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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! Goku and Bulma make their way to the training island where Master Roshi is currently training Caulifla and Kale. Once they explain the situation, you can bet that neither of the Saiyan girls is going to want to sit this one out! Kek! But with Blue Company tracking Goku’s location with their Dragon Radar, danger may just find its way to the Turtle Hermit. Just where did this third Dragon Ball end up?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 17 – Blue Company and the Pirate Hideout

The Flying Nimbus flew over the ocean in a specific direction, towards a familiar island to the pair riding on the magical golden cloud.

“I can see it!” Goku said with a grin as they got closer and closer to the island.

Bulma looked closely (still occasionally impressed by how much her visual acuity had increased after becoming a Saiyan) and spotted the all pink Kame House right in the same place that it had been the last time they’d both been here. “I’m glad they didn’t need to move the location.”

The Nimbus flew lower as they approached, just a couple of meters over the water’s surface, and slowed to a stop as they crossed over onto the beach. Goku had the cloud stop in front of Kame House and let Bulma hop off his lap before jumping off himself.

“Goku? Bulma?” Launch (currently blue-haired) blinked as she poked her head out of the front door after hearing them arrive. “It’s nice to see you again!” She smiled sweetly at both of them. “Master Roshi, Kale, and Caulifla should be back soon, this is about the time they usually return from afternoon training.”

Bulma smiled back at Launch and gave her a quick hug. “We’ll wait for them. We’ve got a favor to ask.”

“Is there anything to eat?” Goku asked with a hopeful look.

Launch giggled at Goku’s appetite and motioned for him and Bulma to come in. “Of course, just give me a few minutes and I’ll have a snack and some tea for both of you.”

Just as Launch predicted, only about fifteen minutes later, the trio of Master Roshi, Caulifla, and Kale returned to Kame House. How they arrived was a bit comical, given their reactions to seeing the Flying Nimbus floating outside of the pink house.

“Goku!” Caulifla didn’t even bother with the door, jumping through the open window and looking around for him. “You’re back!” She grinned before noticing Bulma too. “Bulma, you’re here too?”

“Sis!” Kale opened the door quickly, having left Roshi in the dust as she bolted towards the house. “Bulma, you came back too?” Kale blinked at Bulma before a smile spread across her face. “It’s been a while!” She was quick to hug Bulma.

Bulma returned the hug with a laugh. “It’s not been that long.”

Caulifla, hugging Goku at the moment, let out a little ‘tch’. “Says you. Without you guys around it’s just not as fun!” She smirked at Goku and Bulma. “Speaking of fun, do you two want to spar?” She took one of the snacks from the table and munched on it while waiting for an answer.

“My, my, Goku and Bulma have come to visit already?” Roshi greeted the two as he closed the front door behind him. “Did you already find your grandpa’s Dragon Ball?”

Goku shook his head once. “Nah, but I’m hopeful the next one will be it!”

Bulma took the chance to stand up (Kale moving to hug Goku and take a snack that Caulifla handed her) and turn to Roshi. “Actually, Master, we have a favor we need to ask in regards to the current Dragon Ball that we’re after.”

Roshi nodded once. “I see. It must be important if you’re being so polite.” He joked with a chuckle at Bulma’s roll of the eyes. “What exactly do you need help with?”

“The Dragon Ball is on the bottom of the ocean floor not too far from your small island, as far as we can tell. We need a submersible craft to go down and retrieve it.” Bulma explained the situation simply.

“I do have a submersible, for my students, lending such a thing is no issue.” Roshi agreed to help with a small grin.

Bulma let out a small sigh, even as she looked at Roshi with some suspicion. “Well, color me surprised. I was half expecting you to ask for something perverted in exchange.”

Roshi waved off her suspicions. “I wouldn’t make such a request of one of my students.” He looked over Bulma’s outfit behind his sunglasses. “But…if you wanted to give me a show of gratitude, I wouldn’t say no. Heh heh…” A wide grin spread across the old man’s face.

“In your dreams, old man!” Bulma shut him down immediately.

“Master…” Kale deadpanned at Roshi.

Caulifla rolled her eyes. “Typical old pervert.”

“Ease up on a lonely old man!” Roshi said with a grumble as he went to fetch the Capsule with the submersible in it.

-Red Ribbon Army Headquarters-

“Why’d the punk suddenly travel so far away without collecting the Dragon Ball?” Commander Red asked as he saw where the two Dragon Balls had stopped on the radar screen.

“Hmm,” Staff Officer Black looked thoughtful before addressing Commander Red. “Something has been bothering me about the current situation… I’d swear that the boy has accomplices. There’s no way that a radar so much more sophisticated than ours could’ve been developed by some random teen. He must be in league with a brilliant scientist.”

