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I've recently realized that I need to be more clear with what I'm capable of writing for you, my friends and fans. So I'll be adding two stipulations to one-shot requests.

First stipulation: I'm unable to add a large Original Character element to an already established universe. For example, if you wanted to add in your own fan-created race/species to an already established series like Naruto, Bleach, Harry Potter, etc. I'd have to turn it down. Adding in Original Characters or elements there of can already be difficult. Most don't mesh well with an already established universe and just come off as out of place within a story or worse, forced into a world which ruins the established rules and powers of said world. I had to do a lot of digging and research into Harry Potter lore just to find a way to make therianthropes compatible with the series and I know everything about my own created species; trying to learn about another fan's self-created species and then finding some way to acceptably change it to even try and make it fit in with the already established world is, unfortunately, beyond my skills as a writer.

Second stipulation: I don't do crossovers if I have a choice. It is mostly for the same reasons as Original Characters, transplanting a character with the powers and skills of their world into another usually breaks the established rules or systems of the world they are placed in. As an example, imagine trying to do a crossover between DBZ and Naruto. Both very popular series but only one of which has characters that can obliterate planets at a whim or just by powering up. No character or jutsu from the Naruto world blows up planets so over half the main cast of DBZ would basically be god if they were in Narutoverse. This breaks the established power system and level of strength of the Naruto world. No character would be able to keep up in a fight and certain established abilities from the Narutoverse wouldn't effect a character transplanted from DBZverse because of how the power of the Naruto world, Chakra, is stated to work.

I apologize if this ruins any of my fans ideas for future one-shots/stories. But I feel being upfront about my limitations as a writer is better than trying to write something for you that will only end up being mediocre or just outright disappointing.


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