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It's hard to believe there's anybody left alive in Rome at this point, holy crap



paul cook

Not to complain but the audio balancing was a bit off for this, I could barely hear you over the show. Maybe they should follow your advice and not discuss secret plans in front of slaves, given the proof she did the poisoning is "some slaves overheard" xD The plan for Sejanus ex-wife to get custody of her kids ends with her kids being raped and murdered - surprised they managed to show the "rape her first so she's not a virgin" bit, I suspect TV gets a pass for depicting stuff that's history (paintings used "this is history" as an excuse to depict otherwise censored topics in the past). It'd suck to be a senator in Rome at this time! Sejanus was executing thousands of people for not supporting him when he had power - then as soon as he was toppled, Tiberius started executing tens of thousands of people who DID support him! So you were damned if you do, damned if you don't!


By all means, feedback is an important part of the process, and isn't "complaining" This goes double for audio because my hearing loss creates weird situations where sometimes I think the audio is balanced because I can hear all aspects but a person with normal hearing can only hear one or the other. Back in my movie editing days I had to have someone else take a pass on the audio before I released a cut.