Commander Red narrowed his eyes at the map. “Of course… Then that means where he’s gone to now is most likely their base of operations.”

Staff Officer Black agreed with a nod. “It’s the only thing that makes sense. The islands around General Blue’s search area are either uninhabited or sparsely populated… Usually less than one-thousand people, even on the larger islands, if I recall correctly.”

“Makes for a nice out-of-the-way place to hide a small base or lab.” Commander Red narrowed his eyes at the two glowing dots on the radar and the island that they had clearly stopped at. “No one to snoop around and they’d still have goods coming to the island regularly without anyone the wiser.” It was quite the convenient setup for what seemed to be a small group hunting the Dragon Balls. “Focus the radar as much as possible! I want to know at least which side of the island the Dragon Balls are on!”

“Yes sir!” The entire command room called back instantly.

The radar screen zoomed in with a few blinks, shrinking the area that it was focused on. When it hit its limit of focus, the radar screen showed a single island and the waters around it, along with two glowing dots somewhere on the easter shore.

“Tell General Blue to recon the entire eastern half of that island if he has to! Find the enemy camp and the Dragon Balls and bring me that radar!” Commander Red ordered loudly, making the soldiers in the command room scramble to fulfill his orders.

-General Blue’s Camp-

“Y-Yes sir!” General Blue stumbled slightly over his first word as Commander Red shouted orders over the radio that was held up to the General’s ear. “I’ll have them scout the whole island if necessary!”

-Training Island-

At the beach, Roshi tossed the Capsule above the water.


A cloud of smoke obscured part of the waves for a second before clearing and revealing the submersible.

It was vaguely triangular, though rounded and sleek to lessen water resistance, with two large engines on either side and a clear dome over the seating area. The front had powerful lights to see in the depths and the whole vehicle was a light yellow color.

“That’s a newer model than I was expecting.” Bulma said with a little surprise.

Roshi laughed at her surprise. “I bought it a few years back to boat around my island. But being able to go underwater was a nice addition, so I picked this one over the regular boat that I was initially planning on buying.”

“Are you sure that you weren’t after the pirate treasure, Master?” Launch asked with a little giggle. She’d heard about the local legend while grocery shopping a while back.

“Pirate treasure?” Goku tilted his head in confusion, mimicked by Kale and Caulifla.

Roshi chuckled at the looks. “Yes, according to legend, the pirates that used to rule these small islands hid their treasure somewhere in the ocean near here. Many people have tried to find it over the years, but no one ever has.”

“Wow, pirate treasure? That’s like something right out of a story!” Bulma clapped her hands together with a smile. “Wouldn’t it be amazing to find it?”

“This sounds fun, I wanna go!” Caulifla said with a bright grin.

Kale nodded in agreement. “M-Me too!”

“Master Roshi, can we go too?” Caulifla and Kale asked Roshi at the same time.

“Well… I suppose so, it could be a nice change of pace for you both.” Roshi said after a moment to think about it. “Very well, I grant you both leave for the rest of the day.”

Kale smiled happily. “Thank you, Master!”

“Thanks, old man!” Caulifla was a bit less respectful about it, but still gave Roshi thanks for letting them go.

The four Saiyans quickly climbed aboard the submersible that was floating in the water. But a problem arose with the seating.

“There’s only three seats.” Goku said before looking at Caulifla, Kale, and Bulma. “But there’s four of us.”

“No big deal.” Bulma waved it off as a non-issue. She had Goku sit in one of the two back seats, she sat in the driver’s seat, and Caulifla grinned as she sat Kale down on Goku’s lap before taking the final seat for herself.

Kale blushed slightly at being in Goku’s lap. “S-Sis…”

Goku wrapped his arms around Kale’s waist with a smile. “I get it! There are enough seats if we do this.”

Caulifla smirked at Kale. “What, you wanna trade seats, Kale?”

“No.” Kale shook her head once, her tail already intwining with Goku’s without either of them thinking about it.

Bulma and Caulifla both laughed a little at how quickly Kale had decided not to move.

“We’ll be back shortly!” Bulma said to Roshi and Launch as the dome covered the seating area and the submersible began to motor across the water away from the beach.

“Be careful!” Roshi called out with a wave.

“Good luck!” Launch beamed as she waved to them.

The pair waved until the watercraft was just a dot on the horizon.

-General Blue’s Camp-

“What was that?” General Blue questioned over the radio.

Over the ocean near the Training Island, a jetcopter hovered in the air. “Sir, a craft has just left the east coast of the island and is making a beeline for your location! I’m heading in the direction that it came from to determine its origin!”

