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Hey friends and fans, Kairomaru is bringing you another chapter of Familia Myth: Journey to Hero! News of the Level Ups of three more of Loki Familia’s executives spreads throughout Orario. Tione, Tiona, and Bete have reached Level 6! Bell will have to congratulate Tiona and Tione! Heh! Bell’s Party heads back into the Dungeon with their new Goliath gear! Both Lili and Welf need to acclimate to their new Level 2 power so that they don’t get out of sync between their mind and body. While this is going on, the former Abandoned District is being rebuilt and Hestia is becoming a landlord Goddess! Kek!

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So, without further delay, please enjoy.


Chapter 33 – Development and Acclimation

“A little higher, I think.” Hestia said as she held her arms above her head and motioned with her hands.

The two workers from the Goibniu Familia lifted the sign a bit higher. “Like this, Lady Hestia?”

Hestia beamed at the two men and gave them a thumbs up. “Right there! That’s perfect!”

The two men quickly secured the sign over the arch that had been built right off of West Main Street.

Hearth District

Was proudly displayed on the sign in golden letters.

“The Goibniu Familia works fast.” Lili mumbled as she looked up at the sign on the archway.

“Yeah…” Bell could hardly believe it himself.

To be fair, it had only been about a week since the Goibniu Familia had been hired to rebuild the old abandoned district. The demolition had been mostly completed already, and the entire area around the Hestia Familia Home (excluding the inn that they’d already rebuilt and rented out) was now rebuilt and ready for renters.

Hestia beamed happily at the money well spent. “They’ve already got the first park done too!” That was something she’d been insistent on having in her district. The newly dubbed Hearth District was going to be filled with businesses, inns, apartments, and homes. That would naturally mean children would be living here and Hestia wanted the kids to have a safe place to play, so there would be four parks in the area with plenty of grass, trees, pathways, and playgrounds. “I already have a few applications for renters too!”

“Already?” Bell blinked at the speed. “The buildings in this part of the district have only been done for about a day.”

Lili nodded but smiled at Hestia and Bell. “True, but space is a finite resource in Orario. There’s always someone that wants to find a better spot in the city.”

Hestia put her hands on her hips with a proud smile at being able to offer people that better option. “I’ll go through the applications today and hopefully we’ll have our first renters moving in soon.”

At the moment, of the one-hundred lots that made up the district, about twenty of them were completely rebuilt and brand new. They had spaces for apartment renters, spaces that could be used for various shops or restaurants, and once the district was more complete it would reach all the way to the Blue Pharmacy on the western side of the lots that Hestia owned. Miach was more than happy to be neighbors with Hestia and there were already a few signs that pointed the way to the Blue Pharmacy within the newly rebuilt section of the Hearth District.

“We’ve really come a long way in such a short amount of time, huh?” Bell wrapped Hestia in a warm hug.

“All thanks to you and Lili.” Hestia eagerly snuggled into the hug, pulling Lili into it too with a giggle.

The three hugged for a long moment before separating and looking back up at the sign again. The future of the Hestia Familia was looking bright as they continued to grow and expand.

-Guild ~ Lunchtime-

“Eh? Tiona and Tione leveled up?!” Bell looked at the posters on the bulletin board in surprise.

Eina giggled at her boyfriend’s reaction to the Twins’ level up. “Yes, we just received the report this morning from Loki Familia. There last expedition took them down to the Fifty-Ninth Floor. From what I’ve been able to find out, they fought a powerful irregular Monster that allowed their Level 5 members to all rank up at the same time.”

Bell hummed thoughtfully as he looked at the two posters, one for Tione and the other for Tiona. “I’m glad that they leveled up. It’s more motivation for me to get stronger too!”

“You’ll get there in time, Bell, I’m sure of it.” Eina encouraged him with a warm smile.

Bell returned her smile and the two of them walked out of the Guild building together to get some lunch. Eina smiled when Bell took her hand as they walked to a nearby restaurant together. Once they’d sat down and ordered their food, the two had something to talk about.

“They’re not firing you?” Bell was happy to hear that Eina wasn’t losing her job at the Guild after her obvious, and very public, displays of affection towards him. “That’s great!”

Eina smiled at Bell, nearly basking in the warmth of his gaze as he looked at her. “It’s technically a promotion, but also sort of a punishment at the same time.” Seeing Bell’s confused look, Eina explained what she meant with a soft laugh. “I’m being promoted from Advisor to Familia Advisor by Lord Ouranos’s decree. I’ll make just as much money as a Senior Advisor, but my only Adventurers will be those of the Hestia Familia from now on. It’s considered a ‘dead end’ role within the Guild though, because those appointed as Familia Advisors won’t be promoted any further within the Guild.”

It wasn’t even a punishment in Eina’s opinion. She got to keep her job, get paid more than she was making now, and could be openly affectionate with Bell from now on. Not getting promoted to Senior Advisor or any position higher like Section Chief wasn’t a big deal to the Half-Elf.

Bell took her hand in his own and softly ran his thumb over the back of Eina’s hand. “As long as you’re happy, then I’m happy.”

Eina’s loving smile could easily have lit up the entire restaurant by itself.

