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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Familia Myth: Journey to Hero! With the Apollo Familia seemingly picking a fight with Bell’s Party for no reason, the Hestia Familia is curious as to the reason. On his day off from the Dungeon, Bell receives a letter, an invitation to a Banquet of the Gods to give to Hestia. Is all of this just a ploy or scheme? Things seem to be coming to a confrontation, but why? Can the Hestia Familia, as small as it is, come out of this intact?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 35 – Plot of the Passionate God (Beginning)

“The Apollo Familia…?” Eina did not look amused in the slightest about what Bell had just said. “You got into a brawl with the Apollo Familia?”

Bell nodded once, not hanging his head at all though, because he still believed that defending Hestia’s honor was the right thing to do. “Yes. Hestia wasn’t happy about whose Familia it was either. But if nothing else comes of this bar fight then she’s willing to overlook it if Lord Apollo doesn’t say anything about it.”

“Well, if that’s Hestia’s stance on the matter, then I can’t really say anything against it.” Eina said with a slight smile. “But try not to solve all of your problems with your fists, Bell.” She reached across the table they were sitting at and lightly tapped his nose with the tip of her index finger. “The Bell Cranel that I love is much more charming when he’s not fighting.” She giggled softly.

Bell smiled back at Eina and gently took her hand in his before lightly kissing it. “Then I’ll be more careful in the future so that I don’t tarnish the image you have of me, Eina.”

“Bell.” Eina smiled at him, a cute pink hue on her cheeks.

Bell gently pulled Eina to her feet from across the table. She stepped around and Bell pushed his chair back before pulling Eina into his lap softly, holding her as he captured her lips for a kiss. Eina eagerly returned the kiss and hummed lowly as Bell’s hand slipped beneath her black vest and undid one of the lower buttons on her white button up shirt. His warm hand slipped inside and gently rested on her lower tummy. Eina mewled into their kiss as Bell’s fingers gently circled that special spot.

Bell smiled when their lips finally separated, though his hand still gently caressed Eina’s skin in that specific spot. “We made it to the Fourteenth Floor yesterday and explored a good distance for our first day.” He said, as if they were just having a normal meeting.

“Bell, nooo~” Eina moaned lowly at her lover mixing work with pleasure. Misha had called her a workaholic before, but this was turning her on for reasons that she didn’t know. “I can’t focus right now.”

“We’re planning to explore the Fourteenth Floor over the next couple of days before dropping down to the Fifteenth.” Bell continued before gently nibbling the tip of her pointed Elven ear, knowing how sensitive they were.

Eina squirmed in his lap and cooed at the pleasure of Bell kissing and lightly nibbling on her ear. “Th-That’s a good…oh~…plan, Bell.”

Bell kissed Eina’s cheek and then her lips. “We’ll take the Middle Floors at our own pace to prevent any more accidents.” He promised her, hugging her close, all the while his free hand still made little circles on her lower tummy.

“Yes…” Eina let out a little sigh of contentment as she leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. She could stay like this all day, in this private consultation room for Advisors. It was only one of several, no one would absolutely need this specific one.

“How long?” Bell asked after a minute or so of comfortable silence.

Eina hummed softly and kissed his neck. “About three more weeks or so.”

The two snuggled closer, if possible, and just basked in the warmth and love they had for each other. They were both eager to know for sure, but it would take some time until then.

Left unsaid was that they would keep trying even while they waited.

Neither Eina nor Bell wanted to be without each other that long unless it was absolutely necessary, after all.

Eventually the couple did have to separate, no matter how much they didn’t want to. Eina buttoned the loose button of her shirt and made sure that her vest was straight before collecting the folder with the paperwork that she’d brought with her for their meeting. It was more a long lesson for the Middle Floors, as Bell wanted to know more of what to expect before his Party encountered it. Being proactive in his learning about the Dungeon, the various Monsters and Gimmicks, the main paths through the Floors, and other such knowledge was something Bell wanted to keep on top of as the Captain of Hestia Familia and the leader of his Party.

The couple left the consultation room together with small smiles.

“Just remember what you’ve learned today, Bell, and the Middle Floors shouldn’t have any surprises for you.” Eina said with a look that showed her absolute belief in Bell and his Party.

“We’ll be able to handle it thanks to you, Eina.” Bell smiled at her and watched her walk away to continue her work.

Naturally, his eyes drifted downward to her nice ass. As if she could feel his eyes on her butt, Eina suddenly put a little sway in her hips which made her booty bounce a little with each step she took. Bell’s rubellite eyes were locked onto the sight until Eina turned the corner, shooting him a grin to confirm that she’d been showing off for him, before she disappeared.

Bell shook his head once, a small smirk on his lips as he turned around to head for the main lobby. “I love that woman.”

He had only maid it to the end of the hall that connected the lobby to the corridor of consultation rooms when someone called out to him.

“You’re Bell Cranel, correct?” A woman asked him.

She was quite pretty with medium length dark red hair and sharp yellow eyes. She was trim, but with a noticeable bust and hips under a white dress that stopped just past mid-thigh that had a collar through which a yellow tie was hanging.  Her legs were covered by thigh-high black stocking and she wore shin-high brown boots on her feet. Her voice was strong and cutting as she spoke to get Bell’s attention.

Beside her was another woman, also very pretty, though she looked a bit meeker, with her hands clasped together over her chest and one of her green eyes hidden by her long blue hair. She wore a black version of the first woman’s dress, but hers went down to her ankles. It was also paired with a yellow tie that went over the swell of her chest while the dress hugged her rather prominent hips, doing little to hide the woman’s curves as seemed to be the intention. Brown boots could just be seen from beneath the bottom hem of the black dress.

What got Bell’s attention after his initial once over was the orange sigil on the shoulder of each dress. An arrow with a stylized sun behind it.

“Yes, that’s me.” Bell confirmed for the redhead.

“This is for your Goddess.” The red-haired woman held out a plain white envelope with a red wax seal keeping it closed.

Bell took the letter, noticing the Apollo Familia’s sigil stamped into the red wax as well. “What is this exactly?” He asked, locking his rubellite eyes onto the two women.

“I’m Daphne,” The redhead introduced herself before motioning to the other woman. “This is Cassandra.” Cassandra gave him a small nod of her head in greeting. “As you’ve noticed, we’re from Apollo Familia.”