General Blue looked sharply at the soldier on the radar. “Confirm whether or not the craft has the Dragon Balls aboard!”

The soldier promptly responded after checking the radar for a moment. “Sir, yes, sir! The two Dragon Balls are moving away from the island in a straight course back towards the one we’re searching for!”

“General Blue, sir!” The soldier scouting in the jetcopter called in over the radio again. “I’ve found the origin of the craft! Two small structures, a Capsule House and a regular house, nothing appears out of the ordinary about either!”

“Zoom in and confirm any personnel!” General Blue ordered.

The jetcopter focused its camera and zoomed in on the area around the two houses. “Two personnel confirmed! A woman and a n old man! No other personnel spotted!”

General Blue smirked victoriously. “An old man, eh? No doubt the scientist that invented the enemy radar. We found them!” He quickly left the radio room and headed outside. “Soldiers, fall in!” The multitudes of soldiers in the camp quickly rushed to stand in front of General Blue. “We’ll be splitting the corps to pursue two targets! I will lead Squad A to follow after the brat that decimated Silver and White Corps!” He turned to a heavyset man in an officers uniform. “Captain Dark, you’ll lead Squad B to the enemy’s base and capture the old man, along with any and all equipment you find. With any luck we’ll get our hands on the radar technology there.”

“Yes sir!” Captain Dark saluted sharply.

“Begin operation!” General Blue ordered loudly.

“Sir, yes, sir!” The soldiers called back and immediately started splitting into their assigned squads, airmen to Captain Dark and naval soldiers to General Blue.

-Goku, Bulma, Kale, Caulifla-

“This took way longer than Nimbus.” Goku mentioned as they finally got back to the area right above the Dragon Ball’s location.

Bulma looked back at him with a playful eye roll. “Sorry that the sub isn’t magic, Goku.” She eyed Kale happily sitting on Goku’s lap with a smile. “But I don’t think you really mind given the situation.”

Goku grinned and hugged Kale a little closer for a second. “Nope.”

“Goku…” Kale smiled, even as she tried not to look at the amused grins from Caulifla and Bulma.

“So we just need to go straight down?” Caulifla asked as the sub began to dive beneath the waves.

“I think so, the Dragon Radar says this is where it is, but the terrain might make it much more difficult to actually find the Dragon Ball.” Bulma explained as she piloted the sub deeper into the ocean.

Unbeknownst to the four Saiyans, a distance away, General Blue was watching them with a pair of long-range binoculars. “It is the brat.” He confirmed with a smirk after seeing Goku. “A four-man team now. No matter.” He quickly climbed up the ladder of the large Red Ribbon Army submarine. “Dive and follow them immediately!”

The sub headed into deeper water before sinking beneath the waves.

It was several minutes later that the group of four made it to where the radar said the Dragon Ball was. The powerful lights of the sub lit up the area, but the orange shine of a Dragon Ball was nowhere to be seen.

Slowly moving the sub forward, all four pairs of eyes searched for any trace of the Dragon Ball.

“Um, I see a large crack in the rock over here.” Kale pointed out and Bulma checked the area with the lights. “Could the Dragon Ball have fallen down there?”

Bulma checked the Dragon Radar and grimaced. “Maybe. But I really hope not.”

“I’ll go check!” Caulifla volunteered, eager for some action.

“One sec, there’s scuba equipment in here.” Bulma said as she opened a compartment on the side and pulled out a mask with a respirator and an oxygen tank, a wetsuit was handed to Caulifla from the bottom of the compartment a second later.

Without hesitations Caulifla stood up and pulled off her tube top, letting her girls bounce free. She kicked off her shoes and shimmied out of her purple harem pants before smirking at Goku, having felt his eyes on her the whole time. “See something you like, Goku?” She teased as she slipped on the tight wetsuit.

“Yeah.” Goku answered honestly, making Bulma snicker and Kale cover her cheeks as they went red.

The small hatch in the back of the seating area opened and Caulifla hopped inside. Goku closed it behind her and Bulma flipped the switch to fill it with seawater. Once the capsule was filled, the bottom hatch opened and Caulifla swam out and straight towards the large crack that the lights were focused on.

“See anything?” Bulma asked over the communicator built into the mask that Caulifla was wearing.

Caulifla shook her head, but realized that the other probably couldn’t see her. “No, not yet.” She spoke as she swam along the length of the narrow gully. “If it’s down there, it’s deeper than I can see.”

“Can you swim down there?” Bulma inquired, hoping that there might be a space wide enough for Caulifla to get through.

Caulifla looked around, swimming to the widest part that she could find in the underwater gully. The three in the sub watched her try to enter, but after a long moment Caulifla backed off. “No way in, it’s way too narrow. I can’t even get my head past the opening; no way can my shoulders fit.”

