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Hey friends and fans! Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Magma Dragon King! Hibiki has sent the location of the Oración Seis base to all of the Allied Mages! It’s time to gather up and be at full power again…right? Unfortunately, there are still four members of the Oración Seis left that will definitely cause problems with that. A certain member has targeted Lucy specifically as well and is bringing an entire Dark Guild as backup too!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 50 – An Angel Falls from the Stars

In the vastness of the Worth Woodsea, the allied mages were trying to quickly regroup and assault the base of the Oración Seis.

Unfortunately, there were still subordinate Dark Guilds within the Worth Woodsea looking to stop them. Just regrouping had become a battle again. But within the immense forest, three members of Oración Seis still remained as well.

-Jura and Ichiya-

“Who might you young men be?” Ichiya asked the large group of mages surrounding Jura and himself.

The group snickered to themselves as they advanced on the two men, all of them wearing matching cloaks of black with silver accents and an emblem of a tri-pointed star.

“I recognize that emblem.” Jura narrowed his eyes at the many Mages stalking towards them. “The Dark Guild ‘Mercedes’ from southeastern Fiore.”

“It’s not your lucky day, gramps.” One of the Mercedes members spoke up with a sneer.

Another Dark Mage snorted. “Let’s waste these old guys and hunt down some of those sexy ladies they had with them.”

“Yeah, we got dragged out here…might as well have some fun before we go back.” A tall and lanky member said, making several of the other members of Mercedes laugh.

Jura’s eyes narrowed into a glare at the words and attitudes of the Dark Mages. But it was Ichiya’s response that surprised the group of Dark Mages more.

Ichiya’s face became stern, his eyes sharp like steel. “It would seem you boys haven’t been taught proper manners in your life.” A nearly golden aura of Magic Power surrounded Ichiya as he pulled two vials from his leather belt. “So, here and now, I will be teaching you all what proper behavior looks like for a man!” He popped the corks off of both vials and put them into his nostrils before inhaling deeply. “Power Parfum: Max Man!”

“What the fuck?!” Over half of the Mercedes Guild members cried out as Ichiya’s Magic Power skyrocketed and his short body grew larger, bulking up with powerful musculature that seemed to almost sparkle with golden light. His white suit tearing apart from the drastic increase in size.

“Manners…” Ichiya was suddenly in front of the lanky Dark Mage that had made the crass suggestion to hunt down the female Mages for ‘fun’. The other man didn’t have time to even cry out before a powerful slap sent him rag dolling across the clearing and crashing into one of the towering trees with a loud thud. “Make…” Ichiya’s fist drilled the second Dark Mage that had spoken in the jaw, dropping the man like a sack of rocks. “Men!” His fist crashed down on the first Dark Mage that had spoken, nearly burying the man into the dirt as a cloud of dust and debris filled the air.

“Fucker!” One of the Mercedes members roared out as he came at Ichiya from behind.

“You don’t seem to know what that means, so I will teach you!” Ichiya declared as he backhanded the attacking Mage across the clearing.

“He can’t take all of us!” One of the Dark Mages roared out.

“Raaah!” The entire Mercedes Guild came at Ichiya all at once.

Ichiya posed for a second, sparkles intensifying around his bulked up form. “Meeeen~” His left hand blurred and a Dark Mage’s face nearly warped around the fist now buried in it. Ichiya ducked low, letting a spell fly over him and blast a different Dark Mage. His right hand grabbed the Mage that had cast the spell and promptly wrenched his arm painfully behind his back.

“Aaaahh!” The trapped Dark Mage was used as a shield as a fireball exploded against him.

Ichiya used the, now burnt, Mage as a bludgeon and smashed the one that had cast the fireball into the dirt. Three more Dark Mages were batted across the clearing and into trees with the unconscious man’s body. “Meeen~” The unconscious Dark Mage was thrown into the path of an incoming spell which exploded when it hit the flying body.

“Wind Sickle!” A Dark Mage cast a slicing wind spell at Ichiya’s back. The spell meant to bifurcate the Ace of Blue Pegasus was hopped over as easily as a child would skip rope. “You didn’t even see that- GAH!” His exclamation of disbelief was silenced by Ichiya’s fist.

