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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you a new chapter! As Goku continues on his journey to collect the Dragon Balls, the Dragon Radar stops working! Eighter thinks it might be the battery, but can’t tell for sure. Goku has to take the Dragon Radar to Bulma and have her fix it. Unfortunately, he’s only been to West City, and Capsule Corporation once…over eight months ago, and Bulma guided him there that time. Not exactly the best way to remember where someone lives. But surely things will work out, right? Goku could also meet Tights, Bulma’s older sister. That could definitely give the big sister some teasing material. Kek! But the hunt for the Dragon Balls must continue! Too bad the Red Ribbon Army keeps getting in the way.

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 16 – Third Dragon Ball and General Blue

Faraway from Goku’s hunt for the Dragon Balls…and pretty much everything else too, was Mt. Paozu. Within the depths of the forested mountain was a small stone cottage built in a traditional eastern style, with a tiled roof and the four corners pointing upwards. A small well was next to the worn path that led up to the only door of the dwelling, a single bucket on a rope used to fetch water.

No one was home at the moment though.

“Hmm, what to eat today?” Krillin wondered aloud as he walked through the forest. Living off the land in this remote area that was filled with various dangerous beasts had been working well for his first portion of training for the next Tenka’ichi Budokai. There were no distractions here. Nothing to interrupt his meditation, his martial arts training, or clutter his mind with unnecessary thoughts. It was utterly tranquil and living here had definitely helped Krillin work on his senses and awareness.

“ROOAAWWRR!!!” A saber-toothed cat lunged at Krillin from the brush, its large fangs looking to sink into him.


Krillin’s kick sent the huge cat slamming into the nearest tree, shaking it and making some leaves fall. “Too slow.” He chuckled, looking at the downed predator. Had that happened before he’d gotten used to living here, then he would’ve most assuredly panicked. He chose to not think about the fact that such a surprise attack had happened on his third day of staying at Goku’s house and he had panicked and fled for his life with the saber-toothed cat chasing after him. “Not sure you’ll make a good meal, but since I took your life, I’ll make sure none of you goes to waste.” Krillin clapped his hands together and gave a short prayer of thanks to the dead animal. “I wonder if there’s a recipe for saber-toothed cat meat?” He pondered while hefting his kill over his shoulder and heading back towards the house.

Living the life of a hermit was proving to be very beneficial to Krillin’s mental and physical development and the refining of his martial arts. He only hoped that his friends were doing equally well with their training as he was.


Flying through the sky on Nimbus, Goku was sure that he was going in the right direction. The villagers of Jingle Village had all seen him off with smiles and gave him the direction that he needed to go, and he hadn’t deviated from the direction even once. But after passing over dozens of villages, then towns, then small cities, Goku finally saw what looked vaguely familiar to him from months, and months ago.

“Sure is getting busy.” Goku smiled at the imposing sight of the massively sprawling West City. “But where was Bulma’s house again?” He scratched his head, trying to remember what the large place had looked like, only to see hundreds of large dome-shaped buildings all throughout the metropolis below. “I’ll ask around and see if anyone knows.” He shrugged it off as he directed Nimbus down into the city. He hopped off the Flying Nimbus and let the magical cloud return to the sky. “Still as noisy as it was last time.” Goku said as the honking of cars, the engines, the bustling and chatting of people multiplied a thousand-fold or more, all filled his ears.

Goku walked for a bit, mostly just following the crowd while looking this way and that for anything that would jog his memory and hopefully lead him to Bulma’s house. It was as he was looking around that a loud noise made him blink.


“Hey! Are you stupid, kid?!” A man that had just slammed on the brakes of his hover car yelled at Goku while leaning out the driver’s side window. “Only cross when the light’s red! Dumbass!”

“Do you know where Bulma lives?” Goku asked the man, not seeing what the problem was.

The man glared at Goku from behind his sunglasses. “How the hell should I know? Get out of the road before you get run over! Fucking tourists!” He drove around Goku and continued on his way.

Goku tilted his head slightly. “What’s everyone in such a hurry for?” Goku got back onto the sidewalk and decided to ask someone else. Spotting a woman pushing a baby stroller, he approached her with a smile. “Miss, do you know where Bulma lives?”

“Bulma?” The young mother looked confused. “I’m afraid I don’t know who that is. You’ll have to ask someone else, dear.”

“Sure thing. Thanks.” Goku waved as he walked down the sidewalk again. “I guess with so many people, not everyone would know everyone else. But how would I find people that know Bulma?” He saw a guy sitting in a yellow hover car, the sign on top read ‘Taxi’, but Goku didn’t know what that meant. He walked over to the Wolf Beastman and got the man’s attention. “Hey, can you show me where Bulma lives?”

The Wolf Beastman looked at Goku with a raised eyebrow. “You got an address?”

“What’s that?” Goku asked, not familiar with the term. Bulma’s education had been more focused on general social behaviors and modern common sense with a bit of basic knowledge of things that Goku was likely to encounter. Being in the big city and understanding addresses, urban navigation, and the like wasn’t something they’d gone over at all.

“Look kid,” The Wolf Beastman sighed a little. “If you don’t have an address, you’re gonna need a lot of money if you want me to drive you around searching for a place.”

“You need money to drive?” Goku blinked at the odd requirement since he’d seen Bulma drive plenty without needing to spend money to do it.

The taxi driver nearly facepalmed. “No, I don’t need money to drive, you need money to ride! That’s how a taxi works! If you don’t have an address or cash, then don’t waste my time!” He noticed a woman further down the street with her arm in the air, hailing him. Without a word to Goku, he quickly drove off to pick up his next fare.