Their waiter returned with drinks and told them their food would be ready shortly. The restaurant wasn’t overly busy, but the man was clearly taking care of multiple tables, so it was little surprise that he didn’t stop moving after putting their drinks on the table.

“Are you feeling alright, Eina?” Bell asked, still gently rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

“I’m fine, Bell.” Eina giggled softly. “You keep asking.” Her heart was filled to bursting at Bell’s love and concern for her though. “We won’t even know for sure for a while longer.” Her free hand gently rested on her tummy.

Bell smiled and shrugged a little. “I can’t help it.” His rubellite eyes met Eina’s emerald gaze. “Just the thought makes me smile.”

Eina smiled back at him lovingly. “I know, and that makes me happy too, Bell.”

Their meals came to the table and both Eina and Bell reluctantly pulled their hands back so that the plates could be put down.

After a warm lunch filled with conversation, Bell walked Eina back to work and kissed her softly. Eina walked back into the Guild with a beautiful smile on her face and a sunny disposition. Even Misha’s knowing look couldn’t bother Eina right now as she sat at her desk and went over both Bell’s file and Lili’s file to try and make a plan for their continued dungeon crawling as Bell’s Party would soon return to the Middle Floors again.

-Market Area ~ Afternoon-

“Argonaut!” Tiona nearly glomped Bell as soon as she spotted him

“Tiona!” Bell caught her and spun her around once, making Tiona laugh beautifully. “Congratulations on your Level Up!”

“Hehehe! Thanks!” Tiona was set back on her feet with a smile. She pulled Bell’s lips to hers with a smile and the two kissed for a long moment.

Tione lightly bumped her sister with her hip. “Don’t hog Bell.”

Bell pulled Tione into a hug and kissed her lips next, making the older twin hum in approval. “Congratulations on your Level Up too, Tione.” He smiled warmly at her as their lips separated.

“Thank you, Bell.” Tione gave him a gorgeous smile and rested her forehead against his.

The three started walking together, both sisters wrapping their arms around one of Bell’s.

“Lucky we had some free time today.” Tiona hugged Bell’s arm against her body. “Loki’s planning to take us all on a trip to Melen to go to the beach tomorrow.”

“She says it’s to celebrate the Familia’s safe return from our expedition, but she only invited the female half of the Familia.” Tione rolled her eyes at Loki’s obvious motive for the trip.

Bell laughed at the looks on Tione and Tiona’s faces. “I take it we’re heading someplace specific in relation to that?”

“Yep.” Tiona grinned at Bell. “Ais should be there too. She had to get her sword back from Goibniu Familia first though, it got a bit worn on our expedition.”

Tione pressed her body against Bell’s arm, trapping his upper arm between her large tits. “I’m sure you’ll like what we have planned for you, Bell~” She purred into his ear.

-Clothing Shop-

Bell very much liked where his day was going as he sat in front of three changing rooms in the back of a clothing store that had a sale on swimsuits. Ais had been waiting for them outside of the shop and Bell had immediately given her a gentle kiss as soon as they were close enough. Ais’s cheeks had turned the cutest shade of pink when they’d pulled back from each other.

“What…do you think, Bell?” Ais pulled open the curtain to show Bell the green two piece swimsuit that she was wearing. It left her midriff fully exposed, but was rather conservative, all things considered. The bottoms were shorts and the top was closer to a sports bra.

“You look amazing in anything, Ais.” Bell complimented her honestly, making Ais fidget cutely. “But the dark green doesn’t suit you as much, I think?” He wasn’t an expert on fashion, but the dark green color of the swimsuit seemed off to him when worn by Ais.

“Mm.” Ais had an adorable determined expression as she closed the curtain again to try on the next swimsuit.

Bell’s eyes were quickly drawn to the two changing booths to the right of Ais’s. Both curtains were left half open so that Bell could watch Tione and Tiona change. Neither Amazon had any problem with Bell seeing them naked (if anything they were both showing off a bit) as they put on various swimsuits.

“What about this one, Bell?” Tione asked as she opened the curtain all of the way, revealing the skimpy black bikini that she was wearing.

“So sexy…” Bell gulped unconsciously as his eyes roamed over Tione’s curvy body barely covered by the strings and cloth. Her large breasts were only just covered enough to be decent, and the skimpy bottoms turned out to be a thong as Tione turned around to show off her ass.


Tione gave her booty a quick spank to make it bounce for Bell’s enjoyment. “Maybe I should go with this one?”

Bell shook himself a little. “I like it.” He got a sexy grin from Tione for his honesty. “But do you want to show off that much for Loki?” He reminded her of just who was taking them on the beach trip to Melen.

“Right…” Tione looked thoughtful. “Maybe I’ll get this one for when it’s just us?” She shook her hips and grinned when she saw Bell’s eyes drop down to her ass instinctively. With a sexy giggle, Tione half-closed the curtain and slid the thong down her legs, letting Bell enjoy the show as she turned and took the skimpy top off, her tits bouncing as she showed him everything again.

“How about this one, Argonaut?” Tiona asked as she opened the curtain on her changing booth all the way. She wore a golden bikini that hugged her hips and ass, while the top drew attention to her breasts as it only just covered the handfuls. “It’s shiny!” She grinned as she turned around and showed off how it framed her booty, leaving half of her cheeks out with its low cut.

