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Hello fans, Kairomaru has returned with a new chapter! It’s taken me longer than I wanted to get this out, but it’s done and ready for you all! I want to thank my patrons for supporting me and helping to get this chapter out. If you’re not a patron please thank the ones who helped make this possible.

Thank you; Lu Bane Na, Thomas E Nellis, Patrick Ayres, Lukas Kusché, Jacob Ward, Evgeniy Kazanin, Daniel Williams, CC100, Brody Meech, and Benjamin.

If you’d like to become a patron and get access to these chapters a month earlier, just head on over to pa tre on and add a /Kairomaru after the com. With all that said let’s start the chapter.


Chapter 5 – Learning About Black and School Shopping

Leaky Cauldron ~ Harry Potter’s Room – Morning of August 30th

Harry woke up with a bit of a jump as he heard knocking on his room’s door. With a couple blinks to try and clear his eyes, the young Leonthrope wizard reached for his glasses and put them on to see his surroundings. Sitting up in the bed he lifted the blankets off of himself and swung his legs over the side and put his feet on the floor. Another knock, slightly louder this time, had Harry making a few quick strides to the room’s door to see who was knocking.

“Who is it?” Harry asked before a yawn overtook him and he covered his mouth with his hand.

“It’s me, Whiskers!” came the jovial reply from Tonks on the other side of the door. Harry rolled his eyes fondly as he opened the door to his room and looked at Tonks’ current form for the morning. With purple locks flowing down to her shoulders and equally purple eyes, Harry had to admit that the color worked well on Tonks and her casual robes wouldn’t get a second glance at the Leaky Cauldron or in Diagon Alley. Though to Harry she still looked absolutely beautiful, not that he would tell her that, of course.

“Hey, Tonks, did you need something?” Harry asked as he stepped back and allowed Tonks into the room.

“Just waking you up and letting you know that Tom has your breakfast ready.” Tonks replied with a grin as she sat on his recently vacated bed and watched as Harry got a change of clothes from his trunk before heading towards the room’s bathroom.

“Thanks, I’ll be out in a bit.” Harry said as he closed the bathroom door and proceeded with his morning routine. Tonks was content to wait for Harry to finish and simply started looking around the room lazily. Dobby had been keeping the room absolutely spotless and tidy so there was nothing on the floor or walls that showed anyone had been staying here for the better part of two weeks. It only took Harry about fifteen minutes to return from the bathroom clean and fully dressed and ready for breakfast down in the pub.

“Those new glasses really look better on you.” Tonks commented as they made their way down the stairs into the pub.

“Thanks for taking me to get them.” Harry replied with a smile as he remembered the day he and Tonks had been in the Alley; a small shop off to the side of the main thoroughfare had caught his eye with a sign declaring it as ‘Elliot’s Eyeglasses’. A short trip later and Harry was the owner of a new pair of glasses, slimmer than his original glasses and with a nifty set of charms that kept them from getting dirty or falling off. Plus the added charm that let them transfigure themselves into a thin black outline around his eyes when he transformed into either of his other forms. According to Mr. Elliot it was a charm used often by witches and wizards that were trying to gain their Transfiguration Masteries and practicing self-transfiguration or the Animagus transformation. Many mistakes during said learning could cause things like glasses to break with sudden shifts in size or form. Though Harry had noticed after a couple rounds of practice with his transformations that when he was in his half-beast state or full lion form he didn’t need his glasses at all, it was still great to know that his glasses would be safe from harm.

Harry noticed Moody at the bar of the pub with his magical eye constantly moving this way and that checking the surroundings while Tom the barman smiled at him and went to the back to get Harry’s breakfast as Tonks lead him to a booth against the wall. It was only a minute or so after he sat down that Tom placed a full English breakfast in front of him.

“Your breakfast, Harry.” Tom said with a grin as he placed a glass of milk down next to the large plate of breakfast foods.