Goku shrugged at the rudeness but continued walking. “So, if I have money, then I can find Bulma in this city?”

The sounds of a crowd gathered around one side of the large sidewalk caught Goku’s attention. People were talking excitedly in the crowd, but no one seemed to be doing anything. The only thing that Goku could see was a large sign that said ‘100,000 Zeni Challenge’ on the brick wall lining this part of the street.

“Okay! Who’s next?! Who’s next?!” A man’s voice called out over the sound of the gathered crowd.

“What’s going on?” Goku walked over to the crowd. “Excuse me. Can I get through? Sorry, excuse me.” He managed to make his way to the front of the crowd to see a man with hair as black as his, a tanned complexion, shirtless to show off his well-trained body, black kung fu pants covered his legs and matching black kung fu shoes were on his feet. The man also had a pair of boxing gloves on his hands.

“100,000 Zeni! All you have to do is beat me!” The man proclaimed to be heard over the crowd. “Step right up!” He challenged the crowd. “Come on, come on! What are you, a lot of cowards?!” The man egged the crowd on. “Just fight me and make me beg for mercy, and 100,000 Zeni is yours!”

One of the men in the crowd nudged his much larger buddy. “Hey, why don’t you try it?”

The larger man snorted at his friend. “You gotta be kidding me, that guy’s a kenpo master. I’d lose before I was even able to throw a punch.”

“Oh, so you can win money just like the Budokai!” Goku perked up as he understood the idea now. “I’ll fight!” He stepped over the rope that separated the ‘fighting area’ from the rest of the wide sidewalk. “Just let me put down my staff.” He pulled the Nyoibō, sheathe and all, over his head and propped it up against the brick wall away from the crowd.

“You?!” The entire crowd looked at Goku like he was crazy. “Bwahahahaha!” They burst into laughter at the idea of such a young man fighting a full-grown adult martial artist.

“Huh?” The martial artist looked at Goku in disbelief. “Kid… That’s not funny.”

Goku looked at the other man confused. “I didn’t tell a joke.”

“You…want to fight me?” The man pointed at himself with his right boxing glove.

“Uh huh! And if I win I get a bunch of money, right?” Goku smiled at the martial artist.

The crowd’s laughter renewed at Goku’s optimism. “Hahahahaha!”

“Hah…” The man sighed, but decided to put on a little show for the gathered crowd. “Alright, alright… Normally I charge a 10,000 Zeni entrance fee. But, since you’re my tenth challenger today, I’ll make a special exception for you.” He hammed it up just a little.

The crowd loved it and clapped, the excitement drawing in more people.

“Hey, thanks!” Goku smiled at the man. “Then I won’t be too rough on you!”

“Bwahahahahahaha!” The crowd was nearly rolling at this point. The martial artist only making it more fun as he held up his hands and shrugged with a ‘what can you do?’ smile on his face.

Goku and the martial artist took their stances.

“Okay, let’s get this over with.” The man chuckled.

“Here I come!” Goku nearly blurred forward. “Hyah!” His fist landed in the other man’s stomach and nearly folded him over.

The crowd went silent, just staring in shock as the ma hacked and coughed from having the wind knocked out of him.

“Give up?” Goku asked with a smile.

The man got back to his feet with a shake of his head. “Give up? Me? Not a chance!” He retook his stance. “So, you learned a little martial arts, huh?”

Goku nodded in response. “Yep! I’ve been training!”

“Well… I guess I won’t hold back then.” The martial artist declared, he slid forward with impressive footwork and threw a blindingly fast jab.

“Yah!” Goku’s leg came up in a picture perfect high kick, catching the other man right under the chin.

The man staggered backwards, his boxing gloves coming up to cradle his face. “Owww!” He certainly hadn’t expected that from a guy years younger than him!

Goku held his stance after landing the kick. “Are you sure you don’t want to say ‘mercy’ yet?”

“Not yet!” The martial artist came at Goku with a flurry of punches. “Aiyaa! Hyah!” Goku weaved around each punch, his eyes following the man’s movements easily. “Hoyoh!” The man struck out with a powerful knee strike but Goku backstepped to dodge it.

“Watch out!” Goku shot his leg out in a blurring side kick. The other man’s eyes widened as he juked to the side and Goku’s foot slammed into the brick wall.


The bricks shattered and flew backwards into the area beyond the wall. The entire crowd was gaping in absolute shock that a single kick from Goku had been able to put a large hole in the thick brick wall.

The marital artist’s eye bugged out of his head in near panic at what a single kick had done. “M-Mercy…” No way did he want to try blocking something like that!

“Hey, thanks a lot!” Goku put his legs together and put his palms together before giving the man a bow.

Seeing the show of respect, the other man smiled and did the same, giving Goku a bow of respect as well. “Thanks for the spar.”

“Thank you for the spar.” Goku replied with the same words.

As promised the man gave Goku 100,000 Zeni while the crowd clapped and cheered for the spectacle they’d just gotten to see.

As Goku walked off with his Nyoibō strapped to his back again, the martial artist smiled before turning to face the even larger crowd. “See that folks?! No tricks here! Beat me and 100,000 Zeni is yours, no lie! Even a skilled kid can do it!” He laughed and played up what just happened.

“I’ll take you on!” One larger man said, shrugging off his jacket to reveal his muscles.

“Me too!”

“If all it takes is breaking some bricks, even I can do that!”

Five men, all of them clearly large, muscular, and strong, stepped up to the challenge.