Bell took a second to respond as he eventually managed to tear his eyes away from Tiona’s ass. “It is shiny… You girls are going to kill me at this rate…” He let out a little groan and shifted in the chair.

Tiona smiled happily at Bell. “Hehe… Then this one is a definite maybe~” She laughed and partially closed the curtain, still letting Bell see her clearly as she pulled the top off and then turned around and slid the bottoms down her legs, giving Bell a wonderful view of her ass.

Ais opened the curtain of her changing booth and Bell’s eyes widened before a smile crossed his face. Ais stood before Bell in a white bikini that hugged her hips and ass, while giving a teasing look at her breasts as the top only covered about half of her softness. “Is this one…good?”

“It looks great on you, Ais.” Bell told her truthfully, his eyes running up and down her form, making Ais blush a little as she let him enjoy the sight of her bare skin.

With a little inhale, Ais turned around and showed off the back, letting Bell see her heart-shaped ass framed by the bikini bottoms. “And here…?” She looked over her shoulder at Bell for his thoughts.

Bell didn’t speak for a moment, his eyes joyfully committing this sight to memory, before his gaze trailed up Ais’s beautiful back and caught her golden eyes. “Beautiful.”

Ais smiled brilliantly at his compliment. “I’ll get this one…then.” She ran her hands over the simple white bikini top, trailed them down over the soft skin of her sides, and then her fingers traced along the edges of the bottoms. The entire time she watched as Bell’s eyes followed her hands and a warm thrill wen through her whole body. ‘I like this feeling… It’s so warm.

Ais closed the curtain to her changing booth, cutting off Bell’s view of her as she changed again. She wasn’t as bold as Tiona and Tione to let Bell see her completely naked in a shop like this. But the temptation was certainly there, which made her fidget a little as she imagined Bell’s reaction.

“Do you like this one, Bell?” Tione opened the curtain fully to show off a blue bikini with some blue frills on the top and bottoms. The top frill rest atop her breasts, but beneath her cleavage, just giving some decoration to her bust. The bottoms had strings pulled snugly over Tione’s hips forming a ‘v’ shape. The frills around the bottoms hid very little, but since the back was almost a thong, the frills hid the top of Tione’s ass as she turned to show it off to Bell.

“Hey, we picked the same one, Tione.” Tiona laughed as she stepped out of her changing booth in a near identical blue bikini with frills. “What do you think, Argonaut?” She put her hands behind her head and posed for Bell with a grin.

Bell’s eyes trailed down from Tiona’s face to her breasts, to her trim stomach and the curve of her waist, her wide hips, and then down her legs. “I like it.” He nodded as his eyes trailed up Tione’s form again while Tiona turned around and stuck out her butt with a giggle, quickly getting Bell’s attention to cycle back to her.

“I think he likes that we match, Tiona.” Tione wrapped her arm around Tiona’s waist and pulled her close. Bell sucked in a breath and Tione smirked. “Oh yeah, he likes it~”

“Naughty Argonaut~” Tiona cooed at Bell, seeing his rubellite eyes burning the sight of them into his brain.

Bell gave them a smile, completely unrepentant in his enjoyment of looking at his girlfriends in the matching bikinis.

Tione let Tiona go and grinned at Bell. “We’ll definitely get these ones.”

“Yep!” Tiona laughed as she and Tione went back into their changing booths again, still leaving the curtains half open so that Bell could watch them change.

When the girls finished changing back into their everyday wear, they took their swimsuit choices up to the counter to buy them. Bell noticed that both Tione and Tiona had two swimsuits, the matching blue sets, and the skimpy black one for Tione, while Tiona had the golden one. He wondered when he get to see the twins in those two sexy bikinis again but put it out of his mind a second later to instead focus on enjoying his time with the three of them before they left on their trip tomorrow.

-Hostess of Fertility ~ Evening-

“Bell…” Ryu smiled at seeing her boyfriend entering the tavern. She walked over to him quickly and welcomed him. “Just one tonight, Bell?” Ryu questioned with a soft smile.

“It’s just me tonight, Ryu.” Bell confirmed, giving her a smile of his own. “I wanted to see you again.”

Ryu felt her cheeks start to heat up but tried to force it down. “I’m glad, Bell.” She turned towards the bar and called out to Mama Mia. “One, now seating!” It was also a good excuse to hide her flushed cheeks from Bell. Ryu took Bell to his regular seat at the end of the bar near the stairs that led up to the second floor. “Do you know what you want to drink?”

“An ale would be nice.” Bell ordered with the warm smile that had quickly become a weakness for Ryu to see.

“Of course,” Ryu nodded, trying to remain professional. “I’ll return with it shortly.” She was in the back as fast as she could be without breaking into a jog. ‘He makes my heart flutter so much…’ Ryu nearly mewled in her mind as she got a clean flagon and filled it with ale for Bell.

Bell was looking over the menu when Syr stopped by with her normal cheerful smile. “Bell, it’s been a little while.”

“Miss Syr.” Bell greeted the waitress with a friendly grin. “It has been a little busy with my Familia recently. Sorry I haven’t had time to stop in for a meal.”

“No problem, Bell.” Syr giggled, waving off his absence at the Hostess. “Did you come to see Ryu?”