“And that… Is a formal invitation from Lord Apollo, himself.” Cassandra said to explain the letter. “N-Not that we actually care if you come to the banquet or not.”

Daphne gave Cassandra a light chop to the top of the head before she could speak any further. It wouldn’t due to speak more than necessary when it came to doing tasks for Apollo. “We’ve done our job. Let’s go.” Daphne turned and started walking away, Cassandra following after her a second later. Before she got too far away, Daphne turned to look at Bell over her shoulder. “You have my sympathies.”

Bell narrowed his eyes slightly at the words as he watched Daphne and Cassandra walk away.

-Hestia Familia Home-

Hestia looked over the letter that had been given to Bell with sharp eyes. “Well, isn’t that a coincidence? We’re being invited now of all times.” She let out an annoyed sigh. “I had a feeling he wouldn’t let it go.”

“So, this is an invitation to a Banquet of the Gods?” Bell had half expected it to be something else, like a demand for reparations over the barfight.

“Yeah…” Hestia briefly read over a certain part of the letter again. “And, wouldn’t you know it, it looks like things are being made a little more ‘interesting’ this time around.” She flopped back against the couch with an annoyed huff. “That brat nephew of mine and I didn’t get along very well back in Tenkai either.”

“Why would Lord Apollo want to cause problems for us now?” Lili asked curiously as she sat next to Bell on the opposite couch.

Hestia smiled slightly at Lili and Bell. “Probably because my ‘stock’ is rising in Orario.” Seeing the confused looks on both of their faces made Hestia smile at her lovers. “With the Hearth District established and quickly being built up like it is, I’m gaining a somewhat substantial foothold in the city. My influence is increasing as I now own a small chunk of the limited land within Orario. Other Deities may feel threatened by my rise up the unofficial standings among all of the various Gods and Goddesses within the city.”

Bell nodded after a second to consider what Hestia had said. “I see. Because your status is rising, Lord Apollo is now making moves against us to secure his own position.”

“That’s about the long and short of it.” Hestia said while giving Bell a grin. “But I have a little plan of my own to deal with this clear attempt to try and bully us.”

Lili perked up. “What kind of plan?”

“We’ll enlist Miach and Také and we’ll all go together!” Hestia stood up from the couch with her fist raised in front of her, the invitation tossed back onto the coffee table. “How does that sound?” She smiled at them both brightly.

“A coalition type of thing?” Lili asked, looking thoughtful. “It could deter others if they know we have friends that will come to our aid.” She grinned at Hestia. “Lili likes it!”

Bell nodded in agreement with Hestia’s plan. “It would be nice to be able to get Lady Hephaestus in our group too, but I understand that she usually tries to keep out of other Familia’s affairs for the sake of her Familia’s businesses.”

Hestia would love to have Hephaestus with them too, but her niece very much tried to stay out of such issues. It had been why Hestia was so surprised at the assistance during Bell’s ‘Title Giving’ at the last Denatus. “Well, it’s not like we can force her, no matter how helpful it would be in making Apollo Familia back off.” Hephaestus had A LOT of pull and influence within Orario, after all.

“When is the Banquet of the Gods taking place?” Lili asked as she picked up the letter to read over it.

“One week from today.” Hestia answered while giving Bell a smile. “Plenty of time to shop for a nice dress and suit to wear.”

Bell pointed at himself. “A suit…for me?”

Hestia giggled at his surprise. “I told you this Banquet of the Gods was being made a little more interesting.”

-Next Day ~ Dungeon ~ Fourteenth Floor-

“Behind us!” Lili called out, her (currently Chienthrope) ears twitching as she heard the steps of Monsters approaching.



Two bolts put down a Hellhound before it could breathe out flames.

“A little busy over here!” Welf called back as he leapt backwards from the strike of a Lamia Mormos, the half humanoid-half snake Monster lunging at him with claws and fangs over and over again. “Hyah!” Welf brought his greatsword across in a strong swing that managed to cut the Monster in half at the waist.

“Hiiiissssss!!!” The Lamia Mormos let out a hissing shriek before it died.

Bell was already moving to deal with the incoming Monsters. “I’ve got them!” He knocked a thrown landform hatchet out of the air with his spear. The other two that were flying at him were easy enough to dodge. “Almiraj!” He called out to Lili and Welf as he engaged the three rabbit Monsters. The first Almiraj was stabbed straight through by Bell’s spear. A quick swipe to the side threw the corpse off the blade and slashed the Almiraj on the right, giving it a fatal wound. The third Almiraj leapt at Bell, going for his face.

“Pyiik!” The Almiraj was punched across the face with a loud crack and it hit the stone floor a second later, dead.

With the Monsters dead, Lili quickly got to work gathering up the corpses and making a pile while Bell and Welf formed a perimeter, watching the only two entrances to this particular cavern.

“Now, let’s see about getting this snakeskin first.” Lili pulled out her good skinning knife from her tools as she prepared to try and harvest the Lamia Mormos’s long tail for its scaly skin. Such a material would no doubt bring in a nice amount of Valis if sold to the proper Mercantile Familia, or possibly one of the many merchants in the Free Market. Many of them came to Orario in hopes of getting rare and valuable Dungeon materials to sell in a more distant land. Such items and trinkets always multiplied in value the further away one got from Orario.

“Little Lili…you’re doing that weird money-hungry chuckling again.” Welf commented with a smirk.

Lili pointedly ignored Welf as she continued to work on the large snake tail.


“Whew… That was a pretty big group.” Welf commented after he finished off the last Almiraj.

Bell nodded in agreement. “The Middle Floors really don’t hold back.” All around the group were dead Monsters. Hellhounds, Almiraj, and a few Bad Bats that had been hiding out on the ceiling but had swooped down on them in the middle of the fight.

“Lili will work quickly.” Lili said as she dragged two Hellhound carcasses behind her to throw on her growing pile.

As Lili worked, Bell and Welf continued to keep an eye out, waiting for any sound that a Monster was approaching, or the telltale sound of the wall cracking to birth a new Monster.

They were half-right in what actually happened.


“One’s being born… Whoa!” Welf jerked back as the Monster that lashed out at him wasn’t a newborn at all.

“Grgrgrgrg!” A Dungeon Worm let out an odd noise as its fanged mouth opened and closed. Its long body writhed around as it tried to find out where its prey had gone.

“Dungeon Worm!” Bell impaled it with his spear and pinned it to the floor.