“Thank you, Tom.” Harry replied with his own grin as he handed the man a silver Sickle. Tom took the coin and headed back towards the bar to prepare for the rest of the day while Harry started to eat.

“Tonks?” Harry questioned after swallowing his current bite of food.

“Yeah, Whiskers?” Tonks replied with a teasing grin as she watched Harry roll his eyes at the nickname she had given him.

“Who is this, Sirius Black, that is on all the wanted posters?” Harry asked before taking another bite of his breakfast.

“Oh, right, you said you didn’t know much of the magical world. I almost forgot.” Tonks said with a strange look on her face. “Well he’s… how should I put this?”

“I get that he’s an escaped criminal, but why are you acting so odd?” Harry questioned after another bite seeing Tonks look slightly confused on how to proceed.

“Well, it’s just that I’m not sure how to tell you about him.” Tonks replied before looking Harry directly in the eyes. “Finish up your breakfast first and then we’ll talk in your room, alright? It would probably be better off for you to hear this privately the first time.”

“Ok, now I’m really confused. What did he do exactly?” Harry questioned putting his utensils down.

“After you finish, Whiskers. You might not be up for eating after I tell you.” Tonks stated with a serious face. Harry nodded before quickly going back to his breakfast curious to know what this Sirius Black had done that made Tonks become so serious. Once done with his meal Tonks lead Harry back up to his rented room and they both sat down on the bed.

“Honestly, I’m not sure I should be the one telling you this the first time. But you need to know about this and how it could affect you.” Tonks said with a grimace.

“I’m ready to listen, Tonks.” Harry replied still concerned about how nervous this Sirius Black topic was making the usually fun loving woman.

“Sirius Black was put into Azkaban prison for life for betraying James and Lily Potter to You-Know-Who, and murdering their friend, Peter Pettigrew and twelve Muggles. Back in November of Eighty One he was captured laughing like a madman after blowing up a street, which is what killed Peter and the Muggles, all that was found of Peter was his pinky finger.” Tonks explained with a sad gaze directed at Harry. “Everyone is convinced that he broke out of Azkaban to kill you, Harry.”

“What! Who was Sirius Black to my parents? How did he betray them to Voldemort!?” Harry questioned angrily standing up from the bed and starting to pace the floor.

“Black was good friends with your father back in school. According to my mum they were closer than brothers with their group of friends.” Tonks answered with a grimace. “After that Halloween, everyone just assumed Sirius had done it because he was from the Black Family. They were known to be a ‘Dark’ family and supported You-Know-Who and his Pureblood ideology.”

“Why would my Dad have been friends with someone like that?” Harry asked still pacing.

“Not everyone is the same as their family, Harry. My mother was born Andromeda Black and she didn’t support any of the family’s dark actions or ideology. She left the family entirely so that she could be with my father.” Tonks explained while looking at the young wizard pacing back and forth. “Sirius Black was the only member of the Black Family to ever be Sorted into Gryffindor House. He was also a known prankster and made it clear he detested the majority of his family. He was definitely an outlier for the Black Family and it eventually led him to running away from home and living with your father and your grandparents when they were in school. That’s what my mum has told me at any rate.”

“But if he wasn’t a purist then why did he betray my parents? He was their friend! Why did he do it?” Harry questioned angrily his voice becoming a growl as noticeable changes began happening to his body. Teeth were becoming pointed fangs and claws were beginning to form from his hands. 

“No one knows, Harry.” Tonks replied softly trying to calm the Leonthrope down before he changed out of anger. “Everyone believes that Sirius was the only one who knew where your Parents were hiding and that was how You-Know-Who found out. The fact that he killed Peter was only more proof in the eyes of the masses. ‘Just another Black.’ was the thought at the time and it was all the explanation most people needed.” Tonks finished before patting the bed next to her, trying to get Harry to sit down again.

“So he’s trying to come after me to finish what Voldemort started?” Harry asked as he slowly made his way over to the bed and sat down. He was impressed to see that Tonks had barely flinched at hearing Voldemort’s name.