The martial artist grinned. ‘Kid, I don’t know who you are, but you just helped me make a lot more money today!’ He’d dealt with plenty of guys like these before (they were his main challengers after all) and they wouldn’t be an issue for his skills. “Form a line, form a line, my strong-looking challengers! 10,000 Zeni each, please! I’ll take each of you on in order!”

Goku didn’t have any other concerns about what was going on back down the street anymore. “Heh! I’ve got some money now!” He looked around. “I wonder who I should ask though?” He didn’t want to spend all of this money and not find Bulma.

From a nearby alleyway, two thugs saw the cash in Goku’s hand.

“Hey, look at that hick.” One of them motioned to Goku with his head.

“Big money for a bumpkin.” His buddy, a boar man, snorted out a laugh.

Both of them smirked at each other.

“Hey! You there! The guy in orange! Come here a second!” The man in the alley called Goku over.

Goku looked over at the guy calling to him. “Huh?” He walked over to the alleyway wondering what the man wanted.

“Step right over here.” The man motioned for Goku to come into the alleyway.

“Are you guys trying to give me something?” Goku asked, wondering what these two men wanted to see him for.

The boar man snorted in amusement and pulled out a knife.

The man pulled a small pistol from one of the two large pockets on his shirt. “Nuh uh… We’re going to get something, namely your money!”

“Oh,” Goku didn’t look impressed. “So, you’re not going to help me find Bulma’s house.”

“Just shut up and hand over the cash!” The boar man demanded while pointing his knife at Goku. The other man pointing his pistol at Goku as well.

Goku headbutted the boar man, shattering his snout-like nose and knocking him clear off his feet. The boar man’s head slammed into the brick wall of the building behind him and he collapsed to the ground unconscious, blood running down his broken nose. Goku snatched the pistol out of the other man’s hand and crushed the barrel, then he tossed it into a trash can, all before the thug could even pull the trigger.

“Thieves never prosper, you know?” Goku said something that his grandpa had told him while he was growing up.

The man that was still standing raised his hands in front of him, sweating in fear of the guy in front of him. “We’re very sorry, sir! We won’t do it again!” He bowed his head in apology. “Y-You said that you were looking for someone named B-Bulma, right?”

“Yeah.” Goku nodded once.

“I-If you ask a policeman, th-they should be able to help you.” The thug tried to give his best smile.

Goku brightened up. “So, someone called a ‘policeman’, right? Thanks!” He left the alleyway quickly without looking back.

The remaining thug fell on his ass and tried to get his racing heart under control. That was scary as fuck! He was gonna listen to his father and get an honest job from now on!

“Policeman…policeman…” Goku looked around, but didn’t know what a policeman looked like. He walked up to a young woman close to Bulma’s age, probably a year or so older. “Miss, can you tell me where a policeman is?”

The woman smiled at Goku (and gave him a once over with her eyes as well) before pointing to a policeman down the street in his blue uniform. “Yeah. That man in blue right there is a policeman.”

Goku smiled brightly at finding the policeman person that could help him find Bulma. “Great! Thanks!” He put the 100,000 Zeni in the woman’s hand without a care and jogged over to the policeman.

“Eh?” The young woman looked at the 100,000 Zeni in her hand in shock. “What?”

“Mr. Policeman!” Goku called out to the older man as he approached. “I’m trying to find my friend Bulma’s house; can you help me?”

The policeman looked at Goku for a second. “A girl named Bulma, huh? Do you not know her address or her ID number?”

“No, sorry.” Goku shook his head. “The last time we came here was months and months ago and she showed me where to go, but now I can’t find her house.”

“Tell you want, I’ll try to look her up in our system.” The policeman said as he pulled out a small handheld computer and typed in the name. “Bulma isn’t a common name so it shouldn’t be too hard.” The device beeped. “Oh, yeah, there’s only three in West City.” He showed Goku the screen. “Is this her?”

Goku looked at the screen and saw a black-haired woman with rosy cheeks that was definitely not his girlfriend. “Nope. That’s not her.”

The policeman hit a button and the screen switched to the next of the three. “How about this one?”

“That’s Bulma!” Goku smiled brightly at seeing his girlfriend’s picture on the screen.

“W-Wait a minute! That’s the daughter of the founder of Capsule Corporation!” The policeman nearly squawked in surprise.

“Yeah, that’s Bulma.” Goku nodded with a smile. “Can you show me where she lives?”

The policeman looked at Goku with a little suspicion. “I’ll take you there…just to be safe. Hop on.” He got on his hover bike and started it up, making it levitate off the ground as if it was on invisible tires.

“Thank you, sir!” Goku hopped on the back and the policeman drove down the road towards Capsule Corporation.

“Not to be rude… But are you sure this girl knows you?” The policeman asked Goku as he merged onto a different road and sped up to match the speed limit.

“Yep!” Goku said with a smile.

Going highway speeds, the two made it to Capsule Corp in only a few minutes. The policeman turned off the highway, slowed down, drove down a long road, and then came to a stop at a light. Once the light turned green, he made a left turn and headed down a different road for a bit until he stopped in front of the familiar, massive, dome-shaped house/main lab or Capsule Corp and Dr. Brief himself.

“This is it!” Goku cheered as he recognized the building. He hopped off the back of the hover scooter and took a deep breath. “HEY BULMA!!!” He shouted loudly, making the policeman flinch at the volume.

“Young man! Young man!” The policeman uncovered his ears from the surprising shout. “They have an intercom.” He pointed at the device next on the post that held up a large sign that said ‘Capsule Corp’ on it. “You don’t need to yell so loudly.” He pressed the button on the bottom of the intercom. “Yes, hello, I believe a young lady by the name of Bulma lives here?”

“Miss Bulma is not home currently.” A robotic voice replied a second later.