“A man must be aware…” Ichiya spoke while catching the rock-covered fist of one man easily. The earth spell was crushed by Ichiya’s strength, making the Dark Mage cry out in pain. “Poised…” He straightened his back to stand at the full height of his current form, letting a bolt of darkness miss him and hit a different man instead. Beating down the Dark Magic user with the man whose hand he’d just broken put them both out of the fight. “Polite…” He slapped a sword out of one Dark Mage’s hand and with the same hand he slapped him across the face. The Mercedes member spun a full three-hundred-sixty degrees in a backwards flip before hitting the ground unmoving. “Firm…”

“Ow, fuck!” A Dark Mage cried out as his fist cracked against Ichiya’s huge muscles even with a reddish Magic surrounding the limb. Ichiya boxed his ears and the man dropped to the ground unconscious.

“Passionate!” Ichiya continued his lesson as he caught two of the Dark Mages by their arms and swung them around, becoming a miniature tornado, as he beat down over a dozen more of the Mercedes members with the two captured men. “And most importantly…” He threw the two unconscious and beaten men across the clearing to smash into a group of Mercedes members that were preparing a barrage of spells.


The various spells all went off at the same time as the Mages lost their focus, blowing themselves up in the process.

“A man must groom himself and make sure his own parfum is pleasing!” Ichiya declared as he pushed his orange hair out of his face with a model’s smile. It looked odd, given Ichiya’s features, but even Jura could admit that Ichiya had his own brand of style. “Now, my uncouth young men…” Ichiya pulled a different vial from his belt and uncorked it before spinning in place once, sending a visible cloud of light-blue magical perfume across the clearing. “Think on your lesson here today as you slip into dreamland from my Slumber Perfume!” The beaten, broken, blasted, burned, and bloody Dark Mages had no chance of resisting the magical effect of the perfume and were all put into a deep sleep that they wouldn’t wake from for several hours.

“Well done, Ichiya. I’m impressed.” Jura praised the other man with a nod. “I shouldn’t have expected anything less from the Ace of Blue Pegasus.”

Ichiya’s form shrank back down to his normal stature. “Thank you very much.” He smiled while his shredded white suit repaired itself in a glow of Magic. He slipped the jacket back on with a pleased grin on his face. “If you might restrain them, Jura? I’m afraid my Magic is not well-suited to such things.”

“Of course.” Jura focused and stomped his foot on the ground once. “Iron Rock Bind!”

The ground rumbled before thick, heavy stone sprung up and secured every downed Mage to the ground. The rock affected by Jura’s Magic had strength greater than most metals, so none of the Mercedes members would be going anywhere even if they woke up from the Slumber Perfume.

Jura nodded once his spell was completed. “Shall we continue towards the location that Hibiki sent to us.”

“We shall. Meeen~” Ichiya agreed while pointing ‘finger guns’ at Jura. Both of them headed deeper into the forest while following the map that had been loaded into their minds by Hibiki’s Archive Magic.


“This sucks…” Lucy whined as she followed the map in her head. “Why was I so far from where Hibiki set the meetup point?” Being alone in the forest for the entire time, not knowing the situation had gotten to her. She’d been happy for the update via Hibiki’s Magic earlier, but now she had to trek a long distance across the forest to reach the meetup location.

It was a short time later that Lucy’s sharp ears picked up a sound in the forest. Narrowing her eyes, she came to a stop, scanning the surrounding area for any signs of movement. Sniffing a few times, various scents came to her nose and none of them were from normal woodland animals. They were human scents, including one very familiar one. “Come out! I know you’re there!”

Dozens of men, many of them with vaguely monkey or ape-like features, emerged from the undergrowth. Two stood out from the rest as the most ape-like and Lucy recognized them, if only slightly, as ‘Crazy Monkey’ Zatô and ‘Repeating Club’ Gatô from Happy’s description of them.

“Naked Mummy again?” Lucy grimaced at the men.

“We’re Naked Mummy, under Oración Seis!” Gatô said as he pointed one of his black clubs at Lucy.

