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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Collector Hero: Synthesis! As the students of the First Year Hero Course return to school, how is the rest of the country taking this second attack by the League of Villains? Press statements must be made and responsibility taken, of course. But as Nezu’s help, both domestic and foreign, starts to gather…just how long will the League of Villains and All for One have left to enact their plans?

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 45 – Return to School, Forces Gathering

It was the night before the members of the First Year Hero Course would be returning to classes when they all watched the press conference involving U.A. and their response to a second attack on their students.

Nezu, Aizawa, and Kan were all in suits, Aizawa having clearly cleaned himself up with a shave and more for this conference, as they sat at a table with a mic in front of each man. In front of them were a massive amount of cameras and reporters, all of them eager to ask questions and find out the truth. A few of them, however, were also there to try and get sensationalist stories and paint U.A. in a bad light to sell more papers.

Thankfully, the first reporter wasn’t one of those types.

“After this second attack by the League of Villains on your students, our information states that the students directly engaged in combat against the Villains. Was this at either of your orders, Eraserhead? Vlad King?”

“No, of course not.” Vlad answered first, as they’d planned ahead of time. “Our first priority was the students’ safety above all else. We had them evacuate to the shelter provided by the camp as quickly as possible. I held position there to protect all of the students and Ragdoll joined me partway through the incident.”

Aizawa spoke next to further explain. “As the situation was a sudden attack, information was nonexistent. While the students evacuated, we from U.A. and the Wild, Wild Pussycats had to take direct combative action against the Villains without time to fully gauge their numbers, positions, or intentions. Quirk use by the students was only done in self-defense, as the law makes exceptions for.”

“But multiple students still ended up harmed and were in the hospital for a few days, correct? Do you still consider this a good outcome for U.A.?” The reporter asked a follow up question.

Nezu took this question as the principal. “Most of the injured students were harmed by the gas attack. That has been found out to be the result of a poisonous Quirk used by one of the Villains. It is thanks to quick actions from our students that injuries were kept to a bare minimum on that front. As is customary after incidents like this, we are providing trauma counseling to every student with our certified counselor, Hound Dog, and have thankfully not seen any signs of psychological trauma from any of the forty students.”

“So, there’s a bright spot in this tragedy, then?” The next reporter asked before the first had even retaken his seat. The woman didn’t look like she believed that at all. “Can you truly say that after having students hurt while under your care again?”

“We’re relieved that an entire course of burgeoning Heroes still have a future.” Nezu said calmly, not letting the reporter rattle him in the slightest.

This reporter knows exactly what she’s doing.’ Kan thought to himself, keeping his expression neutral. ‘She’s trying to antagonize us so that we’ll say something damning.

Aizawa looked at the woman with a flat expression, his known dislike of the media was trying to be played against him right now. ‘It won’t work like you want.’ He thought to himself as he maintained his calm through years of experience. “The students only acted in self-defense and the defense of each other. Their actions, while not what we as teachers would prefer, ensured that a worst-case scenario was avoided.”

The reporter narrowed her eyes at the response. “Worst-case scenario? How else would you describe the students that were harmed and those that had to fight Villains while only being First Years?”

“At that moment, the worst case I could imagined involved the deaths of our students.” Aizawa answered pointedly, a metaphorical spike shooting into the reporter’s chest.

A different reporter stood up to ask a question before the woman could recover. “In regards to preventing a third incident from occurring, what measures is U.A. taking to keep their students safe?”

“We’ve already fully revamped our security system, both physical security measures and cyber security as well.” Nezu answered promptly. “Rest assured; we are not taking this attack on our students passively. We are also working with the police on the investigation into the two Villains that managed to escape, their pictures are behind me.”

A screen rolled down from behind the teachers, stopping above their heads, and flicked on. An almost photographic sketch of Twice and Dabi were side-by-side on the large screen and dozens of cameras went off simultaneously to get the faces of the only two Villains that escaped back to their networks as fast as possible.

Nezu continued after the initial spree of pictures calmed down. “These two men are known by criminal aliases as ‘Dabi’ and ‘Twice’.” The names appeared below the pictures and more flashes of cameras went off.  “Dabi’s distinctive looks and rare Blue Fire Quirk should make tracking him down much easier. The League of Villains suffered a personnel loss of eight Villains from their attack on the Summer Training Camp. It is only a matter of time before the rest are located and apprehended.” He assured the reporters at the conference and everyone watching it on TV or online.

