. Seijuro is fine for now.” Seijuro replied giving a nod to the two teens. It wasn’t much longer before the trio arrived at Ryozanpaku, when all three entered the gates they found the elder and master of the dojo, Furinji Hayato, sitting on the covered walkway playing a game of shogi with Akisame. Both Masters looked towards the gate as soon as the trio came into view noticing the man with their two disciples.

“Hmm, who might this be?” Akisame wondered aloud as he and the Elder examined the man.

“I believe this is the man that contacted me a few weeks ago. He came into possession of a Kosaka sword and wanted to return it to Shigure.” The Elder replied as the trio made their way over to the two Masters.

“Grandfather, Akisame this is Seijuro Hiko he’s come to return a Kosaka sword to Shigure.” Miu explained while Seijuro nodded to the other two Masters.

“Excellent, I’m sure Shigure will be pleased that another of her father’s blades is back where it belongs.” The Elder replied. “Now why don’t you get dinner started and make sure to set a place for our guest.”

“Sure thing, grandfather.” Miu replied back sweetly as she took the groceries from Kenichi and headed towards the kitchen.

“I believe you have training with Apachai this afternoon Kenichi, you shouldn’t make him wait, you know how he can get.” Akisame said causing Kenichi to sigh in resignation as he made his way towards his room to change into his training clothes.

“So, Seijuro-san, could you tell us how you came to possess this sword?” The Elder asked after offering Seijuro to sit with them.

“Not much to tell, the one who had it tried to kill me with it. We crossed blades and I was the victor. I took the sword when I noticed its’ quality, blades like this one aren’t common, so I decided to try and find out where it came from. That’s what eventually led me here.” Seijuro commented as he was poured a small saucer of sake by Akisame from a tray of drinks the two Masters had brought with them to enjoy during their game.

“I see and what happened to your assailant?” The Elder asked carefully wanting to know whether Seijuro was a Master of Satsujinken or Katsujinken.

“He’s alive if that’s what you’re asking.” Seijuro sighed as he downed his saucer of sake. “Though he’ll never be able to grip a sword properly again. I sliced both of his arms badly enough that he’ll never have the grip needed to hold a sword again.”

“What style of swordsmanship do you practice, if you don’t mind me asking, Seijuro-san?” Akisame questioned the swordsman as he re-filled his saucer.

“Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu, they’re ultrasonic sword techniques that won’t fail to kill an opponent, unless you don’t want them dead of course. It’s a style that’s been around for almost a thousand years and it’s been used as a Satsujinken Style since its creation. I’ve simply never found reason to kill those that challenge me.” Seijuro explained as the trio heard the shoji door behind them open. Through the open door stepped a beautiful woman with dark hair, buxom and curvy with a neutral expression on her face. This was Kosaka Shigure the resident weapons Master of Ryozanpaku.

“Ah, Shigure this man has something to return to you.” Akisame said with a nod towards Seijuro. The swordsman gently placed the bagged blade on the wooden floor before Shigure and motioned for her to take it. Shigure carefully knelt before the bagged sword and gently removed it. The instant the sheathed sword was fully revealed Shigure’s expression changed for a moment to look surprised before going back to her neutral expression. Without preamble Shigure turned to face Seijuro and gave him a deep, respectful bow before picking the blade up and standing to leave.

“Thank you.” Shigure said before walking back through the shoji door and closing it behind her.

“That went as well as can be expected.” Akisame remarked getting the Elder to nod in agreement. The three masters spent a while longer talking before Miu announced that dinner was ready. The meal that evening was a warm affair with stories being passed around and Kenichi’s situation with the Masters of Ryozanpaku explained to Seijuro. The Elder offered to let Seijuro stay for the evening and the swordsman found himself in a guest room shortly afterward for the night.

-Next Day-

It was another bright and warm Saturday, the sky was blue, birds were singing, and once again Kenichi was making a mad dash away from Apachai! “Apa, Kenichi your attacks have gotten better but your putting more force than needed behind your blows and it’s throwing you off-balance!” Apachai stated as Kenichi dodged another punch.

Too much force? That’s funny coming from this guy!’ Kenichi thought sweat dripping down his face and panting from trying to keep up with the Muay Thai Master. 

“Focus and block this flying knee!” Apachai shouted launching his attack from behind. Practically feeling the incoming attack Kenichi fell while spinning, dodging the attack before he began rolling away.

“Kenichi I said block not dodge!” Apachai shouted, confused as too why Kenichi didn't listen to him. Kenichi jumped to his feet while dusting his dougi off and glared at Apachai.

“I know that! But you have a problem holding back and you attack with full power and almost kill me all the time! If I don't dodge then I’m definitely going to die!" Kenichi yelled back at his Master who seemingly didn’t get his student’s complaint.

“That’s okay, Apachai will do it as many times as it takes for you to learn to block properly!" Apachai replied happily.

"That’s not helping!" Kenichi shouted back making sure to stay far enough away from Apachai to be able to dodge and run again.

“Is he always like this?” Seijuro questioned the Elder as he watched Kenichi and Apachai train.

“Yes, Apachai grew up in the Muay Thai Underworld. In a place like that showing any restraint would have gotten him killed. We’ve been working on helping Apachai with his restraint but it is slow going.” The Elder replied while stroking his beard.