“Got it!” Welf brought his greatsword down on the thrashing worm Monster and split its head from the rest of its body.

The thrashing stopped a few seconds later, Bell using the hold of his spear impaling the Dungeon Worm to drag the rest of its body out of the wall. “Eina taught me about these things.” Bell mentioned as he looked at the eyeless Monster with a grimace. “They burrow in the walls and strike out when they feel vibration.”

Welf looked at where he’d been standing and saw how close to the wall he’d been. “I see… It came after me because I was moving, huh?” He picked up the head with his gloved hand. “Little Lili, you want to try this one?”

Lili didn’t look too pleased to see the gaping mouthed worm Monster’s head, but she picked up her pliers anyway. “Lili will try to pluck out some of its fangs at the least.” She hoped that they were viable, given that Dungeon Worms didn’t have any known Drop Items.

It was only a couple of minutes later, as Lili was working on the last few Monsters corpses, that the sound of something walking through the corridor was heard.

“That’s four feet… Doesn’t sound like boots either.” Lili mentioned warily, her dog ears perked up as she listened.

Welf readied his greatsword. “Hellhound?”

Lili shook her head once as she readied her bowgun. “Too heavy.”

Bell aimed the tip of his spear at the corridor the sounds were coming from, while trying to see through the gloom. A pair of reflective eyes met his gaze and Bell didn’t like how whatever owned said eyes was at eye level with him while on all fours.

What stepped into the slightly brighter light of the cavern was a Ligerfang, a very familiar Monster to the three-man Party.

“ROOOAAAWWWRRR!!!” The Tiger Monster roared loudly, making the three of the wince at the volume and the way it reverberated off the walls.

“Ligerfang?!” Lili cried out, not having expected this of all things.

Welf wasn’t much better in his reaction. “Shit! It must’ve come up from the Fifteenth Floor!”

“It’s not unheard of for Monsters to move up or down Floors. Most don’t, but there’s always a chance one will, so don’t be too surprised to see a Monster outside of its normal Floor range on occasion.” Eina’s voice filled Bell’s head from their lesson on the Middle Floors.

“Firebolt!” Bell also had Eina’s lessons, and his own previous experience, to draw from on how to best deal with this Level 2 Monster.

“GRAAARRRR!!!” The Ligerfang dodged the Firebolt and rushed at Bell to take out the biggest threat first.

“Firebolt!” Bell cast his spell into his black spear and the blade ignited as he rushed forward to meet the charge head-on. The Ligerfang juked to the side to avoid the flaming blade. But Bell had been counting on that, knowing that the large cats were wary of Magic, a sign of their bestial intelligence.

The Ligerfang rushed around Bell, trying to take his back, before it leapt at him again, its huge claws ready to tear the Adventurer apart. It’s jaws opened in a loud snarl, revealing the huge fangs almost as long as Bell’s forearm ready to finish him off.





Bell deflected the left paw’s claws, the sharp implements sounding like metal on metal when meeting his spear’s blade.  Raising the butt of the spear, he blocked the right paw, knocking the claws upward with another almost metallic clang. The Ligerfang lunged forward with its signature fangs, but Bell unexpectedly dropped into a crouch, the tiger Monster’s jaws snapping down on empty air.


“Grrrrrglgle…” The Ligerfang’s growls became soft gurgles as blood poured from its jaws.

Bell held up part of the dying Monster’s weight, the long thin blade having stabbed straight through the Ligerfang’s neck. “Nnngh!” He shoved it aside and the huge cat made a thump sound as it hit the ground. Blood pooled on the stone floor beneath the Monster’s neck from the fatal injury, and the Ligerfang went still a few seconds later. It didn’t move again.

“Damn…” Welf let out a chuckle. “I didn’t even have a chance to jump in.” He’d only made it within striking distance after Bell’s spear had passed through the Monster’s neck.

“Master Bell is already able to Level Up if he gets a Grand Feat.” Lili looked proud of her lover as she quickly moved over to the dead Ligerfang. “This is the difference between new Level 2’s like us and Master Bell.” She set her large green backpack down and then set her tools down, looking over the Ligerfang to decide on what she should try harvesting first.

Bell just laughed slightly at the praise. He almost wanted to say that he was still a new Level 2 as well, but didn’t think it mattered much. His growth had always been faster than most would consider normal anyway, so while others might consider someone a ‘new’ Level 2 for a month or so, Bell had already grown far beyond the strength of anyone new to the Level.

“I guess so.” Welf agreed with a laugh as he patted Bell on the back. “Make sure you harvest this thing good for us, Little Lili. We owe them for all the trouble they gave us when we were trying to get to the Eighteen Floor.”

Lili had her large pliers out already. “Don’t worry about a thing, Mr. Welf.” The Prum had a dark gleam in her eyes. “Lili remembers it quite vividly…” She latched the pliers onto the base of one of the two saber fangs and began applying her Level 2 strength to it. “And now this one is going to pay up for the deeds of its fellows!”

-Free Market ~ Late Afternoon-

“Splendid! Gorgeous! Oh you don’t see such an exquisite Monster fur like this every day!” A merchant man praised the large Ligerfang pelt that Lili and Bell had brought to his temporary shop in Orario. His complexion and accent meant that he was probably from Israfan on the western edge of the Kaios Desert Region. “I simply must have it!” The man smiled at Bell and Lili brightly. “I’d happily pay 15,000 Valis for it!”

Even Bell, who wasn’t the best at haggling, knew the merchant was lowballing them.

“That price isn’t going to cut it, sir.” Lili denied outright. “For a Level 2 Monster like the Ligerfang, prices are easily double that of Monsters from the Upper Floors. Plus, the size of this Ligerfang Fur is much larger than a normal Drop Item.”

The merchant man looked between Lili and the large fur again, even running his hands over it once more. “Forgive me, I’m a merchant by trade and at heart.” He chuckled like he hadn’t just tried to pay them a pittance for such an uncommon item. “To show my sincerity I’ll offer 25,000 Valis for this magnificent pelt!”

Bell thought that was a much fairer price.

Lili didn’t agree just yet.

“That would be the price if this was just a normal Drop Item, sir. Surely you admire its size? A bit more…say around 35,000 Valis and we’d happily sell it.”

“It’s a lovely fur, but 35,000 is far too high.” The merchant shook is head. “Even taking it back home and selling it there, I wouldn’t make enough of a profit to cover expenses.” He looked at the large pelt again. “I could go, 27,500 Valis, but no higher.”