-League of Villain’s Bar-

Tomura Shigaraki nearly growled at the TV as the press conference continued. “You think you’ve won, do you, fucking rat?” He scratched at his neck almost obsessively. “This game isn’t over yet just because you managed to stall us!”

Kurogiri, still not fully recovered after suffering multiple backlashes of his Quirk, watched over Tomura carefully in case he lashed out again.

On the other side of the bar, both Twice and Dabi watched the press conference too.

“Here that, Dabi? The police are looking for you!” Twice said, sounding concerned for the other Villain. “If you didn’t look like a patchwork monster they wouldn’t have such an easy lead!” He angrily pointed out in an aggressive tone a second later. Truly the man’s mind was damaged in some way, and possibly getting even worse after the failure of the Vanguard Action Squad.

Dabi glanced over at Twice. “Your picture is up there too, dumbass.” A brief flicker of blue flames was seen in his palm. “Not like your stupid mask isn’t going to stand out in a crowd.”

There wasn’t much ‘unity’ within the League of Villains to begin with and the loss of most of the others had only deepened the schism between the few remaining.

-U.A. ~ Next Day-

Izuku wondered why he’d been called to Principal Nezu’s office first thing in the morning. The only thing he could think of was about his actions during the attack on the Summer Training Camp. While the Support, General, and Business Courses got a fairly normal summer break from school, the Hero Course normally only got a shorter break and then went back to classes earlier. Class 1-A and Class 1-B both had the majority of their break taken up by the Summer Camp and the following days to recover from the attack before returning to classes.

“The school seems kind of empty with so many of the students not here.” Izuku said to himself as he approached the door to the principal’s office. He knocked on the door twice and before his third knock could touch the door he was bid to come in.

“Come in, Midoriya.” Nezu’s voice called out.

Izuku opened the door and stepped into the office. “You wanted to see me, sir?”

Nezu nodded once. “Please, sit. Would you like some tea?”

“No, thank you, sir.” Izuku shook his head once as he sat in one of the chairs in front of Nezu’s desk.

“Very well.” Nezu smiled at his student before getting to the matter at hand. “I’ve called you here because Ragdoll informed me that you copied her Quirk. She also informed me that you saw both Villains that managed to escape and Aizawa’s report states that you assisted in the fight against them too.”

Izuku nodded once. “Yes, sir.”

Nezu made sure to be calm while talking to his student, but did make sure to emphasize how important his request would be as he spoke again. “Midoriya, if you still have those Villains in ‘memory’, please use Search to give me as accurate a location for them as possible.” He placed a tablet computer on top of his desk with a GPS program active.

“I do, sir.” Izuku confirmed promptly. “I’ve stayed at home since we got back from Summer Camp, and on the way to school I did my best not to look at strangers so that they wouldn’t overwrite the one-hundred people that’re already in the ‘memory’ of my copy of Search.”

“I’m ready to begin if you are, Midoriya.” Nezu motioned for Izuku to begin.

Izuku sank closed his eyes and sank into his copy of Search. A hundred tiny lights appeared in his awareness. The dimmer ones were far away, while the brighter ones were closer. Finding the lights that marked Twice and Dabi showed that they were a good distance from U.A. and he got almost no information about their current state of being, other than the fact that they were alive, due to the distance separating them.

Let’s try this.’ Izuku thought and started activating other Quirks like Amplification, Enhance Function, and Mental Boost. The result was that Search’s range expanded greatly and a greater amount of information came in about the one-hundred people in the Quirk’s ‘memory’. Izuku frowned a little as he know knew more about Dabi and Twice’s physical conditions, but didn’t have a clearer picture of their location, just a general direction. ‘Wait, maybe if I…’ He activated Warp Gate, but only a tiny gate about a centimeter in size. Pairing it with Search he suddenly had an exact coordinate for the two Villains as the ‘Coordinate System’ part of Warp Gate synced up with Search’s greatly expanded range.

Izuku’s eyes snapped open as he deactivated all of his Quirks and put his finger on the tablet. In only a second he had moved the GPS map around and then double tapped on the screen to put a ‘pin’ on the spot. “They’re right here.”

Nezu looked at the pin on the GPS map and his black eyes lit up a little. “Bar Sakegiri, in Hiranuma, Kamino Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa.” He made sure to save that address in his hyper intelligent mind and then looked up at Izuku. “Thank you very much, Midoriya. You’ve made a great contribution to the investigation and capture of the League of Villains.”