Bell’s grin became a smile. “Yes, I did.”

So cute~ Hestia was right, matchmaking is so much fun.’ Syr giggled at how in love Bell and Ryu were and how adorable it was to watch them get closer and closer, little by little. “You two are so cute together.”

“Thank you, Miss Syr.” Bell chuckled at her compliment.

“Syr…” Ryu looked at her friend and coworker with pink cheeks. “Must you?”

Syr hid her hand behind her mouth. “I’m afraid that I must.” The teasing tone gave away the little smirk that was hidden by Syr’s hand.

Ryu placed Bell’s ale on the counter in front of him and gently pushed Syr off towards the customers at the various tables. Syr giggled joyfully at successfully teasing Ryu and scampered off to take more orders.

“Ah… That’s good ale.” Bell smiled at the refreshing booze. Ryu knew the kind that he liked, and it had a bit less alcohol in it than some of the other spirits and liquors that Mama Mia served.

Ryu’s soft smile returned as she watched Bell enjoy his drink. “Do you know what you’d like to eat tonight, Bell?”

Bell looked at the menu once more to make sure of his choice (and the price) before speaking. “I’d like to try the chevon (goat meat), with a baked potato with butter, and some roasted vegetables.”

“I’ll have that out for you shortly.” Ryu confirmed as she finished writing down the order. She trotted off to the back with warmth in her chest as she put in Bell’s order.

Mama Mia grinned as she saw Ryu smiling and happy. Any of her girls that found a man that could make them smile like that were in good hands. Not that she wouldn’t make sure that Bell knew what would happen to him if he hurt Ryu in anyway, of course. The Dwarf woman chuckled to herself as she filled up another beverage for a customer and set it in front of the man.

“Your dinner, Bell.” Ryu smiled as she set the platter in front of Bell with steam rising off the hot food.

“It looks delicious, Ryu.” Bell smiled at her. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Syr, Lunoire, Chloe, and Anya all stop in front of the bar to say something to Mama Mia. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the other four waitresses were blocking the view of the rest of the patrons. Bell took the opening and gave Ryu a soft kiss on the lips.

Ryu’s eyes widened in surprise before she noticed what Bell had a second earlier. Since no one could see them, Ryu closed her eyes and leaned into Bell’s kiss, returning it with all of her love and affection. When they separated a second later, the other waitresses continued on their way, delivering food and drink to the customers again.

Bell and Ryu shared a smile before Ryu lightly swatted his shoulder as her cheeks darkened. “Bell… You can’t just k-kiss me when I’m at work.” The adorable blush on her cheeks made Bell want to kiss her again, but he managed to hold back.

“I’ll try to remember that, Ryu.” Bell said with a little grin that made it abundantly clear that he wouldn’t be trying that hard.

“Ryu, it’s your break time.” Mama Mia called out as she approached the pair. “Why don’t you have a seat beside Bell here for a few minutes?”

“M-Mama Mia…” Ryu might’ve just invented a new shade of red on her cheeks as her blush spread to her pointed Elven ears. She had already sat down before she even realized it. “Thank you…” She mumbled quietly, just enough for Mia to here.

Mia laughed and waved it off. “No big deal.” She took Bell’s empty ale. “I’ll refill this, on the house.” She walked away with a little grin.

“D-Did she just say, on the house?” Bell had never heard Mia give food or booze away for free.

“She did…” Ryu nodded, equally surprised at Mama Mia’s actions.

When his new ale was placed next to his dinner, Bell thanked Mia and started to eat, talking with Ryu throughout his meal. He even managed to convince her to have a few bites, sharing his food and Ryu nearly hid her face as she ate off his fork, sharing an indirect kiss in front of everyone.

“Such lovebirds, nya~” Anya giggled as she walked past the couple carrying a stack of used dishes.

Ryu physically restrained herself from swatting Anya, knowing how badly Mama Mia would react to a stack of broken dishes. ‘Later…’ The Elf plotted on her coworker. For now she had something, or rather, someone, much more important to focus on. “You’re Party is going back into the Dungeon tomorrow, correct?”

“We are.” Bell confirmed with a short nod. “Welf’s finished all of our new gear, and both Lili and Welf need to acclimate to their new Level 2 abilities. We’re thinking of staying on the Twelfth Floor for a bit and then we’ll go back into the Middle Floors once they’re used to their new power.

“A solid plan. Leveling Up comes with many advantages, but the body and mind need to be brought back into sync before an Adventurer takes on a serious challenge.” Ryu smiled, happy that Bell was being wise and proactive in his approach to his Party and their eventual return to the Middle Floors.

Bell and Ryu would enjoy their time together until Bell left a while later after finishing his meal.

No one commented on the fact that Mama Mia had let Ryu take a much, much longer break than ever before. All of the other waitresses thought it was cute, fully supporting Ryu and Bell’s blooming relationship. Mama Mia was just happy to finally see the warmth and life return to Ryu’s eyes as love replaced pain and inner torment from the scars on Ryu’s heart.

-Next Day ~ Dungeon ~ Floor Twelve-

“Hyah!” Welf swung his greatsword through one Orc’s body and easily decapitated the second that was beside it with the same swing. “So this is what Leveling Up is like, huh? I like it!” He smirked as he leapt backwards to dodge a large landform club wielded by another Orc. “Take this!” The third Orc met a similar fate to the first two as Welf’s large blade nearly cleaved it in two from shoulder to hip.