Bell watched the back and forth as Lili made another counter offer and the merchant denied her, once more increasing his offer by just a little.

“Alright, since you seem set on having it, 30,000 Valis even and we’ll part with it.” Lili stated with a firm tone, locking eyes with the merchant.

The merchant man thought it over for a long moment before letting out a sigh. “Very well, you’ve got me.” He cracked a smile at Lili and shook her hand. “You’d make a fine merchant yourself, young lady!” The man laughed as he moved over to his till and got out the money, counting it out in front of Lili and Bell so that they could see that he wasn’t trying to scam them.

“It was nice doing business with you, sir.” Lili gave a short bow to the merchant.

“And you as well, my lady.” The merchant gave a similar bow to Lili.

Bell kinda felt like he wasn’t necessary at all in this process as he and Lili left with their money. The happy merchant was already carefully folding the large Ligerfang pelt and preparing it for transport. “You’re amazing, Lili.”

Lili smiled brightly as she took Bell’s hand in hers. “You played your part well, Master Bell.”

“My part?” Bell tilted his head in confusion.

“You stood back and were an excellent warning for the man to not try and use any threats or coercion during our haggling.” Lili explained with a grin. “Prums have often been taken advantage of because of our shorter stature and relative physical weakness compared to most other races. With you standing behind Lili, no merchant would dare try such heavy tactics for fear of you getting physically involved.” Lili stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before they continued walking down the street hand in hand again.

Bell smiled slightly at Lili for the compliment, even if he felt like she was overselling what he’d done. “Happy to help, Lili.”

“It was a good deal for both of us anyway, so that merchant doesn’t have anything to complain about.” Lili said with a small laugh. “The Guild Exchange probably wouldn’t have given us more than 16,000 Valis or so for that Ligerfang Fur. By selling it here we got nearly double that, and when that man returns to his home, he’ll more than likely be able to sell it for close to 60,000 Valis if not 70,000 depending on the buyer.”

“A good deal for everyone.” Bell agreed, always impressed by Lili’s knowledge of prices and values.

-Hearth District-

“Good to be close to home.” Bell smiled at all of the liveliness in the growing district.

Already over one-hundred new residents had been approved and moved in. Several shops had opened, including five restaurants, a grocer, a small bar, a clothing boutique aimed at women, a clothing shop further down the street targeted towards men’s wear, a general store for everyday items was on the opposite end of the street from the clothing shops, and even a book shop had opened, much to Hestia’s approval. The smells of food being cooked filled the air, along with the murmurs of a moderately busy street as more and more people started coming into the Hearth District to check it out. These curious people often became customers of the various shops; getting a meal at one of the restaurants, sitting down at the small bar for a drink or two, or picking something up at one of the other shops.

“Tag! You’re it!”

“No fair!”


Bell and Lili both smiled as they walked past the first park that had been built already and saw children playing. Three more parks were planned for by Hestia once the Goibniu Familia finished their work on the Hearth District. Bell watched as a father pushed his son on the swings, the young boy laughing brightly as he went high into the air. It brought back fond memories of his grandfather and how the old man would play with him when he was small like that.

Getting home, Bell and Lili opened the front door and closed it behind them, muffling the sounds of a lived in district a bit.

“Hestia, we’re home!” Bell and Lili called out together.

“Welcome home!” Hestia smiled as she looked over the back of the couch. “How was your day?”

Lili and Bell both took off their shoes and went to sit beside Hestia to tell her about their day, the sense of Home that filled the air even stronger inside the Familia Home, though it definitely extended out into the district now too. That was a sure sign that Hestia’s Domain Divinity was covering all of those within her ‘domain’, bringing the warmth of the Hearth, the comfort of Home, and the love of Family to everyone in the Hearth District.

Which would also explain the new stack of applications on the coffee table of people wanting to move in. Hestia had clearly already gone through them and had been relaxing with a new book, bought from the new local bookstore, no doubt.


After baths and dinner, Hestia had given Bell and Lili Status Updates, as was their normal nightly routine. It was also as a just in case measure if Apollo tried to start anything, though Hestia didn’t say that out loud.

“Here you go, Lili.” Hestia handed over the new Update paper after locking up Lili’s Falna.


Liliruca Arde

Level 2

Strength – I 36 > I 41

Defense – I 32 > I 37

Dexterity – I 59 > I 70

Agility – I 44 > I 53

Magic – I 40 > I 52


Cinder Ella

Transformation Magic – Incantation: ‘Your wound is mine. My wound is mine. Echoing message of midnight.’

(Enables the user to transform into anything around their own size.)


Artel Assist – When the user is carrying a certain amount of weight, this skill will help compensate in abilities. The amount compensated depends on the weight.

Harvester - When breaking down monsters the user is more likely to acquire a Drop Item and higher quality ones too. Also enables the harvesting of other monster parts for material.

Merídio Range – User’s attacks with projectiles increase in both power and accuracy. The increase is proportional to how many of their Familia are with them.

-Developmental Ability-

Abnormal Resistance – I


Lili looked over her new growth with a small smile. “Not too bad for today.”

Bell took Lili’s spot and Hestia let a drop of her blood fall on his back to unlock his Falna.

“You made short work of that Ligerfang, huh?” Hestia praised Bell as she got to the part of his Excelia that showed the battle.

“Since I had knowledge and previous experience, it was easier this time.” Bell said with a small smile.

Hestia finished his update and then locked up his Falna securely before handing over the Status Update and leaning into Bell’s back, hugging him from behind. “You’re doing great, Bell. All of your hard work, determination, and desire really shows in your growth.”


Bell Cranel

Level 2

Strength – SS 1,188 > SSS 1,230

Defense – SS 1,079 > SS 1,122

Dexterity – SSS 1,240 > SSS 1,294

Agility – SSS 1,297 > SSS 1,346

Magic – SSS 1,264 > SSS 1,318



Vesta Enhance

Enchant Magic – Incantation: ‘Rise’

(Increases all Basic Abilities for five minutes. Then can’t be cast for five minutes after the increase wears off. Effect rises based on the Magic Stat.)




Dual Wield – Significantly increases Strength and Dexterity when wielding a weapon in each hand.

Argonaut – Executes automatically after charging from active actions.