The policeman looked at Goku. “Well, there you have it. What do you want to do, wait for her?”

“I guess I’ll have to.” Goku shrugged, just happy to have made it to Bulma’s house. “You can go if you want to, policeman.”

“No can do, son.” The policeman shook his head once. “I can’t confirm that you’re a friend of Miss Bulma. It would be bad if it turned out that I’d lead a lunatic here.” He crossed his arms while looking at Goku. “Capsule Corp is a global technological superpower. So I hope you’ll forgive me for having my doubts that you’re friends with the heiress.” The wind picked up and the officer raised his left hand to pull his hat down a little, not wanting it to be blown off.

“Hm?” Goku sniffed the breeze and his Saiyan nose parsed through various smells and scents. “I smell Bulma’s scent.”

“What?” The policeman blinked. “Scent?”

Goku pointed at a fast approaching vehicle. “There she is!”

Sure enough, a hover bike was zooming towards Capsule Corp. The rider pulled back on the brake and the boke nearly did a ‘wheelie’ at the sudden deceleration. The woman rose up off the seat, angling her feet on the sides of the bike to stay on it, before the bike lowered to the ground as the power was cut.

“Bulma!” Goku beamed at his girlfriend.

“Huh?” Bulma pulled off the black riding goggles she had been wearing and looked at Goku. “Goku!” Her smile nearly outshone the sun at seeing him. She hopped off the bike, revealing that her outfit was a pair of orange short shorts and a red tube top that showed off a little cleavage while covering all the way down to the tops of her shorts. On her feet were pink sneakers, and she had a matching small, pink backpack on her back with pink leather riding gloves on her hands. “You remembered how to get here?”

“Nope.” Goku answered honestly. “This nice policeman guy helped me!” He pointed to the policeman.

“Pffft!” Bulma laughed at Goku’s clueless honesty. “That sounds right.” She looked at the policeman with a smile. “Thanks for bringing Goku here.”

The policeman nodded to Bulma. “Just trying to help. But I wanted to confirm things before I left, just in case, of course.”

Bulma turned back to Goku. “So what’s up? Did something go wrong? Or did you just miss me?” She grinned at him.

“Both.” Goku said with a laugh.

Bulma barely kept her tail wrapped around her waist. It wanted to sway in happiness that Goku had missed her and wanted to see her again.

“The radar broke, so I need you to fix it.” Goku explained the situation.

“Hey, no problem! Come with me!” Bulma took Goku’s hand with a smile and led him to the front doors.

Once they got inside, Bulma called out. “I’m home! Goku came to visit!”

“Welcome back, honey.” Dr. Brief smiled as he was exiting the massive first floor indoor garden. “Nice to see you again, Goku.”

“Hey dad.” Bulma greeted her father with a smile.

“Hi!” Goku waved at the older man.

Bulma headed for the stairs, still hand-in-hand with Goku. “We’ll be upstairs.”

“Whatcha gonna do…make out?” Dr. Brief teased his daughter.

“Maybe we will!” Bulma snarked back as she led Goku upstairs.

Goku’s tail unwound from his waist and sought out Bulma’s without a thought. Bulma’s tail eagerly reciprocated and their tails entwined as they walked up the stairs side by side. Both completely ignored Dr. Brief’s chuckles about how cute the two of them where together.

-Red Ribbon Army Headquarters-

“Why did the enemy go all the way to West City?” Commander Red questioned as he looked at the world map on the radar screen. “There aren’t any Dragon Balls there!”

“Indeed.” Staff Officer Black said as he eyed the radar map and quickly counted seven glowing dots that indicated Dragon Ball locations. None of them were even close to West City.

A bear man in the full uniform of the Red Ribbon Army approached the two and gave a salute. “Commander Red, sir! We have the visual of the attacker that decimated Muscle Tower and General White’s forces!” He showed the Commander the picture that matched the description that Colonel Silver had given them.

“So this is the punk, huh?” Commander Red nearly growled as he saw Goku in his orange gi with the Nyoibō across his back. “Silver and White were destroyed and their Dragon Balls stolen by this whelp!”

“A teenager?” Staff Officer Black blinked at the picture. “Couldn’t be twenty just yet…” It boggled the mind that this singular person had already done such damage to the Red Ribbon Army.

Commander Red pointed at the bear man officer. “You! Send this picture to all deployed units! Make sure they know to kill this little bastard on sight and take back the Dragon Balls and whatever radar device he has on him! He’ll be trying to beat us to the other four Dragon Balls we’re searching for!”

“Yes, sir!” The bear man saluted before rushing off to fulfill his new orders.

“How is it, when we’ve got a radar encompassing all the expertise of our whole army… We’re still struggling to find the Dragon Balls, but this little punk just walks in and grabs them?!” Commander Red asked with both of his fists clenched tightly and his teeth nearly biting through his cigar.

Staff Officer Black spoke calmly, to not further agitate Commander Red. “It shows that whatever radar he has must be more sophisticated still.”

That didn’t improve Red’s mood at all as he stormed out of the command room and stalked towards his office.

-Capsule Corp ~ Bulma’s Room-

Amid various machines, some half taken apart, while others looked to be in perfect working order, was Bulma’s work bench. The genius was currently sitting in a comfortable chair as she leaned over and worked on the Dragon Radar.

“Eighter said that it might be the battery, but he couldn’t be sure.” Goku said, having told Bulma about his journey so far while she’d been getting her tools and opening up the radar to look at it.

“That’s odd though, since I used a battery that we designed here at Capsule Corp. Even with regular use, it should last at least a decade.” Bulma said with a little frown on her face. “Maybe I used a defective one?” She looked over all of the small parts and components inside her invention with a critical eye, making sure not to miss anything out of place or showing signs of malfunction.

