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Hello, friends! It's done, it took a while, but I'm happy with the result. Thank you for helping me realize my ideas and I hope you will stay with me to see my new stories like Nier Automata comic, Family Secrets and Hermione and Jinny. 





google drive says access denied


I didnt want to spam every picture, so I will write a summary here :D Amazing comic! Wonderful bodies with perfect proportions, great facial expressions which add so much to the comic. A simple but interesting story with a nice plot twist. And very nice details of course. Great job!

Robert D.

Congrats on finishing the comic. I’m so glad you started making these as personally I love 3D comics and think they can be so much more erotic than small picture sets. Great quality as always and the expressions are top notch.


I am very grateful for your trust and support. I will try to continue to please you with new comics.

Tyler Petty

are you going to do a story for nier as well


yeah, sure. I will continue the Family Secrets comic and start doing a Nier automata comic I will alternate them week one comic, week another.


Love the comic, if I could suggest another group of ladies that would do well from your attention. The ladies from the Borderlands series, especially the Vault Hunters. My only request is that you age up Gaige from Borderlands 2 and not use the horrible look for her from Borderlands 3.