Zatô laughed as he eyed Lucy up and down, her shin-high black boots, beige miniskirt, and the green tank top that left her midriff bare while showing off a good amount of cleavage. “Well, well, well… Looks like we’ll get to enjoy a Fairy Tail girl after all!” He grinned, still remembering his beating at Laxus’s hands that had left him laid up for days and days afterwards.

“We’re Naked Mummy, under Oración Seis!” Gatô repeated himself, seemingly unaware of doing so.

“Hahaha! You already said that Big Brother Gatô!” Zatô pointed out.

“Did I, Big Brother Zatô?” Gatô looked at the other man confused.

“Shut up, you dumb apes.” Angel ordered as she walked out of the trees on the opposite side of the clearing. “Time to settle the score, little Celestial Spirit bitch.”

“Hey, Hibiki! I’ve got Angel and the Naked Mummy Dark Guild surrounding me right now. Is there anyone you can send my way?” Lucy asked through the open telepathy channel.

Hibiki grimaced at the news and rapidly typed onto the golden interface of his Archive Magic. “I’ll send Juvia and Gajeel to back you up, they’re the closest!”

Just have to hold out for a bit then.’ Lucy thought to herself as she let her Magic flow throughout her body.

“Nowhere to run and no one to help you this time.” Angel smirked darkly at Lucy.

“Like I need to worry about that.” Lucy projected confidence she didn’t fully feel. Her hand flashed down to her hip and she pulled two Golden Keys from her keyring. “Open! Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!”

In a golden light the man in a horse costume appeared with a salute. “Moshi moshi! I come at your call, Miss Lucy!”

“Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!” Lucy activated the second Golden Key.

Loke appeared in a bright golden light wearing his regular black suit and tie. “I’ll keep you safe, Lucy! Count on me!” He gave her a suave smile which Lucy rolled her eyes at with a grin.

“Take care of the Dark Mages if you can! I’ll deal with her!” Lucy motioned to the various members of Naked Mummy before pointing at Angel.

“Will do!” Sagittarius already had his bow in hand and an arrow nocked. The shot was released and a short member of Naked Mummy was pinned to a tree with the arrow stuck straight through his shoulder.

“AAAAHHH!!!” The man cried out before passing out from the pain.

Loke’s fists glowed brightly with Light Magic. “Not a problem.” He smirked before rushing straight into the gathered Dark Mages. “These guys are still slow!” His bright fist slammed into one Dark Mage’s jaw while the other fired a beam of light into another group of men.


The beam exploded as it hit its target, sending the Dark Mages flying.

“Gemini.” Angel called out the pair of Spirits.

“Peeri peeri!” The two little creatures cheered before transforming into Lucy. “Leo! Sagittarius! Stop!”

Both Loke and Sagittarius stopped fighting for a moment, their bodies locking up at the unexpected order.

“Huh?!” Loke blinked before shaking it off. “Gemini! You little twerps!”

“How can this be?” Sagittarius wondered, never having experienced Gemini’s powers in relation to any of his previous Key Holders.

“Lucy… Loves her family and friends… Doubts that she has the strength required to be selected for this type of mission.” The Gemini Lucy spoke loud enough to hear, shooting a piercing look at the real Lucy while playing on her self-doubt.

Lucy grimaced at having an insecurity of hers thrown in her face.

“Gemini!” Loke looked like he was a second away from attacking the other Spirit.

“Leo, Leo…or Loke, you prefer…” Gemini Lucy got a dark grin on her lips. “I know your weakness too~” Gemini Lucy pulled up her tank top, letting her massive tits bounce freely into the view of everyone in the clearing.

“Whoa!” Loke’s eyes widened at seeing Lucy’s breasts for the first time ever.

“Oh my!” Sagittarius exclaimed at the indecent display.


“Take it all off!”

“Hell yeah!”

The members of Naked Mummy (that weren’t already beaten) cheered loudly at the show.

“STOP THAT!!!” Lucy roared out, her hand grabbing her whip and lashing it at Gemini faster than the Spirit could see.