Heroic Will – Raises Stats when the user refuses to give up in the face of adversity. Those with lower Stats see the user as near unassailable.

Dragon Slayer – Heavily increases all abilities when fighting Reptilian Monsters, massively increases all abilities when fighting Dragon Type Monsters, potentially making the user stronger than their actual Level when fighting them. Passive.

-Developmental Abilities-

Luck – I

Hunter – I


“Starting to slow down.” Bell noticed his numbers were slowing noticeably now. Not like it made that much of a difference, given how much over the limit they already were. But if the rate they slowed down kept up like this, he’d be growing only a few points a day in the next week or so. ‘Am I really ready to Level Up again so soon?’ Part of his dream to be a Hero was getting as strong as he possibly could, of course. But did he have the experience that a Level 3 would need to continue leading a Party ever deeper into the Dungeon?

Bell was once more faced with the responsibilities of being the Captain of his Familia and having to come face to face with questions of his competency as a leader.

-Dungeon ~ Floor Fifteen ~ Next Day-

“First day on Floor Fifteen, let’s be careful.” Bell said as he, Lili, and Welf descended the stairs onto the Floor.

They were right to be wary, the Fifteenth Floor was known to be where Level 2 Monsters started to become more commonplace. Minotaurs and Ligerfangs were seen more on the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Floor than anywhere else. Not to mention the ever present threat that a Wyvern could spawn as the Dragon Type Monsters were known to spawn on every Floor from Thirteen to Seventeen, becoming more common the deeper one went into the Dungeon.

The group didn’t have to walk for long before they were accosted by their first Monsters.



Two Minotaurs, each with a landform weapon that resembled a large axe, bellowed loudly as soon as they spotted the Party.

“Welf, Lili, take the one on the left! I’ll handle the one on the right!” Bell gave instructions as Captain. While Lili was a decent coordinator during larger scale battles with many Monsters, when it came to only a handful, Bell usually took charge. The two played off each other’s strength to see their Party through any type of battle.

“Yes, Master Bell!” Lili agreed instantly as she readied her bowgun.

“You got it!” Welf had his greatsword at the ready as the Minotaurs charged.

Bell blitzed forward to meet the charge of the Minotaur he’d picked out.

“MOOUUAAHH!!!” The Minotaur swung its landform weapon, looking to hack Bell in two.

Bell wasn’t foolish enough to enter the range of the weapon when he could attack from outside of it. “Firebolt!” The flames shot from his left hand and hit the Minotaur’s face a split-second later.


The blast was larger than it had been even just a few Status Updates ago.

“MOOOORRRRHHHH!!!” The Minotaur cried out in pain, staggering backwards and swinging its weapon blindly as smoke obscured its vision.

Bell took quick steps to get into the Minotaur’s blind spot, away from the wildly swinging axe landform, and then thrust his spear into the Minotaur’s leg. The sharp blade pierced straight through the muscle and when Bell yanked the blade back out, the Minotaur’s leg gave out on it, forcing it to one knee.

“MOOOUUUHHH!!!” The Minotaur’s bellow of pain was loud enough to hurt Bell’s ears.

The sound was instantly cut off when Bell’s spear stabbed through its neck from the side. He pulled the blade sideways, opening up the Raging Bull Type Monster’s neck in a shower of blood. The Minotaur fell dead a second later.

Welf had met the Minotaur’s charge head-on, swinging his greatsword to meet the landform axe.


The stone shattered under the well-made sword, but Welf’s swing lost all momentum if the clash.



Thankfully, he had Lili for backup as two bolts pierced the eyes of the Minotaur, blinding it.

“MOOAARRGGH!!!” The Minotaur flailed, swinging its fist wildly as it panicked from the loss of sight.

“Hyah!” Welf swung his greatsword in a powerful overhead swing than cut a deep laceration into the thick muscles of the Minotaur.

“The Minotaur swung blindly, trying to kill Welf, but only hit air as the blacksmith retreated.


A pouch hit the Minotaur’s nose and exploded into thick purple smoke and powder. The raging and panicked Minotaur breathed in a ton of the purple poison, coating its sinuses and filling its legs with the toxin. That was only further exacerbating the poison that had been on the two bolts that had blinded it, their own poison having entered the Minotaur’s bloodstream for a while, and very close to the brain on top of that.

“MOOOooooo… Mooarhh…” The Minotaur was clearly losing its ferocity as it was effected more and more by the poison. It’s flailing slowly down as it tried to figure out where Welf was without its eyes or its nose.

“Yah!” Welf had made his move and gotten behind the blinded Minotaur. His greatsword blurred through the air and cleaved into the Minotaur’s neck. The speed and weight of the weapon, bolstered by Welf’s Level 2 strength, managed to decapitate the Minotaur, if only just. The head fell to the floor with a thump, Welf’s blade stopped on top of the stump of the neck. The body collapsed with a louder thump a second later as blood poured from the severed neck.

“Are you alright Mr. Welf?” Lili was quickly at Welf’s side as she saw him take his right hand off the hilt of his sword and flex it a few times.

Welf gave her a grin. “I’ll be fine, Little Lili. These things are just really solid.” He shook out his hand to get rid of the ‘pins and needles’ feeling from his swing coming to a dead stop when decapitating the Minotaur.

Bell was next to them in the next few seconds. “Are you both okay?”

“We’re fine.” Lili said with a smile. “Lili hopes that she can harvest these Minotaurs horns at the very least.” Minotaur horns were good material, but they were similar to Adamantite in makeup, so actually getting them off might be a problem for Lili.

“Two Minotaurs right off the bat really makes me wonder about the rest of the day though.” Welf mentioned with a grin at Bell and Lili.

Bell couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah, but as long as we return safely each day, it doesn’t matter how long it takes us to explore each Floor.”

“Lili thinks so too, Master Bell.” Lili agreed with a nod as she tried to saw off the first Minotaur’s left horn with her handsaw.

-Late Afternoon ~ Guild Exchange-

“Stupid Minotaurs…” Lili muttered under her breath. She would need to go buy a new handsaw on the way home now. Their damn horns were too tough for the metal of her saw and it had ended up with a bunch of bent and broken teeth.

“At least you were able to skin some of them.” Bell smiled to try and improve Lili’s mood.

Lili hugged him and enjoyed having Bell’s arms around her for a little while.