Four Bad Bats fell out of the air before they could unleash their debilitating sonic attacks, each with a bolt stuck through their bodies. “Faster, stronger, and more accurate…” Lili noticed of her increased performance, both from her Level Up and her Merídio Range Skill, not to mention her (currently Chienthrope) senses were sharper than ever before. “Master Bell, Hard Armoreds incoming on your left!” She skipped back and took out her knife as three Imps burst from the ground close to her. The first Imp was stabbed through the face, its bones not able to stop the strength of a Level 2. The second Imp had its throat cut, leaving it to futilely grasp at its neck while its lifeblood poured out. The third Imp managed to lunge at Lili, but her Goliath Robe made the Imp’s claws ineffective to say the least. Lili stabbed it in the gut and then kicked it away. She quickly scanned the misty battlefield with her transformed Chienthrope eyes and took out a small sack, one of her own Purple Moth Poison Grenades, and chucked it at a Silverback that was heading in Welf’s direction while the blacksmith was engaged with two Orcs.

“Uuuoooaaaggghh!” The Silverback hacked and coughed, leaping out of the cloud of toxic dust quickly after being hit.

“Thanks, Little Lili!” Welf was quickly in range of the Silverback, the minor agility buff on his new greaves helping him out. The Silverback swung at Welf, but Welf’s large blade gave him the advantage in reach. The Silverback’s head split under Welf’s new strength and the weight of his sword.

Bell wasn’t having any real trouble just yet. His body had acclimated to Level 2 already as it had been a while since his Level Up. His black spear hacked off the head of the first Hard Armored before it could roll up into a ball. He stabbed the blade into the gut of the second one and then tore it out sideways, gutting the Monster. “Firebolt!” Bell cast his spell into his spear and the blade ignited, Two more Hard Armored’s died as Bell’s burning blade cut straight through both of them, even as they curled up to try and defend. With a heave, Bell threw his spear into an approaching Orc’s neck, taking it down from afar. Without a second of hesitation, Bell drew Zan Kyojin and leapt back into the fray against the remaining Hard Armoreds.

“Raaarrr!” The lead Hard Armored rolled into a ball and slapped the ground with its powerful tail. The ball of spar spikes rocketed towards Bell.

“Yah!” Bell juked to the side and brought Zan Kyojin around in a powerful swing. The new blade shattered the spikes it his, cleaved through the armored hide, and then sliced deeply into the Hard Armored’s flesh. Bell continued his rush, not even looking back to see the dead Hard Armored come to a stop, its body nearly bifurcated by his powerful new shortsword.

Bell smiled at Zan Kyojin though, liking the feel of the shortsword in his hand and more than impressed by its performance so far.

“Hup!” Welf blocked an Imp’s claws with the flat side of his sword. Taking a page from Bell’s book, he punched the small Monster in the face with his left fist. A crack was heard and the Imp dropped to the grassy ground and didn’t move. “Whew~” Welf whistled, once more marveling at the increased strength a Level Up granted. “Really liking this Level 2 improvement!”

“Behind you, Mister Welf!” Lili’s warning came in plenty of time as she kept track of the battle with Chienthrope senses.

Welf spun, taking his sword into both hands again, and the Silverback rushing at him was bisected in a single swing. The top and bottom halves split and fell to the ground a couple meters away from each other, painting the grass red with fresh blood.

“Buuhrrrggh?” An Orc looked at Bell’s spear, still stuck in the corpse of one of its kin. It reached out to take the weapon, only to feel a sharp pain in the back of its right leg. “AAARRRGGHHH!!” It collapsed to one knee and tried to look behind itself.

“That’s Master Bell’s spear, don’t touch it!” Lili unleashed another bolt and this one pierced straight through the Orc’s head, leaving the Large Category Monster to collapse to the ground, dead.

“ROOOAAARRR!!!” The loud, and now somewhat familiar, roar of an Infant Dragon pierced through the mist.

“Are you kidding me?!” Welf cried out in surprise and not so hidden annoyance. “What’s so rare about these things?! We see one practically ever time we come down here!”

Lili was quickly to grab Bell’s spear and take it to him, putting their three-man Party back into their loose formation. “Lili blames Master Bell’s ability!”

“Lili!” Bell took his spear after sheathing the Hestia Knife and Zan Kyojin.

“We do have an easy way to take it down.” Welf mentioned, not taking his eyes off the approaching Infant Dragon.

Bell deadpanned at Welf, even if the blacksmith couldn’t see his expression. “I’d prefer an easier way to deal with these things that doesn’t leave me nearly at Mind Down.”

“Master Bell, go right! Mister Welf, go left!” Lili said quickly as she came up with a plan. “Right here, you overgrown lizard!” She let loose a few bolts to keep the Infant Dragon’s attention on her.




Unlike the last time their Party had fought an Infant Dragon, the bolts didn’t bounce off its scales. All three bolts lodged into the hide beneath the scales, angering the dragon with the stinging pain.

“ROOOAAARRR!!!” The Infant Dragon roared and threw its head forward, unleashing a burst of flame in Lili’s direction.