“Gah!” The Gemini Lucy nearly exploded into bubble-like motes of light before returning to their normal forms.

Angel was holding her stomach in laughter at the display. “Hahahaha! Your face was hilarious!” She mocked Lucy cruelly. “But your little Spirits won’t save you. I know the relationships of the Golden Keys quite well, you see?” Angel grinned darkly as she held up a Golden Key of her own. “Open! Gate of the Ram! Aries!”

In a golden light, followed by a puff of pink wool, a new Celestial Spirit appeared.

Aries was a female spirit who resembled a young woman with pink hair, brown eyes and a pair of twisted ram horns on her head. She wore a strapless dress that was white and fluffy wool, leaving her shoulders bare and showing a generous amount of her ample cleavage, while stopping just past mid-thigh. Her boots matched her dress, being fluffy white wool that came up to just below the knees with yellow thigh-high socks. Around her neck was a fluffy ring of white wool that her pink hair rested on top of.

“I’m sorry, Leo…” Aries apologized, her left hand almost covering her mouth in sadness.

“Didn’t I tell you? Compatibility is important when it comes to Celestial Spirits.” Angel said with a dark grin on her lips. “I’ll use your Keys better than you ever could.”

Loke’s eyes were still wide. “How… How do you have Aries’s Key? Karen was the last one to have it.”

Angel looked far too amused at the stunned Celestial Spirit. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m the one that took it from her.”

“You killed Karen Lilica?!” Lucy questioned, knowing how much this had to be tormenting Loke.

“What? Me?” Angel mocked with a condescending laugh. “Don’t jump to conclusions. I said that I took Aries’s Key from her, that’s all. The weakling killed herself by trying to force two Golden Keys to invoke at the same time when she barely had any Magic Power left. I just claimed the spoils after her failure.” Left unsaid was that the reason Karen tried was because Angel had demanded the Golden Keys from the Legal Mage. “I’ve never killed anyone.”

Lucy had enough. “YOU CALL YOURSELF A CELESTIAL SPIRIT MAGE?!” Her Magic Power exploded off of her body, staggering the still fighting Naked Mummy members, the sparkling light nearly blinding them as well. “Celestial Dragon’s Roar!” Lucy threw her head forward and blasted the immense beam of light and space straight at Angel.

“Open! Gate of the Scorpion! Scorpio!” Angel quickly summoned another Golden Key Spirit. “Scorpio! Aries! Stop that spell!”

A wall of sand and wool rose up between the Roar and Angel in an instant.


The wall was blown apart, but the Roar was stopped in the process.

“Whoa! That’s one hell of a thing to be summoned right in front of! Yeah!” Scorpio said loudly with a wild grin.

Scorpio was a relatively tall, lean-built, dark-skinned man with short hair that was red on one side and white on the other. His tail was a large gun that was shaped like a scorpion's tail and had the word ‘Antares’ written on it. He wore no shirt but had a flower-shaped collar that was red and trimmed with gold around his neck. He had a red waist cape around his waist that was kept up by his large belt that had the Scorpio symbol on it. He also wore black shorts and had bandage-like material wrapped around his arms and legs.

“Open! Gate of the Clock! Horologium!” Lucy grabbed a Silver Key this time. In a bright glow and burst of smoke, a wooden grandfather clock appeared right behind the Gemini Spirits before trapping them within itself.

“Tick tock.” Horologium spoke as his head emerged from the top of the clock body, his face being the actual face of the clock itself.

“What the?!” Angel leapt away from the sudden appearance of the new Spirit. “You think you can trap one of my Spirits so easily?! Gemini! Forced Gate Closure!” She swiped the Golden Key to the side to send Gemini away.

Nothing happened.

Angel’s eyes widened in shock at her failure to send Gemini back to the Celestial Spirit World. “How?! Forced Gate Closure! Forced Gate Closure!” She tried again and again with no results.

“What’s protected by Horologium can’t be affected by the outside world.” Lucy said with a cold tone to Angel. “You may claim to know the relationships between the Celestial Spirits, but you don’t know anything about them as individuals. You’re a disgrace as a Celestial Spirit Mage!”