“Your total exchange for today is 198,380 Valis. Please, have a nice evening.” The man behind the glass told them after he’d managed to get all of the Magic Stones and Drop Items totaled up. He gave the three Adventurers a short bow as he pushed the drawer over to their side.

“Thank you, sir.” Bell hefted up the heavy sack of Valis coins and the trio headed over to a free table to divvy up the loot.

“We did manage to get one horn today though.” Welf grinned at the curved horn as he placed it beside his cut of the Valis.

Lili lightly glared at the horn for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. “We’ll sell the Minotaur Skin to Neith Familia. They’ll give us a better price than the Guild for it. Most likely turn it into good leather armor and make double, or more, of their money back.”

Bell smiled at Lili. “We’re making a good amount of extra money by selling to specialized Mercantile Familias though. Every bit helps when paying off our debt.”

“Lili agrees, but that’s why she’s annoyed that she couldn’t harvest any of the Minotaur Horns today. They’re worth a good amount and would help us even more than the Minotaur Skin.” Lili grumbled a little at the lost revenue.

“Your ‘Loot Goblin’ side is showing again, Little Lili.” Welf snickered at the Prum. “Ow!”

Only for Lili to kick his shin and glare at him for the quip.

-Evening ~ Twilight Manor-

“Argonaut!” Tiona beamed at her lover as soon as she saw him.

“Good evening, Tiona.” Bell smiled at her, pulling her into a warm hug and kissing her lips.

Tiona eagerly returned the kiss and giggled when their lips separated. “Hehe…”

“You look cute in that outfit.” Bell complimented her choice f clothing for the evening.

Tiona was wearing a short black skirt that didn’t quite reach mid-thigh, a small white tank top hugged her chest and left her midriff bare. She had her hair in its normal style, but Bell loved it as he always did.

“Thanks, Argonaut!” Tiona happily accepted the praise on her outfit. Tione had said that she shouldn’t wear her normal Adventurer clothes on a date. That made sense to her, so she’d chosen something else from her, admittedly small, wardrobe.

Bell offered her his arm, which Tiona quickly wrapped her arms around, and the two headed off for their date tonight. “How did you three decide who got to have this date tonight?”

“Rock, paper, scissors.” Tiona said with a laugh.

In true Tiona fashion, she hadn’t thought about her choice at all and just thrown rock. Tione and Ais had both thrown scissors. Tiona could still remember the stunned look on Ais’s face as she looked at her own hand as if it had betrayed her. It had been adorable and made her laugh before she’d hugged Ais for being so cute.

Tione had merely given her a half-hearted applause while she tried to be the ‘mature’ sister and not pout at the outcome.

After what had happened in Melen with Telskyura, the weird flower Monsters, and everything else, Tiona was just happy to see both of them in better moods. But she wasn’t giving up her date with Bell!

“So…where are we going?” Tiona asked with a smile, enjoying walking with Bell on a date.

Bell grinned as he spoke. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out before we get there.”

Tiona tilted her head cutely. “Now I’m really curious though!”

The two chatted about what they’d both been up to as they walked. Tiona didn’t like that she couldn’t tell bell much about what happened in Melen, but Finn had told everyone not to spread it around. Instead she talked about the first day of the trip and going to the beach with all of the women in their Familia.

“Ais can’t swim?” Bell blinked at that information in surprise.

“Nope! She sinks straight down as soon as you let go of her hands.” Tiona giggled brightly at Ais’s lack of swimming ability. “She can do the back float though…so I guess she wouldn’t drowned. It’s kinda weird.”

Bell mulled that new bit of information over. “I would never have guessed.” Ais was so powerful and competent that he’d almost assumed there was very little she couldn’t do. Being an anchor when it came to swimming had never once crossed his mind.

As they walked further, Tiona noticed that there were more people heading in the same direction as them. Bell kept his silence on where they were headed, but it was tough not to laugh as Tiona playfully pouted at him, trying to get him to break and tell her.

It was as they got closer to their destination that Tiona heard music. She perked up as a memory came to her mind and her bright, sunshine smile graced the night. “Argonaut, is this?!”

“Yep!” Bell smiled right back at her as the music was clearer now that they were closer to the building that was lit up brightly and had multiple people going in or hanging around on the large open patio out front.

“You’re the best!” Tiona kissed him before nearly dragging him towards the building.

Some members of the Saraswati Familia had clearly rented out a building for the night and made it into an impromptu dance hall. A place where the citizens of Orario could come to have fun; dancing, singing, drinking, and anything else. The bards of the Familia always loved a good celebration or party after all!

Tiona and Bell made their way through the crowd and entered the building. Lights in multiple different colors were revolving from a chandelier on the ceiling, leaving the interior of the building bright, but not so bright as to be able to see clearly. All the other lights were turned off except for a few on the stage for the bards of Saraswati Familia to be able to see by when they needed to.

“Let’s dance!” Tiona laughed happily as she pulled Bell close and began to move to the beat of the music.

Bell happily took Tiona into his arms and moved with her. The two were flush against each other as Tiona wrapped her arms over his shoulders and Bell’s hands trailed down her sides to take hold of her hips.

“Lower~” Tiona whispered into his ear hotly as they kept dancing. “Yeah, that’s it!” She giggled when Bell’s hands took hold of her ass and pulled her closer to him.

The two of them continued to move and grind against each other, swaying to the beat, Tiona rolling her hips and occasionally popping up on her heels to make her ass bounce in Bell’s hands. It was little surprise that they both were breathing heavily when the song ended and they pulled away from each other.

“You’re beautiful.” Bell said to her before kissing her lips.

Tiona hummed into the kiss and deepened it, her tongue playing with Bell’s until they both needed to breathe again. “Hah…hah…” She grinned at him and licked her lips. “You’re way more relaxed this time.”

“I’ve had more experiences now.” Bell grinned right back at her.

The music started up again, this beat faster than before, and with a bass line that made it thump a bit. For all of a second Bell wondered where the bards were keeping all these different instruments, but that thought vanished from his mind when Tiona turned her back to him began to roll her hips to the music. He reached out for her, but his lover looked at him with a grin over her shoulder before leaning forward and matching the bouncing of her booty to the beat of the music. Bell’s eyes widened as the small skirt couldn’t keep up and revealed Tiona’s tiny panties over and over as her ass moved up and down. It took Bell a second to realize that many women in the dance hall were doing the same thing, several of them Amazons like Tiona. He also saw how their male partners were dancing with them, and decided to go with it too.