Goku watched on, his tail swaying behind him and a small smile on his face. Just being back with Bulma made him happy.

Several minutes later and Bulma was pulling out the small, flat, grey rectangle of a battery. “Everything else is working fine, so it must be the battery.” She placed it on her desk and hooked it up to two wires so that she could test it. “Huh, it really is dead.” She tossed it into a bin labeled ‘Batteries (Dead)’ and then pulled open a small drawer on her workbench and pulled out a new battery. “This should fix it.” She put the new battery in carefully, making sure all of the connections were good and the thin battery didn’t get damaged at all in the process. Once the battery was connected, Bulma gently picked up the still open Dragon Radar and clicked the button on top.


The screen came to life and showed two Dragon Balls dead center, picking up the two that Goku had on him right now.

“You fixed it!” Goku beamed at Bulma.

“Was there ever any doubt?” Bulma laughed as she turned the Dragon Radar off and then set it back down to attach the back and seal it up tight. That was done in only a minute that’s to Bulma’s expertise and skill. “All done!”

“Thanks, Bulma!” Goku smiled happily at the working Dragon Radar. He blinked when Bulma pushed the Dragon Radar aside and stood up.

Bulma grinned at Goku as she turned and sat on her workbench, then pulled him close and kissed him deeply. Goku responded instantly, kissing Bulma back. The two deepened the kiss as their hands began to roam each other. With a moan, Bulma pulled down her tube top, freeing her breasts for Goku to touch and play with to his heart’s content. Goku’s hands quickly found the newly exposed tits and began to tease and play with them how Bulma liked, especially focusing on her pink nipples.

Bulma pulled back from their kissing to moan. “Ah, yes, Goku~” Her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms went over his shoulders. “It’s been way too long.” Her hands quickly pulled his orange gi off his body, exposing his muscled torso to her hungry eyes. Her hands started running over his muscles, feeling the strength in them.

“I missed you too, Bulma.” Goku kissed her lips again.

Bulma thrust her chest forward, making her tits bounce as she offered them to Goku. “Mmm, yeah~” She moaned and cooed as Goku descended on her girls and took one of her nipples into his mouth to lick and suck on.

Only Bulma’s moans and mewls of pleasure could be heard in her room as the boyfriend and girlfriend indulged in a long overdue make out session. When Goku pulled away from her breast and kissed her again, Bulma cooed and deepened it. Goku’s hands weren’t idle as one played with her other breast, while the other ran through her long, blue hair.

Their hips began to move against each other, making Bulma pull back from the kiss to pant hotly. She nearly growled as she saw the nearly wild look that Goku was giving her. The warmth and love for her was still plain as day in Goku’s eyes, which pleased Bulma to no end, but the wildness was a major turn-on. She pulled Goku closer, pressing their bare chests together, her tits molding against his pectorals, her hard nipples dragging along Goku’s skin and creating wonderful friction. They were both breathing heavier now, filling their noses with each other’s scent and pheromones. Instinct knew what to do, and both of the Saiyans were very tempted to follow it.

“You should take precautions before engaging in any hot monkey sex.” Tights spoke up from the doorway with a teasing laughter in her voice.

“Tights!” Bulma snapped out of her hot and lustful desires as she looked over Goku’s shoulder to see her older sister leaning against the doorframe. “Go away!”

She definitely knew that she was in for a ton of teasing now.

“I’m just looking out for my little sister.” Tights waved off Bulma’s annoyance with her. “Besides, shouldn’t I meet my future brother-in-law?”

Bulma pulled Goku tighter against herself and rested her chin on his shoulder. “Fine. But we need to get our shirts back on.”

“I’ve seen every part of you growing up, little sister.” Tights reminded her with a laugh as Bulma rolled her eyes. “Besides, you can share a little eye candy with your big sister.”

Goku chuckled as he picked Bulma up easily off the workbench, his hands going down to her butt and holding her up. “Hi, I’m Goku!”

“Goku…” Bulma buried her face in his neck. Twenty percent because it was a bit embarrassing to be caught by her sister in the middle of a make out session that was getting so hot and heavy, the other eighty percent, however, was to stifle her giggles at Goku being such a dope in this situation.

“Tights, I’m Bulma’s older sister.” Tights introduced herself to Goku with a smile. “Can you two cool off and come have lunch with me, mom, and dad?”

Goku’s stomach rumbling quickly answered that question.

Bulma was set down on her feet and pulled back from Goku with a smile. Neither of them caring that Tights could see everything as they put their shirts back on, or just pulled her tube top up in Bulma’s case. The two Saiyans followed Tights back down stairs, the scent of freshly cooked food filling their noses and now making Bulma’s stomach growl.

Over lunch, Goku told Dr. Briefs, Panchy, and Tights a bit more about himself and what he and the other disciples of the Turtle School had been doing since the end of the Tenka’ichi Budokai. All between bouts of stuffing his face with enough food to feed a dozen grown men.

“So you still haven’t found the Four-Star Ball, huh?” Bulma asked as she finished off her fourteenth plate of food.

“No, but I’m hoping whichever one I go after next will be it.” Goku said as he put a large bowl down that had previously been filled with soup meant to feed at least three or four people.

Bulma looked at her parents and her big sister, before looking at Goku. “Want me to come along? I should get as much worldly experience for my martial arts as possible too, according to Master Roshi.”

Goku smiled at her instantly. “Sure, Bulma!”

“You two have fun.” Panchy smiled at them both. She loved seeing the smile on Bulma’s face when she was with Goku.