“You think you can talk to me that way?!” Angel yelled at Lucy angrily. “Scorpio! Aries! Kill her!”

“Ah…” Scorpio rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry about this, Leo.” His large gun tail aimed straight at Lucy.

Aries looked down at the ground, but her pink Wool Magic formed around her quickly.

“Some assistance would be appreciated!” Sagittarius called out to Loke and Lucy as he was trying to deal with Naked Mummy by himself and was slowly being pushed back by their Guns Magic.

“Loke, help Sagittarius! I’ll deal with this!” Lucy said before rushing forward with sparkling light emitting from her hands.

“But…Lucy!” Loke didn’t want her to try taking on two of his fellow Golden Keys by herself, but he had no choice but to follow her instruction. “Damn it!” He rushed the Naked Mummy members and prepared his strongest spell. “Regulus Impact!” A golden lion head made of pure Light Magic erupted from Loke’s fist and blasted almost a dozen Dark Mages across the clearing they were in.

“Wool Bomb!” Aries cast and a ball of her pink wool was launched at Lucy before exploding into a mass of the fluffy material.

“Sand Blaster!” Scorpio aimed his tail gun at Lucy and a high-speed blast of sand shot directly at her with such force that it tore apart anything it touched.

Lucy juked to the right, dodging the sand blast by putting Aries’s Wool Bomb between herself and Scorpio. She made sure not to touch the fluffy pink wool at all as she focused her Magic into her hands for a spell that she’d been working on. “Celestial Dragon’s Distortion Claw!” She slashed her right hand across the air and felt a significant drop in her reserves of Magic Power.

The brightly glowing slash arced through the air, splitting the Woold Bomb in two without slowing down. Aries threw herself to the side to avoid the arc and Scorpio blasted it with his Sand Blaster. The arc parted the sand like it was air and Scorpio’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Yo! What the heck?!” Scorpio dropped to the ground, but the very top of his tail gun was sliced clean through by Lucy’s spell.

Angel couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Two Golden Key Spirits, each summoned with a good portion of her total Magic Power, were being pushed back by some nobody Celestial Spirit Mage that treated her Spirits like friends! “What are you two doing?! I ordered you to kill her!”

“Celestial Dragon’s Wing Attack!” Lucy poured more of her Magic Power into the spell than normal, her arms radiating an intense sparkling light. As she waved her arms through the air the swirling magic rained down on Scorpio, Aries, and Angel like shooting stars.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

“Aahhh!” Aries cried out as a few of the shots hit her and knocked her to the ground.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!” Scorpio grunted out, using his damaged tail gun as an impromptu shield as best as he could.

“Gyaaahhh!” Angel screamed as she was blasted backwards from the explosions and hit the ground hard.

Lucy landed from her attack and was noticeably breathing harder. Her Magic Power was getting low after summoning two Golden Key Spirits and a Silver Key Spirit, not to mention using her newly developed Dragon Slayer spell, plus two other overpowered Dragon Slayer spells on top of that.

Angel forced herself to her feet with an angry snarl on her lips. “How can you have this much Magic Power?! You’re a nobody!” Seeing Lucy’s state, the smirk returned to Angel’s lips. “Oh? It looks like you’re about out of power now though.” She took a few steps forward. “Do me a favor and summon another Golden Key Spirit and kill yourself like that last bitch did.”

“Look who’s talking.” Lucy huffed out as she looked at Angel with a fiery determination in her eyes. “I can see you breathing harder too. Summoning three Golden Keys isn’t easy, and you’ve put a large amount into Aries and Scorpio’s summonings, haven’t you?” It would explain why the two Celestial Spirit’s Magic was as powerful as it was right now.

“What’s with that look?” Angel glared at Lucy. “You’re making me angry!”

Lucy breathed in deeply and the light in the clearing started to noticeably dim as small beams and motes of light were drawn into her mouth.

Angel blinked in confusion at what she was seeing before snapping out of it. “Scorpio! Aries! Stop her!”