“Thank you, sir.” Izuku bowed politely to the principal and was excused from Nezu’s office.

A moment after the door closed fully behind Izuku, Nezu picked up his phone and hit a single button. Only a couple seconds later the other end of the line was picked up. “We have their location.” Nezu said clearly, but strongly.

It was time to put their planned raid into action as soon as the final members of Nezu’s secret coalition arrived.

-Heroics 101 ~ PE Grounds-

Today was another day for Quirk Practice and Improvement for the First Year Hero Course students. Izuku was especially grateful for this as he’d acquired quite a few new Quirks during the attack at the training camp and needed time to practice with them and figure them out.

“Hot!” Izuku yelped as he shook his hand, blue flames scattering into the air for a second before disappearing. The red, lightly burned skin on Izuku’s hand glowed with the soft green light of Healing Aura for a couple of seconds before the burn was gone. “The temperature is so high that I can’t counteract it perfectly with my other Quirks.” His copy of Fire Breath that he got from his dad gave him some moderate heat and fire resistance, especially for his throat, mouth, lips, and sinuses…but even using Temperature Fluctuation to try and regulate the heat from the blue flames hadn’t prevented him from getting a burn.

Todoroki, who had volunteered to help Izuku with this particular Quirk, hummed for a second as he examined the reaction to even brief use of the new Fire Quirk. “That’s odd… Pyrokinetic Quirks usually come with appropriate heat and flame resistance built in, but this one doesn’t seem to have that?”

Izuku agreed with a sigh. “It doesn’t seem like it. That would explain why that Villain, Dabi, was so covered in burn scars. Using his Quirk must cause them every time.”

“It seems foolhardy to continually use it, if that’s the case.” Todoroki said as he went over what he’d seen of the blue flames when Izuku had used them. “Blue fire is supposed to be roughly sixteen hundred to three thousand degrees centigrade… Given the trouble you’re having with this Quirk, I’d say it’s on the higher end, what about you?”

“I’d say so too.” Izuku agreed with a nod. “I can’t get the temperature down enough to not burn me. If I boosted Temperature Fluctuation, then I might be able to handle it for a short time, but it’s so hot that just controlling it takes all my focus so that it doesn’t torch my hand.”

Todoroki understood after watching Izuku try a few times already since class had started. “If you can’t keep it from burning you, even with your other Quirks, then you might need to find a Fire Resistance Quirk in the future to balance it out.” The fact that he could say that as legitimate advice wouldn’t have worked for anyone but Izuku.

Izuku let out a long sigh. “I hope I don’t have to do that, but I will if it’s necessary. I have almost fifty Quirks now and I still need to work on the rest of the new ones I’ve got.”

“Speaking of which…” Camie grinned as she approached Izuku. “Time to switch.”

Todoroki nodded and headed off to his next partner for practice and left Camie with Izuku.

Camie quickly checked over Izuku’s hands, having been close enough with her last partner to see him recoiling from the flare up of the blue flames over and over again. “Are you alright, Izukun?”

“I’m okay.” Izuku smiled at Camie’s concern for him. “You wanted to help me with the Double Quirk, right?”

“Since I’m the only one that uses ‘clones’ in class, it’s probably for the best.” Camie said before breathing out a bit of her chromatic mist and making a perfect double of herself. “Your copies will be fully autonomous, right?”

Izuku nodded as Camie’s double faded away. “From what I’ve determined, yes. They should all be perfect copies of me. I’m not sure if that means they’ll have access to my Quirk or all of my copied Quirks though.”

“You can make copies of others too, right?” Camie had only heard a bit about the Villain called Twice and that he’d apparently created the copies of Dabi that had repeatedly attacked the camp.

“I have to know their exact measurements for Double to make a copy, but yeah, it can make copies of others too.” Izuku confirmed with a smile, his interest in this Quirk was clear if his almost sparkling emerald eyes were anything to go by.

Camie shot him a sexy grin. “I’m looking forward to this one too, I-zu-kun~”

Izuku didn’t blush…okay, maybe a little…but he definitely knew what Camie was thinking about.

“You’ll have to touch all of me to learn my curves… We want to make sure you get plenty of practice with this Quirk so that you can master it, right?” Camie teased her boyfriend with a little purr in her voice.

“You’re a bad influence.” Izuku said with a little grin on his lips.