“Aaah, that’s it, Bell~!” Tiona let out a giggly laugh as Bell pushed himself against her bouncing booty, letting her feel what she was doing to him with her sexy dancing. She pushed back against him harder, her hands on her knees as she looked over her shoulder at him with heat and passion.

“Tiona…damn!” Bell rumbled out as he smacked her bouncing ass once.

Tiona gasped and then moaned long and low, keeping up her movements. “So naughty, Bell!” She teased him before pushing off her knees with her hands and pressing her back into his chest, her booty still bouncing against his hardness.

Bell’s hands moved without a thought, trailing up Tiona’s sides before taking hold of her handfuls over her white tank top. Tiona eagerly pushed her chest forward into his hands as they continued to move against each other. The heat in the crowded building full of frenetically moving dancers had already made them start sweating, but neither of them cared in the slightest.

“Mmm~” Tiona moaned out as Bell licked her neck and then kissed it, massaging her tits the whole time. A part of her wanted to just take off her top so that Bell could touch her directly, but there was still enough sense in her head to know that she shouldn’t do that. “Bell, harder…”

Bell gave her want she wanted, grinding against her ass and even finding her hard nipples and pinching them, before circling his fingers over the sensitive nubs to tease and stimulate Tiona further.


Neither Bell nor Tiona knew how long they’d been dancing for. It was at least ten or fifteen songs…but that was the closest estimate they had. Both of them were hot, wound up, turned on, and thirsty. They finally left the dance floor and got a drink at one of the long tables set up off to the side. They both downed a large cup of chilled water first, then Tiona grabbed a cup of a fruit drink and drank part of it. Bell wondered what it was until Tiona pushed the cup to his lips with a laugh. Drinking it, Bell was hit with a sweet taste with a hint of sourness, and a taste that he was familiar with…alcohol.

“Tasty, right?” Tiona smiled at Bell brightly.

“It’s good.” Bell agreed, not finding it too sweet, which would make him dislike it.

Now having a moment to calm down and catch their breaths, the two finished off the alcoholic fruit drink and then both downed another cup of the chilled water.

Bell’s eyes widened a little when he finally noticed that Tiona’s sweat had soaked into her tank top and made it nearly see through. He could vaguely make out the darker color of her nipples through the soaked shirt.

“Hot, right?” Tiona asked with an almost predatory grin on her lips, her Amazon blood rushing through her veins.

“Yes.” Bell nearly groaned as Tiona’s hand began rubbing him through his pants.

Tiona kissed Bell and the two deepened it instantly. Pulling back a moment later, she pulled Bell with her and quickly spotted a way through the crowd. Bell followed behind her, trying not to stumble over his feet as they weaved through the crowd as she pulled him along. When they got to a door that was partially open, Tiona went through it and Bell found them in a hallway. He briefly wondered what was behind some of the doors, only for Tiona to open one without a care and drag him inside.

“Empty?” Bell blinked at seeing that the small room was bare of anything at the moment. He didn’t get to ponder for long as Tiona nearly growled before capturing his lips in a hot kiss filled with tongue.

“You can’t just get me all wound up and not take care of me, Bell~” She said with a breathy voice that made Bell throb below the belt. Tiona yanked up her small tank top, freeing her tits and then showed off impressive flexibility as she raised her right leg straight up into the air. It was only then that Bell noticed her small panties around her left ankle as her bare sex, soaking wet, was shown to him.

Bell stopped thinking entirely, his Amazon Fever as Tiona and Tione called it flared up at the display, and he had his pant undone quickly. As fast as he was able to free his length from his pants and boxers, it was buried to the hilt inside Tiona’s eager sex.

Tiona moaned loudly in joy and pleasure at finally getting what she wanted…needed. “Yes! Mmm, Bell~” She grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to her lips as he started moving his hips.

The two lovers didn’t care about anything but each other after that. Bell fucked Tiona hard and powerfully, bottoming out inside of her with every single thrust and pushing her against the wall. The sound of their heavy breathing and moans filled the small room, along with the smell of sex, and the sound of their lustful fucking. Tiona let out a growling moan as she threw her head back, breaking her kiss with Bell. He instantly changed targets, latching onto her neck to kiss, lick and then bite. Tiona’s fingers dug into the wall as she crashed over the edge from Bell giving her a hickey.

“Tiona!” Bell pulled back this time, to growl out his own release. His thrust become short and intense for a moment before he pressed up against Tiona’s deepest spot and filled her with his hot seed.

“Bell!” Tiona’s eyes fluttered as a second orgasm crashed into the end of her first one. The wall that her fingers had been digging into was crushed in her grip as her body tightened up, her eager pussy coaxing out as much of Bell’s cum as possible.

The two rested their foreheads against each other as the panted for breath, their sweat mixing together but neither of them caring at all. Once they regained some semblance of their breath and control of themselves, Bell slowly pulled himself from Tiona’s well-fucked depths, a thick trail of his seed spilling out of her a second later.

The next thing Bell knew was being pushed up against the wall before Tiona kissed him and then dropped down to her knees. “Oh fuck!” He rumbled out as his right hand ran through Tiona’s hair, threading his finger through it as she sucked him deep into her throat, her green eyes darkened by desire as they locked onto his smoldering rubellite.

“Gagk! Gakh! Gagkh!” Tiona’s blowjob was loud and the sounds only furthered the flames of Bell’s desire for her as they kept staring into each other’s eyes the entire time. His hips began to buck in time with her bobbing head as he lost control of his instincts. “Gakh! Gagh! Gagkh! Gagk!” Tiona gagged and choked a bit as Bell’s hips drove his cock further into her throat until her lips were wrapped around the base of his cock with every small thrust of his hips. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes but she lavished his cock with her tongue and swallowed every time his cock was buried in her throat.

“Tiona…so good…fuck…” Bell panted out as he hit his peak from her devoted sucking. He filled her throat with the first shot, all of his seed pouring straight into her stomach. The second filled her throat as he started to pull back, forcing Tiona to swallow quickly. The third shot filled her mouth, her cheeks slightly bulging from the amount. The fourth shot covered her lips and chin, quickly followed by the fifth that covered her face. Bell rested his back against the wall as he tried to catch his breath.