Lili wasn’t there anymore, however. The Supporter was keeping herself on the move, aided by her new greaves that Welf had made for all of them. “Too slow!”

“Firebolt!” Bell cast the spell into his spear and the rapier-like blade burst into intense flames. “Hyah!” He buried the fiery blade deep into the Infant Dragon’s side.

“Take this!” Welf attacked from the opposite time a second later, his blade scoring a deep laceration on the back leg of the Infant Dragon.

“ROOAAWWRRR!!!” The Infant Dragon roared in pain and thrashed its body, sending Welf and Bell backwards. A blast of flames was unleashed upon the two as the dragon managed to turn around, even with its injuries.

“Firebolt!” Bell cast his own fire at the approaching flames.


The two opposing flames met and exploded.





Four bolts stabbed into the back of the Infant Dragon’s head. The Monster whipped its long neck around and blasted flames across the area, but Lili wasn’t within range of the blasts that an Infant Dragon could expel.

“Rise!” Bell cast Vesta Enhance and felt the rush of his stats increasing. He tore launched himself forward and stabbed his spear deep into the Infant Dragon’s guts.

“ROOAAWWRRR!!!” The dragon staggered to the side.

Welf attacked again, his heavy blade managing to cut off the dragon’s injured back leg this time.

“ROOAAARRR!!!” The Infant Dragon roared out and sent a wave of flames at Welf.

Welf charged through the flames, his black robe was now overlaid with Black Goliath skin, making it fireproof and protecting Welf against Magic attacks like the dragon’s flame breath. “Hyah!” He hacked into the long neck of the Infant Dragon, further staggering the Monster.

“Yah!” Bell leapt up, landing atop the Infant Dragon and thrusting his spear forward. The blade passed through the dragon’s throat and then Bell put all of his strength and weight into pulling the spear downwards, splitting open the Monster’s neck in a spray of blood.

The Infant Dragon collapsed to the grassy ground with a loud thud. It had lost far too much blood and the shock of having its long neck cut op lengthwise had been more than it could take.

“Hah…hah…” Bell took a second to get his breath. “Valuable or not, I’m starting to get tired of fighting these things.”

“They’re good for material… But same.” Welf agreed as he rested with his sword supporting him. “This Level 2 strength really helps though. I was able to cut off its back leg!”

Bell smiled brightly at Welf and Lili. “You both did amazing! This was the fastest that we’ve ever dealt with an Infant Dragon, and we didn’t take any injuries this time.” He gave honest praise to both of them.

“Little Lili’s strategy worked great; she should definitely get the credit.” Welf grinned at Lili. “The dragon didn’t know where to look the whole time!”

“Lili has had multiple encounters to draw experience from.” Lili smiled at being thanked and praised. It never ceased to amaze her how much different her life in Hestia Familia was compared to Soma Familia. “Now… Let’s get to harvesting this dragon!” She set her backpack down and quickly pulled out her tools. “I’ll get the horns first.” She pulled out her handsaw. “Mister Welf, go find that leg you cut off. Lili can try and harvest the claws from it.”

“Right, right…” Welf rested his sword on his shoulder. “Always a breath of fresh air when it comes to money, Little Lili.”

Bell chuckled at the back and forth while keeping watch for any other Monsters. Lili was clearly focused on her work and just ignored Welf’s words entirely as she sawed off the first horn from the back of the Infant Dragon’s head.

-Guild Exchange ~ Late Afternoon-

The man behind the glass was quickly tallying up the Magic Stones that Bell’s Party had collected today. Once he was done with the Magic Stones, he moved on to the Drop Items that the three had agreed to sell at the Guild instead of selling directly to either Goibniu Familia or Hephaestus Familia. “Your Magic Stones were worth 131,476 Valis. The two Goblin Fangs come out to 1,200 Valis, the Imp Tails equal out to 5,500 Valis, and the seven large Orc Hides are worth 29,000 Valis. Your total exchange today is 167,176 Valis. Please, have a nice evening.” He gave the three Adventurers a short bow.

“Thank you, sir.” Bell hefted up the sack of Valis coins and the trio headed over to a free table to divvy up the loot.

“You’re still good with twenty percent in cash and the other thirteen percent in materials, Welf?” Bell asked, just to make sure that Welf didn’t want to alter how his one-third of the loot was given to him.

“Same as always, Bell.” Welf grinned, eager to get some cash and some good Infant Dragon materials to work with. It would let him work his new Blacksmith Developmental Ability even more and try out new ideas.

Lili was already opening her large backpack and pulling out some of the dragon materials for Welf to inspect and decide which ones that he wanted. “Take your pick, Mister Welf.” After haggling for over Infant Dragon materials multiple times, Lili knew their going rates and would make sure that Welf got exactly thirteen percent of their total haul in materials.

“Oh my,” Eina had come over to check on Lili and Bell. “I see you’ve had another rare encounter.” She gave Bell a bemused look. “I hope it wasn’t because someone tempted fate again.”

Bell shook his head. “It wasn’t me this time.”

Eina giggled and kissed his cheek. “I’m just teasing you, Bell.” She set out her report forms and her pen to get Bell and Lili’s report for the day as her new position as Familia Advisor for the Hestia Familia required her to do. Honestly, it wasn’t that much different than what she did already, just now she didn’t have any other Adventurers on her roster. ‘I’m sure that’ll change in the future as the Hestia Familia grows more influential and well-known in the city.