“That’s what everyone seems to think.” Tonks said as she began rubbing his back soothingly. Harry unconsciously relaxed into her hand even while thinking about how he’d show Sirius Black what he thought about his betrayal when he tore the man to pieces in his Nemean Lion form.

“If he finds me, I’m not going to hold back.” Harry whispered still letting Tonks rub his back.

“That’s why we’re here until you go to Hogwarts, Harry. To keep you safe.” Tonks replied back as she continued to comfort him. The two stayed in this position for several minutes, comforting and being comforted, before a certain sound broke the silence. “Are you purring?” Tonks asked with a laugh.

“No!” Harry exclaimed with a blush as he leaned away from Tonks out of embarrassment. He couldn’t believe he had started purring! He didn’t even know he could purr! Lions don’t purr, do they? 

“That’s so adorable, Whiskers!” Tonks continued to laugh as Harry looked down at the floor trying to stop his face from burning bright red.

“I didn’t even know that was possible.” Harry grumbled as he stood up from the bed and walked over to Hedwig’s cage. “Have a nice flight, girl.” He said as he opened the cage and watched his snowy owl fly out the window and over the alley.

“Anyway, we should probably be headed out to the alley if you want to meet up with the Weasleys for their school shopping.” Tonks stated as she stood up from the bed and made her way towards the door.

“Brilliant!” Harry exclaimed having almost forgotten that he was meeting up with the Weasleys and Hermione for the Weasley family’s school shopping today. Why they waited until two days before term started he’d never understand but he was excited to see his friends again.

After following Tonks back down into the pub the two informed Moody of where they’d be going so the Senior Auror could tag along behind them at a safe, but unassuming, distance. Shortly afterward the Weasley family began to emerge from the Floo one by one until the whole family, along with Hermione, was standing in the Leaky Cauldron.

“Harry, it’s so good to see you!” Hermione exclaimed as she quickly walked up to Harry and wrapped him in a patented Hermione hug. Harry returned the hug before stepping back from Hermione and greeting the rest of the Weasleys.

“Wonderful to see you again, Harry dear.” Molly said as she also gave Harry a hug.

“Nice to see you too, Mrs. Weasley.” Harry replied.

“Good to…”

“See you…”

“Harrikins!” the twins said in their back and forth speech both clapping him on a shoulder at the same time. Harry returned the greeting before turning and shaking hands with Mr. Weasley. Percy merely gave a nod of acknowledgement which Harry returned.

“Hi, Harry.” Ginny said shyly. Harry returned her greeting with a friendly smile as Ron came forward holding Scabbers in hand.

“Nice to see you mate.” Ron said as he tried to keep Scabbers still.

“You too Ron, what’s wrong with Scabbers? He looks like he’s going spare.” Harry replied as he inquired about the rat’s condition.

“He’s been acting like this for days now. Don’t know what’s wrong with him but I’m taking him to the Magical Menagerie to see if they can help him.” Ron explained as he used both hands to hold the rat still.

“I hope he’ll be alright.” Harry replied before turning and looking towards Hermione. “You said you had received some birthday money to buy a pet in your last letter. Have you decided on what you’re going to get?”

“Not yet, I’m sure I’ll know the one I want when I see it.” Hermione replied as the group was quickly ushered out of the pub and into Diagon Alley. A few minutes later Harry, Hermione and Ron had entered the Magical Menagerie and Ron had placed Scabbers on the counter so the wizard manning it could look the rat over.

“Hmm, well, nothing is showing up as wrong with the charms. How long would you say you’ve had this rat, young man?” the shopkeeper asked Ron.

“Around nine years, I think.” Ron said after a moment of thought.

“Most normal garden rats only live about three or four years on average. If he happens to be descended from a magical rat species he might make it this long but even then he is definitely pushing it. I’ve got some Tonic that should help him a bit, at least with this thrashing, but it might be that he’s nearing the end. I’m sorry there isn’t more I can do for the little fellow.” The shopkeeper explained as he turned around and grabbed a small bottle off the shelf before turning and handing it to Ron.