Dr. Briefs gave Bulma a nod and a smile. “Be safe sweety, and come home when you’re finished to tell us all about it.” He was very much a believer in letting his children have freedom in their lives.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, you two.” Tights gave them a teasing grin. “But if you do, make sure that you’re safe about it.”

“Tights!” Bulma blushed a bright red at her older sister’s words.

Goku laughed at the back and forth going on between the sisters. It was nice to see Bulma with her family like this, and funny too! He finished off the last of the food on the table while watching Bulma deny any such plans, all the while Tights made vaguely suggestive comments referring back to when she’d caught them all over each other.

Eventually Goku and Bulma were about to leave, Bulma packing a small backpack to take with her. “Hey dad, do you know where my Capsule case is?”

Dr. Brief looked up from what he was working on, some odd contraption or another that wasn’t far enough along in development to tell what it was yet. “It’s on my desk. We just finished up all the modifications on the vehicles you picked out, remember?”

Bulma walked over to the desk and picked up the white Capsule case before putting it in the small backpack. “Alright, Goku, let’s head out.”

“Okay, Bulma!” Goku walked outside and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Hey, Nimbus!!!” He shouted so loud that even the sounds of the busy metropolis that was West City were briefly drowned out.

Tights slowly pulled her hands from her ears. “Got a set of lungs on him, doesn’t he?”

“Saiyan thing.” Bulma grinned as she watched the golden cloud descend from the sky and stop in front of Goku.

“Are you sure you won’t need some precautions?” Tights whispered to her sister. She wasn’t teasing this time at all, a serious look in her eyes as she held Bulma’s gaze.

Bulma let out a small, playful sigh, but smiled at Tights for her concern. “I’m not planning on doing anything like that, Tights.” She assured her big sister. “And I know Goku isn’t.” She stifled a giggle at the idea of Goku being the one to suggest sex first. It would be very out of character for her boyfriend to do so when they’d never done it before. After they’d had their first time though? Then probably every now and then, knowing Goku like she did.

Tights smiled and gave Bulma a warm hug. “Then have fun on your trip, baby sister.”

Bulma returned the hug with her own. “I will.”

“Ready?” Goku asked, already sitting on Nimbus.

“Ready.” Bulma hopped into his lap, smiling brightly when his arms wrapped around her waist and their tails entwined. “See you all soon!” Bulma waved to her family.

Nimbus took off fast, shooting into the air and above even the tallest buildings in West City in no time flat. Bulma laid her head back on Goku’s shoulder with a happy giggle and pulled out that Dragon Radar.

“Let’s see…” Bulma clicked the radar on and then adjusted the range by turning the switch on top. “one kilometer, ten, fifty, one-hundred, five-hundred, a thousand…” She kept increasing the range until a Dragon Ball glowed on the screen. “Huh, the closest one if about eight-thousand kilometers southeast…that way.” Bulma pointed off to her left slightly.

“Go, Nimbus!” Goku told the magical cloud as it turned and sped across the sky in that direction.

-Capsule Corp-

“Oh no…” Dr. Briefs looked at the spot where the Capsule case used to be. He lifted up a stack of folders of ongoing projects and revealed one that was identical to the one that Bulma had taken. “She took my Capsule case!”

Knowing what he had in that particular Capsule, in that particular case, it was unlikely that he’d ever get those magazines back. Bulma would most likely destroy them all in a frustrated rage. The only silver lining was that they weren’t collector’s editions or anything.

-Blue Company ~ Temporary Base-

“Don’t tell me you haven’t you found it yet?! Commander Red is furious!” General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army demanded of his subordinates.

He was a tall, lean man with striking blue eyes and short blonde hair. He would be considered rather handsome by most anyone, well-toned and strong, with a commanding presence. Wearing his Red Ribbon Army uniform with a blue band around the upper left arm with his company’s name on it, he cut a very well put together appearance of a military man.

“We’re searching as hard as we can, sir!” A tiger man soldier replied. “The nearest we can figure, it’s sunk to the ocean floor, so it’s not exactly going to be easy to…”

“I don’t want excuses!” General Blue cut the soldier off sharply. He then whirled around and pointed at one of the communications soldiers. “You! Yes, you!”

“M-Me, sir?” The soldier stood up promptly.

“Were you just picking your nose?!” General Blue demanded.

The soldier began to stutter and fidget. “W-Well, I…y-you see…”

“Filthy habit! Execute him immediately!” General Blue turned away from the soldier in disgust, pulling a handkerchief from his breast pocket and covering his nose and mouth in revulsion.

Two other soldiers grabbed the communications man and dragged him towards the door.

“Waah! N-No, wait…!” The soldier cried out in terror before he was hauled outside.


The sound of automatic gunfire was heard a moment later.

“Lovely sound.” General Blue smiled as he put his handkerchief away.

“General Blue! We’ve received a message from HQ!” A fox man from a different radio spoke up. “They say the ‘brat’ is heading our way!”

General Blue smirked. “Coming to General Blue, is he?”

“Isn’t that the g-guy that destroyed S-Silver Company and White C-Company?” A crocodile man asked with a stutter of worry.

“Yes, to the shame of the Red Ribbon Army.” General Blue held his chin in a thinking pose, plans forming in his mind. He picked up the copy of Goku’s picture from the nearby table and looked at it again. “Heheh. This is going to be quite exciting!”

-Bulma and Goku ~ Later-

“It’s coming up.” Bulma said as she checked the Dragon Radar. “We’ll be on top of it soon.”

Goku stretched his arms above his head. “That’s good, it’s been a long flight!”