-Hephaestus Familia Home ~ Evening-

“You’re really pushing your Level 2 abilities right off the bat, Welf.” Hephaestus mentioned as she finished watching his Excelia. She moved the Excelia into his Basic Abilities and watched the numbers rise.

Welf smiled at his Goddess over his shoulder. “I want to get stronger and become a better Smith. The stronger I am, the better I can use my skills and the deeper into the Dungeon I can go to collect the really good materials.”

“Fair enough.” Hephaestus chuckled softly. “Just don’t go rushing so fast that you stumble. You can’t reach your dreams if you lose your life.” She placed a blank paper on his back and copied the new Status over. A quick lock up of Welf’s Falna and Hephaestus handed the paper to him.


Welf Crozzo

Level 2

Strength – I 0 > I 12

Defense – I 0 > I 8

Dexterity – I 0 > I 10

Agility – I 0 > I 6

Magic – I 0


Will o’ Wisp

Anti-Magic Fire – Incantation: ‘Ignite, heretic spell.’

(Can cause an Ignis Fatuus to enemies if timed correctly.)


Crozzo Blood – The user can create Magic Swords. Can raise the power of Magic Swords during creation.

-Developmental Ability-

Blacksmith – I


“We did take down another Infant Dragon today, not to mention all the Large Category Monsters.” Welf mused on his thirty-six point increase.

“It’ll start getting harder to grow your Basic Abilities now that you’ve Leveled Up once.” Hephaestus told him plainly. “Don’t get discouraged and stick to your chosen path. You’ll grow and succeed in time, Welf.”

Welf nodded as he burned his Status Update. “I’ll keep giving it my all, Goddess.” He had dreams to reach and he wasn’t about to give up on them.

-Hestia Familia Home-

“Ready Lili?” Hestia asked as she sat behind Lili on the couch.

“Ready.” Lili nodded and felt a drop of Hestia’s blood touch her back. The familiar white-blue glow followed as Hestia watched Lili’s Excelia for the day.

Hestia marveled at how much stronger Lili was and the way the Prum was naturally finding her own role within the Party. “You’re just getting better and better, aren’t you, Lili?” Hestia smiled happily.

“Lili is doing her best, Hestia.” Lili said with a smile of her own as she felt Hestia’s finger on her back.

Hestia moved the Excelia into the stats and watched the numbers increase. “Not bad, not bad…” A blank paper and a twirl of her finger had the new Status copied over. Hestia locked up Lili’s Falna and handed her the paper before hugging Lili from behind.


Liliruca Arde

Level 2

Strength – I 8 > I 14

Defense – I 10 > I 12

Dexterity – I 10 > I 20

Agility – I 12 > I 21

Magic – I 1 > I 10


Cinder Ella

Transformation Magic – Incantation: ‘Your wound is mine. My wound is mine. Echoing message of midnight.’

(Enables the user to transform into anything around their own size.)


Artel Assist – When the user is carrying a certain amount of weight, this skill will help compensate in abilities. The amount compensated depends on the weight.

Harvester - When breaking down monsters the user is more likely to acquire a Drop Item and higher quality ones too. Also enables the harvesting of other monster parts for material.

Merídio Range – User’s attacks with projectiles increase in both power and accuracy. The increase is proportional to how many of their Familia are with them.

-Developmental Ability-

Abnormal Resistance – I


Lili smiled at seeing her growth. “Lili did alright today. The Infant Dragon must’ve helped.” Her smile widened a little as she recalled the number of Infant Dragon Materials that she’d been able to harvest. ‘A few million more for us!’ The Hestia Familia could certainly use that money to pay off some more debt and continue the restoration of the new Hearth District. “Ooh~” She let out a light moan as Hestia’s hands trailed up her stomach and began to caress her tits. “Hestia…”

“You can’t blame me, Lili.” Hestia giggled and kissed Lili’s cheek.

Lili turned her head and kissed Hestia’s lips. “After Master Bell is done.” She gave her lover a sinfully sexy look as she licked her lips.

Bell grinned at Lili. “I’ll take care of both of you tonight.” He promised with his rubellite eyes smoldering.

“We should hurry then~” Hestia nearly purred as Lili hopped up off the couch, making her breasts bounce which caught Bell’s eyes, before motioning for Bell to take her former seat.

Bell sat down and removed his shirt, letting Hestia and Lili appreciatively eye up his body. Hestia let a drop of her blood touch Bell’s back and the white-blue glow appeared followed shortly by Bell’s Falna appearing on his back as if it were emerging from his skin.

Hestia watched Bell’s Excelia, seeing the day in the Dungeon from his point of view this time. It wasn’t too much different from Lili’s, just different Monsters being slain for the most part. Hestia blinked when something new manifested. Taking a second to parse through it, Hestia nearly laughed, but managed to contain herself. She wrote the new Skill into the appropriate spot and then moved the Excelia over and watched Bell’s numbers rise. With a blank paper and a twirl of her finger, Hestia copied the new update and looked it over. “I think you’ll be happy today, Bell.”