The two Celestial Spirits rushed at Lucy. Scorpio’s sand blaster wasn’t functional at the moment due to the damage it had taken, but Aries’s Wool Magic surrounded her hands as she prepared to attack.

The light was swallowed up by Lucy for the few seconds that she had before the two Spirits reached her. A sparkling glow surrounded Lucy’s body once more as her reserves were partially refilled. Forgoing the name of her spell entirely, Lucy threw her head forward and launched a Roar.

“Gah!” Scorpio spun to the side; his left arm was messed up from being clipped by the unexpected spell.

“Kyaaah!” Aries’s wool partially protected her, but the force of the Roar still knocked her aside.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Angel screamed as the Celestial Dragon’s Roar hit her, the intended target, head on and exploded with force as she was blasted backwards through the trees. She hit one of the larger trees and was pushed into it by the force of the spell until it petered out a second later. “Uuuuooo…” She could barely make a sound as she fell forward and hit the forest floor.

“Water Nebula!” Juvia’s angry voice was like a roaring waterfall as a torrent of water swept away most of the Naked Mummy Guild in an instant. “Lucy!” The Water Mage ran towards her friend and ‘sister-wife’ frantically, gently taking the worn out Lucy into her arms and hugging her close.

Zatô was pissed now as he brought his Magic to bear. “Who the hell’re you, bitch?!” He threw his hand forward, unleashing the invisible blast of force straight at Juvia and Lucy.

He didn’t expect Gajeel to step directly into the path of the spell.


The reverberation of the force hitting the unmoving Gajeel echoed through the clearing. Gajeel’s long black hair flew behind him in the sudden breeze, but the Iron Dragon Slayer didn’t even flinch from the attack.

“Is that it?” Gajeel looked unimpressed at the ape-like man with the afro.

Zatô just stared at Gajeel in shock. He’d never failed to launch an enemy away with his Magic, not once since he’d learned it. “H-How did you…?”

“Iron Dragon’s Club!” Gajeel slammed his transformed fist straight into Zatô’s face, nearly burying the Dark Mage head first into the ground. That was assuredly a concussion, if not a skull fracture, for whenever Zatô next woke up.

Juvia was nearly cuddling Lucy as she held her. The Water Mage wanting to make sure that her ‘sister’ was okay. “Lucy, are you hurt? Do you need healing? I’ll carry you to Wendy! I’ll- Mm!”

Lucy cut off the worried and frantic words with a soft kiss. “I’m alright, Juvia. Just a little worn out right now.” She smiled warmly at Juvia once their lips separated.

Juvia’s cheeks were pink as she looked at Lucy. “Okay…”

With some help from Juvia, Lucy walked over to the thoroughly beaten Angel. “Release them.”

Angel looked up at Lucy through blurry eyes. “Wh-what?”

“Release all of your Spirits…you’re not fit to be a Celestial Spirit Mage.” Lucy growled down at Angel for her treatment of the Celestial Spirits whose Keys she held.

“No…” Angel tried to move, but her battered body wouldn’t obey her. “Blub…” She tried to speak, but found her mouth and nose covered by a bubble of water from Juvia. “Ollbble!”

“Do what Lucy says.” Juvia said with a cold and flat tone reminiscent of when she’d been part of Phantom Lord.

The water bubble was removed and Angel hacked and coughed as she was able to breathe again. “I…release my contract with Aries the Ram.” Angel spoke the words and both the Golden Key and Aries glowed for a moment before the light faded away, signaling the end of the contract between the two.

The water bubble moved back up towards Angel’s mouth and nose again when the Dark Mage hesitated.

“I release my contract with Scorpio the Scorpion.” Angel said quickly when she felt the water touch her chin. Once again, the Golden Key and Scorpio himself glowed briefly to formally end the contract. “I release my contract with Gemini the Twins.” The two recently released Spirits both glowed along with their key for a few seconds as their contract was ended. “I release my contract with Caelum the Chisel.” Angel finished and the Silver Key glowed briefly before the light faded away as the last contract was voided.

“Thank you.” Lucy picked up the four Keys carefully and handed the three Golden Keys to their respective Spirits. “You three are free now. I hope you find better Key Holders next time.” She smiled at the three Zodiac Spirits.