That was true. Even with the Flying Nimbus’s magical speed, they’d been flying for hours to cover the vast distance between West City and this Dragon Ball. They’d only stopped twice at towns they’d flow over to use the bathroom and get drinks the entire time. Had they used a plane of some kind, they would’ve had to land a few hours ago as night overtook them. As it stood, it was currently mid-afternoon in their current time zone.

“We’re almost there.” Bulma said, though she noticed that they were now over the ocean. If the Dragon Ball was on some small island somewhere, then they’d be in luck. If it was in the ocean, they’d need to rely on her Capsules and the submersible vehicle that she had in one of them.

“It’s hot here.” Goku mentioned, noticing the change in climate. “Are we near Master Roshi’s island?” It certainly felt similar in temperature and it was also in the middle of the ocean.

Bulma let out a little grunt of dissatisfaction as the spot on the radar got closer as she continued to shrink the range of the device. It was all ocean beneath them with only a few small islands around, but all of them were too far away for the Dragon Ball to be on them. “Stop! We’re right on top of it now.”

The Flying Nimbus stopped and hovered in the air.

Goku looked over the edge and only saw the water of the ocean below. “The only thing down there is ocean.”

“It was bound to happen.” Bulma said as she looked down at the waves. “The Earth is mostly ocean, so when the Dragon Balls scatter, one or two, maybe even most of them, could easily fall into the ocean. Even Master Roshi said he picked up the Three-Star Ball from the ocean floor near his island before he gave it to us.”

“Should I try diving in to get it?” Goku asked.

Bulma shook her head once. “Let’s land on that island over there.” She pointed to one that had a couple of boats in the water not too far away. “It looks like it might have a few people on it at least. We can plan out how to get the Dragon Ball while we stretch our legs a bit.”

Goku directed the Flying Nimbus to take them to the island that Bulma pointed out. Once they landed, Bulma and Goku both began to stretch, going through the ones that Roshi had shown them during their training.

“Oof!” Bulma groaned as she popped her back. “Sitting for so long can be a pain.”

Goku finished his stretches and looked at the ocean where the Dragon Ball was. “Do you think it’s shallow enough to swim to the bottom?”

Bulma consider the question for a moment as she opened up her backpack. “With these small islands around, it’s possible that the bottom of this part of the ocean could be shallower than elsewhere. We can check to make sure.” She pulled out a red bikini swimsuit and stood up. “Just give me a second.” Bulma kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks, letting her bare feet touch the sand of the beach. She pulled off her tube top, letting her tits bounce free and shot a wink at Goku as she saw him watching. Bulma pulled off her short shorts and panties in one motion and put them with her other clothes, totally unbothered by being naked in front of Goku given how many times they’d seen each other nude already. She slipped on the red bikini bottoms and then tied the top strings around her neck, making sure her girls were covered properly. “Tie the one behind my back, Goku?” She asked, moving her long blue hair aside.

“Sure.” Goku agreed with a smile as he stepped up behind her and took the strings in hand. He tied a double knot, like his grandpa had shown him when he was little, and then smiled at Bulma. “All done.”

“Thanks, Goku.” Bulma kissed his cheek. “Now, let’s check the depth of the ocean here.”

Goku nodded in agreement as he quickly stripped out of his clothes. Bulma bit her lip as Goku’s body was exposed to her again, her eyes dropping down to take in his cock which was half-hard from her little show. “Race ya!” Goku took off towards the ocean without realizing that Bulma was distracted at the moment.

“Cheater!” Bulma laughed as she rushed after him once she snapped out of her less than pure thoughts.

The two ran through the waves for a bit before diving into the water and then swimming out into the ocean. Their powerful bodies and strength honed by Master Roshi’s training and ‘breaking the wall of humanity’ meant they cut through the water faster that most fish. Once they got over the spot the Dragon Radar had previously indicated, they both took a deep breath and then dived down.

Bulma and Goku swam deeper and deeper into the ocean. Their Saiyan eyes weren’t bother much at all by the salt water, They could even see well when the light from the sun started to wane from the depth they were reaching. But as the pressure increased and there was still no sign of the bottom, air started to become an issue. Goku looked at Bulma, only to see her looking at him. Bulma motioned back towards the surface and Goku nodded. The two Saiyans swam back up and took huge breaths of air when they broke the surface.

Had they been humans doing that, they could’ve suffered from pressure sickness, but Saiyan physiology was much less bothered by the level of water pressure they’d experienced. The two swam back to shore and walked on to the beach, both took a few moments to readjust and for Bulma to wring out her hair a bit while Goku put his gi pants back on. Bulma went over to her backpack and pulled out the white Capsule case. “Looks like we’ll need the submersible after all.” She opened the case and blinked when she only saw one Capsule. “What? But I know I had this thing filled up!”

Then she realized what must’ve happened.

“This is dad’s Capsule case…” Bulma hung her head.

“Goku tilted his head as he looked at Bulma. “Are you okay, Bulma?”

Bulma sighed once and looked at the Capsule in her hand. “Okay, dad, I’m going to trust that this once you aren’t going to have something pervy in here.” She clicked the top of the Hoi-Poi Capsule and then tossed it.


The familiar cloud of smoke appeared before a heap of gravure and outright porn magazine fell to the beach.

“Damn it, old man!” Bulma yelled towards the direction of West City. “I’ll never trust your Capsules again!”

Goku picked up one of the magazines and looked at it confused. “Hey, Bulma, is this sex that they’re doing?”