“I’m the best influence on you~” Camie retorted as she leaned into him and the two shared a quick kiss before anyone noticed. “Now, try and make a copy.” She stepped back with a giggle.

Izuku focused on Double and activated it as he held out his right hand. A thick, viscous liquid, similar to mud in consistency, flowed from his hand and hit the ground. The liquid quickly formed upwards and then it’s colors shifted to match Izuku perfectly, PE uniform and all. “Okay, that was kinda easy.”

“Yeah, maybe because it’s us?” Izuku’s copy theorized as he took a thinking pose.

“That could be it, we have a complete understanding of our own form.” Izuku muttered, taking out his notebook and beginning to copy down his new findings on Double.

Camie stepped forward with a grin. “Durability test!” She flicked both Izuku’s in the forehead.

“Hey…” Izuku stopped writing to rub his forehead.

“Ow! What the heck?!” The copy of Izuku held his forehead in pain. “That seemed way harder than it should’ve been.”

Izuku and Camie looked at each other and Izuku was writing into his notebook without looking.

“The copies are less durable than the original. Good to know.” Izuku muttered as he saw his copy hold its forehead with a grimace. “Can you use our Quirks?”

The copy Izuku stood up and closed its eyes. “I think so…” He raised his right hand and pointed it away from Camie and the original.


Blue flames erupted from the copy’s palm in a large flare.

“OOOOOOooooowwww…” The copy cried out, trailing off as it fell apart back into the mud-like substance.

Izuku was furiously writing in his notebook now at the discovery. Already dozens of new ideas were filling his mind for various combinations of Quirks he could use with a copy or multiple copies. “I could help Recovery Girl every day!” He perked up brightly, thinking about how beneficial even one other Healing Quirk could be in Recovery Girl’s office on campus.

Camie smiled warmly at her boyfriend. “Of course the first thing you think of is how to help others.” She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, hugging him close.

“That’s what we’re supposed to do as Heroes though.” Izuku said with a smile of his own. Having Camie’s breasts pressed into his back certainly made it easy to smile.

“Do you think they can use your Quirk?” Camie asked as she stepped back from him.

Izuku held out his right hand and produced another copy. “Camie, can I ask…” He stopped as he saw Camie already holding her arm out to his copy.

“Way ahead of you, Izukun.” Camie laughed as the copy touched her forearm.

There was silence for a long moment before the copy of Izuku shook his head. “It’s not working… I don’t know why though.”

Izuku noted that down quickly, and his first two hypotheses about ‘why’ Collector didn’t work through the copies in his own personal shorthand, before speaking. “Maybe it’s because you’re a copy? Or perhaps because all of the other replicated Quirks have ‘filled up’ what the duplicative ability of Double can handle?”

“That could be possible.” The copy Izuku nodded as well, already thinking hard and trying to parse out how Collector was reacting to him being a copy.

Camie giggled at seeing two Izuku’s thinking hard and tossing ideas back and forth. “That’s adorkable, Izukun.”

Both Izuku’s smiled at Camie brightly, making her smile back before she walked the few steps she needed to get between them. “Now… Let’s take my measurements and see if you can make a copy of me~” She purred lowly.

“B-But we don’t have a measuring tape or anything.” Both Izuku’s stumbled over the first word as they swallowed heavily.

“Try doing it by feel first.” Camie grinned teasingly at her boyfriend and his copy.

Both Izuku’s looked at each other for a second before the notebook was put away and their hands gently began to roam over Camie’s body. They did their best to estimate her various measurements, height, shoulder width, bust, waist, hips, legs, thighs, arms, biceps, and feet.

Camie was biting her lip to hold in a moan as both Izuku’s hands were all over her and making her hot. “We should practice in private next time…I could wear my bikini~”

“Yes, please.” Izuku and his copy both said at the same time.

“Pfft!” Camie cracked up laughing as both of the Izuku’s backed up. “Try to make a copy of me now.”

Izuku held out his hand and the mud-like liquid flowed before taking the shape of Camie…though there were noticeable things that were off.

“A bit taller than me… My face is still cute… I think the arms are a bit too long too.” Camie critiqued the copy of her.

“I feel…weird…” The Camie copy spoke and then fell apart a few seconds later.

Izuku was writing in his notebook once more. “Without very accurate measurements, Double cannot be used to make a functional copy…”

Camie hummed thoughtfully at how Double worked and reacted to Izuku’s multitude of other Quirks. “You’ll definitely need to add some kind of measurement device to your kit, Izukun.” It would be a shame not to make use of Double whenever possible in the field.