“Lucy…” Loke blinked at Lucy giving his three friends the freedom to go choose their own Key Holders. ‘I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised.’ He smiled at Lucy as Scorpio, Gemini, and Aries accepted their keys.

Gajeel came over and looked at the downed Angel. “Are we done here or what?”

Aries shook her head once with a soft smile on her face. “Here.” She put her Key back in Lucy’s hand. “I’ve heard about you from the other Zodiac Spirits. I’d love to have you as my Key Holder, Lucy Heartfilia.”

Lucy blinked at the Golden Key once. “Really? Are you sure, Aries?”

Aries nodded with a shy smile. “I’ll get to have the same Key Holder as Leo…” She looked between Lucy and Loke as her cheeks turned pink.

“I’ll do my best then.” Lucy beamed at her new friend. “Can we work out the contract a little later? I’m in the middle of a mission and I’m wiped out right now.”

“You can just call me whenever!” Aries waved off any need for negotiations.

Loke stepped up to Aries and gently took her hand. “You won’t regret this, Aries. It won’t be like last time.” He smiled warmly at Aries, making the other Spirit blush.

The two both vanished back to the Celestial Spirit World together.

“Peeri peeri!” Gemini put their Key in Lucy’s hand together. “Lucy loves us Celestial Spirits from the bottom of her heart! Peeri peeri! We know because we turned into her!”

“I really do.” Lucy smiled at the two tiny blue Spirits. “You want a contract later?”

“Do we?” Gemi looked at Mini.

“Maybe?” Mini looked at Gemi.

“We’ll figure it out later! Peeri peeri!” The twin Spirits declared before vanishing back to the Celestial Spirit World.

All eyes turned to Scorpio who was holding his injured arm.

“You know, my girlfriend has told me a lot about you, Lucy Heartfilia.” Scorpio chuckled as he looked at Lucy and then at his own Key.

Lucy blinked, not knowing who Scorpio’s girlfriend was.

“Aquarius used to say you were an annoying brat.” Scorpio said with a grin.

“Hey!” Lucy pouted as she was reminded of all the times that Aquarius had scolded her for summoning her just to hang out as a child. “I was just lonely…”

Scorpio’s grin became a soft smile. “She’s also told me you’re doing much better nowadays. You’re happier. You don’t call her frivolously anymore.” Seeing Lucy starting to smile, Scorpio drove it home. “And she says you’re a fantastic Key Holder.”

“R-Really?” Lucy’s felt small tears in the corners of her eyes. Aquarius was the first Celestial Spirit that she’d ever made a contract with. She’d inherited the Key from her late mother. It meant the world to her to know that Aquarius cared about her and thought she was a good Key Holder.

“Yeah, she does.” Scorpio placed his Key into Lucy’s lightly shaking hand. “I wouldn’t mind having the same Key Holder myself.”

“Yes!” Lucy nodded firmly, determined to prove to Scorpio that she’d be the best Key Holder that he could ask for.

Scorpio gave her a thumbs up with his uninjured arm. “If you could give me five or six days…” He looked between his arm and his damaged tail gun. “Maybe a full week. Just for healing and getting this fixed up. I’d appreciate it.”

Lucy nodded her head rapidly. “Sorry about that.”

Scorpio waved her off. “No big deal, Lucy. I’ve had way worse!” He gave her a wave before disappearing back to the Celestial Spirit World.


The sound of metal hitting metal was heard as Gajeel formed a cage around Angel and then chained the cage to the nearest tree. “She’s not going anywhere now. Are we done?”

“Yeah.” Lucy nodded as she added her four new Keys to her keyring. “Let’s meet up with the others.”

Juvia helped Lucy walk while Gajeel led the way.

My prayer… Was to vanish far away into the sky… Like an angel…’ Angel thought as the darkness of unconsciousness took her and she closed her eyes.