Bulma sighed, having been afraid of that. “Alright, return to the sub, we’ll check along the edge over there to try and see how deep this crack can be.”

Caulifla swam back into the capsule and the bottom hatched closed. With a flick of the same switch, Bulma had the water drained out and Kale unlocked the top hatch to let Caulifla back inside. Not wanting to get the inside of the sub soaked, Caulifla took off the mask, tank, and wetsuit before climbing out and grabbing her regular clothes.

“Hopefully there’s another way in there, or we’re going to have to blow it up.” Caulifla said as she finished dressing and toweled off her spiky hair.

“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Goku said with a shrug. It’s not like the rock would survive a Kamehameha.

Bulma shook her head once. “You guys don’t know how explosions work underwater. Setting one off while you’re in the water can easily be fatal.” She drove the sub over the edge of the underwater cliff and let the lights trail over the edge. “And depending on how deep this crevice is, it might take a long time to actually reach the Dragon Ball.”

Kale clicked the button on top of the Dragon Radar a few times like Bulma had shown her. “We’re further away now, but something’s weird.” Everyone looked at her curiously, wanting to know what she meant. “The Dragon Ball is further away, but the cliff side is closer to the crevice on top…I think?” She handed the radar to Bulma to confirm.

“You’re right…” Bulma compared the distance and how far they’d traveled. “We might be in luck. If the Dragon Ball is further away than the crevice, it means there might be a cave system below the crevice that connects to the rest of the ocean around here.” She sped the sub up a little more. “Everyone look for any kind of cave on the cliffside, if we can get into it, we might still have a chance at finding the Dragon Ball.” The lights of the sub were focused on the underwater cliffside as the sub moved along at a steady speed.

-Training Island-

A squadron of jetcopters and a single plane flew towards Kame House, all of them bearing the emblem of the Red Ribbon Army.

“Captain, sir, what type of resistance are we looking at?” The pilot of the plane asked his commanding officer.

“An old man and a single woman! This operation will be a walk in the park!” Captain Dark laughed at having such an easy assignment for once.

Roshi looked up as he heard the sound of engines getting closer. “What in the world could this be?” He held his hand over his sunglass-covered eyes to watch the plane and the litany of jetcopters land on the grassy field that separated Kame House from the nearest road that was almost two-hundred meters away.

The hatch of the cockpit of the lone plane opened quickly and Captain Dark emerged with his pistol already drawn. “Attack quickly! Seize them!”

“Eh?!” Roshi blinked as the soldiers jumped out of their vehicle with their semi-automatic rifles drawn and aimed straight at him. “And who might you all be?”

Captain Dark approached Roshi while holding him at gunpoint. “Hehe… So you’re the genius scientist that devised that brilliant radar, eh?”

“Genius scientist?” Roshi cocked an eyebrow at that. “Me?”

“It’s no use pretending to be ignorant. We’ve done our homework.” Captain Dark said with a mocking smirk.

Roshi still didn’t know what was going on at all. “Trust me, I don’t have to pretend.” He joked with a straight face. “Who the heck are you, anyway?”

“We are the Red Ribbon Army.” Captain Dark answered simply, knowing how often just hearing their organization’s name put fear into people.

“Ah, yes… I’ve heard of you.” Roshi said calmly. “You fellows have quite the bad reputation. Giving ‘evil’ a whole new meaning… Being against truth, decency, justice, etc.”

The front door opened and Launch walked out with her hands up and a soldier holding his rifle aimed at her back. “Only this woman inside, sir.”

Roshi glanced at Launch to be sure that she hadn’t been harmed, his sunglasses hiding the movement of his eyes. “And what does the terrible, awful Red Ribbon Army want with little old me?”

“You’ll be coming with us, along with all of your research and equipment.” Captain Dark said with authority. “You’ll be making us the same Dragon Ball radar that you’ve provided to that kid.”

“What exactly are you all planning to do with the Dragon Balls once you have them?” Roshi was curious as to what wish such a nefarious military organization wanted from Shenron.

Captain Dark smirked. “That’s none of your concern.”

Roshi nodded once. “And if I resist?”

“Haha. Surely you know the answer to that?” Captain Dark mocked with confidence that could only come from having the opposition in a no-win situation. “We’ll kill you, of course.”

“In that case, I think I’ll put up a fight!” Roshi replied almost jovially.

“What?” Captain Dark blinked at the shift in tone and what the old man had just said.

“Hyah!” Roshi’s fist was buried in the heavyset man’s gut before anyone had seen him move.

Captain Dark’s eyes nearly bugled out of his head as he grasped his stomach and hit his knees, then fell flat on his face, unmoving.