“Thanks, how much?” Ron asked as he took the bottle.

“Twelve Knuts, young man.” The shopkeeper said before Ron handed the coins over.

“Sorry about Scabbers, Ron.” Harry said as the two boys walked further into the shop towards where Hermione had gone looking for a pet of her own.

“Yeah, it’ll be odd to not have him after so long. But maybe it’s for the best if he’s going to go through all this otherwise.” Ron stated as he gestured towards the still squirming rat. The two quickly found Hermione making her way towards the front of the shop with a large orange cat in her arms.

“You’re getting a cat?” Ron asked bewildered as he moved Scabbers closer towards himself. “What if it eats Scabbers?”

“Crookshanks wouldn’t do that.” Hermione denied with a shake of her head as she continued petting the cat. “Would you Crooks?”

“Crookshanks? Rather unique name there, Hermione.” Harry responded as he looked at the orange cat, its’ face appearing almost squashed. The trio quickly made it back to the shopkeeper at the counter where Hermione paid for her new cat and all its’ necessities.

The next stop for the Weasley family was Flourish and Blott’s for the books needed this term. Harry had already gotten his books, including the aggressive ‘Monster Book of Monsters’. Thankfully someone had filled the bookstore staff in on the trick to calming the books down. A simple stroke of the spine and the books flopped open and acted like normal books until they were closed again.

“Hermione, how many books do you need?” Harry asked bewildered at the stack of books Hermione was carrying towards the front of the store.

“Well I’m taking Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies so I need all of these.” Hermione replied as she walked.

“How are you taking that many classes? When are you going to sleep?” Harry questioned confused since he was sure there was no way that even Hermione could handle such a course load.

“I’ll be fine, Harry, it’s just a little extra work.” Hermione responded as she set her books on the counter to be purchased.

“I still say you’re mental.” Ron piped up from behind them his own books in hand.

“There is nothing wrong with studying, Ron. I just want to study all that I can.”

“But why would you take Muggle Studies? You’re muggleborn, you’re parents are muggles. You should know everything about them already.” Ron exclaimed as Hermione picked up half her stack of books, Harry had already picked up the other half for her.

“I think it will be fascinating to study it from the wizarding point of view.” Hermione stated as the trio met up with the rest of the Weasley family. Harry looked perplexed about Hermione’s choice while Ron just muttered about her being mental again.

After a few more hours at various shops in Diagon Alley, including getting the Weasley children fitted for new robes at Madam Malkins and restocking their potion kits at the apothecary. The group found themselves back in the Leaky Cauldron having a late lunch. Harry noticed both Moody and Tonks at either end of the pub, still dressed as casual patrons, while the Weasley family took seats at Tom’s largest table. Shortly after the meal Mr. Weasley pulled Harry aside to talk privately.

“Harry, I’m sure that by now you’ve heard of Sirius Black, right?” Arthur asked as he looked around to make sure no other customers could hear their conversation.

“Yes, Mr. Weasley, I know who he is and what he did.” Harry replied with some bitterness in his tone.

“I see, it was a tragedy, what happened wasn’t what anyone expected at least not those that thought they knew Black.” Arthur stated as he and Harry moved further through the pub to avoid a group of new customers that had taken a table near their conversation.

“I still don’t understand why he did it. Why did he betray my parents if they had been friends for so long?” Harry questioned the Weasley patriarch.

“I wish I could tell you, Harry, I truly do. But I wanted to warn you as well. Don’t go looking for Sirius Black. He is not a man to be trifled with, who knows what kind of mental state he’s in after so long in Azkaban. He’s most probably coming after you, Harry, so please, try and keep yourself out of trouble.” Arthur said as he looked at Harry seriously.