Tiona moaned at the heat in her stomach, in her mouth, and on her face. Bell looked down at her again and Tiona opened her mouth to show him all of the seed inside, covering her tongue and filling her cheeks. Then she closed her mouth and loudly swallowed it all down before opening again to show off, her tongue lolling out just to prove it. Tiona licked her lips clean of his thick cum and then dragged her index finger across her chin to collect what was there, popping it into her mouth and sucking it clean. With a moan she cleaned off her face with her fingers before popping each one into her mouth and sucking them clean for Bell’s viewing pleasure and her own desire to taste more of his seed.

Bell pulled her back up to her feet and hugged her, kissing her neck, her shoulders, her ears, her nose, and her forehead. “I love you so much, Tiona.”

“I love you too, Bell.” Tiona mewled at all of the affection before she nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “You wanna go again?” She mumbled into his skin before kissing his neck and starting to gently nibble on it.

“Yeah.” Bell said with a little smirk. His cock was returning to full mast and pressing up against Tiona’s wet pussy almost eagerly.

Tiona giggled as Bell gently pushed her a step back and then got behind her. She knew exactly what he wanted as he leaned forward and put her hands on the wall before looking over her shoulder and shaking her ass for him. “Come on, Ar-go-naut~”

Bell didn’t know why, but that teasing dragging out of Tiona’s nickname for him fired it up. He gave her nice ass a playful spank before taking hold of her hips and burying himself to the hilt in one powerful thrust.

“Yes!” Tiona shouted out in bliss. She threw her hips back into him and the pace was set as they began to fuck again, the loud clapping sound of his hips meeting her ass filled the room quickly.

-Night ~ North Main Street-

Bell and Tiona were walking down the street toward Twilight Manor. It was later than they had intended to stay out, but neither could find it in themselves to care. Tiona had her arms wrapped around Bell left arm and her head resting on his shoulder. She was wearing his black shirt, as her white tank top was still see through and Bell refused to let Tiona walk around Orario like that. Tiona only giggled at Bell’s desire to keep her to himself, and she also enjoyed the eye candy of Bell walking around shirtless, so it was a double win in her eyes.

“I had a great time, Bell.” Tiona said as they stopped in front of the gates to the Twilight Manor.

“I’m glad that I picked something fun for us, Tiona.” Bell smiled at her warmly.

The two were kissing before they realized it, their arms wrapped around each other and their bodies as close as possible. Only after air became a necessity did they finally separate.

Tiona rested her forehead against Bell’s with a beautiful smile on her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Bell returned her love with his own. “Good night, Tiona.” He said before stealing another quick kiss from her lips.

“Good night, Bell.” Tiona giggled, kissing him again for good measure.

The pair separated and Tiona easily hopped the gate instead of bothering with opening it. She trotted inside with a spring in her step and a glowing smile on her face that could put the sun to shame.

“Well, someone had a good night.” Tione said with an amused lilt in her voice after Tiona had closed the front doors behind her. “Wearing Bell’s clothes and everything~”

“Heheh!” Tiona beamed at her twin while running her hands over the black shirt she was wearing. “Yeah.”

Tione rolled her eyes at Tiona before taking her hand and leading her towards the women’s bathing room. “Come on, I can smell Bell on you. You need a bath.”

Tiona followed Tione without a care. “You want to hear about it?”

“When we get to our room, yes.” Tione confirmed with a little grin of her own as she looked over her shoulder at Tiona. “But a bath first.”

“Okay.” Tiona was practically walking on air right now, and a bath sounded nice anyway. “Too bad Bell’s not here to take a bath with us.”

Tione snorted, not that she would mind that either. “Didn’t you get enough on your date?”

Tiona smiled. “We only went six rounds. But I know he could’ve gone for ten or maybe more.” She locked eyes with Tione. “He’s gotten WAY stronger than last time. I could feel it in his touch and every one of his thrusts.”

“How much stronger could he have gotten in the days that we were gone?” Tione questioned her sister as they entered the bathing area.

“A lot.” Tiona said again, a little shiver passing through her body. “Enough that my Amazon blood was nearly boiling in response. It was amazing.”

Tione looked thoughtful as she took off her clothes and put them in the basket. “Stronger and stronger every time we see him~” She let out a little moan as she imagined what Tiona was telling her. “If you’re trying to make me envious of your date, you’ve succeeded.”

Tiona laughed as she pulled off Bell’s shirt and put it into the basket next to Tione’s. “I can definitely say any lingering stress from Melen is completely gone now.” She stretched her arms above her head.

“I swear I’m getting the next date.” Tione said with a cute little frown on her lips. “I need the stress relief too.”

Tiona pulled Tione towards the showers. “Come on, I’ll wash your back for you. The faster we get clean, the faster I can tell you about the date!”

Tione smiled at her sister as they both stepped under the hot water of the shower. Above anything else, they were sisters, and they loved and looked out for each other. Bell was the one that completed both of their hearts, and Tione once more reminded herself of how lucky she and Tiona were to find him so that they never had to be apart.

-End Chapter-


Some more Bell and Eina fluffiness for everyone! Awww! So cute!

Eina discovers she might have a work related kink! Kek!

Bell receives the letter from Daphne and Cassandra!

Hestia isn’t going to let her annoying nephew bully her! Her stock and influence in Orario is rising! She has friends! If Apollo wants to try and make problems, she’ll get her Chancla! Hah!

Bell, Lili, and Welf are making progress in the Dungeon, now on Floor Fifteen! Just three more to reach Floor Eighteen all by themselves! That’s the mark of an experienced Familia!

Selling their Drop Items to specialty Mercantile Familias or foreign merchants is getting the Hestia Familia extra cash to pay back their debt faster and speed up the completion of the Hearth District!

Lili is most adorable Loot Goblin!

Already the new district is full of life! Hestia’s Domain Divinity is expanding to fill all those who live within her ‘holdings’ with the joys of the Hearth, Home, and Family! Such a nice place to live!

Bell takes Tiona out on a date! They go to a Saraswati Familia dance hall! They both enjoyed dancing together in the square the last time the Saraswati Familia played for an impromptu dance. This time it was a more formal thing where they actually rented out a building for a little event of their own, which means they can get away with far more!

And so can their guests as Bell and Tiona demonstrated! Hehehe~

How will the Apollo Familia’s Banquet of the Gods play out this time?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you thought!

Until next time, later!


Collin Barnes

9/10 waiting on buttstuff

Kirito Beater

Eager to see the apollo familia get wrecked by SSS stats Bell