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All right, friends and fans, you've spoken and I've seen the results it looks like a brand new Pokémon story will be written this month!

I've had this premise in mind for a while now but I'd like it if you guys might help me think up a title for the new story.

All you need to know is that we are following Ash but several things have changed, Aura is a thing and a small, I'm talking less than 1% here, amount of the population knows how to use it. Second thing is that you can't go off and get your Trainer's License until AFTER your Compulsory Education, which in Japan is up to 3rd Year in Middle School. (So about 9 years of compulsory education in Japan where they cram about 15 years of information into your brain, at least from what I've seen of the Japanese education system, holy crap those guys take school seriously.) That means that not only is Ash around 14 when he starts he is also more intelligent/knowledgeable about the world and about Pokémon in general.

So with these differences in mind post your ideas for a title in the comments of this post. It'll really help me out cause I'm drawing a blank here Friends and fans.


Thomas E Nellis

Ash with his new knowledge doesn’t just leave the day he meets pikachubbyt instead takes sometime to get to know pikachu and instill trust in him. Then he goes out and while he still meets misty he doesn’t steal her bike because again he doesn’t engage a swarm of sparrows with his fists lol because he already has pikachu’s trust. He does capture one though because he actually has poke balls unlike starter ash lol. His fight with broc is less memes as he just has sparrow fly around onix and pecking and dodging it since it is so much faster than the onix. The fight takes longer but it let’s Brock showcase himself as why he is a gym leader. Onix digs down but ash baits onix out and sparrow takes a hit that almost knocks it out. But for the lols knocks it into the sprinkler system and the sprinkler system still beats onix cause I found that hilarious in the show.


Well Ash definitely won't destroy Misty's bike. Can't say anything about the rest. Did you have an idea for the title? I could use some help coming up with one.