Bulma quickly snatched the magazine out of his hand and collected the others before shredding them with her strength into tiny scraps of paper. “Don’t worry about these types of things, Goku.” She smiled at him as best as she could in her frustration. “Hah…” She exhaled heavily. “We saw some boats not too far from this island, there should be some people living here, so they might have Capsules for sale, or maybe they’ll have one that we can borrow.”

“Okay.” Goku walked beside her, their tails entwined once more as they walked along the beach together.

It wasn’t long after they started walking that the sound of an engine, two engines to be precise, caught their attention.

“Hey, look!” Goku pointed at the two jetcopters flying towards them.

“It must be the locals.” Bulma smiled as she raised her arms and waved them to get the attention of the two pilots. “Hey! Down here!”


The two jetcopters opened fire as soon as they spotted Goku and Bulma.

“What the fuck?!” Bulma yelled as she and Goku ran from the gunfire.

“It’s the target!” One of the pilots yelled into his comm.

“Take him out!” The other pilot shouted back.

Goku growled as they ran from their attackers. “Those jerks are with those Red Ribbon guys!” Goku noticed the symbol on the side of the jetcopters.

“The what?!” Bulma shot a look at Goku. “Did you forget to mention that the reason you’ve only found two of the Dragon Balls was because of the Red Ribbon Army?!”

“They’re not why, they just keep picking fights with me.” Goku said before he leapt into the air, clearing the vertical distance between the ground and the two jetcopters easily, much to the shock of the pilots.

Bulma blinked as she was still running and realized that she didn’t need to be. “Did I just forget that I’m a Saiyan too?” Thoughts for later aside, she mimicked Goku’s leap, only doing hers as a backflip.

Goku shot a smirk at Bulma, and got a wild one in return from his girlfriend. Both of them standing on top of the two flying jetcopters as they cocked back their fists and then slammed them straight through the metal. They grabbed whatever they could in their hands within the machines, crushed it with their strength, and then tore out even more as they yanked their hands back out.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” The two pilots screamed out in panic, shock, and terror and what had just happened.

Bulma and Goku jumped off the jetcopters and the flying vehicle careened towards the ground in the distance at high-speed.



Both jetcopters exploded upon impact with the ground, definitely ending the lives of the Red Ribbon Army soldiers.

“Those guys are everywhere.” Goku complained, only for Bulma to grab his shoulders and shake him back and forth.

“Explain everything, mister!” Bulma demanded, wanting to know how Goku had gotten tangled up with the Red Ribbon Army.

“O-O-Okay…” Goku’s voice bounced from the shaking.

For the next few minutes, Goku explained how he’d first encountered the Red Ribbon Army, before he’d known that they were the Red Ribbon Army. Then he explained about Muscle Tower and how that had gone down.

“I see.” Bulma ran her hand through her long blue hair. “It figures that little imp wouldn’t be the only power-hungry jackass after the Dragon Balls. We definitely can’t let the Red Ribbon Army get a wish from Shenron.”

Goku smiled at Bulma agreeing with him. “I thought so too!”

“That means we need to find a submersible vehicle as soon as possible and get the Dragon Ball that’s on the ocean floor.” Bulma said with a contemplative look on her face as she tried to figure out what the fastest way would be.

“Let’s head to Master Roshi’s!” Goku suggested with a smile. “The island that we trained on isn’t too fair away from his island, so we should be able to find him pretty quick! I bet he has a sub thing!”

Bulma thought about their Master of the Martial Arts for a moment. “Ugh… I swear if he asks for something pervy I’m going to punch him.” The two headed back to the Flying Nimbus and the rest of their clothing. They quickly took off from the small island, heading in the direction that Goku knew Master Roshi’s island to be in.

They had no idea of the hoops they’d have to jump through to claim this particular Dragon Ball.

-End Chapter-


Goku arrives in West City for the first time without Bulma to guide him.

And promptly realizes that he knows nothing of urban navigation, or customs, or common sense. Kek!

Thankfully, there’s not much the big city can throw at Goku that can really do anything to him. He manages to find his way to Capsule Corp and meet up with Bulma!

Bulma fixes the Dragon Radar and then the two ‘make up for lost time’ with a hot and heavy make out session! Their instincts know what they want, but thankfully, logic and reasoning is something Saiyans possess, so they can tamp down on their instincts when necessary.

Having a teasing older sister walk in on you both getting frisky is also a fast way to kill the mood too! Hah!

Goku meets Tights and the two get along well! Goku can make friends with almost anyone that’s a decent person, can’t he?

Bulma and Goku go off to continue the Dragon Ball hunt! But the first one they go after is in the ocean…fuck. It’s also being targeted by General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army and the large force he commands, putting the small Silver Company and even the medium-sized White Company to shame…double fuck.

Now Goku and Bulma head off to Master Roshi in hopes of borrowing a submersible vehicle. You think Caulifla and Kale are going to sit this out? Hell no! Kek!

How will the ‘treasure hunt’ go with so many changes from Canon?

Keep reading to find out!

Power Levels

Goku – 187

Bulma – 164

Krillin – 162

Roshi – 170

Launch – 5

Caulifla – 149

Kale - 152

Until I get your reviews, later!


Kam Newton

Nice chapter as always, do you plan to add gravity training before Raditz shows up?


Not 100% sure on that yet. Like, Bulma could probably figure it out if she thought about it. But how many people think that way about gravity of all things, especially martial artists that're used to using weights and/or repetitious exercises to increase their strength, you know? But if it does come up, they won't have access to the 100G system that Dr. Briefs was able to make right before Namek and would probably be using something like a 2G or 3G system.

Ice fox

Living the life of a hermit was proving to be very beneficial to Krillin’s mental and physical development and the refining of his martial marts. I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be arts not marts boss