“I thought so too.” Izuku and his copy smiled at her.

“Let’s see if the durability of the copies continues to decrease as the copies make copies.” Camie suggested another test they could do.

Izuku and his copy both blinked at that, neither having thought of it yet. “You’re good at thinking up ideas for Double, Camie.”

“I’m not just a pretty face…” Camie winked at her boyfriend. “Though I do have a pretty face.”

“You’re beautiful, Camie.” Izuku smiled at her, stepping forward and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Camie happily kissed him back, the two separating a moment later. “Hmm…” Her eyes darted over to the copy and her left hand shot out to grab him by the front of his shirt, pulling him in and kissing his lips. A few seconds later she pulled back. “Feels the same…” Camie grinned sexily at both Izuku’s. “Wonder if he tastes the same?”

“Camie!” Both Izuku’s nearly yelped before Camie captured the copy’s lips again, this time for a French kiss.

“Mmm…” Camie pulled back again. “Yep, tastes the same too.” She stepped back, leaving both Izuku’s flustered at her forwardness when others in their class might see them and think they weren’t practicing.

Izuku shook his head once to get his mind out of the gutter that it had just fallen in after that display. “Right, I should check the durability of copies making copies.”

“I’ve got it…” The copy Izuku said a second later, recovering from the sudden French kiss. The copy held out both hands and the brown mud-like liquid quickly formed two more Izuku’s. Both of the copies created a copy themselves, and then the third copies created a single copy each as well.

All total, there were now eight Izuku’s standing before Camie.

“Nice~” Camie had a sexy little smirk on her pouty lips. “But I think eight Izukun’s might be more than even I can handle~” She ran her hands over her tits and then down her sides, before resting them on her hips. “Good thing we’ve got Momo, Chako, and Tsu to help out, huh?”

“Camie!” Ochako’s flustered exclamation made the group look up to see her floating in the air not too far away as she trained to control her nausea. The red hot blush that covered her entire face made her look adorable.

“Hi, Chako-chan~!” Camie waved up at her girlfriend with a teasing grin.

Ochako’s feet were gently grabbed as Izuku put Pliabody to use and stretched his limbs out to gently bring her back down to the ground.

“Thank you, Izukun.” Ochako smiled at him as she released her Quirk.

“Anytime, Ochako.” Izuku said with a soft smile.

Camie sidled up to Ochako with a giggle. “So, Chako-chan~ How does it feel to be surrounded by our boyfriend?”

Ochako looked at the eight Izuku’s and couldn’t help but blush. “Camie…” She almost whined as her face became hot and she fidgeted in place.

“Be nice, Camie.” All eight Izuku’s said at the same time. Ochako couldn’t help but giggle while Camie playfully stuck her tongue out at them.

Ochako gasped as Izuku kissed her cheek while his seven copies blocked anyone’s view of them. “Izukun…” She looked back and saw the wall of her boyfriend’s copies. “One more?”

Izuku and Ochako kissed and wrapped their arms around each other for a moment. When the two separated, Ochako had a noticeable spring in her step as she jogged back towards Tokoyami, her current practice partner.

“Alright, lover boy~” Camie teased Izuku. “Let’s start testing their durability!” She playfully cracked her knuckles and all of the Izuku copies took a step back from her.

As it turned out, the copies did get exponentially weaker when made by other copies. Eventually getting to the point that even a strong pat on the back could dispel them.

It would be no surprise to anyone in Class 1-A that Momo, Tsuyu, Ochako, and Camie were each walking arm in arm with an Izuku as they left the locker room and headed back to their classroom together.

-Haneda Airport ~ Tokyo-

A private jet had landed not too long ago.

The door opened and three men in suits stepped out before another man followed after them.

Most wouldn’t recognize him in Japan, but this man was a Hero from the United Kingdom.

He was a slim younger man and rather tall height, standing at 191cm. He had faint shadows right under his grey eyes. He wore a northern-style fur hat, which was white and had a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill. He had very short dark black hair, a majority of which was obscured by his hat, except for his sideburns and his small goatee. He wore a long black coat with a yellow design that looked like a stylized heart crossed with a skull on both shoulders and the long sleeves covered down to just past his wrists. Hidden beneath the long sleeves were multiple tribal-style tattoos. Held against the right side of his chest and slightly resting on his shoulder was a long sword, similar to a Japanese Ōdachi if not outright based on the type of sword. The long sword had a simple blue-grey scabbard and a white fur around the guard.