“Hmm, I still say the boy has a long way to go before he’ll be ready to learn anything very advanced. Though he seems to have a good head on his shoulders and his heart is definitely in the right place for Katsujinken.” Seijuro replied watching Kenichi get hit into a wall by the large man.

“Kenichi!” Miu yelled as she ran to the boy along with Apachai as they slowly helped the boy sit up.

“So are you interested in staying here at Ryozanpaku? We currently only have one disciple but he’s a hard worker and he’ll probably bring a few of his friends around eventually. It wouldn’t do to let another ancient martial art disappear from the world after all.” The Elder stated while looking to Seijuro.

“I might take you up on it. My own idiot disciple has decided not to pass the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu down to his own children or any students of his wife’s dojo.” Seijuro sighed before turning to face the Elder. “So long as I can teach him the traditional way of Hiten Misturugi-ryu, I’ll stay and hope this disciple will pass it on to a few disciples of his own in the future. At the very least he doesn’t seem like the type to misuse the style.”

“Yes, the boy has a good heart and a strong desire to protect those he cares about. We’ll just have to keep working on his courage.” The Elder laughed as he watched Kenichi practically hide from Apachai behind Miu.

-The Next Day-

Kenichi walked towards the Ryozanpaku training grounds Sunday morning after getting washed up from breakfast and changing into his training clothes. As he arrived he saw Seijuro with his sword drawn looking like he was waiting for something. As Kenichi got closer Shigure dropped down from a tree to stand beside Seijuro.

“Uh, what’s going on?” Kenichi asked as he stopped in front of the two Masters.

“From today…onward…Seijuro will…be teaching you…his sword style…along with…our weapons training.” Shigure explained with her slow and drawn out speech.

“Huh?” Kenichi questioned confused.

“She’s saying that from today onward I’ll be staying here at Ryozanpaku to teach you as another Master. You’ll be learning swordsmanship from me while Shigure teaches you the finer points of most other weapons.” Seijuro explained seriously with a hard look at Kenichi.

“Wait so I’m getting ANOTHER Master! I’ll definitely die!” Kenichi exclaimed already looking for an escape route; only to notice Shigure already spinning the chain of a kusarigama waiting to catch him and drag him back.

“Nonsense, you’ll learn just as I taught my first disciple and he survived so you will too.” Seijuro said with a laugh causing Kenichi to start sweating in fear.

“Since Shigure has already taught you how to properly hold a sword we’ll get started right away. Observe this first technique carefully; you’ll be learning this one today.” Seijuro said seriously. Without another word Seijuro entered a basic sword stance his sword held with both hands. In a movement almost too fast for Kenichi to see Seijuro had brought his blade up and delivered a powerful downward slash that had cleanly split the training post he’d targeted in half.

“Holy crap!” Kenichi exclaimed in shock at seeing the results of the technique. Shigure watched on slightly impressed by the speed and precision of the strike.

“Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu: Ryu Tsui Sen. This is the first technique you’ll be learning.” Seijuro stated as he tossed Kenichi a bokken.

“Wait, you mean right now? Already?” Kenichi asked in shock.

“Stop standing there and give it a try.” Seijuro told him with his sword resting on his shoulder.

“You want me to give it a try just like that?” Kenichi questioned as he picked up the bokken.

“Are you daydreaming or something, Kenichi?” Seijuro asked with a sigh.

“But Master…” Kenichi tried to argue.

“Techniques that are only shown to you are completely useless. It is only when you experience them for yourself that you can learn to use and execute them effectively. That’s how our training will always be done.” Seijuro explained with a smirk before sheathing his sword and grabbing a bokken of his own. “For an example I’ll show you the Ryu Tsui Sen again as well as another move you’ll be learning soon.” With those words Seijuro seemingly disappeared from Kenichi’s sight only to reappear in front of the disciple and strike him with an upward swing from his bokken. The strike was powerful enough to actually lift Kenichi off his feet and into the air before the following strike, another Ryu Tsui Sen, sent Kenichi back down into the dirt.

“Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu: Ryu Shou Sen followed by Ryu Tsui Sen. It is an effective combo to break an opponent’s guard and defeat them swiftly.” Seijuro explained to the downed boy.

“I can’t believe I lived through that.” Kenichi groaned as he lay on the ground twitching.

“That’s a testament to my skill and how fine my control of my sword is.” Seijuro stated while laughing smugly. “Now that you understand hurry up and start practicing the Ryu Tsui Sen.” He stated once again completely serious.

‘Is this guy for real?!’ Kenichi practically screamed in his own mind at his newest master and his ability to switch from teasing to serious instantly. ‘I’m really going to die!’ Thus began Kenichi’s swordsmanship training under Seijuro Hiko, the current Master of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu and the new seventh Master of Ryozanpaku. Only time would tell if the young man survived his training with all of the eccentric Masters of Ryozanpaku but with Miu there one thing was certain; Kenichi would never give up!

-End Chapter-


There we have it Jacob! I hope this one-shot met and possibly exceeded your expectations! Let me know what you thought and if I was able to capture Seijuro’s character properly, he was a bit hard to write since he only shows up for a short time.