“Ugh!” Brain nearly tripped over his own feet as one of the lines on his face disappeared again. Grabbing onto the nearest tree, he managed to steady himself as he held his face with one hand until the line had completely faded away. “No… They took out Angel as well?” He growled while looking up at the now spiraling smokey blackness that rose high into the air over the Worth Woodsea. “Your death will not have been in vain! The extinction of the light will soon be at hand!”

-Mira and Lisanna-

The Strauss Sisters were rapidly moving towards the meetup location. Mira flying through the forest in Satan Soul while Lisanna darted through the trees as the giant squirrel species known as a Toskr.

“Watch out!” Lisanna warned while leaping sideways from the branch she was on.

“What the fuck?!” Mira shouted as she saw the thick branch twist around itself with such force that it was soon shredded into sawdust.

Midnight held dropped his hand as he looked up at the two sisters. “I’ve found my first victims.”

Mira’s eyes twitched slightly at Midnight’s words. “You wanna say that again?”

Lisanna transformed int a glow of Magic and took on her Animal Soul: Cat form, brandishing her claws at Midnight. “You were the guy that was asleep earlier.”

“I’ve been woken up early to kill all of you.” Midnight said as he looked at both women impassively. “I need to make sure I get all of you. Let’s make this quick.” His Magic Power swelled and both Lisanna and Mira blinked at just how much Midnight possessed.


“Almost there.” Cana had been following the map in her head since she got it. The location hadn’t been too far from where she already was, so she’d likely be the first one there. “Hm?” The ground beneath her feet shifted and became like mud. Cana flexed her Magic Power and the mud gained a grid pattern before it shattered like spun sugar. “I wondered if I’d be dealing with one of you guys myself.”

“Quite unfortunate for you!” Hoteye said with a smirk. “I hope you’re getting paid a lot for this!”

Cana pulled out her cards and put three of them together. “Compensation is to be determined after the success of the mission.”

Hoteye pointed at the ground again and it quickly lost cohesion, becoming mud-like as it rose up into a high wave. “Preposterous to work without knowing how much money you’ll get out of it first!”

“Aren’t you breath of fresh air when it comes to money?” Cana retorted sarcastically as her Magic Power spiked, easily matching Hoteye’s. “I’ve got somewhere to be…so let’s get started, alright?”

“Yes! Time is money, after all!” Hoteye agreed as he sent the mudslide straight at Cana.

“Reversed Tower.” Cana intoned as one of the cards in her hand glowed. The mudslide fell apart, even turning back into regular dirt on the ground as the Magic was completely nullified. “Heaven, Tempest…Wind Edge!” The other two cards in Cana’s hand glowed and she swiped them through the air like a blade sending out a strong arc of cutting wind straight at Hoteye.

“I can see you, can I not?!” Hoteye’s eyes glowed brightly as the ground between him and Cana erupted upwards into a massive geyser of mud that destroyed her spell.

Cana hopped back as the mud began to rain down on the area that she’d just been standing in. “Well, looks like you’re going to be a pain.” She sighed loudly. “I could use a drink.” Her hands were covered in the white aura of Crash Magic in front of her. Unseen as the geyser of mud stopped were the multiple cards that floated out of Cana’s purse and flew away into the underbrush.

-End Chapter-


And another one falls, and another one falls, another one bites the dust!

Lucy isn’t as weak as she thinks she is, but confidence comes in time. Angel and Naked Mummy are down and Lucy got herself four new Spirit friends! Yay!

Ichiya beating the ever living SHIT out of some punks! Kek!

He may be a goofy troll that has some personal space issues, but he’s the Ace of Blue Pegasus for a reason! He’s also a gentleman in his own mind. Heh!

Three of the Oración Seis have fallen! Only Brain, Midnight, and Hoteye remain! But Brain is rushing towards Nirvana, while Midnight has found the Strauss Sisters and Hoteye has stumbled upon Cana.

Who will win these fights?

Will Nirvana be unleashed?

How pissed is Natsu gonna be when everyone gathers at the Oración Seis’s hideout, only to find it empty?

Keep reading to find out!

Until I get your reviews, later!


Brian Rodriguez Perez

Can't wait for midnight to get illuminated by the glory of Satan!


Loved the chapter. I hope Hoteye gets his redemption still.