“Huh?” The soldier closest to Roshi blinked in shock. “Grk!” The old man’s foot slammed into the soldier’s face and sent him flying back a couple of meters to crash painfully on the ground.

Roshi was a blur of orange and blue. A fist sent one soldier’s head whipping to the side, before the man even hit the ground, Roshi’s kick sent another man rag dolling through the air. A swing of his staff knocked the rifles out of three soldier’s hands painfully, before all three were hit with blows too fast for them to see.

“Son of a…!” One soldier aimed at Roshi, even as he watched the old man perform a perfect midair split to shatter the helmets of two of his fellow soldiers with his feet, both men slamming into the ground unmoving before he could even pull the trigger. Roshi’s staff slamming into his face made sure that the trigger was never pulled at all.

“Hoyoh!” Roshi leapt into the air, flipping forward twice to build up more momentum, before dropping his elbow on top of another soldier’s helmet-covered head. The helmet shattered as the man crashed into the ground like a sack of rocks and didn’t move again.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” One of the last soldiers screamed in fear as he unloaded the magazine of his rifle in a long burst of gunfire.

Roshi’s hands were such a blur it looked like he had six of them. The ‘click’ of the rifle snapped the soldier out of his terrified shooting as he looked between his fun and the old man still standing without a mark on him.

“Are you done shooting?” Roshi asked before slowly opening his hands and letting all of the bullets fall to the grassy ground.

“Aiiieee!” The soldier tried to turn and run, but Roshi’s sidekick slammed into his back and sent him sprawling through the dirt.

“Don’t you move!” The last standing soldier yelled in fear as he wrapped his arm around Launch’s shoulders, holding her hostage with his pistol pointed at her head.

Roshi grimaced at the cowardly tactic. “Darn, I should’ve suspected one of you would try that. Quite a quandary, indeed.”

“Shut the hell up! If you don’t want her to die, get on the ground!” The soldier ordered Roshi.

“Alright, alright, no need to do anything crazy.” Roshi held his hands up to show that he was no threat.

Unfortunately for the soldier holding her hostage, the rather thick cologne he used to cover up the smell of sweat that the warm climate caused, also irritated Launch’s nose.

“Ah…ah…achoo!” Launch sneezed and her hair shifted from blue to blonde in the time it took to blink.

The soldier flinched slightly from the unexpected noise. “You dumb bitch! Don’t you know when not to sneeze?!”

“Who’re you calling a dumb bitch?!” Launch demanded as she slammed her elbow into the man’s gut, knocking the wind out of him. “You wanna know what’s dumb?” She grabbed the soldier’s nearly limp arm and shoulder tossed him straight onto his back, further interrupting his ability to breathe. “Calling me ‘dumb’ is really fucking dumb!” She started kicking the downed soldier in the side, stomping on his stomach, all the while cursing the man out. “Dipshit! Asshole! Fucker! Bastard!”

“Now, now, Launch, you’ve made your point!” Roshi carefully pulled Launch away from the, now severely injured, man.

“Jackass!” Launch flipped the unconscious soldier off and spat on him for good measure.

I think the Red Ribbon Army is less threatening…’ Roshi thought to himself as he led Launch back towards the house. “Hey, you there!”

A soldier that had been trying to sneak back to his jetcopter froze mid-step. “Y-Yes, sir?”

“These are in the way.” Roshi motioned to all of the vehicles the Red Ribbon had arrived in. “Take them away with you.”

“Yes, roger, sir!” The soldier was shaking like a leaf as he saluted.

Under Roshi and Launch’s watchful gaze the terrified soldier quickly capsulized the various jetcopters and the single plane. He stored them in various cases and then looked at Roshi and Launch warily. “S-Sir… May I u-use a larger C-Capsule, sir?”

“Hurry the hell up!” Launch barked and the soldier instantly threw the larger Capsule. A plane appeared, much larger than the single plane that Captain Dark had been in. The soldier scrambled, sweat pouring down his face as he hauled his injured, beaten, and unconscious comrades into the bay of the larger plane and then quickly took off, heading back to base.

“Well, that was certainly different.” Roshi said with a small laugh. “How about we celebrate with a drink!” He smiled at Launch. “Or we could do something else…if you prefer.” He offered with a wide smile.

Launch dope slapped Roshi upside the head. “Hell no, old man.” She turned and walked back inside, unknowingly giving Roshi a bit of a show as her tight black pants hugged her ass, framing it wonderfully for the old man’s viewing pleasure.

“Heheh…” Roshi had a smile on his face. ‘Do good deeds and sometimes life throws you a bone!


“We’re approaching the enemy submersible!” A fox man soldier said as he watched the sonar screen.