“Why would I go looking for someone that is trying to kill me?” Harry questioned Arthur while internally thinking of what he would do to Sirius Black if the man happened to find him.

“Good lad, Harry.” Arthur said with a smile. “Just keep your head down and avoid trouble until this mess can be resolved.”

“I will, Mr. Weasley, I promise.” Harry replied as the two went to rejoin the rest of the group.

During the meal Harry found out that Percy had been made Head Boy and congratulated the seventh year. Both twins were scolded by Molly for not making prefect which got both twins to argue against the very notion of being made prefect. Hermione also congratulated Percy while Ron merely rolled his eyes as Percy proudly showed off his shiny Head Boy badge.

“He’s going to be a right terror this year.” Ron muttered to Harry quietly as they watched Molly praise Percy for his accomplishment again.

“Maybe, but if we’re lucky he’ll be too preoccupied with Head Boy duties to swagger around the common room all the time.” Harry replied with a chuckle getting a snicker out of Ron while Hermione, having over heard them, berated them for being prats.

After the meal the Weasleys and Hermione returned home leaving Harry to return to his rented room for the evening. Harry noticed Tonks following him up but still behind by enough paces to not make it look like she was following him. Harry quickly reached his room and got out his entry level books on Runes and Arithmancy and continued from where he had left off the previous evening. Finding out how Arithmancy related to Runes and their applications had intrigued Harry and he’d been studying them closely trying to make sure he was prepared for the two courses this year. The fact that a common use for Runes and Arithmancy was to make Magical Objects; even including Quidditch brooms, made Harry excited at the prospect of, hopefully, someday making his own racing broom. A broom that could go as fast as Harry liked would amazing in his eyes. Then again Runes also made up the foundation of Warding. A branch of magic that Harry was also interested in because of the many applications that Wards offered.

A ruffle of feathers and the call of an owl alerted Harry that Hedwig had returned from her daily flight. Looking up at his snowy owl had Harry smile as she hopped up onto her perch and quickly partook of the water and food placed there by Dobby.

“Did you have a nice flight, girl?” Harry asked his owl with a smile. A soft hoot was his response as Hedwig nestled down on her perch and started preening her feathers. Deciding that Hedwig had replied in the affirmative Harry went back to his studying for another couple of hours before being interrupted by Dobby bringing him his dinner.

“Thank you, Dobby.” Harry thanked his easily excited elf.

“It being no trouble, Master Harry Potter, Sir.” Dobby replied with a smile and short bow before he popped away to find something else to do. After finishing his dinner Harry went to take a shower and get ready for bed. After donning his pajamas he stuck his head outside his room’s door and looked at the spot that Tonks normally stood while Disillusioned.

“I’m heading to bed now Tonks, good night.” Harry said with a nod in the Auror’s direction.

“Good night, Whiskers, sweet dreams.” Tonks replied just above a whisper.

“Thanks.” Harry replied as he went to shut the door.

“You can have dreams of me if you want, I don’t mind, Whiskers.” Tonks said with a teasing giggle.

“Tonks!” Harry exclaimed as his face flushed red. “You’re incorrigible!” he finished using the term Professor McGonagall used for the twins on several occasions.

“You know you love it~!” Tonks sing-songed as Harry quickly shut his door with an even redder face. “So easy to tease.” She chuckled as she went back to watching the hall that led to Harry’s room.

“That woman will drive me spare one day, I just know it.” Harry thought as he got into bed and pulled the blankets over himself. He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face though at the thought of the fun loving Auror. “Though I do have her permission to have dreams about her now.” He chuckled as he took off his glasses and set them on the night stand next to his bed. With a smile on his face he closed his eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep excited to soon be going back to Hogwarts.

End Chapter


I hope you’ve enjoyed this chapter. It’s been a while since I’ve written so I hope I’m not too rusty. Let me know what you think and once again thanks to my patrons for their support. This wouldn’t be possible without you all. Until next time, later!




Amazing as usual. Wish more wrote stories like yours.