Bell took the paper curiously. “Why do you say that, Hestia?”


Bell Cranel

Level 2

Strength – A 824 > A 896

Defense – B 723 > B 795

Dexterity – A 837 > S 909

Agility – A 885 > S 957

Magic – A 863 > S 935



Vesta Enhance

Enchant Magic – Incantation: ‘Rise’

(Increases all Basic Abilities for five minutes. Then can’t be cast for five minutes after the increase wears off. Effect rises based on the Magic Stat.)




Dual Wield – Significantly increases Strength and Dexterity when wielding a weapon in each hand.

Argonaut – Executes automatically after charging from active actions.

Heroic Will – Raises Stats when the user refuses to give up in the face of adversity. Those with lower Stats see the user as near unassailable.

Dragon Slayer – Heavily increases all abilities when fighting Reptilian Monsters, massively increases all abilities when fighting Dragon Type Monsters, potentially making the user stronger than their actual Level when fighting them. Passive.

-Developmental Abilities-

Luck – I

Hunter – I


“I have a new Skill!” Bell exclaimed in surprise. Reading over the new Dragon Slayer Skill, Bell couldn’t help but wonder if the multiple Infant Dragon fights and his desire for a way to get through them easier hadn’t played a massive role in acquiring this particular Skill.

“Well, that’ll certainly be helpful the next time we fight an Infant Dragon.” Lili mentioned as she finished reading over Bell’s shoulder. “It pairs well with your Hunter Developmental Ability too.”

Hestia hugged Bell from behind, even kissing his neck. “If it helps you come back to me in one piece, then I’m happy to see it.”

Bell turned around in Hestia’s arms and pulled her into a warm hug. “I’ll always come back to you, Hestia.” He kissed her lips softly to seal his promise.

“Lili will always come back too, Hestia.” Lili joined the hug, kissing Hestia again to seal her own promise.

“I love you both so much.” Hestia squeezed them both closer to her as much as she could.

After a long moment of just holding each other, Hestia finally released her hug.

“Eina did tell us that she’s sleeping at her apartment tonight.” Lili mentioned, sharing a look with Hestia. “She said that she wanted us to have some night time with Bell.”

“She’s such a sweet girl.” Hestia giggled only to mewl when Bell kissed her neck. “Bell~”

Bell pulled back, making Hestia pout cutely, before he stood up and picked Lili up, lightly tossing her over his shoulder. “If she’s giving us this time’ we should make the most of it!” He carried Lili towards the doorway that would lead to the stairs so that he could get to the Master Bedroom.

“Bell, you beast~” Lili giggled out eagerly, playfully ‘fighting’ against his hold on her even as she made sure that he could start stripping her naked while carrying her.

“Don’t leave clothes all over the place.” Hestia admonished with an eager laugh as she followed after Bell and Lili. She proved to be a hypocrite as she tossed her gloves off before even leaving the living room and her white mini dress was left in the hall outside of the bedroom door.

It would be a very enjoyable night for the three of them.

-End Chapter-


The Hestia Familia is moving up in Orario with the beginnings of the new Hearth District! Woohoo!

Landlord Hestia is going to bring the feeling of Home and Family to everyone that moves in!

Bell takes Eina on a lunch date and finds out that she won’t lose her job at the Guild. She’s been ‘promoted/reassigned’ but she doesn’t care about moving up ever higher in the Guild’s corporate hierarchy. Then they talk about what they’re hopeful about showing up soon…so adorable! Bell even walks Eina back to work because he’s a loving boyfriend.

Next he meets the Amazon Twins and Ais for a shopping date! The Loki Familia…or at least the female half…are being taken to Melen to enjoy the beach! That means the girls need new swimsuits! Bell is such a lucky man! The Amazon Twins are more than happy to let him watch them change and try out multiple bikinis. Ais isn’t quiet so bold, but she doesn’t mind modeling a little for Bell, even showing off her nice little booty for him!

Then it’s back to the Dungeon and DAMN! Welf’s new gear is proving its worth! The Twelfth Floor Monsters aren’t standing a chance against three Level 2’s equipped with Welf’s weapons and armor! A little time to get acclimated to their Level Up for Lili and Welf and it’ll be back into the Middle Floors again!

Surely nothing will come along and mess up their plans, right?

Keep reading to find out!

Let me know what you thought!

Until next time, later!



I love your Danmachi fics because they are very well done. It seems to me that the Apollo family is going to have a very rude awakening on the part of the Hestia family. I'm sure they're going to exploit them more than a little, which will be epic to see. I look forward to the next chapter


Glad you like them so much! Yeah, the Apollo Familia conflict is going to go quite differently!


Kai maybe Bell can use his intuition to figure out his connection too zeus at least that's how I would do it I mean he could figure it out on his own maybe.


I’ve been doing a reread and I had a thought. Now that Eina is a Familia Adviser, would she be advising Lili? If yes, what would she teach her? Lili is knowledgeable already.


She's already been advising Lili since Lili joined Hestia Familia. Eina takes Lili's reports each day and makes suggestions for dealing with Monsters that appear on new Floors that the Party is going down to for the first time, the types of Dungeon Materials that can be found on each Floors, and things like that. Stuff that a Supporter would need to know to be able to gather/collect/hunt more efficiently.