General Blue smirked as he stood on the bridge of the sub with his arms crossed.

“Shall we commence the attack?” The hippo man naval officer asked General Blue.

“No! Just stay with them. Let them pinpoint the Dragon Ball’s location for us first.” General Blue said as his plan slowly came together before his eyes.

With Bulma, Kale, Caulifla, and Goku, the four Saiyans were still searching along the underwater cliffside for any hint of a cave.

“There’s one!” Goku pointed out as a cave a bit lower than their current depth was illuminated by the bright lights of their sub.

“It’s a big one too!” Caulifla exclaimed, seeing that their vehicle could easily fit into the cave multiple times over.

Bulma checked the Dragon Radar, comparing the location of the Dragon Ball with their location and seeing how far they’d traveled. “It’s almost a straight line…this has got to be the same cave!” She beamed at finding a way inside.

“Are we going in now?” Kale asked, only to be answered by Bulma directing the sub towards the large underwater cave.

On the Red Ribbon Army’s sub, the movement of the smaller vessel was being watched like a hawk.

“General Blue! The enemy is heading for that cave, sir!” One of the sonar men called out.

“So, the Dragon ball is in there, eh?” General Blue had a grin on his face. “Commence the attack!”

“Fire torpedoes!” The hippo man officer bellowed into the comms.

Four torpedoes left the sub, speeding through the water towards the smaller vessel.





“What the fuck?!” Caulifla yelled as the explosions rocked their sub, all of the torpedoes having hit the cliffside near them.

“We’re being shot at!” Bulma cried out as she tried to stabilize the sub.

Goku looked out into the water and saw the large submarine approaching. He also saw the, now very familiar, Red Ribbon emblem on the side of the sub. “It’s those Red Ribbon Army guys again!”

Back on the Red Ribbon sub the report came in. “We missed!” The fox man sonar operated called out.

“Heads will roll!” General Blue promised angrily. “Fire again! Accurately!”

Four more torpedoes were fired at the mini-sub.

“They fired again!” Kale warned as she saw the incoming torpedoes.

“We’re going in!” Bulma sped the sub into the cave at full speed.





The explosions rocked the cliff and spread throughout the water as a shockwave.

Thankfully, the mini-sub had already made it clear of the blast.

“We missed again!” The fox man reported. “They’ve escaped into the cave!”

General Blue felt a vein pulse on his neck. “Pursue them! Corner them!” He then turned sharply and pointed at the submarine’s captain. “And execute the gunner!”

“Y-Yes sir!” The captain saluted quickly.

The larger submarine followed the smaller one into the huge underwater cave.

“They’re still following us!” Caulifla warned as the mini-sub sped down the tunnel.

“The tunnel gets narrower up ahead!” Bulma smiled at seeing the tunnel become too small for the large submarine to pass.

General Blue wasn’t about to let his quarry get away. “Launch the mini-subs! I’ll board one of them personally!” He was sliding down the ladder towards the launch area before even completing the order.

“Hey! They have vehicles like ours too!” Goku said as he pointed behind them at the two mini-subs now chasing after them.

“Shit!” Bulma cursed as she pulled up a bit, hitting a switch to start discharging the held water in the mini-sub to increase their buoyancy as the tunnel sloped upwards.

In the lead Red Ribbon mini-sub a walrus man looked to General Blue. “Shall I fire the torpedoes?”

“We can’t risk having the tunnel collapse on us! Just pursue them!” General Blue ordered quickly. “Hurry up!”

With a large splash, the mini-sub that the Saiyans were in breached the surface of the water.

“Are we outside?” Goku asked as Bulma nearly threw open the transparent dome over them.

“No, this part of the cave just has air trapped inside! We should keep going!” All four of them hopped out of the mini-sub and Bulma slapped the button to capsulize it again. She snatched the Capsule out of the air the second that the smoke faded away.

The four of them ran just as the two Red Ribbon mini-subs breached the surface of the water.

“What the?! What is this place?!” One soldier asked in confusion.

“They’re fleeing on foot! Stay in pursuit!” General Blue ordered loudly, there was no time for his men to be confused right now!

Just as General Blue was about to disembark, the walrus man spoke up.

“Sir, a call from Squad B!” He handed the radio over to General Blue.

“This is General Blue, report!” General Blue said as he watched his soldiers quickly disembarking and chasing after the four teens down the tunnel. The panicked voice of the soldier on the other end of the radio nearly made General Blue do a doubletake. “What do you mean ‘decimated’?!” His eyes were wide in shock as he found out that the soldier on the radio was the only man still capable of moving at all. Everyone else was unconscious at minimum, while most were beaten and broken and wouldn’t be of any use for days if not weeks from their injuries.