This was Trafalgar D. Waterlaw, best known by his Hero Name: Law.

His aides and escorts, assigned to him by the British Ministry of Heroes, escorted him to a Japanese man wearing a suit and holding up a sign. The four foreigners were led to a secure customs room and all of their stuff was inspected thoroughly before being returned to them. After they passed through the customs check they were led by the same Japanese man to meet with representatives of U.A. that worked under Nezu. Given his being in the country was supposed to remain secret for now, it made sense that the Nezu (who stood out quite a bit and was very well known) wouldn’t have come to the airport to meet him directly. Law and his three aides were escorted into a nice car and driven away from the airport without anyone aware that a famous foreign Hero had arrived.

A cell phone rang and the U.A. representative answered it before offering it to Law.

“Nezu?” Law asked first and foremost.

“Yes, Law, I hope your trip wasn’t too stressful.” Nezu greeted the Hero.

Law sighed a little. “The flight was monotonous, but not a problem. You sound a bit urgent.”

Nezu chuckled a bit. “Yes, I suppose I am. We’ve got the location of the League of Villains…well, two locations now. Not counting the hospital that you’ll be handling.”

“Just take me to wherever this Garaki person is and I’ll deal with him.” Law stated firmly, his tone like steel. Above his left palm a small, light-blue translucent sphere formed with an odd sound. “Once he’s within my Room, he won’t be able to escape.” The reason that Law wanted to go after Garaki was because the Pro Hero was also a doctor as well, having achieved his medical degree just like his father before him and his grandfather before that. A long line of doctors made up the Waterlaw family, but Trafalgar was the first to also become a Pro Hero. “What you suspect this man of doing is a disgrace to medicine and doctors everywhere. I’ll make sure it stops here and now.”

“I thank you for that, Law. It’s incredibly reassuring to have you with us on this case.” Nezu thanked the foreign Pro Hero once more.

Law took a second to calm himself down, feeling the burning in his blood at what Garaki was suspected of doing to make these ‘Nomu’ bioweapons. “Who else are we waiting for?”

“Zone, from the United States, will be joining us as well. His flight will arrive in roughly two hours.” Nezu said with a noticeable change in tone. “I had to make more than a few concessions and exchange a few favors to borrow him from the States for this mission.”

“I see, that does sound rough.” Law replied with the tiniest smirk on his lips. “Not that the Ministry was any better, I’m certain.” He knew very well how his country’s Ministry of Heroes operated.

Nezu let a short chuckle out. “Indeed. The rest are here, however, and we’ll be able to begin once everyone has gathered and been brought up to speed. We’ll you need anything in the meantime?”

“Just a nap.” Law said plainly. “Almost fourteen hours in the air and I wasn’t able to sleep much.”

“Of course, U.A. will welcome you with open arms and the best hospitality that we can offer.”

The call finished and Law passed the phone back to the representative. His right hand went back to resting on his sword, his grey eyes sharp and cold as he kept his senses sharp in case anything happened. International Team Ups were rare and secret ones were even more dangerous. Law wouldn’t let down his guard for the duration of this trip.

Things were about to become fast and hectic as Nezu put his secret plan into action to eliminate the League of Villains, All for One, and Dr. Garaki in one fell swoop.

-End Chapter-


U.A has to deal with the backlash from the attack on the Summer Training camp. That’s just sooo much fun! Ask Aizawa!

Fucking media vultures!

Izuku finds the exact location of Dabi and Twice through combining multiple Quirks and using their different aspects to pinpoint them.

Those Villains are about to get quite the unexpected visit! Kek!

Law has arrived in Japan for the international Team Up requested by Nezu!

And yes, as many of you guessed, he’s an MHA-ified Trafalgar D. Water Law from One Piece, and his Devil Fruit (much like Robin’s) had been made into a Quirk!

They’re just waiting for a few more people and everyone will be there.

Three targets, all hit at the same time by specialists with Quirks chosen by Nezu’s ‘High Specs’ super genius Quirk to be the best match to secure each location!

I believe Kamino isn’t going to go the same way as Canon…at all! Cackles

Will Izuku be involved in the raid?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Angus McLean

This is amazing I’m wondering what story you’ll update next

Randy Burns

Hey, who invited this pirate!