Further down the tunnel, Goku came to a stop. “Wait… Why do we have to run? Can’t we just beat them up?”

“That’s what I was thinking!” Caulifla had stopped at the same time as Goku. “Let’s just beat them up now and THEN get the Dragon Ball!”

Kale looked between Goku and Caulifla. “I guess we could.”

Bulma almost wanted to smack herself. Now that they were on land, the Red Ribbon soldiers realistically stood no chance. Aside from maybe having some kind of explosive weapon, the four of them were bulletproof to a significant degree. “That would make things easier. I really don’t want to get shot though.”

“You don’t have to as long as you dodge the bullets.” Goku said with a grin.

“Get them!” One soldier yelled as the Red Ribbon Army caught up.

Further behind, the group someone was shouting down the tunnel for the soldiers to pull back.

“Hup!” Caulifla’s foot slammed into the gut of the largest soldier in the group. The man hacked out a painful breath as he went flying back into the group, bowling over multiple other soldiers.

Kale was next to another soldier before the man had even realized that she’d moved. A sharp crack was heard as her fist was buried into his side. The soldier slammed into the rocky wall and went limp.

“Yah!” Bulma kicked high, taking a man off his feet as his head whipped back painfully from the hell of Bulma’s foot slamming into his chin. The soldier crashed into the ground and lost consciousness before he even realized what happened.

“Gah…” A soldier coughed as his eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed to the rough stone floor of the tunnel. Goku had only need to punch the man once in the gut to take him out.

“FALL BACK NOW!!!” The loud shout made the other soldiers freeze up for half a second before they turned and started to flee.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” Caulifla yelled as she cupped her hands together at her side. “Ka… Me… Ha… Me…HA!!!” The blue and white sphere of energy formed between her palms and grew to the size of a volleyball before she threw her hands forward. The beam fired as the soldiers yelled in terror of the approaching attack.


The blast shook the tunnel slightly, reverberating throughout the area multiple times before settling down.

“Ow!” Bulma held her ears in pain. “Setting off explosions in enclosed spaces is bad too!”

Caulifla was holding her own ear as well, having suffered the brunt of the loud explosion since she couldn’t cover her ears while launching the Kamehameha wave. “I didn’t know that!”

“My ears hurt…” Goku was trying to clean out his right ear with his pinky.

“Me too.” Kale said with a grimace, lightly rubbing her ears to make the ringing stop.

The four Saiyans waited for a long moment for their ears to stop ringing. With no one else coming after them, they started to head deeper into the tunnel.

“Even if it hurt our ears, I still took those losers out!” Caulifla said with a proud smirk.

Bulma rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky you didn’t bring the tunnel down on top of us.”

Caulifla, maturely, stuck her tongue out at Bulma.

“Sis.” Kale narrowed her eyes a little, though her glare was more adorable than threatening to Caulifla, Goku, and Bulma.

“Hah… Okay, I’m sorry.” Caulifla sighed out as she put her hands behind her head as they walked.

Goku chuckled before he noticed something. “It’s getting darker.”

“Because we’re away from the lights of those mini-subs. Without artificial light this cave would naturally be pitch-black.” Bulma explained as they slowed their pace a bit. “We can only see this much because of our visual acuity.”

Kale put her hand on the wall to help steady herself as they walked along, but noticed something besides rock when her fingers passed over it. “Hm?” She looked closer and saw a switch. “A light switch?” She flipped it and a series of overhead lamps all turned on at once.

“Hey, there’s light here!” Goku blinked as his eyes quickly adjusted to the new brightness.

“Who would put lights in an undersea cave?” Bulma questioned how they got down here.

Caulifla answered in an unexpected way. “Maybe this guy?” She pointed at a skeleton that was dressed in tattered clothing, including a black maritime coat and a black bicorn hat with a skull and crossbones on the front.

Bulma blinked at seeing the skeleton but easily put the obvious together. “A pirate…like the rumors?”

“You mean what Master Roshi told us about?” Goku asked as he lightly nudged the skeleton with his foot.

“Does that mean this is the pirate’s hideout?” Kale looked further down the tunnel.

Caulifla grinned. “If we find treasure, we get to keep it, right?” She patted her stomach with a wide smile. “Think how much food we could buy with it!”

Three little (by Saiyan standards) growls came from Kale, Goku and Bulma’s stomachs.

“Let’s focus on the Dragon Ball first and foremost.” Bulma said after shaking her head once.

Back near the mini-subs, amid the pile of bodies from Caulifla’s Kamehameha, one person shoved a corpse off himself and stood up.

“Hah…hah… What was that?” General Blue questioned, looking around at his wiped out squad. He’d only seen a bright blue-white light and then an explosion had happened. “Is this how Squad B was taken out too?” He narrowed his eyes into a cold and hateful glare. “You’ve dug your graves by challenging General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army!” His blue eyes glowed with an odd power for a moment before he straightened himself up and slowly made his way down the, now well-lit, tunnel. “Now is the time for strategy. I’ll catch them off guard and take them out all at once.” He plotted on the four that his forces had chased into the underwater cave.

With Goku, Caulifla, Kale, and Bulma, the four Saiyans had run across something unexpected.

“The floor and walls are all smooth here.” Kale mentioned, looking around at the change from cave tunnel to interior corridor.

“Oh yeah, this doesn’t look suspicious at all.” Bulma commented sarcastically as she saw the spots on the floor and the holes along the wall.

Goku neared the spots on the floor and pulled the Nyoibō out. “Let’s see…” He tapped the end of the staff on one of the spots on the floor.


A harpoon-like spear shot form one of the holes on the wall and stabbed into the opposite wall, between the holes that likely fired more harpoons from that side.

“A trap!” Caulifla exclaimed in surprise.

Kale looked at how close the buttons on the floor were and how long the corridor was. “We can’t walk through here without stepping on the buttons, but we might be able to jump it.”

Bulma measured the distance by eye and ran through a few calculations in her head.

“Hyo!” Goku didn’t waste a second and leapt across on instinct alone. He landed on the other side with a grin. “It’s not hard at all! Come on!” He waved to the three girls.

Caulifla smirked in challenge. “Here I come!” She took off running and then leapt right before she would’ve stepped on a button. She flew across the floor and then landed easily next to Goku. “Hah! I went further than you, Goku!”

“I think we went the same distance.” Goku pointed out that they were standing right beside each other.

“I totally went further.” Caulifla denied, pointing at their feet and that hers were a few centimeters further than his.

“Let’s just jump…” Bulma playfully sighed at the competitiveness between Caulifla and Goku. With a quick running start, Bulma did a nearly textbook perfect long jump, similar to the ones she did in school physical fitness tests. “Woo…” She exhaled with a smile as she landed safely on the other side.

Kale got a running start too and nearly sailed over the space easily. When she landed she gave the others a soft smile. “Not too hard.”

The three continued on their way until they emerged from the corridor and into a large harbor. Multiple large submarines were tied to a large stone dock. One looking as if it was a military vessel with its massive main gun on the flat deck atop the submarine. The smaller submarines were all larger than the mini-sub that they’d come in, but all were made of thick, strong metal as well, as if they came from a time long before the strong polymer materials that were commonly used nowadays.

Given that the entire place was worn with age, and all of the docked submarines were coated with barnacles and rust, it was safe to say that no one had been here for quite a long time. Whatever had made the pirates leave, they’d done so in a hurry. Other vehicles like small work trucks, a motorcycle, and even a few forklifts were all left where they’d been parked. Fuel pumps stood waiting for someone to use them, though the style of the pumps was also military-esque. The hidden harbor of the pirates almost screamed of being a mix of military and civilian.

“The pirates’ secret port, huh?” Bulma said with some amazement.

None of the Saiyans knew that General Blue was plotting behind them.

They also didn’t know of what lurked here as a remnant of the days when the pirate base had been active.

But they would soon discover both.

-End Chapter-


Similar to Canon, until the Saiyans try fighting back!

General Blue is now alone and slightly injured.

Roshi easily dealt with the Red Ribbon squad sent after him and Launch.

Launch (blonde) isn’t a damsel in distress… She’s a damsel that CAUSES distress! Kek!

Will General Blue be able to get the drop on Goku, Caulifla, Kale, and Bulma?

What about the lingering remnant of the pirates’ active days?

Is the Red Ribbon Army going to have to admit defeat and call in outside help?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 187

Bulma – 164

Krillin – 162

Roshi – 170

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 149

Kale – 152

Until I get your reviews, later!



I have a question with all four of them together are they going to develop new ki attack’s especially with bulma’s creativity


Got to love the line we did our homework just to find out you were looking at the wrong subject the whole time


Captain Dark: "We did our homework." Roshi: "This is Math homework; I teach PE. Today's lesson: How to destroy a military squadron." Captain Dark: "Errors have been made."

Zachary Faulkner

Great chapter can't wait for blue to get his Just desserts

Christian Jeffress

Another excellent, an entertaining chapter, thanks. I’m very curious on what Bulma’s reaction will be when she discovers what the wish is for the leader of the red ribbon army is lol good


You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it! IF they ever discover the wish (they never did in Canon), it would definitely be met with the most flat, deadpan look and a "Really?" lol